What the Bible Says About Music (& Checking in with Baby)

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what does the bible say about music amen i think you're going to be surprised with our answer but at the end of this video we're going to share some artists that we really like and we're excited to do that but we are headed to an ob appointment which just means we're going to check up on the baby she comes next month yeah we're in 34 weeks dirty yesterday weeks speaking of the baby and the description is a what oh our baby registry yeah we don't have girl clothes we're starting to get some because of you guys a lot of you have bought stuff off of our registry we weren't able to have a baby shower this is our first i can't really see you most of you guys because the sunroof back there is open oh no wait here we go i'll block it there we go it's our first girl so um and also we moved over here after um august was out of the newborn phase we moved back to kauai and so we don't have we didn't have like a lot of the baby gear that newborns need um and you guys have just helped us out so much so there's still some stuff on there if you want yeah to bless us or if you want to get stickers if you want to browse and put them on your future baby registry oh and if you want to get stickers too the money goes towards helping our family carry keep doing this ministry yeah amen stickers they're vinyl stickers you just have to apply them real slowly and yeah they're really fun anyway we're trying to get food before the ob appointment because yeah we're hungry we haven't eaten we have haven't had coffee and everything is closed on our island so sad i don't know if you guys know but our island only has about like 60 to 70 000 people yeah on it and so like a lot of the businesses here are really supported by tourists when they come um and so this is weird dichotomy it's like nice not to have tourists here because everything's open we don't have to the beaches are like yeah we don't have to drive behind red mustangs all day because that's like tourists mustangs and jeeps it's a tourist car of choice but at the same time it's like a lot of our friends businesses are really hurting a lot of our favorite restaurants are shutting down literally because there's no money on the island and so it's really important to like support local people um here and in the mainland so wherever you're at support local but here we go yeah we're gonna try to find food we are here at chicken in a barrel it's a christian owned restaurant they say that they're open at 8 30. it's 8 27 right now and looks like no one's here i'm gonna check it out there's a sign on the door that says they're open at 8 30. so one minute one minute let's see i doubt it i just got a dm from a friend of mine who sent me a video of bunk getting baptized he used to be like a big internet prankster if you don't know who he is and he's also a rapper and i thought this is a good place to start because blink has been very very very or john gabbana is what we'll call him but that's his real name but he's been very very open about how music has had a huge impact on his life and he like the lifestyle that he was in and the lifestyle he was living and how he wanted to get out of that and you know how god has really freed him from that and i know there's a lot of debate on whether or not he's actually a christian or not but i think there's definitely been a night and day life change from the videos he used to post to who he is now and we're all going through a process of sanctification and some of us were slower at it faster at it the point is guy is so brave you know to be able to share his life and share this transformation and music you know is a lifestyle it's not just one thing that we listen to here and there first time i listen to non-christian music i guess even though music can't be christian because only people can be christians but you know secular music as they call it first time i did i was like seven or eight i was in my friend's garage and we were big skaters at the time skated every day and uh yeah he put on some eminem and i remember it just being like whoa like it i felt empowered by it you know and so music has a huge impact on us and it definitely what type of music we listen to sometimes affects who we hang out with the type of you know activities that we do music is it's not just an art form it's more than that it's a lifestyle too i'm eating ours why do you always eat ice number one pregnancy craving every pregnancy try the coffee is it good it's so hot i'm scared to try it we're packing up to leave right now to go to the doctors but this is a christian owned restaurant and i'm gonna share with you the music that they're playing in here because it might shock you we're here at the doctor's office and the music that they're playing was bulletproof like the song from pitch perfect and that song is just about like resilience and having tough skin and i think like as christians we can't be so legalistic that it's like we can only listen to worship music you know we gotta have room to enjoy music as an art form at the same time we gotta well we'll get into that we'll talk about what the bible says about it next but just wanted to get that out there first good news the baby is healthy and good we got a little picture of her and yeah we were talking to a doctor in there and speaking of doctors doctors have found out that that's good babe i want them to see the face they can see it uh doctors have found out that like uh music lowers cortisone uh cortisol and cortisol is a stress hormone so when you're really stressed out your cortisol cortisol levels go up high and so um it has a huge effect on our body it can make us excited to work out it can lower our blood flow it can raise our blood blood flow music is powerful and so the point is we have to be careful with something as powerful as that music is a medium as well whatever message the artist is trying to get across to the world can go through the medium of music and because our bodies are made to respond to music to respond to art where our major our bodies are made to respond to things that are beautiful to us his artistic things because we come from someone who is a creator that's like the very first thing we know about god in the beginning god did what created you know it's the first characteristic we know of god besides him being an infinite that's also a characteristic in the beginning god meaning he's infinite next thing we know about him he's a creator and because we're made in this image we're made to create and appreciate creation and so music has a very very powerful way to infiltrate our hearts and that's why the bible says we have to guard our hearts and so with that said we're going to talk about this more as we go home later tonight we're putting the boys to bed and music plays a really big role in how we put the boys to bed because the power of music and we realized this very quickly auggie wasn't sleeping well right and then what did we do to change that we played like christian lullabies yeah we played music and it he just started to sleep better he was less stressed out uh this year has been crazy for him and so we want you to see how music plays a role in a child even feeling peaceful at night and so let's go do that so what is the message in the music that you're listening to music is like something that's sweet speaking of sweet we're at this place called aloha sweet delights and music is sweet just like you have something sweet that may have a lot of crazy ingredients in it the sweetness kind of covers all those ingredients so we're getting donuts for our little sweet little middle child boy uh lion he asked for donuts yesterday and he wanted to come with us this morning but we didn't let him we decided to be best for him to stay back with his grandparents and his brothers but he's a sweet kid and so we're giving him some donuts but when he eats those donuts and we'll do a taste test with him later he doesn't know all the crazy unhealthy ingredients that are in the donuts because he's being you know it's being covered up by what's sweet and so music can have stuff in it that we don't even really even know but we just kind of take it in to our ears and it has an effect on us later and so that's why we have to be careful because right now lion's really sweet but he's gonna get to an age as a teenager where that sweetness is gonna go away and he's gonna be very tempted with two things lust and anger every teenage kid gets tempted with lust and anger it just hits you like a wave of emotions at some point and that's the age where you start to really get into music and you start to really you know look to music for help and for uh healing and stuff and so a lot of the music that is really pushed out on places like tiktok is like rap music of course or music that's about love and when you are experiencing a lot of temptation with lust and anger and you start listening to uh music that talks about hurt and pain and love and relationships and intimacy and anger and hurting others or you know masking stuff with drugs when you start listening to that kind of stuff it's going to have a huge effect on your mind and on your heart and so what is the message between behind the music let's get some donuts and take him to lion he's going to be so stoked i feel the difference because there's like um got the donuts malasadas they didn't have any donuts so this is our friend from california her name is mimi and they're beautiful christian family but this sound is like trending on tiktok and reels and stuff like that and it the message of it is like we spend time on our phones and our computer doing the same thing it's because we're so addicted to the internet but it got stuck in both of our heads as we're driving she just pulled it up on instagram never heard it until i saw hers but alex already knew about it but i've heard the sound on tick tock and people do this that trend too but it the message of it and the song itself gets stuck in your head because it's trendy and it's catchy and it's true the message is true and so that's how music gets stuck in your head i've been singing this jingle the whole way home bringing these donuts to lion uh yeah so that's in itself another illustration and a message right there right the music we listen to if there's a message behind it and it's true and it's catchy and it sounds good and pleasing to the ear that's even more powerful for getting it stuck in and what we think about so yeah come have some open it up what's in there for you what is it yeah try one do this one okay like try one how does it taste good thank you this guy doesn't like donuts you want one [Music] it's so weird you don't like donuts can you put on bible songs hey google play pirate songs google i can't do it good to see it better hey google play follow us dogs here's a spotify playlist called new music hindi [Music] what is this i don't know okay google stop you try lying hey giggle baby uh you guys are being too silly hey google play bible songs lay down lane hey yeah this is the new one google made this one and google my [Music] because it helps you sleep right yeah yeah when we put the boys down for bed whether it's nap time or actual like bedtime we put on either that channel or like a calmer lullaby like scripture lullabies or whatever there's a bunch of different playlists and i know it's kind of cheesy but it really does calm them down and to them it's not cheesy because it's it's what they've grown up listening to that plus veggie tales and the vegetables jonah soundtrack and stuff but they like it they also really like christian rap because i listen to a lot of christian rap like i said like growing up i listened to a lot of rap i think like the very first like album i got was like 50 cents get rich or die trying which in middle school i shouldn't not have been listening to that i didn't even understand half of it but it was just like the beat in the music that like pulled me in and so once i became a christian and my taste for music change which is what a lot of this is about your music taste has to change and that happens through regeneration which is the process of god like changing who you are from the inside out and so once i started to get regenerated i started to really love christian rap if you're not a christian you're not going to like krishna out because you don't even really understand maybe most of the stuff they're talking about but a lot of the christian rap that i listen to is just very versatile and my favorite artist right now it's probably holy number two is probably not they're not ranked like but i love holbey yeah i love hovie i love ty brazo i love what up rg um dj mikel he's my favorite dj uh yeah there's a there's so many yeah there's a bunch you can write in the description more of who we love yeah what about you yeah i like um indie music and so um two of my favorites are allie paige and antoine bradford both um focusing on here hello i'm right here they're both indie singer-songwriters amazing with like just you can just like hear their heart for the lord through their songs so those are some great artists to check out hey guys we hope this helps and we love you and if you have any other questions let us know in the comments and we'll see you guys in the next one amen [Music] you
Channel: amen alex
Views: 28,901
Rating: 4.99405 out of 5
Keywords: amen alex, Alex wilson, christian, motivate, jesus, god, bible verse, scripture, family vlog, vlog, what the Bible says about music, music, rap, sinful, secular music, all, rock music, illuminati, satanic, messages, evil, secret, hell, verse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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