"God's Devised Plan" - Rev. Martyn Ballestero

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[Music] let's continue that tonight let's take a moment lift our hands and praise the lord for this day [Music] how great that he is how mighty that he is he is worthy to be praised in this house oh how many know we serve a good god an awesome god tonight why don't you give that name a handclap of praise let's talk to him he is worthy he is worthy he is worthy of all praise glory and honor how many came to lift up your hands to lift up your voice tuesday night amen i'm glad i don't know about you but i'm glad to be in the house of the lord tonight worship with us tonight as we say [Music] our god is an awesome god our god is an awesome god our god is an awesome god he reigns he's an awesome god yes he is [Music] is yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] our awesome god he is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh he's the one today [Music] [Music] is [Music] team [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] here if you feel that way about our god tonight why don't you lift up his name hey he's an awesome god he's an awesome god he is the one true living god there is no god like our god somebody lift your voice somebody lift your voice up and praise him you are awesome god no one likes you you are great mighty holy righteous today hey our god is an awesome god said our god is an awesome god amen amen doesn't it feel good in the house of the lord i still believe every time the doors are open there's still amen a chance that god can move i come with an expectation tonight that god amen will move in this house i don't know what need that you have but he does i said he does turn to somebody and tell him it's good to see him on a tuesday night hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen i'm glad that he's alive and risen today we don't serve a dead god he's not dead drool dry and boring neither should an apostolic church be i'm glad him and we have life in this place we're fixing to go to a slow song but that doesn't mean it's got to die we worship god and fast medium slow it doesn't matter when we sing about him it's worth amen lifting our hands and singing to him let's worship the lord [Music] [Music] you have [Music] [Music] you have [Music] [Music] you are the reason [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hold you down [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you are the reason you are [Music] you are [Music] [Music] yes you sure [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are the reasons [Music] you are [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] you [Music] all because death could not hold him down he has won the victory how many are thankful for the goodness of the lord we're going to go to prayer right now amen names that were called before service tim and amy smith need healing in their body brother bob carr needs healing in his body andrea marsh amen there's been a family there's been a death of the nephew in that family god knows each of those situations how many got a need in this house here tonight amen if you're watching live stream you're in your living room wherever you may be you know the needs that are in your life why don't everybody in the house lift up your hands lift up your voice let's call out to the lord amen the one that can answer the one that knows that one that can heal let's go to him right now we love you jesus we love you jesus we praise you god we honor you today we worship you jesus nobody like you hey hey hey hey you are the risen king death cannot hold you down [Music] all power all power all power [Music] right now [Music] know [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign here tonight [Music] hear us [Music] [Music] all across the house would you lift your hands let's talk to jesus for a while that's it everyone together one more time lift your voice unto the lord he's alive and well i said he's alive and well hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah and i feel the holy ghost in this place i feel victory in the house of the lord why because he's alive and he's well [Music] hallelujah praise the lord aren't you glad to be in church tonight i said aren't you glad to be in the house of the lord tonight hallelujah you may return to your seats you may be seated our ushers are getting ready to take up our evening offering and if you need an envelope raise your hands and the ushers will quickly pass through the congregation and we want to welcome everyone to the house of the lord this evening if it's your if you're a first time guest and you've not filled out an information card in the foyer please text this word welcome to 919 364-5236 again that no word is welcome to this number 919-364-5 when you do that you'll get a link and you'll also get a special gift as our way of saying thank you for being with us in service quickly i want to make mention that the visitor follow-up team meeting will be meeting in the welcome center this evening not in the ladies prayer room gym night is tomorrow night from 7 to 10 p.m they'll be playing volleyball for all of you exercise or need exercise or even want exercise that is out in the gym tomorrow evening from 7 to 10 p.m men's outreach this saturday from 10 a.m to noon god's doing great things and it's because we're reaching out amen and then let's not forget about that also registration is available right now for the proverbs 31 event this is for our youth and college and career young ladies that is april 30th don't want to miss that girls clubs uh activity ages 6 to 11. saturday may 1st it's going to be a picnic at the park with the scavenger hunt bring a sack lunch and money for ice cream they're going to be meeting at the church at 10 a.m pick up at 2 p.m see sister christine woods for further information and as our ushers come right now we just want to make uh mention one more time peak conference is coming up if you're interested in registering you must register by this sunday evening and put your deposit down let's pray together in jesus name father we thank you for your blessings and your goodness thank you for your kindness towards us lord we ask you to bless this tithe and this offering use it for your glory in jesus name we pray god bless you as you give tonight [Music] oh i want to see him won't we have a time when we get over yonder i'll fly away i'm 42 years old but i grew up singing those songs i like the new songs i like the old songs i like any song that magnifies jesus don't give me a song i ain't singing a song unless it glorifies him we're gonna do a little medley tonight take it back just a little bit we'll as i journey through the land singing [Music] let my lord [Music] [Music] a yeah friend to me oh i love him [Music] he's [Music] when we get over [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] when this life is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh anybody remember this verse [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the morning [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] behold i show you a mystery [Music] we shall not all sleep [Music] but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump where the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible come on i know it's tuesday night but i want to fly away somebody needs to remember tonight this corruptable shall put on incorruption and this mortal shall put on immortality oh let's clap our hands unto the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah just a few more weary days and then i'll fly away [Music] i know sometimes you get tired i know sometimes you you get low i know sometimes you get discouraged but don't you ever forget that weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh joy cometh in the morning praise god praise god praise god praise god amen look at the person next to you say it feels good in church on tuesday night amen amen amen amen god bless you you can be seated in the presence of god [Music] i like singing about the resurrection i like singing about that day when we all rise to meet him [Music] hallelujah i heard it called that great getting up morning praise god this is a resurrection church and when you get filled with the holy ghost it's not a a little mental exercise you don't just count beads or quote pre-canned processed prayers that somebody told you to quote but when god fills you with the holy ghost he puts a little resurrection power down on the inside of you [Music] and he quickens you that were dead in trespasses and sins he'll resurrect you out of that drug addiction he'll resurrect you out of domestic violence and that's a little resurrection oh but one day there's going to be a big resurrection [Music] praise god i feel a little bit of that resurrection power right now amen amen amen amen thank you lord thank you lord you can be seated it's good to have you with us tonight glad you're at church on a tuesday night and and there are some wonderful wonderful guests that are here if you're visiting with us and we don't know you yet welcome to fpc we're glad you came to worship god with us you are among friends and you are among people who love the things of god if you're watching online welcome welcome to fpc people from other countries we can see from the statistics and sometimes you you post on the board and you let us know where you're from so we have folks from south korea and africa and the philippines welcome you guys are with us here in durham north carolina and we're glad that you are praise god and we're delighted to have the mitchell family with us here tonight amen brother and sister mitchell and sister marley are visiting with us and we're glad that you have come to be with bishop godaire and and to be with us here i want brother mitchell to come just say hi to this congregation god bless you brother we love and appreciate you my friend praise the lord everybody man the weather was beautiful here today we flew out last night they were de-icing the plane and i think overnight we i think we got six inches or so six or eight inches of snow so it's awesome to be here can i read you a headline you're right the headline is this wanted young skinny wiry fellows not over 18 must be expert writers willing to risk death daily orphans preferred it's a true headline it was put in a newspaper in san francisco california in the year 1860. it was 1860 april of 1860 that the pony express started and it traveled from saint joseph missouri to sacramento california with 184 stops along the way you would be required to wear a short sleeve shirt carry only a knife and a pistol and a half ounce package in today's monetary value would be anywhere from 25 to 125 to send a half ounce package from missouri to california you had to be willing to risk your life daily the pony express was in existence for 19 months until november of 1861 and then it was it over and here we are 160 years later with the names of businesses pony express people still talking about the pony express the pony express writers under 18 wiry skinny young it says willing to risk death daily when i think of that in comparison to what you and i get to be a part of that somehow 2 000 years later we haven't run out of riders amen there's people still signing up every day saying let me be a part of that cause if somebody would risk their life over a half ounce package what should you and i be doing today when we say life is so tough and trials are so great and problems seem to be out of control can i tell you that what you and i represent is a blood spirit-filled opportunity for people not to escape the problems of life but to enter into eternity with a hope sign me up [Music] sign me up amen you you can stay standing great to be here good to see you all of you pastor thank you love you guys good to be with my father-in-law for a couple of days man he looks sharp tonight [Applause] so i could only be half as dignified amen brother balestero nice to be with you this evening also looking forward to the ministry of the word we love you guys great to be [Music] here amen you can be seated bishop we're glad you're back glad you're back why don't you come and greet everybody bishop go there we love and appreciate you welcome home have you seen it just a moment i'm very happy to be here with our pastor brother ursian appreciate him very much appreciate the congregation the people that come here been preaching a few places but i have to confess when i come back home there is no place like durham hallelujah we thank god for our pastor and the saints and the church i'm delighted to be here got to take my brother to church with me that hadn't been in church for years amen i'm praying for his salvation amen amen glad to have my daughter sister lisa here brother robbie mitchell i love them both and marley's here i appreciate them coming to stay two or three days with me it's great to be with them and great to be with you all and i heard somebody said that you had an outstanding young evangelist let me tell you let me tell you i've known this man a long time and he's one of the best that you'll ever hear praise god we had a time sunday and just go ahead and get ready we're going to have a time tonight before brother valestero comes i want to welcome my my dear brother-in-law who is here tonight from indianapolis indiana this is caitlin jordan's father and luke's father and he's with us visiting for a few days i love my family and i'm glad he can be here visiting with us he's helping us out with some things and [Applause] it's good to have family that love the things of god and it's wonderful to have a heritage in the kingdom of god amen won't you stand with me tonight i want to bring to the pulpit brother balostero what a time we had on sunday he walked in the holy ghost he helped us bring with you words praise god i want to pray specific and i know there's been some specific prayers this week and we want brother ballast here to take his liberty we love him and appreciate him god bless you brother bala's tale come preach to us tonight [Applause] give the lord a hand clapping praise why don't you well praise the lord everyone i greet you in the name of jesus which is still the only name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved i've done my best to start every sermon since 1958 with acts chapter 4 and verse number 12. you say well brother battlestar you've gone to seed on that but i just don't know what they do here in north carolina but where i live if you don't go to seed on something you'll never have a crop and if we don't make much about the name of jesus we're going to raise children and grandchildren that don't either for neither is there salvation in any other for there's none other name what's the name none other name under heaven given among men whereby you must be saved that's what i'm talking about it's such an honor for me to be here i hated that during this time being here that my wife and i became separated and i will try to reconcile things tomorrow if she'll have me back and long about this time tomorrow evening i'm going to get me a kiss right there and kiss right there wouldn't it be sad to be married almost 60 years and not have any romance still in your marriage i worry about people who've lost the romance of their redemption old saints used to sing every day with jesus sweeter than the day before i keep falling in love with him over and over and over and over again i want to say thank you for extreme thoughtfulness kindness generosity my lodging the offerings i want you to know that you couldn't have done it for a nicer guy and i i think lord i apologize for that if they had let me write the book of hebrews i would have put brother goldare in chapter 11. he's a hero of the faith [Music] let me say it in a way that my simple mind can understand it worst day of my life actually was when i gave my daughter hand in marriage to some old ugly hairy-legged outfit she claims she loves the boy and she still loves me you see the love between daddy and husband not not to compete and i don't get jealous because she loves him and it don't bother her it don't bother him that she loves me so what i'm trying to say is pastor urschen won't feel jealous if you keep on complimenting the bishop and it is a compliment to the bishop's judgment that you compliment pastor erson do you know what a good deal you got going here i'm going to be reading from ii samuel chapter 14 verse 14 within the hour when i was 16 years old muncie indiana i took driver's ed you may not can tell today but i did take it one time and i had to learn to drive on snow and ice and if you can do that you can make it on dry pavement they gave us a textbook that said the average driver makes 60 adjustments per minute in driving i filed that away i mean that was certainly like soviet propaganda back in the 60s that surely that ain't right two years ago on an interstate with cruise control on i got 57 twice coming from high point here today i went over 60. the wheel's doing this you're looking in this mirror you're looking out that window you're checking you're making adjustments see what i'm saying when i was learning to fly a single engine aircraft they told me that flying was a series of corrections and yet somehow people feel like they can get married and not make any adjustments not make any changes well it's come as you are you're exactly right but the gospel is all about change it's not stay as you are because you become a new creature in christ jesus nobody forces you nobody makes you it's got to be something that you want to happen in your life this only works if you're desperate if blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled [Applause] within the next two hours at some point i will try to give an invitation and if you feel the holy ghost tugging at your heart to make changes in your life don't be ashamed everyone in this building has walked up this aisle and stood here in the presence of the lord say god i want you to change me i want to become a new person i'm talking about a god who can deliver your addiction in one night he can put marriages back together again oh yes he can and he's got a miracle waiting for you no doubt you have found the book of second samuel chapter 14 verse number 14 for we must needs die i'm 77 i think about stuff like that every now and then gonna die sometime i know for we must needs die and are as water spilt on the ground which cannot be gathered up again neither doth god respect any persons yet doth he devise means that his banished be not expelled from him and all the church said amen god bless you shake hands with somebody holier than you and you may be seated it's taken some of y'all a while to find them brother mitchell it's so good to cross paths with you again today together with brother brother newton and let me just tell you thank you for what you do for the kingdom i wrote a blog years ago called 20 feet from stardom i wrote about backup singers nobody knows their names most of the time but they're 20 feet from the star they're making him look good they're holding up hands and anytime and anything you can do to help your pastor and the man of god and hold up his hands you get to share in his reward in heaven amen do that i would like to preach a sermon that i've i think i've counted six of you in the audience that have heard this sermon before so you can go to the dairy queen right now if you would like let me tell you something about preaching oh i keep accurate enough records that i know when i've preaching again i just do it on purpose but if you can't preach something unless you feel something because if you don't feel it they ain't gonna feel it it's not good english but they ain't gonna feel it know how i want to preach to you on this subject god deviseth means i have a low heart rate i was in the hospital easter sunday did you know in louisiana shreveport they don't even check see if you got covered when you go in there i didn't have a heart attack my father said i didn't have a heart i had two gallbladders so that's probably why they didn't say there's a there was an issue there but my heart rate has averaged about 51 all my life i have a low heart rate i have low blood pressure some mornings i wake up and my blood pressure is 75 over 35 and i need a cup of coffee or something other to get out of bed i have low blood sugar it's not uncommon for it to be in the 50s and once in a while it wants to venture in the 40s i'm afraid i'll go into one of them big commas i have a low iq i guess what i'm trying to say is i don't have enough intelligence or enough anything to explain how god works neither do you we can't see what he's doing except when we look back down the road where we've been now when i got married it was probably more hormones than holy ghost don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about but from this point of view all i can say is god you were so good to me you looked at your life and you say i see what you did there god thank you i'm sitting on an airplane flying out of south bend when i was pastor there south bend is where notre dame is and i'm on the same row with the empty seat between us there's a priest there with three cornered hat on and i'd never seen a priest with a three cornered hat on i didn't know if he was a throwback from the continental army or whatever he's reading the greek new testament and after the plane reached altitude i'm in a suit i gotta preach as soon as i get off the plane so i got my bible out of my little on the little tray there and i've got paper and i'm writing some notes down and he said are you a clergyman of some kind and i introduce myself as pastor he said i am so and so and so and so and i have this degree in this degree and i actually i have three degrees i got two of my own i came home late one night my mother gave me the third one he said i am the head of the theology department at notre dame i said well i'm impressed and he said you ought to be he holds up his little greek new testament he says do you know any greek i said well since you brought it up sir yes i do know little greek and i also know little hebrew he said well now i'm impressed i said you ought to be the devil makes me say things i said the little greek owns a restaurant the little hebrew owns a clothing store and he left me alone which is what i wanted him to do [Applause] i would just say it this way there's no such thing as a throwaway soul there's no such thing as an accident in god's world i don't believe there's an accident why this church is right here it's no accident you live where you live that you work where you live i'm not going to scream and holler again tonight i've been a low-key ever since i've been in town so y'all just have to deal with it count it as old age or something i don't give a big quack i'm just going to tell stories of how god works to save us what god does to make sure you have a chance to be saved if you want to be saved because if you want to make heaven your home god's going to seek to it that you make heaven your home we're not trying to put people in hell here we're trying to rescue you from hell god's not willing that he should perish so let me give you the storyline of this sad story here absalom the son of david is an idiot he's registered got papers and everything tried to take over his father's kingdom got an army tried to kill his own dad he moved into the castle and everything he had another son by another wife named amnon who was a pervert and i mean that in a good christian way no i don't and uh the bible says this amnen had a friend and i want all you testosterones on the front row to hear what i got to say your friends matter to god did you know that david and jonathan were 17 years apart in age and as long as jonathan was alive david never got in trouble with god good friends don't let you mess up they say oh no you don't you stop the car right now let me out we ain't doing that if you got a kneel beside your bed and repent before you go to sleep something's wrong with your friends i don't care what kind of homies they are i don't care how long you known them good friends don't let you mess up good friends will pray for you they'll plead the blood of jesus over you [Applause] they won't join him amnon had a twisted desire for a half-sister according to the law he was it was required that he be stoned and yet nothing happened to avenge her honor it bothers me highly that tamar ran not to her daddy for protection but to her full-blooded brother absalom and for two years she lives under his protection and after two years absolutely says to his servants let's move the herds closer to the city he's been banned for seven years he's such a bad dude he said we're going to move close to the city and i want you to go in town and invite all my brothers to a banquet we're going to party and make sure that amnon has a lot to drink because when he gets good and drunk we're going to slip a knife under his fifth rib to defend my sister's honor i'm having to tiptoe through all the details of this tragic story but they killed amnon by this time david is such in a deep dark place with absalom and amnon and tamar and it looks like his world is just crumbling around him his first cousin is the general of the army so joab goes to a little place called tacoa and he finds there a woman she's not called a prophetess but you pick up on the fact that she's a wise woman and the bible uses this phraseology he put words in her mouth in other words he told her what to say and she stands before the king disguised as a grieving widow hoping that he will hold out the scepter and welcome her into his throne room and when he does he wants to know what he can do for her she said my lord i'm a widow i have two sons and they were working in the field and they got to argue and they got to fight and one killed the other one and now the town's people want me to give my last remaining son to them so they can kill him an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth you gotta understand there was no such thing as social security you didn't get food stamps you didn't get fourteen hundred dollars put in your bank account if you were a woman and you had no man to work for you you had to be a beggar or worse david's heart melted when he heard her story he's i'm going to paraphrase here he said mama you go on home ain't nobody going to touch one hair on his head and the woman of toccoa turned the record over and she said we're all like water spilled on the ground she preached to him about his own family she said you can't pick it up again what's done is done yet that god devised means god figures out a way that his bandage can come back home can i get a witness when you devise you plot you fabricate you invent you figure out a way can i get a witness [Applause] i've pastored long enough to know that there are sometimes god let some folks get sick and the doctor shake his head no and they've tried everything and they decide to come to church and they come to church they get the holy ghost and go home healed in jesus name god devised the means for them to get saved he had to let them get sick i know what it's like to see marriages be on the rock and file for divorce and it's almost final but they come to church because they've tried everything else and they both come down and get the holy ghost and get baptized in jesus name and god puts humpty dumpty back together again maybe some of y'all can relate to this you driving down the road you all dressed for a very important date or i don't mean date date i mean appointment and you blow a tire and you want you feel what i'm saying ain't your sister yeah happened tonight huh you feel like kicking the tire except you growed already and you don't want you know embarrass yourself of all the times to have a flat tire you're talking through your teeth you're upset you're trying to smile but you ain't happy and then you get it all put back together again you get in the car you go two miles down the road there's a bad wreck and you realize oh god did you just protect me from having a wreck i see what you did there god thank you forgive me for being upset about that i'm saying god figures out a way he deviseth means i'm 50 years old and i the only boy and i would call my mom every day except sunday checking on her my dad's passed on and this i'm 2400 miles away and i call home and my mother this strong woman of faith she blindsided me she said honey i'm going to quit taking my heart medicine but well what she called heart medicine was coumadin for blood clots she said because i don't feel like i'm trusting god by taking that and she said besides i i want to go see my darling they don't prepare you for that in bible school that conversation they they they just don't so my my response was horrible but i said well mama if you feel like god's done with you go get you the biggest five gallon buckets you can find put it out in the backyard kick that sucker as hers you can kick it oh honey you're good for me i said no not at all uh mama you talk about this i said let's start at the very beginning you feel like you're not trusting god and yet you're talking to me with glasses on your nose right now you've got false teeth in your mouth why do you trust god for a third set of teeth see why god don't let my mother have one sound i just i said if the herbs are given for the healing of the nation then don't feel guilty when you're taking that and i i'm i'm scratching for something to say i said the bible said we're like trees planted by the water and mama trees go through seasons but just because the leaves fall off the squirrels don't talk to each other and say hey larry you want to move ain't no more leaves here i got i can't stay in a tree ain't got no leaves i'm out of here i said the birds don't well i say well i'll go build me a nest in a tree that's got some leaves in it no because they know the leaves are going to grow back i said mama do the ladies come up to you after church and say sister balostera would you pray with me about this situation she said honey almost every service i said do you still get invitations to speak to ladies groups she said all the time i said mama the squirrels are still there the birds are still on the branches your leaves are going to grow back she said oh honey you're so wise i said not at all children are like little banks and the the parent makes deposits of information those little banks and then you get to a certain age where you don't trust your own judgment so you go back to that little bank and make a withdrawal i said i'm just telling you what you've taught me all my life i told you that to set you up for this but about six months later mama decided to go off coumadin and she had a mini stroke well we're frantic i'm 2500 miles away i i i can't be there that right then when mama come out of the hospital she came out and brought the nurse and the nurse's family the nurse's kids the church and they all got the holy ghost and got baptized in jesus name mama stayed on coumadin for about another year or two and she went off again she went back to the hospital with another stroke and when she came out she came out with another nurse and all of her family and they all got the holy ghost and then about two years later it was like the lord said hey connie i hate to do this to you girlfriend but i know there's another nurse three nurses in church with their families god knows how to take your bad mess and turn it around for his glory he devises means if you can understand what i'm saying if god took it defenseless israel that doesn't even have a sword and there's an army facing him with all the equipment and israel's in a panic the lord didn't get upset he just went and hornets come out of nowhere and drove the enemy away he devised it means god figures out a way to heal you to save you to help you to feed you to deliver you to protect you uh pastor could you cover your ears just a minute this is sensitive material i'm guessing i've had nine motorcycles i rolled up to pei to preach a conference up there they just weren't ready for what i told you that to say this is i know what the bad boys on the road look like i can tell by their vest what club or gang that they're members of i'm preaching for brother tommy craft years ago about 1990 and the old church i'm out in front i preached like a 20-minute sermon y'all are out of luck tonight i was i preached on it's a privilege to repent the goodness of god lead you to repentance and people started crying and getting up and running to the altar and folks started running down the sides from the balcony and i'm saying to myself y'all sit down i got some more good stuff to say and it was like the holy ghost said oh shut up ballister i was just using you to get this started i got from here find a seat and then i saw coming down this side over here i do it about 40. blonde hair ponytail about that long he's got a motorcycle vest on and i can tell he's an outlaw by looking at his vest he's dragging motorcycle mama behind him as he's running not walking not walking fast running down the steps when he went by me the big patch on the back said outlaw motorcycle association or i forget the exact wording club or whatever the center said national president you see the national president of the outlaw motorcycle gang made a wrong turn that sunday morning he just happened to be a backslider for 18 years out of the atlanta church and when he saw first pentecostal church he just pulled his hog on in there set up in the balcony trying to hide but you can't hide from god he knows where you're at i'm happy to tell you he prayed back through to the holy ghost we baptized motorcycle mama in jesus name and she got the holy ghost god figures out a way to get you in church to save your soul if you want to be saved he's going to figure out a way to there's an unmarked grave in fresno california a 26 year old woman named fanny balostero was buried there my daddy's mother she died age of 26 tuberculosis she had just been baptized in jesus name and received the holy ghost her husband was catholic when she died he drank himself to the county poor farm we had over 3 000 acres within 20 blocks the edge of it was within 20 blocks of the courthouse in downtown l.a grandpa lost it all because he burnt the property down the house down trying to collect money to get more alcohol during the prohibition insurance money to get more alcohol my father went to 14 foster homes ran away from 11 at the age of 12 he's sleeping under bridges this woman fanny balosteros dying prayer was god would you save my baby boy and make him a preacher and yet they sent him to catechism put him in catholic homes i'm not here to preach against denomination because whatever has brought us to where we're at and god tonight thankful that has brought us this far my point to you is don't stop until you get everything god has for you my father found himself in a gang the second oldest gang in america originally an irish gang and all the hispanics in the neighborhood they finally took it over the clovers you never hear of them i'm happy to tell you i've met three men personally that have been baptized in jesus name that said i was in the gang with your daddy so my daddy is running from the law he became the gang leader his picture still hangs on the headquarters wall he was trying to get torino trying to get out of state to escape the long arm of the law he's got his thumb out and an old black essex an old antique car pulls up and a preacher dressed in a black suit is driving and two ladies older ladies in the back seat with them little bun hairdos up there in the back seat preacher said where you going son my father said reno he said sir we get in daddy get in god in and before he could shift in third gear he began to talk to him son have you repented of your sins have you been baptized in jesus name have you ever heard about the holy ghost and while he's talking the ladies in the backseat going jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus my daddy knew the hail mary's in our father's act of faith after christian apostles creed and all those other kind of prayers he knew all that kind of stuff and this jesus jesus jesus stuff that's some weird stuff right there his hand the man began to preach to my dad about his soul my father said why don't you just pull over right here this is fine just right here fine the man pulled over and stopped he said son would you like to pray before you get out my father said oh no sir he said well then would you let me pray for you daddy was taught to be respectful of the priest and so he said sure the ladies in the backseat come jesus jesus jesus and the man pray and say god i don't know who this young man is but i know one thing he's running from you and god whatever it takes for you to save him whatever it takes for you to stop him whatever it takes for you to turn him around i'm asking you to do that my dad's hand is on the door handle all the jesus jesus jesus that's going on in the back seat just oh i just got him to the bone he got out said thank you very much and he decided hitchhiking was just too dangerous he thought well i'll catch me a box car i'll ride in a box car so cause they saw a train pulling out of the yard and he looked at all the box cars and all the doors were closed and he waited the last one just to be sure and the only thing left was an oil tanker my dad ran up and caught the oil tanker curled up around the catwalk up on top not knowing that that oil tanker had a flat wheel and that flat wheel went clickety clack clack clack clickety clap click clack clickety-clack clickety-clack click it click clack all night long and begin to preach to him you got to get right with god you got to get right with god you got to get rights you got to get right you got to get right with god he couldn't sleep all night because you got to get right with god's stuff and finally he said god if you let this train stop let me off i'll go to a church i'll get right he wound up in fresno which is a long ways in reno but he ends in a no so that's probably close enough daddy got off the train and he went to an assembly god church in fresno the preacher that night was a man named charles price one of the renowned older assembly god preachers and writers during the invitation my father walked down the aisle and he prayed for his dead mama and he prayed for his drunken daddy and he prayed for his mean aunt ethel and somebody said he's there son why don't you pray for yourself my dad started praying for himself and he started crying and then after a while of praying he just fell over backwards on the floor about the time he was done praying a 300 pound lady came and sat on his chest and wouldn't let him up until he got the holy ghost [Applause] and if that's what it takes to get you filled with the holy ghost we'll hire somebody come in here and sit on you do you get to hold they did it different in the old days reverend so the next day my dad gets down to l.a and he gets the gang i just drove by that old place three weeks ago my dad's old house the gang territory looked at all the gang signs thinking my dad used to be here i had to cry thinking god if you hadn't saved my daddy i wouldn't be here today my wife would have had to marry somebody else we can't let that happen my dad got his gain together and told him what had happened to him and none of them wanted it so my dad walked down 20 blocks to the police station and turned himself in they didn't even let the night pass before they put him in a vehicle and they drove him straight to san quentin and they put him in the cell of all the cells in san quentin they put him in the cell with the biggest the meanest the baddest the toughest dude in all of san quentin i didn't know my dad had fought 22 professional fights until i was 47. i didn't know my dad had been was an ex-con till i was 47 editing his book for publication so daddy why didn't you say something huh were you ashamed he said no no i didn't want to be builders come here ex-convict carl balestero because the gospel is not about me it's about him he said your mother's all her family knew all my friends knew i just asked him not to you know make it common knowledge it is now so my father's in prison with this guy who just happens to be a backslider from the centers of god church and he's pretty much running the prison and he gets a letter from his wife she said baby last night i went to one of them this jesus name apostolic revivals and i got baptized in jesus name and here's a track explaining the oneness of the godhead and why you need to be baptized in jesus name he looked at that and said well i don't want that carl you want that my dad looked at that and he prayed this prayer god if this is real if this is from you and it's for me i want it open my understanding he said on his bed with his prison bible and he read every verse and the lord opened my father's understanding he saw a he got a revelation of god manifested in the flesh and the importance of being baptized in jesus name he preached his first sermon in the yard at san quentin though my sins be a scarlet they shall be white of snow world war ii breaks out [Applause] and they took men from san quentin and put them in the army they figured if you can kill me in here you can kill me in there my father could type over 90 words a minute on a manual typewriter he became the private secretary to the colonel he looked for two years in the army trying to find somebody to baptize him in jesus name he finally when he was stationed in oregon pendleton oregon they said yeah there's a preacher up there in oregon city named andrew baker got a big church 3 400 i think back in the 40s then said he baptizes in jesus name so my father took a hour and a half bus ride he's walking down the sidewalk from the bus station he's singing my mother just happened to be looking out the front wind of her house and saw him stop in front of her house and get a drink of water at the fountain on the by the curb turned to go half a block to the church she says out loud god that's the kind of man i want for a husband somebody loves you like that and when he got baptized that morning my mama elbowed her brother and she said invite him home to sunday dinner let me tell you gentlemen something a mouse trap does not chase mice but it catches them just the same let that be a lesson to you [Applause] mama claimed god started world war ii just to get her a husband i'm not sure that's exactly how it all came down but they shipped out my father's company he's on the truck right after he got baptized lieutenant come by said balostero what you doing on the truck get off get your bag get off did you see your name on the bulletin board said no sir my father went out and saw the bulletin board that the company was being shipped out he was being discharged and the colonel came up to him and handed him discharge papers he said ballisterol you don't belong in this man's army you're fighting another war go fight that war did you know that that whole company got wiped out it they were shipped to new caledonia and explosions killed almost every one of them my father would have been in that company i'm saying god deviseth means he figures out a way to save you to protect you to keep you of all of all the jail cells in san quentin why that one of all the cell mates in san quentin why that one i'm saying god figures out things he's got this all worked out you got to trust him on that if you want to be saved god's going to make a way for you to be he devises means let me tell you about a long-haired hippie pot smoking hippie beer drinking hippie wild party in hippie from iowa if you can get wild in iowa he got a letter from his uncle one day inviting him to come and spend a couple years with him uncle sam well if his buddy said man with a letter like that i'd go down and join what i wanted to join i think you're going to have an easier ride if you join the air force so this long-haired pot smoke and wild living hippie went down and joined air force he gets through i think you're pretty close to where all that is there too colorado springs area he gets through his basic training and he's standing out on the playground and they're handing out what they call assignment cards that means your basic training is over this is where you go next and this is when you're supposed to report what time you're supposed to report in and where and everyone in his company got an assignment card except this long-haired hippie a former long-haired hippie this party in pot smoking hippie and the officer said airmen report to the colonel and when he does the colonel said with apologies to you airmen this is the first time in the history of the united states air force we've ever lost an assignment card he said well what's my options he said your options are texas or biloxi he said i've done been to texas i don't like texas what's biloxi like oh say you like it the food's good people are friendly he said send me there he gets to biloxi and he hits it off with this old center boy just seemed like a nice guy and he's married and everything so he invites him over to his house it just so happens that this new friend is married to a backslider out of brother james springer's church in biloxi mississippi you know who i'm talking about so he'd go over there for supper you know a couple nights a month and one night one saturday night he's sitting there at the table eating supper he said you know i've been trying to turn my life around i've been going to church on sundays she said what church and he named sarah she said no no no you want to turn your life around you'd be ready at 9 30 in the morning i'll take you to church so this backslider takes this former long-haired hippie this pot smoking beer drinking wild living party in hippie she takes him to first pentecostal church in biloxi mississippi and you ain't gonna believe this but they actually stood and clapped their hands while they sang and some folks even stepped out in the aisle and did a little you know kind of stuff every now and then this blows your mind but somebody even ran be still my heart he got so scared he ran out the building and that woman chased him and caught him by the collar she said you get your hide back in church there ain't nothing in there going to hurt you and she brought him in hanging onto his collar and set him down between her and her husband nothing happened to him that sunday morning or that sunday night but wednesday he got baptized got the holy ghost when i see him today i say well praise the lord brother craig cecil good to see you friend pastors in tacoma today i'm saying god deviseth means of all the military branches to join why the air force of all the assignment cards to be lost why his of all the places to go why biloxi of all the new friends to meet why that one i'm just saying god figures out a way if you've got a hunger if you're sincere for about god about being changed about making heaven your home you're in the right place tonight god deviseth means i have preached 25 revivals for a dear friend named brother ken bow in lake taps could have been more than six eight miles from where brother mike sister paula luke pastored for 58 years or however long you were there in auburn brother uh bo said hey man said i gotta go hospital and pray for a woman who's a preacher hater she married against the pastor's advice and counsel this man drug her out of church he's dead him and her both talked about churches every church in the area he said i wouldn't even bother going to see her except her daughter is a wonderful woman in the church today and she she called her this week and said honey i've got the doctor gave me 10 days to live she has a terminal lung disease she said do you suppose brother bo would come and pray for me he said i'm not really going for this woman i'm going for the daughter he said can you get separate for yourself tonight i said well absolutely man you know you don't have to babysit me i'm i'm good i'm grown already i said we'll talk after church so he comes in late he said when i walked into the hospital there in puyallup he said i saw a woman with an oxygen mask over her face and i tapped the door was open but i tapped on the frame i said are you phyllis crandall she nodded her head he said i'm pastor kenneth bo i've come to pray for you and he walked up to the bed and she said pastor bo after all i've done and all i've said i don't think god is ever going to let me talk in tongues again brother bo said i laughed at her i said yes you will you're his daughter he loves you god's not trying to send everybody to hell he said she started crying and repenting he said i stood there for almost a minute and i laid my hand on her head and when i did it was like i hit her with a set of paddles she just jerked and began to speak in tongues and she spoke in tongues for about a half an hour let me explain it to you this way the death angel walked down the corridors the hospital in puella washington and gathered phyllis crandall into his arms and carried her off to eternity but 11 days before the death angel came mercy walked down that same hallway put her arms around phyllis and restored her to the favor and the mercies of the lord i'm saying god deviseth means i've lived in a parsonage all my life as a pastor 30 years of pastoring it's wonderful but if you resign you don't have a home and there was so little coming in that we were just grateful we were just basically lived in the survival mode i think the most i ever received from the church in one year was eighteen thousand it cost me 13 000 to send two boys to bible school so i'm brokered in the ten commandments and that that's pretty broke actually when you think about it i'm not trying to you know get any sympathy here i was just trying to say i didn't have money to go buy a house because we just i preached out not because i was good i was just hungry that's kind of how that worked so here i am out of the evangelistic work and i'm i fly in to detroit for our 44th adversary and my wife has got this little place little kiss and hug and place she's all reserved for us to go hold hands and stuff in their thing oh we still have a date night thursdays in case you want to know so we having a nice time and the next day after i get there after i fly in her sister and brother-in-law brother david trammell pastors and in michigan in my wife's father's old church they they they come to pick us up take us out just a little hamburger joint to get something deep for our anniversary ruth chris or whatever the name of the place is and uh so we're going down the road and my brother-in-law gets a phone call from the broker he was bidding on two houses in albion that were up for auction hud had them up for auction online and he was he started out with ten thousand these were repos ten thousand ten thousand one hundred both of them okay on each house two thousand two hundred on each house two thousand three under every time hud turned him down he just raised a hundred he's already up to 10-5 when got the phone call from the from the woman the broker and i could hear the voice and he raised the bid to 10-6 on this one house and he says to my wife in the back seat and i don't know what the girls were doing in the back seat if this is my anniversary i want to be holding hands with she back here with a sister in case y'all want to know you get married don't don't plan to get in front of her sister okay just just just so y'all know that just make friends okay make make the mother your friend first you got that just it's downhill from there okay so he says to my wife marcia we uh see she does have a name marcia we ought to be this one in your name and my wife says what if you're going to bed in my name you're going to bid 13 500. i thought sweet jesus i don't think i had fifty dollars to my name that i knew of my wife is my atm machine anytime i need i just know what buttons to push to get the money out that's what the combination changes every now and then you [Applause] you got to understand everything i had was paid for i didn't know any money the only thing the source of credit reference i had was my cell phone and insurance that's just basically that was it my car was a poj a piece of junk but but it still ran and i wasn't trying to press anybody or pick up checks as long as it gets me from point a to point b we're good so if i had to borrow money i'm on the road where would i go get some i'm too proud i bought into the with the lord said if i was hungry i wouldn't tell you i'm too proud to ask family or friends for a nickel that ain't happening i made it this long and it ain't happen i may borrow something from you tonight but it hadn't happened up in depth tonight so so help me we ate a little meal and i fly out the next day we swap spit and i get on the plane i land in tulsa and sorry i grossed up some ladies on the second row over there they got that visual there to just kind of mess their heads up i can tell i don't advise you to pray like i pray because the lord knows i'm not right i said lord i'm in the rental car say lord i don't want you messing with my wife's faith she believes in you she trusts you so what i'm asking you is you know that no ballistero has ever asked anyone for a dime i i couldn't i wouldn't and if it's your will and you know that my banker's dead i don't even have a lending agency that knows my name anymore i said if it's you if it's not your will for us to get that bid let hud say no if it is your will for us to have that house then i'm going to take that as a sign that you are going to provide financing somehow don't let hud accept our offer unless you're going to provide financing i don't advise you to pray like i pray because i know i'm not even right so i get to the church and i get my suit on and i got my little computer up there i got skype on in case she wants to call me this is before facetime and she called and she's got kleenex dubbing on her nose she said baby what are we going to do i said what do you mean what are we going to do she said i had accepted my offer and she i saw a tear leak out of one eye and i started chuckling i said for babe i just told the lord not to let hud accept our offer your offer unless she's going to provide financing i said this is going to be a god thing so we're just going to promise me you won't say anything to anybody i'm not going to say anything to anybody we're just going to let god do this it's ok she said i didn't tell you but i have 3 500. [Applause] you know i've never checked my wife's purse never looked in my wife's purse in 55 years almost 56 i may have to do that when i get home brother i just hand the purse to her here and let her pull it out she said i've saved all my anniversary money all my birthday money i've saved the money i got speaking for ladies groups she said but we still need ten thousand dollars i used to be area management broker for fha i know we gotta have the money to make 48 hours i know that i said well honey this is just gonna have to be a god thing promise me you won't say nothing well i forgot that my brother-in-law had told my wife that hud accepted the offer so he knew so i take it that he was the one who ratted this out i i can't prove that but in my world everybody's guilty to proven innocent after church i come back in i'm taking my tie off and she calls again she got a smile on her kisser she said you ain't gonna believe this and she told me the extended family member that called her said oh girl we're so happy for you and marty i just feel impressed to the holy ghost to wire ten thousand dollars to your bank account it'll be there two o'clock by two o'clock tomorrow and you can pay us back however you want when you want i think we paid it off within the year so here's a house four blocks from the church two stories corner lot attached garage full basement glassed in front porch with the initial b in the front door we'd be styling profiling we think you know what the lords sure do like the embellished arrows there's some fine folks you know what i mean vern and we're thinking it's all about us and within two weeks my wife went upstairs and she looked at she said see that that white house right there those are backsliders 17 years ago they had a baby die and they just quit coming to church nobody could get him to come to church their other son is probably 18 or 19 now and he don't even hardly get to leave the house homeschooled him and kept him in the property they just fear my wife would get in her car and every time she'd pass the house for the next two weeks she'd stop our white van we had at the time and she'd hold out her hand and rebuke the devil and pray for those backsliders she did it so much that the lady the house called her mom sorry her mama name and she said mama there's some white-haired lady in a white van stops her van in front of my house and she holds out her hand towards my house and puts a curse or a hex or something on my house i i don't know what she's doing her mama said no honey that's sister balostero she told me she was praying for you i'm happy to tell you after she made that phone call the next tuesday i flew in and i preached there at that church in albion and that woman her husband and her 19 year old son came mom and dad prayed through the boy got the holy ghost the father and the son are both preaching today since within the first year of us being in that house the lord used my wife to get 17 people in church you see the lord didn't give us the house just for the ballisteros there were 17 souls out there that needed to be restored or needed the holy ghost i'm saying god devises means okay i the good news is i've got less than 20 more stories i'm sitting at cracker barrel with some of my wife's family there's 12 estrogens over here and two testosterones on this side of the table and i was pastoring the south bend at the time and the gentleman across from me was named brother rodney clark he was a pastor of home missions church in kalamazoo he married my wife's first cousin cindy oakley from indianapolis area and the girls are all talking to aunts and the sisters and the nieces and they cousins they just having a large time so i said man how's it going i always said you know how home missions are he said i i'm having to work 10 12 hours a day i got about six retired ladies in the house and in the church they're precious but they're on such a limited income they can barely give it an offering i'm paying all the church bills i'm paying the church mortgage or paying my house utility bills i'm paying my house mortgage my car payments he said it's dark when i go to work it's dark when i get off work i don't have time to knock doors or teach home bible studies and he said that frustrates me to know when and i've been praying god if i can't knock doors and invite people to church and teach home bible studies the least you could do is help my life to be a light and a witness where i work he said i started fasting about two months ago a little over two months ago he said i would fast as long as i could i'd eat a couple of meals and get a little bit of strength and i go back on another fast i lost over 40 pounds in two months he said i would pray an hour before i went to work every day i get off work it's dark when i get off and i come back by the church i pray another couple more hours he said after going in the start of the third month he said i'm sitting outside the machine shop where i worked my head's on the head rest of my little pickup i'm waiting for the first whistle to go off to tell us time to come inside and go to work and there's i'm sorry i got i got ahead of the story he said i got a phone call at 12 30 in the morning after two months and the the phone call said is this rodney clark said it is he said well we have a family emergency and my son wanted to know if you could help us he said well what's the problem he said my married son was pushing his cart through meijer m-e-i-j-e-r it's in the midwest area it's kind of like a 24-hour walmart super walmart thing he said daddy i was pushing my cart through myers and i heard a voice say you need to get right with god he said dad i turned around there was nobody there at myers you can see over some of the the you know the aisles they're just they're not real high you can see over most of them there was nobody there he said it so scared me i went to the other side of the store with my cart and i was over there about five minutes and i heard the same voice again i looked around there's nobody there said i left everything in the cart and i walked out the store i called my wife said baby i'm having a nervous breakdown i'm hearing voices or something something's going on crazy some she said well he said what do i do she said call your dad he'll know what to do i didn't mention that kalamazoo is where the state mental institution is he said i told my son well son meet me at the hospital they got a great psych ward they'll evaluate you they'll medicate you you'll be fine he said dad maybe all i need is a preacher but you never took me to sunday school you've never taken me to church if i needed a preacher i wouldn't know who to call he said i told my son i know a man i know a preacher who lives like a preacher ought to live he said well call him dad and see if he can help me he said that's why i'm calling you can you help us he said i sure can have your son and his wife and you and your wife beat me in my office in 30 minutes so by now it's one o'clock in the morning he teaches about a half hour home bible what we call a home bible study the young man started crying he said oh this is what i've been hungry for can i repent right now he gets down his knees he starts crying and repenting when he gets up he says please baptize me in jesus name when he comes up out of the water he's speaking in other tongues when he comes up out of the water the wife said baptize me she gets a holy ghost mama said baptize me too she gets the holy ghost the father said well you ain't baptizing him without baptizing me he didn't get the holy ghost jump ahead two weeks he said by now i'm sitting in my truck outside the machine shop waiting for the whistle to go off and the tap comes at the window and it's the father and he's crying now i'm no longer rodney clark i'm either brother clark or pastor he said pastor how come god won't give me the holy ghost he said i brought 18 people to church and they all got the holy ghost my boy got it my wife got it all i can do is cry i have to go to sam's wholesale club and buy a kleenex i cry so much how come god won't give me the holy ghost he said i said to him you want the holy ghost right now yes sir he said stick your head in the window i had a cw shoe moment come over me when i when he was telling that story i can visualize him sticking his head in the window he said i popped my hand on his forehead and he immediately received the holy ghost talking in tongues he pulled his head out stuck his hands in the air the whistle goes off to come inside get ready to go to work he said i locked my truck up i left him standing in the parking lot talking in tongues i walked inside huge machine shop i walked inside and this hells angel looking guy comes up to me long hair full beard tats everywhere muscle shirt tough guy he walks up to me and said preacher i owe you an apology i said apology this is a monday morning you didn't start working here at five o'clock friday night well you got to apologize for it he said i cursed in front of you i didn't know you was a preacher my mama raised me better than that he said man that's awful nice thanks see what kind of preacher are you he said i'm a pentecostal preacher see that guy looked at me and said no no no no no what kind of pentecostal preacher are you he said i'm an apostolic jesus name preacher and the man's eyes teared up he said i was baptized in jesus name when i was 11 years old but i've lived a hard life and brother clark said i can tell you have by your prison tattoos he said yes sir i was doing life an alabama state pen and for some unknown reason last week they released me and put me on a bus and shipped me to kalamazoo to halfway house and they got me a job at this machine shop he said tell me preacher you think god thinks there's any hope for me brother clark said well let me explain it to you this way you're doing life an alabama state penitentiary and for some unknown reason you get out and of all the cities in america they could have sent you to they send you the kalamazoo and of all the jobs to be had in kalamazoo they get you one in a machine shop and of all the machines in this machine shop they get you standing on one right beside an apostolic preacher now you tell me whether or not you think god thinks there's any hope the man raised his hands he said i laid my hand on his head and he immediately received the holy ghost and the whistle goes off to go to work i'm saying god deviseth means remain standing if you would please musicians if you'll come the year was 1952 the place was texas my father was driving by himself down a lonely two-lane road in south texas and out of nowhere out of nowhere the urge came over him stop the car get out and preach daddy looked around there's no people there's no houses there's no buildings there's no cars there's not even a cow nothing n-u-t-h-i-n nothing well if you're a preacher and you feel the urge to preach and there's nobody preached to you you feel like well that was just too much pizza or something but it came on so strong daddy just slammed on the brakes there's no shoulder he had to stop in the middle of the road or middle of the lane i should say got out car stopped in some little old culvert he gets out it's his bible opens it up no cars coming no cars going no creature anywhere maybe a bird overhead but that's it about a half a mile or more away it looked like the ridgeline of a building a house or something but can't really see my father announced where he was reading from scripture announced his title closed his bible and preached for over five minutes and gave an altar call and all that time nobody came no one was seen the burden lifted my father closed his bible got in the car and drove off went down the road 30 miles and preached all week and on monday they had a fellowship meeting and daddy preached it when he got done a man walked up to him and said brother balestero we've never met but i recognize the sound of your voice on such and such a day on such such a highway you stopped your car in the culvert and you got out and preached you didn't know it but i was a backslider sleeping off a drunk inside of that culvert and when you left i crawled out and went to my pastor's home and he prayed me back through to the holy ghost i just want to say thank you i want to tell you you may not be where you need to be in god tonight but god's devised a way to get you saved if you want to be saved you know why because he thought you were worth saving [Applause] i invite you to come let the lord deal with your heart tonight he thought you were worth saving you came and changed my life you thought i was worth why don't you come and lift your hands and lift your heart to the lord [Music] [Music] whereby his we are all this water [Music] you thought so you can't even change my life you thought you cleaned me [Music] is [Music] you thought [Music] he doesn't want anybody to be lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] you thought [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] forever [Applause] i know [Music] changed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so i [Applause] [Music] you thought i was worth [Music] you sacrificed your [Music] [Applause] i know you came and changed [Music] [Applause] i [Applause] god's positioning god's he's reaching so i could be free [Applause] [Music] you came to change my life you thought i was worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] you thought i was worth saving so you came and changed my life you thought i was worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] you thought [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you thought you came and changed [Music] everyone [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] let's lift our hands to heaven in this house let's ask god to move and our family move [Music] move in our circumstances move god is moving god is reaching god is working god is making a way hallelujah god is preparing in the name of jesus in the name of jesus that's the holy ghost you're feeling right now [Music] god's devising means all over this house god's answering prayers all over this place if you feel like god has forgotten where you are i want you to lift your hands right now and say god i'm sorry for doubting you god i know that you're positioning me i know that you're opening doors and you're making a way ah that's it lift your voice lift your voice lift your heart [Music] in the name of jesus i want you to speak that name in this place i want you to release your faith in this house and say god i know you're working god i know you're making it you're making it happen [Applause] [Music] god [Music] because foreign have hope and i will tell [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh forever forever forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i know you thought i was worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh let's love him in this place let's thank the lord thank him for his providence thank him for his grace his mercy for his desire to make a way [Music] for his desire to meet me to reach to help to say to seek [Music] ah let's pop our hands unto him let's believe god in this place let's trust god in this house hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we are as water that is poured out upon the ground what she was saying was you have a limited amount of time you have a very short window of time and life's too short to hate it's too short to be bitter it's too short to hold grudges and we sure don't need to allow ourselves to be backslidden you're as water poured out upon the ground that cannot be gathered again and god knows that and so he deviseth means whereby his banish be not expelled aren't you thankful for the love of god aren't you thankful for his wisdom and his understanding god's going to make a way out of all the cities out of all the factories out of all the shops out of all the machines god puts you right here next to an apostolic preacher praise god god's gonna make a way hallelujah god's going to make a way i want you to say that right now in faith god's going to make a way i want you to get that prayer in your mind that need that you know is there say god's going to make a way god's going to make a way god's going to make a way he's going to devise means praise god praise god thank you brother balestier for preaching to us tonight thank you for obeying the holy ghost amen go this week believing the lord trusting in god there's many people those that you are working next to they're not there by accident there's all kind of people that could be working next to but god put them next to a jesus name apostolic tongue talker and you need to walk in there with faith and say i know why i'm here i know why god's put me here he didn't put me here to punch a time clock he didn't put me here to pick up a paycheck he put me here because he deviseth means hallelujah amen take the good word of the lord with you as you go let's invite somebody to the house of god this upcoming weekend we love you we appreciate you god bless you you're dismissed in jesus name
Channel: First Pentecostal Church of Durham
Views: 1,721
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Pq_QaXwFboA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 56sec (8036 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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