aziraphale and crowley flirting with each other for almost 10 minutes

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[Music] you mean like a sudden rainstorm forces them together beneath a canopy they look into each other's eyes and realize they were made for each other catian balls people would gather and do some formal dancing and then realize they had misunderstood each other and were actually deeply in love why don't you wait inside you like waiting inside that was very kind of you shut up oh you astonishment you can stay at my place if you like can I drop you anyone no thank you I don't look so disappointed perhaps one day we could I don't know go for a picnic Dy of the rits I'll give you a lift anywhere you want to go what about the rits I believe a table for two has just miraculously come free to the world to the world I uh I knew you'd come through for me you always do you said trust me and you did it is beyond understanding and incapable of being put into words there was scrumptious I mean not to be come on hamard [ __ ] up yes he is in fact technically you will speak one at a time not kind off my head a lord num not responsible for my actions don't hesitate to ask me if if you have any other questions about love inspector conable I'll just be here I care bored of living in my car it was flaming like anything what happened to it lost it already have you gave it way you what I gave it away they are vicious animals what did you do to them all I did the thing with the Halo you what I did the thing with the Halo you you blew up your Hal oh hell that are you actually going through with this indeed I am can I [Music] watch everybody turning into buly baby angel I wouldn't put it past her Anthony you don't like it no no I didn't say that I'll get used to it I don't even like you you do you know um that was a very nice thing you did for me shut up well there must be something I can do for you in return well let's have lunch H I still owe you one from Paris anyway I'm very grateful what about if I buy you lunch what's for lunch what would you say to some Crips I've never eaten an oyster don't let me tempt you to oh now that's that's your job isn't it are you trying to tempt me not all Angels can't be tempted can you s well on you're free to try the food let me tempt you to a spot of lunch Temptation accomplished just as that book shop is technically my shop but we both get plenty of use out of it don't we that this young man won't let us in leave it to me where it's very pretty thank you and I think you've done an excellent job Surly the great thing about being a demon is you can do whatever you want you sound jealous angel you're up to something I can smell it what are you planning wait and see something's changed oh it's a new cologne my Bara suggest no not I know what you smell like right what's the problem problem who said there was a problem tone of voice you have three reasons for calling me you're bored you need to tell someone about something clever you did before you pop or something's wrong this was your wrong voice it should take a miracle to get anyone to come and see Hamlet yes all right I'll do that one my treat no really luck of the devil of course it is well perhaps you could tell me while we done you don't dance what do we do I'm not sure well that is precisely the point Sherry for me enough to make you believe where are you I'm I'm here I'm here that was very kind of you curle I do hope I didn't do the wrong thing oh you're an angel I don't think you can do the wrong thing oh oh thank oh thank you oh aren't you you brilliant actually I I I think getting us all in the cellar was very clever but I can't have you risking your life not even for something dangerous so you can call off the rubbery I'm getting the humans out of here and then I'm comment back I won't leave you on your own I know anybody here you came back oh I forgot all the books oh they'll all be blown to little demonic Miracle of my own left [Music] home look at you you're gorgeous you my neti fooling fellow are about to perform on the west end stage if that doesn't make you a professional con I don't know what do hey Z I'll see you find a ride nice dress suits you ah oh thank you what you want whatever would you insinuate that I might possibly want something you are up to no good obviously you're up to good I take it I rather thought I might take the car what car our car someone you can really trust otherwise it's lethal oh I've got the perfect man for the job would' be Godfathers sort of Godfathers well I'll be damned it's not that bad when you get used to it oh I I'm afraid for you whiskey for me hello when Gabriel smite You' been smed smok smitten I believe you're being silly I like to think none of this would have worked out if you weren't at heart just a little bit a good person and if you weren't deep down just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing cheers for um getting me off the hook oh there's no need to thank me that's what friends for I could always rely on you you could always rely on me we're a team a group group of the two of us this is um crowy he and I go back a long time we've known each other a long time we've been on this planet for a long time I mean you and me you know Alpha centur is nice what was wanted to go there we can run away together Al to I lots of spare planets up there nobody even notice us I mean if deel and be elub can do it go off together then we can just the two of us you know this all ends up in a puddle of burning goo we can go off together we need to get away from them just be an us we can be together Angels doing good I I need you you really are quite a nice shut [Music] [Music] it
Channel: plopperlop
Views: 33,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6WZYkvilX8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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