Famous Afghani Chainaki Mutton Gosht Recipe | Delicious Lamb Meat Stew Making In Pots Over The Coals

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Channel: Peshawari Street Food
Views: 227,128
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Keywords: Chainaki gosht, afghan chainaki, afghan chainaki meat, afghan chainaki mutton, afghan chainaki recipe, afghan food kitchen, afghan recipes, afghan street food, afghan traditinal cuisine chainaki, afghan traditional food, afghani chainaki recipe, chainaki afghani meat, chainaki mutton, chainaki recipe, clay pot lamb meat stew, how to make afghani chainaki mutton, instant pot lamb stew, lamb meat stew, shorwa e chainaki afghani, shorwa e chainaki afghani cuisine, street food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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