Masochist Mode is no Joke... | Fargo's Legendary Masochist Mode #3

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okay so I decided to play Terraria I it's modded Terraria Let Me Wait I play a lot of Terraria on Hardcore meaning I lose all of my stuff when I die and I make a new world and I start fresh every time now I love to play games which make you feel like every step of the way is an achievement right everything's worth so much because of that looming threat around the corner where just one small mistake can make you lose everything and start over this time I wanted to switch things up right I didn't want to play hardcore this time I wanted to play something a bit more chill you know so I thought to myself what if I play Terraria in a way where I can actually respawn and keep my stuff the 10 us oh my God fantastic all right now being able to respawn makes things a little too easy right like Are you seriously going to tell me that I only lose my money when I die instead of all of my items have to build my houses again and find ey crystals and all of that [ __ ] [ __ ] all over again like so so after some thought I think I would play the hardest mod that I can find right because you know that way things will still be rewarding you know like if it takes me a [ __ ] 368 [ __ ] attempts to kill a boss when I kill that boss like that's that's what I'm [ __ ] after I don't care how many times it takes but in order to find that mug I had to ask a few questions you know get some opinions from people on which mod was the hardest so you've played you've played both Massac mode and you've also played in infernum right yes in your opinion which one is harder massacr by far not even a challenge not even a challenge actually wait are there any other mods which even come close that you've played I guess eternity but eternity is you know somewhat fair you know they don't they don't want you to die it's actually Fair they they they might care about your mental health you know a little bit or masochist you know you know what I'm saying I think you get what I'm saying yo hello hey how's it going ask me anything you want all right all right I just have a couple questions so all I'm saying is just don't do massive mode like please don't I didn't even ask any questions and you're telling me not to play M okay so like wait wait with mist mode what what is it like are there any other mods that come close honestly not really really the only the only playthrough that I did that actually came close to being insanely as hard as Mist mode was doing Calamity but on the get fix boy seed which was insane okay wait so wait wa but even that was still easier than M mode have you done like infernum or like death mode or anything like that uh yeah but here's the thing infernum infernum is hard yeah but it's actually meant to be fair well Massa mode Massa mode is just like it's not even the dev said even the dev said that's not even meant to be fair okay okay that's that's basically all I needed to here that's okay so wait are you going to play or no oh I've already started playing I've been playing it on a legendary scene too wait Legend You're So cooked dude you're done for well thanks for popping on and uh yeah I'll catch you later good luck luck this might be the last time I see you it might be the last time you see me yo hello WX Radley love oh my God oh my go holy crap oh my gosh what's going on man in your opinion which is harder Massac mode or Calamity like Inferno I've never played either of those dude but you haven't played any like you haven't played those what is masochist it's a you know what darn that's that's yo all right have you played infernum uh I've played a little bit not as much as uh eternity but okay have you wait have you so you've played eternity mhm have you played masochist or no no I was going to do masochist right after eternity but eternity sucked so bad that I didn't want to okay okay sweet okay so I asked some YouTubers what they thought and look by the looks of it masus mode faros is a pretty clear winner but you know if just in case you wanted some more input I did ask one more person what they thought and look um if you've ever heard of this guy look then you'll know that he's probably the most qualified person to answer this question full stop yo oh well well hello the hardcore Master enters my DMs for ringing purposes oh yes that would be me that would be me oh great Master how we humble bow down before your majesty oh just uh please stand stand I am but you can't see me all right all right cataclysmic from from my understanding you've done a whole lot of like one hit stuff right no no no hit stuff rather one hit yes I get hit one time and call it a video I don't know where that came from but okay so real quick can you give me a recap of like the stuff that you've gone through and just done no hits for I have done some bullshitting the stupid thing for the sake of content creation let's take all the way back in the time when I did Calamity Death Mode zoomed in to maximum and then had my resolution lowered down to 800x 600 basically 400x 300 resolution while having shrooms equipped and no hitting the bosses just by knowing sound cues and how the thing operated I managed to do 38 of the 40 available bosses let's take I don't know Fargo's eternity mode that is just in of itself a pain in the ass because it's eternity mode far goes eternity is an absolute death sentence sometimes but you know still well done it's not that hard masochist mode we're not going to talk about that one because that's a joke difficulty and I don't class joke difficulties as an actual thing to be considered because it's a joke it's meant to be hard out of a whole sense of stupidity okay wait wait wait real quick are there any other mods which are harder that are like similar like Calamity or fos stuff like that I don't actually think there are a part from maybe you know the the Chinese mods but they're normally just one boss okay so so in your opinion Massac m is like top of the top but it's at the same time you said that you wouldn't even categorize it as a hard difficulty cuz it's just not meant to be fair basically yeah it's at the whole point of masochist is a joke difficulty it's been brought up enough times that people complain about how difficult masochist is and they are told the same thing it's a joke difficulty it was never made to be fair it was made to be bollock ripping difficult for the sake of people who have just got something mentally masochistically wrong with them like myself yeah yeah perfect all right sweet thanks for popping on I'll let you go I'll let you go all right Tello have a good day night evening something whatever like yep yep all of that yep oh [ __ ] I okay well and so with that here's me playing Fargo masacus mode which is the joke it's meant to be hard out of a whole sense of stupidity being played blindly on a legendary seene also this is part three you can check out the previous Parts on the channel see we got the first chatter Vinnie how are we all doing today not bad how are you I'm doing pretty all right I've had pretty slow day but I was like you know what today's the day where I go back to to this whatever this is it's like you know I I'll have a chill day you know just just a I'll just go play one of the hardest Terraria mods just for a chill out kind of day you know that's what I'm thinking I love this man he's funny all right so uh I've got a couple goals in mind for today I was thinking I wanted to beat like the torch guard cuz I was like you know what torch God might be like a little bit hard but I feel like just the torch God favors so much it's so nice to have just in general also wait hang on I got to check something real quick every time I go in here I want to look at the wait no download I want the bloody item checklist I'm waiting for it to be uploaded updated when this gets updated I want it I want that I want it Subway Surfers life no dude I I don't have Subway already you'll 100% complete this with zero deaths uh I mean here's the thing gonk right here this guy has already died I think 41 times if I remember correctly last of of the hardcore series enlightened me and I've opened my eyes to experience new things I'm glad I feel like there's not a lot of people that like playing games hardcore and I I feel like it's just like it's very unintuitive for people to get the like the like the joy out of it cuz they're like I lost all my things I'm I hate this game but it's like there's so much more after that but people just don't I don't know why d That's why I love hear reading comments like that cuz I'm just like [ __ ] yeah love the part where you GK where Gunk Gunk over the gunk yeah that did happen that's actually that's probably my second favorite part seven messages in and I'm already a part of the cult of Gunk yeah you've been abducted abducted no wait that might be the wrong word inducted I still am not that it doesn't sound quite right you know what don't worry about it welcome indoctrinated that's the word I'm looking for thank you some dude that's that's the word uh easy Su a gunk all right oh this looks wonderfully trash you know what let's clean this place up tombstones man oh there's another thing I want to get today actually and it's that there like an enchantment which increases your uh grapple hook speed I really want that it sounds really cool oh and the jungle enchantment actually that's another one mahogany one mahogany is that the one mahogany wait what do the enchant this all grappling hooks pull 1.5 times as fast shoot two times as fast and retract three times as fast while grappling you gain 10% damage resistance for one hit and 50% Thorns effect that is [ __ ] cool I like that this looks easy to get too I'm assuming the pineapple just comes from Mahogany trees oh I need more houses too pretty sure my jungle's on the left so let's I guess let's say that way I think I still have to run through the corruption which might be a bit of a problem but I mean be right oh I got to fix it I'm going to miss the stream so you can recap okay oh okay so wait you want to recap huh last stream we uh took out the like oh my God like the for the worthy squirrel boss who is quite the uh opponent we have to use the gunk rail in order to just like like the last phase was so like ridiculous dude this is [ __ ] ridiculous I forgot about how inconvenient and annoying it is to just do anything with this mod and now [ __ ] oh come on please this so massive dude oh by the way actually wait another thing I I set something up I set up uh if there's ever any like super chats in YouTube I'm pretty sure it should have text to speech as long as it's like a dollar cuz for some reason I got really I was like man Texas speech is actually kind of funny and I just I just set it up I can't get any like donations or anything on Twitch so I didn't set it up for that but I set it up for YouTube oh hang on wait we got a thing is it going to work wait did it not work did the notification not work hold hold if I Tab out okay tabing out works the thing didn't work I need to fix this that should have worked it takes a bit I think wait for it no yeah no I didn't it didn't go off Matt super chated $130 I am in the text to speech gam figured wait say yeah a did it work everyone's saying a I don't know what happened did it we we got sounds poke it I I didn't hear it it worked okay cool okay okay I didn't oh wait I feel like that's not mean it's it's an alert right I'm supposed to feel like I'm supposed to get alerted hang on wait wait hang let me T out real quick let me just see if I can fix it like on my I want to be able to hear it this is like the opposite of last stream last stream the bloody twitch like the twitch uh alerts were like so loud that it scared the crap out of me every time it happened and then now you guys hear it and I don't we gking in this stream oh jeez okay hang on [Laughter] wait gster super chattered $978 we gking in this stream oh oh I found a page which lets me pause alerts skip alerts and mute alerts which sounds good but I didn't hear them in the first place so I'm wondering what the what the deal H I'm I'm not I'm not seeing any buttons wait so if I hit this button oh wait I can see it Matt super chated $130 GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK okay wait wait wait wait wait wait I heard it no I didn't sorry I didn't hear it I saw the noise going up on my OBS so I can see that that's getting detected but I didn't hear it what is okay wait did I mute this somehow how did I do this it was working before I was hearing double earlier I want to go through it look at that oh wait I heard that I heard it I heard the follower alert did you crack it I I hardly did anything I honestly I don't think I did anything I just I'm just like opening up different windows and and then it started I heard it let found ears I have okay let's just see if this works this should just work de man regains hearing okay what that works I hear that you know what now that I'm hearing it I might just I might just keep going and just hope that it it just keeps working okay back to back to the the task at hand I need what is it a pineapp need pineapple so I need these trees that is a beehive oh god oh D no a Mystic frog the Mystic frog he is oh dude it's pretty good bang did you hear that follow uh hang on hang on wait when did that get sent did that just get sent cuz I didn't hear anything that [Laughter] time I looked away for like half a second I don't know why I did that okay Pras are after me we need a pineapple we need a pineapple oh be dude I can [ __ ] okay I'm finding bombs in these trees good [Music] stuff oh no yeah no I'm leaving that wait let's get rid of it okay wait I might what all right is this like a debuff oh curse debuff that's kind of scary not a fan of that what class you running uh gun class should probably build housing since there's an NPC that could help with the pineapple situation there's an NPC that could help with the pineapple situation you say h uh yes the American class is this a no spoiler stream uh I mean I'll ask questions every now and then like I'm I'm open to the idea of doing like like hearing some stuff from chat like if I'm just like eating [ __ ] constantly from a boss and it's just like bro you just need to do you not see the the thing like that's okay I'll I'll take a couple recommendations here and then but don't go telling me like oh by the way at the end of the game uh the the final boss is crazy he does this one attack and it kills everybody like I don't want to hear anything like Major Spoilers but like at the current Point like something I should be looking at or focusing on like that's that's fine I'll take that get the Lumberjack into jungle I should probably I'm going to make a I think I'll make a jungle house jungle house sounds like a good idea let to the S dude I don't know about going through the corruption you see the final boss nukes the entire world in every NPC and yourself gets killed [ __ ] all right I've got a genius plan I gunked the rail now we go over here everything despawns and we send it flying H over the corruption anyway how the mod okay wait hang on I'll have to press up or something how the mod even if it's pretty early so far it's it's pretty sweet uh yeah no honestly I've been having I've been having a blast with this so far I can't see [ __ ] I've currently got like my blinds open a little bit so like the amount that I can see is very limited please just let me out just let me out please okay oh my god wow you went completely over it yeah I know the plan worked flawlessly completely over the corruption all right let's just block this off want to make a house uh water okay water poisons me here to keep that in mind okay what are we thinking make this the jungle house let's uh let's clean this up first dude everything is dying outside this is just like the funy corruption except maybe not as bad I don't know corruption made everything burn I mean sure I'll take it Mud House dude Dr Burns a he'll die eventually I'm just got to keep him on my screen right he throws [ __ ] I saw that damn okay there's another one kill Dr Bones he drop stuff which what do I go for left or right okay wait I don't know if this is going to be a bad idea so I'm just going to oh yeah oh yeah n yeah dude we're sorted left you got it wait it's daytime no no no no no crap come on Dr Bones go down oh I leg okay easy just got a hat okay yo a jungle Rose wait I swear I needed that for something I can't remember what there oh well need some wood I'll make like a ceiling entrance to the house a gold coin it get a 10% chance for the good drop okay another gold coin what okay get back in the house oh wait there's a Jun okay jeez bunch of R enemies in this mod oh no they're breaking in uh did mahogany trees not give you acorns I was going to replant the trees all right we've got to work [ __ ] furnace uh can I make yeah we can all right this is what I wanted bricks oh my acod are the you look bold as hell bro wild come on what the hell but also how's it going I don't get why it forces acons into the M SL I don't know either I mean it must dude it must be like for a gun you know there's probably a gun out there which just uses it I'm all for it did you beat hug squirrel I did yes and we are currently at how do I is it just death 40 times I thought we died 41 times I'll take it 40 you can get the acorn weapon now it's a squirrel drop oh wait totally forgot to look at this looting Collectibles ah mounted Acorn gun 16 damage uses acorn all righty I'm not too sure what I'm doing with this house by the way like what kind of shape I'm trying to make it out to be I'm kind of just going to go with like the shape of this like cave and then just like see how it turns out what is it that's like giving me vision of like enemies while I'm like you see that that bat down there something is like if I move Gizmo box oh this stand still to expose nearby treasure and enemies SC what ah thank you very much okay cool very cool I love making one of these wait there's no like put over here give me a chimney too yeah chimney put the what chimney B okay these wolves are looking a little weird no way oh hang on give me that wall back dude it's exactly 50 long and I made 100 walls that's so good was oh man that looks really [ __ ] weird I was hoping that there'd be like a nice clean log you know kind of like if it were in the middle of this but uh you know what I'm going to do it anyway do fix it what if I just just keep it going you know this lovely pattern oh [ __ ] I should probably fix this hole in the roof I put it there as like a way to get out but it's causing me problems I call this place the bunker because it's a war zone outside you know what very creative um bunker yeah bunker uh we need I need this to be multiple rooms how do I how do I segregate this properly big old just [ __ ] wall get rid of these throw down a door have like a couple of these maybe put the Torches a little higher it's coming together it's coming together won't look pretty but it works too many five plays are both wrong and it hurts oh it's like one to the left crap D there you go fixed it's iconic off-centered fireplace oh keep the off center okay okay you know what I'll do it there we go it's one off uh War more walls and that looks like it could use like a window a window could be cool there can I make signs I'll leave myself a reminder sign yeah perfect edit put a window here please sweet add two fireplaces go believe you if you don't fix the ceiling vent who is g no no why did I do that all right is this a suitable housing that is a solid block the housing is suitable fantastic oh dude what Dr Burns should probably be wise to set up a bed because if your plans are line right you will be jumping into the underground jungle a lot that is probably very accurate I I went under there I went into the underground jungle a couple of times and holy [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] Hornets are they are horrible they are awful oh no I'm knocking down all the he's grabbing me Let go please I'm not I'm poison piranha excuse me piranhas they're like sharks dude oh oh dude the fact that they can go through walls is a problem dude 239 damage dude chill out what is happening oh be oh my God they're like move through blocks and [ __ ] it is it is [ __ ] something yo get good coming in with the five gifted memberships thank you very much good sir oh dude what my doors getting open 300 [ __ ] damage oh it's this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] being able to block doors wait can I just oh my God I can't okay I thought that he wasn't going to be able to shoot them through a one block hole turns out I was wrong um all right I guess make the ceiling Dent or whatever one block wider to the left please for the love of God the ceiling D dude I might have to bail hold hold Ang just shatter scale okay we don't have to bail we're good that's nice though dude I would take that oh let's plunk that down very nice oh dude he's back no you talking about this this ceiling didn't [ __ ] okay maybe if I put down two surely you can't go through two one block holes right wait let's try that now we kill him zero problem there's two of them Dr burs is spawning so often is this normal and another one yeah just wait there'll be three in a second Maybe the red drop oh my God here it comes no it's another hat we rocking three OC's hats now uh I need two more houses here uh wait a minute I didn't think this through um now wait okay wait you know I'm taking these platforms down another idea we use stairs uh it's it's a little Jank uh oh it's a little bit Jank but the plan is you like double these up just like that and then upstairs and downstairs should count as two different houses now uh what the hell py stuck in my house okay what is happening this is yeah here comes the funny still mad about the dent fireplace and the chimney I've tried to I I I moved the the fireplace a little bit and someone told me to leave the fireplace where it was and so I left it I'm going with the natural Ord things the fireplace sits there and the the dent stays as is rather because that's how that's how the cave was structured I I I I'm going with the I'm going with the this is how the cave it's how it was meant to be uh fireplace in the chimney probably not but I'm going to leave like that anyway swap chimney in fireplace okay hang on that's a pretty good idea actually anyways I'm just going to don't mind me we've got our first occupant don't ask anyways moving on also I think it's a masacus change or something but I think male characters die instantly to maners really don't know why that chimney now looks like a steamy toilet it's a it's a it's a cooking pot M oh wow look scrumptious I'm uh oh man I'm hungry we need two chairs house [Music] jungle B Banner did put that up now oh my Lord I I need to search for pineapples real quick this bees coming please please out of the way um I've never been more angry about pixel game uh throw a chair upstairs and downstairs fill this in again tables bang bang both shable traveling Mom okay he's back at the base all right I'm going back what do you got it's it's whatever it's nothing cool I guess maybe princess crown all right I still need a pineapple I still need a normal grappling hook can I make a grappling hook I don't have a hook okay remember to catch the travel guy oh yeah come here hell yeah although wait every time I put him back down he doesn't spawn it never mind it works now cool I'm taking them you know now yeah we're going back over I need the pineapple I want that grappling hook thing once I get the grappling hook thing I want to try to take out the torch G because I just want the torch G favor that just sounds fun sounds good why have the auto trash mod but not have the slot enabled oh I haven't come across anything that I feel like I I really just don't want and need to trash yet oh my God going through the corruption when I can actually see properly dude so nice oh [ __ ] no issues not one that slime doesn't count we planning on fixing the chimney nothing wrong with it oh actually wait yeah I'll go there we go it is now in line okay wait that looks a little little Jank I'm going to run with it that's fine I'll take it chair table where do I put this go right there all right we got more jungle to explore over here let's just hit trees until we get a pineapple or die or almost die a bomb another bomb I get come on that is another bomb mango no we need a pineapple don't we oh I'm going to die Mango's no we need is it we need a pineapple damn it uh God I need to you know what I'm going to wait for uh daytime to come because the amount of times I've had to go through the goddamn corruption in the middle of the night is I don't want to do it again so what I'm going to do I'm going to go probably here here's probably good and set up like a torch guard Arena looking is this where I want to be this is where I want to be excuse me just let me through than okay B much of it through oh wait this this say I just wanted like a big open space not block this up I need platforms mushroom platforms sure I'm not super confident with this I've never really I don't know if there's like a setup that's like good for fighting torch guard but I'm going to run with this and just hope that it work big old platform we want a few platforms uh I want to get the the grapple hook thing first and then I want to F Tor good I feel like it'll just be so much easier does it matter will you just beat it first try anyway H hm you make a good point you'll want to really prepare well for torch Guard torch guard it got extra stuff you'll see usually a platform or two and a mushroom biome is enough generally for torch Gunk you just want to get rid of all the Torches nearby and do it in a nice open space wait what an idea cuz I want to make I want to make campfires cuz that way I can light the place up without it going dark and all the Torches go out or whatever maybe they don't go out but like I was like I was like thinking oh yeah I'll Place torches along here but then I'm like wait that's going to [ __ ] me okay wait let's let's head back real quick don't forget campfire yeah yes campfire wait I can also get the campfire hot Lantern just like that uh I need wood we we want for torch luck and stuff is that going to matter like if I wait a minute I can kill these guys with the wool now this is big steak I'm going in all right cool steak uh what was I saying um completely forgotten whatever oh torch look if I've got just like regular campfire like does the the campfires even count for um torch look or is it just like regular or I don't know do they count as something else don't think campfires count campfires don't count okay cool all right now here's what I'm thinking right we got this big old area above and then what I'll do I I have no idea how this is going to turn out but I'm thinking I'm just going to wait I need a bench cuz what what I want to do whoa uh set up a whole bunch of torches just down in this corner and then I'll like Dodge up at the top right although someone said that there's there's extra stuff so I'm a little freaked but I'm sure it'll be fine I'm sure it'll be fine we just cover this in walls and then cover the walls in torches see how we go what how many do you need like 100 set up a wall with torches not just on tiles dude these bats please what do I need I can place them on the tree as well oh there it is I'm slowed no no okay hold I wasn't ready wasn't ready okay wait wait wait wait okay okay okay wait it's morning it's morning it's morning all right attempt wait wait we're going to go for the pineapple one more time and then after that set up a w Tores yeah dude I'm fixing this rail right now fixing this right now rail there we go okay no more of that why doesn't the wall burn from all the Torches are they stupid yeah dud walls in this game burger burger I'm dying dude wait I need to can I buy it can I get the pylon already I got 14 gold surely I get the pylon Burger how did I get hit by that surely I live I live yep sweet okay now I just need to make make sure I don't die to the water or fall damage wait we've made it we've made it leading nice jungle pylon boom all right no don't throw it uh put it on the ground or put it upstairs why not now I don't have to do that God awful trip again okay we've got that why did I come here again oh yeah right trees pineapple and pineapple pineapple maybe I should not be planting trees on top of my house like that's just going to become more and more that's just going to keep happening G keep buming the roof of my house until it's gone pineapple pineapple come on pineapple no come on pineapple pineapple move on move on move on come on okay wait oh dude no wait diso hang on walk INE get out of the water okay we are Al don't get killed by this bet that's my potion sickness 27 seconds I'm dude I'm focusing so hard all right come on pineapple pineapple we got it very cool all right boom now you give me Forest B thank you put it there boom we're back wait I don't need to be here uh put everything in the baral what am I missing enchant no wait not baral it's a mahogany mahog I need a grappling hook for this one too wait I may have needed a grappling hook for the the whole time okay never mind I guess we get a damn it that's all right we'll be fine let's gonk gonk Apple acquired I'm just going to leave that open I'm probably going to come through here again goodies I got a hook never mind I'm going back [ __ ] what okay grab cool I'll take it and then wait wait no no wait put a back oh I don't have this yet cool craft craft craft what am I missing now oh demon alter easy H uh wait wait I need demon alter I need to grab all this stuff uh MOG ah right as I thought I could get out of going to the corruption again I'm just going straight back grappling hook I need the p in it double in it no wait one oh I fine pretty sure that's all I need all right let's [Music] go holy crap wait that could have killed me that's fine dodged by the random numbered Gator wait the RNG that works T makes it only drop this this [ __ ] little thing is in the way again wooo all right and we go in ow pretty sure there's water at the bottom of this but uh oh okay almost dead enchantment enchantment enchantment there it is boom got it leave just like that wait did we wait we killed the Goblins last time right do I need to save the goblin or did we already do we did we do that already there's an NPC housing missing uh I guess we go look wait cuz I kind of want theit let's switch this out add T what do you mean by tiles you just mean like tiles you talking about this top floor with the pilot there's no tiles on the floor failure welcome welcome I've talked to you like that one time we were in that Discord but you know what I'm glad you're here it's been so long and B is here as well what's up before you do torch guard again remember hot Lantern the hot Lantern's already L here dude the whole creu is just turning up what the heck's going on okay how you guys doing we're about to take on the uh torch G in a second oh the wait hang on I got to test something out wait real quick wait the someone was telling me to add tiles to this top floor it's not valid oh right it needs solid floor or something right do I have blocks I have bricks what if I just do this does it work now it works and we've got catastrophe catastrophe just moved in this is perfect voxel podley that's me man waxel gunkle that's also me wax Gunk that is also me waxel Rodney that's me as well actually also wait who the [ __ ] is this oh it's this guy okay oh [ __ ] wait I think we may have had this guy move in already before cuz I swear I've looked through this but hey you know what he's back lexel doly Rexel wedley dexel Rexel goodbye thanks for and good Goods back look at that fact lanon Knight boosts luck actually wait how much did that item cost can I just back so badly makes every night a lantern night when possible when possible all right seems good all right to good why is it so dark don't know uh am I forgetting anything blood moons oh and blood mides doesn't work okay that makes sense so if it isn't a blood Gunk then it's a lantern Gunk oh my God that is clean look at the speed on the hook oh my God I love it dude oh it's so nice dude I love that okay so is this just going to go off it is just going to go off okay cool wait what hit me oh my God okay so I can't like stay stationary I guess crap oh boom dude just like that oh my main man how doesn't left I don't have enough money for this dude that was the easy D torch C [ __ ] first try I mean Tech kind of the first one look I was not ready for the first one climbing Clause bomb I any more po dude okay uh so wait what now catch the skill oh I forgot to catch him told you it would just be your first try what were you worrying about well done do King Slime oh dude yeah I could do King Slime King Slime I can do with the gunk rail I think wait he's really massive in this one isn't he wait how do you make the you can make the it's just like gel wait wait I've got gel on me I just need a crayon right Brown I don't have rubies I need rubies remember campfires are material that can make something nice oh someone told me about that actually I think think I've I I know about that uh I'm just going to quickly scour the map to see if I can find rubies anywhere we got rubies any anywhere it's not looking good dripping lava dripping lava okay maybe not okay let's craft it out uh you can craft him out of a traveling Merchant I can craft hang on wait a minute did you say I could craft one of these out of a wait say I can craft one of these out of a pink slime Crown gold slime [Music] Crown several King slimes okay we're getting into unknown territory chilling a Gunk and Crown time to cave in I guess silt works too if you want to spend a way longer time oh silt wait I mean I probably just have some of that I can try wait what am I doing in the crafting thing 33 sht do I have an extracted I do do I have slush I do okay wait I just need one Ruby a diamonded an amethyst dude you you sift things so quickly this is insane I love that damn it no Ry though so is the best resource let's got vampire spoon as a first discovering in in infinite draft craft sick try ice B gems everywhere okay I think I I want to go to the Jungle I'll look for the cuz wait I want the jungle enchantment how do I make the jungle this I want this that's what I need the jungle rush for Okay cool so we got those we just need spores Vines 10 of those we just need heaps of spores I guess yeah right iy whip that just needs Vines and spores armor just needs spores couple more Vines Stingers okay but we need to get ready for like combat in the jungle cuz that place was [ __ ] in it was nasty last I checked also ask funny guide what to craft with traveling Merchant ask okay actually yeah yeah let's do that flashh block dude what that's Grim you can make so many tinker's workshop after defeating Skeletron you can just oh you need two of them wait that's actually pretty neat I like that damn and it cost a little bit of money too okay that's actually sweet it's like a guaranteed way to get what you want you can make the skeleton Merchant okay let's get some Buffs oh you know what I'll take a spuna iron skin regen nightow let's get all the let's let's make it so that we can actually see what's happening let's get a hunter potion let's get a calming potion I guess too just cuz I it's [ __ ] awful in there I was hoping I can make a shine potion that's about it think an underground desert trip would be fun it actually I've got full HP I could do that but I want I want the jungle enchantment I really want the jungle enchantment didn't you want it because of a dash that you now have wait actually yeah I did okay wait maybe I don't need that dude okay wait hold hold uh okay wait wait uh Goblin right is he just going to be underground I killed the Goblins like the evasion enchant is both a dash and a jump two and two oh yeah okay now we'll go to the Jungle going dig down here uh oh mining potion why not coming potion okay let's do it let's do it oh food I should get food can I get fish yeah all right Gumble terer is anywhere in the under Gunk and Cavern layers hello T looks very Lively today it's what the [ __ ] I got to pay attention to bombs about that 30 potion means infinite by the way yeah I did I did hear about that but I feel like I haven't I haven't I haven't sat down to like into getting 30 of anything yet all right we're buffed up got a chest maning for CLS I'll take it I'm just doing I don't know why I'm doing that little zigzag thing I'm I'm doing it just to hopefully maybe escape the Goin he's take it great rocket boots everything okay uh I'll buy him when I get back cuz I think he'll be a lot more happy when he's got a house to live in all right we are now in familiar territory we're also on the lookout for rubies so if someone sees rubies uh yep we have another house on the right there I got I got to be I got to be getting them SP you don't got the Horseshoe nor a balloon I can't get the balloon or the or the Horseshoe cuz it's Le I don't think I can cuz um it's a for the worthy I'm pretty sure they lock all the chests in this guy new series looks awesome thank you okay keep on the Move keep moving I'm not in the jungle anymore okay uh you know what this is going in the auto trash I don't want that jungle grass seeds don't want this oh I've got a feather full one dude I love this grapple hook thing it's so nice goty chest need a gunking key yeah chest thing open close chest like this paranoia oh angle of the wind I'll take it actually wait I can put all the other accessories of here like this as well wait got him that's my other one Intrepid cool yeah switch that switch back okay cool he you got to love loadouts yeah dude load outs are so [ __ ] handy o Hunter potion I'll take it oh I forgot they can go their walls no dying no dying is this hardcore uh no it's not but at the same time I'm playing it kind of as if it was I I'm like trying not to die just at all and I have currently that's not how you spell death I've done 41 times okay well I'm here now I may as well deposit all oh [ __ ] love that have I ever found an aglet can I make can I make special boots dude wait no I need I need still need rocket boots where's where's my man wait he's still under ground wait oh God wait he's not in a nice spot how did he get all the way wait no I think did I just find him here I did find him here [ __ ] it I'm just going to buy the stuff wait I got I put the table make an egget from crates you can craft egget pretty sure just catch him oh just dude I keep forgetting about catching the NPCs uh I also need I need money though I need money uh I have the Abomination I caught him I just realized I have him let's see if this makes me enough money uh who's happy how you looking 8 gold 30 okay you're not that happy try it 890 dude they are not [ __ ] happy over 880 dude why is nobody happy right now wait a [ __ ] second what the hell was that boom shuriken use your pickaxes mining power the wait whoa whoa whoa whoo wo wo wo too many NPCs three three max wait really they don't want more than three oh there's five here also 17 jungle walls not even close what you start losing happiness gotcha boom shuriken is the best thing ever okay I might have to mess with those later okay well who's who's the happiest I think okay they're a lot they're doing a lot better that is like 11 Gold I need 15 I dude okay wait should I just make more houses probably a bit cheap but I have happiness removal mod no I'm not going to do that if you more than three if more than three within 25 blocks they get sge huh got the ice biome here I can maybe make a house there I love this grappl dude I'm so glad I made this I don't know when I'm going to unequip this I'll be honest okay wait let's do this I need a ruby so what I'm going to do so CH try into making more housing in The Jungle by fixing the solid block issue oh yeah wait you guys told well I mean I I did want an NPC to move in there to be fair actually I was about to say you're totally [ __ ] right and what the [ __ ] but demoltion Goblin gunking Tinker like the under Gunk spread out houses it might improve Happiness by bunny ears bunny ear waxel would go crazy we are meis we are evil dude I love the [ __ ] it's so fun okay I need a Ruby I need a ruby damn there a lot of red it's just lava even that's lava damn it Detonator amethyst okay we're just going to go in I need I need one Ruby literally one we can fight the gunk slime King Gunk I probably should have brought like a spker potion but we we'll just go with it topz oh dude torch go Flor is just fantastic you should try the Ebonite enchantment Ebonite what even the best light source there is oh ebonwood oh [ __ ] ice boomering I'll take it come on toz amethyst there's an emerald don't know if I need that but guess I'll grab it come on pron early Shadow flamethrower oh oh no I remember please [ __ ] okay no we're fine no problems like it's old version for wait let let's have a look at this evanwood is this is this the one that needs a uh picture to do you're surrounded by an or that builds up corruption on enemies after 3 seconds of buildup they burst corrupting all nearby enemies corrupted enemies have 10 less defense and deal 20% less contact damage that's kind of cool totally under control yeah completely under control did I die no perfectly under control uh okay catch painter bring him into the coruption dude I [ __ ] dude catching NPCs is something I need to get my head around cuz that is [ __ ] nasty wait I don't have money oh wait do I have money I got two gold on me surely that's enough right woohoo all right we are now in the corruption hey wait maybe we need to go a little further in all right we're getting real down into it now let's make him a little platform I guess him down there now give me a he doesn't sell it he's not selling it what is this do I need to making my house here CH paint other his paintings oh wait oh Decor ah I see I see I see this is it right this painting all right let's bring him back home sorry about that dude oh wait his house has been OCC nub just [ __ ] yed his house he's like painter gone I'll take that can I afford this yet kind for the table his his shop got gunked airborn wood enchantment I still need a black got to Gunk up some new housing dude Jesus Christ uh I need a black current and I need all the EB andwood armor I'm looking on the wrong thing E ebonwood I don't have any ebonwood okay wait well now got to get the shadow C do I even want this enchantment it looks kind of cool but do I do I do I do I want it do I really care I mean it does seem kind of cool you know what n I'll get it I'll get it I'll get it I need more money I wonder is it [Music] worth I should have started on the rail dude I should have started on the rail I'm just thinking I'm thinking we can fight this guy for a bit of bit of extra cash I hope I didn't make a mistake here just a little bit of extra cash that's all I wanted no bounce oh crap is there no bounce this I'm going to die though wait wait P sickness comes off in Z seconds that's good fish surely we live surely oh nope NOP we don't live actually wait maybe I could fight the wait did I not get the item back don't you normally get the item back or is that only when you haven't beat it yet you get someone back until you first kill it okay okay you know what that's fair that's fair wait I can just craft this oh [ __ ] okay Bo I need that table dude I need the table I need the table need the Tinker table I need money uh stuff let's just look through all this I'm just going to sell some [ __ ] okay let's sell whatever we can okay uh sell 880 okay wait no no someone someone Someone don't give me better priz than that painter six okay painter painter you to go to 42 silver three gold oh I can sell the enchanted n r you can make trimer wait I I totally can wait I totally can't can't I dude I didn't even I got the ice Boomerang I'm pretty sure that's the last thing I needed right Willie traveling magion got anything cool no going to catch you uh I need a little bit more money can I open this 10 gold wait [ __ ] that is wow okay uh Goblin Goblin I need that table I need the table thank you table go there boot Spectre boot quick Spectre boot wait Lightning boot Spike lightning boot just like that just like that although it's not I mean it's all right I'll take it wait do I have ice skates can I make ice skates you can make them Frozen CR dang it okay I guess we're not making ice skates then but bang Trang though this 21 melee damage okay dude this is it dude you know what's going to be special when you make this thing wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute the tungsten enchantment increases the size of melee weapons right doubles every melee weapon size does that work for this swords melee weapon size once every two to three of a second of of a second a projectile will be doubled in size large projectiles and non- projectile swords deal 7% more damage does this work I'm going to wait I want to see if this works wait roller so by the gold tinkler I need a katana okay wait I actually don't have enough tungsten for it dang it it's only swords boomerangs and projectiles damn it okay wait if it's not if that's not going to work then I don't know I'm not going to bother I don't think it will still work just not that well okay don't you need every enchantment anyway yeah but like well I mean I don't know wait do I I mean I'm assuming I probably do cuz like you got to combine them all but like is that end item really necessary okay wait wait what am I doing right now what do I need I've I lost track of what I was doing earlier I need more money I think think I'm having a seizure looking at the house and I will not stop it does crazy [ __ ] if you combine all the enchantments de clubs can drop Frozen crates for your ice skates but de clops is absolutely cracked in this mode so maybe later better off just fishing you could you can go to the desert for money trust desert for money wait let's let's consult the boss log oh I still need to yeah that's right I forgot yeah King slam okay I need a ruby I need a ruby let's go to the ice biome again ice biome will provide it will get me a ruby and I'm willing to bet that it is also going to I can also wait I just need a ruby right that's it cuz I can get I can also just get sludge uh slush if I find it sludge dying on my way down just get all this I'll extract inate it I swear there was something swear there was another reason I wanted to go to the ice Prim but I think it's literally just that it's just a ruby maybe I could have go to the Des instead oh yo diamonds hold booming okay good oh oh wait okay and crates right just going to take that and go with it how much is 139 come on Sur one single Ruby please please please dude what no Ruby in we go deser fossils this is exactly what we need dude ow God damn it okay give me [ __ ] fantastic I'm going to die to these things just going to go back surely there's enough desert fossils let's go give me the Ruby we got it and now I've got gel now we got to corruption or after I get healed oh oh indeed all right we've got yeah we've got the gel okay cool you forgot the crown pot I forgot the crown pot [ __ ] Crown there we go we got the ground getting hes up youve got the GPA guys no hey I'm working on it all right okay wait I just realized have there been alerts going off because I have not been seeing any of the alert I've have not been hearing them again oh wait [ __ ] I'm going too far back home one more time wait uh wait no I was going to the wait hang on no I'm screwing up I thought I was going to the desert again for some reason I got to pay attention all right corruption all right straight to the bottom of this hole not I don't think I've died the fall damage in that hole yet until just now okay we go back again god dude maybe I should find the uh I was going to say the Shimmer but I don't know about the Shimmer finding that right now it's fine it's fine you were blindfolded you couldn't see that coming yeah no I couldn't it's quite the challenge isn't it you know playing blindfold noral yo the Torches are changing please whatever that is no wait a mimic dude I was so close I had my mouse on the thing this mimics damn it I must have been so close now it's going to get dark oh man this is fine it's fine is there a guy that has beaten plants both zombies blindfolded mad stuff dude wait that is mad what the hell they the mimics exist in preh hard mode y I wait I feel like I may have even run into one but I just for some reason I was not expecting that is this mimic still going to be down here no it's not okay give me the item get me out of here all right okay wait I was right about to just summon him in but I feel like that's a terrible idea I need potions again uh what do I even I need potion regen iron skin and that's it oh food uh food oh SE dinner I honestly didn't think that anything was I didn't think that anything would show up if I typed food in okay yeah get mimiced L that drop some hard mode accessories wait really don't know it's patents blindfold blind play through what does that mean I'm I'm blindfolded physically doesn't look like he is that's why I'm confused he's blind yeah I'm blindfolded all right yeah just trust trust uh I feel like I feel like this is nothing that the gunk cray can't solve you know I'm just going to send it [Music] Man's big and shoots big shoots shots okay he's got a thing that comes from the sky it's not good too far up oh jeez okay that does a lot of damage I'm not doing that much damage I need to do more damage okay wait wait whoa hang I think this is this is fine he's probably going to have multiple phases there right do I even need the rail [ __ ] no God okay maybe I needed the rail [ __ ] n this Buff's crazy no I mean no we got this we got this I reckon I don't even need the I don't even need the rail oh I don't have the Buffs anymore oh know it's fine is he bigger oh wait I probably just need I probably just need to deal damage right crap oh I didn't heal okay cool cool cool okay I'm going to go since it's 8:00 a.m. in Italy and I have stuff to do but please install Vin Miner this is driving me crazy nah Vin Miner really I mean thank you for the 5 I do appreciate that for being blindfolded that was pretty good think without that rails every bus is easier no rails makes everything amazing dude ra super shed $538 cents I'm going to go since it's 8:00 a.m. in Italy and I have stuff to do but please install Vin Miner this is driving me crazy smiley face five buckos five whipper smackers I don't know if anybody calls dollar whiper smackers bucks though five bucks um I'm going to keep sending it on this bus I feel like I feel like this this is easier than it looks I've got my health going oh my God okay dude he has so much damage dude okay H I haven't seen the other phases yet but I feel like I feel like this is doable uh I think the important ones to get here are probably going to be Iron skins Actually I don't even know about that I need endurance potions again cuz he does like aund something damage like that's crazy swiftness potion maybe uh all right I'm going to try again heal from the nurse you probably need more space invest in mini shark for King Slime also I'm certain that this is just the fight this this is just the fight he just gets faster with lower Health like in vanilla but again boss boss got changed recently so I don't know okay interesting okay so he's got that jump where he uh it's like a big [ __ ] jump with those yeah and then he just shoots those okay wait that's the one that I'm having trouble dodging so when he does that big jump but then shoots at the same time this is fine he comes back and shoots oh God oh my God yeah wow he is really quick oh crap okay wait more attacks yep cool good the timing oh that done fall damage no not full damage come on of all the things what the [ __ ] that's come on all okay wait but there was more attacks we saw we saw more attacks that's good probably more space uh try getting the funny fossil enchant it saved my hardcore Fogo so so so many times forgot about that attack but yeah that's the fight okay that looks doable although wait if he does get faster that's may be a bit of a problem full damage [ __ ] you you [ __ ] heal and I'll go again okay let's go up here cool dude that attack is so annoying I think I just left to let him go over the top of me there okay wait this is looking all right so far okay okay okay wait the summons are actually might be they might be annoying as well okay cool cool cool damn it no damn it that was bad a dude see that shot maybe I'll be able to see it better daytime think he does the big leap based on how far you are from him h it's like a cheap hit okay I see I see I probably should have healed okay so he's going to do it now right oh wait I could I heard the you can hear the um when he lets the attack up he does it every time he jumps actually okay I just need to jump when he does it like right now yeah oh okay okay a okay okay that's yeah dude 150 damage a shot I need I need moving speed dayoon seven day blooms I think I've got like 14 or something maybe less oh yeah do I have enough to make a stack of 30 I got 18 crap yeah the big jump seems consistent now figured it out all right I'm sending it again I really want do I have any food of any sort I can make another seafood dinner but I keep [ __ ] losing this I'm going to run out of fish I've got bunnies I can make St oh jeez okay I did not mean to dash there but it worked out struggling to kill King Slime I watch this oh dude okay those slimes do 140 five damage why not a problem it's not a problem all under control It's all under control we're regening this is good okay I think what it's like half HP or something thing that he does the oh yet the one from the sky cool I was not paying attention to that he's no longer after me die [ __ ] the one time it was looking kind of good Dam it wait slime that falls from the sky whenever you land from a jump or fall wait whenever I land it it falls kind of hard to see with the let's T it that again uh let me just get a heal real quick and we try [Music] again okay okay that nearly hit me okay when he jumps he does the shot okay cool go back to the left I guess oh [ __ ] I'm slimed no let me out please okay we're out we're out those slimes oh I need to pay attention to that Dam it you literally didn't even stand a chance he SP here it's not your it's not true it's not true I'm going to get him I'll get him buffing up again going again wait he slammed me the slime's debuff is actually the worst the item that you get once you beat king slime makes the Slime fall when you jump oh that's what you're talking about okay so it's not okay nothing to do with the actual okay oh my God I can't believe I didn't take damage there okay he's going to do that shot okay yeah so whenever he's off in the distance he always does that shot oh dude okay wait we getting some good damage in watch out for those cool okay we're all good so far we're all good so far he'll probably do that shot when he jumps again right there it is cool he went way cool wait the teleport no way I didn't no oh that shot always gets me dude why don't you get fossil L it's fossil amama good okay hang let me just sus out fossil amama real quick range Critical Strike chance range damage range CR if you reach zero HP you will revive with 50 HP and spawn several bones wait I have none of this I don't know if I I don't know if I want to make that I'm going [Music] again no I did not mean to dash okay wait on control I think I just realized something like I may have dude I may have made a graveyard by him there's the shot yeah I've totally made a graveyard by him here we're getting damage in this is good those slimes oh my God wait The Shield Tech okay not that [ __ ] fast dude he's so fast let me out dude he's [ __ ] so quick leave the graveyard leave it the gkard if you don't want the graveyard make the grave Buster item Brave Buster item wao destroys tombstones in a large area who hold up that's kind of [ __ ] cool okay let's pick up some of these we go again okay dude oh my Lord dude actually not a bad St not a bad St well that's it's not terrible it's not terrible dude dude no way that worked I'm pretty sure that I can't do that multiple times right no why did I try to go to the right I'm so dead oh I've got one more set of potions I think if like if this doesn't work if we don't kill him right here then I might have to actually go and get Buffs and stuff there is also one thing I got to do I let's go over here cuz there's a I think there's a hotland yeah let's get that let's put it a little closer not that it's going to help that much I I feel like it really won't but maybe maybe it does something all right go one more time cool head shot not a problem yeah yeah yeah I'm out of what the heck you me please okay cool cool Co cool cool not a problem a dude oh oh no go down okay good good good good we are good we go back oh I really want to be on the left side of him right now please do a big jump or something please wait tree check no way hang on hang on don't diagra don't you dare diagra okay he's telep good good good good a damn it come on 10 seconds until the cool down no why I Reco no I didn't mean to do that damage damn it finally tree deck dud Tre Tech it's for real okay I don't have buff Su all right how do you make how do you make the um blinkroot I need blink Ro dude I've needed blinkroot for a while I think I think getting better armor is good investment I mean I've got I've got Platinum like platinum's all right right no if I get more money I can get more like defense like things I feel like Mobility is going to treat me better though cuz like the attacks do like 100 something damage like it is nasty look at that all the Torches turned into burn torches it's that boy got to blow a hole in my [ __ ] come on drop something cool I'm out of Mana didn't drop anything cool oh wait no I did what the heck mining helmet okay [ __ ] yeah I'll take it uh [ __ ] C we're on the lookout for Blink root just going to keep this going I just woke up and got blessed with the stream W day it really is it truly is uh where where blinkroot okay we got a blinkroot good ideally we get some with seeds so we can plant them on the surface wait there's another one cool take that okay just cop a little bit of lava damage that's fine okay I did dude I did not know that those dud exploded y hang take these oh bomb [ __ ] These Boots brother wait I actually have the money for this hang on give me that strange bruise they might be worth there isn't any Gunk right gers I'm going to grab these okay 301 yeah okay you know I'm yeah take three is see another chest over there I don't know if it's trapped or if it's a mimic but we'll s it up oh my God yeah no okay it's trapped oh my God I was a little close okay still hurts okay so let's get rid of the explosives just let me dude no no no no no no you're not killing me this is not killing me right now uh okay I'm pretty sure we'll be right okay never mind there's still one more I shouldn't have I should have yeah okay never mind catch a skillon merchant oh dude I keep forgetting well the Bri is not trapped anymore it's true that's true all right we got new potions we've got swiftness potions this time we I'm going to go wait I need bait can I just bait no wait I know I've got n rollers in here somewhere give me night rollers yo a steak oh Burger Burger bait worms one night crawler did I sell I must have sold the other one [ __ ] oh J my bit okay I'll take that I'm going to go get some endurance potions I got swiftness this time Burger hambur Gunk yeah hambur Gunk wait we get the AL C fish this time your next attempt is the first attempt yes I'm okay fish okay cool wait I need blinkroot for that too I made two swiftness potions okay wait hold okay I've made 30 blinkroot hold I think we go on a fishing mission to get 30 endurance potions right now I didn't realize I had that many [ __ ] things okay wait this is big wait we got have permanent endurance after this this is going to be crazy infinite endurance PS yeah but we we have to fish up wait I need bait I need bait I need bait put all this back we're about to we're about to Buckle in for a big fishing SES right here we need 30 of these there's a lot of stuff you can get down there oh man am I even going to have enough bait to like get through all of that let's search through everything we got what do we got this is what we came for baby Peak gameplay incoming also convert all your worms into nyros I will do that I will do that yeah we seven Master bait my favorite I think that's all we got anything else okay look don't take the ladybugs I I'll put them in like the last slot like if we run out of bait we have nothing left and like we're close I think I'll use him then but I'm just going to keep them in there all right all right here we go time to fish up 30 or 29 of these cavefish hold let okay this should be safe all right 30 armored Cave Fish wait did wait that's one Boom for riveting gamep playay another Rob cavefish dude that's a fifth no a fifth it is a fifth of the way there some stre luck another wooden crate yo wait a Waring stepping stool hang on wait a minute armed Cave Fish that's what we're here for baby b that's what we're here for ah the line breaking I [ __ ] love when that happens a specular fish that is what I'm [ __ ] here for a bass even better dude yo wait I can get a [ __ ] balloon pupper fish from this that would be huge or a frog leg or both dude who needs a shiny red balloon yeah part of me Wishes the torch God was a little harder I was expecting that to take like quite a long time and I was like you know what torch guard's going to be sick I literally like one shot it oh it's going to say two attempts though isn't it I can check that way wait it doesn't say it doesn't say [ __ ] what it's empty it's an experience a golden crate this game play is so amazing I can't help but stare yeah dude Fu who knows what I'm going to get next who knows wait wait for it wait for it a speculate fish a specular fish but what's next wait for it another specular fish my goodness I I still need help from anyone for building Subway Surface in Terraria L give me [Music] idea oh bass my favorite as a wise man once said common but very good wait can you get food buff constantly like is that a permanent thing like if I get 30 bass and I turn it all into food like fish fried fish whatever the [ __ ] it's called does that count as as permanent as well can I get the permanent food buff if I have 30 fried fish did anyone go insane yet I was away for a bit uh you're good I I mean everyone as far as I know everyone's good yes you can get permanent food buff okay wait that's so sick we're working on two permanent Buffs right now then permanent food buff like I mean it'll be like little food buff I guess but food buff nonetheless wait a minute I can just turn the specula fish into into the seafood dinner which is medium really up here with the highest tier of food BFF I [ __ ] bet stack of 30 steaks 30 burger how do you pronounce that name is it CH has paid me for me to ask for Subway Surface multiple times this stream dude do you really really want Subway Surface on stream is this something is this really something that we want what do you say yes or no what do you mean this game play is riveted there is so many fellas pottying there so F this party dude while I'm sitting here with this riveting gameplay dude I'm constantly like adjusting myself in my scene does anyone else have that problem like I feel like regardless of how I'm sitting I will constantly be like slouching and then not slouching and then getting back back up in my chair and then just like moving around I I do it all the [ __ ] time I just did that like five times yeah I know what you mean it's so annoying not going to lie can you hear the chair every time I like sit up we can only hear your beautiful voice no chair oh hey dudee 15 fish by the way I'm a cave fish halfway hang on I'm going to have to interrupt this fishing stream just very quickly dude can I just get through here please dude these guys are getting too R because I remember if I remember correctly there should be a bunch of pretty sure there's Demonite up here yeah wait I get a new fishing Road no don't in the fishing Cade all right we're going right back we're going right back I think I might be able to get a better fishing Road I can speed the process 50 Demonite dude that is going to be it so fast look at me here cool you know while we're going down let's open up a couple crates caling potion got some silver bars fantastic there a fishing enchantment oh yeah dude I saw that although it uses like [ __ ] insane items like you need like the [ __ ] lava proof [ __ ] tackle box or something like dude you need so like I don't know about getting that at least not not yet like yeah you're going to have to give me a moment on that one wa so what will you do after beating Faro's infernum infernum next uh honestly I don't know I mean I excuse me there's two why does this have two is this who this is not just going to be twice as F two lures I only made a new fishing rod I thought you needed like accessories for that I didn't even realized I was going to be in this mud dude that's so sick I should have done this way sooner double fishing entertain double fishing entertainment damn [ __ ] right my Lord look at the other fishing roads I should yeah no dude after this I'm I'm I'm going to check them out real double the riting game play double fishing oh wait a fairy I have to put this on hold I'm putting the riveting gameplay on hold oh it's that [ __ ] Platinum dude it [ __ ] told me about that before I don't want it imagine how many lures the golden fishing rod has probs three or four nah dude surely there's like [ __ ] 10 can I spoil it no don't tell me think gold has five gold fish plus enchantment made me get around 150 gold crates in 2 minutes [ __ ] what 150 gold crates in 2 minutes Subway on this game play uh no I feel like look you know what I'll bring Subway Surfers gameplay into it at some point I'm I'm not setting it up today I feel like I've been asked enough times that I'm like look you know what I'll do it but I I ain't setting it up today what if I had like a Subway servers playing right but I play it in like a really small box like over the top of the character so you have to look really close Rockfish this is so epic oh [ __ ] I missed the drop Rockfish is epic wait wa I just remembered an item that I used in my fogers playthrough that would really help you but I don't want to spoil it look a re a rley we do not have the attention span for this 20K fish 20K fish 22 even we are flying through this I'm thinking another thought in the back of my mind is saying to get just a few more than that just because we can make seafood dinners and then get 30 of them that way we don't have to use little like low little food little food medium minor improvements I can get medium I don't want the riveting gameplay to end yeah okay you know what for you cobster we'll go a little further I I'll get 60 wait no I don't need 60 cuz I already have some I'll do 24 we're getting close we need six more five more uh I want to get enough of like the specula fish as well yay six more yeah we're getting there dude four more three more dude it's looking good we're dud we're almost we're almost out of the fishing Endeavor although no wait we got to get we got to get a few we got to get a few extras few extras are we'll get that for the med the two specular fish at the same time holy [ __ ] one more one more come on there it is we [ __ ] did it we got it we got it but now we're got to go a little bit longer more rivy gameplay let's GK let's [ __ ] Gunk waa wait there's a major update to Faro's estimate around March and April just so you know probably going to drop mid play through at this pace [ __ ] should I speed up then should I just play the [ __ ] out of this more River and gplay hooray but said no more riing gameplay so I'm going leave the stream now more staying finish it this stream I I finished the whole game right now I'm at least going to do king Slam at least wait we got 47 two over there two two extra Cave Fish oh four extra Cave Fish okay uh I probably need like what 10 more special fish I should know less maybe like five or six I think after that we we'll be good to go play for the next 872 hours maybe you'll break the world record for longer stream I'm going to be honest with you I don't think I can do that well I mean I I I maybe could have the stream going for that whole time but like I don't know if I want to I don't know if I want to do that it's not like I can fish the whole time the riveting gameplay is going to end at some point you may die but it would be funny would that be funny cobster excuse me next stream mood Lord today you give me a good idea there that's a that's a that's that's not a bad idea no not really go CER W will failed the real hardcore if he dies no don't die we need CS there's a marble streamer with an hours live counter at 10,623 how many days is that you need 10,000 hours to be an expert right dude they are an expert at marbles on stream straight up join a fishing club yo wait hang on I think we're done oh wait sneak fish oh no yeah we're definitely done hang on you know what I'll go one more cuz I really want one more K fish cuz it would give me a really nice clean number cuz we got 50 specula fish 35 bass 30 n arm fish I just need one more and then we're good no I got the wrong fish okay wait let's deposit potion this is going to be [ __ ] big oh my goodness 30 and now unlimited buff at 30 stack in inventory Pig bank or safe did I buy a safe already wait when do you get a safe do I have to do have is that hard mode okay we got the pigy we'll put in the pigy oh you just got a Terraria PVP ad on my stream what does that even mean Terraria PVP ad safest post Skeletron ah okay we now have permanent endurance bution or buff endurance buff potion whatever the [ __ ] but now hold ready pretty sure we just have enough of these now oh dude we surely we've got enough now right we can also get iron skin or region wait 15 I might actually barely be short I swear come on wait put them in potion please please please please please 28 no dude okay wait I'm going to find two more there's got to be two more somewhere hang on hang on no I got two iron SKS okay wait hang I'm going to go get gnome hey you have 20 yeah but like I want to get I want to get a couple more just so that I can also have uh regen specifically for the fight it's like I'll have the permanent Buffs I also want the other dude how the [ __ ] is there no dayoon dude really we have to search okay wait we'll go this side W NY wait he's also going to give us luck bang nice dude where are the day blooms at like what where are you kidding me dude okay look maybe we just tough it out with just that let's we got one more to grow one more yes okay potion okay so we have two of those oh we also have two Regen God damn it okay wait we take one of these 28 of these got out of bottles water cool yep make that thank you put them in there potion let me just make sure I'm crafting the right one okay cool yep 30 oh my God two permanent Buffs [ __ ] fantastic oh wait oh the fish too The Fish seafood dinner that's four we 30 bang 30 seafood dinner boom plenty satisfied too craft a funny thing with campfire it's good trust how do I make that thing again syation five sunflowers can be reused infinitely five hotlands I don't think I have that many hotlands yet I might have like four look at the bright side you can now have four regen potions you know have four Regent potions that's true all right uh okay this thing we should we should yeah okay you know what let's let's at least sus out if we've got enough hotlands okay that's three I think I have two more actually wait this might be fine we got one here I think there there was one on the far end but I'm pretty sure that's the one I moved I'm going to assume I don't need these campfires if I use this thing right can I get the campfire and the thing buff or no do they do they stack or no it's better it's probably the better way to put ask that question campire grab two more of them and then what was it it doesn't stack okay yeah gotcha wait where did I put my other hotland is it that's did I did I put it down here wait did I put it down here I thought I put my hotland in there wait where did I put it is it in the jungle wait I swear I had another one I I think you never used it for torch time to go spunking there was a heart in the ice cave I'm sure ice cave you see oh a hot I swear I had two hotlands on this bridge it's definitely not here yeah the only place I can imagine it being is like here somewhere toilet no okay I guess okay you said there was one in the ice B I think don't kill me if if there isn't any we can have a look but I am going to kill you if there isn't one The Detonator there is one right there all right let's go moving on whoa these just spawn naturally bunny Hood right now nope guess not oh wait maybe it's because it's graveyard a I remember what I want from here I want ice skates dude this place is so lit up I love it go wait is it in that to the right no it's lower oh give that all right up here oh jeez please let me go dude what the hell okay back to it oh not a problem under control do want these the shiverthorn anything else up here a chest which does not look trapped angel said you damn it dude if that was ice skates that would have been so perfect Dam that's where a little Sparkle down here it's a toz okay yeah now all right we got what we wanted we got what we got the hot uh okay put and then Lantern make that and then what is it station something oh wait I need bottles for those too don't I wait bottle I don't have sand wait glass no do I not have sand I don't have sand will be more Reckless you have full damage immunity I'm pretty sure I don't yeah I don't I'm pretty sure I don't be careful oh you have no fall damage immunity oh wait no [ __ ] it oh okay wait I see I see I see I'm just going to go over to the [ __ ] desert and yeah no sned wait kind of like these little Burns I'm going leave that there okay that is kind of cool glass and then bottle make heaps of bottles and then oh yeah you get this now station there it is effective oh wait what's the range on it oh God it runs out okay I mean it's got It's got a good range it's all right I guess oh jeez wait can't be reused infinite never [ __ ] mind that's sick oh man okay yeah PG we got the thing we got the [ __ ] thing the thing will be nice for mod too yeah dude this thing I like this thing so get some boom shurikens and use it on the desert oh I like that thinking all right dude [ __ ] heaps of these things let's go all right well wink wink wink okay stop winking I get it I get it wait is a material oh okay I didn't get it but I get it now okay hang on let's let's have a look at this om omn station wait Adamantite gold ladybug what the [ __ ] you need three golden ladybugs the thing is a material silly little man cobster I swear to God three B Stites three slices cake 500 Buck dude that looks like a lot of fun okay but that that is definitely something for a later date I'm feeling so fast gold ladybugs dude how am I supposed to okay you know what let's okay we're going to do K slim again wait wait swiftness potions potion we don't need iron skin anymore regen potions is still good though all right I feel like we go with this right I need the summon that's the thing I need um slime slimy Crown all right drink [Music] all right here we go oh I got hit by a straight shot okay this is fine it's completely fine no it's not wait no it is okay wait wait we've got a good amount of HP dude every time he jumps off this left side dude the G in RNG is Gunk so RNG is always is on your side that's I like that that's good the G is for okay wait wait wait no I think we we just we just go again wait heang what am I doing what am we doing heal up we go again I think we got him this time we got him this time no Gunk rail needed okay we got to be careful on this side if he jumps over me we might lose him okay here we go yeah yeah cool cool nice damn it I want to be on the other side of him D did I jump into that okay wait we still got the potion dude coming up on half HP oh [ __ ] I was not paying attention no the slimes oh okay wait good good half HP we're weaving through the through the things no he's going to lose he's he's going to lose interest oh never mind no he's he's still after us oh he's is [ __ ] very small probably very fast oh no oh I tried to damn it I tried to Reco damn it me and my BF beat him quick cuz we were being more still not moving much helped a lot for slime gate really should have gave him Subway for wixel had a way easier time beating I cthul than this little slime I think that's pretty true did seven attempts jeez we're already at 14 although we had the gunk rail dude we had that we had the iuli sorted like ASAP like that was that was that as easy as it gets all right two more potions King Slime it's not so simple you can't be taken out by by the gunk rail as it seems we got some good damage here oh I don't know I thought that that oh y oh okay wait this is good progress need to use my potion off cool down oh I think I need to be more lenient and letting him like go over the top of me instead of me trying to like outrun every [ __ ] attack he does oh please damn it I thought that made me okay okay now we go again we go again still got Buffs still got ammunition I turned my mini map off oh man I'm not getting much damage in right now I'm already H this is not looking looking fantastic Dodge the slimes tree Tech Tree tech oh dude I'm going to risk it oh that was good no okay maybe not as good as I thought it was going to be oh okay thank God we move we weed through that I just had to [ __ ] send it and hope that I didn't have to move damn it no dude it's always that [ __ ] that shot always just comes out of nowhere message retracted W the tree Tech dude I don't have swiftness potion anymore oh I really like the swiftness potion okay n no we go again we go again just get my HP back jumped in too quick [Music] dude fact that he nearly [ __ ] Stomps me at the start of each fight a little bit ridiculous okay yep we jumped that little shot oh I did not plan to go through that like that like that easily I also probably should have dodged that attack but it conveniently missed okay wait this is actually going really well I still have potion cool down oh I'm locked in I'm [ __ ] locked in dude no dude I thought he was close enough dude I was doing so well [ __ ] dude oh dude that was do it we go again we go again okay come on come on once and for all the king Gunk dude this slime okay pushing right off cool down yeah weave through the shots cool does a lot of damage can I damn we take that we take that over dying I think it probably still counts as an attempt but one less death we'll take it oh I accidentally summoned two of them H this is a disaster um what do I do uh hang on G rail we run we we we we ride it's not going to work Dam it I didn't know you could do that [ __ ] this is still the [ __ ] whoops anyways we go back why did I Dash oh went down into that attack if I ever want to dash past him I have to be really careful he has like a little Flash animation when he does that okay wait that's kind of big jump that attack jump it again okay minimal damage minimal damage I was really hoping that I can maybe sne okay surely I'm not that far and I can do this and the nurse is gone never mind wait she's under the house can I make that work apparently I can uh this is big big this is the attempt drop the attack oh my God got one cool he's telep come on K Slim what's up dude I got I'm slimed dude no way I'm alive oh no way no way wait he got roll what the [ __ ] okay wait we saw new phases I tried to check it tried to check what debuff waxel had by hovering over with it my mouse I was confused why it didn't work no way how dude that was a good good [ __ ] attempt dude the King Slime is no [ __ ] joke dude he's [ __ ] tough that's crazy he's got so much [ __ ] like horizontal movement too like dude there's jumps at the end there what the [ __ ] okay well it's night time now so we get extra luck also why is the nurse in this hole you go there you know what guide you go in this one I'm going to move away so the nurse can sit in a nice comfy spot okay I yep I did I I knew that was going to happen at some point I [ __ ] I mean hey look hey the nurse the nurse moved in this [ __ ] thing shoot these gdam okay we go again oh this is a great start fantastic start even all right so potions are on cool down already all right tree te tree Tech Tre te nice try oh get in the tree dude oh okay wait wait we need to get back to the base so I can maybe use the nurse wait actually wait no we near got person [ __ ] [ __ ] again okay wait potion stickness oh we got a potion yeah okay wait no we we we're going to need to go back to the squad Direction try improving this the arena maybe like more platforms and longer till corruption even maybe yeah having more platforms on the left might just be a little n nier is it Bridge yeah I'll make these these bridges are the only thing I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to break on there wait we'll go one in that direction too why not right through the tree for the tree Tech uh all right we give this a try I'm just going to torch it up that I can see what's happening okay I got to clear out these [ __ ] tomb SS oh spooky just ignoring these guys let me through let me do my thing a raven wa I'm going to need more a goodie bag excuse me I got to bring the I got to bring it back I got to bring that back put the grapestone back put them back put them back goodie bags can drop a bat hook right am I not I I feel like that that that's a thing right can I farm Ravens for goodie bags uh I think the Boreal wooden chant is probably better than the lens fight oh for the extra damage Dron yeah okay wait wait actually yeah you're probably right oh wait no the lens no wait doesn't the lens give me berserk oh is that it wait demon sides yeah okay wait actually wait that doesn't actually sound that crazy Al look at the you know what I can do as well wait lucky might actually be all right for damage I'm thinking I can get a little bit of menacing in that case Bal was is better we're good menacing I'm going to get some ref just happen in here I want some more menacing again I'm thinking I want movement speed or damage goding sounds good I mean that'll defense but I feel like defense is not going to help me out here right maybe a little bit of damage but tripid lucky have you made a regular wooden chant yet I have not now lead enchantment is W you force your enemies to eat lead based paint give them the lead poisoning debuff which is really good okay wait what is the lead poison oh wait I don't have lead in this world I don't I think I might have to I need to find the Shimmer or something I think to make that easier or do a lot of fishing say damage I never see speed modifiers do much yeah I mean I got lightning boots violent I don't need violent Jagged warding I will take wng warding sounds good yeah also gives me more max HP lucky spike is this going to cost a fortune to reforge yeah 13 okay well you know what we got a whole lot of damage we got a Waring thing let say we go again all right we're going again wait I bullets excuse me I can actually afford a mini shock go for it m shock someone was saying I should get it earlier yeah all right [ __ ] it we'll buy it completely off awesome [ __ ] hell yeah we'll take it all right now I need a bunch of bullets all right let's try it with [Music] this nice oh dude we the okay yep y use the persion oh okay wait actually wait this is looking like a good this is looking like a good attempt actually looking good let me out please holy [ __ ] okay okay okay okay no way I didn't take damage there what feel like I totally should have dude I God oh wait wait wait wait I'm waiting for that growl dude it's like it was at 4 00 HP when it did it last time person off there it is I don't know what this means hold this is a good run boom no don't don't don't do this again don't do that again don't do it again okay wait wait wait wait wait this is big come on come on no I wasn't paying attention I'm [ __ ] jelled or jellied whatever the [ __ ] slimed I'm G no come on I'm so close to dying no no dude come on what the [ __ ] so close dude no I need to stop multi recalling dude it's a 46 Health [ __ ] dude I can do that dude we can do it we can do it that's totally yeah okay that yeah look we I think we we we go again we go again no I thought it was going to be perfect timing dude it would have been [ __ ] all right we're going again dude okay wait amazing do it okay yep do you cool do you do you cool jump okay not so cool attack oh no Dam oh no damage kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] oh nice okay wait good sometimes I'm just like shooting at nothing just cuz I'm paying attention to like what projectiles are next to my character dude I want to be on the other side of him push me too far out this is good this is good this is what I want yep now we go okay wait half HP we're full health I'm pretty sure potion sickness is not on so we can still use a potion good amount of HP dude we've done a lot of damage this is good we're dodging okay we took a little bit damage good good potion oh I did not mean to dash but it worked out please oh my God wait oh my go no come on full damage oh my God but threat the [ __ ] needle dude come on no oh my God I wasn't paying attention to the please dude yes [Laughter] dude oh [ __ ] oh my God that was so [ __ ] intense oh my God one of the slimes is a gold coin oh [ __ ] give me this [ __ ] oh what's up Terren oh my god oh man let me just oh let me take it in for a second holy [ __ ] that was intense I [ __ ] can't believe I lived there was so many times where I saw shots coming through like the [ __ ] ones that come from the sky and I didn't even think to Dodge I was just like maybe I could get the damage and dude there was so many things happening in my [ __ ] head and I just kept moving and hoped that it didn't hit me and there was a few times where I just moved through seamlessly and I dude I should have died I think a few times I was still paying I wasn't paying much attention oh my God and you also got the special 10% weapon Yi what did I get heavy slime King slasher oh that's Nifty Life Crystals King Slime Relic rash slimy shield grants immunity to slime increases full speed when you land after a jump slime will fall from the sky a yeah okay yeah yeah yeah you guys told me about this oh [ __ ] hell you're funny item might want to ask the guide oh material huh they're both materials wait the trophies are material okay wait wait where's the guide at ah he's in the hole good hey Cole okay slime Slinging Slasher let a post Moon Lord by the looks of it nice okay can't do anything think with that okay wait so this material what the [ __ ] Supreme death bring a fairy okay wait hang on increases full speed Landing SP slime over your cursor over your cursor okay okay so I'm assuming this is like all like the preh hard mode stuff just like all whacked into one thing and at the same time I'm noticing it's also a material so this probably gets even more crazy I don't know if I want this I I don't know I don't know if I want to equip it yet the royal gel man I got to have this at the ready this thing is got to be super Worth or like useful King slam I can through the queen be Skeletron plus plus deviant deviant fight wait what did I Cole help me out what else did you need for this oh deviating energy so what's next e worlds lead enchant oh I need to put the I put this down hold I got to make it look nice it'll it'll look nicer later trust me boom that's three down look oh yeah right how many times that's a good question good question 23 is that a new record wait how many did the squirrel take 25 hey okay wait wait 23 okay wait the squirrel the first boss has been the hottest one [Laughter] yet next wants to do blood moon yeah okay we can also get like more I guess we could probably figure out a way to like get more money to reforge our stuff too you could just do blood moon now just get the summon right from the Abomination hold hold I don't have enough money [ __ ] I'll probably need a solidifier I can get another one later though right I'll get another one later [Music] legendary zombie arm first [ __ ] kill what okay this is taking his time to kill some maybe a shock the necklace would okay I got a shock okay uh let's just switch that out with this real quick oh yeah okay that's nicer that's good wait if I just have some if I summon this and then I just like survive the night do I is that just excuse me oh my God they split dud demon eyes are [ __ ] way scarier than they used to be what the [ __ ] lead enchantment deals 10 damage per second you know what we'll work on the lead enchantment I need a bunch of iron there cuz I need to switch it at a demon Al there right I need more equipment I need better stuff I think dude these eyes man bro there's so many eyes what the [ __ ] yeah dude I don't know these ders keep spawning like four of them every time they die what is going on I'm just going to kill all the drippers and just see how many eyes I can spawn here it may be a bad idea than I think but more more give me more oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah come on more more give me more get that dle in the middle there one more one more right there in the middle okay that's all I'm getting I guess oh no see okay yeah there's a lot when I was looking into what's it called wait is over I also got a money nice drop a goodie bag drop a goodie bag goody bag give me a B Hook give me back hook give me the back hook oh [ __ ] oh witch hat huh wait ah don't know about that I mean I might keep the Hat I'll keep the hat and the pants wait the pants don't do [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't want these demon ey Banner nice uh okay okay make sure to guys make sure to like the stream if you haven't accessories it looks like leaded copper maybe pumpkin are the enchantments to go for there are other pumpkin enchant kind of forgot that it was a thing 50 Molotov cocktail we will grow pumpkins while moving when fully grown they will heal 25 HP and spawn damaging Embers and enemies that touch them will destroy them and take damage that's kind of cool God damn you need a lot of pumpkins for that maybe you know what just to make it easier on myself later just go buy let's go buy pumpkin I'm just going to plant these everywhere dude the movement speed I've got right now is [ __ ] unre feels awesome uh deposit all get I'm full on storage yo wait was a cactus chip while while attacking you release a spray of needles enemies will EXP Spud into needles on death if they're struck with your needle wait surely that's really good when destroying a like a segment on the worm count as like a an enemy and like you can make them explode and then deal more damage to the segments next to it chain reaction kill the whole thing well maybe I don't think it'll deal that much damage but like you could at least damage them right he needs to make more storage yeah wait is wait uh you need the you need Demonite for the next one right do I need scales for the upgrade where the hell is the upgrade oh here amethyst no I only need bars okay wait hang on I can do this Demonite I can make exactly one and then what do I just it worked yeah I think each SE think each segment is its own enemy okay you know what yeah okay wait Cactus wait how do I make the cactus one again that one needed a painting right Cactus does need a painting but we could pick that dude up and bring him to the [ __ ] desert right and then a flounder Hold Up Wait I can [ __ ] make this right now I think I just need to go get a flounder got the rud get a bit of bait yeah bait we got the rud we got the bait wait oh wait hang on let's get the Painter while we're here actually wait no Enzo you coming with me okay so the good enchant fire copper lead and Cactus I think copper can be dropped because of the lag is it really that bad okay Enzo oh my God wait he's Mario Now give me that painting we lost Enzo what the [ __ ] Enzo's gone Luciano what is happening we're putting him into the [ __ ] pocket Dimension and pulling one out from the Multiverse we're sending them in and out of the Multiverse we know the cactus SPS would have a chance to proc copper wouldn't they okay wait I got to look at the Copper I got to look at the Copper thing copper enchantment crits have a chance to shock enemies with chain lightning wet enemies have a chance to be shocked without a crit so I would want to go big on crits I've already got two wait lucky CL in a bottle lucky magic luminesence we could get something [ __ ] crazy happen in here hang on oh we got we got crit damage wait I'm down to make this happen this sounds [ __ ] sick crits and the and the cactus enchantment I need a flamer Ste [ __ ] wait is there anywh a fish over here that really counts hey wait actually wait this is another thing I got to do we get 30 of these we can get permanent regen too try not to uproot any like anything that's not done keep the clad Boot and dash then have the three enchant I should probably get the jungle enchant too right CU a jungle enchant is going to give me um a jump and a Dash so I can get rid of one one of the other if I get the jungle enchant right let me cook but but if you use a cactus enchant hang on wait if you use a cactus enchant to explode causing the copper lightning it would give all the segments the lightning hits the lead poisoning debuff this man's cooking let's still goes crazy he's [ __ ] cooking for sure well you know what wait wait wait uh I got the Flander so is this that's Cactus enchantment done I'm missing something oh demon alter [ __ ] when do I get my own demon alter how do I make that again I [ __ ] forgot water Leaf flounder and painting [ __ ] what's it called I don't know what it's called probably got sand in the name secrets of the Sands yeah no there we go nice we're getting pumpkins team is a special drop in his in this mod that will make you wish you had it the entire time it's that good H okay wait it's not that to fall damage again you want minimal deaths oh my God it's the same Legend [ __ ] God damn it oh wait but hold hold CA enchantment got boom while attacking you release a spray of needles enemies will explode into needles on death if they struck with your needles very nice very nice it's Hasty though hang on can we get crit chance bleeding angry Hasty no come on oh duing menacing Intrepid violent I'm out of money this [ __ ] this [ __ ] I swear to [ __ ] God this mother that's okay it's fine uh we deposit uh why saying this [ __ ] went hunting down to Tim just to get it a gem Rob to boost Tim spawn ra okay yeah I I've got shitloads of sapphires uh I'm going to need like what silk wait am I even do I is my hole deep enough it's probably deep enough right you're Tim Tim could probably spawn around there probably at least try the cactus and [ __ ] try it oh wow just goes 21 dude wait a [ __ ] second that's so much damage about the God set up jungle lead copper and Cactus is that what use it l one more accessory I mean the jungle enchant is combo wait jungle enchant to combo is Dash and jump then use boots okay wait Dash and jump boots mahogany Copper Cactus lid jump the boots and then mahogany okay yeah no dude we can do that we can do this okay wait yeah I want to see this copper one too okay wait I'm wondering do we do this in the next stream or do we do it right now you know what [ __ ] it you know what now we go in we going in it can't be it can't take that long it won't take that long right what do we need we need CA we need the copper enchant Tim accessories a utility so is the Tim thing necessary like right now like in in in this in this setup wait wait no wait we need the Jungle the enchant that's going to take ages right how many spoils do we have Spore I've only got 10 the jungle's too hard man at least right now it's it's nasty wait I've got the I've got the hang on I've got I've got these Buffs now like the permanent Buffs you don't want me to tell to entice you wait I'm so load if you if you get it right now if I get it right now okay so wait gem robe let's get a gem robe I need silk I need a loom I need a sawmill okay Sawmill now we make a loom we got a loom now we make silk I don't know how much I need so I'm just going to get 15 robe Sapphire robe I just need robe regular robe robe oh I need 20 okay [ __ ] I thought I need less make enough to two Okay cool grab the sapphire rib then do I have to be wearing it too you have to wear it okay gotta but you need Thunder zapper for copper enchant might be hard yeah might not be though it's RNG is always on our side remember the G and RNG is Gunk oh wait how do you make that battlecry thing oh wait I should get this I should get this cuz I need to turn this into lead later lead enchant that's a lot of iron wait n look at the Terra force and the magic storage is op Terra Force block that's a bomb you know what I would love a permanent permanent spelunker or a permanent danger sense God damn that'd be [ __ ] fantastic oh that's a lot of Demonite you know what I'll take this tin I'm going to have to turn into copper later copper enchant we waiting for a Tim to show up Tim look at it surely after you m the iron wait what did you say it was called look at the Terra Force I'm going to assume that that's just like end game thing do like is it something I can use like right now battlecry was post scal guys cuz comic potions comic hey wait wait wait wait wait I haven't been able to kill one of these yet dude all right I heal it if it's out of if I'm out of this zone right we got the setup never mind I am dying dude no I need my potion back I'm going to leave no not not cond do it ter is post Moon Lord okay potion is R chunk of death weed but you should have some laying around yeah do we have battle potion we don't have battle potion I think I have some death weed but I don't know if I want to use it should get Demonite for storage upgrades oh yeah actually wait no that's a really good point yeah okay wait no yeah I should do that we want 10 and we want Iron see more here all right fairy tell me where to go give me something good oh spider I think I saw was the stylist in that corner oh they are I kind of just ran in expecting that to be like like if I I figured if I went quickly then there'd be no spawns boom we go the stus you lat okay we're back a blinkr I need money exciting stuff is is this going to be like a red drop from Tim by the way or is this going to be like a I I get it 100% end game gets pretty crazy yeah I I can only imagine dude I I can't wait to get endgame in this cuz I feel like the like I feel like the bosses are going to look [ __ ] obit like I did like I like in order to like unlock masacus mode I didn't play through eternity right but I did like with god mode Go and Kill the mutant or whatever the [ __ ] the last bus was I think it was the mun but um there's like this one phase where like I couldn't kill him cuz he wasn't damageable it was like a survival thing and [ __ ] hell it looked insane and I'm super [ __ ] Keen to see what happen dude I don't know if Mascus mode is like surely masacus mode just like adds a whole lot more [ __ ] but like dude I'm super K stream has been going for 5 hours been a w stream dude yeah I think my brain is like starting to turn off I'm like I'm not really responding with anything I'm just like read something out yeah I feel like after well I'm going to play till I get one more Tim and then after that I think I think I'll end it off that do it really chill yeah yeah it's a g stream yeah g G for Gunk dude wait more spiders that's uh not go that way going to sneak in down here another blink rout more tin I think we've definitely got enough tin though at this point for a second oh yo sapphires money I like how we can make a grown man laugh about a four little word same I mean I have [ __ ] such a weird sense of hum [ __ ] like gonk is goddamn hilarious to me leave me alone don't worry about your brain being fried so is mine okay we are let's hell I don't need to be that low excuse me what the [ __ ] did I just see um I have inventory space right yeah I do I go through walls okay good oh W don't worry I got the stream really I got in the Stream really quickly so my brain is fried too this is great we're all just [ __ ] brain threed I'm not alone is that Tim we found him he found us wait what is this blue what is excuse me Doc CER as well dude why is there so many of them Tim brought his boys I'm on fire [ __ ] [ __ ] what the hell does he bring his boys just like that Tim does that wait Tim 1600 HP I [ __ ] died to fire damage hang on hang on I no I said that we' we'd end it after this I what the [ __ ] I'm going back I'm going back then I'm no no no no no no no no no Tim Tim brings his boys that's not fair I wasn't ready for that okay hang on we go a little deeper a little deeper should I make like a little Arena type deal that looks like something that I might need to be a little more prepared for like that looked that looked [ __ ] odd kind of I want that guy's stuff a he was in the lava another one oh mining shirt let's go let's go this way this time n bro you ain't killing Tim anytime scen soon n i just join EU time all I'm not paying attention wait I don't have any wood I was not prepared for this I didn't not not bring the things you'd probably want for an arena I've got this thing though light the place up with these why not let me just throw that down there there yep put that over here somewhere mine that off the top pop that down y good make the space more open while you wait let's just do this let's let's get rid of the lava and then just like fill that in come on yeah I'm just going to make another do that just so that it's like there's like a little something to grab on too with the grappling hook and Y dude that bone explosion is kind of crazy who are you I mean I don't know how to answer that question wexel Radley that's me that's who I am I play Terraria this sneeze was tactical yep waxel gunkle GLE gley hey I should be able to walk I got be able to run up this that's better this is this is yeah [ __ ] yeah okay okay we're looking good watch up the walls a bit saland a little Gap in the middle dude this is such a dude this is going to be sick dude when this guy turns up he's going to die and his boys they're all going to die Tim and his boys are going down oh my God man I need to be more careful do you have enough RAB TRS for vaccine he's wait wait wait wait blue there he is Tim wait I get cursed when I'm too close okay that's kind of crazy let's crack dude no dude he's teleporting on top of me dud I need to get these boys out of here on P sickness run out already where are the boys going wait did I just kill all of them I wasn't paying attention oh no they back dude that curse zone is actually crazy it's making me think that like I can't [ __ ] double jump on anything come on come on come on come on Tim come on come on Timothy you ain't got what it takes come on don't have your boys now Timothy with his boys [ __ ] yeah boom Tim's concoction certain enemies will drop potions drop potions when defeated hold the [ __ ] on hold the [ __ ] on wait if I equip this things drop potions s not potion dude what dude I'm out of bullets everything's just dropping potions dude what the [ __ ] what on oh [ __ ] oh my God bone pickaxe what is happening bro wait he dropped steak too wait this might be the most [ __ ] cracked [ __ ] and Mining potions three of them and a cotton of milk cotton of milk is not that cool actually I don't know if I I don't know if I need that but dude this that's nuts are you kidding me we need to go back stash everything stash all all that also well that that wizard hat has four [ __ ] defense okay I'm going put that on instead of the witch hat dude no more potion crafting dude probably not just don't B pleas dou potion crafting kill things for potions instead of Brewing that's [ __ ] sick wait holy [ __ ] also wait is the web Slinger just going to be better than oh my Lord wait I think web Slinger is just better all right dude holy [ __ ] summoning potions son up potions dude that is such a [ __ ] cool item but at the same time very broken broken although I probably won't need it for very long right I need it until [ __ ] until I get 30 of everything right any more bullets Malik need bullets thank you dude what the [ __ ] dropped the stink potion Gil mic [ __ ] stinky okay wait iron we got a [ __ ] shitload of iron tin also a lot of tin all right now we just need to convert all of this into copper and thing and then we then we call it we're we're pretty yeah we're pretty [ __ ] close we just get the insurance and then we'll call it get L CH surely yeah we get copper and Lead I'm not going for the jungle one the jungle one we could do that tomorrow we or whenever the [ __ ] the next stream is I can stream tomorrow [ __ ] it I could do that we just get back wake up tomorrow get back to it there's a I thought that this was a lot stronger I think I need need the [ __ ] was a wait wait wait do these drop anything potions maybe maybe the worm okay they're not dropping potions the power maybe no potions dude I thought maybe they drop Burger I guess not never mind okay the little ones get [ __ ] destroyed big disappoint let good okay lead let's hope that I can change all of this before I die to [ __ ] being engulfed in flames while I'm underwat wait no I'm turning it back and D go back hey copper I'm about to start drowning as well hurry up come on hurry up okay I'll swap back from R okay yeah thank you thank you all right we got T we got lead and copper copper bars let's craft them what all right now the enchant I'm pretty sure needs what all the armor yeah one of sparing which I can make with crates cool and then I just need a thunder zapper huge development bees drop wrath potions 50% of the time hit some jungle trees now hold the [ __ ] fire Beast drop it by 50% mango pineapple nice a fruits another mango there's so many stars I'm liking this so op another pineapple y wait what piran Dr gills potion two dude three five Gills Potions just like that should I give St out potions off the bat yeah yeah yeah the eyes don't look like they're dropping anything me potion please y thank [Laughter] you that is a bumpy here we go here we go WRA person W person there's one there's two three four I got four holy [ __ ] 100% drop drop R my like dude literally dude every one of them dropped a [ __ ] wrath potion more bees no no they they getting Kill by a b come on more bees more bees dude this is crazy I don't here I am thinking that I was going to have to [ __ ] fish up the the fish for wrath potion [ __ ] no CR drop anything no well that one didn't at least come on we want more bees more bees please wait hang on maybe I go rescue the angler right now or wake him up from his Slumber okay wait hang on seeing as we're this far out I may as well go get the I'll go get the angler I I'll wake him up I still need to Mega houses for him but may as well pick him up on me all right angler Show Yourself wait hang on I don't know if I need this I'll probably need it at some point right Carl staish yeah give me all this yo hang on wait I just picked up like a million Gills Potions of a [ __ ] panas yeah drink that you want peaches Shake trees drink nice hey squid squid drop something cool stuff red potion who what the [ __ ] shine potions what do I not need this is so chill that I could just chill in the water there's a [ __ ] pig Ron what the hell is that doing here excuse me do wait Pig Ron's going to drop something cool right drop a really cool potion come on it what the [ __ ] are you kidding me what the [ __ ] was that why did that sure sure sure random [ __ ] pig run in the ocean [ __ ] spawns goddamn shark tornadoes under water shark drop [ __ ] Hunter potion drop a hunter potion do it wait wait it I still do the under wait yo yo yo yo yo yo there's a crate push shock fin nah flipper potion dude there's so many things here I got to get rid of some of these things there's another chest crabs drop wrath too oh [ __ ] pay attention pay attention great potions I [ __ ] want these water chest is that really that do I need that no get rid of the gl6 put them in the auto TR now flipper yes wait so crabs drop ra potions too oh wait they're dropping crate potions which I mean do I'm not going to complain with I [ __ ] I love me some [ __ ] cray potions medium improvements okay I think we're done here wait no we need we need the angler okay onward where angler come on bro shaking my brain has ended pure pure fried mode dude I think same I was eating what happened I was eating what happened Chad oh wait I read that completely wrong my brain bro if I was a potato I would be a baked potato not as if I was high my brain is just Bak so come on where's my boy I have him I had a money truff I [ __ ] stacked it there he is all right Johnny just out of curiosity what's the quest cour of the Jungle that could be really quick no wait we're getting sidetracked we're getting Mega sidetracked uh what did I need for the enchant again copper let's just let's double check I'm pretty sure I need what one thing zapper and then the lead still need to turn to the buzz is there a quest cool out on the angler what he's a material D remember to catch Johnny wait [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait that's going to make fishing Quest so [ __ ] easy that's so [ __ ] nice you can catch him and bring him wherever get a new Quest no cool down that's cool I like that uh wait lead we the lead enchantment we need gray paint and a peach oh [ __ ] I put the peach peach is a lot easier though we can work on the beach you get pumpkins at the same time look at this we're gaming hold oh Raven am out of bullets wait oh I stacked him princess outfit I swear to God wait if I if I stacked my old bunch of of bullets and I didn't actually just run out I'm going to be pissed bll mus balls no okay wait that looks accurate top priori Thunder zapper and Peach yep thank you very much for that Thunder zapper Peach we got the peach okay Thunder zapper now wait so lead wait we'll get this thunder zapper and then we'll take them both to the corruption at the same time cuz we need the the demon alter again double you Peach uh so to the desert right let's do it what the [ __ ] where's my thing here's my thing let's go all right Thunder ever Thunder ever I'm actually just going to leave real quick because I want a spuna person feel like that's going to make this process so much nicer spun of the desert chests yeah yeah that's what we're doing I got something in my eye sorry I don't know why I'm laughing at that lead armor and short sord is easy oh wait should went to far make any more storage upgrades uh oh I didn't feels like my brain has been Thunder Zapped all right we are now spunking let's go look for chests looking for chests we're looking for chests looking for chests we're avoiding that bomb looking for chests oh that's a cactus all right looking for chests we are not dealing with that guy these guys drop Builder potions cool let's not let's not do that I'm pretty sure if you dig those out you kind of get screwed so yeah we're not going to do that one of these days one of these days we are going to find out what drops banka potions and we'll never need them again all right [ __ ] 11 big go what's up dude hey oh my goodness all right we we go on man got sanded I got oh [ __ ] I'm getting sanded again oh dude dude I'm getting stun walk stop dude Cactus oh my [ __ ] everywhere chests chests chests come on little Scarab wanted to follow me in fuing moved ever so slightly to the left problem solve I'm going to die never mind no not dude I missed one oh hold wait wrong place oh damn it must have been [ __ ] spelunker Vision I can't see it we're going back there was a house to the left okay okay okay okay okay okay we're going to go we're going to go that's going to be the one bottom leftish put these down everywhere did we get so many Builder bues too okay wait wait so wait where's this house I went down this way bottom leftish people were saying there yeah I see holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] cool okay I'm ignoring you William no all right zapper thing right here come on zappy thing B ah Gunk rider boots [ __ ] no GK Rider I see another one we got one on the right [ __ ] come on and B snake CH F okay not what I'm off to but next one next one hey didn't think things could get in top of me there please move okay another chest okay oh [ __ ] no no you died we're all gunked out go CR boots put those back oh my storage is full again how much more demon I can I make oh heaps [ __ ] hell yeah oh BL full Demonite get a couple more of these BL one on there BLK one on there and one on there we got more storage just like that b pause it all can I this BL person oh I can we got three blinkers come on okay wait wait wait wait wait lead enchantment how do I make the lead enchantment enchantment I've got the peach I just need gray paint so if I grab the painter wait no does he just sell gray paint wait where's he gone excuse me can I zoom right now there he [Laughter] is all right back out oh okay wait so now I can make the enchantment I just have to bring it to a demon altar wait I'm going to bring all the stuff with me wait wait wait wait wait what else did I need the peach paint lead short sword and then only needs the zepper and I can make both hello how are you I'm good Arrowhead thank you very much for asking actually I'm a little bit gunked out at the moment my brain's a little bit Fred because we've been going for near look 15 minutes or 20 minutes till we've been going for 6 hours oh gosh okay there's an alter in the in the way to the desert so go there yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay you need a Wonder of sparking what do I wait no I I crafted one already I think uh copper enchantment oh right I need to bring it thank you for reminding me thank you for reminding me okay cool now I just need the zapper just need the zapper and we're good remember the copper shorts wait do I need a copper shorts too copper shorts I do need that okay now we just need think I'm going to get rid of this fishing yes you need thank GK thank CK what do you think of fos dude fogos has been a blast so far I've been having a lot of fun get rid of these cactuses uh SP potion go time to lock in use the last bit of gunking energy uh there's a fella here okay boom Hunter person Hunter person big dude if we can Farm those guys I don't know how easy that would be but dude [ __ ] Hunter potions would be so [ __ ] nice Cactus oh my God there's so many things here what is happening dude what the hell there's so many enemies through here okay so this is where we were before going to go up and over the top bulldozer we got achievement okay there's a demon alter we can get one of the enchantments right now go get one of the these little fell boom lead enchantment gotten and it's watering [ __ ] hell yeah you'll love to [ __ ] see it and then there was a chest just down there where I died right we go on we get the zaper we come back up oh my God okay wait [Music] potion uh this this is this is good I don't have to get in there I don't have to get my hands dirty or my gun dirty more hun the pers [ __ ] also keep some money get that Cactus out of there okay cool GK never died there magic Gunk that's not that is actually I'm I'm happy with that definitely happy with that not the bloody zapper the magic Gunk looking for chests oh wait GK is still good magic Gunk the KH still makes the the CH sound oh the magic Gunk come on we dude we're we're almost there I just need the zapper and then and then I'm done I'm done for the night the cactus the cactus please wait I saw the title and thought you were literally going to be blindfolded that's cuz I am going to be blindfolded I am in fact blindfolded in fact chest please Zing it D GK rer boots again encumbering Stone Platinum buz oh my Lord shipped in the traveling Merchant has arrived he's not going there's no chance he's going my he wouldn't have a zapinator would he I think I should go catch him anyway right oh God stunned please more Hunter potions D I'm lagging the hunter potions that I'm getting dude if I get a full stack of these these little [ __ ] fellas [ __ ] everywhere door please come on dude pleas [ __ ] okay look hit me out maybe we just go with the copper one from with the the lead one for now you can always fish I I think we you know what I think we'll do it another time did we beat Gunk slime nah we didn't manage to beat the Slime I thought this was Hardcore and nearly died IRL n unfortunately unfortunately this one's not hardcore I thought you know maybe actually wait speaking of deaths actually what do we what do we reckon how many deaths do we how many deaths do you think we're at we were at 40 at the start of this stream and we've been streaming for just short of 6 hours 69 60 I feel like 69 is going to be pretty accurate actually no it's probably a bit more I think to give you guys a bit of a help I think it's going to be upwards of 70 because we had actually wait it might not be never mind we had 20 something attempts on the king slam but we didn't die every time so it's probably I feel like 70 something is probably close wait 70 I think 69 was actually [ __ ] pretty spot on guas I'm going to go with 69 I'm I'm with Gavin he kept despawning the gong slam let's see let's see 67 [ __ ] that was close the buttercat was 68 though that was I think that's the closest guess right but like 62 dude dude Kavin was actually so [ __ ] CL I love the I love it with that close that's actually really funny well [ __ ] you know what good [ __ ] look we killed the King Slime we did the blood moon does the blood is the blood moon filled in now it is eater WS is next all right next stream we need to I'll leave myself a note actually can I make another sign yeah Pock it right there uh what to do next stream so uh we want to do popper enchantment and then jungle enchantment and then fight the Eater of eater of Worlds copper jungle eer worlds also try fry brain sure try brain question mark oh yeah yeah yeah wait yeah I should put that down wait yeah yeah [ __ ] it I was about to say I feel like it kind of It kind of goes without saying if you're just working with the the copper enchant but I mean you know what sure okay I think that's about it that that that's that's what's on the agenda we'll save that let me just double no I misclicked God damn it the [ __ ] sign [ __ ] kidding me make copper enchant enchant reforge things to get crit chance chance chance fight ER of Worlds and maybe Brian don't destroy this sign please God help me save close I'm going to move away here and then I'm going to click the boss log okay Old One's Army dark Mage okay queen bee queen be is a maybe on the next on the next stream as well we got either WS we can maybe do queen bee depending on how we go oh Skeletron he's he's justed out of his mind to type Brian yeah yeah the stream needs to end now he's too gunked up my brain it's it's it's really turning off it's really turning off Skeletron oh de clops all right de clops and then deviant I'm really excited for seeing deviant D de clops is so good in this mode okay we probably check out the eclipse as well soon I don't I mean maybe we'll do it next I don't know if next stream is going to be the play but all right I'm going to call it there thank you for everyone dropping by dude 6our stream I'm happy with that that's [ __ ] good [ __ ] got a I don't know if we got a huge amount done we got actually you know what no torch God King Slime and blood moon that's three things that's more than wait we got six things done total that's whatever okay I'm leaving I'm gunking out boys uh yeah we're gking out catch you boys C all of you see you later
Channel: WexelRadley2
Views: 9,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Masochist, Hardest Difficulty, Wexel, Radley, Wexel radley 2, Legendary, Blind playthrough, Blind, Terraria, Fargo's Soul mod
Id: 2cOe4I0eYcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 20sec (9080 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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