Good Anime That Makes You Feel Something | Get In The Robot

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now as the resident getting the robot sad boy i will say quarantine has me a bit in my feels or rather has me a bit lacking in them and maybe all too i can only not leave the house for so many days before all my emotions start blending together i miss the little nuances of regular not being locked in my house life so recently all i've really been able to do to feel alive again is uh watch anime that makes me feel some type of way or foster if we take it back to 2012. so i figured hey two birds with one stone here's a list of anime that might bring that feeling back to your life that also doubles as me projecting my emotions at you for ten plus minutes ah [Music] okay we talked about this first category a bit during our anime to watch while the world burns video which is basically the same thing as this category except while everything is dying these next anime will just make you really glad that it is speaking of that initial watch list we mentioned this one there too except now it's worse because everyone got some time to watch it and there's a lot more promiscuous booby haru fan art now my twitter feed is not for the faint of heart uh b stars though that's on you the people i follow like it and then it pops up all my stuff okay i don't uh maybe it is me i don't know b stars is about a world of modern civilized anthropomorphic animals who live in a society with a cultural divide between the carnivores and the herbivores lego see our maine wolf boy battles with an internal conflict of his instinctual desire to eat and his emotional desire to commit to haru the booby rabbit in question it's the actual inner species reviewer and the review is actually it's pretty good ollie enough the show about talking animals really says a lot about human relationships as a very poignant message on classism and societal roles seeing lego she go through his evolution yeah because he's i'm sorry seeing lego she go through his evolution of trying to find himself and better understand how this world works brings a nice little perspective to the one we live in now which oddly enough if i had to choose i'd prefer the furry world right now because they can actually go outside granted you might get eaten but i think at this point that risk is less dangerous than the one we have to deal with here besides that it's one of the only cg anime that doesn't make me want to see the world burn because of how it looks dear god am i scared for doro hedoro to come out anyways check out b stars anime is slowly trying to make us furries and i'm on board especially when the indoctrination directly coincides with interesting and compelling think pieces about the world we live in plus no shame in being a furry joke's on us because we all are now stepping out of my fursuit and into my coffin another anime to watch while you pray for the destruction of humanity is death parade the gist for this one is that essentially whenever someone dies they get sent to a mysterious bar which is the midpoint between a new life and death it's basically like a regular bar the bar is run by bartenders serving as arbiters for the afterlife there the recently deceased participate in death games to determine whether their soul should be reincarnated or sent to the void i don't know if like calling them death games is really accurate they're games but you're no they're all right they're games they're dead games you're already dead and you're playing games much different see what's cool about death break is that we run into some terrible and really amazing characters that have a really wide variety of circumstances about how they got there the show really blurs the line between good decisions and the payoffs they bring want to make your boyfriend feel better about getting you and his unborn child killed lie to them about the baby not being theirs and that you cheated on him great job you're a good person but the arbiter didn't know so you're getting sent to the void doesn't sound the most uh most fair but that's kind of the point of the show constantly reminding us of that age-old saying decision making is hard what's even better is that everything happens under the guise of fun activities like video games and darts and bowling and not gonna lie the afterlife sounds pretty chill right now considering they have that at least they can go to the bar and go bowling and whatnot granted that's a quick way to die or get someone killed in our world right now so maybe a slight pass on that if dying means i can only play six minutes of a video game and then cry then get sent to purgatory i don't know if it's really up my alley per se but things could always be worse we could all live under mysterious and unethical laws right because that's definitely not what we're doing right now next up is psychopaths essentially the government introduces this thing called the civil system which is a law enforcement agency that works with the japanese government in order to determine who's a baddie and who's a goodie by scanning people's brains and establishing their psychopaths which is essentially a scan of someone's mental health and how likely they are to commit a crime however our main protagonist inspector akane sunamori begins to see that the civil system might not be the best gauge in determining how good or bad people are in society it turns out this is pretty much the anime version of the minority report which side note i watch recently and it really holds up and i say that as someone who hates tom cruise if you thought b stars and death parade had moral dilemmas oh boy oh boy are you in for a treat and if you don't believe me here's here's a little scenario for you investigator sees a young girl getting assaulted by a man so in this scenario who deserves to get shot by your super high-tech police gun is it a the assaulter or b the survivor i'm sorry the answer's c of both of them why because both of their psycho passes are too damn high yeah i don't really get it either but neither does akane and that's the whole point of the show maybe not the best world you want to live in but definitely one you should watch all three seasons of it's really really good except for the second season that was just second season was kind of trash and the third season locked up in uh amazon jail which debatably is worse than netflix jail because it's on amazon how do you can't even find it oh my god so yeah enjoy the first two seasons next up something we all might relate to when you really miss the homies which is something i've been doing a lot during quarantine and there's nothing like a good anime to help you reminisce on the good times see back at my old house in college my roommates used to play poker every week and i'd always sit out because i didn't want to lose my money once a week just for the sake of social interaction uh but these days i would uh gladly lose my money once a week just for the sake of social interaction but now that i think about it if there are as much guns bodily fluids and high schoolers involved in those games as there were on this anime i might have to take the pass again i'm talking about kagagurui kakagurui centers on the students of an elite high school that specializes in well gambling which is definitely a thing that we should be teaching 15 year olds the students bluff put down money in nine times out of ten cheat their way to the top which oddly enough is a lot like high school you ever you ever encounter the kid that's always like pretending to sleep but is actually trying to peek at your answers that was me that was me i never cheated to like get the right answer i cheated to check if mine were right confirmation is important when cheating if you cheat if you don't cheat on a test um but now that schools are doing online classes i guess the kaga guru kids will have to switch to online poker which i feel like is a lot harder to cheat with when the program literally won't let you do it it might be hard to track someone's tell too i mean all they need to do before was just see if their opponent looked like they were going to orgasm and then chances are they probably had a good hand i guess you could always listen to the moans through your headset what the [ __ ] is this section what is this section dude every time in the anime when they're doing good they're like and so it's like i don't like dude that's a great it's a pretty obvious tell yumiko that your hand's good there's a lot of very questionable faces yelling and oddly excited threats of mutilation in kaguri which again still somehow reminds me of the homies it's definitely worth a watch go check it out next up here's a little something if you want to kick it with your friends but you're all bad people which i resonate with personally uh konasuba konasuba is centered around kazuma sato a normal regular guy who dies and gets transported to a magical world yes your classic isekai however upon getting transported and harassed a bit he's given the choice to bring one item with him to the new world so he picks the goddess who's helping him cross over and as they go about their lives in the world a few more members join their ragtag gang and slowly make a nice dysfunctional family like any reasonable friend group and honestly konosuba is a great ride and one of the funniest anime out right now the character dynamics are so normal not normal in a sense that this is what a normal person would say but in a sense that it is definitely how a group of friends might go about a situation people getting mad take advantage of others that's how friend groups work right right so if you're really looking for that buddy hang out and maybe kill a demon king romp you've been missing out check out konosuba speaking of being with friends what if one of them was just god just casually god probably clear up the whole pandemic thing real quick anyways i'm talking about the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya the show is oddly enough not about haruhi but her classmate kyon as he's dragged by haruhi on a ton of adventures sounds pretty typical stuff until you learned that well like i said earlier she's kind of a god the other members of the sos brigade the club he made so she has an excuse to go and do all these wild things are a time traveler an esper and an alien all monitoring haruhi essentially making sure she doesn't get bored of the world and decide to just you know start it over all right i hope you're happy because this is incredibly boring so please restart the timeline please white premise aside the anime gives off the same energy of just getting into antics with my friends and i miss antics can we have can we have antics again please like please it's a fun ride that's really worth the watch and if you get through season two episodes two through eight let us know i have my endless eight badge dude i printed that [ __ ] off as like like a kid i printed off because i was so proud of myself sitting through i forget that when i was in college you were still in here yeah i uh no i it was i watched that a long time ago all right here we go yeah we'll keep going but it's the sad ones but enough about friends what if you really just want to embrace the feelings like playing a breakup song after a breakup well here's a list for all you masochists who just want to embrace your sadness a silent voice this is the first movie on the list but god it's probably best that it's a short watch because it hits immensely hard and if it was any longer i'd probably not make it life is basically silent voice right now in a sense that instead of everyone having axes over their faces they're wearing masks i can't connect with anyone either but not because of my emotional stagnation but because of coronavirus [Laughter] this may really be an anime to watch when you want to give up on your mental health because i got emotional just watching the trailer and writing this section and reading this section it makes me remember the one thing i don't miss about social interaction bullying as with most elementary school kids our main boy shoya and his group of friends lack any sort of empathy and they believe their new classmate choco but as time goes on shay experiences bullying of his own and realize the error of his ways and tries to make amends with shoko i don't want to give too much away but this is a heavy one and it looks at bullying from all sides and the effect it has on those that go through it so watch a solid voice and come out as a much better person next up i have a piping hot serving of the existence of dread you're looking for check out plastic memories 18 year old sukasa mizugaki joins the scion artificial intelligence corporation or psi corp which is responsible for the creation of giftias basically highly advanced androids that are pretty much indistinguishable from humans however unlike humans githias have a maximum lifespan of nine years and four months you can probably guess where the tears are coming from here tsukasa ends up falling for the gifty he's partnered with isla of course he does of course he does here come the feels see i've always seen love as finite it's pretty dark if you think about it but most relationships either end with y'all breaking up or at best someone dying and this anime is that in a nutshell why even love it all if those connections are gonna end someday this is getting really dark uh anyway the show touches on a lot of soft spots on the idea of permanence in the point of connection they're no guarantees in life especially in relationships so if you're in a mood for questioning all your relationships check it out it might make you feel a bit better about the dating drought that is quarantined i don't like that at all i don't like that at all i want the robot forever stop ah next up is anahana if the ones i just mentioned were left jabs this is the right hook we talked about it before but it's like the sad boy anime of the past decade so i gotta try to convince you to watch it again while i'm trying not to cry god why don't y'all make me do this after passing away five years ago the spirit of a small girl named menma contacts her old friend jinta in order to help her move on to the afterlife but in order to do so she needs to fulfill a wish that she can't seem to remember so to help her out ginta must bring back their old friend group that is drifted apart after her passing to help figure it out i've started and i'm already hurting like literally a character cries every single episode every episode every episode did you know that adrian yes someone cries every episode jacob i hope you're having a good time i wanna die all right dealing with regret and coping with death are huge motifs that span the series in its entirety and i don't like feeling things personally but if there's one common thing that we can all relate to it's not making the most of our past and i definitely regret that so if you're into hitting an emotional bottom like adrian who who actively seeks this sadness yup why uh check out anahana all right i was looking through your script and i saw you remove clonad and i completely disagree with that i don't have the emotional patience i barely made it through anahana i mean i know you said you haven't properly reached you know finished klin on clan add clone on i i know whatever but i think it well it's well deserved to be on this list the first season is like a little bit more happy there's these five girls that the main character relates to and they all have these tragic backstories that he learns about and resolves for them building up these emotional connections in the very first season and those are 24 episodes of just building up connections i see what you're doing here second season hits don't and it's just like all right don't let's make these emotional connections even more no i see i knew you were gonna do that i knew you were gonna say in a way that's unexpected and we'll leave you heartbroken but let's not only do it once let's do it twice why would you why would i want to talk about this i don't want it because it's literally the reason why these anime make you feel things don't feel like don't make a lesson out of this there's no make a moral i heard that tone no stop i was five or six anime into my first tour of anime when i started getting into enemy this was my sixth one it ruined everything for me because i'm expecting this type of emotional payoff and i only recently got it with a silent voice so this is like the same level as like like people who eat hot sauce you you came out the gate with the ghost pepper nothing has felt the same since watch glennad it'll make you cry like not once but twice maybe even you know 4k there you go there's adrien's section y'all not gonna make me cry anymore we're moving on to the anime that make me feel dokie dokie instead i'm sorry i just said that so first things first picture death note but if l and light refuse to admit their feelings for each other and the plot stayed in high school and they're on the student council together in other words kagasama loves war if y'all know me at all especially if you check me over on kurt ritchie i also do stream slight plug i'm a big fan of love especially when it's a lot harder than it needs to be and that's exactly what's happening here at the highly esteemed shooting academy miyuki shiragane and kagya shinomiya are student council president and vice president respectively they're the envy of the entire student body regarded as the perfect couple however despite both having already developed feelings for each other over the year neither are willing to admit them so like a normal relationship that normal people have they believe that the first to confess their love loses and we get to follow the two through their incredible mind games that's kind of why kaga is such a great bop it brings out the emotions of real love and i know i said this during our anime year review but it's actually how i operate in a real setting i have a lot more to say about that maybe with someone else but you'll hear about that in a future video finally we touch on a budding romance and on a really questionable dubbed scene i love you it's tsugi gakker it's tsukigakure i don't know how to pronounce japanese even though i've been watching anime for like a decade the show follows kotsuro and akane who have just become third year students in middle school they're put in charge of the equipment for a sports festival and from there a small connection starts to form it's a classic love tale two people meeting by chance and encountering all that usual mess that comes with love competing with others anxiety and insecurity sounds like literally uh my life there's just something about romance especially during these times that makes you feel better but honestly i'll live vicariously through these two japanese kids in this show any day it touches on the more real-level down-to-earth love situation that kaguya might not on one end we have teens that don't want to admit their feelings while on the other hand we have teens that have no idea how to feel both are equally relatable so whatever your flavor sad boy there's something for you okay now that i've utterly destroyed your emotions and mine and brought them all back up in times like these sometimes you just want to watch something that goes down easy and makes you feel good about the world that's what this next section's all about and there's no better way to do that than watching a wholesome anime about a yakuza an adorable alien girl yes i'm talking about hinamasuri there's just something about hannah that gives you hope if this yakuza can learn to be a loving caring father figure maybe we can all learn to stay the home people can change at least in anime hinamatri makes me want to cry but in a very good way these are happy tears that make me believe that when quarantine is over maybe we will really all grow as people adversely makes us stronger right and so does adopting an alien girl and honestly after all that ufo stuff that came out we may all just have to adopt aliens like foreign exchange student style and if we do we can take some notes from hinamatsuri if the pandemic has taught me anything it's that it's okay to vastly undervalue essential workers as long as you call them heroes i have to wonder if the crew from a devil is a part-timer is participating in that mcdonald's strike maybe not since satan technically works in a copyright state version of mcdonald's social critique aside this show is just satisfying and fun to watch the pandemic is so bad that even satan is unemployed and now has to be an essential worker there's just something so cool about one of satan's top officials telling him he can't go see a movie because they don't have it in the budget it all makes me wish i could sit inside of mc ronald's again or mcdonald's again the show is goofy and fun and will make you remember the before times when our biggest problem was the mcflurry machine always being broken so if you didn't have enough fun kicking in with horror heat we can always uh kick it with satan discovering all our bases here or maybe you just want to explore all possible paths like in my next life as a villainous all roots lead to doom this one's making a splash right now because a it's an easy guy and no matter how much we say music uh we still watch it this is what it means to be trash i accept it and b it's really cute and has like 1 000 possible ships come on you know the more ships the show has the more popular it is that's just basic anime math in the show katarina is a former otaku who gets reborn into one of the otome visual novels she played now if i could just get reincarnate into dangan island 2 uh that'd be great finally then i'd be ready to embrace death like right now anyways because katarina knows the game she's in she tries to manipulate her character's fate to avoid the inevitable doom i.e like the title look we're all trying to avoid an inevitable doom right now and i'm just glad she's being proactive because all i can do is like watch anime until i develop bed sores it's a fun ride to see your befriend characters that are supposed to be enemies and just fundamentally mess up the world of the game because that's exactly what i would do if i was reborn in otome bien and that's really about it i'm definitely in my feelings now and i hope you are too i'm kurt this is getting the robot your anime watch list i'm gonna go cry now
Channel: Get In The Robot
Views: 193,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime watch list, beastars, plastic memories, love is war, Kakegurui, konosuba, the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, kaguya sama, my next life as a villainess, anime, a silent voice, Anohana, psycho pass, death parade, Devil is a Part-Timer, Tsuki Ga Kirei, Clannad, Hinamatsuri, villainess, anime that make you feel, Get in the Robot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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