Gonking My Way Through The Hardest Terraria Mod I Could Find...

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I am the kind of guy who likes difficult games I'm used to playing Terraria on Hardcore over on my main Channel which look hardcore is all right but like at this time I thought I didn't want to play hardcore but I still want something hard like don't get me wrong I still want to play a hard difficulty something now I asked a lot of people what the hardest terraria Mod was which gave a fleshed out experience and there was one mod in particular which stuck out as the hardest mod and that is Faro's Soul mod on the Massac mod difficulty now this mod changes a lot about the game making it harder across the board like we talk a new bosses all the bosses that are stronger now cuz they got reworked they even reworked normal mobs to be harder like this vulture like it shoots now like that is it's terrifying now this Massac mode though it it's interesting because first of all actually wait so many people told me not to play this because it's too hard it's designed to be unfair it's just not even fun to play but like if I'm being completely honest I did kind of ignore them I didn't I didn't really listen because like if anything they they were just encouraging me I wanted to play something odd like that's just that's anyways look now because of how hard this difficulty is the people that made this mod they locked the difficulty behind another difficulty called eternity mode which is a little easier to deal with they did this because if you don't play through the mod on eternity mode first then you're going to have a really hard time figuring out boss mechanics or attack patters or or so they say that's what people have told me they told me that if I didn't play that then that's how that would go now because I didn't want to play through the mod twice I simply just just downloaded a mod which made me invincible so I can just kill the final boss on eternity mode so I can play masacus mode blindly and now but now hey you just said it's unfair you you don't play atern if you don't play eternity mode then you're going to have a really hard time yeah but that's not all Massac mode is typically played on a master mode world I asked around as well to see if I could make things even harder by playing on a legendary World it turns out uh nobody that I asked even KN if it was possible or not because I guess they just didn't even think to make it even harder I so anyways I tried it out and uh turns out it is indeed possible and for those who don't know what that means it means everything is going to deal more damage uh have more Health there's going to be more traps underground there's going to be bombs and [ __ ] that just comes out of pots and trees some bosses even get a huge size increase I'm going to give you a small spoiler he's so mive I'm all right I go wait yeah that's it so anyways this is my adventure blindly playing through one of the hardest and most unfair Terraria mods on a harder difficulty than it was intended for also if you want to see me play this live you can catch it over on my main Channel or twitch I live stream to both platforms at the same time so anyways yeah enjoy all right how are we all doing yo streams live and gunking oh yeah dang you going to think for dying or something I do not I feel like there's going to be too much oh God culer back culpers returned for around to wait did you have a video production experience before starting your channel if you look at the first video that I put on my YouTube channel Channel you know that I had zero it is it's kind of rough to watch it's we currently have a mod which I contemplated removing because music no it's where is it no water trash this enemy modifiers one right here this mod for some reason even like there's a setting which lets you turn off modifiers for bosses right and I was immediately thinking okay well yeah people people in the chat immediately were like do not turn that option on don't let bosses have them and so I'm like okay cool but the squirrel for some reason still gets the modifiers so I was like it seems a little broken so like should I turn it off take off enemy modifiers is very broken yeah that's what I've been yeah I feel like we should at least turn it off for the squirrel boss but I don't know if we should turn it off just like all together cuz last time people told me to keep it on it was like 80% told me to keep it on I I want you guys to speak up now if you want me to keep this on turn it off yeah all right we'll turn it off we'll turn it off all right let's uh whip this back up we got gonk just over 3 hours all right where are we at okay so health is on the list I'm going to need more max HP and I think at some point we should try we should try smash one of those like we should try smash a shadow up cuz I want I want go what the hell oh no I'm already going to die dude wait never mind is that going to oh this is going to hit me forgot the house looked like that did it looks fantastic I don't want to hear anything bad about this fantastic looking house on the right on the left there this is great it's even got a bathtub Gunk oh my God why do they all have the the what is this on Slim head gang pulling up yeah dude wait are they all dropping slimes I know one of them did oh dude they they are that's cool make the Griffin house from Family Guy the Griffin house can we get some Subway Serv how does it mean good there are barely any actual new ideas what the fu okay so I don't really I don't plan on interjecting into these videos very much at all but I feel like I need to explain this because for this stream in particular I had this alert noise block blasting in my ears it scares the [ __ ] out of me every [ __ ] time it pops up but it doesn't come through on the stream and nobody heard anything so like whenever this pops up this is what I'm hearing I did end up fixing that but [ __ ] every [ __ ] time oh my God forgot I turned I I figured out how to turn on alerts for twitch I think someone just followed and it scared the crap out of me just now I don't know I don't know if I set it up so that people could hear oh okay bombs sorry you're forgiv you forgive him no we're losing attention span bring out the subway is I going to thought you were playing with the blindfold I am playing with the blindfold I haven't played before and I'm playing with blindfold oh oh Health okay cool this is what we want I don't know if there's actually wait with the mod I don't know if there's any like better armor I can get is there any armor that's better than Platinum like pre mode or is platinum going to be like best I'm going to get right now oh my God the twitch noise again P oh hey P what's up dude why would you do this to yourself it's all for front it's all for F I have no idea how this is going to go other than I mean you did tell me it would be a horrible idea but I mean look feel like I had to see for myself I had to you know I like a good challenge mod adds like four arm but they're all locked behind bosses gotcha I've had to TP away from these every time I've come up against them I'm feeling like I can take them on this time excuse me do they have H do they have health clows oh they do they haven't hit me yet is a good St well that's one down we got a w gion nice was that two more was I just want make slimes into oh here we go he's done boom worm teeth wh cushion very nice no pain no gain all the way yeah D It's the hard stuff which makes playing like games which are really hard and put you through a bunch of [ __ ] and like make you like want to quit like beating those things that's like that's my [ __ ] right there I love that stuff BR an actual meus what can I say enable drop it mode hang on I just saw something $50 dude I got to say thank you very much for that what the heck enable drop it mode what is Drop It mode can someone educate me on that Subway guy dude what is this Subway thing droping word is when you drop everything while the message is up what why would I do that are you kidding me wait isn't like drop everything is in just like all my stuff that I got can't move enable it wait is that a setting hold up what what is this no the controller drop it oh do you want me to do it right now like just dude drop me your computer D wait but for how long maybe while I've dropped everything I can get some I can get some Subway Surface up on the side until the message goes away dude it's you sent it was $50 that's going to be there for ages if I donate $100 where you throw your PC in a lake I will not do that okay you have to name top 10 sandwiches that then you can move top 10 sandwiches I don't know I know like the name of any sandwiches but I could name like stuff to put in a sandwich like what sandwich I don't know any sandwiches which have like a name just like stuff that's in it oh wait actually no no no no dude wait I can name like uh quarter Panda Double Quarter Panda F of fish Whopper uh that's four what else is there uh McChicken uh the sandwiches have names yeah yeah dude you got you got a few of them uh what else is there I want to open this chest good sandwiches Jack's Fried Chicken uh bacon Deluxe dude this the the chicken and cheese uh I wanted oh does hamburger count hamburger is a that's that's on the McDonald's menu I think is that 10 maybe I'll do one more just in case uh what's one more L one I one more dude what is all of this what is this meta stuff I'm just playing a game played Redemption mode hang on wait wait before I read that I got to figure out why I need one more sandwich I need one more sandwich uh [ __ ] what else is on those menus I can I do like a Muk uh they got Muk chicken they got uh I did I did Whopper spicy chicken sandwich MCG griddle most amazing one pizza is a sandwich Mortadella you can do this no yeah I can do it I just need to my my brain's just not turned on to sandwiches right now don't listen to the voices don't put brain rot content to keep us watching M crispy M rib that oh my God how did I forget about that where's munks at Munk okay is that count can I can I play now no more drop it I did get mcreb from the chat but like I mean mcb's a good one which if I donate 27 Jola will you sacrifice your firstborn son to as a puff no drop him a disabled all right we're in pretty sure there's no explosives I'm just going to block this of Boulders and go in we got a magic miror we got better better healing potion better healing potions big I believe in you all right uh we're going to move on we're got to keep uh we got to keep this tunnel going I can't see any oh dude nope I'm not dying willber I need rip from you Wilbur G McDonald's kind of sucks po pork sandwiches are better than that on honestly burn me at the stake I'm right though you can find a mirror recoil to a h key like I did to up error oh I mean I've just I got the muscle memory to just hit one and click if I'm about to die just boom I'm out of there no Subway servers in the bottom on serving yeah now look this is how it is something to donate 30 bucks for able to drop it mode while you're about to kill Moon Lord because you need a name you need a n Burger King menu now I need torches too little bit gifted five W Radley memberships hey dude there you go who who are the lucky people beu got one luy did BJ got a free membership and hi there BJ got it epic dub all right let's not die to fall damage I don't know I don't want that happening today cu the people that didn't catch the last stream can you put the VOD in the super upper upper lower corner so they can catch us I mean I don't want I'm not going to set any of that up I'm look if people really want something like that I can maybe set it up next time but uh I'm doing that today I want to beat the squirrel that's my goal my goal is to kill the squirrel bus so we're just we're just do we're working on that I guess health I don't what else what else do you need health oh more Platinum for armor and stuff that' be good you want to make it extra go hard go for Summoner is Summoner that bad oh my goodness oh he's stuck I'm just going to walk that up honestly someone doing Summoner playthrough right now it's ass early game but pops off off to Queen B yeah I feel like dude if if you play Summoner doesn't that just like make it like really it's like you can focus on like all the dodging which I hear I'm probably going to probably going to need to do a lot of yeah dude you know what I do a lot of the time I I'll usually just like Go full tank build cuz I'm always like playing hardcore right I'll go like full tank build like just as much defense as possible and then like for like weapons I'll just get stuff like what on Earth Beatles have a we're going in throw that down is this a healing or or something what is going on I'll usually just go full defense and then like use something else like a ranged like a bow or I don't know magic weapon of some sort oh dude I'm liking this enchantment just shooting snowballs this is good dude there's so many slimes what is happening wait dude glowing mushroom bomb this is big big potions and that's sorted all right we're going in this biome we got a shum how much is that 23 don't know if that's worth it right now oh this guy takes heaps of knock back sweet hey wild oh wild the M do you know that one YouTube wild yeah yeah I know that guy he's cool we going in CL a bottle it's better than a puff going get a bottle we got a hot Crystal as well tungsten no full damage we got a water chest and a normal chest we got another we got two hard crystals going in regen pick it up this thing's got 900 Health are you kidding dude it's got so much defense dude I'm only doing like 10 damage going to go 184 that's not cool what on Earth I think we're in the glitch vanilla and it was it was torture but a lot of fun so I would love to try got a hasty death dude there's so much oh nurse nurse four silver cool eat that not even close not even close why is this dude stinky the hell that one rifted if I buy normal potions and throw them in there let's do that can I make better potions now potion yes this is what we want more please now does does that someone said do I just need 30 normal potions and then can that will that just stay infinite now is that a thing did I just buy like heaps of potions which I didn't need no okay okay so the potions potions different is what I'm hearing play put 30 in piggy bank only Buffs yes okay got you should wait should I grab this iron you know what I'll grab it don't know what I'm going to do with it just yet but we'll grab it iron enchant or something probably needs iron right went to like game and stuffed because it got bored bored or were you just like was it like it was too hard terar is the game of all time I think that's accurate that's accurate oh oh somebody's stuck all right sweet we go on uh we're going back in what do we get mushrooms get more of these there's a water chest oh yeah right crystals crystals crystals let's get those before he of piranha oh there's already two piranhas one one that as well nice all right there's another another piranha going Juke him hang on money oh dude wait Oliver with another donation keep running there hang on wait I'll read in a second chest another oh I got hit by a bumb got another life Crystal uh can I reach [Music] that oh my God another oh my money we got four crystals we're almost Max Health oh my God another okay what we got enable pick it up mode you have to use your keyboard until you can name five s I have what I have to use my keyboard I'm not familiar with these terms can I like not use my mouse is that what you're saying five soda drinks uh cook Sprite uh solo lift Phantom that's easier than sandwiches that's man that's way easier than sandwiches no you can use your mouse you can wait no you can use your mouse just also have to use your keyboard what so you can't stop moving okay that's an interesting oh my God no not another shark dude dude these things were so my first death was these things for anyone who wasn't there dude two sharks not a fan of shars this is probably a terrible idea jumping across the top like this but there was so many mobs on the water I did not want to go near get into this chest oh there heaps of stuff in here Gunk potion grab potion wait actually wait I had a I had a thought actually I don't know if this is going to happen in this particular mod but uh if I recall correctly I I think the Skylands are locked no in legendary mode in for the worthy pretty sure they they make them locked so you can only get them after um after the Skeletron they are yeah yeah damn so grab potion is not even going to help me right now you can fish the crates oh wait you can that's big I didn't even think about that who said that nool thank you what the gunk is up uh we're Gunk oh my got myk this is tense dude usually prioritize Mobility items fore OD mode yeah yeah oh at one point I want to go to the Jungle I don't know how bad it's going to be over there but I want that the jungle enchantment cuz it looks busted the squirrel boss can be really easy if you know the pattern yeah I got to figur him out I haven't I haven't seen much of this game and I've just been killed almost instantly every time I fight him so we're going to we're going to sus that out today although I got a couple ideas for the squirrel hey I'm here on my first wixel stream you sure are Spellman thank you for that $10 the two the1 US oh my God fantastic man I even have a danger sense potion I don't I I could have just used that those $10 wor a curse could have been all right boom boom I don't have like YouTube alerts and stuff set up I had a I have a twitch one cuz they have that like inbuilt the twitch where they're just like yo put this into your OBS and it just goes through which I've got that over there and it scares the [ __ ] out of me every time someone follows but so I need I need to like turn it down I think but put a picture of Dr house as your webcam screen play some subway service cuz you die man you guys really want me to put Subway Surface up so 10 USD is around 10 gold that's how much you lost I lost all my money dude wait we going to get it back wait bottle this one's a trippet I'm taking that one instead we got the danger sense potion I don't know do we really need to worry about explosives explosives are already gone donat says put Subway yes D I'm going to tell you right now if you donate say put Subway Surfers I'm not putting Subway Surfers on the corner all right time to get that money back 10 gold dude lost girl I'm to get a metal detector right okay what on Earth am I going to be okay here what is going on oh my god boss okay nymphs uh you know what I'm not going to fight that right now I don't think a metal detect is worth it right now I don't want to die again uh that Piranha's got my money this sure a big deal no what know you heal her I heal her some surf as ghost Dam it some pleas don't hit while Your Love Struck oh oh did I have a debuff if you don't out Subway Surface Gunk will come into your room at 3:29 a.m. and totally Gunk all over the place wouldn't want that happening that sounds that sounds terrifying G Dr anything cool GK yeah prob we going you can get your 10 gold back if you put Subways you are going to get gunked yeah you need ski toilet mode for more views Su dudes gunking off put Subway servers you be yeah uh just call man get him to play Subway servers in the corner put Subway servers go will come Subway servers has gold coins in it subway surface does have gold coins got a good point there Gunk will come for my family or GK will they get your family the bat poisons you what there's so much stuff in this water dude I have no idea why we are joking about Subway servers but it's kind of funny I don't know either dude so many people started it's it's like Gunk all over again yesterday one person makes a Gunk joke and then next thing you know everybody's Gunk everywhere it got so gunked up in the chat yesterday oh not yesterday the other the other stream Gunk okay yep oh my there's so many piranhas can I maybe just like sneak sneak down here yes I can that work fantastically GK when GK stream right now dude G stream right now no sub no Subway servers then God will catch you God I I gking love your streams I wish you merry Gunk celebration no Family Guy when gks how many GK how many gunks for you to put Subway Surfers I don't know I don't know if gon is going to make me put someway up gonk them piranhas gonk is a looming threat if Gunk is so great why isn't there a Gunk too that's a good that's a good question uh can I oh is that our last one do we need anym does is it going to is does modded change our Max HP at all or are we maxed now GK would be too much Gunk to Gunk GK 2 GK two GK time hey wait let me let me see can I can I do this how do wa can I do slain 14 times already yeah there is your counter I've done 14 times so far I'm pretty sure like a majority of those were the squirrel but did 14 that's what we're at already if you feel a Gunk go down your you feel a Gunk go down your spine impending Gunk approaches God the gunking is ungun who up gunk in the gunk right now you feel an evil presence gunking you he's playing with one hand his other is playing somewh lurking oh my God the the twitch thing just went up again hello oh God Mass MD yeah bring the GST back the gunk approaches from the East Gunk to Electric boo it's gunka time okay yeah well dude it is f dude yeah it is gunking time people be gunking right now this gunking skeleton Gunk you should Gunk the squirrel yeah no I'm going to Gunk the squirrel gunk in the corner second Gunk oh my can we get the Rook is our chat name actually gonks uh second coming of gonk had gonk arrived C I think that's illegal in most countries G isz are working oh we got this guy again I don't know if this guy's going to mess me up how far can he throw bombs ooh not that far hang on wait I think we can make this work Mighty to take this guy down oh hey all right even helped me build the tunnel I don't know why I tried to pull did you see that he got stuck in the TBE block dude what tiny skeleton I think I I got to be careful for this I I feel like that might get me at some point I'm going to try to block something off and it's going to be like two blocks tall thinking that it won't be able to fit through we continue down Gunk the traveling Merchant has arrived wait damn you made me you made me think he he turned up that would have been sick am out of torches I'm out of torches gking damn it oh I'm just going to go back up I'm going back up I need to teach my wife the way of the gunk spirits of Gunk and Subway Surface have been Unleashed was the world with the really bad house deleted it was deleted he's gunked de wxel we need your honest opinion of G g d gk's Great I Am dude this character this is GK how do I zoom is there no I don't actually ever use the zoom option in oh there we go that's Gunk right there my fiance does not understand the way of gonk you must spread the word yeah GK zoom in yeah we're gken zoomed in GK and zoomed in bro W GK what blood moon changed its mind oh what the hell the blood moon can just change its mind that's interesting I did not know that that could happen a master mode cor Subway Surface Master mode Subway Surface you feel Gunk from deep below if Gunk existed what about Gunk isn't Gunk just like Gunk like just like miscellaneous stuff I don't know Gunk Round of Applause for Gunk yeah uh I need more torches will torches please wait do I have any more storage torch I do have torches sweet we take those yeah woo yeah for gunking stream guys my doctor told me no Gunk if I want to keep living what do I do Celestial gunks are invading Gunk Invasion coming soon put away your gold oh yeah right that's a thing good old piggy bank we can put the Buffs in here too wait so if I money quick stack sweet should make a toilet throne in your world oh you bet I'm you bet I'm going to be making a diamond toilet Terra toilet all this toilet I'm going to make it I'll make a toilet room you should make a Gunk throne we can make a Gunk statue maybe you feel a quaking Gunk from deep underground how long have you been streaming this is the second stream I've ever done I don't know what the up time is wait just short of an hour we're right about the hidden hour wait this is kind of awkward I feel like I haven't really made that much progress we're supposed to be killing a squirrel today we've gotten our HP actually we got Max HP that's something did I deposit my glow sticks wait there's a house over there and spiders worms Oh my God there's like six of them this is a disaster you know what no no no we got this two hot crystals there dude oh my you know what none of them can really make it up here I think we're F violent b a region oh I didn't know me no no no I didn't not I didn't think I could fall through holy worm moly too much reading chat the gunk the gunk calls yearn for the gunking let's get these so nice that they n okay 4 still the nextx hey yo it's gunk man indeed just going to go through here we have a warm here can I good oh these guys aren't doing that much damage anymore this is good look rather remember to throw gunks and Shimmer for the Perma buff oh yeah I'm going to have to I'm going to have to go find it while worm you got dun Rider and Hermes don't stack yeah they do it's for it's for the for the occasional you know when I'm walking on sand that's it but at the same time you know armored and guarding so like look I'm they de we're going with I'm running with it you have to have one shoe for each foot everyone knows that can't just wear one shoe uh with all of this lava is there a way I can hang on just do this let flow out and then we can get it all without burning it all up have to kill the wall of Gunk Gunk mode is enabled and the new Gunk gunked biome spawns with uniun and gster pods destroy the Alters with the gonk hammer to spawn gonk ores but but Beware of the gunks all right surely this is going to be enough for for like helmet right oh if not it's going to be [ __ ] it's going to be close arrows oh more PL dude heaps are Plum serious question did you ever expect the hotc CFE videos to get as popular as they did uh not really no I kind of just like went with it and did what I I wanted to do I wanted to make them good but I mean I don't know I like I've I've made eight videos so like I honestly don't really know too much about exactly what works I just kind of like I'm just going with what I think's going to work and that's it's worked out so far it's doing all right but like no I didn't expect it to get as big as it did g gka mode YouTube is a lot about personal any Talent what can I say I just have a fantastic personality and fantastic Talent playing Terraria I guess you can you can order stack button you could use the the the this button as well and it goes into magic storage that is so nice I love that a I pressed it out of habit cuz I always do that and watch all the items fly into all the chests cuz I I'm sorting I'm just playing vanilla where the magic storage is so good I love it so good hey wait we got the we got the guy the guy exists dude he refused to turn up the other day B have Gunk uh you know what it's daytime how many mine cot rails can I make cuz I did I'm literally oh wait wait let's make that helmet first before I forget Platinum Look at Buzz oh dude 126 we're making that helmet oh yeah we're making that helmet full Platinum rocking 26 defense not bad not bad at all wait we also got Demonite right can I make Demonite Buzz is there enough to make a bow demon bow boom dude we're moving up in the world right now Gunk cart time yeah Gunk cart on the gunk rail uh yeah Gunk rail time Gunk rail I man I was right about the r in Gunk into the search uh rail oh no the wrong one no wait no track track yeah mine C track how much do you recking 1,500 oh [ __ ] I made a heaps you know know what we'll go 2,500 that's probably way too many but we'll go with it expect the subway surface on the VD I swear to God yeah Gunk is tough but I'm I'm sure you have enough spirit and will to defeat him do your eyes just autog gravitate to the words Gunk when you look at chat now I think there might be a bit of that going on might be there might be a bit of that going on I'll be honest uh how tall are we making this this just go up my God wait you can place these so far that seems good wait can I make that from the ground oh yeah sweet wait we got Tree on the right we got a mountain on the left disced dis gunked remember to Gunk scribe uh the mini Gunk Gunk bullets should do the trink mini Gunk oh that's a good that's a good we can do a mini Gunk just got here what's with all this Tom foery about Gunk about Gunk uh I feel like you'll you'll get you'll get it after a little bit there's not too much to it really can't wait till you beat the new end game Boss the gunk Lord D I can't wait to see the gunk too dude battle's going to be legendary Gunk V Gunk Lord fantastic very nice vehicular manslaughter vehicular gonk Slaughter all right we continue the the gunk rail why is the dud in the name Waldo pronounced like duh W du it's a good question I don't know anybody in English major in here all right I want this to be a flat rail this is so I'm consider I I'm just I'm just going to dig through this actually you know what wait hang on we could be more efficient I'm flattening this the top of this I may have gone a little bit too deep that did go too deep one too deep gunks of speech take a channel link 44 dude how do I keep doing that I've done that twice now it's fine in your bi wait wait so it's working in there where's this broken link if it's getting four or for then there's going to be there's a broken link somewhere yeah description is broken okay what is Gunk gk's a it's a thing Gunk is a lot of things he breaks everything wait I thought I saw like the oh no dude you're telling me I'm going to have to I'm I'm I'm leveling these trees oh God wait corruption there hang on might have to Zone in for a second walk in now I really want dude there's so many of them man what am I supposed to do here man I love Gunk ml mg mil I love gunking man I love gunking Gunk of souls yeah that is it Gunk of souls if I've ever seen one or many you know what uh gunk in subway service fix the link you [ __ ] Gunk way ERS need to fill half the stream for me to pay attention Eater of GS all right I'm thinking wait do I even have the item the the the eyeball summon I oh crap I don't even have it come on your Wast to just beat the gunk already I need a suspicious eye I need I need a summon Gunk of arms would have come up there uh yeah I'm not seeing an eye in here how do we get what dude perfect this is oh dude amazing stuff wait hang on let's get Buffs let's get Buffs potion we want an a potion we don't need danger s iron skin what do we got what do we got what do we got you know what just for for the viewing experience we'll get nightl potion uh you know shine potion how many can I craft potion we want regen potion that sounds fantastic we've got iron skin we do have a Thorns you know what we'll go with it I feel like we're going to get absolutely Trashed by this guy by the way we got pad tie for food all right dude wait I didn't make arrows dude OU come on dude no please I need to be tip top shape for this ice torches crap dude this guy out here oh no [ __ ] no time there's no time no I'm on the wrong rail I'm screwed I'm so dead no damn it dude I took too long man I a man I just wanted flaming arrows or or the the other ones I didn't have all the stuff I needed I needed like what did I need I needed dude I had the opportunity right there it is what it is I got gunked we win these squish did it buff luckily oh you know what that's a good point you know what let's put it all back put it all back oh wait I got the ice summon wait hang on no I'm going to get I'm all back I'm getting let get that [ __ ] back iron skin this archery potion shine night L we got the food dude all right now we go in we got the summon oh wait arrows arrows arrows I'm going to just make I'm got to make the arrows I'm going to make the arrows arrows lots of arrows Frost bur oh yeah okay this is what's up good oh my God speed up speed up speed up speed all right now surely this just works fine right no problems with mine cart GK rail rather GK I'm I'm driving why is someone's driving that's dangerous I believe in the dream I'm I don't know why I'm trying to reach chat right now this is dude wait where the where's the moon how much time do I have buff what buff okay we c one hit thank you for the reminder to buff we are not buffed I see the moon yeah yeah no we got plenty of time oh look dude we're out speed am I going full speed right now might be going just a little slower it's time G cut I don't know why I keep going back to the chat I feel like this is so far this is going great 4K Health left we've done nearly 2,000 damage bouncing I hope that uh I didn't okay we're into the next phase that didn't do that much damage it hit me with a oh my God it's quick 3,500 to go all aboard the gonk rail stop looking at chat okay wait no I feel like I I've got time I got time kind of okay now we're good we're good oh I'm getting hit by straight shots no I jumped into there on the edge GK that hold oh no he comes out he came from the left about to Gunk at the end we Gunk oh jump this never mind didn't really [Applause] matter this is big no I'm half HP wait this isn't looking come on I'm trying to I'm just pressing R which my my auto heal I'm just pressing Auto heal to try to oh okay wait that did 20 oh wait the dot is doing peeps I got 20 seconds on a on healing potion that's not great oh HP 2K Health left on the boss though come on oh we're going oh no wait I'm done come on 11 seconds don't get hit by any of these oh no he's going to he's got to teleport on the left oh no no dang you got def gunking him that was pretty good that was that wasn't bad Gunk rail is all right maybe I need to figure out a way to like slow down a bit cuz like I don't know whenever he teleports behind me he always slows down so I don't know if that's like a normal thing that he that the the boss is just going to do or if that was like I don't know if that yeah I don't it's GK over but uh yeah I don't know I don't know if maybe that's because I went too far away and it just teleported in I'm thinking maybe I can like slow down when it does it we're still got half the night I don't have Buffs anymore though okay wait we we'll we'll leave it for now I think we'll see about getting more Buffs might be able to go fishing get uh some uh endurance potions 10% less damage can you hat Gunk make the rails go up and around maybe ooh that could be big that's because the lack of Gunk of Gunk way Surfers it's time to get serious no time for Gunk said the heretic against the gunk church at the Gunk time he always gunks back all right uh yeah we good we good down we good done wait hang on let's just wait let's just out a fishing situation do we have okay we've got full Platinum right now the the the two bosses I got to mess with right now is the squirrel and the eye right those are the those are the two guys or unless there's more oh King Gunk King Gunk is an option H yep the gunk God make the rails longer because the bulk of the damage you took was when you were turning around this is true perfectly gunked as Gunk should be yeah maybe I could just make it longer I do have another 1,000 rails I could I can just keep going I oh [ __ ] blood moon it w yeah no that's not happening yet I ain't doing that you know what which way we going we could go let's just go through this tree keep going I'm just going to keep I'm going to keep making this real uh Gunk mod Yep this unit versus finite it resources finite if life is still unchecked life will cease to Gunk kid what's Gunk I'm new here someone explain Gunk to noise hat what an established stream why yes we're quite established here aren't we GK is Gunk is everything yet nothing Gunk thank you g we are railing in the dark it's an inside joke just just Embrace Gunk you'll get used to it eventually dude I have not seen the ground in so long how high up are we right now my mini map is just me railing through the through the void a tree we made it back there we go and now I'm out of rails now we we point that in but now it's morning yo will the your railing what now nothing nothing Zam it all right I wonder if the rail can deal with this squirrel wait no wait is the squirrel too big is the squirrel just going to kill me we'll try it see what happens where is he on the left oh dude you see that wait this is big dude is the gunk rail secretly really op can't catch me with those oh almost it's going despawn dude this is an amazing Dam it Dam it okay wait wait we can't do that despawn on me we need the rail to be closer to the ground holy C it's big yeah I think it's a legendary mode thing people were telling me we might need to make the rail shorter just for the gunk of arms Gunk of arms can be just for just for the squirrel uh let's do this put the boink on there and then we're going to need to put another one on that tree or no we can put it there can we make that mine cart G cut oh yeah we can yeah we can little bit of extra acceleration or something I actually don't know what this does but I'm just assuming it's better cuz you have to craft it I could be wrong go for the gunk maybe for some of them lower the evasion elevation so you can still see him gko Soul mod railman versus thick squirrly will win GK will win gkk wins every time ferraria now with extra Gunk all right let's go again on the right wait dude he slowed down right before he got to me it's kind of crazy uh this is a problem I'm going to get oh man I'm getting destroyed no way what I didn't take damage there okay wait I'm expecting a jump oh no went too fast try again on the right this time perfect slow down I didn't catch up oh no I didn't we're good we're good we're alive speed up what is this perfect apparently I need to slow down no we can make this work we haven't died doing it well uh wait that might I can't remember doesn't matter trying again oh no oh wait perfect yep sweet shoot your Acorn sure that does so much damage can I do this oh damn I thought it was close enough I'm I'm probably not fighting this the way you're supposed to go rail way met I think you should fight it on the ground he's too big I'm going try this couple that okay wait we're going nice and slow oh no get moving no I can't reach it you just come up with another GK Strat yeah I think I do too this might work for the eye but I don't know about the squirrel squirrel yeah we'll have to try something else for the squirrel I put the rail back and then we go to the other side bro just use solo Wings easy oh yeah wait yeah we can do we can just do that think a Gunk Arena would work better yeah I think so too try bundle balloons and more Ros of platforms I'm pretty sure I can't get bundle balloons oh wait no yeah no I can't I can't do oh wait no crates right crates we can fish the crates to get the sky island items bundle ain't needed yeah n just need the gunk rail wexel tries to rail a squirtel on stream and fail all right hang on wait uh what do we need for this guy just keep fighting it with the same strategy I'll show you a Gunk it eventually I think you need at least one double jump bottle at least one I think them we're probably good right Al why dun Rider and herry's Boots uh for the extra so that my feet uh I have a shoe for each foot anyways wait I need a toilet do I have enough iron to make a toilet I do sweet always say keep throwing a head into a brick wall and hope it works eventually a good STP for the squirrel is to use a small arena with different level platforms and mostly importantly use the teror blade ah yes that's what I normally do but not today you know what we going win oh the follow noise it's your boy give me $2 thank you very much man for the two do uh now is there a safe way to fish here like can I just I this is looking real sketch I'll be honest if I open this is there anything going to escape or or like get in I just do that a bad it's going to get through there I'm just going to try this we'll do it for as long as it works can I just uh yeah perfect perfect is this working or is this just really slow come on can I get bass it works this is big oh it made it in dude it did 50 damage you kidding is that going to work can I just oh I got this is big working oh my God I need to turn down the twitch thing I know you guys can't hear it but it SC the [ __ ] out of me every time come on I just need like one maybe two oh my god there another another follow thank you GK I was G GK I I was Gunk once they gunked me in a Gunk a rubber Gunk a rubber Gunk with gunks the gunks made me GK finally I can [ __ ] I think because my Jesus Christ sorry uh [ __ ] the twitch fall is uh the um jellyfish be super saiyan yeah I don't know if that's like a damage or or what but I'm not for oh we got the fish we got the fish I think I'll go for one more and then and then we we'll go we'll go wow life yeah Zam where's the gunk I'm upset I want to get one more of these fish so I can make endurance potions we'll get one for the I and we'll get one for the squirrel and then hopefully we just one shot both of them the potions we just get the two too wait we only need it for the eye really am I the last bit of bait this is my last bit come on one more arm a k fish give it to me that's a bass come on one more no okay wait crates give me something good bait let's go the gunk mem apparently it's just a YouTube thing there was a there was a whole war and a peace treaty sign so like you can't you can't be gunking in the twitch chat I could have that wrong actually does somebody know the lore is gunking allowed in the twitch chat no another Ramen Cas fish all right we're done here uh you know I'm going to leave that toilet there we go back oh halfway through the night crap I should have just should have just went with one uh deposit potion we can make endurance now make a couple of those make another THS potion sh potion Night Out potion I'm pretty sure that's all we need right yeah that's all we need wait no I need the eye sumon grapefruit for food all right we go all eyeball dude okay we're on the rail uh FFF let we go okay with the rail is a lot longer this time so we should be super good oh and we got the new Mine Cut so we should be a little bit faster too I don't know if that's going to I don't know if that's going to change anything but we're going he's blue he's blue reading chat again I need to slow down I don't him teleporting on me I don't know if he was teleporting last time because the okay not a great start oh he's it 4 and a half th000 we're doing some good damage but I'm pretty sure it's this last bit which really sucks yep Goose okay this is the phase I think is he going to dash over not tell I'm slowing down a bit I can see him on the mini map oh the I have blue ther okay wait this is good we've almost regen our HP back and okay wait this nice we jumped that one the projectile what okay wait that's that's what we need to look out for I think I need to slow down so that he doesn't teleport oh oh he can do that from different directions I guess oh no that is not a good place to have to hit the end of the rail I need to do 2K damage 2K damage look out for any projectiles so we can oh no no I jumped into that one oh that was bad oh no wait it's not looking great I might have to try to wait we'll see if we we'll go past the base if we're alive at that point oh my God the noises wait if we're alive at this point right maybe when we hit the end we can try or like a little bit far we could try hit the I'm going to Reco right oh no nurse nurse no no I'm berserking no dude the berserking made me recoil constantly can I switch weapons when I do that or like switch the the thing not the crack attack you GK this he's gunking you hell about yeah that's rough we still got one more endurance potion we could we could send it one more time I think let's move the nurse in right here nurse right there this is going to be the last of tent we got gunking to do I have Bluetooth I have Bluetooth we summon it again okay okay this is like attempt number number three or four or something like that anyone been keeping count cuz I haven't I'm going to assume it's number four then I'm about to that was sick okay wait no we're good hopefully he doesn't like phase right at the end of the rail like last time okay wait down to 4.2k this is looking good don't Gunk wow this looks very painful so I feel like this isn't that bad I feel like it could get way it might get way worse oh crap oh no I need to speed up oh this is terrible I don't know why I slowed down that was that was not good we're regening which is something not hitting oh no he's no longer damn it I was I sped off too fast we still have our Buffs the Moon looks like it's the Moon looks like it's in the exact same spot I feel like we can just try again right still got our Buffs may as well no h right we we go again get gunked he got Gunk wait I don't know he's in the crack mode oh wait dude I'm going to run out of arrows in the middle of this h i I've only got 400 I've got wait I've I've got throwing knives in my hot bar for some reason they could be the backup they're the backup are we start in the middle of the rail that's just where it's convenient I don't know crap I need to pay attention chess you think defens is it's like a little of Gunk oh Excell I have Gunk okay wait we're doing good damage we've got 350 arrows I feel like wait I feel like we can do it with this many arrows oh wait slow down wait no don't slow down this is what happened last time crap taking D 3.9k we're getting there we're getting there he can't handle the gunk yeah exactly Frost burn arrows question Mar I I had some earlier but I ran out oh that was so perfect I need to conserve my arrows but I need to oh there we go oh no I slowed down should never slow down I'm berserked this is dangerous wait dude it's too hard to hurt him wait dude wait a minute this is I'm totally going to run out of arrows at this rate [Music] oh we're getting damaging we're getting damaging dude two 2 and a half th000 damage I need to deal with 160 arrows wait I'm berserked again oh potion still got he of HP wait this looking good dude wait this is actually looking good 2.2k come on wait oh no oh that's a lot of damage I might have to stop switch get off please [Music] work oh my God wait we're it what the [ __ ] oh no I can't believe it didn't Des spawn what do that look at that got a potion he on fire oh no wait we're shooting Jess's arrows okay wait we got we got we got knives now oh my god dude how do I do that much damage have to start using my pickaxe or something do I have anything else wait dealing damage the KN are dealing damage oh no no please heal me am I out of money oh wait this is terrible I'm dead I'm so dead oh no damn it [ __ ] okay we need more arrows I feel if I had arrows we would have gunked that bastard the gkst of all Dodges the gunk Gunk to ever Gunk gunking so hard when you got gunked gunk thek gunker so the gunker will feel Gunk stand proud your Gunk the gunk is so Gunk can't Gunk through all these ads oh did it play an ed in the middle of the wear gun that's a good question wait I should get gun what am I doing 1 a.m. W moment you're doing great just keep controlling your inner Gunk about the gunk you already Gunk to the true power Gunk what the gunk this one massive disabled the nurse apparently not wait am I actually out of money though I'm not out of money wait I think it did disable nurse it didn't work maybe it works only once or something you need a gun he's gunk out of cash have you gunked any gunky orbs I have not gunked any gunky orbs yet but I do know where one is there's one like right in the corruption on the LI you know what let's get going it right now I just realized I'm going in here with like no weapon boom see that juk that dude that zombie had no idea what just hit him watch this boom damn it okay not that one [ __ ] isn't the squirrel and King Gunk before the gunk of cthulu uh I believe so but uh oh my god dude what is this I'm not getting past those dude they [ __ ] huge I'm going to despawn them I have to wait this's a problem Oh I to pay attention I need Stone give me this might just get some Stone to make some arrows on the go I've got Stone what am I doing I just need wood wait I need bench bench make AR boom rat tunnel I can't dig through the the purple stone so like if I wanted to go through into the corruption that's wait I've got 80 bombs this might be this might wait vicious bunny that's that's a red bunny what's the deal this is a corruption World excuse me it will take a long time for him to beat Wall of Gunk it may it may do yeah there's so many things out there what if any of these can fit through a one block all onch soal going to keep shooting and then hope that eventually everything just walks right here and dies you add Subway Surfers they'll go away I swear to God the subway surfers fun fact if you know hit a boss you get a special weapon K slimes is really good is that true that sounds cool it's in this mod too oh d p all right can I sneak under oh I can can I just go through please okay cool cool co go go go go should we go to the right a little bit further to the right we got told wait oh wait I'm hearing a worm I think it's a problem as a Devar there that orb I need that orb come on no oh it didn't break come on please break it yes give me the gun give me the gun cool leave all right just like that basically eternity mod is fun masus mode is intentionally unfair and [ __ ] you do not have to know hit it's just a lie oh B is a chance to drop a weapon regardless if you know hit or not ah uh do we have we have one free house so the the G the gun dealer can can move in and I can buy more bullets the free free house is missing a chair wait is it oh it is missing a chair did I destroy a chair I might have to stop switch get off wait no I've got the chair in my inventory no that makes sense thank you very much M I want the gunk BLS to invade tongs what if I've written tongue get rid of the I can't make tungsten Buzz I don't have any Tung there's got to be tungsten down there I'm getting some tungsten we're going fishing and then we're coming back get some storage we'll get uh an endurance potion sorted we got the Arms Dealer sweet looking for Tungsten oh there's a little bit of tungsten right there we'll go for it we need 10 BS though so this this isn't going to be enough tungsten there heaps there okay wait we're good oh there it is the goods hopefully that's good close enough clear that up uh any more here okay wait I think we're good all right fishing time we need a arm K fish go is very important for physical and mental health yep he's ging a public legal in Northeast India don't know have you fought the squirrel boy yet yeah we tried a couple times uh we tried using like a gonk rail we tried to use a Mot which did didn't really work I think we're going to have to make a different arena for him but uh yeah he's he he looks like he's going to be hard to beat there it is deposit potion make bottles and then hey we got another I need to turn that down dude that is so loud for me but you know what I'm not going to turn it down I'll do it later I'll do it after we've done our business I need I need that squirrel needs to go down probably the I have cthulu as well I need arrows just going to buy heaps and then just like throw it all in the in here so that I can craft more Frost burar one heaps of these this is looking good uh I didn't I didn't grab the summon okay wait all right we're taking this dude down there eyeball going down right now right after I find the summon there it is oh wait gun I'm making frostbone ARS but I I've got gun we need bullets I'm getting killed by normal ey dude I got switch I got potion sickness we probably w't need we probably probably we should read the chat you rat bastard okay wait dang had me thinking that an owl outside my window probably what sucks of the week how far am I going back that tell me what armor said gravestone make it act as graveyard so since you're playing Far guys you can craft a platinum SI gold watch and keep it in the safe or piggy bank bullets no table and share with the read twitch chat thanks for getting those take some arrows thanks for getting those for me Chief just ordered a bunch just ordered a bunch of new pc pots and hopefully should be upgraded by the end of the week help me out killing him what I right now ret twitch that's what's ined Leonardo deunk is a famous painter in the era of Gunk that painted monog Gunk all right look this guy's going down right now now here we go we're buffed up wait let's just do the gun oh dude wait we're doing a lot of damage this is good this is looking good this is a good start we're doing a lot of damage 4K HP oh get reflection all right here we go here we go oh hardcore RuneScape stream up next right no look not today today we're killing a squirrel and this thing oh dude oh berserk I'm just shooting oh okay we got 24 seconds on a on a person sness come on this Gunk rails got to work at some point oh no dude I should have jumped this oh no 8 Seconds come on 8 Seconds come on one second okay boom We Got It Off oh shoot oh wait that that worked out fine that worked great okay wait is he going to teleport teleport on the left okay okay just going to it we slow down a little bit just so get him on the screen come on 1,800 Health surely nice watch out for these shots good not getting hit by Strays 10 seconds on a on a heal 10 seconds on a h Pion come on we're getting there come on come on healing pushing come on please oh no okay healed healed just above half HP come on come on 1200 HP oh no come on please I'm just I'm just shooting and hoping that these These are connecting you get tellep it okay yeah wait wait wait we're good oh no I'm about to hit the [Music] rail oh I didn't get hit I didn't get hit come on wait this is this is my chance am I slowed what happened what was that oh crap come on 20 seconds on to heal we're still on half HP 700 Health 700 Health come on please the gun rail what is happening oh no oh this is bad come on I'm not even hitting him yeah boom boom We you got [ __ ] gunked dude oh it feels good we killed a boss we [ __ ] killed one bang come on put it down bang gunked [ __ ] gunked dude he's gking out let's go let's GK I did we gave him pink eye GK gamer let's [ __ ] go he got gunked to gunking back soon as I show up you win [ __ ] damn right cobster in Gunk We Trust gunked I'm gking so hard right now dude that's the first one down now we going to kill that squirrel [ __ ] next up you [ __ ] know he's going okay but this the okay wait the squirrel is going to be a lot [ __ ] hotter there right well maybe not hotter but like it I'm going to have to the gunk rail is not going to work we did a different setup oh wait hang on wait wait wait moving on too quickly here he gave us five iron crates excuse what the [ __ ] is this grants immunity to berserk oh you know I'm putting that in here wait wait what's it do that wait immunity berserk while death dashing or running quickly you will create a trail of demon sides excuse me press the debuff install key what debuff install key while holding up and down to go berserk what the hell this is a long [ __ ] description squirrel gunking AR squirrel is easier just stay above it on a platform wait I want to see that effect what this is this doesn't work on the gunk rail does it it works on the gunk rail wait that's prettyy cool that's pretty cool the gunk potential is unlimited straight up how Gunk is squirrel on mass Massa mode uh well I can tell on Massa mode and legendary apparently it's [ __ ] huge you named the rail the gunk rail yeah it's the gunk rail wait so let's open this bag oh the shield of ctha all right dude [ __ ] this was a [ __ ] massive success dude I catha how many deaths we got wait this is important death 19 I th is already down okay now we go squirrel squirrel's next now I'm going to assume this area is probably good enough but uh yeah we need more height thinking we just go this is like plenty high right yeah this will this will this will work this will work fine now I don't have Buffs but maybe we can just do like a test run we'll do a test run let's get the gunk of boms we can take him out right now we have any believers do it Gunk him red man I believe the power of Gunk compels you Gunk kill the squirrel all [Music] right wait is he going to follow me down he will so we good all the way down we go all the way back up this is already working out [ __ ] fantastically oh [ __ ] can I out run these oh my God where moving hold up what the hell is this oh my God 100 damage wait we got the potion oh okay what is [Music] this I'm not even aiming ow oh please let me up no that is a big squirrel is very yeah I need a way to get up faster I need more jumps maybe I can puff a bottle with puff a bottle help I can get rid of the the gonk r boots can go off for now we have two jumps oh [ __ ] hang on I'm going turn this into graveyard maybe dig some small holes in the ground you know what I'm curious to see if that works he wait yeah you know what that's a good point wait I'm going to test out right now what happens if I do this okay okay okay maybe the holes won't work I I don't know jeez okay oh he killed the nurse oh that was oh man that might not have been the best test to make to do right next to the the nurse you know what we're going to move on let's make some crafting cisions real quick cuz I want to make a I want to make hot Lantern he does like 100 damage a shot so like this might be horrible but nurse is back sweet squel jungle enchantment is good for higher jumps yeah you know what maybe we can go get that the gunk beckoning of TR R Slumber has reached me goodbye coner this looks totally doable and this looks really [ __ ] sick gr a double a double sport jump allows the ability to dash slightly I mean even if it's just a a small Dash I feel like if it lets you change directions really quickly worth but I needed something else what did I need campfires I want a campfire that may not have been what I was after but I'm going to I do need them anyway clunking these bad boys down get going slime all right we got Health Region going send it one more time feel like feel like we we might be able to pull out something come on hurry up sweet we're up oh the extra jumps come on oh no dude I wish I could jum I wish I could I wish I could what was it the other thing something else this guy jumping he's jumping get him on the bottom level now he's going to charge cool cool oh what the hell jumping back down oh man I'm trying to Dash super go back down go back down back down oh that that attack is hard to dodge what the hell oh no damn it wait where's the ner oh n way on the left damn it I tried but also what the hell maybe I should have waited for the jump first I feel like I'm not really going to Care unless oh [ __ ] I'm picking up all the NPCs dude get out the way man Gilbert come on dude he's not even dude where the hell did the demolitionist go dude I sent him into the [ __ ] void I put him down he's gone he's gone um amazing oh look at the D now planter boxes okay 200 might be a bit much but that's fine all right hit me that right you just make one long [ __ ] planter box thing it does all this all the time he loves his pla boxes yeah I do love my pla boxes he beat the eye of Gunk is crazy yeah by CH this is super fun hope to catch you all again soon GK on for me gkas we will GK on why do you love PL of boxes uh they're just cool I guess put water Leaf down Shon T all right uh I think moving on let's put the gunk of arms back and let's let's go to the Jungle I want to get that enchant so I need a full I need full jungle armor and I need what is it I need full jungle armor and I need the ivy whip I need that Rose and the thorn chak wait where is the jungle have I found that yet I haven't even found the jungle yet wait crap wait we've got the ice biome here though so it's going to be on the left right first venturing into the gunkle jungle to the left cuz snow on the right wait can we fend for ourselves in this biome now with this gun is this going to get a help us oh crap I should not be in the water here dude there's so many oh my God oh my go we're doing a lot of damage actually wait this is good I think we can make it through here just going to have to be we're going to have to take it slower oh dude this is awful if I touch them they're going to deal like 100 or 200 like contact damage wait we've actually got a got a window to breathe I'm using I'm going to have to use the mini map oh please wa even the one oh devour it oh my God please okay we have to go back down wait maybe we didn't have to but kind of ow ow ow dude please oh please oh no I tried I tried that's rough I can't see let's get uh I'm going to get I'm going to get a shrine potion or something I think I think I need that that that is too dark I'm probably only going to need one right you know we'll go with one throw will be fine all right you now have a shrine potion I might not be able to rehat for a moment until I get through here cuz this is going to take a lot of focus I think keep going wait I just realized what this is we now have this thing we have a summon let's go this is terrible there's so much happening wait oh my God we barely jumped that guy extra GPS Abigail flare would you believe it hey wait we got our money from dying last time to make a progress where am I going I'm in a cave what the hell no get get up oh please oh my God I think we made it out we made it out holy okay cool dude you see the Snowballs still activating with the with the summon this is actually kind of funny this is kind of cool wait we're at the jungle we might be able to go underground literally right here but we'll sus it out we'll see if there's a best spot I'm just realizing wait we could oh my gosh this is quite the entrance what the hell is this anything in there no the cactus in chat would be help imagine total spawning prehard you say that and I'm I immediately I'm like I started thinking like wait a minute you trying to tell me something we need we need a way in spoils we need spoils all right we have got a cave I don't have danger sense potions we ready to get gunked by explosives a Gunk rail 100 jungle torches [ __ ] oh bees oh bees jungle B two jungle bats please good good oh yeah oh no I'm knocking down all the what he grabbing me Let go please I'm not I'm pois piranha excuse me piranhas they're like shars dude oh there's a b wait Hots please holy [ __ ] come on come on I can live I can live here surely Mo yes what the hell is the deal with with piranhas wait that is that just like a jungle thing yo heat Advantage imunity bleeding Chuck that on there now if we're bleeding we can flick that on I don't we're not deep enough to get spores right oh my God another bat yeah I need a caling potion or something something to stop the spawn right d tree get this thing out of my face I'm poisoned oh please wait I've got an iron Skin Potion drink that okay be dude this is awful I want to get in this tree dude get me in there there's a slime in there dude stop man holy come on okay go get me in this [ __ ] tree please been a regen god dude panas and shars will jump towards you when they have when they have the bleed debuff it's hilarious oh wait I'm bleed am I poison the water poisons you here it's seeming like more more and more of a good idea to go fishing in this sky cuz I think until oh [ __ ] I won't be able to get the sky island items until after the skeleton because they're locked off they locked oh jeez they're locked and you need like gold keys to open them in for the worthy my potion ran out oh no oh no dude wait wanted to go through walls and [ __ ] G became a man wait became a man eaten by man eater that's crazy oh we got anything cool he's got the cloak let's go wait can I not afford it one gold oh no I need to sell some stuff sh skulls yeah yeah these can go find a b i me [ __ ] sure these shock bait I need those that looks like a vanity thing we'll get rid of these aviators I need the money for that I need it's for the fit [ __ ] dud all these pressure plates explosives dot traps they're all going bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang 10 gold do we need more catch him catch him using the net wait a [ __ ] second wait it better not reset at his shop right doesn't do that oh do TRS going to get rid of them oh what El going to get rid of hang on hang on I got I got I got to get that Cape we have five iron crates okay wait these can give money right oh Master bait oh journeyman bait something stuff oh we've got heaps of money oh my God wait yeah no put it all back we got it cloak bang now we just need a rain hat and we've got the fit maybe we get the stopwatch you know what we'll grab one who knows he may never sell it again and that's the last item uh stop there we go okay better better we now have more storage put the stopwatch thing in your piggy bank oh big big Bo dude this is sick okay that's good nice bang bang and then 240 items dude sick catch him before he leaves ra oh he vanished I tried to put him back down he's gone I don't know if I'm going to be able to reliably just like gun my way through the corruption every time I want to go to the Jungle boom wait hang on but we can see at the moment kind of can see enough please dig through there oh my my God please okay oh my goodness let's see if this connects to the Jungle cuz if it does this will be mad convenient I need to oh my God that's so much better torches are fantastic oh it's looking good oh yo house cabin whatever hery boots I'm dying okay good there's a crab statue here and a pressure plate wow okay cool look at the funny Gunk funny thingy I that message didn't even have gunk in there and I put I said it yeah let's just oh another house oh my God these PS dropping bombs and stuff rash Sho spikes G do want it to and a worm hovering around a little bit of a problem I'm want it oh okay wait Stinger oh dude the fact that they can go through walls is a problem dude 239 damage dude chill out what is happening oh be oh my God what on dude 239 that's so much damage they go through wall yeah they yeah they dude dude oh my God something is wrong with those haets that was messed up but o that'll be nice zombie Banner cool okay okay we need more rails I think we go we go rail through the corruption continue the gunk rail oh we're going to have to go up dude go up over the top of these and then go back down maybe we going to end it like here and then just like go through that entrance that looks fine cuz we got the yeah yeah that'll be fine you know what let's bring Buffs cuz this place looks really like brutal I think I'm actually just going to like get buffed up oh my God wait we've got coming potions holy [ __ ] dangerous s dude we sh potion night potion Y Cool all right I think that that'll do us we're raing all the way there and we can see a little better like what you can make with the Comming thing by the way it's material hang on you know what now I'm curious Battle Cry left click to tole 10 time what on Earth 10 times increase spawn rates right click to toggle decrease spawn rates improved through progression oh my God 15 water candle wait five water Candles there I wonder if it's I wonder if it's possible to get those before we kill Skeletron we'll have to find the dungeon to find that out if we're lucky maybe that'd be kind of big wait now check this out right wait that looks a little horrendous I need to hammer this right so now if we're fighting something we can bounce off right but if we want to we hold up oh the the gunk rail Tech there's so many eat is already dude they're dying but goblin armies a goblin army rather just one oh do we ignore it for now do we fight it when we get back no wait hang on we should go back we should go back piercing stuff right piercing gunin Army is the gunin Army invading de fers M up been up at multiple armies that's gunked up gunking Goblin good okay no I can't read that that's a tongue twister off d uh is there anything that I really need right now can I make a me lumines right now big lucky uh we take it I'm obsidan skill wait oh [ __ ] okay I'm ready for this to be like a absurdly like difficult oh wait dude the the eyeball the what's this thing called agitating lens I feel like this is actually going to be huge if I'm moving fast enough it's going to like shoot these like shots left and right dude this is going to be sick oh yeah what I don't dude they're dropping these red balls when they die it's a little concerning I feel like they're going to do a lot of damage get the gunon guno oh there we we go long time ago oh dude the heck hit me there oh no come on please let me survive the G the gunin Army I got a $10 donation from Oliver again small drop it mode you have to name four books wait do I actually just have to stop like books okay you know what fine uh sub out of not giving a [ __ ] uh I'm gonna die I books D I'm horrible at thinking on the on the Fly Man uh Atomic habits The Art of War it's the name of another book I know the Mr Man series but I don't know any Mr Man book like Mr wiggle he's one of the Mis men all right that's four wait that's four books yet one of them was a kids book but that's fine it's still a book it counts oh dude okay wait 70 damage on those on those Red Bull things that's not that bad I think I would have expected them to 113 okay okay it did a little more that time cuz said Harry Potter one Harry Potter 2 Harry Potter 3 har that's it I guess I could have said that I'm just uh I don't know these little red balls dude these little red gunks they getting me shouldn't you have said Shield of cthulu I wait I should have a shield of cthulu did I I think I threw it in storage wait oh man I am thank you very much for saying in that cuz holy crap I have been wanting a dash for so long and I realize I could have actually just had one this entire time let me my storage Shield there it is give it to me give it to Shield what do I swap out oh yeah oh now we got a dash very nice okay Dam it wait I thought it bump me into him damn it okay wait that was okay never mind that was look that was testing I'm I'm learning here all right yeah oh shad a I was looking at the debuff and I completely forgot about dude this is taking forever I'm already 81 well actually 81% we're making good progress we're getting somewhere I'm right about to die is the nurse alive no I literally one hit from oh I didn't see that guy you will be very happy after this because there's something cool after there's a [ __ ] little icon in my like twitch Chat thing and it is oh excuse me Goblin I'm has been defeated Abomination has awoken entv the Abomination I swear him on the right here he's on the mini map who's this fell he looks like an NPC he is an NPC cancel event potty cone starts a potty starts the rain starts a windy day starts a sand dude what the hell SL slime rain blood moon Goblin ony makes every night a lantern night when possible this sounds a little op but you know what I'll take it better get some more houses sorted ah right right right wait hang on I got to sorted boom uh deposit okay so yeah right we still we rail right rail jungle get the enchantment wait do squir first give it a girl you know what I feel like I feel like we can we can give it a good all right we're going to get the gunk of arms we'll give it a warm-up round and then we'll buff up the second time we got more we got a lot more Mobility now this is sick is the extra damage from the Snowballs worth it I could probably swap in the puff in a bottle for extra jump height man I really want to I really want to okay wait I'm going to get rid of this Bal wood enchantment feel like if we focus on survivability we'll be good all right we're going in dude's on the left oh my God ghost wait wait a damn it that was bad good down oh crap oh the dash is nice the dash is really nice he's jumping okay gra gra you please no oh no why did I go down okay but that was bad keep distance but not too far you should remove the lower platforms kind I made the fight worse last time yeah so this this one you mean all right you know what I'm going to remove this one cuz I think I think I've got enough jump height to like make this work and I think the boss will fall pretty far if I just fall through this one like if I'm just mostly on here come on oh my God please all right Let's test it one more time see the new see the new Arena we've got ourselves boom look at that he just Falls straight through a clean I'm just going to slowly move across yeah yeah yeah yeah oh super clean move across slowly none of that oh dude wait this is actually looking really good going jump go through oh crap he's jumping again oh this is not good please no down I don't think I've heard this part of the music before this is New Territory oh we can just run a straight line does attack okay wait this one stay oh jump right okay wait wait we get I'm getting the hang of this oh look jumps yeah the head's about to go down Bo wait head going oh that Dash is so nice someone said something about keeping the head intact and I don't know why oh he moves quickly he also drops fire okay so being on the ground is really not where you want to be by the sounds of it body's down can I what is happening we're alive no no dude he's on 600 we can do that we can do that squirrel's going down right now right now I'm going to respawn we're going to heal up we're going to Gunk this [ __ ] squirrel's going down squirrel's going down that is definitely doable dude my mic is trying to escape right now I can't keep it still what the hell's going on excuse me come on stay dude my mic is what the [ __ ] you know what real quick story time before we take out the uh the squirrel the other day I noticed my microphone stand started like squeaking a little bit and uh it's one of those like stands which holds a big old big old microphone at the end of it right and I was like okay wait I got to get rid of the squeak I'm going to put WD40 on the hinge and then what I completely failed to realize what happen is it's like spring loaded so I basically got rid of all of the friction in the hinge so it just wants to stretch out to like full extension and so now it just tries to like Elevate itself way above my head way above my monitor just like out of the way all the time and I need to [ __ ] come on please just sit still dude it just wants to [ __ ] disappear it was fine until just now come on please behave it's not behaving I have to like hold it okay wait I found something that kind of works it's not perfect but it works all right we're buffing up I'm going to the bottle on all right this is the setup Buffs gunka bombs let's go set a run it is a run please okay not a great St we're going to throw the health potion down straight away just so that it's off just so that it starts to gool down okay yeah yeah Co this stack not a problem not a problem what up oh my God the trash oh dude I got need to be off the ground for that dude this is a problem dude I'm getting hit by everything okay okay okay okay the extra jump is is helping yeah jump you know what I'll go under y go down yep okay cool cool cool we dodg that oh no problem problem problem problem jump over cool dude's running okay we just keep going left well we going to run out of platform but we got the planter boxes going to see if I can okay cool wait we made it we made it we oh my God I didn't take damage from that oh no dude I forgot about to run how did I not take damage from that okay got this attack just go over the top I'm trying to see if I can damage the rest of the body instead of the wait oh dude dude he's on top of me how do I stop this please 300 HP no okay go go we got to have a look over the weekend to see if we can get magic they can magically fix it okay come on come on this a but I just Ed all my Buffs maybe I don't even need the Buffs you know what wait did I have 92 Health 92 I thought I had a couple hundred dude potion we get a regen come on I'm I'm I'm rolling it back I'm running it back we still got good po oh some of this thing okay wait [ __ ] I'm not full HP wait wait wait wait wait wait wait full HP we're good [Music] boom jump okay okay good start Good Start Good Start dude the the summon is literally doing one damage per attack it's not looking good oh good good good good good good oh ow keep it going keep it going keep going oh no that hurt oh jeez night oh oh the dash is so nice oh no cool cool this is looking good actually this is looking good oh I should have gone down down now oh cool cool cool cool cool ow please oh no that's so much damage oh I was looking good until now please oh no oh [ __ ] AB always be dashing sunflowers okay potions we need regen back again regen potion I'm getting two look we got two potions just in case all right buff We Go Again wait got the P Co down oh wait we can dodge this attack like this run run yeah cool cool stay close with that oh jump okay this is great stop this is great yeah this is it yeah I agree this is it surely run yeah oh dude this attack is nasty oh I did not mean to Grapple that close come on give me my cool in back come on come on potion sickness end oh dude wow okay with 3 seconds left on the this is bad oh my God wait but it worked out okay we got a HP back okay this one's fine we could be close on the ground this is he going to run yeah running cool jump you know we good under okay being on the ground for that attack is I think pretty good he's ever off my screen like that I want to know where he's at oh my again how did I not take damage from that that seems crazy oh please go up okay cool cool cool cool cool okay nice oh oh no gun oh dude oh no oh dude alive oh it's running so fast okay that is that's pretty nuts that's pretty nuts that phase is crazy it just sits on me I'm not like I'm not fast enough to get out of that I don't think rails for ending wait that's dude wait a minute that that could be pretty big all right I'm going to go in on the left buff up a for the legs we go up go to the top aim for the body wait go down oh come on oo okay cool cool cool cool yep acor attack that's fine we can be on the ground for that run yeah cool go up I think did we take out the legs I think we took out the legs right I think the legs are down oh damn it does right after each other that was a sick Dodge okay wait the body is right about to go down shoot oh this is fine oh [ __ ] 110 man okay it's just ahead now it's just ahead it's doing explosive jump St oh dude he's still really fast come on wait a minute 2,000 HP the head says 900 I have a feeling that the last phase might be unavoidable and it's just going to be like that crazy phase oh no oh damn excuse me Lightning this guy's got an iron Skin Potion what we needed those wait no no we didn't we need re potions never mind that's a lie wait can lightning deal damage to bosses is that possible someone said sunflowers I need to get sunflowers we got three of them throw them down here extra move speed wooo that'll be fantastic that'll be great oh wait let's kill this dude drop your hat drop the Hat drop it damn it this guy drop it I'm going to put torches around the place just to make it a little easier see look what I'm look what I'm telling you bowl of soup bang medium Improvement food now we win okay you know what we go in B suit regen this G bombs bring it oh dude I have so much move speed this is actually awesome I feel I feel so nice damn it I should not have been on the ground for that I'm realizing this these first phases get rid of all the body pots phases not that bad it's just I just need to figure out how to beat that last B oh wait no I need to go down what am I doing I'm [ __ ] ow holy I'm just going to okay yeah he despawned that that's fair at least I get to keep my Buffs this way that was not going to work should probably be at a couple 100 you re wait up top attempt 20 now all right we've hit 20 all right we're going again a lightning storm just kick up perfect you know what good Gunk is empowered in rainstorms that's that's Cannon right this guy's going to get [ __ ] so [ __ ] GED I stay in the middle just cuz I think yeah that's no bullet attack if I'm on the ground I'm not I'm not going to be able to Doge it is he running he's running run yeah cool got hit by lightning yeah okay yeah okay that's a jump that's fine go up here oh D get off me man oh my God that is so nasty dude when he sits on you like that far right I should have I I needed to go down there I didn't go down through the platforms that was bad yeah okay we're going again come on come on squirrel bring down to the ground you got hit by lightning perfect actually don't know if that's good or bad cuz he has Landing attacks got hit by Landing again there's a jump okay cool down dude P sickness is about to disappear we almost got full HP yeah we're back jump know we go under try to hit the body so that we can even it out oh [ __ ] try hit the legs yeah yeah good phase to be on the ground good phase to be on the ground what something got destroyed did the legs go down oh wait does it stop you from dealing damage once it gets like half HP or something yeah okay okay okay okay here we go here we go dude oh dude ow holy [ __ ] God damn it Dam so much damage how do I man I need to be off the ground to not get hit by the the explosion okay wait wait so he'll jump off to me he basically jumps runs I'm like that's about it in that last phase right if he jumps he like sets off an explosion at his feet like everywhere which is a problem cuz that means I basically can't be on the ground I need to be off the ground and if you oh man it's like I need to be staying in the air but I need I also like how I need to be like I guess I'm just going to stay off the ground I like far out I can't get much speed from just my grappling hook in the air that's rough no jumping allowed jumpless run we use slopes or something prodigal Gunk rail yeah I got I got to hug that rail all right I think I'm just going to keep going keep [Music] going back we go up for that don't jump oh [ __ ] is you going to run yeah up please you know what could be worse oh how the hell did I okay wait wait okay here we go this is a moment potion up please he exploded off the ground straight away okay damage damage damage damage damage dude I can't get him off me he's too quick I need to be faster I need something faster how do I how do I get faster we've got I need Swift swiftness potion rail okay wait you know what no we have to okay we have to try that we have to try that we're buffing up when we get to that face next I am going to get on the rail jumps trigger the explosion is it my jumps you talking my jumps try using a a rope is that true explodes when I jump he won't jump if you don't but if you don't it'll just Dash every jump and Landing will create explosions on me oh to try out running it but if you don't it'll just Dash into you yeah see that's what I'm thinking cuz he he runs [ __ ] quick the worry I have with the rail is I don't know if I mean you know what n we got to try it at least right I've wait I bued up [Music] yeah let not get hit by that okay never mind get hit by that apparently oh [ __ ] wait big looking all right we got our potion back near full HP stay in the middle stay close cool snowballs not a problem wa yeah don't jump keep moving looking good looking good snowballs yeah okay legs gone 400 HP on the head just stay I can cool head down get on on the rail please speed up please speed up oh my god [Music] oh oh no wait no it's going to be too high up oh my God got a problem oh no 149 no no dude [ __ ] that's doable that's doable the rail works it worked it worked I need to [ __ ] wait I need to set up the [ __ ] the boink I need the Bounty end of the rail cuz I need to I need it so that we don't we don't go over that edge cuz I don't know if he's going to despawn down there Thorn potion Thor potion would have actually probably would have made the difference there twice it's been below 200 okay okay okay okay you know what we'll make a thorn potion this time rail Thorn potion I think we can do it I need more bullets too we only got 189 left this is going to be it this is going to be the Run we'll Hammer the other side and then I mean I don't even know if we going to need the other side but depends I might change directions depending on where where the boss is when I get on the rail musket balls good we need a lot of these probably don't need that many but buff PS we need put them in there can we make region potions yes we can sweet okay this is it it's telling me there's going to be an add in 50 seconds you know what I'll re chat for a bit I feel if I st the fight when it's telling that I'm like wait skip ads button never mind no we're good cool I can skip them all right here we go drink drink eat [Music] go holy [ __ ] dude this is a disaster this is a massive disaster wait I fa I he makes that noise I'm pretty sure every time he's doing this lightning attack so that's good to know going under I just got to not get hit so I can keep regening not even close that wasn't close SES jump we go down cool go up Cor attack is a little annoying but okay cool now we're good we're regening fine this is good person sickness ends in 18 seconds summons oh this is why I reach at in the middle of boss fights this is not really it is it but it did help so you know what I'll take it oh my God okay wait you know what we're using it was an abysmal St but it's looking all right okay stay close for this one cool we go back he's jumping go down we go back up snowballs cool we go up further cool go back down for this maybe oh [ __ ] running cool go up go over the top go [Music] down I got to I got an achievement Marathon medalist is this a jump what is a jump okay it's almost time to hop on the rail but full HP right now which is good we're almost about to get potion sickness back oh G okay oh [ __ ] oh man not great it's not what I want to see right now oh jeez I thought I was going to land on the platform okay wait it's right about time right about that time okay cool we're going we're going we're going wait okay cool we got our person sickness okay it's probably going to Bo it's going to boink us boed oh it did a little bit extra damage might be to far slow down okay wait speed up speed up speed up if he comes near us come on this is it surely what oh squirreling [ __ ] he's done oh get [ __ ] gunked dude a I love that he's got a relic too two bosses down feels good feels [ __ ] good this is annoying me oh dude I'm berserked right now come on put the torch there that's better that's [ __ ] better let's [ __ ] go rail strats first try baby hell yeah boss gunked get gunked good job let's go rail stretch gunked first try I go back in a good time please show the first try tip the the first try oh that's all you need to know right it was first try like that's it right good thing is that's the only Fus boss with changes in for the worthy that's the only one that's kind of boring but I mean you know what that's fine we take it absolutely obliterated off the off the face of the planet yeah first try thank you very much wait so wait we got a bag though we got a bag couldn't handle the G he yeah that squirrel got gunked as hell bro got gunked what's the drops hey Gunk King how's the stream been going pretty fantastically we just killed the squirrel we [ __ ] gunked them super hard although wait hang on we got to look at the we got to look at the spoils bang there's a lot of stuff we got wooden crates squirrel hook Nimble kamakazi SC 63 D summon damage I'm confused wait Nimo kamakazi summons friendly squirrels to cuddle your Furs this squirrel can I blow this guy guy up right click to make them explode wait let's get it in the H wait I don't get this remove Abigail done summon Chad oh is it did I all right that's why everyone's saying that that makes a lot of sense okay yo tell me that hunts things down tell me this guy hunts things oh my God wait I can summon his I can summon three think come on how is that wait Rick the scw was called Rick dude why can't I ever put any NPCs down every time I try to that's fine wait oh next time we going to go get the Goblin Tinker we could really start gearing up and then fight whatever next whatever is next right look at that 25 attempts the squirrel was much [ __ ] hotter than the eye was but hey gunks the rail Gunk rails Gunk rails literally just work when are you streaming next I have no idea I'll just do it when it when it's convenient you know if I got time I don't feel like you know editing or any of that I'll probably just like hop on stream torch God blood moon still has to be done eeral worlds okay wait you know what we'll do king slime eater of gunks at least we we'll aim for that if we do it too quickly who knows maybe we'll mess with some of this other stuff what else is oh queen bee queen be might be a little while left but could we could do that Skeletron okay you know what we got some stuff to do we got some stuff it's still mostly normal Terraria whatever but you know what I'm Keen I'm Keen squirrels down what is this works in your inventory stand still to expose nearby treasure and enemies wait real quick does this work in the piggy bank can I put this in the piggy bank and that just works I need to know holy [ __ ] we got another twitch follower no it tells you when it works oh wait stand still it says it works me oh works in your inventory oh and this says unlimited buff SE inventory piggy bank or safe gotcha you know what probably yeah okay I didn't realize it it that it said that I'm glad I know that now oh wait actually 40 deaths I feel like we're tracking pretty holy [ __ ] another another twitch follow um I think we're tracking pretty good dude 40 deaths with two bosses twitch is really his horror game yeah I'm going to need to change the noise cuz it's [ __ ] loud on my end and I didn't set it up so OBS can hear it so I just haven't bothered here like changing it I feel like if it was going through and also have to change the volume all right that'll be it for today thank you all for tuning in though that was good fun we made some good progress uh yeah that's it I hope you all have a fantastic and Gunk full afternoon or morning or day or night or sleep all of that all right I'm out of here
Channel: WexelRadley2
Views: 102,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Masochist Mode, Legendary, Terraria, For the Worthy, Wexel, Radley, Wexel Radley, Hardcore Co-op, Gaming, Challenge, Hardest mod, Hardest, Modded
Id: cI3FhBmlg24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 28sec (6328 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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