God's Care Is Unusual Part II - 1 Peter 5:6-7 NKJV

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you are [Music] lord we live too [Music] it's you are an awesome [Music] [Music] we gave you're an awesome guy [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're an awesome guy you're an awesome guy [Music] you're an awesome guy you're an awesome guy you're an awesome guy you're an [Music] [Music] [Music] you're an awesome you're an awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well good morning second baptist church hallelujah hallelujah this is the day that the lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it i don't know about you but i am excited and ecstatic that the lord has given us another opportunity to worship together though we are physically separated we are spiritually connected and no pandemic can stop our god from being present in this room and in your room too and so on this sunday morning let us have a made-up mind that we're going to worship god with all that we have that we're going to turn our home our space a place break room lunchroom even the wherever you may be living room into a place of worship that you are going to inhabit the praises of that god will inhabit your praises and that you get to enjoy the presence of our amazing and mighty god amen amen listen on this morning we're going to hear our opening of scripture read by minister sharon whitaker following that will be our morning prayer by minister kerwin webb let us receive them as they come good morning second baptist church our scripture for today will be coming from isaiah chapter 49 verses 7 through 13. i'll be reading from the niv version and it reads this is what the lord says the redeemer and holy one of israel to him who was despised and abhorred by the nation to the servant of rulers kings will see you and stand up princes will see and bow down because of the lord who is faithful the holy one of israel who has chosen you this is what the lord says in the time of my favor i will answer you and in the day of salvation i will help you i will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people to restore the land and to reassign its desolate inheritances to say to the captives come out and to those in darkness be free they will feed beside the roads and find pasture on every barren hill they would neither hunger nor thirst nor were the desert heat or the sun beat down on them he who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water i will turn all my mountains into roads and my highways will be raised up see they will come from afar some from the north some from the west some from the region of azwan shout for joy you heavens rejoice you earth burst into song you mountains for the lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones this is the word of the lord that is eternally blessed receive it blessed be the lord let us pray [Music] o great and wise god we come to you on this morning thanking you just for the opportunity to open our eyes god we thank you for the breath that is flowing through our bodies we thank you lord god for the blood that runs warm in our veins god we thank you just for another day of life lord we thank you for this opportunity to come together to worship you and to praise you on this first sunday morning lord we know that it is not a guarantee it is not [Music] a foregone conclusion that we will be here and so god we give you glory and honor for preserving our life lord while we're at it we ask you to cover those who are in harm's way lord we ask you to cover those who have been victims of the the storm both the storms of life but also the physical storms that batter the coast of the united states lord we ask that you cover those who have lost everything and that you give them a glimmer of hope and shine out of the midst of darkness letting them know that all things are possible with you lord we ask that you dispatch your healing hand of mercy and that it would rest upon all of your people lord god who are hurting those who are experiencing turmoil those who are experiencing pain or loss lord those who are grieving in this season we ask that you meet them at the very point of their needs god we asked lord god also that you would travel over to afghanistan god that you would calm the calamity that is engulfing that nation god we ask that you speak to her people and that you calm the divides and that you bring clarity and healing lord god we thank you god just for all that you are able and willing to do god we pray for those in this country and others who are suffering from the covet virus those who have complications those who are concerned about school and their children lord we just ask for your holy presence to envelop this earth that you saturate the atmosphere lord god with your healing power that you move all of the obstacles out of the way so that we can see you and hear you clearly and then respond in a way that you would be pleased with us lord for this house second baptist church of asbury park lord we thank you for the blessings of ministry through the pandemic we thank you for the growth that you've given us we thank you for the outreach that we're able to do but god help us to posture and position ourselves for more so that your light can continue to shine not only in this church not only in asbury park but god throughout the state of new jersey and this country we call the united states of america lord we ask that you touch the bereaved in our fellowship we ask lord that you wipe away all the tears from their eyes we ask god that you comfort them with your presence speak to them softly with your words and reassure them lord that if they have faith the size of a mustard seed that the mountains in their life they can be removed by the power of their faith lord we thank you for our pastor and our first family lady carla samaj jr and seth god we ask that you place a hedge of protection around them because we know that the enemy is not happy that your anointed is here doing what you've created and called him to do so god we ask that you allow the soldiers on his side to stand up and to rebuff the adversary lord god we rebuke the spirit of the antagonist we rebuke the spirit of the adversary we rebuke the spirit of the enemy that sits over this house that sits over this community that sits over this state lord god we pray now that your people will tap down into the storehouses of your riches and pull out all of the power that you've anointed us with that we can stand boldly and be your witnesses to the other ends of the earth lord we ask that you bless each and every household that is listening to this broadcast whether they're doing it live right now lord god or they watch it on the replay we pray god that you infuse them with your power and your presence well we pray that you bless this worship experience that somebody somewhere will have an encounter with you and they will know that the lord god the king of kings and the lord of lords is on their side so god we ask right now that you open up our hearts open up our ears open up our minds that we might receive what you have for us on this day lord we we ask you to forgive us of our sins those things that we haven't done that you've called us to do those things that we've done that we knew we should not have done lord we just pray right now that you wash our sins away that you separate them as far as the east is from the west and god that you make us a new creature in your image help us lord god to crucify this flesh every day that we can walk in the spirit with which you've called us lord we thank you for your power we thank you for your presence we thank you for the holy spirit that leads guides and keeps us so lord now we ask that you touch the man's servant that you sent here to on this morning to preach your word to proclaim your gospel to to help us lord god to be more like you we ask that the words that he speak lord god that you give them holy ghost power that they take root and lodging in our lives and that they produce a harvest that you would be pleased with and lord for those who have not confessed you as their lord and savior for those who do not know you for the free pardon of their sins lord we ask that there is something that is sung something that is said something that is done that will let them know that all they have to do is open up their hearts and call out to you and that you would receive them as your child god bless now the second baptist church of asbury park bless each and every house of worship that is proclaiming your name on today lord god that your soldiers will rise up take their place and be counted in the battle for the beloved kingdom god we thank you we love you we adore you we lift up all of these prayers we lift up all of these petitions we lift up all of our asks lord god knowing that your word says that if we believe we shall receive and then it shall be done so god we thank you for what's already done in the atmosphere we thank you lord god for what you've already ordained and let us be courageous enough to walk into it and receive it with power help us lord god to be your children to be the light that you set on the hill that people will see our good works and glorify you who are in heaven this is our prayer this is our plea and we lift it up in the mighty and the matchless the miracle-working name of your son our savior jesus the christ in jesus name amen hallelujah hallelujah amen amen i'm so grateful for the privilege of prayer and the power through which he prayed i'm so grateful uh for both of their participation and worship on this sunday morning listen as we continue to go forward in our worship experience we want to send some birthday shout outs to some of our family that's right on today that's right on today this lord's day we also get to celebrate two special birthdays one of our own cameramen brother keith roberson and sister dawn hayes we celebrate you on today happy birthday uh from your past and church family this is your special day after we get through worshiping the lord we pray that the that your family and friends treat you real good and then we also have coming up this week we have sister stephanie payne and we got sister shirley booker and we've also got deaconess judy brooks happy birthday to each one of you we pray that in this year this another 365 days that the lord bless you with much laughter with much joy with peace and prosperity in your life that your mind cannot even imagine so from your pastor and your church family happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday and may the lord bless you real good all right y'all it's time for us to continue in our worship experience let us receive the ministry of music after which we have a word from the lord [Music] [Music] i know something about god's grace oh yes i do i know something about god's grace it could have been i know something about [Music] something about god's grace [Music] [Music] with no place i know i know something about [Music] i know that's great something about god's grace the breath of life [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] one witness somebody ought to testify that you wouldn't have made it oh without the grace of god one witness someone out there on a testify you know you wouldn't have made it without the [Music] without god's grace without the grace [Music] [Music] protection [Music] stand up and tell the world healing somebody needs to know that you know that you know that it was gone hey [Music] amazing [Music] oh he is healing [Music] i know something about god's grace oh yes i do oh oh oh oh oh i i i know something about god's grace i know you do too what do you know about your god's great grace have you shared your story with someone needs to know that you know something about god's grace [Music] [Music] something about god's grace amazing grace shall always be my song of praise cause it was grace that looks beyond our faults and meets our needs it's amazing grace that opens eyes that are blind that now can see amazing grace how sweet how sweet how sweet the sound we know it [Music] is something about god's grace well to god be the glory for all the great things the lord has done bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name we are so excited to be at this moment in our worship experience because this is the moment of transformation whenever we hear god's word we worship god to get into god's presence but then we allow the seed of god's word to be planted in our lives and thereby be transformed amen and so i want to invite you once again to turn with me to first peter chapter five versus six and seven uh we tried to get through uh it last week but uh there was just uh too much uh to get through on this week last week we began to explore the significance of these uh two verses right we learned that the first step to receiving the benefit of god's care is to is god's humbling right that god humbles us it's not an easy thing to hear but it's necessary because all of us want and need to be uh humble want god's care in our lives and in order to receive that we cannot receive god's care with pride but we must receive it with humility and so the reason um uh you know god it we saw in verse 5 that god puts down god does not reward the pride full of the proud the cocky the arrogant but god blesses those who are humble right the reason we can accept god's humbling and the reason we can accept the our problems and our places of hurt the tough seasons in our lives is because there is hope in god's humbling amen that that's that was the message last week there's hoping god's humbling we have to ask god to strip away the pride but we know that there's hope in god's humbling because the scripture says that when god humbles us under his mighty hand it is then that god is putting us in position for god to exalt us amen and and when we try to exalt ourselves that's pride we fall and fail every time but when we allow god to exalt us we will succeed we will prosper we will have abundance and we will have good success in our lives and so uh god humbles us and it is done so with the purpose of exaltation and so as we go through uh problems and pain trials and tribulations in our lives under the mighty hand of god right not the things we did to ourselves or cause ourselves but the thing god is doing in our lives then we know that we can have hope because that uh humiliation is going to lead to exaltation and i just believe that god is getting ready and putting us in position and getting ready to usher us into more right that um that god will use your circumstance to develop your character that god will use your problems to broaden your perspective that god will use those situations to only make you stronger and so we accept god's humbling that's uh under his mighty hand because it comes with hope and now we look at uh look at verse number seven but let me say this real quick i i just feel a nudging uh to say i don't know who i'm talking to on today uh you may be in a tough season a place of hurt and pain uh you're facing what you're facing you're fighting what you're fighting you are dealing with what you're having to deal with because god is preparing you uh to exalt you god is preparing you for the blessing that god has for you god is preparing you for the greater that is in store amen amen so i i just want to encourage you my brother and my sister accept the humbling and realize that it's only uh it's only putting you in position to be blessed amen because there is hope in god's humbling therefore therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of god uh that so that so that it comes with purpose he may exalt you in due time there is a time for your exalting that means there's a time uh limit for the problems that you're having to deal with that god will exalt you in due time casting all your cares upon him being god for god cares for you amen that's enough casting all your cares upon him for god cares for you that's a lot to unpack but let us let us get ready to get to work and and and understand what it is that god has for us as we continue in this sermon god's care is unusual part two that's right god's care is unusual part two let us pray gracious and always god we thank you for your love we thank you for your care we thank you o god because no one loves us like you do and no one can and so god we thank you that you continue to show compassion you continue to show mercy you continue to be tenderhearted and and love us with kindness oh god and for those things and more we are grateful on today now lord we pray that you bless us on this sunday morning at this time and space in which we prepare to hear a word from you god i ask that you open up the ears hearts minds and spirits of your people that they might hear what you would have to say to them on today and then o god i pray that you bless me your preacher to be a blessing to your people lord i have studied but i need your strength i have prayed oh god but i need desire want your power i'm willing and i want to so god please use these words to transform your people's minds to touch their hearts to encourage their spirits oh god anoint me afresh for this assignment that you have given me do it god as only you can bring the lost soul to christ that they might enjoy the benefits of a relationship with you which is your unusual care in and for our lives so god we thank you we love you we bless you and we praise you looking forward to what you're going to do and how you're going to do it in the mighty matchless and phenomenal name of jesus let us all who believe it shout a man a man and a man amen amen casting all your cast upon him for he cares for you last week i started uh the sermon with this question does this scripture mean what i have been taught or thought to want it or think it to mean that sound that's a lot let me say that one more time does this scripture mean what i thought or was taught to think or want it to mean uh for me the question uh to your answer as you have been informed or or being reminded that before we can do the casting we must first go through a season of humbling and because only the humble effectively cast their cares because the prideful want to hold on to it and tell everybody to please remember i direct everything and i control it all but humility says god i can't do it so lord i'm casting it i am giving it to you in the greek the word greek term translated into casting is in the aeris tense it is the error is tense means that it is a snapshot of something that was done in the past but it still uh captured in your present and it will be in the future it's akin to a photograph right we often times say that a photograph is a snapshot in eternity and that a picture captures a moment in time there will never be another moment like the moment that is captured in the pictures that we take and that is the same thing with casting it is in the aeros tense that once we cast it it is cast that that we don't have to pick it back up this this this casting is that we cast it one time and we leave it right there right there as that's him that says is your all on the altar where sacrifices lead you all where the spirit controls we it says you can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest if your all is on the altar is laid that's right we leave it at the altar we don't take it back with us but we cast it and we leave it we cast it and we trust that god is going to handle it we cast it and we are done with it we wash our hands of it and say god is not mine anymore but god this care this concern this problem this heartache this this situation is all yours that god i'll be obedient and do what you want me to do but god i'm going to leave it all up to you so we have to cast it cast it we have to cast it psalm 55 verse 22 says cast your cares or cast what the enemy has given you that's what the psalmist was writing cast what the enemy has given you on the lord watch this for he will sustain you he will sustain you that's he'll keep you right and he uh it says he will god will never let the righteous be shaken that's right that says listen when you are dealing with things in your life you cast them on the lord you whatever the enemy comes and puts in your life whatever the enemy sends your way whatever god allows to happen just cast it all on god and while you're going through what you're going through god will sustain you remember those disciples who were on the boat with jesus christ when the storm began to rage and it caused started to rock and to real the waves were beating upon the ship and then they ran down instead of the ship where jesus was sleeping and they got they had the nerve to get upset say master charist thou not if we perish and i love that jesus was such a kind savior because if jesus was anything like me i would say don't you realize with the storm that's raging you steal here and that's what that's what casting does that's what the lord does that even when the storms are raging and nobiles are rolling even when our hell is breaking loose we serve a god who's got power to sustain you that's why you got to cast your cast because he said that the lord will sustain you he'll never let the righteous be shaken that's right that's right he'll never let the righteous be shaken he's talking about those who are in god's hand that once you're in god's hand want you in relationship with god that there's no amount of shaking there's no trial no tribulation no circumstance or situation that can ever cause you to be out of the hand or the care or the power or the protection or the keeping the sustaining of our god i don't know who i'm talking to on this morning but god told me to tell you my brother my sister you got to cast that thing huh it's weighing you down it's causing you to you can't think straight it's draining your energy but god says you got to cast that thing you got to cast it once and leave it there this casting is not like fishing where you cast it out and then reel it back in no we got too many people who are good at the real end but god says cast that thing and leave it out there i tell my boys when we go fishing i said boys what's the number one rule as we're getting walking to our spot where we're gonna fish then i say what's the number one rule and they said don't let go of the rod i said and while we're fishing and especially that line starts to tug i said boys what's the number one rule don't let go to rod because i want them to understand that even when they cast they are not to let go to rod but y'all that's fishing but when it comes to our eliza god says cast it do you ought to let it all go you ought to have your hands free when you cast it so that you can use those same hands that were carrying your burdens and carrying your weights and your concerns so that you can lift them up in praise to our amazing mighty and phenomenal god and i wonder if there's somebody who i'm talking to that says i'm tired of holding on to these problems i'm trying to try or be the one to try to figure all out i'm tired of being the one carrying these loads of care and concerns but god i'm ready to worship you that's why god jesus says god is looking for those who will worship him in spirit and in truth that means you can't worship god when you are all bound down cast weighed down by the lord of care but you can worship god and give god praise when you don't have anything in your hand that you can cast it out cast it on to the lord and give god praise and let god know how you're grateful and you're thankful even now before god does it y'all i'm getting ahead of myself but you got to cast it but y'all uh cast it once let it go wash your hands of it cast cares and worries concerns anxieties cast it onto the lord it's it's normal as a human being to feel anxious but it's uh undesirable as a son and daughter of god to allow that anxiety to overwhelm you but can i give you what the holy spirit has given me that a lot of times we allow those anxieties and those cares and those concerns uh to overwhelm us be and we don't let go of them because there are some of us for whom are co-dependent on the insecurities of our problems let me see if i can uh let me see if i can say it this way some of us don't let go of our cares and our concerns some of us don't let go of our anxieties some of us don't let go because our insecurities our self lack of self-esteem our disbelief in who we in being who god says that we are is an unhealthy co-dependency on our worries some of us would know what to do how to live if we didn't have any worries in our lives some of us wouldn't know what to do if we didn't have anything to complain about let me show you uh some of us uh uh this is how this plays out rather or that you you'll know that the relationship is bad for you but you so enjoy people fussing at you or you're you're crying beca and you're sulking in it because you feel if you get out of this bad relationship then the people who fuss at you won't want to talk to you anymore i tell you how it it plays out this way that you'll say i would get my education but then i wouldn't be able to hang out with these friends that i have because they don't want to do anything but even though i have greater potential they wouldn't want to socialize with me if i if i did more and listen to my potential uh this this unhealthy codependency it plays out when you say i could get a better job i could move to a more lucrative career but then my responsibilities were growing i don't want no more stress in my life i got enough to deal with right we'll do all that stuff this unhealthy codependency will say yes god has equipped me for ministry and for leadership but then i may have to miss my favorite tv show i may not be able to hang out as much as i want to a lounge and so i just don't do it right this unhealthy codependency with our chaos and our concerns with these anxieties and these insecurities that cause insecurities in our lives become an unhealthy co-dependency but let me press it even further that perhaps some of you find comfort in complaining because complaining is easy complacency it that doesn't take any amount of faith to be complacent it doesn't take much effort you you people are refusing to progress because it does not require faith in god so you don't and enjoy a life of surviving or really existing instead of thriving you hold on to current and past grievances so that you don't have to take on any more you stay in the circle of wishing and wanting instead of taught taking the initiative to lay aside every weight in sin that so easily ensnares us or holds us down or keeps us back or hinders our progress but church i come on this morning against every attitude a slothfulness and laziness in the name of jesus god never meant for you to just exist but god wants you to thrive and to have good success yes there will be bumps there's gonna be hurdles there's gonna be hiccups and heartaches and headaches barriers problems trials and tribulations but they are not to stop you only to test you and build you up uh the bible says cast we've got to cast those things cass lays in his cast sloth from his cast our worries and concerns cast what other people think about you cast all of that out of your mind cast the negative things you think about yourself that are contradictory to god's word cast all those cares and those worries and those anxiety on the lord let it go move on keep putting one foot in front of the other and get the more that god has for you and i don't know who i'm talking to on today but i come to tell you that god wants more in your life and i wonder if there's somebody in your room who says i want more i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired i don't want the same old existence i don't want today to live yet tomorrow to look like my today is there somebody who believes the word is true that says your latter days shall be greater than your former days is there anybody who believes that god takes us from one place to another is there somebody who says i declare that my situation is not my destination is there somebody who believes the him that says every round goes higher and higher and higher i don't know who i'm talking to but today is your day that god is saying if you want more huh just cast your cares cause they'll weigh in your town and let it go and watch how god takes you to another level hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i i want to be in the company of people who say i want more i want to be in a company of people who say yesterday was cool but i want to see the greater on tomorrow i want to be in the company those people who believe jesus when he said greater words than these will you do i want to be and accompany those people who say i thank god for my yesterday but i sure can't wait until tomorrow cause i believe it's gonna get better oh so much better is there anybody who's listening to me who knows that it will get better after a while hallelujah i want more i want more i want more you are the facebook posted tweeted it write a note and post it noted on your refrigerator you ought to put it in a chat box and say i want more i want more there's more for you my brother my sister there's more for you so the bible reads casting all your care casting all your care upon him when we cast our care be it personal cares family cares cares for the present cares for the future cares about yourself cares about the church care for other people we must understand that this is not god taking away our problems does this scripture mean what i thought it means because so many people will pray this scripture and we're declared and decreed but we are doing so amiss because this scripture is not about god's taking away your problems no this is not about god removing the things that trouble us in our lives no it means that god will remove the worry but god will not remove the issue that god might remove of the the anxiety but god is may not remove that which cause agony god removes the worry the care the concerns but he leaves the problem right there we pray or miss when we pray seeking god to eradicate to remove take away this problem oh god and we do it in such a sincere way god i cast all my cares upon you for i know you care for me and i won't have to deal with this anymore no you will it's just that you won't allow the care and the anxiety the worry of the problem to overwhelm you see you can go through and you can deal with the problem and you can say listen uh uh you can let that problem overwhelm you so that you can operate you get headaches people get physically sick um uh people just uh they stop performing on their job or they they start they they slip slip into depressions and and other uh deep dark mental modes uh that are unhealthy for them that's when you allow the problem to overwhelm you but when you cast it you say god i still got this problem around me i still have this issue happening to me i still in dealing with the same situation but god i'm not worried about it because i know that even though i can't that you will make a way some how you say that god well i have to go through what i have to go through while i have to cry while i may get weary in this journey and the this place on the journey is this is of discomfort i'm going to hope against hope i'm going to believe against disbelief and that somehow in some way that you will take care of it for me so i'm not gonna worry about it but i'm just gonna worship you in the midst of it because like the songwriter said the lord will make a way somehow when beneath the cross eyeball he will take away each sorrow let him have your burdens now when the low bears down so heavy the weight is shown upon thy bride there's a sweet relief in knowing that the lord will make a way somehow and i wonder there's somebody today who says i believe that god will make a way somehow i can't handle it i don't know what to do with it it's too big for me it's way in my town but i know somebody who can handle it i know somebody is not too heavy for i know somebody who is able to fix whatever i'm going through the lord will make a way somehow hallelujah hallelujah he cares for you that's why he's gonna make a way god cares for you because sometimes our problems come to show us that we need the lord sometimes issues come our way to show us that we're not smart enough or sometimes things come our into our lives to let us know that we can't do it by ourselves but we need the lord is there anybody who's humble enough to admit that i need the lord not sometimes not most of the times but all the time i need the lord so so the bible says casting cast we let it go all our cares all these words and anxieties these things that the greek term care tells it says literally those things that pull us apart when we when we're casting the things that try to rip us apart uh we we cast them on the lord because they're not gonna rip god apart because he cares for you god cares for you i want to spend the rest of our time on today this brief time that we have to talk uh uh right there to talk at that point that god cares for you this is uh god cares about you no nobody else uh but you don't don't look around don't don't think it's somebody else don't think oh he might care about my neighbor or my church member but he doesn't care i know god cares for you the matter of fact the reason that you're watching on today is because god cares for you the reason you got a psyche to see is to hear technology to tune in is because god cares for you and that's the message that god has for you on today that god cares for you every week y'all i try my best to to to study the original language of the text because i really want to make sure that i understand uh what the text is saying i want you all uh to to hear not what samaj says but what god is saying in and through god's word and so when i was studying this week i was came to the word care now this is a different word than oh then casting all your care that's a another greek word but this is a different word this care in the b clause of this verse number seven is the word melo it is the greek word meelo and it is written in the indicative mood the present tense and the active voice and its meaning is to be of interest to right i want you to hear that i want you to hear that you're gonna be real smart it's in the indicative mood the present tense the active voice and its meaning is to be of interest to a pastor that's nice but it sounds greek to me it is so let me help you break that let me break that down cause i want you to tell somebody else about it to be in the indicative mood means that what is said is a fact it is certain there is no ambiguity about it that you are of interest to god that god cares about you what you're doing uh you you're always on god's mind that you matter to god god's attention is always directed towards you even when you don't want god to look god it cares about you because he is interested in you it is a fact it is there's no ambiguity there's no vagueness god continuously is always thinking about you this is in the indicative mood it's a fact and then it says not just as it in the indicative mood but it is in the active voice it's right the active voice which says that this fact that god who is the subject performing the action is the one who has interest in you so when it says god cares for you it is saying that the subject in that clause is god god performs the action god is the one who cares god is the one who has interest in you don't think it's somebody else yeah of friends may may like you spouse family may love you but god cares for you can't nobody do me like jesus and can't nobody do me like the lord that is true because god cares for you we're thankful for all other people that god puts around us but we have to realize that whatever care they show us because is god's caring for us through them so it's in the active voice there is a certainty it is a certainty and you know you you know like i know like i know people are fickle and fake and funny and so even the folk who like you and even the folk who love you sometimes their care slips but god's care is always there can uh uh god's care is always there let me put some bible on it isaiah the prophet in isaiah chapter 49 the 15th verse isaiah the prophet says this can a woman forget her child her nursing child fail to pity the child of her womb god says even those may forget but i won't forget you that's good shouting news right there god says even your mother may forget you your your family may abandon you friends will forsake you but i will care for you god says even a mother who is typically the most loving and compassionate caring and forgiving individual in somebody's life god says even if your mother forgets you and abandons you have no fear cause i care for you and i'm grateful that god cares for you and that that god cares for me even beyond the love the compassion of a mother because that because our mothers like us have an expiration date but god will be with us forever and forever and so i'm grateful that god cares for you not just now but always so it's in the indicative mood right it means it's a fact it's in the active voice which means that it's always happening and god is the one that's always doing what god says he's doing which is caring for us and then it's in the present tense right the present tense so watch how i our understanding of this care that god has for us increases we already know that the indicative mood and the active voice that is the fact that god has been is of interest the fact that god has an interest in you and your well-being and so the present tense adds this it is a fact that god has an interest in you now and continuing through all of eternity that says god king stop won't stop caring about you and y'all there's some good news right there that there is no certain uncertainty no doubt no ambiguity no vagueness in the fact that god loves you god cares about you and god wants to see you have good success in your life so god cares unusual casting all our care upon him being god for god cares about us god cares about you god cares about us and we together god's care is on now that we've understood our text we understand our text let us look here to see um what are some lessons some nuggets that we can pull out some application that we can use in our lives with this understanding of our casting the care upon god because he cares for us the god's care is unusual and the apostle peter shows us that this display of care from god comes through the fires of life that god lets burn the trials that god won't stop the persecution that god does not let us escape but carries us through and because god's care is unusual and god cares for us in an unusual way here's our first point of application that we can face our cares courageously oh that's good news because god's care is unusual and god cares for us in an unusual way we can face our cares we can face our problems our worries our concerns we can do that courageously when you know god cares then you know that whatever you go through uh and will go through that you won't be stuck there you won't die there does not define your life yea though i walk through not two but through the valley of the shadow of death uh god cares for you and because god cares for you you can face your cares courageously uh the boys and i we love to go swimming and uh we go to a pool and when we go to the pool there's this dive tank it's called a dive tank there are two diving boards and the water is 12 or 15 feet deep and uh there the the always lines of people waiting to get on the diving board to dive into the water but you can always tell when there are some new inexperienced divers because they they they they walk real slowly and then they inch their way their little toes up to the edge of the board and they jump up and down but they don't jump off or right away because they are intimidated by the water the depth of the water and the height of the diving board and they are intimidated because of fear and uncertainty about jumping off into this dive tank this deep water um but the opposite is true and what let me put another thing in there that for those of us who are waiting in line we're always aggravated at the people who are who are these newbies to the diving board because they they cause a clog in the line but that's another another point for another day but the opposite is true for those who have some experience those who have already been diving because like me and my boys we run on up to the edge and we jump off almost immediately and if there's any hesitation it's about how am i going to dismount off of this diving board and and and they they they just go into the water and the person who has experience with diving dies courageously into the water while the person who does not have experience uh it has a lot of intimidation and the same goes for us that the more experience we have with god doing great things in our lives the more courageous we will be when the next thing comes up in our lives not because you're so good cute cuddly or handsome but only because god cares and if anybody if anybody had experience with god's care it was peter for when you read the gospels you discover that peter shared in some great trials before he experienced some wonderful miracles that peter's mother-in-law uh was dealing with the death uh death nail a sickness but before jesus healed her that peter went hungry before jesus allowed him to get a good catch of fish that peter experienced being broke up before jesus helped him pay his new jersey i mean his uh temple tax that peter began to sink in deep water before jesus helped him out the water that peter was locked up in the lower parts of the prison before pete before jesus before he was delivered from the prison you see at no time did peter stop believing in god or turned away from god because peter knew as he writes that god cares for us because he knew that god's care for him he would be he believed that whatever i go through that i will make it through and i don't know who i'm talking to on today but i come to tell you don't shy away don't back down don't give up that the trial you are going through is only but for a little while the attack you're facing is only for a little while this thing that troubles you it won't last always uh there's the the american musical composer charles albert tinley a black man wrote these words oh courage my soul and let us journey on forth though the night is dark it won't be very long oh thanks be to god the morning light appears and the storm is passing over hallelujah you can talk to my folk or sister contest folk and who down in louisiana and they can testify that storms they don't last always as the stall was approaching matter of fact in my family chat from our family that's all around the country we got a family chat and we and one of my cousins asked another cousin who's living in new orleans why are you staying in new orleans even though you know the storm is approaching and my cousin replied back uh that i've seen god bring me through this before and i don't know who i'm talking to but if you've seen god bring you through some stuff before you can trust god to do it again if you haven't experienced it in your life then you're to look at somebody else's life i'm sure i've got a testimony who's saying i've seen god bring me through this i've seen god bring me through cancer i've seen god bring me through divorce i've seen god bring me through abortions i've seen god bring me through loss i've seen god bring me through firing i've seen god bring me through health challenges i've seen god bring me through this before and because i seen him do it i believe that he'll do it again is there anybody who can testify on today that i can face my problems courageously because why it may be too big for me to handle it's not too big for my god and as long as you walk with god you don't walk alone as long as you walk with jesus you've got all the help you need as long as you walk with carter he'll put the holy ghost on the inside of you and he'll strengthen you up for the journey he'll sustain you through the trial he'll keep you up through the master because we serve a god who is able to do anything do i have a witness shouty yeah hallelujah we can face we can face our cares courageously but not only that y'all not only can we face our cares courageously but because god cares for us in an unusual way god's care for us is unusual we can face our cares uh courageously but the tet is also telling to teach us that uh we can pray without doubt that's right that's fine i just got two points of application for you on today that you can pray that you can face your cares courageously that means there's nothing you can't handle and then uh we we it also teaches us that we can pray without doubt life will send circumstances and situations which generate our need to pray life as a way of putting you in a place uh where you have to talk to god however some talk to god in effectively while others talk to god effectively some of us pray and the prayers are just as uh sweet as our unbrushed teeth but some of us pray and it causes things to happen it shifts atmospheres it it moves enemies out the way it causes angels to come forward the difference is those who pray with doubt and those who pray with faith ah you see when we understand that god cares for us then the certainty of god's care produces in us a certainty of faith so we don't doubt we walk in faith we don't worry we worship we don't pout but we praise god like it's already done we when we pray without doubt we summon the angels to our problems when we pray without doubt we activate the word of god in our lives when we pray without doubt the devil has no chance of winning when we pray without doubt the enemy is dealt a mighty blow when we pray without doubt blessings manifest the supernatural occurs when we pray without doubt we find release from our worries there when we pray without doubt there is nothing we can handle because we know that god is able to handle it all the bible says in psalm 37 commit your way to the lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass commit your way to the lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass i don't know what your it is i don't know what your prayer request or your need may be but i do know because the word of god says that this thing your it shall come to pass that's why we can pray without doubt because god cares for us we don't have to doubt but we can pray in faith you see doubt we'll see the obstacle but faith will see the opportunity doubt we'll see the darkness but faith will see the day doubt will dread taking a step but faith will soar high doubt we'll question who believes and faith will answer it is i when we doubt we we cause god's care to be diluted in our lives but when we pray with faith then we know that god is able to do that which we pray for when we pray with faith we know that it shall come to pass you need to know that god cares for you so you don't have to doubt but you can believe it you can walk in it you can strut if you want to in your faith that while others may tell you it's not possible you keep on walking in faith because faith sees the invisible huh faith believes the incredible faith rescues the impossible that's why when things are going wrong i can still worship that's why we're in problems on every side i can still give god praise that's why when all hell is breaking loose i can still have a hallelujah because god cares for you and god cares for me that we know that our god who is able to do anything is willing to do it in our lives hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah listen church i'm done i'm done with this w stillman martin w stillman martin has accepted he had accepted a preaching invitation to go and to preach at a church that was a few hours away from his home but when he got up that sunday morning his wife had felt ill and she wasn't feeling well and so he contemplated not going to that preaching engagement on that sunday morning to stay back and take care of his wife but as he was uh contemplating going back and forth between whether he should go and to preach or whether he should stay and take care of his wife his young son spoke up and said father don't you think if god wants you to preach today he'll take care of mother while you are awake and be in this and so w stillman martin he went on to that preaching engagement convicted by the words of his young son because of his son's question the the father kept the engagement and preached at the church and when he returned that night his wife was feeling a whole lot better when he returned that night his wife was feeling so much better that while he was away that she had written the words to him and that were inspired by the question of her son and then that later that evening w stillman martin he began to compose music for the text that other him that his wife had wrote you know what w steelman martin wrote to while he was away preaching and and he thought well he was wrestling rather with whether he should stay to take care of his wife but was convicted by his son to realize that it's not really his care that takes care but is god's care that cares for us all the w still man martin begin to compose music to the text that his wife wrote which says be not dismayed whatever be tied god will take care of you beneath his wings of love abide god will take care of you though days are toil where heart does fail god will take care of you when dangerous fears your path are sailor god will take care of you all you may need he will provide god will take care of you nothing you ask will be denied god will take care of you god will take care of you through every day over all the way he will take care of you i don't know who i'm talking to but what is it that you need god to do what is it that you need god to do huh what prayer do you need god to answer is it a sin to forgive a door to open a habit to break up a burden to live for a sickness to care let me tell you god willa take care of you huh is it a void to feel huh a spouse to save a obstacle to move a problem to solve a battle to fight god will take care of you and be encouraged my brother and my sister god will take care of you cast your care let god handle it god will take care of you a matter of fact if you believe it if today is your day to cast those worries cast those entireties cast those concerns you ought to take some time and use those same hands to give god appraiser like it's already done don't wait till the battle's over but shout right now if you believe it you are the glorifier the name of the lord yeah yeah yeah it's already done in the name of jesus amen amen amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to god be the glory ah hallelujah let us pray gracious and always god we thank you for your care we thank you for your concern for our lives thank you god for your interest in our well-being god truth be told we've been let down a lot of times god we've been brokenhearted by people who had disappointed us but god you always continuously consistently without a doubt uncertainty or ambiguity god you care for us and for that we are grateful now god for those of us who continue to hold on to cares and concerns lord we pray that you help us to lose our grip god we may not be able to process at all in this moment this preaching moment but god we pray that as these days go by that our group grip gets looser and looser that god we might be able to cast all of our cares on you so that god we can experience the blessings that god we can experience the elevation the exaltation the new levels that you have for us the greater that you have in store so lord right now i pray for my brother my sister who may be watching the dozen i know jesus as the lord and savior pray that you would touch them right now right where they are warm their heart as you did for john wesley and cause them to ask what must i do to be saved this is our prayer the mighty matchless name of jesus we prayed believing that it is so in jesus name let us all say amen amen and amen this is our time where we extend the invitation we stand not in place of jesus but in representation of jesus christ i extend my hand but christ extends his heart if there's someone who doesn't know jesus as the lord and savior someone who says i i'm walking outside of god's care but i sure want to be inside of god's kid listen this moment is for you that's right we did all that singing praying scripture reading and preaching just to get to this moment where you can accept jesus christ as your lord and savior because when you do we got plenty of people on the line who can testify that it gets better with god on your side so my brother my sister this is your opportunity just write salvation in the chat or you can send us a letter through the snail mail uh or email or call a church leave a voicemail with your contact information and in all those places we have ministers who are ready to willing and willing to minister to you to pray the prayer of salvation with you that you might be saved that you might join this body of christ this family under god that we are those for whom god cares for in an intense and intentional way and we want you to be a part of that family and then those who are saying that i need to be restored i i feel a need to be restored in my life this is your opportunity i know this pandemic has waned on so many of us but listen don't wait until we come back to church don't wait until some other time do it now if you feel it now do it now right if you feel this distance from god this is your opportunity to find closeness with him yet again because uh god's never left you even though you may have turned your back on him so i want to invite you to write restoration in the chat or you too can send a email snare mail or call a church and leave a voicemail and we've got people who will contact you and pray with you and give you tools to continue to walk faithfully on this journey as we all seek to be more like christ each and every day of our lives listen it's better to be with jesus than to be any with anybody else i quoted the song early and i'm i know there are many of us who can testify that can't nobody do me like jesus and show enough cain nobody doing like the lord can and so we invite you today this is your time your opportunity why don't you come why don't you come listen this broadcast may end but the opportunity never does whenever you feel christ saying i'm ready to be in relationship with you and you say christ i'm ready to be in one with you two you do you contact us and we'll be sure to pray to prayer salvation with you amen amen and amen church let's give god praise believing for those who are coming for salvation and restoration hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah well church it's off return yeah that's right it's offering time this is our opportunity to give unto the lord this is our opportunity to give in a way that that causes um god's dream to come true this is our opportunity to make a difference not just in your own life but in the life of other people as we mentioned on the church meeting last week that the doors may be closed but the ministry is wide open and so we are only able to do that because of your generosity from god's generosity to you and so we want to encourage you my brother my sister to give her the perfect ten give you a tithe ten percent of that which you bring in and then oh god we also ask that uh and then we ask um that you are faithful not just in your times but also in your offerings remember we do want to send money uh to to support those who have been negatively affected in haiti and we're going to do that through a secure channel where all of the dollars that go there go straight to the haitians and so um if you want to donate please write haiti not in the comments section or either on your checks or or or however you uh even on the cash app right you can write that help for haiti and we'll make sure that that money gets to them but let us continue to be faithful to our church and our ministry here because we're doing some great things the the more generous you are the more things that we can do to help our friends and our community our neighbors the more we can be a kingdom uh church that does things for the kingdom of god and not just for the church amen and so we thank you for that we thank you for your generosity in advance all right y'all so you can give by going to www.sbc under the give tab or you can use dollar sign sbc apnj and you can type whatever you wanted to go to rather the general ties and offering be sure to put your name there too be sure to put your name so uh that sister hill doesn't have to decipher the numbers amen your phone number and then also you can send a letter you can send your giving rather through the mail or you can leave a voicemail and we'll have uh one of our trustees come and receive your offering um and because we want to make sure that everybody sows their seeds because your seeds in god's ministry will reap a harvest in your life that you cannot replace and that you would not even be able to put your mind or wrap your mind around listen that god's word is true that though we uh when we sow sparingly we reach fairly but if we sow bountifully we will reap bountiful blessings in our lives and i want you to live a bountiful blessing uh read bountiful blessings in your life amen amen and amen while you're giving just i want to thank our uh deacon dear deacon deaconesses and trustees who were present on yesterday to give out our collection uh to give out the communion package and also those who collected the offering that you all were given and then we also want to thank all of those who helped with the backpack giveaway we were able to give over 300 backpacks we had we were able to give out care packages to teachers also it was just a phenomenal time even though we were under the threat of rain the dj was jamming kids had a lot of fun and it was just a remarkable remarkable time um that we had and guess what y'all we got a chance to uh put some use to the grass out around the marquee it was pretty awesome and uh and everything went well so we want to thank all of those who participated we are so grateful for minister webb and his leadership in uh connecting us with the hosa of the hosa fund the house on stephen avenue which um has a mission to provide a legacy to give a leg up to sustain a legacy to give a leg up and so we're grateful for uh for them um all right and listen be prepared get your lawn chairs on sunday september 19th we'll be outside again in spring wood avenue park and so be sure to mop that on your calendar that you don't have to be in uh virtual worship but you can be in uh actual worship in person outside uh on on that day and so it's gonna be a great time listen i also want to tell you that right now as we mentioned in the church meeting we are planning to have in-person worship services begin on september 26th now listen it's not gonna be uh you know this free-for-all where everybody can come no we have strict measures in place the trustees are getting air purification systems together as needed to make sure that we are safe as possible but in order to attend our in-person worship experiences you must first pre-register got to pre-register the week of you can call anytime between 10 and 3 p.m monday through wednesday you got to pre-register and then when we're asking that you arrive by 9 30 at the latest because we have to check everybody in and then get you to your seats once you get to your seat you have to remain in your seated area for the duration of the worship experience and uh which should be about 60 75 minutes and then after it is over we'll ask that you immediately get up and uh leave out the building all fellowship has to happen outside amen all fellowship has to happen outside um so that we are all as safe as possible we want all who come to be able to come back again the following sunday so us mark your calendar september 26th which is our scholarship sunday we will begin having um our in-person worship experiences that is if the numbers and the trends go in the right direction we need them we're stable right now we need them to stay stable but if they begin going up we may have to delay amen uh because your safety is of our utmost concern however on the last sunday september no matter whether we're in person or virtual we will still have scholarship sunday and they are still in need of your donation the ass this year is fifty dollars per person and so above your ties uh we are asking the scholarship committee rather it's asking for each person to give fifty dollars toward the effort of making sure that we can help our uh people our family be the young or older uh who are going to uh college either junior either community college we call it junior college down south but either community college um a four-year college institution or even a vocational school we want to be able to help them along the way amen and so we encourage you uh to give be sure to give so that we can be in support of them uh as they go forth in their learning and bettering their lives we need uh this is our way to help secure a brighter future by empowering brighter minds amen amen all right y'all let's get ready to celebrate the lord's supper together what church we've gathered here once again at the table to celebrate the sacrifice that god made for us if we did not know god cared before when we look at how god loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son we know that god cares for us now not just for our physical well-being but also for our spiritual well-beings our soul well-beings and our eternal well-being god cares for us god cares for you my brother and my sister and so on this day we pause now to remember this amazing act of love that god showed two thousand years ago that's still impactful in our lives on today and so i encourage you to gather your communion packet that maybe you picked up yesterday or or maybe you've gathered some bread crackers or juice grape juice water in order to celebrate the sacrifice and for those elements that you have and for those that are here we're now going to have the prayer consecration by reverend everett mitchell our father now god we just take this time to say thank you thank you for allowing us to see another first sunday the ninth first sunday in september 21. lord we just wanted to take this time just to reflect on what you've done for us 2000 years ago lord we must remember if he hadn't done this we would be lost but since he did i'm just so grateful lord i just wish that you would take these elements and pray over them that there would be a spiritual element the bread reflect on the bread that was his body and the juice that was his blood lord we just ask that you would bless them and bless all that has taken us and let us remember only god could do this amen amen a man and a amen and so we remember that they gathered around the table on the thursday it was a thursday evening that they thought was normal up until the moment where jesus reached into the middle of the table and he picked up the bread and he said this represents my body which shall be broken for you as often as you come together i want you to eat in remembrance of what i did and jesus the biblical record says he broke the bread and he shared it [Music] as you take whatever you have let us now eat together my [Music] in the same manner jesus lifted up the cup of wine that sat in the middle of the table and jesus said to his disciples as they listened to him he said this cup represents my blood the blood of the new covenant no longer will you have to go to the outer courts of the temple at the altar to sacrifice bulls and pigeons and turtle doves and but now you can just realize that the blood that jesus shed is sufficient to wash away all of your sins and mine and on this for that we remember on today that jesus blood that was strong and potent then is just as potent today and we are grateful as we drink together remembering that this blood washes away our sins and makes us righteous in the sight of god let us drink together [Music] amen amen and amen listen church it's been a phenomenal uh sunday morning the first sunday as reverend mitchell prayed the ninth first sunday and this year my god it's it's going by so quickly but we are uh excited we continue to move forward and to go on doing all that god has called us to do let us continue to pray for one another and let us continue to encourage one another and each other knowing that god cares for you uh and in the same way god cares for me in the same way god cares for all of us and so let us rejoice as they did the bible says that after they had uh ate together they went out to the mount of olives singing hymns and i don't know what him you may want to sing on this morning but whatever song is on your heart i encourage you to go out to tell somebody about the love that god has for you amen amen listen have family have a blessed week have a wonderful uh day on tomorrow i hope that it is a day full of rest and i pray that you are rejuvenated we do cover our children as they get ready to go back to school and we cover our teachers as they get ready to instruct and all of those who are working in the many various places um in the midst of this pandemic we just pray god's covering and god's protection over you amen amen well listen church uh god loves you i love you too and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it let us receive the benediction of the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face smile upon you be gracious unto you the lord let the light of his countenance and grant you his peace may the lord bless you as you rise up berlin as you settle late in your labor and in your legion you're laughing in your tears until that day where we shall all stand at the feet of jesus where there is no sunrise or sunset all right be encouraged family remember god cares for you have a blessed week [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Second Baptist Church of Asbury Park
Views: 208
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: _SMqU9hLXXk
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Length: 103min 19sec (6199 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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