These Anime are Trash and I Love Them | Get In The Robot

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admit it at its core we all love anime trash okay some of us enjoy it in private but you know for the rest of us we can't embrace our trashiness it's fine you know exactly who you are Kurt but I'm here to tell you that it's okay to love your anime trash and maybe it's not the most beautifully animated or maybe there's just too much fanservice no that that's a bad thing I mean I made a whole video about it guys and you know how if you bought fanservice it's fine maybe it's just not an unmissable show it's not part of the big five or ten or even 50 but it's still you know kind of tasty it's your guilty pleasure trash and we're all gonna be in quarantine for at least another year I mean months I mean we date I what is time at this point okay so why not dive into the trash can classic trash let's set the mood with an anime that's the dictionary definition of what this video is about it perfectly captures the impact power and sometimes transcendence of trash ahem the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya this is some well done trash right here but it's trash all the same God is a moody high school girl you got to keep entertained and follow her whims cuz if she's too bored she'll destroy the world nightmare fuel also that's me and and and you'll either hate watch it or just watch it because it's really hard to pull away mostly due to the apathetic yet surprisingly likeable main character he just wanted to lead a quiet high school life and stare at boobs and you know he's not great he's not the worst he's just regular in many ways he's the precursor to me of bunny senpai except where bunny senpai thoughtfully addresses the challenges and psychological impact of modern adolescents through magical realism applied in a metaphorical exploration of its subject matter how do he Suzumiya well um doesn't hmm it's more of a monster of the week kind of show but the monsters are just excuses to fight boredom life right now Gintama it's the show everyone loves to love but no one actually ever starts yep yep it's a long one and you have to wait about till the last 100 episodes are so for to get intense but hey I'm a trash can not a trash can't 100 episodes is nothing like Ranma or one piece Gintama is a comedy that leans on the ridiculous and it's kind of genius I mean yeah aliens have invaded Edo period Japan and a samurai is just trying to deal with that and he wants to eat his desserts and you better get out of his way or else it's silly and always awesome and sometimes pretty epic I guarantee if you stick with it it'll become one of your favorite trash anime of all time really the trashiness only comes from how long you'll have to wait for it to get really good plus there's that one episode where the entire cast turns into a bunch of poop emojis mmm classic old-school comedy gold so go ahead and just put it on while you're in the shower or something or you know you could just seriously watch it episode by episode all of them grrrrrr may trash every now and then you get something that's meticulously crafted well designed and properly set up but eventually falls flat on its face it goes beyond trash it becomes garbage with an accent that's how I feel about fire force guys I love it it's a show that has so much potential but it quickly derailed in too lazy fanservice and plot devices and I just mean it's still fun though it's still hype and you know people are genuinely invested even me I want I really want to get to the core of this story I'm sure there's payoff somewhere at this point I just I really like the fight scenes so yeah that's enough to keep me interested in this trash next we 0 which I keep watching because I hate myself Adrienne and I do not agree on this one but Subaru being in love with Emelia when Ren is best waifu is trash that's it that's why it's trash I'm still watching it moving on seven deadly sins now this one actually has a solid story that honestly surprised me if you eliminate the endless need to treat our main character like he's hypo Sai to point O who is Hoppus I gather around the fire children anime mom is gonna tell you a tale of a pervert who stole panties back in 1999 I don't know if it was 1999 it was around the 90s same vibe point is he was an old man and he used to steal panties from young girls and that was okay an anime back in the day apparently him anyway same vibe our main character is a pervert therefore there is some perverted trashy trash trash when the story kicks in I am legit invested and then meliodas does this thing where he proves Elizabeth is Elizabeth by doing an upskirt experiment and of course my parents enter the room right there I some people are gonna come at me for puttin this series on the trash list but I'm saying I enjoy it aren't I I mean that's why it's here guys you're just looking at all the stuff I watch on a regular and I just I'm so ashamed not really because I'm literally putting it on YouTube so haha trash pride trash with potential okay look the only difference between this then garbage I mean gourmet okay the same thing is that these anime the studios went all in with production and like they throw money at this okay they really wanted these anime to become like huge Shonen titles and yeah they were almost there but not quite and some of these I love them like love them like okay the first one Sara [ __ ] the end it tried to be attack on Titan it tried really hard and it has such a special place in my heart of hearts because these two boys are in love and I stand vampire Romeo and Juliet don't at me the they are soulmates Jack and Rose Sasuke and Naruto will they fight or make out honestly I don't even remember half the plot because that's literally all that mattered to me something something about the apocalypse then vampires come out to use children as blood banks you know the usual then humans live inside specific areas trying to defend them selves with special weapons against giant monsters while backed by a duplicitous government that's hiding important information from its citizens then there's like Levi's I mean Guren then there's like flat more plot somewhere but the point is there's one really bad vampire that you're gonna hate to love because he's a fabulous slash a total monster and there's also a badass queen that's there for the boy and the fields like I really thought she was just there for the MOA but no there were fields so surprised and then there's the core of the story which is two best friends turned rivals who simply must be on separate sides of the war they're yearning to avenge each other because they think the other one is dead and you're just waiting for them to meet on the battlefield after years of being apart and it's intense and pretty eh and I'm here for the game and even some of the side characters have backstories that you'll find yourself accidentally feeling things for like Levi I mean Guren his name is Guren he's Levi's guys guilty crown guilty crown could have been good could have it had the budget it had the music and the skeleton of a damn good shown in sci-fi anime plot it was baked like a cake and then it fell flat like a pop-tart but we still love eating puck Tarantino it wasn't good enough for me to care but it wasn't bad enough for me to put it down it was like a bowl of potato chips I don't know why I compare everything to food I'm always hungry please feed me Adrian anyway it's perfectly okay but with that investment in production you have a feeling that they were trying to make it a much more elevated title and well musics is top-notch though like have y'all ever heard bios delta i swear i troll forums just for remixes or rearranged versions of that song so if you watch guilty crown like literally just keep your ears open and it's fine if you're doing it's like reading at the same time or or I don't know playing your video games and mmm basically I didn't watch this okay I just played it and heard it no shame sorry not sorry some guilty crown fans out there who love this show and stand by it I don't really it's beautiful though I will give you that now one of my favorite categories what's the trash it's it's you know anime that was gonna be amazing maybe or or could have been even better than some of the top five perhaps it would have been a classic anime perhaps but it's just it's just what the sword art online look if you ask me the history of anime can be captured in five phrases plus ultra equivalence exchange over 9000 moon prism power and what the sword online just what it's a smart and fresh take on ISA kite characters get plunged into the world of a VR MMORPG and are forced to survive which you know the deal by now but back then that wasn't the norm when in sword art online came out that was a super fresh take on ISA Kai so yeah it was like head imploding levels good those first 14 episodes at the time friendships were forged and put to the test heroism wasn't just being the strongest and sword art online heroes could be tactical compassionate self-sacrificing and a love story unfolded that genuinely anchored and guided the story raising the stakes driving the plot and yeah sure Kirito is an Opie Gary stew but he's a nerd with no accomplishments in the real world we we don't have enough of those so you know let it slide start online presents a solid moral juxtaposition of real life versus digital life and ask us which one really matters is one life more valid than the other what is real who is real what makes love real there are so many great discussions to be had and then fairy king Oberon happened ill so that happened and sword art online got chewed up into the garbage disposal and has been trying to recover ever since Alice's Asian took sword art online out of the garbage can and put it into the recycling bin but you know it still has ways to go it needs to recover let's give it some time and yet sometimes I still find myself going back to that perfect first season and just pretending that nothing else happened and I watch continuations hoping that Billy Reis have to show and start over again and do it right or something look I don't know why I keep watching I like pain I guess Black Butler oh yes this is definitely a what the [ __ ] moment look I've seen people online described it as a children's anime Blue's Clues if you will I guess you know because just like Blue's Clues there's that episode where a child gets sold to the black market and makes a pact with the devil to murder everyone in revenge while wearing dandy Gothic Lolita fashion you know a show for kids look black Butler's a mixed bag it's got fanservice trash it's got some hot trash I'm saying that with a straight face but my god do I judge myself right now there are some pieces that are just meant to be read as hot look at Sebastian that's it thank you and there's a little mall goth trash too because boy does it have those you know stripe studs mesh and frills very My Chemical Romance meats early 1990s visual kei in Japan very very mono from the Gothic and Lolita Bible you know like malice nezer but outside of those charming elements you mostly find yourself saying straight-up what the every time you watch Black Butler because you know the violence the gore the throwing children off balconies to their doom it's so [ __ ] up you can't look away and to this day I'm not even sure why I put myself through it and that's the thing you get past all the creepy and all the violence and this show is straight-up badass it's trash but it is bad it's trash it's trash okay okay I need stop you know what yeah it's just like Blue's Clues anyway but even when I find myself vigorously shaking my head no at the BL in implied pieces Black Butler is also downright delightful and it's funny it boasts some of the most interesting character in costume designs and all of anime to be honest and and let's be real again back to Sebastian look at them look look at that look at that he has a Triple D hos bond Oh power ranking this demon is the reason I follow Japanese butler cafe accounts on Instagram those exist you're welcome one hundred percent pure trash make of the word pure what you will baki pure trash but it's beautiful in its own way baki is a throwback to the hyper muscled Shonen of your with the heart of a classic rocky film rocky wants to beat his dad but you won't so he'll need to join an underground fighting arena a la Fight Club and hone his martial arts skills Bucky is the frozen pizza anime it's not fancy but it hits the spot I mean come for the fight scenes and pretty much stay for the fight scenes it's pizza guys even the worst pizza is still pretty good Odin Gino food oh geez oh or the special circumstances of my bathtub ah this anime is about a regular guy whose roommate is a narcissistic mermaid living in his tub mm thank you come to me for the quality content they use bath bombs they hang out with aquatic buddies and they're all broke because they use so much hot water short episodes you know it's like a micro episodes miniseries webseries kind of thing and there are only seven so why not watch this trash I'm gonna make you watch a mermaid guys I'm gonna make you watching anime where an octopus gives a guy a massage and it's hashtag not a hentai I swear it's not even a BL it's just it's just pure trash and leaning into that a little bit now let's let's see some fanservice trash now this one I picked because yeah fanservice strike the blood a convoluted plot tons of fan service and a hero with a terrible personality sounds like a nice acai but no strike the blood is a vampire fantasy sci-fi thing there's plot or something but hot damn look at those fight scenes and and look at you kina she's a badass sword shaman and and I like swords and I own a sword and that's my level of fanservice guys it really is if you've got some awesome blades in that anime am I gonna watch that I love swords literally I am sending a picture of my sword just so that you guys can see my sword I have in fact used this sword to threaten Adrienne anyway the rest of it is pretty self-explanatory it's a vampire anime so obviously part of the fanservice is that vampires need to feed and Kojo and you kena have to rely on each other to survive I instantly regret this not not this list just my life moving on to a hot trash this is trash that can get steamy or it's just hot trash guys like it's just so bad but it's so good like prison school it the hardcore version of Kaguya sama love is war I'll leave it there and then there's devils line it's the hardcore version of strength of line trash the double down on more trash not actually come even watch that just Oh God the wallflower it's it's just a reverse harem for God's that's it that's the plot they're all models and they wear punk rock visual kei goth light fashion sometimes and listen I I only down the whole thing because it had a can't be bothered to be impressed main character and a bunch of pretty boys fighting for her attention just like I watch every other harem anime about a campy bother to be impressed main character and a bunch of pretty girls fighting for his attention sometimes that's just all you need and we're okay with that Kamisama hajima mushed psyche guess what guys this entire list was just an excuse to introduce you to one of my favorite shoujo anime of all time kami sama Hajime Master it can't get trashy yes because yes because it's anime and let's face it most of it began but this is legit a solid 10/10 title for the showed your crowd and if you've never watched a shoujo anime in your life go ahead and start with this one it's got my full stamp of approval it is sexy it is hot there are fight scenes worth their salt the animation is pretty good except when it's not we'll ignore that but oh my gosh if you watch season 1 season 2 and the OVA S you're gonna get it especially the OVA s that's where it gets really good so let me tell you a little bit about the plot so we've got our main character who is in such extreme debt that essentially she's homeless and she helps a man with a situation with a dog whatever lets get that and the point is that she ends up living in a shrine because the old man felt so grateful that he said hey live in my home random stranger who is apparently nice while she is living in the shrine and serving her duties of cleaning it basically she discovers that there are spirits in the shrine and there's a fox familiar in there and she's been sent for some reason to replace another god and now she has to become a god and have a familiar and deal with the spirits and she ends up signing a contract I have this thing with contracts I'm gonna really check myself about that Black Butler influence so she ends up a contract with a fox familiar which I'm not gonna reveal is more than just a fox familiar because that stop point but it becomes a full-blown romance action epic with one of the most engrossing and complicated antihero driven plots and all of shoujo anime look I know there's some other shoujo anime maybe some people think they're better I don't call me sama hajima mashed it or Kamisama kiss is the best shoujo anime of all time or you know at least until next month when I changed my mind because I'm a Gemini and that's what we do but what about you guys what's your favorite trash anime I'm always down for more trash I mean I nee I need things to decorate my home with you know I pretty much live in trash trashes my lifestyle anyways thank you guys I'm crystal Murray from getting the robot made in NYC because we can't move period [Music]
Channel: Get In The Robot
Views: 181,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime watchlist, trashy anime, re zero, fire force, gintama, the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, seven deadly sins, prison school, sword art online, sword art online alicization, kamisama kiss, black butler, seraph of the end, strike the blood, kamisama hajimemashita, get in the robot
Id: 116FPudMvBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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