What if Goku fell into The World of One Punch Man? Part 1,2,3

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everything began in the tournament of power Goku and Frieza had managed to knock down jiren falling along with him the platform thus generating that number 17 was the only one standing and universe 7 will win the tournament of power to later ask the Super Dragon spheres to revive all the universes so far everything had happened as the original story but in this case a being of great power was Furious this being was the great priest dinkin Zama he was very upset to hear the desire of number 17 because that way he could not complete his secret plans so this one of a great Fury and to prevent zarama to fulfill the wishes he threw himself against him generating that the two Divine presences collided with his great power generating a universal disorder in the place due to such power black holes were open that swallowed what was left of the combat platform the Angels could not do anything anything to prevent it they were only limited to protect themselves with force fields such was the power of the Collision that the Angels could only protect themselves and the others were absorbed by the holes the xenos samas that were protected by their Guardians only looked amazed and very happy but after a minute the xenosis got bored of looking at the same thing so they whimsically raised their hands and made the explosion disappear thus eliminating da shinen and the dragon God while in another place was satima he had just destroyed the Deep Sea King in one blow the people who were in The Place were delighted to have been saved and were also impressed by saa's quick Victory however one of them begins to speak ill of the other Heroes saying that they must have been frauds regardless of their rank his reasoning is that the Deep Sea King could not have been so strong if a cclass hero will defeat him in one blow upon hearing this Sida laughs and minimizes his victory to save the reputation of the other Heroes by saying that he was lucky and the job was very easy for him since he was late and the monster had weakened after this saitama was ready to return home together with Goos until they watch as in the sky a very strange dimensional portal opens they watched attentively together with the other people in the place and they all saw how from that hole a strange being fell Goos who was devastated by the fight with the Sea King tells his master to go and see what it was after all he was the only active hero in the area since the others were out of combat SAA agreed and went to the place when SAA arrived he realized that a man had been the one who fell from that hole oh he's a man he's pretty hurt and his clothes are completely destroyed I don't think it's a problem I'll leave him here and go home replied the hero wait Sensei said AOS who had arrived at the scene with difficulty if we leave him here he will die for sure I won't be able to be a good hero as I promised if I let a person die it's okay said cidma while in his thoughts damn it I shouldn't have put those ideals in his head now I'll have to keep another guest out of his thoughts well Goos let's go home after this saitama took Goos and Goku out of the place sometime later at saitama's house and after the repair of genos's body how interesting Sait said as he looked at a sleeping Goku Maybe some kind of time traveler I want to ask him if they still give discounts at supermarkets in the future I don't think he is a time traveler but look Sensei he seems to be waking up Gino said while looking at Goku where am I asked Goku who was still hurt from the fight with jiren and from having to cross that strange hole and who are you Goku asked as he looked at the bald man in the cybor hello sir my name is Goos and the one next to me is my master cida you fell from a strange portal while we were fighting a monster and in order not to let you die in your condition we brought you here and cured you as much as we could with what they sold in the store I don't understand a while ago I was in the stands watching as number 17 made a wish to the superp Spheres but then something weird happened I think that angel called daishin con did something weird which caused him to be swallowed by a dimensional hole Goku wanted to check something and ask those present excuse me do you know where the Western capital or the capsule Corporation is capsule no sir I don't know those places you were talking about I see I must be in another world I'll have to stay here for the time being sir I have a question who are you and why did you come out of that portal so hurt but more importantly where did you come from gos asked well my name is Sun Goku but you can call me Goku after that Goku began to tell them his story of the tournament of power and how he had been sent to this world until he was interrupted by saitama who told him that his story was too long to summarize it in 20 words or less that's right my Sensi please summarize it in 20 words or less sir well in short I was in a tournament of very strong guys and when an explosion was generated by an evil guy I was sent to this world through a dimensional portal very interesting so you are a very strong guy if you participated in that tournament aren't you ha yes I think so but I still want to get stronger added the Canan by the way wasn't it cida that's your name asked a Goku who had forgotten his name yes I am cidma or you can also call me bald with a cape that's how people call me lately hey hey hey hey you remind me a lot of my friend Krillin although you are taller well what I was going to tell you is that I notice a totally overwhelming power in you I noticed that you are the strongest in this world that's right Sensei is the most powerful man there is even though he is only a c rank how is your friend cidma asked curiously he's also bald haa that's why you remind me so much of him these words made CA annoyed and a vein popped out of his head by the way Sensei here is a box with fan cards and to your surprise there are also cards for you syo was surprised and had started to read the letters he had received a hate letter saying bald cheater and Faker gos promised to make the sender pay for such an offense but SAA just told him that the sender was just an idler he also received another letter where they said thank you which made him quite happy since he had an admirer and finally he received a letter from the heroes Association that said he had been promoted to C rank of first Rank and they were calling him for a promotion to bclass what is this Heroes Association they talk so much about Goku asked well Mr Goku in this world the heroes Association is an organization that manages all the superheroes of all the cities it also has a National Registry of Heroes but the most characteristic thing is its class system this consists of four classes and different categories within this which are s a b and c being s the highest and C the lowest I see it's very interesting this would be the ideal world for my son Gohan he really liked to dress up as a superhero by the way I can stay here hey hey hey I have nowhere to go don't even think so I have almost no room with Goos How about if Mr Goku stays with us for a few days until he can get some money Goos asked his master Goku could work as a hero after all according to him he is strong all right Goku how about you come with me I'll go for the interview for my promotion to b class and you go for the hero's entrance exam okay I'll go for that entrance exam after this Sida and Goku went to the headquarters of the heroes Association before leaving Janos had given Goku some advice for the written test so that the same thing that happened with his teacher wouldn't happen then Goku started with the physical test it evaluated agility and physical strength Goku broke all the records in a monstrous way but unfortunately in the written test he didn't do the best he didn't do as bad as saitama thanks to genos but something was something after the tests Goku had rejoined saitama to head home saitama asked him how he did to which he replied ha according to this paper I placed 102nd in class B that's great you're next to me I just got promoted to bclass 101 rank both Heroes were heading to saitama's apartment while a big threat was heading to Earth meanwhile in the saitama department so you were assigned to class B with Sensei yes hahaha thanks Goos if it wasn't for you I would have failed that test for sure haaha by the way saitama as I told you before you seem to be the strongest in this place and I was wondering if we could have a friendly match watch what you say Mr Goku Goins said much more seriously the Sensei is not just any fighter and if you want to fight him you must first be able to defeat me relax gos you don't have to be so rough with Goku don't worry Seda I like challenges so to fight SAA I must first defeat yugos well I accept the challenge and so Goku and Janos went to an uninhabited place in order to carry out the fight while saitama watched quietly while eating some potatoes well Lord Goku I will show no mercy so I advise you to go all out same to you come with everything you have after such words of the science Jos appeared behind Goku to hit him a strong blow but before Janos realized Goku was no longer in the place less surprised and nervous at the same time he looked in all directions analyzing and looking for the trace of Goku's heat but nothing until by surprise some words of the Sans are heard saying I'm here Goos with an annoyed gesture aims at Goku shouting incinerate impacting his attack squarely with Goku damn I think I overdid it after the smoke dissipated Goku could be seen undamaged and in perfect condition impossible I'm sure I hit him with my attack that's right your attack hit me full on and I'm impressed that you can throw fire indeed that attack was amazing but unfortunately it wasn't enough to hurt me after these words Goku and base state would appear at great speed in front of genos giving him a powerful blow that would leave him on the floor incapacitated unbelievable said Goos on the ground paralyzed just like Sensei fighting with you I found no limits to your strength you are truly amazing Mr Goku cider who was watching the fight changed his attitude more interested in Goku really it might be possible it might be possible that he is the opponent you have been looking for Goku Sida said with a smile I see it's my turn to fight cou go ahead Goku answered likewise I'm ready to fight Goku and cida were about to fight until goinos shouted wait they both stopped in confusion while saitama asked in annoyance what's wrong Goos why are you interrupting us excuse me Sensei what's going on is that I got an urgent alert from the heroes Association they want all the S-Class Heroes to gather immediately and why don't you go of the three of us you're the only S-Class let me fight Goku but Sensei I can't move that attack of Goku's left me paralyzed I'll have to get a few repairs done besides it must be a dragon threat or higher for sure the heroes will need your help and Lord Goku's it's okay Goku said looking at the bald man let's leave our battle for later now we'd better go see what's going on after all I'm a hero now and if I get fired for not helping I won't be able to get any money you won't get fired Goku said cida with his typical face they called S-Class Heroes but that's okay let's go see what's going on and if things get boring we'll get the hell out of that place Goku agreed and the three of them headed towards the headquarters where the meeting would take place excuse me Mr Goku it must have been a hassle to bring me all the way from so far away it's okay after all it took us almost nothing to get here by the way Mr Goku didn't you tell us you could fly yes it's a skill I learned a long time ago oh I see after that they all entered the barracks upon entering they met silver bang where he approached them and said Sida understood and headed for the ship with a great leap hello Bank said Goos and saitama while Goku approached and said nice to meet you my name is Son Goku uh how are you nice to meet you he is s Goku Class B rank 102 I brought him because he will be very helpful he and sa have monstrous strength bang looked at Goku in shock as he thought maybe he will be another one like saitama and if so why are the most powerful ones in such low classes bang was still analyzing until he was pulled out of his thoughts by another S-Class that had arrived on the scene hello silver bang said a man with a katana hello Atomic Samurai see you again nice too Goku and saitama both extended their hand at the same time in greeting but the two were quickly slapped in a gesture of rejection by the samurai I Will Not Shake Hands with them I only recognize two strong ones I will go to greet them when they show me what they are worth after these words someone arrived to join the conversation this was a small green hair who brought the b-class trash don't you think it's an insult that they are here bang entered the meeting room while saitama and Goku looked at the girl in Surprise why would anyone come without an invitation are they stupid I bet you only came to chat with the S-Class Heroes I don't like you guys get lost what's wrong is this girl lost asked the bald man no she's tatsumaki S-Class Terror tornado Rank 2 Goku who had heard gs's words approach the green-haired girl as he said hey little one so you're S-Class Rank 2 you must be pretty strong for just a girl added the science an annoyed tatsumaki focused her Gaze on Goku and then shouted what is that supposed to mean don't treat me like a child ah I'm so sorry I really thought I was a girl he he he I'm really sorry of course I'm not shouted the expert tatsumaki I'm 28 years old the green-haired girl added Goku surprised by what he had just heard looked at her carefully and then thought she's also quite Moody and hot tempered just like milk was I'd better not mess with her hahaha well I think the other Heroes Have Arrived we'd better grab a chair I find it outrageous to be in a meeting with b-class Heroes tatsumaki said to then enter the room after those words the others would enter behind tatsumaki to start the meeting everyone was sitting waiting until Goku broke the silence hey isn't there something I can eat hey he I'm starving and I would like a cup of tea SAA added what do you fools think you are tatsumaki shouted at our two Heroes do you think we're here to eat shut up girl or I'll smash your head in said metal bat a little annoyed to hear tatsumaki's complaints I want to see you try tatsumaki shouted angrily before they could continue arguing someone had entered the room well I am the one in charge of leading the meeting today my name is sit from the heroes Association and I am here to explain the situation let me get straight to the point the reason why we have gathered the strongest Heroes is to save the world I am afraid that some of you S-Class Heroes will not return alive so if you decide to leave you can still keep your S-Class status the thing is that lady and sweet have died these words generated astonishment in those present when she died she left a last warning in the form of a note for us and since her predictions were 100% accurate we must be prepared according to the note the Earth is in danger the level of disaster this time is of dragon level or even God level besides all this will happen within the next 6 months that means it could happen tomorrow or even now yes by the way who are you before Sida could answer it started to shake just as a big explosion Was Heard shocked Goku thought the key of almost everyone has disappeared damn the destruction rate is 99.8% all of CDA was destroyed in an instant we have to go Gino said but when he looked at Goku and saitama they had already disappeared Sid go to the ship I will quickly help the survivors Sid understood and headed for the ship with a great leap Goku was at high speed saving the survivors and leaving them in the safe Zone while Atomic Samurai bang metal bat and cute cute prison were taking care of the alien meler guard on the other hand the other S-Class heroes tatsumaki Super aloy darkshine Goos Emperor boy and King were discussing how to attack the ship in the sky there's nothing I can do the ship is too high I can't attack it I'd better call metal back really are you the strongest man in the world tatsumaki asked angrily you're pathetic don't make him angry or he'll kill you well whatever I'll just take care of this t sumaki would rise into the air ready to attack the ship but was interrupted by Goku who had flown into the scene hi haaha I already took care of evacuating the civilians now I'll have to take care of this big purple ship Goku said with a smile I see so you can fly too but that doesn't take away from the fact that I'll be the one in charge of that ship don't be like that let me handle this after all saitama already took all the fun by going after the boss inside the ship what said all the heroes in the place except Goos you're lying there's no way that ball guy could have infiltrated the ship and we couldn't it was to be expected Sensei is very strong there is nothing to worry about he will take care of it our duty now is to take care of that ship all right tatsumaki said looking at Goku let's see what you are capable of but when you are being killed don't ask me for help said the red-haired girl with an arrogant tone Goku just smiled and Rose even higher in the air to say comeing and fire a strong key attack that would head in the direction of the center of the ship it would explode into hundreds of pieces dropping debris and corpses but everything was safe after all there were no civilians below since Goku had evacuated everyone tatsumaki who had just seen this was surprised but hit it very well with her typical arrogant attitude not bad for a b-class until finally B classes do something impressive how is it possible for that man to just be a bclass lord Goku is a very powerful man he and my Sensei must surely be the strongest men in the association don't talk nonsense said an annoy tatsumaki that's nothing compared to what I could have done you must admit it was impressive I'm just saying that I could have done better tatsumaki said as he folded his arms while in his thoughts really he's b-class that guy should be an S-Class for sure how weird that he with the losers Goku who had already blown up the ship approached the heroes as he said ha I've already taken care of the ship now all that's missing is the boss the boss the heroes on the spot wondered that's right Goku said and then pointed to where saitama and boros were they had survived the explosion because Goku only used enough energy to kill the ship and the weak crew members boros damn you I will unleash all my energy and finish you in this dirty planet star cannon borau shouted and then launched the powerful attack against cida this is bad said Goku everyone on the ground shouted the Sans tatsumaki just looked at him and just created a shield for herself then I'll use my secret weapon too severe deadly series severe blow after such words saitama threw a big punch aimed at boros's attack where it shot into the sky generating a huge explosion in the place which generated that even the clouds were split by such a clash of powers meanwhile Goku had created a barrier of Kei so that the heroes would not suffer damage who the hell is this guy he can also create energy barriers I'll have to keep an eye on him the prophecy was right Boro said as he was dying it was a good fight cidma yes cidma replied you are very strong it was a good battle you're lying boros said in Whispers you were still holding back this wasn't even a challenge for you cida just walked away from the dying boros while Whispering it's true you weren't even a challenge for me but I'm hoping that guy I just met Goku to be the challenge I've been looking for for so long after these words satim finished his analysis and went with the others the group led by atomic Samurai had managed to defeat the alien melzar gardam generating that The Invasion finally came to an end everyone was talking among themselves and those who had witnessed our protagonists analyzed how SAA and this Son Goku could be so strong meanwhile a Class Hero had arrived to the place this was mask how could this happen to a city mask didn't the S-Class have a meeting today hey metal bad explain to me what happened here metal bat proceeded to explain everything that had happened causing the A-Class hero to become annoyed come on guys you don't have to fight mask looked respectively and said who are you since I don't know you you must be a b or C-Class mediocre I may be a lower rank than you but at least I was here helping and protecting these people there are many Heroes that are lower ranks than you but they would still give their lives to protect people that's what makes them Heroes not a rank or class I see he's finally learning what being a true hero is all about s him a thought the personal lessons in heroism that Sensei and I were giving him finally had an effect on Mr Goku Gino's thought mask remained silent and only left the place without whispering to Goos that he was disappointed in him for the way the place was destroyed meanwhile the heroes had already started to leave the place but on the other hand the S-Class hero Metal Knight KN had arrived after the battle to collect parts of the destroyed ship and other Heroes like saitama and Goos were chatting with Goku while tatsumaki was next to them they are ignoring me said tatsumaki who thought this was the last straw hey idiots I don't know how you did it to destroy that ship nor how that stupid bald guy was able to infiltrate it but you should be a good class B and not intervene in what doesn't concern you I would have done much better if you hadn't intervene tatsumaki affirmed GS yell something at him to shut him up got it hey stupid brat shut up and get lost otherwise I will incinerate you after these words Goos was thrown onto a rock by tatsumaki's telekinesis who are you calling a brat I'm much older than you Goku and saitama were with their mouths on the ground as they asked in unison Ginos are you all right now follow you B Class tatsumaki tries to throw Goku as well as Janos but something had happened what's wrong why can't I do anything to him tatsumaki wondered ha you are a very strong girl I feel how you try to move my body I get like tickled haa tatsumaki was surprised never before had someone made things difficult for her well Goku we better get going we have to get gos off that rock and leave Goku nodded and the three of of them headed to saitama's apartment without Goku telling tatsumaki you are a very strong girl I hope we meet again so we can have a battle tatsumaki just left the place while on the way he thought carefully about what had happened and the words of that guy sometime after the alien invasion was thwarted by our protagonists the heroes who participated in the event were invited to the hot spring spa to thank them for defeating the aliens the invited Heroes had arrived at the Hot Springs Lodge and everyone was quite serious almost as if they did not want to be there except for our protagonists Goku was quite happy because he wanted to take a good bath in those Waters it reminded him how relaxing it was to bathe in the hot springs of his world plus there would surely be plenty of food so Goku was more than happy on the other hand saitama was quite disinterested as always but he believed that it was a good opportunity to eat good quality meat once inside everyone was in the hot springs several were talking about what happened in The Invasion While others were just relaxing Yan the association has become quite generous to us although some of them left without even fighting that's right metal bat said after that he turned to look at the other Heroes as he said to them because you guys are here you didn't even help in the battle that's right Goku thought they were with us in that meeting and in the battle there was none there was another matter although I don't have to give you details flashy flash answered that's right they had to leave the place to defend the other cities they were being attacked by assassins and monsters they withdrew knowing that there were enough to defend the place I left the place because I was hungry and I only care about protecting my city watch doog watchog dog and pig God said while in the female sector was a tatsumaki annoyed with what she was hearing I don't know why all those useless people intruded into my work it would have been more than enough with me tatsumaki said with an arrogant tone after that they were all in a room where sit was giving a few words first of all I have gathered you all together to tell you that we believe that we are still not completely free of shibabawa Prophecy and that a danger could still be approaching the Earth but leaving that aside we want to thank you for your great work in The Invasion so I want you to enjoy today as much as you can cheers sit shouted so that then everyone did the same except Goku who didn't know what they were doing bang so this is the dragon slayer that's right it's a good serve it's strong but sweet while on the other side was Goku eating together with tatsumaki I am sleepy said the green-haired girl take this I don't like alcohol at all really I'm not a big fan of alcohol either although this game called serve that cida gave me is extremely delicious tatsumaki who was offering the glass to Goku was surprised by Sait who was passing by he entered the scene and took the glass that tatsumaki was offering to the Sans you don't like alcohol cidma asked look how she pretends to be an adult it's obvious that a brat shouldn't drink alcohol a brat like you should drink orange juice tatsumaki who was puzzled shouted at her how dare you now I ask for the juice saitama said and then left the place tatsumaki who could not allow that bald man to attack her Pride began to drink like crazy from the bottle that saitama had left are you sure you're okay asked Goku who had already started to feel strange after drinking 10 bottles of Sak I'm fine he but how are you tatsumaki asked you actually look pretty bad I'm fine said Goku who was having trouble speaking after drinking this juice I feel too light it's like I'm not here Goku you called yourself right well now that we are talking why don't you tell me while you are a b rank being so strong I don't know Goku answered with difficulty I think it was because I did very badly on the written test he I see tatsumaki said with difficulty since she was a little dizzy then I must assume that this Goku will be climbing climbing up the ranks until he can reach S-Class just like his bald friend Goos who was analyzing the situation thought I see that these are the effects of drinking so much in someone like tatsumaki that brat a few moments ago was the most unbearable in the world and now you can even say that she is quite sociable I just hope this doesn't get out of hand how about we have a fight Goku said looking at tatsumaki all right after all the last thing you told me when the Invasion ended was that you wanted to fight this is my chance to tear you to pieces he he he he Goku prepared to get up but this could no longer resist the drunkenness and fell to the floor slumped over tatsumaki who had seen this said hey hey hey hey he couldn't resist as much as me so you can see stupid Baldi that I am an adult but now I promise to tear you to pieces Goku he he he he so I don't care if you are passed out after these words a tatsumaki completely dominated by alcohol rushes against our Goku and starts stomping him while laughing and laughing the next day what happened Goku wondered you don't remember when I came back with that Bratz juice you were being trampled by her how much alcohol did you drink what are you talking about I only drank the juice that you had offered me it was a very particular juice and it made me feel quite weird damn exit him a thought I told him it was a game as a joke and this fool believed it well Goku how how much did you play yesterday I really don't remember 42 bottles of sake what I was watching you all night 42 bottles of serve did you drink Mr Goku because of this I see that you don't remember anything since it was too much for your body well whatever let's go back home and so our heroes headed home while a very particular girl in elegant attire and surrounded by many guards investigated our two Heroes who might pose a threat to their be class leadership [Music]
Channel: FreduBall Stories
Views: 173,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 33NpKAFblK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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