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kingdom versus godzilla comment down below who you think will win also while you're down there grab your handy dandy banana and slam the like button welcome ladies and gentlemen to the king kong godzilla challenge games i'm your host bec bro tiny monkey in each chest we have different challenges we have our lizard godzilla challenges and we have our monkey challenges first up let's try out king kong king kong you ready to fight dwayne the rock johnson i i thought that was okay dude you get king kong wins get out of here king kong next up we have godzilla versus not dwayne the rock johnson this is it's more like a pebble godzilla wins next up king kong is going to have to defeat 16 armed soldiers let's see how this goes oh my gosh look at him kick the ball yo this is nuts dude yeah they don't even stand a chance they don't even know to shoot the ginormous monkey oh my gosh he just collateraled them all king kong wins again now if i forgot to mention ladies and gentlemen at the end of today's video king kong is going to be fighting godzilla but for the time being i'm just curious to see if they're able to defeat all of the other challenges today a couple days ago i actually morphed into king kong and was able to defeat godzilla so i personally have my money on the giant monkey but at the moment it seems like they uh yeah they're tearing through the challenges even though the challenges so far have been tiny pebbles and also people these soldiers are either blind deaf or maybe uh just a tad bit stupid like bro there's a giant godzilla lizard what are you doing you're looking at you're looking at me you're okay you're gonna die that is the smartest thing you could have done he just he's leaving the arena ladies and gentlemen he said i'm not fighting ginormous lizard man okay this next challenge is going to be the first actual hard challenge for king kong we have a mothra larva currently right now they seem to be friends i do have banana slammer so if they don't start fighting i will banana slam of them you don't want to get banana slamming i'm a banana slam you i think i think he actually likes that oh here we go it actually worked yo okay so the mothra larva is able to do do do a lot of damage i was gonna say what the flip just happened hold up we have to try this again okay so we have king kong and we have a mother larva which isn't even close to the most powerful challenge that they're going to be going up against okay let's try to banana slam the mother this time there we go big monkey go attack small worm creature okay here we go they're actually fighting there is no way king kong is going to lose this right the mother larva isn't even the the max evolution of a mothra okay good king kong won the challenge i think i might have banana slammed him too hard last time next up the same challenge for godzilla against the mothra larva and our friend is back i why did he come back what is he thinking of oh here we go the battle starting godzilla i think is a little bit bigger than king kong and okay godzilla actually took down the mother larva uh extremely fast wait a second where'd you come from i thought wait didn't you die this man is invincible or okay maybe not next challenge batra larva versus a king kanga this guy has so much armor and so many cool abilities king kong has him beat height wise and probably strength wise too oh my gosh okay the battle's starting yo this is so sick okay i honestly could not tell you who's going to win king kong takes the victory these battles are so fast too uh king kong okay he's like doing a battle cry right now and it's hurting my eardrums godzilla has to take on the same fight another battery larva and wait a sec where are these guys where are you guys coming from they're just multiplying down in this cave at this point it's really hard to say which of the creature kaijus are doing better godzilla and king kong even though king kong had a little slip up have basically been able to defeat everything today wait a second godzilla was slightly poisoned but it managed to push through the next challenge we have is one of my favorites mobzilla which is basically the minecraft version of godzilla let's go spawn king kong over here oh my gosh mobzul's already what the flip what do they just they just did this and then they both died that had to be a glitch right because wait wait mobzilla there's no way it did that much damage and wait how did king kong kill it and then die immediately after let's try this again okay mobzilla should attack king kong mobzilla definitely has king kong beat in terms of height and weight okay i guess mobzilla versus king kong is a draw let's see if the same thing happens with mobzilla versus godzilla okay here we go mobzil is moving in godzilla was able to tank the hit i think the extra scales was able to give it the extra edge like obviously godzilla is extremely powerful and so is king kong but king kong doesn't really have the armor that godzilla does we have to test it again though let's try mobzil over there godzilla on this side and let's see what happens mobzil is moving in again oh my god okay so the fireballs i don't know it's not affecting godzilla i'm starting to get a little bit worried that godzilla might have the extra strength to defeat king kong at the end of today's episode i don't know ladies and gentlemen comment down below what you think next up we have another kaiju creature we have mothra king kong let's see what you got you big old monkey monkey meat butterfly why did why does it seem like they're friends giant monkey i need you to move your giant monkey butt this way there's bananas over there go eat the bananas yes there we go they're actually fighting mothra versus king kong okay king kong should be able to win this it's a giant butterfly oh my gosh but the butterfly has so many crazy abilities and is setting everything on fire no way king kong just jumped on it this is nuts this is the best battle yet oh no way mothra actually won now wait a second if i spawn in another king kong will it be able to defeat mothra um what is what just what what happened uh guys i think i maybe broke it we're back and they're fighting again hopefully this time they don't explode my pc i can already feel it's heating up a lot they're in the same exact position which is a little bit concerning last time they glitched out a lot this is exactly what happened last time look king kong jumped on its back and then king kong died dude that was that was literally like an instant replay okay we'll give this one to mothra now we need to see if godzilla is able to defeat the giant butterfly and it's moving right in mothra does not like godzilla it actually just picked up godzilla oh my gosh mothra has its own set of special abilities it's using like an atomic spray godzilla does have atomic breath though and some crazy armor with its scales i'm really nervous here oh my gosh mothra is picking up godzilla and throwing it almost out of the arena godzilla one oh no godzilla is looking a little bit stronger than uh the giant monkey i still have hope though the giant monkey does have a couple's tricks up his sleeve the next challenger is batra wait a second that that's mothra that's not batra there we go that's a little bit better this thing is scary king kong do your worst i don't have a good feeling about this for king kong honestly i am all monkey i am team monkey but this batra i believe is stronger than mothra but the rain might give it an advantage yo king kong defeated batra that's crazy good job big old monkey now we have batra vs godzilla they are immediately fighting just like mothra did against godzilla it seems like batra has an even stronger atomic spray look at it it's like a purple ray godzilla one i honestly am not sure who won faster it might have been godzilla but the monkey was able to defeat the giant battle butterfly so i'm honestly not sure who's going to win the final fight at the end this next challenge is going to be crazy king kong versus roden okay let's try it out in three two one this is rodent uh it's a little bit broken but it is still powerful okay we're gonna have to push the big monkey again he's a big monkey baby go ahead big monkey go fight the giant dino bird kaiju creature oh snap here we go oh my gosh roden is literally he's breaking my entire arena monkey fight back monkey monkey please don't die on me come on bro you have a six-pack and you can probably bench like at least three tons maybe three million tons king kong's putting up a pretty decent fight right now rhoden is pushing it back i honestly don't know who's going to win this fight has been going on i think for the longest fight yet king kong is not going down guys if we could maybe do a 360 or a 180 back to the arena that that that that would be really really good because i don't want to get lost out here and we got one more battle to do where is roden taking king kong what are you looking at me for go fight fight the bird fight the flipping bird dude this fight i don't even know if it's going to end they're both damaging each other but nobody has gone down yet oh king kong bites the dust the giant bird creature roden takes the w godzilla versus rodina if godzilla can defeat this i honestly think that godzilla might win against king kong they're eyeing each other up right now they don't know who to attack first godzilla's gonna have a tough time grabbing on to roden with those tiny t-rex arms i'm a banana slam you if you don't fight finally here they go uh godzilla just got heated all the way back here he's slowly and steadily coming back in for more though ladies and gentlemen this is insane i honestly can't wait for the king kong versus godzilla battle it's coming up right after this i just need to see who wins oh my goodness godzilla bro we talked about this you're not supposed to destroy my arena it's gonna cost me so many bananas to fix it no my bananas bro half my bananas just got destroyed oh atomic blast that was so sick yo godzilla just sniped rodent directly out of the air well ladies and gentlemen this is it the moment of truth godzilla vs king kong i'm really nervous i need my boy the giant monkey king kong i need him to win here we go we'll spawn king kong out here will give godzilla the home court advantage and let's see what happens godzilla is in king kong is jumping all over him godzilla hasn't used any sort of atomic breath yet so i think king kong still stands a chance king kong is going in he's punching left and right godzilla hasn't beat though by height and strength but king kong is a monkey he will monkey you oh crap well um so that that maybe just happened we're gonna see how many king kongs it takes to defeat godzilla come on monkey monkey monkey let's go monkey i will help you with banana slams wait hold up godzilla is actually way more powerful than king kong this is bad i thought for sure monkey would at least stand a chance i mean look at the six-pack and the muscles on the monkey he's fighting the lizard who doesn't even have arms we he i mean he has like tiny little arms but he can't even use them that is three dead monkeys i need to spawn in more monkeys one monkey two monkey three monkey four five five king kongs versus godzilla right now there is no way godzilla is throwing them around like ragdolls dude what is happening i just want the monkeys to take down the lizard this is so epic though i love this fight all of the monkeys are glitching out so hard there's so many my computer is literally about to explode ladies and gentlemen i hope you guys did enjoy if you do want more mob battles in the future leave a comment down below and i'll try to do whatever the top comment is that's gonna wrap it up though my name is big bro monkey and i will banana slam you guys all next time peace out dudes [Music]
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,182,979
Rating: 4.918448 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, godzilla vs kong, king kong vs godzilla, godzilla vs king kong, minecraft godzilla, minecraft king kong, minecraft godzilla mod, minecraft king kong mod, play as godzilla, play as king kong, shapeshifter, morph mod, morph, shapeshifter mod, king kong, godzilla, beckbrojack
Id: 9s2_VxaR5ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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