How to enjoy anime again

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anime is boring even the most passionate fans can feel that way and if you have found yourself struggling to enjoy anime as you once did don't worry it's a common experience in this video we'll go over what you should do to overcome this with three effective strategies that you can try today and see if that will reignite your flame that you have lost so let's get started number one take a break one of the most effective ways to reignite your passion for anime is to take a break trust me overc consumption of any form of entertainment can lead to burnout and Anime is no exception this is what happened with me back in 2020 when lockdown hit and the whole world got holed up in their home we had nothing better to do and same goes for me I had been watching anime for 3 years up until that point with mountain of everlasting anime shows which I stashed away hoping to see one day I decided okay this is the time this is the time that I finally faced the mountain of anime that I have in my watch list and finally watched the show my past self intended it for me to watch so I took out my laptop and started to binge watch shows one after the other slowly as I kept watching more and more shows I felt something missing I started to not enjoy the shows which I thought I would not that the shows were bad or anything in themselves but there was another reason for this emptiness when I dug deep I found that I started watching for the sole reason of finishing my watch list for once I wanted to have an empty watch list so there was the culprit watching as many shows as possible in a limited amount of time but that was not the only problem this was the time when anime started to gain huge traction and everyone around me started to watch anime which was great I now had friends who loved anime and appreciated it but Along Came the problem they started to watch shows which I had not seen and my friends and I had a very notorious relationship with spoilers we would spoil everything if one person had not seen it same thing happened again if the saw a show which I hadn't seen I used to drop everything and watch the show so I wouldn't get spoiled so that's how I caught up to one piece and don't regret that one at that time I realized something has to change and I did exactly that I stopped watching anime completely didn't see any episodes or consumed any sort of real on the topic basically went off grid days went by slowly weeks and eventually months after 3 months or so I picked up anime again and I wouldn't believe the feeling that it gave it was just like watching my first anime and getting inspired to watch more so that's my first strategy take a godamn break anime will still be there when you come back if you are interested I have written an ebook going over in detail on burnout and different strategies with some scientific bagging to them feel free to download it the link is present in the description number two try a different medium so what did I do instead during these 3 months that I had without anime well I explored different medium I start to read more manga actually that was how I was able to catch up with one piece I started to read light novel I read one called empty box and zero Maria when I started to watch anime but I didn't explore other novels beyond that so I started to read more I highly recommend n to Summer exit of goodbyes and wait for me yesterday in Spring that too good of a read I was on and off about Western shows and movies ever since I discovered anime during this time I sat down and actually finished shows which seemed interesting I saw shows like dark and piggy blinders which were great it was difficult to consume those content but the shows were very well written and I watched them but I didn't stop there this was a time when the world got flooded with genin impact an anime style RPG game that everyone started to play I jumped into the rabbit hole and I'm still playing that game to this day not daily but whenever there is an hot character drop or major story progression trying a different medium helps you to overcome the fixed mindset you might have had if you keep consuming one thing over and over again our brain gets bored of it our brain needs constant change it needs something new every time it sees something we can't blame it the anime that are coming out are similar with slight differences take is for example all the isai shows are similar in lots of ways and we as people get bored of consuming the same stuff over and over again so the next time when you feel like anime is boring spice things up to sum it up here are some ways to diversify your EXP experience explore manga read light novel play anim related games watch shows from other long wages or heck replace with a new hobby while you are at it number three re-watch your favorite shows re-watching your favorite anime can be a powerful way to discover your love for the medium after a few months of again starting to watch anime I went back into the same Loop of getting bored of anime well eventually I fixed the issue of mine with an anime calendar but at that time I didn't follow that so instead I decided to rewatch some of the shows I enjoyed in the past I picked up shows like No Game No Life Food Wars one punch man this reignited the flame that I was lost Nostalgia plays a significant role in our enjoyment of medium Rew watching your favorite anime can bring back fond memories and emotions associated with time when you first watched it this sense of nostalgia can reignite your passion and remind you of why you fell in love with anime in the first place since the last time you had seen the show your perspective sense experience iences have changed the watching a show with fresh Outlook can reveal a new layer of Story characters and themes that you might have missed during your initial watching which was indeed the case for me when I saw No Game No Life I fell in love with the story all over again the art style was very different than animes which are coming out in recent times I don't think that is getting another season anytime soon again anime is a medium of entertainment it can educate us it can make us laugh it can make us cry it can make us us angry it can make us forget our pain it can make us cringe but most important of them all watching anime should be fun taking a break allows you to reset and miss the medium trying different related mediums can provide New Perspective and experiences rewatching your favorite shows can evoke Nostalgia by following these strategies I wish you will regain that fun of watching anime again also make sure to check out the ebook for some more strategies and scientific evidence on them the link is present in the description ion I hope you got few strategies to try if you are struggling to study here is a video that might help you if you want to implement solar leveling in real life watch this video as always subscribe to get transported into another world bye
Channel: Annu Sensei
Views: 86
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D93sihs2CZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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