God's Healing Compassion | Pastor Stephen LaFlora

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you ready for a night of praise and worship unto the lord god almighty you ready to bless his name come on and clap your hands with me put those hands together if you want to move up closer you come on in just enjoy the spirit of the lord tonight amen clap your hands and smile clap your hands and smile your hands and smile let the joy of the lord feel your heart today clap your hands and smile clap your hands and [Music] of the lord [Music] oh [Music] let the joy of the lord fill your heart today [Music] [Music] oh [Music] fill your heart today [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey come on [Music] coast to coast from the north side the east side from the west side let the glory of god fill this city hallelujah thank you lord jesus thank you lord oh nothing is impossible unto you we thank you lord jesus hallelujah through hallelujah i can do anything i can do you [Music] nothing is impossible hey i know that you can do anything [Music] [Music] is is oh you oh do anything to you through you i can do anything i can do all things i am is i believe oh i can do anything i can do all things cause it's you who gives me strength nothing is i believe i believe i i believe how great is our god sing with me how great is [Music] [Music] truth how great he [Music] oh is see how great how great he is is how great the lord is is it is [Music] [Music] let all the earth rejoice let all the and darkness tries [Music] [Music] [Music] the lion is [Music] is you're worthy our praise [Music] jesus that is why is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] how grace is brave are you worthy you're worthy of the prey my and my heart will see how brave [Music] you're worthy [Applause] yes you are you were the lord you were hallelujah [Music] come on begin to honor the lord lift up your voice we bless the name of jesus we thank you lord we bless you o god because you're so wonderful bless the name of jesus hallelujah thank you [Music] [Music] so let's start right now [Music] i just wanna be with you [Music] hallelujah [Music] just wanna be with you i just wanna [Music] every man [Music] why would we [Music] just want to be with you [Music] just wanna be with you yes the world [Music] yes let's start right now so let's start why would we get free just want to be if you wanna be in your presence [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] so stand in your presence until you come again and we'll sing hallelujah till you come again yeah sing with me and we'll sing hallelujah till you come again and we'll dance in your present till you [Music] [Music] [Music] sing hallelujah sing hallelujah sing hallelujah yes [Music] anybody want to be with the lord come on let's take it from kingdom glory [Music] this one [Music] [Music] y'all ready to do some dancing and some singing this morning and we'll sing calling till you come [Music] is [Music] hallelujah we praise you [Music] [Music] [Music] i've come to be with you i just wanna be with you i just wanna love you i just wanna love you i just wanna praise you i just wanna you just one worship justice [Music] [Music] [Music] i just wanna be with you thank you jesus i just wanna be with you [Music] i yes wanna be with you hello thank you lord yes [Music] don't stop praising the king of glory who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty in battle i love the words of this song for it says yes the world will bow down and say you are god so we'll sing and we will dance in his presence till he comes again hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord we just give you praise and honor and we thank you this morning we thank you for your word so i'm going to ask you to remain standing here and those of you who are streaming to get your word out and get prepared to declare the 91st psalm over yourself your children your family your home your city and your nation all together now he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will i trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the north some pestilence he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thy trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flieth by day nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wasted at noon day why because a thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee amen only with thine eyes shall i behold and see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the lord which is my refuge even the most high thy habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways for he shall give his angels charge over thee oh i'm sorry i'm getting so full this morning y'all pray for me hallelujah thank the lord for his angels keeping charge over me i thank the lord for his angels keeping charge over my children and our children and our church oh hallelujah we thank you lord we thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee and all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest they dash thy foot against the stone oh thou shall tread upon the lion and the adder the young lion and the dragon shall thy trample under feet because he has set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my name hallelujah thank you lord he shall call upon me and the lord will answer us the lord will be with us in trouble the lord will deliver us and the lord will honor us and with long life shall he satisfy us and show us his salvation this is more than just words on a page we should write this on the tablets of our hearts this is our guiding light this is our path unto our feet we serve an awesome god a mighty god a loving god a merciful god his love and his mercy endures forever yes the world will bow down and say that he is god hallelujah hallelujah oh i thank you lord this morning hallelujah and now we're going to turn the service over into the hands of our pastors steve and candy lafleur let us receive them by saying amen amen and we thank god for having such anointed caring pastors full of the word and they pour it out unto us thank you bless the lord everybody lift your hand to the lord thank you jesus lord we thank you to this morning we thank you for your goodness god for the lord he is good and his mercy endures forever come on let's say that together for the lord he is good for his mercy endureth forever come on let's say that a couple of times for the lord he is good for his mercy endureth forever for the lord he is good for his mercy and doeth forever come on let's say it with some gumption for the lord he is good for his mercy endureth how long one more time for the lord he is good for his mercy and doeth forever let's just praise the lord for his goodness and his mercy thank you for your goodness lord thank you for your goodness lord come on open up your mouth and begin to thank the lord for his goodness praise you lord for your goodness thank you for your goodness i don't know about you but i'm so grateful for his goodness not because we deserve it but because he's just good the lord he is good something good is going to happen to you today come on say something good is going to happen to me today i declare and decree that something good is going to happen to me today i believe it i receive it and i declare it in the name of jesus thank you lord thank you for your goodness thank you for your goodness hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord but we thank the lord for each of you all today welcome to our sunday morning service it is a good day is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad do you have any announcements to make good morning everyone it's a joy to be back in the house of the lord again if i was glad when the holy ghost said get up and go to church this morning so it's a joy to be back here in the house come on somebody smile at your neighbor smile at somebody and show some love to them just bless them and tell them you're so glad that they're here today hallelujah if you can't reach them wave to somebody come on show some love to someone come out of your own space and just begin to love on somebody if you're at home come on wave to somebody in your house tell them good morning tell them i'm glad you're still here i'm glad you woke up today it's a blessing to be alive anybody glad to be alive hallelujah it's a joy to be alive well i have one announcement coming up on this coming saturday uh it will be our good morning holy spirit and i will be beginning a two session series on the prayers of ephesians and colossians i'll be the speaker and the prayer leader for this coming saturday and for the third saturday of october as well i'm starting a series i'm teaching on those prayers is how to pray effectively and so uh ladies i invite you to join us all women of any age join us in our good morning holy spirit prayer registration opens on later today you'll get some information on the link on how to register for our good morning holy spirit coming up on this saturday i believe it's october 3rd at 8 00 a.m we will have our good morning holy spirit zoom prayer it's not in person but it's in the zoom room also it shows live on marin off the church youtube page so in invite someone to join you in prayer this morning invite a sister a niece or a daughter or someone to get up and join you in prayer this coming saturday morning at 8 a.m for our good morning holy spirit prayer time where i'll be starting a two-session series on how to pray effectively amen so join us as we begin praise the lord for us announcements today uh uh i'm just glad to be here the lord has blessed us with good weather to be outside you know what if you ever uh happily if you have a little inhibition about coming inside of a building you come out here in open air and believe and trust the lord for great weather amen and worship the lord outside amen sometimes people don't go to church but we just decide to bring the church to them tonight amen this morning so at this time we're going to prepare to receive an offering i have a scripture that i want to read today you know how many people know that it is god's desire for you to prosper but prosperity from a biblical standpoint is not just money prosperity is prosperity of your spirit you know there are many people with money that that are very bankrupt in their spirits but the lord wants us to prosper spiritually he wants us to prosper mentally he wants us to prosper socially and he wants us to prosper economically or financially amen but i want to read this verse because sometimes what you know uh there let me read this in deuteronomy chapter 8 [Music] he says when you have eaten and are full then you shall bless the lord your god for the good land which he has given thee how many people know that when you eat good you know we shouldn't just eat food i'm talking to everybody here you know sometimes the food is just so good you know you forget this is the blessing but the day and time in which we live you shouldn't put nothing in your mouth without praying over it you should thank the lord for it and you should speak a blessed over say lord if there's anything in pure take it out lord so it says that beware that you don't forget the lord your god when you eat good and when you live good bless when you have eaten and are full and has built goodly houses and dwell therein and of course this is when they had most people don't have cattle in here i don't know you might have a farm down in mississippi or something but it says that when your herds and flocks multiply and your silver and gold is multiplied see the lord don't have a problem with you having money he just don't want money to have you [Music] he says don't let your heart be lifted up and you forget the lord which brought you out of egypt now egypt is a type of the world is anybody glad that the lord brought them out of the world come on bring your minds in people i mean i know we outside there's a lot of distractions but you got to discipline your thinking amen but he says it remember how the lord now he's talking to the children of israel but this can be applied to us remember the lord who led you through that great and terrible wilderness anybody been through a wilderness experience and he says that when they're wherein there were fiery serpents and scorpions and drought where there was no water and then the lord brought you forth water out of a rock [Music] who fell fed you in the wilderness with manna manna was supernatural food remember the lord literally brought manna out like bread wafers out of heaven and put it in the camp where the people of god were i'm telling you the lord can find you if you have a mind and a heart to serve him you know some people say well how god gonna give some money to me or something i've had god give money and provision to me in ways i could never think of and if you would set your heart towards god and trust him he will provide for you in great and remarkable ways amen it says who fed you in the wilderness with manna which your fathers do not that he might humble thee and that he might prove thee to the good and the latter in and thou shall say in thine heart now don't never say this when you get a lot i'm taking time to read this verse because i'm i'm leading up to something he said don't say when you are blessed my power and my might has gotten me this wealth my intelligence my hard work now we know it takes hard work right to be prospered right but it says remember the lord your god for it is he that gives you the power to get wealth somebody didn't even know that was in the bible it says he gives you power to get wealth why that he may establish his covenant which he swear unto thy fathers as it is this day so i want to encourage you as you uh stir up in your heart to give an offering today you know first of all when you give an offering aim your heart towards the lord yes the yes the church has needs yes we have bills to pay but you give it as unto the lord you aim your heart and say lord i want to be a part of what you're doing in the earth you know god is doing something in the earth today somebody said well what is he doing he's saving people he's delivering people from bondages and things that are hurting them and killing them and some people are caught up in situations that they don't know how to get up out of but the lord through his word and his spirit is delivering people and so that you know no the preaching doesn't cost money but sometimes the way it comes to people does cost money amen so be a part of funding what god is doing and god will always make sure that you have more than enough to take care of your own needs so we set our hearts to do that let's pray today lift your hands as we pray over offering father we thank you for an offering to give whatever it is no offering is too small no offering is too big but father we pray over the giver that your blessing would be upon them i pray that you would multiply it back to them 30 60 and 100 fold whatever is the greatest heart desire i ask you to meet that desire as we sow our seed in jesus name if you agree with that prayer say amen hallelujah the deacons will serve you at this time amen if you're watching online you know there should be on your screen how you can give in to the offering amen at this time we're going to have a selection by the band amen amen and then shortly thereafter the choir will come to you with the selection [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] bless the lord glory to god praise you jesus can anybody say god has never lost a battle never lost come on tell your neighbor he's never lost a battle and he never will amen [Music] um [Music] miracles when you move such an easy thing for you to do your hand is moving right now you are still showing up after to my very lazarus your voice is calling me out and right now i know you're able and my god will come through again [Music] you can do all things by fail cause you never lost a battle no you never lost a battle and i know i know you never will i know you're never will yeah everything's possible everything is possible by the power of the holy ghost a new wind is blowing right now taking every heart a song taking over like a jericho my walls are all crashing down again you can do [Music] and i know you can do know [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i know [Music] and you never will oh you never lost won't oh [Music] you can stand on his word oh you never will [Music] you can stand in the plane and receive your victory god never lost the battle [Music] hey [Music] i know you never will i know you never will never i know [Music] i know [Music] hallelujah thank you lord [Music] yeah yeah i don't know some of you all may be dealing with some situations and the enemies been lying to you telling you you're not gonna come out victorious this time or maybe your family members are going through some stuff or maybe you're having some situations on your job and the enemy's telling you you're not going to come out victorious this time but i dare you to remind yourself that if i trust in god if i if i lean on him if i stand on his promises there is no battle that he's ever lost there's no battle that he ever will lose and so you can stand on the promise you can stand on the victory you never never never never never never never will and [Music] i'm so glad that you'll never win hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus how many people are glad that the lord has never lost the battle never never lost the battle [Music] thank you jesus never lost the battle no matter what season it is hallelujah doesn't matter what year it is what decade doesn't matter what nation you're in hallelujah thank you jesus it doesn't matter how destitute you may be the lord has never lost a battle the bible says that those who look to the lord shall never be ashamed come on just praise the lord before we get into the word just open up your mouth and praise the lord like you mean it open up your own mouth hallelujah don't wait for nobody to praise for you i don't care how old you are you need to give the lord some thanks and some praise hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord for never losing a battle thank you lord that we call you faithful come on how many people call the lord faithful the lord is faithful to you and me he's faithful to us even when we're unfaithful thank you lord jesus we magnify you today father as we go into your word we thank you lord for an opportunity for the holy spirit to minister unto us come on we thank you for the holy spirit we need you holy spirit we open our hearts we open our minds to receive what the lord has to say today in the name of jesus we pray we thank you lord let everybody say man [Music] thank god for this day and for each of you all we praise the lord today as we minister i felt impressed to talk about god's healing compassion the lord is compassionate and one way he shows his compassion is through healing psalm 86 15 says but thou o lord are a god full of compassion and gracious long suffering plenteous in mercy and truth how many people are glad that the lord is gracious and merciful psalm 11 verse 4 says he hath made his wonderful works to be remembered the lord is gracious and full come on say full of compassion you know people we can run out sometimes we don't have to but you know sometimes people say that's it that's enough i'm done but the lord is full of compassion amen psalm 145 verse 8 says this psalm 145 verse 8 says this the lord is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger and of great mercy [Music] so today i want to talk about god's healing compassion whether there is a need for healing in our bodies or whether there is a need for healing in our minds or emotions god is a com he is a compassionate healing god i want you to hear that i want you to hear that the lord is a healing god he is a compassionate healing guy one of his redemptive names you know the lord has redemptive names one of his redemptive names is jehovah ropha which is revealed in exodus 15 verse 26 and it says it literally means i am the lord that healeth thee come on put your hand on your chest and say he is the lord that healeth me [Music] i don't know if that does anything for you but i'm telling you you need to make it personal he is the lord that healeth me holla i'm so thankful hallelujah so god loves humanity in spite of our many flaws he still loves us and one way god demonstrated his love for humanity was by sending his son jesus to the earth with an assignment to remove every oppressive bondage of the enemy come on say god send jesus to remove every oppressive bondage of the enemy that was jesus assignment to to remove every oppressive bondage of the enemy this is the second part of first john chapter three and verse eight the second part of first john chapter three and verse eight says this the reason the son of god was made manifest was to undo to destroy to loosen and to dissolve the works the devil has done that's a good message right there jesus was sent to undo to destroy to loosen to dissolve the works the devil has done just look around you there's a lot of works that the devil has done but the lord says that he sent jesus to dissolve them y'all know what it what happens when you dissolve something right it is no more to loosen it in other words he tried to bind you but the lord sent jesus to loosen the bind i want us to take a few moments to look at a couple of examples where jesus exercised compassion as he walked the earth matthew chapter 14 verse 10 [Music] now it says this and he sent and is talking about king herod he sent and beheaded john in the prison john the baptist the king you all know the story if you read your bible or maybe you've seen it some somewhere where john was a prophet and he began to tell king herod that it was wrong because king herod had actually taken his brother's wife and john the prophet began to tell him you know it's not right for you to have your brother's wife and the king respected john but but his sister-in-law who he was fooling with his brother's wife hated john and she was looking for opportunity to shut his mouth and so one day the kings this is what you got to watch what you're doing you all know this kind of stuff right one day the king was having this great party and he said well he had all his friends over he said well why don't we just ask the lady to come out and dance for us and it was his brother's wife's daughter you know his niece actually that's bad ain't it coming dancing she she danced so good got to watch them dances don't you don't back it up in the wrong place come on now [Applause] [Laughter] she danced so good that he said i'll give you anything up to half of my kingdom now you know he must have been drunk to say that that's you that's crazy because you don't know what she gonna ask so the bible says that this young woman she was a young woman she was she wouldn't ask her mother what should i ask and that woman said i want you to ask for john's head on a platter a cake platter so the king the bible says king herod was very sorry because he respected john as a prophet he didn't want to do this but he had already given his word and the thing about a king is when you give your word you can't go back on it so he had given his word so he sent the executioner to cut off john's head and to put it on a cake platter and to bring it to that woman watch who you sleep with amen come on now and so it says that his head was brought in a charger and given to the damsel and she brought it to her mother and and john's disciples came and took up the body and buried it and went and told jesus they went and told jesus first of all john was jesus cousin secondly john was the forerunner in ministry to jesus in other words he was the one who god sent to prepare the way for jesus to come he was a great prophet jesus said of all the people born in the earth john was the greatest prophet in that sense amen so it says when jesus heard it he departed thence by shipping to a desert place apart and when the people heard of it they followed him on foot out of the city so jesus went to we would say to get himself together i mean think about it your cousin just got his head cut off for telling the truth for preaching the gospel how that's going to affect you so jesus pulled aside from that jesus pulled aside from that area with his disciples but it says many many people saw jesus and because of his ministry they followed him because they had needs now we're talking about god being a compassionate god verse 14 says that even though he had left to go and be to himself to we would say grieve or mourn i don't know if it was to that degree with him because he knows where john went but still it's your cousin and it hurts and the way it happened so he went to be by himself but even though he went to be by himself multitudes followed him and it says and jesus went forth and saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion towards them and he healed their sick so even though he wanted to be left alone he wanted some quiet time he wanted some being alone time he still was moved with compassion when he saw how the people needed healing and wholeness we're talking about we serve a god who is a compassionate god he's not uh aloof as some people say well god's just up there if he's up there he don't seem to be concerned with what's going on in this world but the bible says that's not true it says that jesus can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities he's very compassionate towards people the bible says he's long suffering not willing that anybody would perish that's the kind of god that we serve amen and so as we said before john was the cousin of jesus and when jesus got that news he went he wanted to be alone but you know you all know how it is you know and sometimes you just wanted some quiet time anybody know what i'm talking about you want some time not that you're being mean or any of that you just want a little bit of quiet time to get yourself together you know i remember years ago when i first started teaching i would come home and i would say baby just give me an hour to get myself together you know you've been working with 30 40 30 35 kids you know you may need to get your attitude a little bit together so that when you see your kids you don't treat them like some the way some of the kids treated you maybe in the classroom sometimes you just want to be left alone but the compassion of god will pull us towards loving people even when we don't feel like it so that's one example we see jesus healing the sick even though it was a multitude of people even though he was not really in the state of mind to do so he allowed his spirit the spirit of love to override his personal feelings and his personal situation he would certainly would be justified to say hey guys you know i love you i want to minister to you but can you just give me a couple of days to myself he certainly would be justified to say that but i just wanted to demonstrate to you the kind of god we're serving amen so i want to look at another example over in matthew chapter 20. beginning at verse 29 and it says as they departed from jericho a great multitude followed them and behold two blind men sitting by the wayside when they heard that jesus passed by cried out saying have mercy on us o lord thou son of david notice when you say son of david that's a covenant name he said because the bible promised david the lord promised david that there will always be a descendant of yours on the throne after david he said i'm gonna and so jesus came through the davidic line and so when they say son of mercy uh son of david have mercy on us he's connecting with the covenant and so it says and the multitude rebuked him i'm talking with the blind men they say hey y'all shut up leave jesus alone ain't got time for y'all i'm just paraphrasing right but they yelled even more and they said lord he so you know help us help us have mercy on us jesus said what will you that i shall do unto you and this is how they answered them they said lord that that we may receive our sight that our eyes may be opened and this is what it says so jesus had compassion on them and he touched their eyes and immediately their eyes receive sight and they follow them follow him so even though the crowd rebuked these blind men you know it's kind of funny sometimes people will tell you what you should put up with when they're not willing to put up with it themselves you the one that can't see you the one crying out for help and then they tell you to shut up don't bother him but boy when they in trouble they can holler amen so at any rate jesus had compassion on them and as we read the gospels we never see jesus too busy to minister to people we also don't see jesus showing indifference or expressing ill concern towards the sick sometimes if you've been sick for a long time you know the enemy will talk to your mind don't nobody see how you suffering don't no nobody feel how you feel they don't understand but let me tell you god sees you and you need to look to the right person sometimes the issue is are you looking for people to give you compassion people don't always do that sometimes it's not that they're mean people or bad people but you know we have limits do you reckon that come and look at your neighbor and ask them do you recognize that you have limits it's not that you may not love people but you got so much emotions you can give you got so much physical energy and mental energy you can get but god is unlimited come on say god is unlimited and one way he's unlimited is in his compassion towards you you can mess up a thousand times but the lord will still say if you just come and repent if you just ask me for help if you just ask me for wisdom i will show you the pathway and the right way to go amen that's the compassionate god that we serve amen i want to look at two more instances of jesus the lord showing compassion mark chapter one beginning at first 39 it says and jesus preached in their synagogues throughout all galilee and cast out devils and there came a leper somebody with leprosy now we don't see really see that in the united states of america but it is still in some other countries um several years ago my wife and i visited india um hyderabad india it's really the technology hub of all of all of india and the uh demographics of the population is i think the majority of the people are 30 and under that's a live country ain't it it's a lot of place i mean that's something but at any rate they still have leper colonies there places where people have leprosy and they are actually they have to stay in certain places you know like in bible days well that is the case here but this particular leper came to jesus and the bible says beseech him or begging him and knelt down saying if you will you can make me clean so this man did have faith in the sense that he knew that jesus could that's the first level of faith knowing that god come on say god can but you know even though he knew god could he still was sick so knowing god can is not should not be the end of your faith now there are some people who don't even believe god can right so you are a step ahead of them if you believe that he can but this man said i know you can but i don't know if you will and this is where many people find themselves today i'm talking about many good god-loving people church going bible believing you know obeying the lord they know that god can but they're not convinced that he will sometimes people have been ministered to so many times and you know and they uh they say well you know the devil will talk to your mind and say well yeah you got healed three years ago but not this time you mean you may not get healed this time this is a different situation you know covert is different you know the delta strand is different it is different but it ain't different to god it's still under the curse of the law you know what the if you look in the um i don't know uh but i have heard that there are i'm not obviously a doctor but i have read before that there are so many categories of basic diseases 12 16 or something i don't know that most diseases fall into you know categories and that most of them were mentioned in the category in i'm talking in the 28th chapter of deuteronomy it begins to talk about you know if you don't obey the lord now this was under the old covenant please understand that and it says you know that if you don't obey the lord uh these things will come upon you uh blindness it mentioned tuberculosis it mentioned itching or scabs or allergies it mentioned um all kinds of things inflammation and so on and so forth but if it didn't cover your particular disease look at this it says and every disease not written in this book because you know every so often a new thing comes up some of y'all may be old enough to remember when hiv came out in the 80s nobody knew what it was first they called it aids then they called it hiv and people were scared for a while you know santa always found a way they were scared for a while just like colvin people scared for a while then they say no we don't want to do that no but we still want to do what we want to do listen the devil's going to always find a way to bring and to introduce sickness but god is a compassionate god and he saw ahead and he said look my blessing will cover and eradicate anything that the devil can come up with but some things are just a matter of being in this natural fallen world which means you know there's certain wear and tear that comes on the body certain stress that we try to come on your mind certain things that happen because of the environment all those kinds of things or because of the depletion that's in the food supply or you know those kinds of things are just natural things that are a result of being in this fallen world maybe genetics something that's passed in your family line but the blessing overrides the curse of the law christ has redeemed us galatians 3 14 13-14 from the curse of the law sickness is under the curse come on say sickness is under the curse every so often you need to put your hands on your body and talk to it come on put your hands on your body right now and talk to it and say in the name of jesus body i'm talking to you i live in you right now but i have authority over you and i remind you body that you are not under the curse of the law you are under the blessing of abraham christ has redeemed you body from the curse of the law so curse you have no place in me get out of my body leave out of my body and by the way stay out of my body in the name of jesus amen you got to talk to your body you got to tell it what to do sometimes they want to act crazy on you sometimes you know your blood pressure pressure may want to shoot up but sometimes pain may be trying to take over but you got to tell them no you don't no you don't body anybody know what i'm talking about you got to tell it what to do instead of looking and saying what are you doing see many too many people are asking anybody what is it doing they asking what you doing you don't ask it you tell it amen you command it and you got to keep on doing that so it says that jesus preached in their synagogues throughout all galilean cast out devils or caiman leper saying lord if you will you can make me clean and jesus move with compassion notice that his motivation for healing him was not to prove that he was the messiah this is what some theologians will say this is what some people will say well jesus did miracles to prove that he was the messiah but that's not what this says this says because he was moved with compassion why would god heal because he loves you and just like you love your children when you see them sick if it's something you can do to make them well amen if you if you need to give them some cough medicine if you need to you know give them some chicken noodle soup if you need to rub their back if you need to you know whatever you need to do as a parent come on say as a good parent you help them to get well well is god less of a parent than us is he a lesser parent come on the bible calls god a father god and it says we draw the likeness or the similitude of our fatherhood from god so anything good that we do as a parent we got it from god hallelujah thank you jesus isn't that good to know thank you jesus so it says that jesus moved with compassion put forth his hand and touched him and he said i will so he answered this age-old question about am i willing am i willing to heal you am i willing to hear you he said yes i'm willing and he and he touched the leopard now this man probably hadn't been touched in i don't know how long right and it says as soon as jesus had spoken immediately the leprosy departed from him and he was cleansed so in spite of the stigma that was associated with people who had leprosy jesus broke rank with the culture and extended compassion and i'm telling you as the people of god in this crazy time we're living right now we have to break rank with the culture sometimes sometimes the coaches say you can't put your hands on that person and pray for them you don't know if they got covert listen if you ain't you should be believing god to be free even if you got it even if you had it all right well all right i had it with the lord brought me up thank you jesus amen but i'm gonna be believing and expressing compassion that's the christ-likeness that we're called to do and to be a man so jesus put his hands on him not only can god heal but yes he's willing to heal and actually from heaven's perspective jesus has already done everything necessary for us to receive healing now it's up to us first peter 2 24 says this and this is a verse you should remember who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree talking about jesus that we being dead to sins come on say i'm dead to sin should live unto righteousness and then the last part says by whose stripes you were healed notice it didn't say by whose stripes you will be healed it says by who stripes you were healed is word is word present tense is word future tense or is word past tense the lord says by jesus stripes you were healed which means that if i was healed i am healed come on say i am healed right now by jesus stripes i was healed and if i was healed i am healed hallelujah thank you jesus lastly jesus demonstrated compassion by ministering to someone a man and many people of course but this is just one record who was tormented and controlled by an evil spirit hallelujah thank you jesus now i want to read this a little lengthy passage in mark chapter five and when they came to the other side of the sea to the country of the gadarenes now i want to back up a little bit how many people remember when jesus was asleep in the pillow on the boat and the storm in the hurricane came and the bible says water was filling the boat and they went and woke up jesus they said don't you care master that we're perishing and then jesus stepped up at the front of the boat and he said peace to the wind and then he said to the waves be still how many people remember that account well do you know that that happened on the way over to where i'm getting ready to talk so in other words satan will try to hold territory sometimes the devil has got something that belongs to you if you need to be well the devil is holding your healing you say well how could he hold something that belongs to me usually it's because of the way we think about it kenneth hagin used to say this if you think wrong you believe wrong if you believe wrong you would talk wrong and that's a vicious cycle you think wrong so you believe wrong so you talk wrong and so you it is a perpetual cycle that you can't get out of what am i talking about well if you think that god put sickness on you to teach you something you're not going to resist it you're going to say maybe well this is god gave this to me now i know many of you all don't think that way but there's millions of people on the planet that love jesus who are who are christians who do believe that way well they may even preach this that you know what yeah well yeah you got molested as a child but somehow god had purpose in that i mean that's i can't even fathom that but people would say those kinds of things but i've literally heard people say that and it doesn't mean that they're just confused in their minds if you think wrong you will believe wrong you will talk wrong and it's going to affect your life god is a compassionate god who wants healing is always his will not do people does do people always receive healing no but is it because god didn't do it no god's already healed jesus already took the stripes this is like saving because somebody refuses to get saved does that mean god didn't want them saved so let's keep it in the same category have you ever witnessed to somebody and they said no i don't want that you know that's good for you but don't talk to me about that no i have witnessed to some people who said i remember witnessing to a man he said well i'm older i've lived most of my life you know y'all you do that if you want to do that but i'm good i've had somebody told me you know they say i don't need to get saved you sound like you needed to get saved because you sound like you was in some bad stuff they said but see i ain't done none of that so i don't need to get i don't need to get saved you needed to get saved so there are some people who feel that for some reason they don't need to be saved but that doesn't mean that god doesn't want them saved the bible says and i believe it is um peter god is not willing that any should perish that's in timothy but that every man would would repent and come to the knowledge of christ he don't want anybody perishing but people are perishing so that lets you know that the will of god is not automatic it's not all on god people must receive salvation people must receive healing hallelujah thank you jesus god is compassionate the same way you somebody have to rece when you they hear the gospel message they can choose to believe it or to reject it the same way is true about healing sometimes people reject it because they think well i don't know if i believe healing is for us right now they've been taught that so long that it's hard to get that out of their minds hallelujah thank you jesus i'm talking to somebody i'm i'm kicking over some sacred cows because some people are locked into this can't receive healing because of something that happened in the past or the devil will try to tell you you're not receiving healing because you ain't good enough you haven't you haven't prayed enough you haven't fasted enough you haven't read enough scriptures listen it's not by works believe you receive hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah anybody praise the lord right let's lift your hands and just give the lord praise thank the lord let's just begin to thank him for being a compassionate god thank god thank you father that you know i've been trapped up in thinking wrong about healing and haven't experienced 100 in many ways but i thank the lord for his mercy on my thinking anybody just think father i thank you lord for just clearing up any darkness i have in my mind or wrong thinking that would block me from receiving from god god help me come and say lord enlighten my darkness reveal to me the truth lord god in the name of jesus and help me to receive what you're trying to get across my attention get my attention and tell me amen so at any rate in this particular thing and i'll paraphrase this is what the lord said you know when the leper uh jesus before he saw the man from a far distance he spoke to the man who was demon possessed this man was controlling this whole region the bible says they tried to put chains on him he would break the chains the bible says he would yell and scream at all during the night and cry out really nobody would come around it says everybody feared him so they left him alone jesus came specifically to minister to this one man and when he stepped off the boat the bible says jesus said he commanded the devil to come out of him now listen to this when he commanded the devil to come out of the man ran towards jesus and fell on his knees and start worshiping jesus now that tells me a lot of things [Music] number one if you decide to worship jesus the devil can't do nothing about it the bible says this man was was controlled by an evil spirit and he had 2 000 demons in it 2 000 demons couldn't stop him from worshiping jesus couldn't stop him from falling on his knees so the devil will lie to you and make you feel he's so powerful he's so powerful he can control you and keep you from doing anything godly he's a liar the devil is a liar he'll try to make you think you can't get off this sickness can't get off you you you delusional you you're in denial you just got diabetes you just got asthma you just got hard trouble you just got this you know you might as well just be an intelligent person and use your mind i'm not saying don't take the medicine don't go to the doctor i'm not saying none of that so if you go and say pastor steve said that you're not telling the truth i'm saying do all of that but first and foremost do your diligence in this right here don't be an intellectual giant and a spiritual some people they know they know all the causes and the reasons for the condition but it would you just try meditating upon healing versus for 30 minutes a day feeding yourself on the word of god feeding so so maybe you're experiencing some measure of healing but maybe not a hundred percent well then up the dosage i remember i got in i got i had strep throat one time i really had never had it before i was an adult and so i went to the doctor and he gave me like this antibiotic and maybe it was um i don't maybe 400 milligrams or something like that so one day pass two day pass and this pain is still wrecking me it's crazy pain i'm speaking to it i'm doing the spiritual things i know to do but i'm doing a natural and so so at any rate i called the doctor up and i said this thing i mean it's still awful i mean i'm still my throat is crazy and he said well let me let me double the dosage and so he doubled it to 800 milligrams literally before that day was over all that pain was gone sometimes the reason why we're not receiving results whether it's healing or health or other areas is because we don't we don't even think to double it up if you've been listening to the word 115 message minute message a day that may be fine if you don't have any challenges in that area but if you do have challenges in that area you need to double it up y'all know this i mean if you if you're struggling with geometry what do you do you go see a tutor you got to spend extra time i was struggling with trigonometry so you know what i had to do i had to go see the teacher and get some extra work to help me understand you got to spend some extra time with that same thing is true with receiving from god for whatever reason sometimes we may fail to receive on the level god has called us to receive because we're not willing to or we feel we don't have the time to put in to put in extra but i don't know about you i don't have time to be sick i don't have time to have crazy in my house i don't have time to have to be broke i've been all i have all those things happen so what do i do i just go and double up and i say lord i know you've got to answer for me because the bible says if any man lacks wisdom let him ask god but let him ask in faith and the lord will give it to him so i said lord i'm not seeing something i need some more light and little by little he'll begin to tell me this is where you're missing it yeah you're making all the right faith confessions but you could be a little kinder you could exercise a little bit more patience i don't want to do that because see that that requires something of me me changing who wants to do that i'm good with me but sometimes the lord ain't good with you in the sense that we got to make adjustments if we want to if we want to if we want to experience god's blessing the bible says so so any rate jesus did cast the spirit out of the man you know but he that spirit began to talk to jesus i'm not reading the whole verse jesus said what is your name and the spirit said my name is legion for we are many and then those spirits begin to beg him please don't please don't cast us out of this region so like i said before demon spirits like territories we know this is true in the in the in because you see certain things in certain cities some cities have a higher rate of murder some cities have a higher rate of prostitution some is that just natural or is there something behind that there's those spirits have been used to lurking there's sometimes for hundreds of years lurking there and until somebody says you evicted anybody know you know certain things that come in family lines you say man look like there's so many thieves in that family look like so many gangsters in their family was just like a generational thing look like there's so many you know or doctors in this family or business people in this family so it could be good things it could be bad things amen so many people in this family have high blood pressure this one died of that this one died a stroke this one died of stroke next generation this one died a stroke you got to call that curse out and say no not me not coming on me not coming on this generation but you got to be spiritual so anyway uh it says that jesus uh he he they asked can we go in them pigs over there that may say something about eating pig right 2 000 pigs jesus said i give you release to go so they winning those pigs here's my point i'mma read the last part of this [Music] so it says that when this man was free from this evil spirit this torment and the and the enemy is tormenting a lot of people right now can i say this believe god's word higher than any other word i'm i'm asking you to believe god's word higher than any other word higher than the natural law higher than intellectual prowess the greatest expert because the greatest expert has only been extra for 10 or 20 years maybe 30 40 at the most right god's been around forever right i'm not saying don't profit from what people's people's research and people study i'm just saying make this the number one thing that you do put that above everything i've been in many situations where people say you can't do that you can't do that it's not possible i remember when when we first started our record company this may help somebody while i was teaching school regularly and i told candy i said well i'll work you build the business she said okay so she began to you know can he's a hard worker she gonna learn stuff she would call record companies she would call uh you know call promotions you know and they would tell her you can't do this you cannot do this by yourself you cannot do this by yourself over and over and she will hang up click wrong answer you can't do this you can't so so we begin to establish our publishing company and the things that they said we couldn't do we've done the things that they said couldn't be done i mean there are there are there we're independent artists but there are people signing the labels they say well how are y'all doing all of that because we never listened to you can't do this those were the experts telling us you need they said you need a record company to do this see the problem with the record company now we were never opposed to a problem with the record companies they take all their proceeds up front so even though you you sold 100 000 units or whatever you ain't get nothing up front because they took all that to promote you you get the leftovers that's if it is in it the few artists are really cleaning up you know they fronting they they got all the stuff they they got all the the gear to make it look like that because they you know they don't want to look like they broke i know what i'm talking about but when you listen to god he'll put you over amen i'm still talking about the compassion of god and if we would realize that god is the compassionate god come on say that when we say god the almighty god is a compassionate healing god and the bible says that that man when he got delivered he said he said jesus can i go with you and jesus said no i want you to stay here and go back home and tell them how the lord has had compassion on you there's their word again so god says when i deliver you from torment i'm expressing compassion to you let's pray right now father i thank you right now i thank you that you are indeed the compassionate god who loves us in fact you so loved the world that you gave your only begotten son that whosoever would believe and trust in him would not perish but have everlasting life we thank you lord god we thank you for having compassion on us time and time again come on i want everybody in here to focus focus focus on the lord focus on the lord focus on him and his compassion towards you you may be in a unique situation maybe one you've never been in before but the compassion of god will help you hallelujah father i pray that you would even increase our revelation of your love and compassion towards [Music] you in jesus name i thank you lord amen i want to give an opportunity for anybody who [Music] we're talking about god's healing compassion that may want prayer for healing in their body or healing in their mind psalm says he at the broken heart and bindeth up their wounds so if anybody would like prayer right now just come up we're going to anoint you with oil pray and believe god for healing to be ministered to you thank you jesus i don't know what care what area you may need healing in but the lord knows and he cares and we serve a healing god healing is for you today right now thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] i'ma ask candy if you would come help me if you hear me talking thank you jesus if you all could just uh make a horizontal line right here that'd be easy thank you so much [Music] thank you lord jesus again i'm going to give up i'm going to give a call maybe somebody here needs healing in your body or healing from torment in your mind everybody has challenges sometimes coming against their mind but some people it's a continual thing seem like you can't get over it it seems like it's there nagging at you every day all day every night nagging at you nagging at you nagging at you this is what one scripture that i wanted to say james chapter 5 verse 14 it says is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the lord this is the part i want to say notice it says the prayer of faith we're going to pray the prayer of faith shall save the sick shall save the sick and the lord shall raise him up and if you've committed sins they shall be forgiven him hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] so i want you to say this and i want you to believe this when hands are laid on me i believe that i receive healing i settle it i'm not going to change i'm not going to let any symptoms in my body make me change but right now when hands are laid on me i believe that i receive from that moment i settle it in the name of jesus jimmy if you could just put some world on each one of these people we're going to come along and pray and believe god thank you jesus hallelujah just focus your mind those of you who and those of you who are out here in the audience not receiving prayer just be in agreement with us that everybody who needs you could be watching on camera and need healing believe that you receive believe that they receive so i'm asking you don't just let your mind float if you're out here watching but join your faith with them that the power of god is ministered to them and that they receive what they need these are people that we love right these are people that we know we want everybody to be well and to be whole amen god wants everybody well and whole so we're doing our part hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] so [Music] so [Music] smooth this [Music] is me is oh [Music] to say yes [Music] call [Music] in god we fall down on our knees [Music] mmm you you're [Music] is me [Music] thank you lord we bless you [Music] oh [Music] is is [Music] you're all we need [Music] we glorify we give you [Music] [Music] we've lost the name of jesus [Music] me [Music] of the lord rise up in me this [Music] is and i am equipped for the joy of the lord [Music] is [Music] joy of the lord rise up in thee [Music] this is [Music] hallelujah we'll stretch our faith towards joel hallelujah hallelujah going with it we're still in service let's pray we're still in service hallelujah [Music] amen well we thank the lord for each of you all today we praise god for this service i thank the lord for the holy spirit because when we follow him we get results how many people like results i love results hey man i love results i don't like to do stuff without risk i don't like to pray and not get results hallelujah so i thank god this week for a result week a week of results can you lift your hands and begin to thank the lord for a week of results thank you lord for a week of results answers to prayer money coming in healing manifesting peace manifesting hallelujah a week of results come on say a week of results i declare a week of results a week of turnarounds of situations that have been troubling now if you release faith in that you can have it and you can enjoy it in jesus name and you are who are watching you declare this same thing i'm telling you don't just declare it one time but all throughout this day today as you are walking through your day maybe you're preparing your meal maybe you're doing whatever just say thank you father for a week of good results hallelujah or good results good results the wisdom of god some people need wisdom for what direction to take lord what decision to make i thank you father for becoming say lord fill my heart with your wisdom that i may know what i need to do i i can know that with a surety and a certainty and not be going between a and b and well maybe c or d no there is perfect wisdom for the people of god now you may be watching maybe you never made christ the head of your life i want to give you that opportunity i was about to dismiss but there may be somebody who's listening to me who's never made christ their savior their lord well i want to give you that opportunity just pray this prayer and i ask everybody to pray this prayer if you're earnest if you're earnest say lord i believe that jesus died on the cross for my sin i believe that he was raised from the dead i ask you to come into my life lord be the head of my life i've tried to run it but lord i'm yielding up the reigns to you today be the head of my life be my lord and fill me with the precious holy ghost in jesus name amen well if you prayed that and you were sincere the lord answered your prayer write to us send us an email amen let us know we'd love to rejoice with you and help you out in whatever way we can if you don't have a bible believing church to attend you're welcome to attend here hallelujah well god bless you today thank you so much for coming and worshiping with us today we're so glad that you chose to we know that you didn't have to but i believe god led you amen come on out and support this we're going to be having services outside for at least another week or so come join us you're welcome god bless you you are dismissed we love you and see you soon amen
Channel: Maranatha Church Of God In Christ
Views: 60
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: hn81b1BXINc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 9sec (6969 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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