Good Anime You Can't Watch in Public V - The Ecchi Strikes Back | Get In The Robot

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- Why are we starting with that one first? - [Adrian] Because, why not? - Ah, Adrian's the bad one, not me! I need everyone to know that, I'm trapped! Fu.. Y'all know what this is, anime in public five, this is the fifth one, this is the fifth time. I'll be looking at smut for your entertainment. Thank you or maybe not thank you to all our supporters on Ko-fi. Go check out it one more time to fund episode six if we get enough, Dorrie and Krystal will come and put me in full clown make-up. I'm not kidding, I'll come in a clown suit. Cause that's how I feel when I make these, alright. - [Adrian] (laughing) (slow music) - Okay, so let me set the tone for this first show. First you get some high school kids from the richest families in Japan, put them all in the same high school and then tell them to gamble all their money away. That's Kakegurui. There's a lot of calming in that show. You've got a bunch of rich kids in an elite school with no idea what the value of a dollar is. I feel like there's a deeper message here, but we're just gonna ignore that one for now and focus on the gambling oh faces. Ah, we're first introduced to Ryota Suzui, who literally means nothing to this show. The real star of the show is the much crazier, much more excited about gambling, Yumeko Jabami, a transfer student. Jabami's a gambling addict. Jabami really loves gam.. Oh, we'll get to that in a second. These kids aren't playing your typical casino games. Not ones that I know at least. Instead, we got rock paper scissors, an Idol competition and Russian Roulette. Russian Roulette, with a gun. Like a real gun played by kids. Seriously tough. Like who raised you? - [Adrian] I mean, they're rich kids, so it's like, I feel like that's a trend. Rich and then also you wanna like die? - I, I don't. - No! Parents not being there. - All anime parents aren't there. You don't get a pass. I'm sorry it's (bleep), stop it! What the show does really well is that it consistently delivers on the high-stakes tension. The soundtrack sounds like it came straight out of Danganronpa. And that game also involves death. Oh but you know, a lot less gambling and a lot less (moaning sound) Is that, can we get like a (popping sound) A lot, it's a lot wetter of a show. A lot less liquids flying around, and, well, blood. Are the liquids are different. The body liquids that coming out was way different ones. Lets take it back a bit. Can we just talk about the faces these children are making please? I know that the animators probably did this to accentuate certain feelings and expressions these characters make, but how old are they? How old are they? - [Adrian] Like 15, 16. - 15, 16 ah you know what? How do I say this without definitely getting sent to jail. That's the most like sexually repressed part of your life. Why is she drooling so much? It's a card game! - [Adrian] I don't know. Don't ask me. I'm not the producer of the show. - You are the producer for this show! - [Adrian] For this show! - (laughing) This is all on top of the casual boob groping, oh yeah! I forgot, they get really excited about these card games. - [Adrian] Just this image, just hold on. Turn it to show it on screen. - Why are you doing this to me? Turn on the screen, suffer, suffer! Just a casual (boop). The hand's just on there now, I guess. Not to mention finger nail bitting, which please don't do ever again. I'm already scared by Higurashi. What is Higurashi? - [Dorrie] I love Higurashi! - [Adrian] (laughing) - I don't like that laugh. No, it's called nail ripping scene! That's why you like it. Ahhh! Oh it's this show! Oh no no no no no, no no no no no. Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it. No, she's breathing all hard. Bro, is she doing this to herself I don't. This is the one where like she like stabs herself in the head. (screaming) Ahhh! What? - [Dorrie] (laughing) - Why are you laughing? - [Dorrie] Its so good! - Is it? I'm gonna have a heart attack yo. - [Adrian] Jacob's gonna have to censor that. Jacob, I do apologize, this screen is a little graphic. You're still watching it? - Now I'm kinda glad we're talking about the gambling porn one now. But not for too long because there's also this scene where a girl has a gun in the bathroom stall and just. Although implied, uses it to... - [Adrian] Don't say it. - Self discovery. That screen creeped me out. Let me walk you through it real quick. Old girl, yeah you haven't seen this, you havent. - [Dorrie] Is it loaded? Yes, alright so come here child. I'm gonna explain something really (bleep) up right now. - I love (bleep) up things. - Ah, yeah, this is gonna be great! There's this girl in the school, gambling school, alright. She really loves gambling. She wants to do it with her life, that's the only way she likes gambling. The only way also that she can um, yeah. So she asks some guys like, I'll put it one bullet and we'll do Russian Roulette. - [Dorrie] (gasp) It's loaded? - Yeah, it's loaded, but they obviously back out and she likes (bleep) this. So she's a little upset, so she goes to the bathroom stall. - Hmm (bleep) - Yeah, hmm yeah. We're gonna, - (screaming) - There's gonna be a lotta, oh don't get a head of me! So she goes in the bathroom stall and she like I just wanna feel it one time. And she's fine and gets off on it immediately shaking and then takes gun like. - [Dorrie] Smells it? - Yes smells it and scratches - Alright, stop. We can't talk about that more. - Alright I'm going home. - Also, I don't think they ever went to class. Did they lean anything in the show? - [Adrian] I don't know. - I'm positive all they did was gamble and finger themselves with guns. Where's the teachers and administration? The only thing learned is regret mostly on my part than on theirs. Anyway, yeah so yeah don't watch in public, don't play with guns especially in genital regions too. Probably not the safest idea unless that's what you're into. Actually no, I don't condone that. (laughing) Adrian's like nope, no no no. Don't do that. - [Dorrie] This video's definitely getting demonitized. - Oh yeah. So pour some coffee. We're not even gonna try to monetize this one yo. I ain't even gonna try! - [Adrian] There's no point. - There's no point. Assassination Classroom. Oh boy, you already know what I'm bout to get into if you've seen it. So one day, this yellow ass tentacle monster destroys 70% of the moon. Great way to start this huh? And the monster claims that within a year, he'll destroy the planet this time and I'm pretty sure destroying the moon would destroy the planet, because the tides, you know. Whata, whatever it's anime. He'll destroy the planet in a year, unless someone can kill him before then. Sounds pretty chill, right? Well there are a lot of weird stipulations in there. First of all, the person who needs to kill him, needs to be a student. Specifically in a class that he teaches. Tentacle monster in a classroom with a bunch of kids, already sounds like a Henti plot. Thank God it isn't, I mean, I don't know. Don't search for that one. And the tentacle monster now dubbed Koro Sensei teaches these kids how to kill him and also regular subjects too I guess which is, - [Adrian] Already learning more then Kakegurui. - Ah, oh yeah! Well, you know, it's always weird, because we're dealing with literally a tentacle monster, the one thing in anime that deals with sex and yet it's one of the most wholesome shows, with a tentacle monster in it. Koro Sensei is one of the nicest most genuine guys and actually cares about his students. Doesn't make sense, also tryna destroy the planet. So I don't know where the line is, but alright. But for how wholesome the show is, again there's a tentacle monster teacher. We're gonna have some (bleep) up (bleep) going on around. Like for example, although Koro Sensei is usually pretty tame, pretty sure he kinetically um, he like, in like a woman. He did the, the, the thing. He did ah. - [Adrian] What? - Yeah. Oh I found, all I had to search was Assassination Classroom adults funnest moments. There it is! Come here, someone come here. Alright this scene enough, this screenshot enough is like ah. I don't know about this. (screaming) Listen, just listen to the voices. (speaking Japanese) (girl screaming) Alright, alright also that's just a penis on his hand. His penis is on his hand. Alright, well Koro Sensei makes a teacher nut, sorry. Sensor that one, please. And a lot of other questionable stuff that happens in the show, but, I mean, part of it is because you have a tentacle teacher with penis hands instructing a class of, you know, children and watching that as a adult male, you know, just out in the public. (police sirens) Jail time, I think very easily. Hinamatsuri, cool, great. - [Dorrie] Is that the one about the horse girls? - No, I wish it was a pony derby. You cannot watch that in public, but it's 'cause I'm a grown man. This one's for much grosser ones. Alright first off comment down below if you've seen this show. I feel like this is one of the best comedies I've seen in a long time and nobody is talking about it. You've got Nitta, a Yakuza member, and Hina, a little girl with psychokinetic powers. Which, c'mon, is already a ridiculous pairing. The scenarios they get themselves into are as ridiculous as their partnership. And, in the end, they develop a really nice and heartwarming bond. And, unlike Kakegurui, the faces they make are some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. And not oh faces, which is already leagues above what we've been dealing with here. But as I've said time and time again, this is good anime you can't watch in public. So it's gonna get bad like at some point, right? First off, Hina. First episode just when you thought you were safe and this was gonna be a show about the Yakuza, bam, she pops up to ruin Nitta's life, and yeah, shes just straight up nude, just dealing with a nude child everyone, nude kid, nude kid. Again, probably don't wanna show to watch in public for legal reasons. I'm not a lawyer, but legal advice, don't look at nude kid in public. Well that's not all, oh no no no. By the end of the episode, he's nude. He was nude by the end of the episode? - [Adrian] Yo, you didn't see that? He got trapped in the egg. - Oh yeah, alright! - And then, it might have been a post credit scene. - Alright, I gotta make it very clear with the way I framed that, definitely sounded wrong saying that first and then that. Really gotta watch the show, because I'm not, I'm not going to jail for Adrian, I'm not doing it. The beginning of the episode, she's nude. - (laughing) - And at the end of the episode, he's nude. - (laughing) - I didn't write this one, I didn't do it. This was Adrian! - [Adrian] I'm sorry! - Ah, context is everything. And then halfway through the season, there's a whole-ass episode with another one of these psychokinetic girls straight stranded on a deserted island, Cast Away style. Ah, yes, Cast Away, the 2000s Tom Hanks film that I'm sure everyone remembers. It's kinda sad that I gotta say that. I remember Cast Away. Wilson, Wilson! - [Adrian] What, it came out 2000? Half of the audience that's watching this wasn't even born in 2000. - (Bleep) man, I can't be that old. And we're the youngest getting the robot hoes. - [Dorrie] I'm ageless, so I don't know what you're talking about. - Dorrie is an ethereal demon, everyone. So she's actually is 3000. Let me know in the comments if you know Cast Away. Wilson! She also, like, you know, yeah, yeah. But like these scenes are few and far between. So like go in a corner or something and watch the show. Just don't do it in public. But if you're not a fan of laughing when you watch shows, I've got nother one about a naked psychokinetic girl, Elfen Lied. - [Dorrie] Elfen Lied is trash. Is it? - [Dorrie] The first episode is good and then after that it just becomes like a, like a love triangle. - Oh, but Dorrie just doesn't like love. Dorrie said not enough killing in Elfen Lied. - [Dorrie] No, there's plenty of killing in Elfen Lied, but it just, I don't know, my big problem was one episode, you have her like going crazy killing all these people, being destructive and it's really, and I don't know, it was just weird and different and then like the next episode she's going like, nyu! - (laughing) What's wrong with that, Dorrie? Mix nyu cat with murder. - [Dorrie] That's just my opinion, though. I mean, there are probably a lot of people that really like it. Don't put that in. - Yeah, keep it in! The show's about 20 years old and some may like it, some may not, but it definitely deserves a spot on this list and you'll see why in a second. I know newer fans may not know exactly what it's about, so I'll something out of currently pop culture to make a nice little analogy. If any of y'all are fans of stranger's strings, stranger strings, my favorite show. If any of y'all are fans of Stranger Things, they share a lot of elements. You got a girl with mysterious powers breaking out of some sort of government facility. She runs into some strangers who take her in and are then caught up in this deadly government conspiracy. So yeah basically Stranger Things, except way more rated R. It's a good show, big mood, very violent. Wish I could say this was one you could watch in public, but you can't. Main girl Lucy, is naked for like, the first 10 minutes of this show. And, when she finally isn't, there's already hyper-violent deaths happening like every other episode. Which is oddly fresh for the show. The nakedness down, death up, I'm down for. I think that makes it, doing a lot better these days. It's hard enough tryin' to explain this show to people who haven't watched it. Let alone tryin' to explain it to random passersby. But, totally worth a watch. It's a classic. And, if you're interested in more classics, I've got a whole list ready for y'all. - [Adrian] Like Chobits. - [Curt] Chobits? - [Adrian] Do you know why Chobits? - Chobits? - [Adrian] Do you remember Chobits? - Chobits? - [Adrian] Yes. The one with the, - Gazuntite. - [Adrian] The one with the robot girl. She's like a cyborg. The way to activate it is, - What was that motion? - [Dorrie] Oh, is that the fingering robot show? - What, what are you watching man? - [Adrian] Chobits is a classic! - Adrian went (hmm) and I was like, whoa dude! So now I'll be using my psychic powers to figure what you guys want me to talk about next. (whispering) Inter, Interspecies, Interspecies. Beastars, Beastars, I got Beastars. Everyone heard of Beastars, right? Y'all know why, this is on this list? I think it's already been beaten into the ground why it's on this list. This is the OG Interspecies show and my body isn't ready to cover the other one, not yet. So let's talk about anime Zootopia. And I know it's not a straight Zootopia rip off which is exactly what people are pitching it to me as. But dare I say it, it's better. In the world of Beastars, animals try to live together in harmony. They have an advance society a lot like ours and they even go to school together, which is where most of show takes place. But things are not as they appear. A murder occurs at the academy. Carnivores are blamed and there's just a lot of intrigue going on in this small social bubble. Now I know that still sound a lot like Zootopia, It's cause it kinda is. But let me tell you where it departs from the Disney way of life. Dorrie, watch this with me. Oh, Oh! - [Dorrie] okay. Oh! - Bro why is she thick like that though! - [Dorrie] Wait how much smaller is she than him? - [Curt] Oh! - [Dorrie] How's that gonna work? - Wait. - [Both] Oh! - [Adrian] (laughing) - [Curt] They're still going! - [Adrian] (laughing) - [Dorrie] If you need me, I'll be under here. - Alright that's it, that's it. - That's it? - That's it. No it's not it but we're done watching. Animals (bleep) in this one. That was a porn bro. Alright actually that might be worse than Interspecies. - [Adrian] No, it's actual interspecies - Ah, Ah! - [Adrian] That's why it's here. - Ah ha! Why, dude that made me so uncom... - [Adrian] The bunny (bleep) a deer. - Alright, alright, I'm taking a pass on Beastars now. - [Adrian] It's good though. - Is it, is it? - [Adrian] It's actually good. - [Dorrie] Wolf was just like, yo, whoa. - Yeah I was like bro, why is she so thick. Why do we keep drawing bunnies thick in shows bro, alright. - [Adrian] 'Cause they have the, I don't know, hind legs. - Don't defend this. Why are you - I don't know. I'm tryin' a see where the artist got the inspirations. - Why is she so thick? - [Adrian] Yo, it makes sense. She's a bunny. Bunnies love to (bleep), I guess. - [Dorrie] (bleep) like rabbits. That's the term. - Exactly! - [Dorrie] But, like other rabbits. - I just want to point out that, I'm not the problem here. - [Adrian] (laughing) I'm not the problem here, it's Adrian. and apparently Dorrie too. - I just happened to be in the neighborhood. - [Adrian] She does (bleep) the deer. That's how a Jackalope's made. - What the (bleep) is wrong with, you man? What I'm saying is Disney this is your fault. Because Zootopia created a whole generation a furries and now those furries have grown up and are looking for the harder stuff. The harder stuff. The harder stuff. Alright let me just say this, I've got nothing against furries. We've all got our thing. Some people like guns in the (beep). Some people like furries, whatever. To each their own. Yep, pretty sure I'm attracted to that spider lady from Monster Musume. Can't say much. Although no fur on her, just a lot of very long spider legs which I didn't know I was into. But honestly Beastars is probably one of the best shows in terms of quality on this list. So yeah, I guess we're gonna call it right now, 2020, Year of The Furry. - [Adrian] And Trigger's coming out with that. The one with the girl that looks like. What's her name from a, what's that "Goofy Movie"? - [Dorrie] Roxanne? - Roxanne. - Roxanne, oh yeah! Didn't you see that? - They're making A Goofy Movie anime? - [Adrian] No, but. - Is there a real Zootopia anime coming? And after that, I'm not sure I can bare not sitting down anymore. If you wanna see part six, go fund us on Ko-Fi. I really hope you don't though, cause I'm dying. And let us know in the comments what you want us to talk about, because we're gonna throw out all the stops. - [Adrian] It's just gonna be like, all of the anime you can't watch in public. - Yeah, just all of em. Not even the good ones, just gonna be all of them. I'm Curt, this is Get In The Robot. Made in NYC, because I don't wanna be here anymore. See you for part six. (slow music)
Channel: Get In The Robot
Views: 853,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime you cant watch in public, assassination classroom, kakegurui, hinamatsuri, elfen lied, beastars, anime, ecchi anime, ecchi, ecchi moment, good anime you can't watch in public, beastars reaction, koro sensei, netflix anime, furry, fan service, fan service anime, get in the robot
Id: bh0Nf1XEqJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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