Gold Through The Fire (1987) Full Movie | Charles Harlan | Kris Wolf |Directed by Edward T. McDougal

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[Music] it's no surprise when you print Bibles were the underground church in Russia you stand already for such moments but I never thought it would happen so quickly in a single minute I became an orphan [Music] most of us at the camp in Podolsk were sons of political prisoners but they treated us as hardened criminals and many learned to behave like animals I would have been broken if God had not sustained me I heard the stories every Russian here that the few men who escaped from the Soviet Union on foot a thousand kilometers or more for the taste of freedom they walked if they were not shot first for months I plan my escape food maps camping gear every detail had to be accounted for [Music] - the josh kappa holding by america god you loopy teenager in the water [Music] [Music] [Music] walking the streets of Moscow I'm amazed they have gotten this far when would I wake up from this dream and they found by the secret police in London later my best friend Sergey had been influenced by my escape but he would soon way quickly from his dream [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there was now in Finland but Finland has an agreement with Russia to capture and deport those who escaped he would be another 300 kilometers before my freedom was assured the American Embassy secured permission for me to immigrate to the United States they helped me get into contact with a Christian nation who sponsored my trip to America in America I'd learned once you are well-known you must hold the press confidence I kept telling myself this is not as bad as a firing squad no God and not be putting pretty American food yet yes fried chicken what is what everything going to be now that you're in America Peter to play football in make friends didn't go to church playing now staying at the hotel and to to make final arrangements with a host family the hotels in Chicago English in Russian did when they were full of pure thought Russia and Canada to be jealous see let's give us a user and only by God's grace to aid the official escape escape you're planning on taking over the world aren't there zhw means should - it skips a user only by fear of God can we reduce fear of water Peter why your parents his parents are in prison now because of operating a secret printing press what were they printing Bibles for this young man from Russia at least for the time being it seems he has truly found the American Dream now whether or not this is a dream that we can swallow is another story this is Samantha Newport Eyewitness News six Chicago hi honey hey I got that contract sewn up today I'm great by the way David's teacher called again did you start turning in his homework yet no he's been falling asleep in class maybe we should take the TV out of his room I don't know his counselor says that he could really use a pony yeah last week the counselor had him throwing clay against the wall can you tell me what good that's gonna do him I don't know I'm just thankful that he's Christian yeah well he'll never guess what happened today you know how we've been praying to really do something for the Lord well pastor call and he wants us to take in that Russian boy that one that's been in the news he thinks we'd be the ideal family anyway he said we could pick him up tomorrow downtown at the Hotel Continental and have him come and stay for a week or so you know kind of unapprove 'el we've been really praying for something to help David I know but you know what Doris Fox is going to say how many times have I told you not to worry about what Doris Fox says well it's going to be so inconvenient a lot easier than taking in a pony [Music] [Music] in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth [Music] hello don't get any illusions about America the honeymoon is a goose disappear [Music] Peter hello we're the McBride's this is my wife Marilyn my daughter Deirdre I'm Dean and this is my son David men don't hug in America [Music] the Pieta Swasey live just average Americans Peter what's the matter had you ever seen a Christian bumper sticker before [Music] David I was hoping you and Peter could share a room together I'm sure you'd have a wonderful time we're just showing your room ever here at Transformers no and you're from Russia what does it transformers it's like this watch transforms from a robot - okay we're gonna flip this you sleep swear sleep see nip coin look George Washington there's some bird I don't know what it is you can have George Washington yes George Washington your choice if you die here you can change the TV channel faster if you up dear dear Joel won't attack her in the morning yeah you choose yeah I'll take the top morning did you sleep well yes business very soft this is like dinner back in Russia where they're just you and your mother and father back there no I am little brother Yuri but he was taken to orphanage after my parents were arrested back in Russia we used to get up at 4 o'clock every morning to stand in line for bread that's okay you just put it in the disposal mrs. Davis yes Elias um how can you tell so much about those guys their hair and ears and everything only have or the skulls I mean Elliot if there's that old they'd have to be covered with hair don't you think maybe need some help miss Davis Oh may I help you and Pyotr Petrovich nosov I am here to class now Petrovich I don't think you're on my computer pronounced now are you on vacation from Russia or something she wants to know whether you're on a holiday Christmas Day I escaped from Russia because of religious persecution I am Christian right you came here to find religious freedom do you have any transcripts or records or yes I like you very much music hey dude you gotta you too okay you can sit down till we sort this thing out but first let me give you your resource manual supplementary textbook of insights and answers you're gonna have to buy a spiral notebook two sets of index cards a set of markers and a box of crayons but for right now just take a seat right back there okay you got a Bible here man now you won't be trying to advertise a little religion would you may I help you yes can you help me find books about science in your Bible if we have anything it will be over there in the card catalog even know what a card catalog is to you okay you have these drawers of little cards author title and subject cards but you don't know the title so you look in the subject cards get the Dewey Decimal number and go find the book you're gonna need to understand English before you can do anything you teach me [Music] here's something that I think will help you see these teaching vocabulary and how to pronounce words they're really good and they're simple sit down now all you have to do is listen and then repeat [Music] alfredo like spaghetti but Jill likes have her can you say that alfredo like spaghetti she likes him burgers okay good so this is play stop and eject play stop eject right I was just helping him find a language tape I can't feel sorry for the poor guy you feel sorry for that game the poor guy that guy is totally weird teacher shut up some new friends noticed how much I like soccer and they said they would help me get on the high school team he was like the time my friend smuggled me into a sold-out performance of the Moscow Circus Angela what do we got here what do you think you're doing huh well you might say is like a Trojan horse come on just blend it turn your party hey Marie what do you got over here just a Russian film Oh what this is Peter the new kid from Russia I think he's a good soccer yeah soccer is a pretty big sport Russian coach come on coach isn't it just what we need Kalin Bressler don't try to con me Marie I wouldn't put it past you to bring a spy over here from Central High to steal our training secrets what secrets cut sorry we get enough losers as it is now and the district rules say you can't play a kid until he's been here for six months I think he can make it on this own Elliot all right Coulee let's go with it here Marshall move that fat hey kid you wouldn't want to be an equipment manager would you you know clean up take care of the equipment yes I should like are you working on your Sunday School lesson David huh I said are you working on your Sunday School lessons oh yeah yeah in Russia we have secret Christians but you are secret unbeliever honey you're not gonna like this what I forgot our money for their collection plate again oh my god is a quarter I've only got a dollar a DIYer 25 isn't good enough for mrs. Fox mom [Music] see that that's how you get money in America really such a machine that's amazing [Music] we've got over 2,000 people in this church Peter I bet you don't see anything like this in Russia no do they photograph here's the police no not here by the way what is this I hear about you're taking in a delinquent not really but he is from Russia well he is but he's well you're just going to have to put on the full armor of God it can't stand a mrs. Fox Julie says she's praying for me well I'll be praying for David thank you we'll need it Peter Peter I want you to meet someone this is Senator Tom brewer he's a very important man hey he's been working on some US Soviet trade agreements Peter I visited Russia recently and I'm so glad to find out that there's no more religious persecution in your country but thousands like my parents are in prison for their Christian beliefs he's young senator I'm sure he wasn't disagreeing with you nice meeting you Peter and if there's anything that I can do for you please let me know Peter this is Jack win his wife Betty and their son Li Jack has had him win McCabe law firm he's a very important man pleased to meet you Peter I just gave $50 to Bibles for Russia hey Mel congratulations on your promotion boy there are a lot of important people here I I don't understand today he goes but yesterday he doesn't God he went that's the English language for you it's kind of crazy real crazy I got some books for you now you'll be able to come up with some really good ideas in class this is for when you don't understand some words thank you I have to go now [Music] you [Music] and don't tell me this guy's playing for our team did you tell him what happened to the last equipment manager we had he like cleaning up mud don't you Bible boy will he hear me here here to clean up some more you want someone oh it doesn't do it man top of the Bible how about the Bible come here what would you do I was just bad aren't you guys move it I want to go home you're done with these guys push it around I never told you had to clean the floor go get the rest of you and your attitude stinks but as soon as the people had been poured out Jesus went into the girls room and took all of her hand and she got up hey just between you and me do you really believe in this stuff you're just trying to believe in it because mom and dad do I believe it hey how would you like to hear something really interesting okay okay there was this real ugly monster red real ugly slime all over and their night he come and visit this little girl and sleep at the foot of her bed is everything okay yes David I want you to read it slowly enough so that Deirdre can understand it okay mom Jesus went into the girls anyways he came in through the window sill and he got slam and it must have been a rush because the slime was already david yeah was he really reading that to her you know how about this one it's got one of those computerized things that tell you how many calories you're burning on sure why not I can't believe David he used to be so fired up for the Lord no we thinks about is listening to a stereo and hanging around with all his friends what friends contribute to missionaries international starving children sure give him 20 bucks maybe we shouldn't made such a big deal about those haircuts or getting him into counseling so soon I think what he needs is more discipline what about this Christian seminar on midlife crisis what do that last year with you yeah I know but you're you're older and look the same as the autumn years let's wait till they are conditioned the cabins you know if he's like this now what's he gonna be like four years from now I think we've got to get tough while there's still time I'm at the pony here's the estimate twenty percent down and thirty six easy monthly installments you know I can't believe we're even considering getting this kid a pony hey do you really believe in that stuff you just trying to impress somebody your Bible yes I believe you just a bunch of fairy tales the flames are getting hotter as I knew someday they'd be under the hands of a loving father he is refining me perfectly and the fire consumes not my person it's burning away my impurities it's his way of saying I love you but how strange it is to me [Music] once again where the heat is so strong where it's so hard to stay I'm thirsty for some water I know I'm being tested it feels like I'm being condemned in the furnace again [Music] what was freedom if you are still an outcast in Russia I lost every friend for the name of Christ but I am in America now I wonder if there was any place I could go where I would not have to drink from the cup of suffering [Music] welcome to a loser table the social rejects of Kennedy Han you like so that's Darlene she doesn't say much that's the first time I've seen a smile I've been trying to witness to it invited to the youth school I hand out tracts I'm starting to get pretty discouraged about give me any Christian to you yeah but don't ask me how many that's the best kept secret at Kennedy however given Christian friends I don't have any kind of friends as long as I picture myself as mr. cool do it though you know people yelling across the lunchroom hey Elliot who's the girl you with last weekend huh I only had nice ports he got Saturday Ally a nice touchdown you manage you reject [Music] see what I mean sometimes I wonder what happened if I gave up this Bible stuff and worked on my image a little would you like to read a Bible you got a good lawyer oh yeah yeah I think at laws against bringing God into school loss against God you're used to that aren't you yes I am five hundred million years ago we had the Cambrian Age we're talking about trilobite Sandin vertebrates 480 million years ago we had the Ordovician age which is shell animals and then 435 million years ago we had the Silurian age yes Peter I do not believe what you're saying is truth Peter you're entitled to have your own opinion but Europe against facts backed by the entire scientific community I don't understand you say the earth is four-and-a-half billion years old but that's impossible is it Peter would you like to teach this class instead of me sure these kids do a lot of reading these days in this position it's hard to know where they get all these germs from don't play with me angle you were supposed to job last year when you put a Christmas tree in the front hallway I want you to deal with this issue or I will I'll deal with it mrs. nation there's no need for you to worry what are all these people doing here this is like traffic court Frank he assaulted his English teacher Jennifer got her gym clothes Delores Darlene and Karen were caught smoking in the girls washroom just give him passes back to class and grace hold all my calls I have a real problem to deal with Peter come on in here and close the door Peter do you know why you're in here today no there's been some concern about the way you've been expressing your religious beliefs at school and there's certain things that you just don't talk about in a public high school yes I learned that in Russia your science teacher gave me this test this isn't the kind of thing that's gonna get you through school and neither is holding Bible sessions in the school lunchroom you're gonna get in serious trouble and I don't want that look see this American money kita the good life you see the guy's picture on it started out as a simple wood chopper and ended up to be 16th president in United States if you keep your nose clean and get a good education you could do the same thing in god we trust' honey I spoke with Pastor and one of the members of the Slovak Relief Fund today and they wanted to know how things were working out with Peter what did you tell them I told him everything was fine what is it I don't know you're with him all day [Music] [Music] yes I'm afraid I have the wrong number for what are you looking 1618 mm this is 1614 I'm sorry but you look very familiar no perhaps we have met somewhere else I don't think so but you look very much like the boy who was in the news who escaped from Russia is your name Peter yes my name is Bruno I'm from the travel agency did I hear that you may be traveling back home soon it is my card no I will be staying where did you read that what happens sometimes the homesickness I love it here are you sure maybe you are trying to get yourself to believe that no I will stay everything is fine have you found the freedom here that you are looking for if I ever return they were only put me in prison but how can they inspire others to return to the homeland if they were to put you in prison on the contrary Peter you would be a hero you would have a free education a car a dacha when you get older well if you change your mind let me know I will be able to take care of all your plans [Music] where tomorrow this is wrong [Music] yeah this is cool which is cool just cool that's all not going up here stores and everything yeah my friends come up here I might even see a girl I know and don't stop bringing up all this religious stuff will pay will be very embarrassing oh look at Firebird there's one my girls now yeah one night I took her and we started dancing then we went out to the movies you're fun so you know Jody huh yeah bet he got that out of the yearbook let's see if he's telling the truth hey Jody [Music] good yeah I've seen him around have you gone out with them are you kidding did you wanna go out yeah [Music] [Music] sorry friends three to me they didn't do nothing to me you want to give me English nothing baby don't call me Davey you want to play soccer Jesus give us nice day preaching me okay don't you get tired of looking at the box never you do me a favor and go back to Russia all right [Music] if we want results there's going to be consequences I need you to support me in this all right David reminded me of my little brother they were both in prison but David did not know that from his prison bars he could be set free I prayed for a way to reach him and one day it came David yeah you're wrong what about it you need to clean it I did David you need to clean it until it's clean man you guys are doing a song because of Peter aren't you David you are not leaving this house until that room is clean ground me see if I care I'll accorded a youth group anyway David huh I never really believed in that stuff anyways what I just faking it David don't talk like that why not I mean it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you teach me basketball I can't think I saw some ice wasn't you yes that is a problem hey do you want to teach me how to play soccer like really good you really want to be good if there's a lot of hard work I'm not so sure you want to work so hard I love come on let's get going before I can rest after four more left okay know [Music] each other get another second right I thought you said you're gonna teach me how to play soccer I didn't know yet the scepter be such a good soccer player you don't know [Music] popular you know I like wearing the right clothes doing a sport bring somebody to give your girlfriend a nice time then they will have girlfriend uh-huh and you have to have a nice personality to like smiling and saying the right things and laughing a lot then they will have the friends right yeah that's funny yeah it is kind of you are we got a beautiful girl that's my house I have to go now I want you to take Peter up the Sears and buy him some decent clothes here's my charge I trust you'll get him something nice all right I will mom you know I've got good taste just be back by 5:00 and look both ways when you cross the street I will go read a Bitcoin just leave it to me hey what are you making I'm making my TV schedule can only watch three violent shows a week Oh No former pro an hour of TV man you see this kind of torture those are my girlfriend's you'll have girlfriends and you're only 12 years old sure I got lots of them well my parents only meet dates that's a real bummer well my friend started dating in fourth grade hey she's not your girlfriend hey take it easy I'm not going with or anything she's just a good friend of mine what are you going with her no girl she says you can only have one friend at the time yeah I bet stomp wrestler right yes Tiger Beat you've got to be kidding I promise scouts honor he's got all stack of them okay all you have to do is tell Sheree sister she'll tell Sheree okay what are you willing to pay how much do you want 10 P 5 max 853 5650 oh right here's $5.25 make it six here's five here's another quarter 550 on the nose [Music] it's a Russian kid isn't it done no it doesn't well then what is it would you spell it out for me it's just these things I've been finding out about you come on baby you know I can handle that all right okay this is really embarrassing but my little sister knows your little sister and she says you watch bozo I just watched for the cartoons is that such a big deal she says he used her mr. bubble just about every other day I use it for shampoo is that it she says you read Tiger Beat Magazine that's all right all right all right that does it [Music] I don't really know girls and I just got them in trade for gum cards train we're on to be cool okay that's okay there were little comments on him to make him look more realistic that's all fake that's all I don't really have any friends you forget about your best friend Jesus when you ask Jesus into your heart and you do something really bad well he accepts you back in do you know the story of the prodigal son I guess I do when he went away in the long-term what happened he did the worst things a person can do I guess it's been about stats money and stuff when he returned did his father lock the gate and say you can't come home [Music] they be hide in the garage and make his son look for him what did you do he came by on the road man kiss them won't God forgive us if he tells us to forgive 70 times 7 yeah even if you've seen the worse than anyone hey Shirley look great Peter you look terrific I have been praying we can be friends now well let's just follow the Lord's timing about this okay we cannot walk together or read the Bible Peter it's just not that simple if we do that everybody will think we're going together okay let's go look Peter your clothes they're great but but what it's just that you're kind of new here and well I guess we could be friends if we just didn't date or anything right now I'm gonna just imagine that your friend I have to go now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you don't get moving and you got 50 laps tomorrow let's go man didn't say that leave the apathy honesty sunglasses again [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know Ellie you can see the campus coach be by the second yeah we need to interrupt you because we know your concentrate on the game that we're moving you know it's gonna hit the papers her mother we lost yeah and then the other Cup soccer broke cause we lose too much coaching yeah and you threw your chance to be good looser than ever we got idea that we win code just give me a break guy a minute coach with you you know I want this victory so bad guys don't play with it doesn't kid in there to put him on the team he could get a steel break let him try for my boys coach who is he hey harpy he's played he's brilliant seen him play but what could he do could he kicked a run back and do all that stuff took one pass dumped you name it it's from Russia hey I don't care if he's from Cuba is a very controversial kid in the school who cares he's controversial I can kick a ball club I mean you want me to just put it off all right get him suited up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought you said you shouldn't let everyone in the school know you like me well I have a real piece about being no you were going with Peter hey Pete congratulations nice playin Saturday thank you I didn't do much hey don't forget about that Radio Club interview tomorrow okay don't forget about the pizza job I got lined up for you Sunday for 75 an hour all right okay yeah hey Pete some kids want to put you on a bail for homecoming king thanks great I'll see you tonight give me a call after school right I see the Hollywood things that money buy [Music] I am step [Music] well Peter I'm proud of you you've really come a long way you're a star athlete got a nice girlfriend good job but Christians can't do that in Russia candy no in Russia if you become Christian your children can be how you see audicence but here in America 50 squared the phone begins would you like to drive yes I would like to try now just keep it right on the road stay right between the lines that's all you've got to do this has been safety [Music] Dean isn't driver's ed the place for this Marilyn relax he doesn't even have insurance [Music] everything [Music] [Music] nearly cost me my soul [Music] I'll just be mean how would you like this by Abraham weakened what's this for for you I can't take this no your by something where'd you get it from the bank do you have a job yes I have job why'd you keep looking in your rear-view mirror oh there was just someone back there who wasn't minding his own business Peter what are you doing okay partner I'm taking off okay so this close up like you did last night all right okay right see in school catch you later alligator that'll be chateroo spear computer nasty Ostrom bore julian stone are they not hear from you so i decided to pay you a visit I'm not going home I am so sorry I expected to hear something different from you aren't you worried that something may happen to your parents and what about you Pierre them people like you are so vulnerable sometimes in the middle of the night so unexpected an accident how did you know I was here we are watching every move you make [Music] Peter when you first arrived we met a Peter smize Love who expressed everything in terms of strong religious faith what's happened about but now I discovered that you can be Christian and you don't need to you can be prosperous Christian Peter what would you like to do when you're older I think I would like to be attorney like my host brother he makes comfortable wages too which allow them to to buy many things go now you rich men we've been howl for your miseries that shall come upon you your riches are corrupted and your garments are mathy each day I tried harder to be part of the American dream but I wandered farther and farther from the truth the man who was born in the manger enrolled on the donkey seemed like a stranger to me now how I wanted to be set free from the love of money and popularity and success that bound me more than any concentration camp I would walk 10,000 kilometres to be free from this prisoner deception but God simply wanted me to give him my broken heart and so I did [Music] all right I will translate here Pyotr have you received our letters I trust yours too close to Jesus as you have been since you were so little grandpa has lost his sight they took away the Bible he copied for so many years who knows of you will ever start on another one we are all getting weaker here at the camps there are no shows and sometimes a single piece of bread we share but for Jesus we come to joy oh how I'd love to cover you with a mother's kisses [Music] do you ever get homesick Peter many times I get homesick our church the family worship together my mother's gentle embrace my little brother URIs laughing but most of all it's going into the hills at night and praying just like Jesus but trees rustle and no one listens but God so close to him father I thank you for this day and for the ability to play soccer and help us not just to play for ourselves but to please you in Jesus name Amen Skippy principal doesn't want you playing anymore until you see him I'm sorry Bible studies in the lunch hall praying at the soccer games opposing traditional scientific theory in your science class Peter not only is this disturbing to the members of this community but I'm going to lose my job you take 5 minutes and go out in the hallway and you decide if you're gonna sign this the choice is up to you either sign it or you'll be suspended Peter you can get out of this mess if you just apologize apologize for talking about God was my best friend Peter it's a school you've broken the law separation of church and state Peter and Paul stop preaching when the government tried to separate God from the people that was the first century we have Christian television now dad can't you do something you are a lawyer Dean you could at least look into it maybe I can try to find somebody to help but I just can't get involved you just don't care you don't care if lost or against call the pretty Ten Commandments you say I'm not a call to be a politician if a man has attacked on the street you say God is not calling me to risk my life if the treacherous government swallow up the people you say the Lord is not calling me to set the captive free I might get killed but someday we might be in Chains come on this is America Peter I can't listen to you when you're that angry mom if he's telling the truth it doesn't matter I'm sorry Peter the youth group at church is having an ice-cream party tonight why didn't you go I'm not hungry maybe you should start seeing data's counselor maybe should find another place to stay that night I realized I had failed but God was working in my American family even that night while he dreamed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] - sir Roble Yard love know it hey mom what do I do there's two rules here I don't understand this drama stuff forfeit what should I do don't go through it then you're gonna lose all those things [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in about 15 minutes it will be disembarking under Felix a jetski and coming back to the Soviet Union you are not really because we're willing to die for our calls you and your Christian friends in America there is nothing worth dying for and we wanted to live in freedom then take the easy way out by telling us you cooperate it will be the end of all your troubles [Music] [Music] [Music] so how's the rest in front in the middle of a cold war I guess you'd be better off giving that kid into a good halfway house program you know I get the signal from the board they'd be willing to drop the whole thing if they could save their faces and have the kid apologize legally I don't think they're gonna get out of it that easily what do you want to do fight it out in court you know Dean I've known you 11 years and I always thought you prided yourself on going down the middle of the road on these kinds of things this trial ends in just a few hours there will be a landmark test of whether religion will be allowed to continue to be forced into our public schools but then I am disappointed to find those in America that are trying to build a wall to separate God from the people because that is just what they tried to do in my country now our churches are turned into factories or gymnasiums and they punish those that worship God it has left our people starving I love America and I pray that does not happen here that is all I have to say thank you your honor Peter isn't it true that you openly read Bible passages to the students of your science class after the teacher repeatedly told you to be quiet no I did not agree and didn't you force students to attend your lunchroom religious services no they came because they wanted to hear and didn't you tell your history teacher that if she didn't believe is you did she would experience eternal punishment no I did not say that that is all your honor Your Honor the plaintiff rests this case you may step down the defense calls mrs. Emily nation to the stand Emily Nations to the stand you promise to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do state your name please Emily nation mrs. nation what is your relationship to the plaintiff Peter slice low it's actually my daughter who had the misfortune of being in the plaintiffs history on science classes and can you describe for the court what your daughter experienced in those classes my daughter Darlene is a responsible girl who came to this school to get an education needless to say the class time spent discussing fairy tales about some so-called creation science placed an undue amount of stress on her academic life say nothing of the trauma she experienced when that fanatic and his friends tried to force that religious tract on her you know Darlene developed a rash about that time and I think it was all that religious activity that did it a rash you say yes a rash a very big rash all along her neck and her back big big rash thank you mrs. nation that's all your honor mrs. nation I believe I heard to refer to JFK as a public high school is that correct yes and isn't it true that last year you succeeded in having a Christmas tree removed from the lobby of this public high school yes I did and didn't you threaten to file suit if this public high school library did not have several books on Bible history removed yes that is correct and if you had the chance mrs. nation wouldn't you remove all references to God not only from this public school but from every public place in this country I object your honor objection overruled the witness will answer the question this is a public high school if they want to teach their kids that religious stuff now let him send them to a private school if that were to happen mrs. nation who would be left in our public schools just people who believe as you do correct doesn't a public high school mean a forum for free thinking doesn't a public high school mean freedom from religious persecution yes well the Bill of Rights the Constitution states that is supposed to be a separation of church and state does it really misses nation I believe this is a copy of the Constitution end of the Bill of Rights would you care to show us where it talks about the separation of church and state I'm sure it's in there someplace this is nation I believe you will find what you are looking for in our Soviet Constitution I object your honor the counsel for the plaintiff his tampering with Corbin fixtures objection sustained will mr. MacBride kindly put the constitution back on the wall carefully I'm very sorry your honor I'm through questioning the witness you may step down thank you Peter sneeze love this courageous young man risked his life to come to this country to a free country but now he is being denied that freedom because his school authorities insist that there is an impregnable wall in the United States Constitution which gives public high school students the right to strongly express any other set of beliefs except for religious ones would you have condemned Peter for doing what he did in Russia would you have condemned him if he stood with Peter or Paul or Wickliffe or John Huss in opposing sacrilegious laws of an earlier age and yet we comfortably labeled Peter a militant or a radical and we self righteously cry subarray ssin of church and state and we're not content just to separate God from our schools but to separate him from our theatres and concert halls and government offices and homes as well clearly our forefathers who established Thanksgiving as a national holiday shortly after passing the Bill of Rights did not intend to inflict the kind of punishment that has been heaped upon Peter today whose only crime has been to unyieldingly stand for what he believes after carefully reviewing the facts of this case and giving full consideration to all parties this Court concludes that because the school district is not constitutionally required to deny Peters right to express his religious views on school grounds the judgment is in favor of the plaintiff and this court orders High School District's winter came God was leading me into a new understanding of battles that needed to be fought far beyond the courtroom and one day the cup that I had put away for so long came into my life once again [Music] [Music] scare me like a TV man what's that my parents gave me this cup just before they went to prison they said Peter never forget the cup of suffering Jesus took for us there is a cup filled with fire and very painful to drink yes the judge said I could talk about Jesus at school but what's the real battle in the courtroom wasn't it David I believe the battle now is not for religious freedom or even against communism sure I still dream of freedom for my people when the empty churches across a Russian countryside can once again we filled in rush you could not be lukewarm we baptize our Christians and we may never see them again that's what I gold tried me fire well I should be story for Christians in Russia David after we ask Jesus into our hearts he can show us how to walk in downrod and if we truly love him we would deny ourselves and pick up his cross and follow him whatever the cost [Music] the flames are getting harder as I knew some day they'd be under the hands of a loving father he's refined and me perfectly and the fire consumes not my person it's burned it away my impurities it's his way of saying I love you but how strange it is to me once again where the heat is so strong where it's so hard to stay I'm thirsty for some water [Music] I know I'm being tested and it feels like I'm being condemned in the furnace again [Music] there's a bitter cup we must all learn to dream from let it feel let it dry [Music] you ready for this [Music] well so strong [Music] my friend no but it means that in the furnace again [Music]
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 165,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gold Through The Fire Full Movie, Charles Harlan, Kris Wolf, Edward T. McDougal, Christian Movies, Gold Through The Fire Movie, Entertainment, TV, Movies, Films, Movies Online, Online Movies, Gold Through The Fire - Full Movie, Renée Giragos, Kris Wolff, Michael Welborn, Chris Scherschel
Id: iGBDyTT2Irs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 0sec (4860 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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