Goldberg Responds To Bret Hart's Criticism To Him Over WCW Starrcade Kick!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Inside The Ropes
Views: 671,076
Rating: 4.7551208 out of 5
Keywords: Inside The Ropes, Kenny McIntosh, Goldberg, Bill Goldberg, Bret Hart, WCW, Starrcade, Ric Flair, WWF, Eric Bischoff, WCW Monday Nitro, WCW Starrcade
Id: iuXkm3zDnQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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Accidents happen in wrestling unfortunately.
I mean look at Dragon Lee losing grip on the Phoenix Plex and breaking Hiromu’s neck 18 months ago.
I appreciate what Goldberg said and it’s clear this bothers him to this day - it’s a bad situation - what a lot of people, including Bret seem to forget (and Bret is my favorite of all time) - Bret continued to wrestle and was doing hardcore matches which, of anything, magnified the concussion and its affects after the kick. Also it wasn’t the kick but how Bret’s Head whiplashes to the mat - this according to Bret in his autobiography.
It wasn’t his fault. Shit happens in wrestling. Samoa Joe nearly killed someone with a move he performed hundreds of times without injuring someone. Samoa Joe wasn’t at fault for it.