CM Punk shoots on working with John Cena

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[Music] so I mentioned the money in the bank match with Cena which is probably gonna end up being maybe your most celebrated match ever he's started to move on from w/e he's moving to the Hollywood platform as well he's got a Nickelodeon movie coming out no did he ask for time off her day no I think he just took it I think he just exited stage left and said you can't see me but thought son didn't mean that to be a knock on WWE I promise thoughts on working with Cena what was it like with him he was the top guy they're the closest equivalent to a Hulk Hogan in the 80s for that company what was it like working with him creatively what was it like that night in Chicago and thoughts on Cena moving on from WWE when he's been such a big part of their identity the last 15 years and you're gonna get another Michael Hayes impression I hope you I hope you all enjoy the Michael Hayes impression I wish John I literally I wish John was here so he could answer that question but I always liked working with John because again it was it was easy and I think John was in a position where he was almost kind of glad somebody else came in and forcibly like took the reins I remember the first time I worked John in like 2009 and you know in wrestling the bad guy normally calls the match it's just kind of traditionally how it went and I remember locking up with John and like he was doing it appearance so like we couldn't talk about the match and I hated talking about matches anyway it's like John Cena you know what he does he does the five things and like that's it so if you can't figure that out you know you're in trouble but and I remember Mike Keota was the referee and I remember locking up with John and like grabbing a headlock and taking him over and you know I'm happy just to sit there a minute and like kind of get the lay of the land and he started going double drop-down hip toss was like calling all this [ __ ] that was just like man we're just looking over a keyword and I go Mike who the [ __ ] calling this match and he he did it he's laughing so hard he was like trying to hide his face and John just went oh okay and I think I think John was stoked that he didn't have to be that guy directing traffic and I just he'd let me do whatever the [ __ ] I wanted so I think he was relieved but I also think that's how we work together really well you know because I was I mean you talked about I never like to take credit for [ __ ] because at the end it doesn't you know it doesn't matter but I was the first guy to be like why is everybody always take their shoulder but like you know what the [ __ ] gonna happen like why do you let him do this to you without [ __ ] kicking him in the head so like it was really like I broke down the John Cena comeback like in a logical way and he was just kind of like this is great nobody's ever done this before you know and you know just working with him was was always great like I said I cuz he wasn't worried about his spot and I think everybody else up until that point was worried about their spot I don't think when I wrestled JBL I don't think he gave a [ __ ] about his spot so that that that made it a little bit better but there was always there's always guys who were worried about their spot and they you know did you know that they don't like you and you know politically they're against you so wrestling them was always pulling teeth it wasn't like that with John at all would you say the Chicago match was your happiest moment in the company with you to feel the most fulfilled that night no I mean the happiest moment in the company that's like really I mean that's hard to say I mean I legitimately did not sign a contract until that day like we didn't have it like Vince was like what's the finish because if you don't sign the finishes obviously John up if you sign we have to figure out a finish and I was like oh okay you know and I and I got what I wanted and I signed the deal in the Rosemont horizon and but I don't know if it was my happiest moment you know what I mean I was always stoked when I got to help somebody else have a happy moment that was always I think happier for me I think in that moment I think for Chicago and wrestling fans in general is a happy moment for them it's a great moment for me don't get me wrong but I think I was always more stoked when you know like when ape and Eve got to do a main event with me and Dan O'Brien like a raw I was always happy to you know do what I could I feel like in my career parallels with my life that I'm always like if I find myself on higher ground I'm always doing this try to reach up and like bring my friends with me because when I was a kid I never had that so I'm always empathetic to that and I always want to bring everybody for the ride I always want to bring everybody up and bring everybody along I always try to get my friends jobs always try to you know work with my friends to bring them up if if if I'm up you know a level I've always just like come on let's go here we you know like I kick this door in let's all go you know if you want to go do you want to go fast you go alone if you want to go far go together [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Starrcast
Views: 777,307
Rating: 4.9469657 out of 5
Keywords: Conrad Thompson, Bruce Prichard, Eric Bischoff, Tony Schiavone, starrcast, conrad thompson podcast, Conrad Thompson Starrcast, starrcast 2019, AEW, Starrcast AEW, all elite wrestling, aew, aew wrestling, aewrestling, being the elite, the elite, pro wrestling, Starrcast convention, all in, dave meltzer, podcast, tony khan, wednesday night wars, CM Punk, Cm Punk AEW, cm punk starrcast, chris jericho, cm punk starrcast full interview, CM Punk WWE, cm punk returns
Id: cbP5V5gqKdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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