Golf-It Funny Moments - Rage Against the Delirious!

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yo we got [ __ ] Christmas music I don't hear I guess I turned it off oh my gosh turn your music on it is worth it turning music on editor play really sad music right now play the black and yellow Call of Duty parody song yeah no it's Christmas time he's coming back now be careful when you say the word are you supposed to at least follow an existing jingle like Christmas song Christmas song Christmas or the song but what if we want to get claimed for some remix bro like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire yeah that was [ __ ] regis's fault Regis was browsing the internet and he found that there you go I've linked it you've seen this before but there you go refresher let's have a listen a very special H2O Delirious Christmas play it right now H2O Delirious presents the greatest collection of Christmas songs ever assembled Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree why don't you choose and blow me that was good that was good dude a different age I missed that microphone dude here comes Santa Claus Here Comes Santa Claus all over your toes [Music] that's so good I feel like you can genuinely release like a mockery of them like that and people will buy it all that [ __ ] all of that stuff got demonetized it's not about the money dude it's about the Christmas jingles we're gonna make a new channel where I'm like oh sweet and innocent and then I'm just gonna be my normal self on this channel do a face reveal instead of n words parador what up beef hilarious all right first of all happy birthday panda panda oh I'm a birthday happy birthday it was it was dude it was what but it is wait hold on today is my birthday because people don't know when we're recording this exactly wait is this a hole in one map I don't think so oh great I'm gonna change it if there is a hole in one version oh okay let me go look oh [ __ ] I pressed R okay could we what's the other thing to reset R for hard reset what's the other one hard R and then what's it what's soft soft food yeah your choice I found a Christmasy wow hole in one okay jingle balls suck my balls thank you good night Delirious do you have an extra head so you can give Noble no no that's the sound of him staring at the Shelf in the corner of his room with like 40 pairs of Astros 2014 asteroids is on Amazon this is a palette in this garage blanket dude she swivels his chair over to the computer with the 40 eBay accounts and just raises the price of all of them no so what it's Delirious when I finally get my new office set up I'm gonna actually try to use a better mic no dude don't change your mic don't do face count no don't do it dude where's the other H2O clan members Clan member sounds so bad members from South Carolina North Carolina one of the Carolinas all right okay but people in this group do not need to be called clan members well what if they are the odds are high how many strokes do we want 20 or 15. don't change the subject so wait you can't find those Astros on eBay no I bought a few before and they didn't work I've been not [ __ ] buying a bunch more I'll buy it and I'll make sure it works and I'll sell to you for triple the price all right hole-in-one Christmas cheating [ __ ] don't be a sucker [Music] what do you mean by cheating Santa Claus doesn't look that way every time you don't make it in one shot you press the F button or R hard R soft F what happens if I get into the bucket in a bit admiration admiration oh my gosh nice observation looks fantastic damn it God damn it why did I opt to play this and waste like three hours of my life if we're here for three hours none of us are going to be here yeah here we go I'll leave it nice Delirious nice first try first try yes I found another hole Yeah we don't all have to fight over the same hole if we were together we can fill all the holes I gotta say your ball is so black dude I thank you black black balls you guys realize there's there's three holes you guys can make yeah well I can't even make it yes one hole so you know you can see it is hitting it as hard as he can against the wall yes dang I forgot to Yellow snowmen down here the meeting of snowmen sitting around the fire it's a clan meeting there's a snow Clan meetings they are all killing themselves here we go first try I'm glad that you're here with me Delirious I really appreciate it yeah if it wasn't for you you I wouldn't even be here come play with it it's Delirious for you it makes like a better more of an impression come on dude how do you you guys do this because I was expecting you for a good minute and you never shot oh my God is that it is that the one yeah dude find us oh my God look at that I'm [ __ ] amazing I am not I need to hit it too hard it is that hard when you don't play this damn game bro did you take math class in Geometry by any chance ever go to high school did you take the English in in vocabulary is that Kim Jong-un who the [ __ ] is that foreign [Music] yes I hit Marcel's ball then I got it oh that's good myself Santa Claus I don't understand Panda you said you're the best but did you say You're really good you found out what's happening Hollow [ __ ] he's not that bad if you can't hit him if you can't hit him that means that is ridiculous what the hell is that what Christmas character is that what is that [ __ ] what the hell no no that's not the whole that's not the hole oh maybe you just tap it like this imagine oh my God how do you do that grab it with both hands and just kind of like flick it you know what I'm saying like that don't tell him don't tell him don't tell him don't tell him [Music] who's me hit me why is it going off so fast the bucket behind us has a goal in it Delirious it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it is I'm Not Afraid let's try it I'm Not Afraid dude that would have been an incredible first try listen man if you do it you will still be in last place I know that and that's why I'm okay about being in less place you know this is why you guys invite me so I can come on I've been playing this game for like 10 years and I use it makes you feel any better you were playing this game before we made any videos on it yeah that was just my go-to cool down game at night just raging in your apartment [ __ ] Santa why is this Santa got like such a huge ass head bro like oh my God Brian Brian coming bro yeah [ __ ] you Delirious why'd you do that I didn't do this you're so incentive hit him hit him Delirious you hit me I'll hit you and then you [ __ ] little car nobody just cheated me all right cheated cheated that's what you gonna do about it huh I deserve to help myself it was was the right thing to do let me see come on come on look at my numbers black balls matter [Music] I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm posting a black ball on my social media Marcel I'm gonna do it on Instagram where I hit it tell me where to hit it hit that black Ball battle [Laughter] yeah yeah what about the candy canes candy canes is a win in the top Kobe yes I got it oh dear dude I wouldn't reuse that if I were you I wouldn't reset it yes Dear Santa Claus this year for Christmas [Music] don't worry no you're not don't you say you're what do you mean go back to where I came from [ __ ] you Brian knuckle you're gonna win it's way too far uh not really I cheated that's right wow oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree why are you saying I thought you said Christmas tweet and I was like you can't tweet dude how did it happen I've been tweeting you're like literally posting you know star of Davids and swastikas I'm a Tweety on musk right now and ask him on you okay yes everybody in the Twitter comment section yes in the Twitter comment section there you go hello there you go there's doing that um okay get out of the way delirious yes you know you got to do delish you got to make a Christmas card for Elon Musk and Gmod sandbox play this game I don't even know why please to go delirious Terrorizer can you can you uh can you teach me the ways yeah just stop being a [ __ ] dumbass just listen to me oh my goodness first time North Carolina you did not get a damn hole in God now I gotta watch Brian and put pressure oh dude no you get out of the [ __ ] way into this every time I hit something it's you it's not me it's you it's not me it's you this is delirious delirious delirious did you see what you just did no I didn't [ __ ] Sombrero just hit me out of the way [ __ ] I had it dude I had it not oh God damn it that was my last chance oh it's so close they are nicer to it you might get it yeah roll back in come on yeah Delirious you [ __ ] oh no no no thanks to yours Merry Christmas thanks for playing oh thank you for having us it's a race [Music] yeah so strong dude thank you wait a minute someone oh I'm getting closer wobble on your way in get up all right um thank you thank you one step closer no not yet but try again [Music] wait that works that works thank you delirious yes I got a rice hat hey Evan does it say anything no don't say it yeah actually that's it's nogla's word now yes Mary sinclus Ryan Brian do you have it Mary Miss yeah yeah that's all right all right all right all right [Music]
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 2,084,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, Puncake, Parody, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Xbox One, MultiplayerPS4, Funtage
Id: 7DZcaAZwsf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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