Golfer Grayson Murray Before His Death at 30 yrs, He Took His Own Life. PGA Tour Golf Winner

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I've been uh if my game is a is a nine out of 10 my my mental game was a one out of 10 for my whole career really and um that's what's kept me from being the player that I could have been um coming off of this tour back in 2016 being a rookie and um you know sheer Talent got got kind of I got away with it for a little while and um you know I turned 30 in less than a month and I just kind of had a hard talk to myself and and and realized that I'm getting a second chance and um you know Lu we play a game where uh we can have careers into our 50s and um so 30 is still young and uh I feel like I have a lot of a lot of good golf ahead of me and who is your instructor uh Ted ke back come and uh Raley and Raley we're um at Carolina Country Club web Simpson grew up taking lessons from him so yeah I've been working with him since I was n years old so I I met with a uh a mental mental coach last week um we had two weeks off obviously from Boise and uh I went to Florida didn't touch a club for like nine days just kind of took a hard reset and um my my coach back home my my instructor uh knew this guy out in San Diego and thought it'd be good for me my dad thought it'd be good for me and so I hopped on a plane from Florida and went straight there and it was a two night trip it was an exhausting trip but obviously I got a big return on my investment just in one week and um you know if I can if I can handle myself like this going forward every week and and I'm not going to be perfect but if I can do H you know it's good at the job as I can then I think I can be an elite player yeah you know it's always you always want to make your parents proud um I think I think we all want to um you know live live vicariously through them and and and hopefully they raised us right and and and they have for me and there's been moments in my career where I probably let them down and um you know I was still always their son and um you know they loved me through the through the bad times but um to to to act like a professional and to but just act like a professional I think makes them proud and uh I can look in the mirror tonight and be proud of myself for how I you know behaved out there and um under the gun and and under PR pressure situations yeah you know I think they were trying they looked at flights to to come here and I guess they didn't pull the trigger but um I told them that I would uh I would I would win in front of them soon and uh I believe it and um you know they're my biggest supporters and uh you know whether I lose or lose or win they're going to love me just as much and uh and that's crucial to have people like that in your circle and uh it takes a lot of pressure off of you for sure kept me in the moment and um you know we we we're lucky and we play play a game for a living and and it's not the end of the world and um you know everyone always talks about perspective but it really is perspective and uh it's it's crazy how um fear is uh one of those things that it happens to all of us uh we wouldn't be human if we didn't experience fear and uh being out here on the golf course trying to win tournaments there's a lot lot of things going through your mind and um whether you want to call it fear or not uh I think us men don't like to use that word but um there's a lot of times where oh there's water left you don't want to hit it left that's that's a fearful you know no but um you know my mom and dad both are really you know huge supporters and and my mom my mom has such a uh such a good outlook on life in general she went through a horrific accident um when I was little and I think it turned her perspective on life and she's really in into her faith and um in the last couple years she's had some um some some deaths in the family that were you know her mom and her great a and Uncle were were pretty much they died within a few days of each other and um you know just seeing her going through all that and and obviously her accident years ago it how strong she is um when she tells me something like that um I listen now because um I I I really truly believe that she comes from uh a place where uh it's it's been really hard for her to uh she's seen dark times and she's gotten through them and um I think she really just doesn't want to see her you know son I'm I'm one of three so um one of three kids and she just wants to see us all be happy most importantly um and I think when she knew that um I finally was able to stop drinking um she knew my talent was always there and um she kept reminding me like you know when I was a kid like you know the parents or the or even the kids in the in the in the tournament would always say oh was Grayson playing oh well we're playing for second now and you know that was the attitude I had when I was a kid and it wasn't arrogance it wasn't Cockiness it was just like I was really good and um you know it's hard to get back to that mentality out here cuz you know you're playing against guys that were just as good as me as a kid um but there is some type of levelness that you have to have within yourself to tell yourself that I am one of the best and I belong out here and um just her encouraging words is always um is always meaningful yeah and I would imagine there's some level of Freedom playing out here now that I think you're about 10 or 11 months sober from from drinking on that's got to free you up in in a lot of ways I'd imagine right it does um I mentioned in in Gary Gary's podcast um that you alluded to um going to bed at night like my parents don't have to worry you know getting that phone call which is probably the best gift I can give them um you know they they uh obviously am at more piece and and um you know giv them that peace of mind it's now they can focus on just being loving parents and now they're grandparents so um focus on being you know the best grandparents they can be and um I hope that adds a lot of life to their to their life uh they're getting up there my dad's about to be 74 and you know I just want to see him his last you know hopefully he's got 20 year more years in him but his last 20 years be like the best years of his life for um because because I make it you know easier on them um anytime you can spend uh a week with your with your favorite people uh it just makes it that much more special and um you know I wish we could do it more often but you know everyone has their daily life they have to go about and um you know I hope I hope we can make it a tradition every year to for austa yeah my parents uh have been through uh you know helling back basically for the last six years with me uh fighting um some some mental stuff and um it's not easy on me and and the people around me that love me they don't like to see me down and um they've been my number one supporters and everyone has their battles and um sometimes they're um people are able to hide them and and and function and sometimes you're not and uh you know I think our society now is getting better about accepting that you know it's okay to not be okay type deal and um I've embraced that type uh mentality and um not ashamed that I go through depression anxiety and um you know I I know I've helped people out in the pass just through my social media DMS people message me and um you know and that's I think part of uh I can use my platform to do to continue to to help um with things like that Grayson Murray a two time PGA to winner who battled alcohol issues and depression has passed away he played the first round and part of the second round in this week is Charles schab challenge but we've Grew From the event after 16 olds his cause of death has not been given at this time he attended W Forest University East Carolina University and Arizona State University and later won the 2017 barasa championship and the 2024 Sony opening Hawaii he was reportedly du to marry his fiance Christina this spring Grayson died at 30 years old he won the Sony Open in a playoff earlier this year ending a six year winless drought J wish he would struggled both mentally and physically two time major winner Baba Watson said in a statement in quotes very sad to hear the news of grayon Mar's passing today life is so fragile I was just hugging you at the master telling you how proud of you I am thankful to have known you here at Nice N we send our condolences to his family friends and fans may his soul rest in peace get this question a lot what the dynamic like between you and K out there what is his main role I mean is he doing a lot of read for you is it keeping you mentally there what is what does he do for you out the course yeah he's a he's a huge cheer leader he keeps him very positive he tells me how good I am and um you know he he helps me um re read greens uh when I call him in we we do a very good job at reading together and um yeah I mean we we are growing together we weren't perfect U even you know my first win we probably could have played that 18th hole a little better and um you know we talk about it we try to we try to get better as a team and um and that's important I don't think uh I don't think any team out here is um going to be perfect from the start it's it's always kind of a a growing process and uh you know we're we're starting to to really mesh well out there and your high school teammate Carter Jenkins he finished second what's aesome what impresses you about his game and just what Memories do you have of playing you know High School golf yeah we played High School golf we won a state championship together we practiced all the time together and um I always knew had the game and um you know he took a little longer to get out here but that doesn't matter he's out here and he's doing well and uh I hope he can hope he can get his card as well as well and uh yeah I mean Carter's a great kid and comes from a great family and um I'm excited at it know he came in second but I'm very excited that two Raleigh boys are on top of the leaderboard awesome that's it thank you so much did you want to get
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Keywords: pga tour, pga grayson murray, pga tour highlights, golfer, grayson murray interview, golf, grayson murray putt, grayson murray swing, grayson murray golf, golf live, grayson murray hole in one, grayson murray pass, grayson murray putter throw, grayson murray golf swing
Id: 6MO8P05Tf4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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