God's Relationship Goals (we're getting a new mic for Loke sorry lol)

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what's up everybody what's going on we're here i'm alex this is lokalani what are we talking about today today we're talking about god's relationship goals for you we'll be in mark 10 verses 1 through 12 in the csb version so god not only has relationship goals for you but he also has standards for the best type of relationship for you he does whether you're in a relationship now have been in one or want to be in one in the future this is the message for you so we have a question what are your relationship goals because if you know what your relationship goals are you're going to be able to like do so well in this message today because we're gonna talk about god's relationship goals and i think a lot of times our goals don't line up with gods or sometimes they do you know and so think about that what are yours though babe um yeah i guess goals for my relationships are to be that they would reflect to the world and to the person in the relationship it would be reciprocal that we'd be able to persevere through hard things yes exactly and how many relationships are you in right now millions and i'm just kidding i'm married with all of our followers all you guys which we do but there's a lot of relationships like yeah yeah well i'm in one marriage relationship i'm a mother of almost only one guy so remember that yeah but yeah this is i'm excited for this message um if you've been following along with us jesus is now in judea and the pharisees and the disciples ask him about the topic of divorce yes and so that's kind of what we'll be discussing but he wants to get to the heart of the matter so that's why this is this covers all relationships yeah totally no yeah so let's get into it so of course before we get into the verses we're gonna hear a word from our sponsors which is you guys yeah we just want to say thank you so much to anyone who has given or is giving to our ministry you're putting the gospel in the hearts yeah the hearts i guess the hands and the homes of people all over the world so thank you so much if you'd like to give you can visit eamonnchurch.live or click the link in our description we appreciate appreciate you all so much thank you for being a part of the family nick13 says i keep getting videos requested about god's relationship goals for us i don't know why i don't have a girlfriend that's good well we're gonna be in mark chapter 10 so let's pull those up real quick and uh you pray for us real quick babe and then we'll jump into it father god thank you so much for this morning afternoon evening wherever we're tuning in from to learn more about you lord may our relationships reflect you and just how to have a better relationship with you and others through this message today we love you so much amen yeah you guys give us feedback if the mics are cutting out at all um this is our like second time ever doing a like higher quality stream and so you can help us out actually if all you guys could just come to hawaii and help us because we're old i didn't think we're old until we started trying to do these lives but we feel so old guys there's like so much technology in front of us right now um but let's get into it so the verses are mark chapter 10 oh that's the wrong screen hold on what did i just do oh i know what i know what i have to do ready boom i did it i'm impressed by myself okay here we go first one uh mark chen he set out from there to the region of judea and across the jordan then crowds converged on him again and he and as was his custom he taught them so what's going on here is jesus is headed to jerusalem that's where he's going he's on the way to the cross basically and he's going to die soon but on the way there we learn from another gospel that he's going on the way and he stops in samaria the samaritans reject jesus and they're like we don't want you out here jesus like get out of here and so jesus crosses the jordan in the bible every time you see the jordan it's a picture of change that's what like jordan basically means in the bible like change change change anytime the people of israel crossed the jordan it was always because something big was about to change and jesus wants us to know that if rejection happens a child of god does not give up they keep on going religious people or people who do not know god or truly know god what happens when they get rejected they give up they quit they stop christians what we do when we get rejected we keep going where god wants us to go we don't stop that's really important to know check this out no human relationship should ever get in the way of your calling no human relationships ever again these guys they're like jesus we don't want you we don't get out of here jesus leaves but he keeps going in the same direction that god had him in because he was not about to let any human relationship stop him from his calling and we cannot do the same amen let's keep going verse 2 it says this some pharisees came to him to test him asking is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife what's going on here is these pharisees that word asking that we see let me highlight it again that word asking that we see it means to keep asking they were like pestering jesus about all types of questions that could trip jesus up and they were trying to incriminate jesus they're trying to get him arrested trying to catch him saying something that he shouldn't have said but jesus is always wise and careful with his words i just did a youtube video about that on my other channel but jesus is in a region where his cousin john the baptist had just been killed for talking about divorce if you know the story of john the baptist basically there's his king herod he marries his brother's wife john shows up and is like dude that's not cool you can't do that the wife gets so mad she's like i want you to kill that guy and herod basically did what his wife told him to do and he killed john they're in the same region when the pharisees asked jesus this in verse 2 and that's why that's why jesus is uh you know that's how these guys are they're always trying to trap jesus and that's the thing about religion guys religion tests you to trap you christianity tests you to strengthen you don't get me wrong god is gonna test you but it's always to strengthen you religion test its people to trap its people every other religion out there besides christianity because christianity is a relationship every other religion it traps its people it says well if you want to be a mormon you have to go on this long quest this mission you have to do to and that you're going to be going on this test and this test is so we can trap you into our religion uh every single religion out there you can think of the little test it's called works salvation when what they're saying is you have to work and work and work and do a b and c in order to be a part of this religion and what they're doing every time you respond to that every time you choose work salvation you're being trapped more and more guys have you ever like have you ever tried to talk to certain catholics some catholics i believe like believe exactly what we we believe but there's a lot of catholics who believe that you have to do a b and c in order for god to accept you it's called works salvation and some of them get so fired up they get so mad so angry about catholicism it's like you love catholicism more than you love our god like you love the idea of catholicism and it's because religion constantly is testing people to trap them christianity is different because christianity tests us only to strengthen us only to give us more faith almost going to give us more freedom that's what christianity does let's look at verse three before i make anyone else mad here in the chat here we go uh it says he replied to them what did moses command you okay this is amazing whenever guys whenever a question about a relationship pops up do what jesus did use scripture this is what he does they try to trap him with a relationship question jesus says well what does the bible say he points them back to the bible that is the way to do it children of satan debate worldly stuff god's children depend on god's words for answers so what's going on here is there's two major rabbis at the time who were teaching two different things about divorce the first thing they were teaching is deuteronomy 24 says that we are allowed to divorce our wives if we find something indecent in them and they were taking that word indecent that's hebrew and translating it into uncleanliness which is what it translates into but they took that word uncleanliness as anything that i find unclean in my wife that could be your hair that could be the color of her eyes that could be her body that could be anything i don't like i can you know if she doesn't cook my food right then that's enough to divorce her that's what one school under this rabbi was teaching another rabbi was teaching that uncleanliness only meant adultery any type of sexual sin and so they were debating back and forth neither of them were necessarily correct because uncleanliness did not mean adultery and it definitely didn't mean just because she didn't cook your food right and so worldly people they debate worldly stuff christians depend on god's words or answers that's what these disciples are that's what these pharisees were doing jesus is like let me point you back to the scriptures guys we can't let the world or even smart people in the world or people we look up to tell us about relationships we got to let god tell us about relationships because god is the one that came up with relationships in the first place so we the pharisees were people that everyone looked up to because they were flashy they had you know they're always flexing they're very spiritual type people they're always looking up to them and in our culture we have influencers even christian influencers who are so cool and so you know cute and so creative and we look up to them to define for us what relationships are but they don't get to do that god gets to do that because god is the one that came up with relationships who was the first relationship ever the first ever relationship on earth was one between god and a human he made that up and so i see christian take talkers out there and say yeah if you think you can kiss before marriage if that's okay for you then yeah you go ahead and kiss all you want before you get married some people are like no don't kiss before you get married that's something that we chose to do we didn't kiss before marriage we're not telling anyone to do that because what we're telling you to do is to look in the word of god and base your relationships off of what god says we're never going to tell you what to do in your relationships what we want you to do is you would say this we want to say this is what the word of god says and this is what is going to be best for your heart stop listening to all these influencers and their relationship tips take god's relationship tips your relationship will be 500 trillion times better if you take god's relationship goals for you and not your favorite influencers relationship goals for you can i get amen in the chat for that please if you're listening to this on the podcast just clap your hands and then put your hands right back on the wheel if you're driving okay let's go to verse four uh real quick again i think i'm making a lot of people mad with this message it's not your message it's god's message amen yeah that's good verse four they said moses permitted us to write divorce papers and send her away look at right here guys there's people in our lives sorry that's the wrong button people in our lives who want to use the word of god to get what they want god never permits our sin he always protects the word of god is never meant to let us do sin it's to protect us from sin god's word never permits us to sin it always protects us from sin religious people they use the bible to back up their own plans christians use the bible to obey god's plans religious people use the bible for their own pleasure christians use the bible for finding god's purpose john piper says god is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him if you want true satisfaction for your heart you need to obey god that's how we get the world's greatest pleasure is in obeying god that's what we're made to do we're made in his image we're made to obey him that's why in the lord's prayer even though it shouldn't be called the lord's prayer it should be called the sinner's prayer or a model prayer or whatever because in the lord's prayer in luke chapter 11 jesus says pray like this our father are in heaven hallowed be thy name your kingdom come you will be done forgive us our sins wait a second stop jesus doesn't have sins that's how we know it's not the lord's prayer it's a model prayer he's showing us how to pray a part of that prayer what he wants us to pray is your will be done on earth as it is in heaven what that means is translated god allow us to obey your will the way that the angels obey your will in heaven because in heaven there is no debate on whether or not god's will shall be done they always obey god's will that's what the angels do and so when we say your will on earth as it is in heaven we're saying god we want to obey you like the angels do christians they don't use the bible for their own pleasure they use the bible to find god's purpose for them religious people they want to use the bible to get what they want to back up their plans to use it for their pleasure that's what religious people do we're not like that that's how cults start by the way that's how fake religions start they use the bible and they twist it and they come up with this weird idea to give them something that they want and then we are here we are today let's look at verse six you guys tracking with me here we go uh it says look at verse six and five but jesus told him he wrote and his command for you he wrote this command for you because of the hardness of your hearts but from the beginning of creation god made them male and female jesus says okay i'm gonna answer your question because you guys are saying that god says it's okay to divorce no no no no stop putting words in god's mouth what he said was you are allowed to divorce your wife but it's not my plan it's not what i want and jesus says the only reason why god even allowed moses to write this was because your hearts were hard they had hard hearts what was going on here guys is the people back in that time when deuteronomy was written by moses they were like um treating their wives so horrible and so what they wanted to do is they wanted to just kick their wife to the curb get a new one and treat her like a dog and so what god did was like no no no if you really want to go through it with this because i hate divorce i hate this i don't even want it if you if it's getting so bad amongst the people of israel what i want these guys to do is they have to do a bill certificate of divorce it was this long process meant to encourage the man to stop it was this long process encouraging today think about what you're doing first of all there's a human being you're married to not a dog so you can't just treat her old any way second i want you to really think about this because it's going to take a long process for you to even go through this but it was meant to protect this defensive defenseless woman because the law and the old testament it wasn't for the woman to divorce her husband it was only written for the husbands who wanted to divorce their wife and so what it was meant to do was to discourage them to not divorce their wife because god hates divorce he absolutely hates it he does not want it to happen but now what they would have to do is they would have to if they did the certificate it would protect the woman from ever going back to that man so basically what they would try to do is when you get married your dad give if you're a woman your dad gives you a dowry and that dollar is a bunch of money gives it to your husband as a gift like thank you for taking my daughter here's something to start y'all's life um yeah a bunch of money it's a tradition back then we don't really do that anymore but what these guys are trying to do is they try to divorce their wife keep the dowry and then their wife would be allowed to or their ex-wife would be allowed to marry someone else and then if that person that they're married to died or if that person divorced them too the woman would be allowed to keep her dowry that time but the law of divorce allowed for um that woman not to go back to her first husband because he would try to take her dowry again her second dowry and get more money it was about exploitation jesus says your hearts are so hard that god had to come up with something not that he wanted he had to come up with someone because sin was so bad he had to come up with something to protect the defense's woman so it's not his intention and that's why jesus says in verse 6 from the beginning of creation god made them male and female he says you guys want to talk about moses law let's go back to the eden law there's mosaic law and there's edenic law and edenic law is the law that was set up in the garden of eden the very first law and so jesus said let's go back there male and female here we go you might want to stop your recording now guys because what does this say it says male and female that's what marriage is listen the world does not get to define what marriage is because the world did not make marriage god made marriage it was god's idea if i guys i didn't make up cars if i made a car i'd be able to define what a car is but if i buy a motorcycle today and pull up to my my house and i say hey babe i bought a car she comes outside and it's a motorcycle she's like you take it back because you're clumsy you're going to die and that's not a car you set a car that's not a car that's a motorcycle i didn't make cars i can't define them god made marriage he can define marriage the world cannot define marriage the world wants to redefine marriage so they can get their pass on sin and the world tries to redefine all kinds of stuff in god's word so that they can get a pass on sin christians we're not saying we hate gay people we're not saying we even hate gay marriage we're saying gay marriage is not a thing that's not marriage because marriage is defined as a male and a female that's what it is just to be fully come down your your pew this morning here we go have you ever looked at homosexual relationships and whether it's a girl and a girl or a guy and a guy why is it that one of them acts more feminine and one of them asks more acts more masculine have you ever noticed that or if it's two women one asks one act uh more masculine one acts more feminine why is that not every gay relationship is marriage is like that but why is that it's because the law is written on our hearts written on our hearts roman says is god's law and that law says male and female is how god created marriage i it blows my mind it's like if you guys why you know why do you why is there one that's more masculine one that's more feminine it's because we know the way relationships romantic relationships are supposed to work in our heart even if we don't truly desire it that's what we know to be true and when it comes down to homosexuality it's just like any other sin any other sin whether it be cheating or lying or murder like any other sin all of those sins what it comes down to is we don't want to obey the law that's written on our conscience we don't want to obey it we want to obey what we want what our flesh wants so we like to redefine stuff like oh you know like for gossip is just as much as sin as homosexuality and so with gossip we say well i'm not just gossip this is just facts i'm just i'm just telling the truth no it's gossip but we like to redefine stuff so we can get a pass on that sin when god's word is clear on what it is let's keep going before i make anyone else mad okay here we go we gotta finish this verse seven look at this verse seven says for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and the two shall become one flesh let's talk about premarital sex real quick the reason why i chose not to have pre-marital sex and i was so lost i thought um as long as i don't have sex then i'm fine but i can kiss and i can hug and i can be intimate i can do all that stuff as long as i don't do this one thing i'll be fine all uh intimacy with another person falls under sex anything sexual with someone falls under sex in god's word period because our hearts do not know how to be physically intimate with someone and not try to become one flesh with that person our hearts don't know the difference between uh one sexual act to another sexual act our hearts don't know that difference all physical intimacy with another person is the process of you becoming one flesh with that person marriage is a physical union the only thing that can split it up is something physical that's why jesus says in matthew chapter 19 you cannot divorce unless sexual adultery because that's a physical act that is defiling the physical union of marriage death is another one too if your husband dies yes of course you can remarry because to jesus death is divorce and in the old testament there was no law written about uh divorcing someone because of adultery in the old testament why because people who were adulterers were stoned to death there didn't need to be a law they already know if someone cheats on you she's gonna die he is gonna die there didn't need to be a law so jesus says listen that is death adultery is death when you're in marriage it's killing the physical union the problem though with it is the oneness will always remain you don't want to go into a marriage relationship already have becoming one with multiple people that's why god says don't have sex before marriage because it's a unifying act the strongest guys sex is the most powerful physical union on earth and one of the strongest spiritual unions it makes you one with a person and it intertwines your soul the bible talks about when it comes to sex talks about the intertwining of souls the mingling of souls your soul is becoming one when you do anything sexual with anybody that's the problem with it do you honestly want to go into a marriage relationship with all those soul ties we were lost before we met each other before we were christians and we made a lot of mistakes dating other people hooking up with other people before we became christians before we got married and we've had to deal with that oh sorry i'll take these verses off the screen we had to deal with that and it's been we've had long nights just conversating about all the pain and all the soul ties that we have with all these other people and i thought i was like oh i'm so smart i'm just not gonna have traditional sex i'm just gonna kiss everyone and do whatever i want and hook up with girls in different ways like if i do that i'm fine i thought i was being so smart and then i realized oh my gosh i have so much baggage i have more baggage than her because i'm just was i was an idiot and i made so many mistakes and jesus says marriage is the process of becoming one one flesh that's why you leave your father and your mother because you're not with them anymore you are starting your own family with your wife or with your husband you were part of a family now you're starting your own family because you guys are one now and guess what therefore in verse nine let's go with that verse 9 says therefore anyone that has joined together let no one separate therefore what god has joined together let no one separate you can't separate it how are you going to separate something god has brought together nice try you know your dad ever like put a toy in his hand and then you try to crank it open or someone really strong if your dad's not around i'm sorry to hear that but if anyone strong in your life has like a coin or like a toy in their hand and they close it real tight and you can't open it that's the idea here if god has his fists closed around you and that other person how can you open it he brought you together it was his idea to create sex to create this physical bond between these two people that means that bond is always going to be connected to that person the only person that can get remove that bond is god if you make mistakes outside of marriage and you get married can god release those soul ties from those other people and make you one with your spouse of course he can but guess what that's going to take a long time period it's going to be painful and it's going to take a long time i'm not saying it can't be done i'm just saying it's going to be painful because your soul is connected to that other person right okalani says it's a process so true that's exactly what it is all right let's finish this out um here we go verse 10 it says when they were in the house again the disciples questioned him about this matter he said to them whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her also if she divorces her husband and marries another she commits adultery there's a defilement that happens because if you divorce someone and hook up with someone else that's adultery why because it's a physical union you're already one with that person you're already one it's already done that you it's not supposed to happen twice it's not supposed to happen more than once it's supposed to happen once that's how serious marriage is jesus says divorce is the same as death because the bond of sex is not designed to be broken it's not easily broken if you don't want soul ties with anyone else in your marriage the best way to do that is to stay pure marriage is so serious because it represents our relationship with god cheating on our spouse is a picture of worshiping other gods that's why in the old testament god always calls the people of israel harlots and like prostitutes and like horrible names but it's because that's what they're doing they're adulterers for me to cheat on my wife it's a picture of me cheating on god because marriage is a picture of us and god that's what it is jesus christ being the groom us being the bride the church being the bride that's what it represents god takes relationships very very seriously so i got a question and then we'll take a little break because the camera's probably gonna shut off um the question is you have it written down babe oh here it is god what does god's relationship goals reveal about our hearts what does god's relationship goals reveal by our hearts basically going back to we talked about with the dowry um jesus paid a dowry for us with his life he bought us the church his wife his bride he paid everything that he had so that we could be his on the cross that's what he did for us oh you guys can probably still hear us but you can't see us it's because wow both cameras shut off cameras only stay on for 30 30 minutes we're back so yeah he did that for us and um that's why i want us to think about this verse real quick what does god or this question what does god's relationship goals reveal about our hearts what do you think babe yeah i mean i think it reveals that a lot of times we get our hearts to go because we want to stay doing what feels good like thwart god's word um to to like uh meet our own pleasures that's wrong but i think what's amazing about his goals for us is that it's what's best for yeah and we've learned that the hard way unfortunately yeah still something we have to um walk through and figure out together at times um but his ways are the best ways and that's why those goals and those standards are so good mm-hmm that's so good yeah what do you guys think like yeah we don't the thing is we don't have to learn the hard way anymore you know we just don't have to it's so good one person did have a question they asked about um concerning divorce they asked about abuse because it's a physical yes yeah of course yes because abuse the end of abuse is always death that's what is the greatest fear in that in that relationship abuse usually ends in death and so if there is physical abuse even verbal abuse can turn into suicide or it can turn into intense mental problems the point is god doesn't want divorce to happen because of how many people it hurts that's why jesus prefers to divorce as death to him it's the same thing because when a divorce happens it feels like death and it kills relationships there's people in our life who've been divorced and are we close friends with those people anymore no and it's not because we don't love them it's because divorce by nature is death that's what it is it's the killing off of something that is won and it still remains one afterwards oh the mic is cutting out ooh is it alex is my course yeah it'll be better next week guys we're getting another one or one of these but basically she asked like about abuse like into like is it okay to get a divorce because of abuse and um that's something that that person has to decide between their relationship partner but the point is yeah abuse can end in death and jesus says like because marriage is a physical union the only thing that can cut it off is a physical break which is adultery or death and so if death is knocking at the door of that relationship of course it's probably time to get away yeah because you know jesus always sides on the side of life as christians we always side on the side of life but it's tricky it's a very tricky situation and so um that's why that's why here's the thing too guys a lot of abuse comes from past relationships whether it be um relationships with your parents father mother relationships that were abusive and you bring that into your marriage you end up abusing abusing your spouse and that's why god says marriage is about leaving your father and your mother all the stuff that your father and mother had going on in their house leave that easier said than done we know but you are with someone else now you're but you're making a family with someone else now so you got to leave that stuff out father and mother they got to stay out and on top of that he's also saying that if you are in past relationships that's the reason why you might be abusing your significant other it's because your soul has been connected to 50 other women 50 other guys you've been in and out of relationship using people for what you want for your pleasure and now you're married to someone and that person isn't everything that you thought they were because they're imperfect they're human and now you're abusing them because you liked you know little shorty a little shoddy back in the day you liked her more or you liked old buddy back in the day and so now you're abusing your spouse because she's not that person way back then the thing about that is too we always look back on other relationships with something called rosy retrospection it's a phenomenon in psychology that means we always look back at the past like it's way better than it actually is and we do that with relationships too so someone asked yeah if someone dies yes that's yeah you're free to remarry um someone asked about hugging i mean we hug our parents we had friends we have strangers sometimes so hugging is not i wouldn't say physical intimacy yeah that you were talking about earlier with your experience yeah you guys know don't be afraid to clear that up that's the thing is as christians we like to play stupid a lot and we like to be like oh this is like what about this it's not that bad you know if you have the holy spirit there's something called conviction and it means you know there's something that you know you should not be doing in something that you know you should be doing and so listen to the holy spirit he really said little shoddy uh yeah guys well we love you thanks for being here and we hope this helps let's pray out and then um we're gonna work on yeah we're gonna work on making this even better for last week but hopefully audio yeah everything is going good and yeah just pray for us and we can't wait to just do this more and get better at this and yeah yeah people keep asking about kissing like i said kissing you have to decide for yourself but kissing you don't kiss someone you kiss people for romantic reasons unless you're like one of those family that kisses like your mom dad on the lips like a little peck you know like a holy kiss um kissing a romantic partner it's meant to show affection and affection leads to other stuff and so you gotta you gotta decide that guard your heart yeah you gotta guard your heart but um love you guys yeah we love you um we hope this message helped you and too heavy yeah but it's so important guys take it from us yours is cutting out i can tell by that we're getting her a better mic sorry guys lana says this message wasn't open an eye-opener amen that is awesome well you want to pray on my mic since it's not like oh yeah i'm doing good yeah father thank you so much for this morning to learn about your word and your relationship goals and standards for us give us the strength um to obey you lord we know that if we have your holy spirit you'll show us what's best for us and so give us the strength to do that even if our friends family and the world says otherwise um help us to understand what you want for us we love you so much lord and in your son jesus name we pray amen amen say a prayer for us guys help pray that we can learn how to live stream like the kids do because we're getting old but we love you guys actually we turned 29 this month yes so we're still in our 20s guys so we're not too old i'm rounding up i'm already 30. yes we're getting lokalani a new mike this week love you guys love you guys go out and be the church this week you
Channel: amen, church! podcast
Views: 5,694
Rating: 4.9865322 out of 5
Keywords: amen church live, amen church, amen alex, Alex dion wilson, amen, bible, jesus, sin, church live stream, God, Christian, live stream church, church, live, live now
Id: YjW_IOhnhQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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