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[Music] hello it's me I'm going to show you how I make potato soup now I'm not making a huge gigantic batch here I've got my kettle kettle right there but this is something that's easy to double or triple however you want to do it but I just want to show you how I do it now what I have in the pan I've got some chopped up onion and celery I've got some diced potatoes and these potatoes are a dice they're not really huge because I have a thing about gigantic pieces of potato in my soup I like for them to be bite-sized and there is another advantage they cook faster this way and since I'm just doing potato soup I want to get it done it's not going to sit on the stove for hours and then the next thing I have I have some water I have some butter and I have some canned milk this is just plain canned milk from all these I've got some garlic powder and I have some celery salt and that is it and I have some croutons that I've made here too in order to put that on my potato soup whenever I made potato soup my late husband insisted on croutons because he said that's how his mom served it I never ate it that way but then once I had it that way it was delicious so all right so let's get going here and I'm just going to put potatoes in now I do it a little differently than the way I do a lot of my soups usually I saute the vegetables down a little bit in some oil but I'm not doing that this time I'm simply going to turn on my burner here to get it going I'm going to add the water now I'm just going to add enough water to cover the vegetables I just want enough to cover them enough to cook them okay so a little bit more there and allow for evaporation and I'm going to get this boiling that's what I'm gonna do once it comes to a boil I will put in some butter and I'm probably going to put in about a half a stick of butter and I like to put my butter in while the vegetables are boiling it seems to work so much nicer that way and the vegetables and the potatoes absorb all that buttery goodness and then it's not just floating on the top I've seen the old ways of doing it where they floated the butter on the top and frankly I don't care for that so this is my way to do it and so I'm gonna do that when this comes to a boil now I'm going to put a little bit of salt in here but not a lot because I've got some celery salt that I'm using so I want to be sure and allow for that so I'm gonna put a little salt in I'm gonna get things cooking and boiling and then we'll go from there all right as you can see it's boiling very nicely and so I'm going to put about a half a stick of butter in the boiling liquid and the vegetables and I will show you what to do from there all right now I've got a pretty vigorous boil going on there which that's what I want I'm gonna turn it down just a little bit though and you can see how the butter has cooked in there now I also added in some parsley I had dried parsley if you have fresh feel free but I just use the dried and I put in some garlic powder and lo and behold I'm all out of SEL results so SEL result is not going in there but I will use a little bit of extra regular salt and I already have celery in there so that's okay we don't have to worry about that do we so now I'm just going to cook these until the potatoes are fork tender or nice tender whichever you prefer and so the liquid is going to cook down which is what I want and once that cooks down and it's not that much in there then I will put in the canned milk and you know the canned milk is pretty concentrated it's milk that's had most of the water taken out of it and so I'm gonna put that put that in here and I might see as I go if I need to put a little bit more butter in there to make it more rich but that's alright if I do I do because butter makes things taste good okay all right we're gonna be back alright now it is really cooking away isn't it uh what I did was I took a fork and just kind of test it a little bit to see if they were they were done and they're pretty much there they will be completely done by the time I simmer my milk in there so now what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna pour in my canned milk and of course it will see spoiling for a while now canned milk is a great great great for this it's very economical and you can put your pour it right in the water without it diluting the flavors of the soup now I'm going to bring this back up again doesn't that look good already and I'm gonna bring this back up to a slight boil turn it down so that I can simmer it and I'm gonna simmer it probably Oh for I don't know maybe fifteen minutes on a low simmer and let all those flavors get incorporated and all tasted for salt and personally I will add a little bit of pepper because pepper pepper is good okay all right so I have my croutons on warm I've got my soup going here you can see it's going to come up back up to a boil pretty quickly and then I am going to you're just gonna back it off just a little bit because you don't want it to scorch there's enough water in there it shouldn't scorch unless you have it high but you just want it to just simmer and cook and I'm just gonna stay with this now I want you to stop and think a minute this is just a simple old-fashioned potato soup this soup is actually similar to what my mom made because it is a milky type broth but I'm not anything against my mom but my soup is much much much better than hers because I I taught myself I learned to do it in a way that that is much more well appetizing okay all right and so I'm cooking it here and I'm just gonna let it simmer on the stove maybe I don't know 15 or 20 minutes and I'm gonna leave the lid off because I want a little bit more of that water to evaporate now keep in mind I'm not making cream of tomato potato soup I'm not going to break down any of the potatoes I'm just gonna let the natural starch just come out I'm not going to mess with it I'm just gonna leave it like this I will taste it for salt and a little pepper and that is going to be it it will be served in this nice big happy bowl with some croutons on the top now I want you to know you can do other things with this if you want to I'm just showing you the least expensive way and this is also the vegetarian way also it does have butter in it and it's got milk but vegetarians eat butter and milk and eggs and things of that type so I'm simply showing you the least costly way to make potato soup that is extremely extremely good and you know what it was 14 degrees here today in Eastern Iowa and I am telling you this soup is going to taste delicious now then if you want to kick this up a little bit or make it your own and you want to add cheese to it feel free if you want to add bacon feel free but my suggestion is this if you want to add to it why not crumble up some bacon and put it on the table as a topping or put a bowl of shredded cheese on the table as a topping along with some croutons or crusty garlic bread or you know what even corn bread so just put some things on the table that they can actually put on top of the soup instead of incorporating it in the soup and they can kind of make it their own you can make a potato soup bar how about that but how about cheese or bacon or or top green onion maybe some jalapeno peppers but I would just recommend that you put it in some bowls on the table and let them load up their own potato soup however they want maybe a dollop of sour cream you know the sky's the limit on this you can do it however you want but I just showing you the way that is very very inexpensive you can see that it is it just has potato Oh celery onion water some garlic powder celery salt and a can of canned milk and that's it some salt and pepper and I did put some dry parsley in there so you know what I'm just showing you that we're going to come back when I'm ready to serve this up and I'll show you what it looks like and how really really good it is all right the soup is done I dish some up and I put some croutons in there I think I might need a couple more croutons and I'm going to give this a taste it really looks good I've got to get some potatoes some celery some onion and I'm off and running I got a blow at first you don't mind do you mmm mmm times are crunchy mmm the potatoes are just right with celery in the onion is tender it's got a beautiful buttery goodness this is wonderful so don't get you can dull this up any way you want because you're in charge okay all right hey listen I love you I know that you can do this I've got faith in you you know I do and you know what I hope you give this a try just jump in there and try it is pretty pretty inexpensive okay I love you up and you just remember that little as much when God is in it I think this fight is for me okay talk to you later bye you thank you for watching simple food simple life please like subscribe and share
Views: 100,326
Rating: 4.8257031 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2016
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