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welcome to morning devotion with ken gurley devotions designed to inspire you on your daily walk with god here's your host ken gurley hey good morning everybody welcome to morning devotion took me a little moment to get this one together today it's like okay which button do i press i i have not had enough coffee i've not had any coffee maybe that's it maybe that's it i've been on a coffee fast do i get credit for that do i get credit that i've not had coffee today welcome morning devotion family johnny it's good to see you jonathan thank you for being a part of this a great weekend i hope wherever you were first church what an amazing weekend at both campuses thankful for what god did in our midst i was i was in providence rhode island friday and saturday doing a training for the harvest met a great group of people committed to bringing a harvest to new england we're thankful for that and then yesterday just a beautiful time with the northgate pentecostals and in the dfw area doing a great job 20th anniversary pastoral anniversary of the joneses god bless you thank you for being a part of this uh during the week i will mention the cruise and holy land trip a couple of more times just to get the information out there urge you to start making deposits this is for i don't know this is just for people looking forward to an end of this thing amen amen a lot of needs a lot of situations you're so faithful to list those and let people know about them i'm done i have heard those words more than i care to hear them i'm done i i really can't tell you the countless times in one way or another people have said something that those that exact phrase are something similar in this last year to i'm done when i look on social media depressing though it is although we're here on social media that's that that's right that's right howard lisa we're here but i hear people say i'm done i'm done with mask i'm done with pandemic i'm done with controversy i'm done with conspiracies and before do we get all of that but then i get concerned when i hear them say things like i'm just done with fighting i'm just done with caring i'm done with this relationship i'm done and that gets me concerned hebrews 10 39 the good news translation says we are not people who turn back and are lost instead we have faith and we are saved oh can i get a witness to that cindy and joyce i feel like joining the chorus of the three hebrew children today we may burn we may be laughed at we may be scoffed and ridiculed and mocked but we're not going to quit quit quitting that's the message today the power of perseverance so you know the drill like share follow subscribe if you're on youtube get the word out this md family is here and you make it so special we may be thrown down may be forgotten maybe kicked to the curb maybe marginalized disenfranchised some may think it's crazy you know some may think what we do is foolish but let them think that we're still not going to quit we we didn't pick these times we were picked for these times before we were born god raised us up for this generation so morning devotion family devotees quit quitting the power of perseverance we've got to hold on through this thing we're not of the order of king saul you remember that he was the first king of the nation of israel he was known for everything he was against he was against this against that in first samuel 14 the chapter that describes the beginning of saul's reign the word against is used 12 times you read everything and everybody was against against the ammonites against the against against against against he was known for what he was against more than what he was for and you better be hey listen to me listen to me pandemic weary people let's not be known for what we're against let's be known for what we are far in this day can i get a witness to that brad raquel yes we're not of that order we're not we are not of the order of saul we're order of a david we're known for our altars our praise our faith our devotion to god yes let the house of david wax strong and the house of david wax weak let's be known for what we're for if you find yourself in the camp of people that are always talking about what they're against and they're against this and against that against this and against that you need to get back in the camp of those folks that thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart soul and strength make sure you're in the right gap i i'm in the harmony with the writer of hebrews who said let me tell you who we are not we are not like those israelites of old who gave up at the side of the promised land few giants out there we're not we're not parties with those men and women who saw the obstacles and turned back quit quitting that's what the holy ghost just woke me up with this morning i'm supposed to tell you to persevere we're we're not part of those ambassadors of doom that you're seeing everywhere today no we're part of the souls of men and women down through the centuries in time who have stepped out and stepped up and said we're unafraid of the destiny and the time in which we're living so jose trenton you and you and i are not part of the 22 000 of gideon's men who said we're afraid and turned back we're part of those mighty 300 yes we're part of that group that says it's not by might it's not by power but it's by my spirit saith the lord you can do a lot of things in him if we're still not gonna quit those israelites in the wilderness did not turn back when pharaoh's army attacked they didn't turn back when the soles of their feet burned on the hot desert sands nor even when they went wet without water nor when the trouble came inside yet they turned back not at the beginning of their journey but at the end you see the quitting spirit gets very strong toward the end when gazing over jordan into the promised land they were that close that close to the land god promised them yes his little spiritual goes on jordan on jordan's stormy banks i stand cast a wistful eye to canaan's fair and happy land where my possessions lie i am bound from the promised land they could see it but they didn't make the crossing no they turned back i believe i believe we're at that moment in this whole ordeal we've been through that we're faced with a crossing and it's time to make a crossing so anna and zane and yolanda it's time to cross over into what god has promised for us don't turn back michael don't turn back janet don't turn back a previous generation crossed the red sea and came out of egypt but this was a generation who would not finish the trip they would not make that second crossing solomon said two things are tough for we immortals exits and entrances we don't know how to go out don't know how to come in some oh boy some are good at leaving some are good at walking away but very few are good at arriving and said we we made the first crossing of come out from among them and be separate we're not going to make the fail to make the second crossing of it i will receive you and be a father to you we made the first crossing of weeping endures for a night but we fail to make that second crossing of joy comes in the morning it's time to dry your tears and there's a time to lift up your heart and lift up your hope again we make that first crossing of they that sow in tears but sometimes we fail we quit too soon we don't reap in joy this crossing has come it's time to march over this time to say i i'm done with this day but oh am i open to what god is doing in my midst and so cindy and rex and trition donna i don't know i feel like i'm on a mission this morning not some misguided messianic complex not some over-the-top deeply spiritual thing i'm just supposed to tell you to quit quitting that's what i feel commanded of the lord to tell you quit quitting yes our possessions are on the other side quit waiting for everything to be resolved quit waiting for that person to apologize to you quit waiting for this thing to be rectified now let us go on that's what the writer of hebrews said let us go on let's move into our heritage and in our destiny no we're not going to lay again the foundation but we're still going to believe we're going to believe in what god is doing in this moment and in this day and millie what a week you've endured but god's got something for you quit quitting bridgette god's got something for you angie god's got something for you let us go on let us make the crossing let us lay hold on our possessions the the writer of hebrews gave gave five warnings to christian followers view them as five warnings to generations of believers and apostolics first generation don't drift with the tides stand up for what you believe that's hebrews 2. warning to the second generation don't depart from what has been revealed that's hebrews 3. to the third generation comes this warning don't be disobedient to the heavenly vision don't camp out in the wilderness hebrews 4 to the 4th generation don't be dry wells and be filled with apostasy hebrews 5 but to the last generation don't draw back don't shrink back don't quit and that is the message of the last day quit quitting don't draw back don't turn around don't throw in the towel quitting is never an option no it's not since it's never an option vicky it's not an option we're not people who turn back we don't go back we don't quit lucifer was eternity's first quitter the quintessential loser ever since he was labeled with the big l he's been trying to put the quitting saddle on everybody else god hasn't called you that's what he tells you look at what you've done that's what he says look at how you failed look god must not love you if you're struggling so much that's what the enemy does he's putting that quitting saddle on you yeah he's telling you to quit because he quit the enemy stands at every crossing and gives you an easy alternative he he lurks beside every open effectual open door and fights you from making the crossing listen to me any other choice than god's perfect will is quitting don't you dare quit don't you dare quit someone wrote some men die by shrapnel some go down in flames but most men perish inch by inch playing their little games quitting is a little game it's demas ignoring the powerful example of paul and saying those distant lights they look so good having loved this present world that's quitting it's ananias and sapphira saying hey you got to look out for number one selfishness is just a hidden form of quitting it's harmonious and philitus saying i'll forget heaven let's focus on the here and now forget resurrection eat me eat drink be merry let's dominate here no that's quitting it's aiken saying well a little disobedience won't hurt oh hey can you you're like the fictitious dorothy in her little band in a field of poppies or like bunions hopeful and christian come close to the beulah land you're you're you're on the edge of the promised land and you're you're sitting there and you're looking you're you're you're looking at the gates of the city but you're getting complacent and content in the day that you're living in and you just want to rest just to luna just a little folding of the hands that's what solomon said of the slothful but i like what christians said on the banks on the edge of that eternal celestial city he said by no means less sleeping we never awake more we we were warned of this place let us watch and be sober come on morning devotion family let us watch and be sober it's not good enough to say i will not quit the language language of success is we will not quit in the family let's don't quit lonnie linda david let's not quit we need to say we will not quit jesus said no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of god the kingdom of god has got former adulterers former drug addicts former whoremongers former murderers but the person that's not fit for the kingdom of god is one who quits oh my i feel the holy ghost in that a righteous man may fall seven times but he's going to get up again rejoice not against me oh my enemy i may fall but i i'm going to get up i'm going to get up when sen balot and tobias sent word to nehemiah with coming at night we're going to get you we're going to slay you that's what they said that's what they said shemay i told nehemiah he said i tell you what we need to do we need to be cautious we need to be careful let's go hole up in the house of god let's shut the doors let's lock the windows nehemiah looked to shimayai and said should a man such as i flee do you think i was born to quit i doesn't i wasn't born to quit the last days is gonna come equipped with a quitting spirit and you're gonna have to fight it you're gonna have to fight it it's like david looking at the host of israel i said don't you let that giant of fear paralyze you don't you hide in the trenches i'm not cowering in fear with those in the quitting tent i'm gonna run to that giant i'm gonna exalt the god who can bring me from the minor leagues of the lions and bears into the major leagues with the giants i'm gonna face him down quite like that come out of the quitting tent in jesus name let god arise and your enemies be scattered we will not quit quit quitting quit quitting my bible says that i'm to follow in the steps of the finisher the one who's called the author and the finisher we've got to finish redemption's story what god started on day one of creation he finished he finished he rested he's not only alpha he's omega he's not only the beginning he's the ending you can call him the author of like and he is but never failed to call him finisher as well quitting is no option no no i know there's mountains yes we got plenty of mountain spotters but we we need some mountain speakers that's what we need my bible says that as my days are so shall my strength be and if i face a mountain he will lash my feet with shoes of iron and brass and i'm going to keep climbing it may be rough i may not be skipping across the hills and valleys with hind feet but i was not made to quit i was made to finish paul said i have finished my course i have kept the faith when you finish this life you better still have faith when you finish that trial you're going through you better still have faith you could have quit paul beaten stoned left for dead you were stranded in the deep you were abandoned by your friends but paul would tell you today he would shout across the chasm of 2000 years don't quit quitting is never an option there's churchill that once said success consists of going from one failure to the next failure without losing enthusiasm i say success is simply this we're just not going to quit we're not going to give up we're not going to give in we may fall but like that soldier in saint barton's owed i am hurt but i am not slain i will lay me down and bleed a while then i'll rise and fight again you remember what scripture says if we faint in the day of adversity our strength is small folks we're in the day of adversity we can't have little strength we need to be strong in the lord and in the power of his mind we can't faint in this day so if you're going to quit something the holy ghost would tell you this morning why don't you quit quitting yeah yes yes we're going to rise and we're going to be triumphant there is a glorious ransom redeemed throng in the book of revelation and you're going to be a part of it amen amen paul once wrote to a young man named archivist in colossians 4. he said after you read this letter make sure this is read also in the church of laodicea and at the same time you're to read the letter that the brethren in laodicea will send you and by the way tell archivists archivists be sure to finish the task you were given by the lord finish what god has started you you started well but who or what has hindered you finish we press toward the mark we push toward the finish line don't stop don't back up push on through there's so many theories about octopus what what is curious is the connection with archivists to me and laodicea some believe this man was the messenger the angel of the self-complaints uh self-complacent saints of laodicea archivists don't settle out in a day when you see believers around you throwing in the towel getting lost in conspiracy theories getting lost in one fight after another finish finish the story because we're surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily ensnare us and let us run with endurance and patience the race that is set before us looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endure the cross despised the shame sat down at the right hand of the throne of god we will not stop until we reach the throne of god finish the race there's a crowd there's a chorus there's a cloud of witnesses encouraging you on you are the last person in the race yes you're the last leg of this anchor race and remember when you're tempted to throw in the towel and you're tempted to stop you're not running for fame or fortune but you're running for the lord who invested in you it doesn't matter if you set world records doesn't matter if you finish first or last god's called you to run this race and he wants you to finish and let me tell you a secret everyone who finishes gets the gold oh yes you will so quit quitting so wendy don cindy mary i believe god's put a spirit in you that you're not going to turn back and you're not going to turn around you're going to see your master face to face and you're going to hear him say well done well done thou good and faithful sermon you made it you survived the most difficult times of our lives you've seen it through god bless you thank you for being a part of morning devotion look forward to sharing with you all week long if you are interested in the holy land trip i think there's a post elsewhere on the site but right now like share follow lift up one another in prayer and let's bind together and see god do some amazing things god bless you jesus name [Music] thank you for listening to morning devotion with ken gurley join us next time for another inspiring devotion to support this ministry please visit firstchurch.com forward slash give
Channel: Ken Gurley
Views: 731
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: rURd7ld0VA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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