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[Music] Oh Jack here game master bik Pro Jack might I add with my girl Bessie hey guys anyway we're back for a brand new minecraft video I hope y'all are having amazing fantastic day today everyone do not forget to just go slap that guy that like button using only your pinky finger sorry guys after not doing that just go subscribe to a belter notifications and then comment some cool mods that you want to see down below for your chance to be featured as the comment of the day now before we actually start doing some crazy minecraft mob battles we have to go check out who actually wanted to see this and trust me guys there were a lot of people first off we have Michelle Cully espying to 386 gaming soar and Gary Mets and I'm sure a lot of more people wanted to see this mod - guys we are gonna be checking out Godzilla and doing some mob battles I actually did a review a little bit ago I'll link it down in the description below if you want to check out the full mod but for just today I'm in my Game Master soup okay we can fly around bad guys we're gonna be doing some crazy minecraft mob battles let's go over here and see what bad she has for me today so it looks like the big fight you guys are all waiting for it is Godzilla vs. King Kong so we're gonna be saving that in there we also have so much some warm-up fights we have King Ghidorah vs. burning Godzilla we have a Mothra larva versus a bachelor larva and also Batra versus Mothra so guys down below I want you go comment who you think is going to win the battles let me just show them again Godzilla versus King Kong we have the larvas versing each other King Ghidorah and burning Godzilla and less by least Batra versus Mothra comment down below who you think is gonna win and leave a like if you get it correct but anyway dudes let's go over here and check out the arena so I didn't build any fancy arena because these things are absolutely massive so yeah I just wanted to give them a nice open space and I think the best place to do that is in a giant open desert so yeah boys as you can see it right here we have a pretty good open space now one thing I actually did forget is my infinity sword which basically allows me to no be the game master I could take down any mob in just one single head so yeah after every round I'll be wrapping it up and you know taking down the mob that wins but you do it let's go see so first up I want to do the larva battle now these things even though they're larva which are like tiny babies of what they could be they're still kind of insane so let's do one right here let's do Mothra right there like look at that that is just a larva and here's bachelorville oh my good news the batch of larva let's go see how it looks like they both have around the same so let's see well my goodness who's just spitting out fireballs all right let's make them fight each other here we go Batra versus Mothra alarma all right let's go say are they gonna fight each other go ahead do it okay he's moving at oh just beamed him in the face oh gosh oh gosh this is so quick oh my goodness that was the fastest battle I've ever seen oh my goodness this guy oh he just looks like a monster look at that that's his mouth right there who shot out like a spiderweb oh that was just disgusting let's try spawning in another Mothra larva all right let's go see looks like they kind of like each other let's make them fight each other come on guys all right oh wait are they fighting oh yeah they're definitely fighting Oh looks like Martha's gonna lose again oh my goodness bachelor dude you take round one holy crap like this dude is just way too Opie maybe if I do one more moth or larvae or oh my gosh they're already fighting each other oh so it takes three Mothra larvas in order to take down batcher that is absolutely just nuts let's get rid of the martha larva so these is just like that he's just warm-up bites so it's gonna get a lot more crazy from here but uh yo dude where the heck's her hitbox Oh God okay sorry about that man yeah there we go that is just the warmup fight so I think from there we should move over and do the upgraded guys so we're gonna have that row right here vs. Mothra now I personally think bachelors gonna win again I'll be sure to let me know what you think in the comments down below all right so here we go bats right there oh gosh oh gosh I forgot they're flying dudes all right let's go same author right there let's go they're already fighting each other I didn't have to do anything all right looks like they both have 8500 health oh my goodness so many flames Bachelor oh wait he was gonna win oh my goodness Mothra just absolutely wrecked Batra all right guys so I am over - I thought Mothra was gonna win first time and I thought batch was gonna win the second time so yeah I'm not really doing too good I guess I could try spawning in another bachelor let's go see they really don't seem to like each other all right let's go three two one Batra okay oh gosh all right already in battle let's go see I guess Martha's just better or maybe oh gosh oh my goodness good goin ham oh my dude it's gonna leak don't just scratch each other oh wow Mothra is just way too Opie good at work Mothra think I'm just gonna have to take it down it's nothing personal really I'm sorry about that yeah there we go Mothra takes round two so let's keep moving on down the line next up we have King Ghidorah versus burning Godzilla now I know for a fact I mean I'm 99.999 percent sure that burning Godzilla is gonna absolutely wreck the king so let's go say I don't know for sure though I haven't tried this out let's do King Ghidorah right here it's a three-headed giant beast fifteen thousand hell absolutely just a monster but over here boys we got ourselves burnin Godzilla twelve thousand health oh wait I think you already fighting oh no way are they fighting no doesn't look like it alright let's make these bad boys bite each other all right there you go dude she's got a head shoot in the butt okay did I get them all right there we go and then hit him a bunch of times alright let's see alright dude they're moving in oh my what just happened alright so it looks like this dude took around 3500 hit points but where did burning Godzilla go Oh Burnie Godzilla's right here what the heck is going on I guess he just got hit super far into the sky he's taking no damage whatsoever oh my goodness the regen is crazy are they even fighting each other oh dude King Ghidorah is absolutely getting rekt right now Burnie Godzilla's taking like a little bit of damage but uh yeah it is not nearly enough they don't even seem to like what I'm fighting each other look they're kind of just like yelling at each other Oh keep your door just got blasted with the fireball okay it's looking like it's probably gonna be close to the end oh they're moving in there giving each other big hugs Oh what just happened you just got tackled whoa oh my goodness some would just look at that King Ghidorah literally picked him up flew all the way over here okay whoa here's after math what my world can't even load in that fast oh my goodness oh I think I see him okay here's burning Godzilla but where's King Ghidorah guys what the heck is going on but yeah but burning Godzilla do you know where the king is King Ghidorah you know they dude that just tackled you into the ground no okay well i yeah i guess that's all right man yeah I guess burning godzilla took the giant win that round because yet King Ghidorah seems kind of m.i.a alright good job Brandon Godzilla bang and you're dead take that nerd so let's go back over here let's see where is a good spot is looks pretty dang good let's do the final battle of the day we're gonna be doing Godzilla vs. King Kong now I personally think King Kong could he take the dub a giant monkey like I think King Kong is so cool so I think he's gonna win with comment down below your thoughts all right let's go see here we go Godzilla in one corner 10,000 health and then we have King Kong right over here 9500 health so they're pretty even not gonna lie but here we go mob and Rachel on you all right come on there we go and I'm gonna smack you in the legs alright there we go let's see how they're moving in on each other oh boys are moving in finally all it took forever whoa Godzilla just picked him up and threw him our let's say you took around what is that 1300 health this dude barely even got a hit alright dudes are they are they gonna fight each other now what the heck he's just literally staring them down Oh boys it's going down Oh Godzilla just did like a whirlwind of fire okay let's see 10,000 still Oh King Kong bro you're getting a kind of wreck dude Roo sorry about that oh my goodness but like they stopped fighting for whatever reason I don't know I just snapped him oh oh it is all over I thought King Kong was gonna do some like ninja tactics he was gonna jump and like slam him down but uh yeah he's kind of get dragged down ow King Kong yeah dude I think it's about to be over looks like Godzilla he just doesn't want to finish it he's lose just standing there nothing's happening I don't know how long they're gonna stay in there oh it wasn't early for that long oh he just zapped him in the face and then King Kong just took a fan out well there you have it ladies and gentlemen apparently Godzilla is indeed stronger than King Kong or at least that King Kong because I know what there are a ton of different versions out there but I kind of want to do a few more battles I want to spawn in at least one of every guy let's do burning Godzilla King Ghidorah let's do all the giant reptile beasts and then we'll throw King Kong in there just for fun our family of King Kong let's do burning Godzilla right there and then King Ghidorah right there all right let's see anyone fighting each other all right looks like King Ghidorah is getting damaged all these are just the beasts of beasts oh my goodness all in the same spot - burning godzilla vs. King Ghidorah uh-oh you just did the move again where the heck do they go witch through burn and Godzilla that move is actually insane alright let's say he's kicking some blacks around burning godzilla this dude is a monster he does not take any damage whatsoever alright so looks like they're fighting each other over here these guys seem to like almost like each other look at that they're not even fighting they don't really care King Kong's is kind of chill in yo what's all dude up so yeah godzilla decided he wanted to take down King Kong again so yeah alright be King Kong you uh you you had a good fight yet you had a good run dude but these guys seem to have stopped fighting I really want to see them fight again zoos so cool alright let's try and get them to fight oh all fireballs where are those fireballs coming from bro alright let's try this again let's see if it'll work better in game mode 1 hour BAM there we go let's hit you in the butt just like that alright let's see come on someone hit somebody alright ladies and gentlemen it seems like they just want to be friends so I guess is going to wrap it up for today's variants a Minecraft video if there's any other mob battles or any other cool mods that you want to see be sure to comment down below after leaving a like if you did enjoyed today's video I thought it was a lot of fun I mean I was wrong about pretty much every fight in the book but that's okay if you got some right awesome make sure to also comment down below which ones you got right which ones you got wrong there guys that's pretty much it I hope you enjoyed here are some giant beasts right behind me and we will see you all back again here tomorrow peace out dudes [Music] you
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,534,115
Rating: 4.9171143 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, best minecraft mods, minecraft map, beckbrojack, beckbro, mini game, mod, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, traps, trolling, glitch, moments, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, minigame, troll, adventure, beckbrojack minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft mods, king kong vs godzilla, godzilla vs kong, godzilla vs king kong, minecraft godzilla, minecraft king kong, minecraft godzilla mod, minecraft king kong mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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