Webb Simpson about Grayson Murray Passed Away Saturday Flash Interview 2024 Charles Schwab Challenge

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web I know you just got the golf course and uh heard the uh horrible news about uh Grayson Murray I just want to I know you knew him a little bit just want to get your your thoughts and reaction to what the news you heard um yeah Grayson and I we have a long history uh Ted keegle uh a dear friend has you know he he taught me the game he taught Grace in the game I think I first met Grayson at my home Club when Grayson was probably eight years old maybe nine um and he was the first winner of the web Simpson challenge Junior tournament that I've had for 14 years and so um you know when you hear news like that over the phone you you don't think it's real at first and you know you hear the emotion um coming you know coming from our our swing coach and then you realize it's real um but I know that you know his mom was with him uh during the Wells Fargo Championship and I think you know they were hanging out together um and I I love those two days we got together so I'm super super thankful for you know getting some some good time with them uh before you know the bad news of today what when you spent time with Grayson what what were you got some of the times you had with him some of the memories you had with him what you guys kind of talked about especially recently as he was really working on you know getting his life where where it thought it was yeah um you know life's life's not easy and I think Grayson would put his hand up first and say it's not easy but um Grayson put great people around him um his fiance Christiana um seems like a great woman um I think they were really excited about getting married I actually had a meal with them during the pebble Pebble Beach tournament um and you know I think you know he has really explored his faith over the years and it seemed like the last 6 months to eight months he had really started uh committing his life to Christ and and you know trying to honor Christ with his life and um it definitely seemed like there was more of a lightness to him in a good way uh over these past few months when I would see him um and he's a great obviously he was a great player and I just kind of I told him at Wells Fargo I'm like man like no problem you're on your way to top 50 in the world um you know playing like this and so I know his parents somewhat well and I know uh I can't imagine what they're going through right now but um yeah thankful to know him web Jay said in the statement that Grayson would not haveed this turn to be cancelled today or tomorrow is that kind of the great thing that you know that yeah for sure can yeah I mean he was a competitor um and a great player so I'm sure if he could have his say he would he would tell everybody to keep playing thanks have you had a chance to talk to his family or anybody no I found out literally 10 minutes before I teed off J said he's on his way down there okay yeah yep than
Channel: TenGolf
Views: 74,978
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Id: u5vuaDVVeIU
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Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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