God's Incorruptible Word Seed: Vaulting The Seed (Part 3) (Dec 10, 2017) Keith Moore

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go with me the first Peter if you would actually go to proverbs 4 then we go to first Peter proverbs 4 first Peter 1 proverbs 4 and 20 I will read the Living Bible first on this he said listen son of mine to what I say listen carefully keep these thoughts ever in mind let them penetrate deep within your heart for they will mean real life for you and radiant health the margin of a number of Bible says talks about that it's medicine to all your flesh God's Word is life to those that find them and health to all their flesh the King James says our medicine his word didn't say it's like medicine it is medicine God's words will heal you of anything I don't it doesn't matter how progressed it is how terminal and hopeless and incurable it is to man nothing's too hard for the Lord and his words will heal you his words will change can change your kidneys can clear your lungs can restore your heart can cleanse your blood sorry about that I think I spit on you [Laughter] what are y'all laughing about his words I'm gonna say his words his words they are life to those that find them and what health or medicine this says radiant health thank you lord the the new century says they are the key to life to those that find them they bring health to the whole body the amplified says their life to those that find them healing and health to all their flesh now health healing is great health is even better healing is you were sick you needed healing so healing got you restored health means you didn't even need to be healed if you're in health plays God kept sustained well God's words do both they'll heal you if you need it keep you in health if you don't which is better than being healed not needing to be healed it's better than being here verse 23 says keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard for out of it flow the Springs of life now this we're going to see this connected with other scriptures but he's the heart is where the Word of God works and develops and out of the word working in our heart life springs up the life that's in our body comes from our inner man when the inner man the body the body's dead just like a hand coming out of a glove if you saw a glove moving and you didn't know any better you might think that gloves alive but it has no life apart from the hand inside and spirit and body are exactly like hand and glove in fact the example of sword and scabbard are used in the scriptures describing inner man outer man and so when so sometimes people I've heard people say tell my sickness that it was needed you know because one guy said well how would you ever die if you never got sick easy you leave your house you you leave your body it will fall on the floor and you don't have to shoot it or put some dread disease in it to make it stop because there's no life in this body without you you're sitting there right now I see your house I don't see you you're looking at me through those two windows we call eyes you're on the inside and if you've been born again you're not getting older on the inside the outward man perishes but the inward man is renewed day by day you haven't aged a day inwardly since you've been born again and you never will never will is this good news is this good news and one of these days the trumpets gonna say hallelujah the dead in Christ are going to rise we which are alive and remain are going to be changed so much they changed so your body is going to become like your spirit and it won't age anymore either you'll have a body that can keep up with your spirit throughout the ages to come this life is the briefest thing we'll ever do and to the Lord a day is like a thousand years so if you live a hundred plus years to him it's like you're down here a couple of hours and he's the one that perceives time correctly we're the ones that have time skewed so you can make it another hour right for some folks is 15 minutes you can make it right to do what you're supposed to do make a difference in the earth be a witness for him help his church help this gospel get out right you can do this and then we're out of here praise God and it will be so wonderful first Peter did you find that first Peter 1:23 says we are born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which lives and abides forever for all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass the grass withers and the flower thereof falleth the word of the Lord endures forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you this goes right along with what we read in Proverbs God's Word his life to those that find it find them health and medicine to all their flesh and guard your heart because out of it are the issues of the life well that's the word getting in your heart well here the word is called seed and this is this is a great revelation and if you know this a little bit don't think you know all of it this is one of the greatest revelations concerning God and how things work that you can get he works by the principle of seed seed sowing planning harvesting every thing he does he does by this and his words are seeds this is how he does things in us he speaks to us and and the thing we got to get our minor in you to is with with so many people think speaking is just communication you just tell somebody what you think or what you feel and maybe they understand what you think and what you feel and tell you what they think and feel about what you think in field communication but with God he never speaks only to communicate ever communication is there but when he speaks he creates he creates when he speaks things change hallelujah when he tells you be strong that's not just a pep talk [Laughter] the words he said to you be strong yay be strong strong in the Lord and in the power of his might in each one of those words is what he said the power the strength and they are just like a seed all of that is in them but they are inactive unless they are planted just like a seed a seed can sit on the shelf for years and there can be a giant oak tree in that acre right but you won't see it and it gets it there even natural seeds can last we talked last Sunday they there been some seeds found that were thousands of years old and they planted them and they grew up hallelujah and produce some better plants than some of the current ones well all of that was there for a thousand years and nothing was happening until it was planted God's Word has within it no word of God the scripture said his void of power God speaks no idle empty powerless words when he says something to you is more much more than communications hallelujah we must get our mind renewed to think like he thinks and to function and operate like he thinks because his will for us is to imitate our Father imitators of God as dear children the scripture says that's right what does that mean that means we learn to not just talk I don't like the phrase I'm just saying I really dislike that fridge so please don't say it around what you're saying is my mouth is moving I'm making noise but it doesn't mean a thing and that's not okay because you weren't created to be that and to be a meaningless blabbermouth we the world doesn't understand this unbelievers don't know anything about this we're not shocked that they don't but we're supposed to know different and if somebody comes to us hurting imprint problems in difficulty we're not supposed to just fall apart with them and tell them how bad we feel about it what good will that do I know when I first started in the ministry working the brother Hagins ministry there in Oklahoma I was greenness could be I hadn't been in ministry just a couple of months and I'm counseling with people and they'd come in and I mean our our life wasn't perfect but life at home with mom and dad we have a pretty good life and nobody had just acted stupid crazy pretty normal pretty good and people who come in they start talking telling what was going on in their life and I'm sitting there thinking you got to be joking you're doing what they did what and so they'd break down and cry and I'd reach them get a tissue for them we can get one from me because I'm like this is awful I didn't know people were this messed up because we have a pretty good childhood pretty good growing up and but I realize this is helping nobody write me crying with them and feeling bad for them is helping nothing uh go to Ephesians fifth chapter everybody okay thank you Father Ephesians I said five but it's for back up a little bit for 29 seasons 429 says what let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth now that's not just what we'd call cuss words what's corrupt well we'll see that both first corinthians and then also galatians talks about sowing fleshy seeds or spirit seeds flesh seeds King James calls them carnal flesh seeds are spirit seeds and the flesh the natural is corruptible we just got through reading in Peter that God's Word is what kind of seed in corruptible seed and so don't let any corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth what's corrupt communication it's something that's going to pull down something that's going to be harmful corruptive corrosive damaging discouraging can you see this don't let let how much does that come out of your mouth none of it but that which is good to the use of what edifying edify means building up that it may Minister grace to the hearers but somebody is telling us like I was sitting there counseling these people that's what the Lord had to teach me I don't need to just reach and get a tissue for myself or there are words that God would speak to them that'll quicken them that'll help them that'll strengthen them hallelujah if they'll receive it it's a seed that'll go into them and start working inside them to give them strength to give them hope to give them direction God's Word will do all these things and much much more if I just talk hopeless words if I just vent feelings and frustration helps nobody in fact it can be watering bad seed that's already in them I'm to let none of that that and that means you'll have to bite your lip right because everybody's talking a bunch of bad junk in problems it's like a current you can get sucked in if you let yourself hmm everybody talk about how bad it is how terrible it is awful how hopeless so bad so bad so bad what what good is that gonna do everybody already knows it's bad everybody involved already knows it's a problem but that's not gonna help don't let any corrupt communication even come out of your mouth that means there'll be time after time you start to say something you start to join in and you'll need to mmm-hmm I just need to be quiet here a minute what can I say that will help this if you just stop just a moment what can I say that'll make a difference it's not something you can just come up with on your own you begin to look inside where the greater one lives is that right and say Lord what what do you say about this what have you already said about this and what are you saying to me what are you saying to us about this and if you'll just check if you just look in all your ways acknowledge him and what he shall direct you'll pass praise God he'll show you he'll tell you what to say I'm gonna talk about hearing the voice it'll let's come up to you it'll come up out of your spirit to your mind and you won't have to ask somebody was that from him because when it's from him it's good it's light it's life you're thinking that's it that's it that's the answer that's the answer and when you speak those kind of words and you talk about those kind of things in faith and in love it ministers life and it builds up the hearers that receive it do you believe in friends in every situation in life there's a right word it's the proverb writers the proverb said it's like apples of gold in pictures of silver it's the right word for the right time it's the right thought for that situation you can only get it from him but he gives his wisdom freely to those that anybody that asks he won't upbraid you for being dumb can you say Amen go with me to first Corinthians the third chapter please first Corinthians three the same way we get born again is the way all of God's things work in our life we were born again of the in by the incorruptible seed of the word of God said out loud God's Word is seed now here this passage tells us what we are relative to that seed first corinthians the third chapter and the first verse first Corinthians 3:1 he said our brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto carnal now like I said over translations instead of saying carnal they say fleshly fleshly spirit and flesh is what he's talking about as under babe's in Christ keep going I have fed you with milk and not with meat for hitherto you're not able to bear it neither yet now are you able let's just stop here you have to grow in order for the Lord to even talk to you about some things because just you wouldn't understand it when he says my little children it's not a figure of speech compared to him the oldest and wisest among us is like a little little child understanding that there's been times in my life I'd see something in the word that I didn't understand and and here let me encourage you to do this I just stop and say Lord I don't understand this I'm asking you give me understanding of this you show me what this means show this show me how this applies and I mean more thing I asked him about that and ten years later he brought it up to me and it was like I had asked him that morning because I guess to him what would ten years be you know and it was like he answered me like I had asked him that morning that he's going to begin to show me that and he's beginning to show me I saw why he had to wait ten years to tell me I wouldn't have even known what he was talking about 10 years before how many know a three-year-old can ask you questions you can't really answer huh you could tell him but they wouldn't know what you're talking about they wouldn't understand and that's what he's saying here he said I that I I would have ministered you know of the things to you you weren't able to and and he said and now you're not able either you're still not able we can't we can't even talk about these things for your yet Carlin you're still fleshy for where is there's among you envying and strife and divisions are you not carnal and walk as men these are the telltale signs of being babies and being carnal instead of being spiritual envy strife and division when you can't get along with folks you're not spiritual envy when other people get blessed and you ain't happy they get what you wanted you go cry you're a carnal baby and really need to grow up he divisions when you break off into camps and cliques in groups it shows your own spiritual and a baby not my thought right here he said you are still carnal how do I know 4 verse 3 verse 3 for there is envying among you and strife and division we've been commanded to walk in love haven't we spiritual people do we've been commanded to love we'll love if I want something and you get it before me love's gonna be happy for you if I care about you right that's going to do away with envy love values what love values I'm talking about capital L if you love God you love what he loves and he loves his people all his people not just your little group right you don't love his other kids you're still carnal and short-sighted and do they might want to grow up and huh yeah verse four while one says I'm of Paul another says I'm of Apollo's are you not carnal I'm Baptist I'm word of faith huh I'm this I'm Matt what maybe maybe that's how you grew up but don't define you know the Lord says something to me about racism and it applies to this it's an answer I I know it's an answer but I don't know how widely accepted it'll be I stopped using the terms black and white black and white is doesn't refer to color I'm not white I'm reddish beige if you're dark-skinned you're not black your mocha right black and white are not colors they're categories and then it come from God they're man-made categories how light can your skin be - you're no longer black how dark can you skin be - you're no longer white so this ain't right skintone complexion doesn't make you any different coming out with me than anybody else so I got stopped using the terms black and white hmm we got dark complected people light complected people right and then that doesn't mean it's light it's like having light hair dark hair no difference well you got to watch you about categorizing Christians right just because you grew up in one camp there's a great big body of Christ right and if you're born again you born again right if we're all born again we got the same father right and we got the same big brother Jesus and when you get to heaven they're not going to ask you for your credentials to show you which part of heaven your group goes to Phyllis and I experience some what would you call it prejudice a while back in an area I did I guess I should have expected it I preached on it recently but we have some folks that wouldn't sell us some clothes because I preach prosperity they said no we can't sell them to you so I guess prejudice exists in all kind of places but Phyllis said something really good course you know he told that to my wife he said she was trying to buy something for me and he said no I can't sell that to you why because your husband preaches prosperity abundance and but I thought she she had the best response she said there's a reason why he came across us right we're gonna pray for him it is that right God's gonna get ahold of him how many think it's a better testimony if he gets enlightened absolutely but you know you can get huffy about any kind of thing what do you mean you can't sell it to me my kind what what do you mean let's say that strife and that's being a baby that's being a baby because when you grow up you don't just see things do how it affects your pride you see through the eyes of love right and with a whole lot of folks users need to say Lord forgive them they don't know what they are doing they don't know what they're saying what they're talking about be like the master somebody sound growing up I'm growing up I'm developing how they knew you what does that mean when you grow up no strife no envy no division it just love faith hallelujah wisdom glory to God and it's freedom ain't no fun being mad all the time hey the fun going around with a chip on your shoulder because you start looking for it you don't start seeing it when even when it's not there you go what are you looking at and it could have been that flower behind you right could have nothing to do with you but you will get to seeing stuff that's not even there anything and whatever you judge somebody else that they're doing you will wind up doing that's the scripture says that judge and you'll be judged it's just a lot more fun walking love mercy soul mercy reap mercy so grace reap grace so kindness and reap kindness did you find 1st Corinthians 3 let's keep going one says I'm appalled no says I'm of Apollo's other one says he said your carnal carnal who's Paul tell mighty self who's Apollo's but ministers by whom you believed even as the Lord gave to every man keep going I have planted planet what the incorruptible seed of the word of God I planted Apollo's watered but God gave the increase halleluyah said out loud planted watered increase verse seven so the neither is he that plants anything neither he that waters he said he said don't make a big deal out of me in Apollo's and you don't have to pick you know another place he said all in too much the same thing he said whether it's me or Apollo's or Peter whoever all are yours you don't have to pick between one and the other you can just say they're all mine you don't have to have a favorite preacher they're all yours right you don't have to have a favorite group of the things of God or a ministry they're all yours neither is he that plants anything he that waters but God gives the increase verse 8 now he that plants and he that waters are one and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor verse 9 for we are labourers together with God you are God's husbandry and you are God's building let me read this to you from other translations and in the Moffitt's translation verse 6 I did the planting Apollo's did the watering but it was God who made the seed grow in verse 8 he said the planner and waterer are on the same level that's interesting in the planter and the waterer are on the same level and each will get his own wage for the special work he's done we work together in God's service you are God's field to be planted said out loud I am God's field to be planted what does he plan in you seed his words are his seeds the amplified says verse 8 amplified he who plants and he who waters are equal and one thing I saw last night about this is a the watering is just as important as the planning the why if it never gets planted there's been there's not gonna be any harvest it can get planted but if it never gets watered it's the same thing no results so the watering is just as important as the planning we can't just hear something one time and not our head and have a great harvest supernatural harvest of that word in our life you got to keep hearing it and getting it watered and you got to think about it and talk about it keep it in front of you don't let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart right incline your ear to it why so it can get watered now the first time you ever heard it it was planted the next time you heard about it it was being watered and it needs to continue to be watered until it produces everything that words supposed to produce hallelujah thank you Lord said out loud I am God's garden hallelujah his seed grows good in me right becae you you can receive or reject his seed many rejected hold you place go with me over to the book of Acts hold your place go over to acts 17 can you take a little more well I'm either planning or watering dryness is not of God hmm that tells people feel so dry because they are and that means nothing's working because it's got to be watered for the seed to be activated and go into its developing and growing modes and not just any preaching and teaching will water and if you're needing a harvest in an area you need to seed in that area and you need to be watered in that area right faith for finances is not the same as faith for healing neither of those the same as faith for protection our faith for being led and wisdom they worked the same way but you can be well watered in one area and parched and dry in another right that's why pastors not supposed to speak on exactly the same subject all the time right above different areas different things now if you're traveling ministers specialized in one area then you can't you're at different places at different times but just like in the natural you need a variety of things in your diet and so being watered you can tell it inside just like if your skin gets too dry you can tell it right if you got some really good high-quality lotion you can tell that to your skin goes ah that helps there man that's good with your spirits that way sadly a lot of people's spirits are withered to just frailty and they have no strength what you want to be is God's well watered garden by the rivers of water hallelujah where your roots are not just getting some moisture but when the tree is planted by the rivers of water your root actually can get on into the stream so you just got an unlimited supply hallelujah and so your moist and your leaves are green and your branches are full and green and strong and when a plants that way it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and reaching out higher and farther and thicker and the fruit ah the fruit is big and luscious and when it comes to its full cycle what does it produce a bunch more seed hallelujah when you when the word is working so fully in you and you're getting results you begin to be the the plant that is spewing out seeds into other people they're hearing about and seeing what God is done in you and you're speaking the seeds of that and it winds up getting planted in their heart and the same thing I did for you wise up happening again one kernel of wheat has the potential of eventually covering the continent and feeding nations does it given enough time and the right circumstances well that's corruptible seed we're talking about their incorruptible seed one seed well received well watered kept and allowed to develop over a period of months and years until it reaches its full maturity has the potential for affecting whole families whole neighborhoods whole counties whole states whole nations it's coming that the glory of the Lord is going to cover the whole earth like the waters cover the sea the devil thinks he can hold it back but he can't he can't have you read the back of the book he's a loser capital F he's the biggest loser there has ever been oh he thinks he can hold it back and he's got a lot of people to grin with him said all the world's terrible everything's going everything's going down and going bad he's a liar he's a deceiver these other verses have to come to pass so that like the glory of the Lord will cover the whole earth like the waters cover the sea and he does everything through his word that word that he spoke all those years ago is a sea thank you Father acts 17 are you there I think we'll see this and then we can close maybe acts 17 verse 1 it says when they pass through Amphipolis and Apollonia they came to Thessalonica where was the synagogue of the Jews and Paul as his manner was went in unto them in three days seven three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures opening and alleging that christ must needs have suffered and risen from the dead and that this jesus whom i preached to you is christ what's he doing what's Paul doing he's planting a lot of these places they hadn't heard any of this before so he's planting and if they had heard it what else is happening watering watering planning mostly planning and some watering maybe and verse four look at the response some of them believed and consorted with Paul and Silas and of the devout Greeks a great multitude and of the chief women not a few good results there's a bunch of people received the incorruptible seed but the Jews which believe not moved with envy took it unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort a one translation said loungers folks that just laid around and did nothing how many no that's how you get in trouble laying around doing nothing looking for trouble and together the company and said all the city on an uproar and assaulted the house of Jason and sought to bring them out to the people and when they found him not that drew Jason in certain brethren of the rulers of the city crying these that have turned the world upside down are come hither also so they are causing strife there's division and envy are they carnal they are completely carnal and why they didn't receive what Paul preached so the harvest in their life is coming out they have received the bitterness the fear the strife and it's a sea the devil wants to make you his garden and the ground of our heart will produce whatever seed is thrown into it received and nurtured and water and so this is what was in them and whatever is eating you if you keep watering it it will grow until it'll start coming out of you just like a plant will only grow so much then what's going to happen it starts sticking out above the ground and if it keeps growing it gets bigger and bigger and influences more area so they did not receive the work they rejected the word and that's one of the toughest things as a minister when you see people reject the incorruptible seed of the word and you know what it could do for you know it could get in them and change them from the inside out but I've had people Phyllis and I too many times look at us and go I I know I know I know but I'm not going to I know but I yeah I just think well we just told you the word yeah but yeah but I think yeah but I believe you but this what the word says yeah I know all that but what's happening they are saying no don't put the word in me I'm not letting that seed get in me and I'm so thankful this was talking about it earlier I'm so thankful we let the seed of the healing word get in us other people mock it and scoff at last not God's will it is God's will for everybody so glad we let the seed of abundance get in us all people want to mock and make fun then there turn right around and ask you for money they don't want the seed but they don't the word but there weren't the money people mock speaking in tongues and and gifts of the Spirit I'm so glad we let that seed in us we said yeah we take water it and we listen to it year after year it's grown in us and it just keeps growing in you and it gets strong enough inside you it starts producing these results on the outside of you can you say Amen and so it's grievious when you see people that need it so desperately go no no no I made up my mind I've I think this I believe this I'm doing this and what they don't realize is they may think they're looking at you disagreeing with you but we didn't write this and they're disagreeing with God they're rejecting his seed they said no don't put that in me I'm not accepting that and if you don't accept that the enemy's got a bunch of seed he's ready to sell and when you see people mad hurt bitter resentful they let bad seeds get in them and they've watered them talked about them thought about them Phylis for now we endeavor to water the good seed on regular but I'll ask her almost every day what are we excited about and we start talking about some area of God's work or is will and as you're talking about it you're hearing it and you're looking at it and what you're doing it's not getting your water pot out and going over to your plant and going okay come on baby you can do it grow grow you talk about it you look at it you listen to what the word says about it you fellowship around it and you keep that seed moist and watered and it keeps growing in you and the bigger it grows more excited you get about it because you can you can just feel it push it you can just feel it and the next thing you know Boop it popped out in the healing it popped out in money coming in come on can you see this it popped out in wisdom and direction knowing how to be led oh praise God ah folks only nearly folks only knew we wouldn't be able to get them in the house today they'll be up all the way up and despair pollen but that's seen in me but they get that seed in me these guys they wouldn't receive it a bunch of them but then look what happened it said in verse verse 10 it talks about all the trouble they had men they caused an uproar strife division verse 10 the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas by night to Berea who coming there went into the synagogue of the Jews these were more noble than those in Thessalonica how you treat God's Word tells what caliber of person you are it says some of those folks were lewd men of the baser sort loungers how do we know that because of how they treated the Word of God how they treated the word showed who and what they are how what makes somebody noble of noble character of the higher quality what makes somebody like that how can you tell these were more noble than those in Thessalonica how in that they did what they did what come on help me says they received the word with all readiness of mind and they didn't just do it blindly they searched the Scriptures daily to see whether those things were so they didn't you shut it off and say yeah but this is how we've always thought momming them and our denomination in our group and I know there when they heard it it sounded almost too good to be true but didn't they thought is that really in the Bible and they opened up the scriptures and they got to looking it up there it is there it is there it is and they received the incorruptible seed of the word of God in 1st Thessalonians 2:13 says it works effectively effectually in you that believe oh somebody say I receive the word I receive the incorruptible seed and the word is working mightily in me anybody know that song let's sing it then stand up everybody
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 1,975
Rating: 4.5789475 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, love, peace, joy, faith, Jesus, God
Id: cgpXUQMBG5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 57sec (3297 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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