Goodbye Old Friend... Hello Golden Nugget!

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oh no way that is awesome go up a little hillbilly stop go up just a tiny bit hold it there you go okay very very carefully it's a very expensive shock it's a shocking experience that's right you don't want to mess this up you can't even get these right now because they're all in back order so we're gonna unbolt this passenger side and get this one out too all right he'll really go up a little go down very slowly oh if you hit it just right bolt slides right out got to be very careful from this did not want to break that okay guys so i'm going to get the wheel wheels all prepped out for bed liner i'm using 80 grit on my da i got my soft backpad on there it's not exactly a flat even surface so this will kind of help work into all the weird grooves and uneven surface [Music] so taylor's applying some bare metal seam sealer i got the brush as soon as he's done getting it all on the seams i'm going to brush it all in and let that dry then we're going to rust oleum the frame we're using rattle can rust oleum so that matt can repair it if he needs okay this is not perfect this is what the customer asked for it's a work vehicle it's going to be the most beautiful work vehicle you've ever seen just watching me work yeah work it work it where it gets we got the seams of all this too yep we've applied this on all the seams i'm just going to go through and smooth it all up make it look good beautiful it'll all get covered all right we're going to rattle can this frame get in here dinner oh yeah it's looking real nice real nice we're just gonna bomb it boom done though i'll quit sleeping all right we got one coat on we're gonna do another coat but we're gonna let that flash out for like 20 minutes it's pretty fumey in here i think we gotta we gotta wear your respirator so we'll let that sit and then we'll come back and we'll put another coat on and then we will get the epoxy sprayed and then our texture coat we've let that all flash off now we're just gonna epoxy the bare metal oh check that out dinner wonder what that means definitely don't touch that lid don't touch that lift because it's not on the locks and we have the ori struts out of this thing if anybody goes up the whole entire axle fall out of it so don't touch the hoist okay [Music] it's a dirty job somebody's got to do it and a stinky one so dinner's in the other room because he didn't have a respirator we got taylor filming tonight we're not in fresh air hoods because we're in the mechanical shop on the hoist all right we're not going to talk in here we're going to go out here definitely don't want to do that without a respirator so we've got the epoxy on we're going to take a break go eat some dinner we'll be back in one hour so we're gonna get the raptor liner that was sent to us out don't mind our mess fill shake and shoot so all we're gonna do is we're just gonna do one there's four one bottle four bottles we're just gonna activate one bottle with hardener it's a black textured it's an advanced two-part urethane formula we'll just put the hardener in here we'll shake it shoot it or roll it we're gonna put eight ounces of hardener into the bottle now it says to shake it that'd take a long time so we're gonna put it in the shaker that's some good shaking okay get your workout on all right we've got our texture all figured out got our air pressure set get a little test squat now we're going to get this thing textured [Music] all right we're gonna call that done let this dry overnight then we'll unmask it in the morning and it's the next day so as you can see it's my once a month shave day so that's lucky so we're gonna pull all the paper off all the plastic and we're gonna put the oris back in it wow oh hey what are you doing here hiding supposed to be working anyone that's ever masked before knows the struggle you can't get tape to stick and then once it sticks you can't get it to release it doesn't even make sense you're going home tomorrow we're going home tomorrow i'm actually kind of sad this has been fun we got plenty more look at that no overspray that's what we're going for hey matt hey trevor you guys sleeping hey what are you doing didn't expect to see them there please just pop out of nowhere [Music] here's that tin foil little trick this is what we were talking about in one of the last videos and the hard to read spots just use tinfoil makes for an awesome master so you'll notice we kept the outer quarter round all painted shiny black we kept the texture coat up inside here i think it's going to add a nice little touch [Music] you got a light now yeah and dinner said let there be light that does look pretty good for being yeah not i do oh look at that third hand comes in for the win okay we've got it all unmasked we're gonna grab this ori and shove it up in the hole and bolt it in got this top bolt in we're not tightening it we're going to let matt do that it came here loose so it's going to go back to him loose just tap it whoa slow a little bit more a tiny bit more oh rather heavy man i know but that worked perfect i barely touch it he just wants to go down okay that one's in now we'll do the other side all right we're gonna take this bolt out cody's gonna go up on the hoist and we're gonna put this bottom in so go up a little bit a little bit a little bit more a little bit a little bit hold it a little more oh we'll get it a little more got it okay that's it all right you're good cody got those in we are ready to get this off the hoist and all we got to do now is clean it up and do a little bit of polishing and it'll be done the very final thing that we have to do on the banana we got to install some sil bolts that go in the top there's 10 nutserts where an old roof rack used to be so what we've decided is we're going to put stainless steel button head bolts in with a rubber washer so that'll seal it up to where no moisture gets down inside we decided to not put a metal washer on because it looked really stupid so i took the metal washers off we're just using the rubber seal and these could vibrate loose over time but oh well matt can tighten them okay so we're gonna get the belt molding back off of the banana cause i've got a little run i got to fix but these belt moldings do not want to come off so we're going to have to persuade them into coming off they don't want to come off they didn't want to go on and now they don't want to come off they ain't releasing oh got it all right dinner's going to roll the window back up and then we're going to cut a run out hopefully i got the right wire let's see oh good enough first try okay so you can't see it very well but if you look right here we got a really small sag so we're gonna cut that out of it first is i'm gonna start with some 2000 dry paper just so i can see where that runs at you can't hardly see it it's seriously so small i might just hit it with some 2000 and actually just cut it out that way because it's really tiny i can fill it a little bit so we're gonna we're gonna do some blocking on it this runs really small but i still wanted to just get it taken care of i don't like it we're gonna buff this out we're using reason wizards mystic cut i like it i'm using a wool pad on my mini buffer i've 2000 blocked this and i've 3000 it and now we're just going to buff it out so with the wool pad i'm not actually trying to make this glossy all i'm trying to do is cut out scratches it looks pretty dull right now but i'm gonna grab my rupes my three inch mini buffer and we're gonna hit it with an orange wizards pad now i'm gonna switch pads and we're just gonna put a little bit of polish on it we're just gonna use a little bit of wizards mystic nano wax little bit goes a long ways so we don't need to use a whole ton of it [Music] all right we got that run gone run be gone can't even see where it was you could hardly see it before but now i really can't see it all right so i'm going to start by scraping i've just got a little sag right here coming off the lock i'll just use a razor blade start shaving just taped up the edges of the razor blade so that i don't gouge it once i shave it to a point i'll use a block so you can see the head of it's gone so now i'm gonna take my my acrylic block i'm just gonna block that flat with 2000 grit so two things left to do we're gonna get the belt molding put back on and then we're gonna wash it we're gonna load it on the tow truck and we're headed for hurricane utah first we got an awesome unexpected package check this out it's the rag company so they sent us a bunch of microfibers and some drying towels i've never used them you know what until they had sent this i'd never even heard of them but now that i'm looking into them they're a super premium product and i'm just excited to use them and we're going to test it out on the banana holy cow we got a big drying towel a 10 pack oh yes we got a couple wash mitts that'll work nice today look at that so nice check that out it's even embroidered the rag company let's use both of those today tons of different microfibers oh we got some shirts shirts got a hat man thank you guys that's super awesome hopefully we like your products i can tell you i think i already do i'm more excited for this than anything the drying tower called the liquidator 35 inch by 36 inch so let's get this thing clean all the doors and windows closed hillbilly do you know how to wash wax on wax off whoa it's a mitten it's sewed together right there like they're all snowmen it's not wide open like the old one i knew i don't know what to do so when you wash a car you cannot do this in circular motions everything is straight shrugs because whenever we touch this we're introducing more scratches into this vehicle so you want to trick your eye and you want to have straight scratches so when the light hits it you don't actually see the scratches as bad as you normally would right across the hood we're just going to go straight that's the proper way to use a wash mitt on fresh clear coats you just cannot put circular scratches or you will see it so for the new paint we're using the brand new ones the brand new wash mitts and for the old paint we're using the old ones i mean for the for the tires we're using the old one one thing i always do i wash with hot water and i rinse with cold it just seems like hot water your suds never come off but with cold water you can get them off cold water kills the sun the part i'm most excited for oh look at it look at it look at it look at it is it soft it's pretty nice you better take it with us so when we get down there and re-wash it because it's gonna get dirty from the roads grime yep same thing i'm gonna dry and just try to go in straight motions i feel like a city worker today i'm working i got two supervisors hey billy and nina i got two hats on today cameraman and superman okay so we're gonna prank matt we're gonna put black vinyl on the handles see if he notices it'll be kind of quick and dirty so that we can remove it [Music] and a disclaimer jeffery made us do it it's all jeffy's fault it's looking good oh yeah we should be professional wrap wrappers yeah we're just we're just icing the cake as well okay dinner can you tell that's wrapped no me neither not from the camera point of view you can't it looks perfect it's so ugly and so beautiful at the same time can't even tell that we wrapped it in vinyl it looks so legit let's get this show on the road [Music] black handles look terrible we're getting on the road now to deliver the banana down to matt and his crew [Music] there's a banana in the mirror the banana's following us knock knock who's there banana banana who knock knock who's there banana banana who knock knock who's there orange weren't you glad i didn't say banana well you didn't even give me a chance to say orange too you went too fast knock knock who's the air orange orange orange glad i didn't say banana [Music] what did one minion tell the other minion what did it say banana banana banana jokes all the way that's banana last time i drove this direction a tow truck was on the way to our uh on the way to the vegas derby two years ago i believe it was [Music] [Music] shiny [Music] gotta be exact [Music] that's not the color i wanted the color you get look at that holy smoke oh yeah black candles yeah hey the viewers spoke they did look at that i thought trevor said you missed the spot that's inside oh okay so yeah we got the wheel wells all finished up in the frame so we even shiny i can't wait to start welding on this frame well it's just rattle can black so it's easy to match yeah it's just rust-oleum that is awesome i love it too i'm gonna put this thing right back to work i can't wait what do you think about his uh decal application do you think he would do a good job oh rob robbie's off-road recovery on both sides yep robbie's off-road recovery sorry we're taking it back yeah i heard you need one yeah i wasn't even thrown off because they were ill-fitting and i'm like that's what they used to be beautiful i haven't slept for a couple days so we just got back from king of the hammers they said they wanted them black look at that do you guys like them dinner doesn't like them yeah what do you think dinner i i like the yellow handles better i'm with you i did the black one's just too much it was born with yellow ham ham yeah you know i think it looks good with the yellow handles i think if matt and dinner say they should be yellow let's go back to yellow i think you should make them yellow again oh no got those all sealed up do i need to pop the head yes everybody has to be over here oh no way here we go it'll it'll match perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the dollar store version i told robbie to paint it exactly like it was and look no overspray yeah we use the over spray delete kit that is cool you like that lizzy yeah that is awesome flawless well she's going straight to work losing the torque converter in the more bearer yeah everything's oh i found your soft edge right there so we're getting questions about why i deleted this vent this vent is just fake now it's drama added drama right here the air intake for for the cowl is only on this side it looks like it's on that side but it's not and this is where the fresh air comes into the cab i didn't want this hot air going in there we had it that way before and it caused it just made it really hot inside the cab if the ac wasn't running now the ac won't have to work so hard we got plenty of work left to do we got to take this all apart again [Music] look at everybody's signature in this little spot see how robbie layton looks on there make sure i don't put raleigh leighton i think so one out of two everybody who worked on it awesome look at that awesome thank you robbie this is amazing thanks for letting us do it that was amazing oh we'll do it again that's different funny yeah nice perfect thank you ed all right so we got the banana back to matt they seem super happy with it and as always we appreciate you guys and thanks for watching [Music] hey guys i know you want to go with us today to go get those guys reactions but you guys have to stay here you can't go come on eyebrows don't cry trevor stop all right guys this is the new project okay matt you're gonna go here trevor you're next you guys keep an eye on the golden nugget watch her closely okay we'll be back we'll miss you let's just go let's go
Channel: Robby Layton
Views: 771,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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