God's Calendar

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we live in amazing times couple months ago the world's superpowers decided to sign a deal with the country that is all about to spread terrorism and killing around the world in the name of Islam and I'm talking about the Iran deal that left Israel completely all by itself and as you know in the last few weeks the Russians and the Iranians have literally physically invaded into Syria in Syria is no longer Syria Syria is now literally Russian and Iranian controlled territory with Isis and jabhat al-nusrah and al-qaida in between and the Middle East is shaping itself and forming itself to what Ezekiel already predicted 2600 years ago and we've been talking about it for a long time here from this pulpit for the last few years so we are not to be surprised when we talked about the future Russian invasion into the Middle East it was then in future tense we are now speaking in present tense ladies and gentlemen this is the last hour of the last days and I am super excited I tell you why I tell you why you would think that I should be scared right now well I live in Israel Israeli law is all alone Israel was designed by God to stand alone so he will get all the glory when he saves us from our enemies and I want you also to know and it's important that we're not alone there's one nation there's only one nation around the world that will always unconditionally stand with Israel and that's a nation that is not an earthly one it's a nation that is actually comprised of people from every nation from every tongues and every tribe we're talking about the nation of the people of God amen now you may not know that but the minute you became believers in Jesus Christ and you entrust your your heart in him in his hand and you are filled with the Holy Spirit you literally submitted your Filipino passports and you received a new passport and new identity you are belong to a new nation which the Bible says a holy nation a kingdom of trees food the Bible says that you are having a citizenship that is not of this world the Bible tells us not to conform to this world but we transform from this water we are now dealing with we coming to the finish line the final stage the finale and the only people that are standing there for the truth and for what God is doing are the people of God this is the last time our we are now I'm telling you guys if you don't understand that you're not prepared you know a lot of people when they deal with Bible prophecy they're scared you know Bible prophecy is not to scare is to prepare and if you are not prepared that you are scared and just so you understand what's going on in the Middle East right now it's particularly in Israel right now ever since Iran had that deal the Iranians are now feeling free to step up their efforts to spread too terrorism worldwide they are behind the new wave of terrorism in Israel right now they are actually sponsoring it they are behind the strategy of incitement they actually told the Palestinians you have to use the good old trick of al-aqsa and the good old trick of religious conflict and get the area in flames so it will be easier for us Iranians and for the Russians and for the others to step in and do what we need to do so they come with it a false rumor that Israel is planning to take over the al-aqsa mosque that is changing the status quo and from there it's just a snowball now I don't even know if they know how it started but all we know is that we're not putting up with that and anyone anyone who's coming up against us will have to pay the price and will have to know that he might go and check if 72 virgins are waiting for him he might find out that it's not 72 virgin it's a 72 year old virgin we're not sure we don't know we don't want to get into that we just know one thing we are not going to sit and do nothing as the world expects by the way the world is telling us why are you responding the world is telling us why are you shooting back the world is telling us you're using excessive force well I want to tell you something if a man will be running in the streets of New York City with a knife that big and start stabbing people all around the policemen will kill him on the spot instantly and no one will say a word about it anywhere because that's how it should be but when it comes to Israelis and Palestinians Israelis executing terrorists in fact they don't even call them terrorists I just want you to understand every few years it comes and goes it come and goes we're not alarmed we're not surprised it's a good old trick of testing us and trying us and we're not afraid we're not afraid because we know exactly that we're there for a reason we know exactly we did not bring ourselves back to that land you know if you have a problem with us being there talked to him that's it because God's fingerprints regarding Israel and its role and regarding his plan of redemption of the whole world or going back to the beginning of his affair with Israel as a nation as he led them out of Egypt through the desert and this is this evenings title message God's calendar Christ and the feasts of Israel it's important you understand we're going to try and understand how the plan of God of salvation for the world was prescribed is already been determined has already been formed twenty-five twenty-six hundred years in fact almost excuse me thirty-five hundred years ago in Isaiah and I always love to start the messages Isaiah 46 because I am God and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure God loves to declare his plans sometimes he declares them in real writing and sometimes he's hiding them not hiding them but he's he's actually showing you that in the past there was something but in the future that something reflected something else and that's the beauty of the word of God the old is is actually revealed in the new and the new is concealed in the old and both are going together and every time Jesus said that all those things that are written must take place Jesus speaks of the Old Testament and all those things were written by the prophets must take place and unfortunately instead of going to the things that are written to the things that we are instructed to learn and study people love to go to those places that are not written the places that are nicer and cooler probably that makes a bit more interest in our Christian boring walk probably and then they come up with some strange theories and theologies lately I mean I was attacked by blood moons and shmita and so many you know different things and you know it's already October and we're still here and I say that if there are some things that God wants us not to know then we should not know the Bible says in Deuteronomy 29:29 the secret things belongs to the Lord our God but those things that are revealed belongs to us and to our children forever that we may do all the words of this law which means that we have to remember that there are things not for us to deal with and the things that he want us to deal with are the things in his written given word to all of us amen now now comes the beauty of how the old and the new are walking together in Colossians chapter 2 verses 16 and 17 we see how Paul is writing to the people of Kalasha and he's basically telling them something very interesting he's telling them therefore let no one judge you in food or in drink or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbath's which are a shadow of things to come but the substance is of Christ and there is a tendency in the Christian world to always go to the shadow rather to the substance to always try to keep that which God tells that it's not the real thing you know when you walk look at the shadow that I'm casting right here normal people cast the shadow first and then they come later on if you walk in the streets and you don't cast a shadow in the daylight then go and see a doctor but you need to understand casting a shadow is a normal thing as you are in the day and it actually when you see the shadow and a Sheldon sometimes can be big and impressive and huge but the shadow tells you that the substance is about to come the shadow tells you that someone is about to come the real thing is about to come now sometimes it's a small little person that casts a very big shadow sometimes it's the opposite but it doesn't matter still the shadow is just the image on the floor and it is not going to talk to you it is not going to respond to you it is not going to shake your hand it is not going to listen to you it is just a shadow and it is there to tell you that the real thing is about to come and so therefore let no one judge you in food or in drink or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbath which are a shadow of things to come but the substance is of course of Christ so it's interesting you know the Lord God of Israel is taking the people of Israel out of the house of bondage out of the house of slavery and he is leading them now through the desert and from the moment the moment he's about to take them out he tells them listen to me start writing down a calendar because the act of the Exodus will be the first month of your calendar and from now on everything I'm going to do with you while I'm taking you out from Egypt will become a symbol that will be celebrated every year by you so as you are preparing jot down and get ready because our journey will be also journaled it is going to be an interesting thing it's the calendar of God that he is now prescribing and it is taking all of us in a wonderful journey through seven festivals all described in Leviticus chapter 23 what are those seven festivals each the Passover is the feast of unleavened bread is the feast of firstfruits is the feast of weeks which you call Pentecost Pentecost and a fifty Feast of Trumpets Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles these are the seven festivals that the Lord prescribed for the children of Israel to celebrate once a year and that's apart from the Sabbath that they were supposed to celebrate every every week and so I decided to take all these seven and break them down to the shadow and the substance and show you Christ from the very beginning to the very end and let's see what it's going to lead us to you know the Passover takes us all the way to Exodus 12 when there is that description about that lamb should be your lamb should be without blemish the whole Assembly of Israel shall kill it they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorpost you're not interesting the children of Israel when they were in Egypt were instructed by the Lord to take a year old beautiful cute little lamb and to house it to put it in their house for four days and pet it and feed it and be very nice to it now I know some of you here have goats in their house or at least outside the house well some of you may have sheep I'll sure but I don't know one thing you fall in love with those little creatures especially when they're little and smaller and cute and and after four days were supposed to kill the animal watch this kill the animal the animal that did nothing nothing wrong and take a branch of hyssop dip it in the blood and sprinkle the blood on the two doorpost of their house Wow now interestingly enough we know that the angel came down from the Lord the angel came down to Egypt and what was the instruction that God gave to the angel wherever you see blood pass over that house and don't kill the firstborn of that house in other words the only criteria it wasn't wherever you see a Jew wherever you see it Israelite wherever you see a handsome person wave it no it was all about wherever you see the blood sprinkled on the two door posts in other words if the Egyptians would have heard that which they need to do if the Egyptians would have applied the blood on the two doorpost of their homes they would be escaping that chocolate because the eyes of God even in the Ark of the Covenant the eyes of the two cherubim are always on that seat of mercy where the blood was sprinkled the eyes of God through the blood of an innocent lamb could really free you from the judgment and from death whether you are an Egyptian or in Israelite and it's interesting because when we look at John chapter 1 verse 29 remember it has to be an unblemished a year old look the next day John saw Jesus coming towards him and he said behold the lamb of God you know he could have said behold the Lion of Judah he could have said so many things but he saw in Jesus that which every Jew you could have in his mind just when Passover arrived by the way that's why Paul called Jesus our Passover look and he says behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and that's why in 1st Corinthians 5:7 Paul says for indeed Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us it is the blood of Christ on the doorpost of your hearts that will have judgment skip you and not fall on your on you and therefore you will not die you understand that very simple see that which was given to the people of Israel 3,500 years ago applies to all of you today it's the blood that causes the judgment to pass over hmm and so right after they killed that Lamb of God and they started going out of Egypt in the desert before they started the journey you need some food now there was no time for a good new york-style bagel there was no time to put yeast and wait for the dough to rise and then bake nice bread all they had is flour and water they had to mix it together and put it on the oven and they had to just literally a pierce that dough so it won't rise in that piercing and then when you put it and you pierce it all around you see stripes and you see piercings that's what the unleavened bread looks like the matzah bread and it says on that 15th day of the same month in that feast of unleavened bread to the Lord seven days you must eat unleavened bread interesting seven days seven days shows you the length that you need to understand that that bread has no leaven that you should inspect it you should see that it's long enough to determine there is definitely no leaven in it and that brings me to first Corinthians 5:7 therefore purge out the old leaven leavens symbol of sin in that you may be a new lump since you truly are unleavened when we are being forgiven of our sins we become unleavened in fact in 1st Corinthians 5:8 it says therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven not with leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth interesting how Passover is Jesus being killed in the blood applied but the unleavened bread speaks of the sinless life of Jesus and Jesus was here not for a week not for 10 days but for 3 years there was enough time for every person to see that he is indeed sinless even Pilate himself knew that Jesus did nothing wrong and so Jesus is not only the Passover but he's definitely the unleavened bread that's why he said when he took the bread he broken to take it this is my body broken for you speaking of the unleavened bread as a symbol not as if his own body himself were not eating the body of Christ here at least and then in a very interesting manner in leviticus 23 says then you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruit to your harvest to the priest on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it not interesting the day after the Sabbath so if Passover took place on Tuesday you wait until the Sabbath comes and on Sunday you bring that sheaf if Passover took place on Friday then you wait the Sabbath and on Sunday it was always be Sunday the day after the Sabbath interesting the day after the Sabbath they don't even call it Sunday you know in Hebrew we don't call it Sunday it's pagan name Sunday the day of the Sun Monday the day of the moon we call it first day second day third day fourth day the only day that has no fourth 56 is Shabbat the Sabbath because it means cease from working but the day after the Sabbath is always the first day of the week Sunday and it's interesting how in Matthew 28 now after the Sabbath look the New Testament is the same exact lingo after the Sabbath as the first day of the week began to dawn the angel said as they came to the tomb he is not here he has risen as he said that's why the Bible said in first Corinthians 15:20 but now Christ is risen from the dead he has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep Jesus was the firstfruits and his resurrection had to be on what day of the week their first day after the Sabbath and how do you call it Sunday Wow so it's okay to celebrate the day of the Lord on Sunday and it's interesting because you can see how Jesus is fulfilling everything from being the Passover lamb being the sinless person all the way to being offered and then resurrect as the first fruit on the day after the Sabbath and then of course comes the feast of weeks the Bible says in Leviticus 23 you shall count for yourself from the day after the Sabbath from that day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering seven Sabbath's shall be complete you into the sin something people talk about blood moons tetras bla bla bla when the Bible to start counting something the Bible tells you to count something when the Bible wants you to look into a specific phenomena or specific time period that you must the Bible tells you that so you have to count seven Sabbath's so one two three four how many days 7 times 7 49 and then he says count 50 days which means on the fiftieth day you shall proclaim on the same day that it is a holy convocation to you Wow you know the Jewish tradition is that it took 50 days for the children of Israel to walk all the way from Egypt to Mount Sinai and they believed that when the Lord brought the law to the people of Israel they by the way it's written in the Jewish Talmud not only that the law came but also tons of fire came with it it's written all over the Jewish Talmud so it's interesting because the Jews believed that the law was given on that festival fifty days after the first day of the week of the first fruits Acts chapter 2 verses 1 through 4 knowing the day of Pentecost had fully come and it's good Jews by the way I want to remind you Jesus was a Jew no I'm not saying that for nothing seven days ago in Washington DC Reverend Jeremiah Wright who was the pastor of President Obama he stood up there in front of many Muslim Americans and said that Jesus was a Palestinian I'm not kidding you he said Jesus was a Palestinian namely he was an Arab now excuse me but that's not what my Bible says my Bible says not only he was a Jew but everything that God prescribed to the Jewish people he himself fulfill and so enact chapter 2 as they came together in one Accord and it's not a commercial for Honda here and then in one place suddenly there came sound from heaven and of course they were all filled with the holy spirit you see that day that the Jews are celebrating the coming down of the law on that day God brought down what the holy spirit make no mistake you're enjoying something that none of the Jews in the history enjoyed before you are all hopefully having the Holy Spirit in you I hope because if you don't have the Holy Spirit in you you're not going to see Christ you know you're going to see him coming and going you are those virgins that don't have oil in their lamps and so in the Old Testament the old the Holy Spirit never filled someone and he was never sealed with it the Bible says that in the Old Testament that the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the Holy Spirit could leave you this is why David the King begged the Lord in Psalm 51 once Nathan came in Nathan was basically telling him you're a sinner look what you did with Bathsheba and David said yes I am a sinner and he's praying to God and says please take not thy Holy Spirit from me because he knew it's an option and it's interesting because now for the first time the Holy Spirit is descending corporately and you are sealed with you know what it means seal nobody can open if nobody's allowed to open it seal and it's interesting because why do you think the people of the tribe of Levi the Levites were set apart how come God chose Levi and not Manasseh or Judah it's because when the children of Israel when they were impatient until Moses will come down to Mount Sinai and they started building that golden calf the only tribe that did not take part in that's horrific pagan ceremony was the tribe of Levi and that's why God set them apart you know God honored that and the Bible says in Exodus 32 so the sons of Levi did according to the word of Moses but then the judgment that came upon the people of Israel because of the golden calf because of that law that came about 3,000 men of the people fell that day and he's not interesting the parallel and in Acts chapter 2 when the Holy Spirit came then those who gladly received his word were baptized and that day about three thousand souls were added to them see the Bible says that this the law killeth the spirit gives life amen so you see there is a great parallel between that which was written and that which has come later in order to fulfill in order to be the substance don't go back to the shadow continue to focus on the substance and now comes the interesting thing you see Jesus will fill Passover and the unleavened bread the first fruit and of course the Holy Spirit came and Pentecost was fulfilled these are the spring holidays now comes a long period and the fall holidays are coming that's the time that had to pass from the time of Jesus to our time today now comes the exciting things are you ready now comes the Feast of Trumpets the Feast of Trumpets is the most bizarre and weird Festival on the Jewish calendar come blow the trumpets and go home he says then the Lord spoke to Moses saying speak to the children of Israel saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you shall have a Sabbath rest a memorial of blowing the trumpets a holy convocation o blowing the trumpets holy convocation what for why do people blow trumpets for what for what is it all about and that throws me back two trumpets in numbers chapter 10 Moses was given an instruction by the Lord make two silver trumpets for yourself you shall make them of hammered work you shall use them for calling the Assembly and for directing the movement of the camp which means get ready calling the Assembly get ready get ready to move get ready to fight get ready for something or for someone that's what it was all about and so now we understand what trumpets are all about but why - and why silver - let's go why silver silver is precious metal but it's not perfect it's not gold trumpets we already understand it's too worn why - hmm very interesting it takes me all the way back to Matthew 24 jesus said to the disciples who asked him about the signs of the end times learn this parable from the fig tree he spoke about world events and global catastrophes and he stopped right in the middle and his learn this parable from the fig tree when it's branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves you know that the summer is near you understand Jesus says I'm telling you learn the parable from the fig it's a parable I'm not talking about the fig tree the fig tree resembles something and I immediately went back to study about the fig tree and I found in Joel chapter 1 for a nation has come up against my land strong and without number his teeth are the line teeth and he has a fangs of fierce lion and he has laid waste my vine and ruin my fig tree Israel is God's fig tree in Hosea 9:10 I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness I saw your father's as the first fruits of the fig tree in its season so you see in Ezekiel when he speaks of the rebirth of Israel it is exactly what is Jesus prophesied about the fig tree coming back to life for I will take you from among the nations I will gather you out of all the countries and I will bring you into your own land it's interesting that Pastor said to the crowd he said not only that Jesus was a Palestinian he said the land the original owners of the land are the Palestinians well I don't know what Bible he's reading but I know that my Bible says that God says I will take them from among the nation's I will gather them out of the country and I will bring them into their own land you understand very simple he did it you have a problem with it talk to him I did not bring my grandparents from the Holocaust God made them survive God brought them all the way no country helped us coming all the way back to the land of Israel no country helped us having to deal with nuclear threats we had to go and destroy the Iraqi nuclear reactor ourselves and the Americans condemned us for it and imposed sanctions on us in 1981 we had to take care of business into 2007 and destroy the Syrian nuclear no country came to help as they told us you're all by yourself now everybody is thanking us that Isis in Iraq and in Syria is not having nuclear weapons in their hands but you see the rebirth of Israel was prophesied already not only by Ezekiel but even by Jesus himself and now comes the point why I believe it's two trumpets you see according to easy Isaiah 43 verse 10 Israel is the witness of God you are my witness as he says in Isaiah chapter 43 you are my witnesses says the Lord to the people of Israel interesting they are his witnesses no wonder why when Queen Victoria asked her special closest advisor give me one proof that there is a God and he told her I'll give you one proof in one word Israel if they are still here there has to be a god Israel is God's witness and this is why the enemy wants to destroy us because the enemy always wants to destroy the evidence and kill the witness same goes with a church the church was born in the book of Acts and in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 what does it say it says the following thing Acts chapter 1 verse 8 I'll read it from here then okay no problem you can clearly see but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be what witnesses you see Israel is God's witness and the church is God witness and there's only two and only witnesses of God in this world and it's the church in Israel and this is why we will always suffer together not just enjoy things together whoever wants to destroy Israel is normally anti-christian trust me it goes together and so in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be chained in a moment in a twinkling of the eye and at the last what you see guys trumpet is related to a specific event here it says that our rapture is going to happen when at the last trumpet you see I believe that ever since 1948 when Israel was born once again into its land God is using Israel in the church for the first time together as the trumpets that are telling the world that get ready something is going to happen someone is about to come and it's interesting because at the last trumpet we are out of here I didn't say that the Bible said that so the rapture is related to the trumpets and related to the Feast of Trumpets and I believe that the Feast of Trumpets is not a specific single day for us it is a series of events a series of blowing of the trumpet and when the last trumpet is going to blow we are out of here amen so we live in those days right now Israel is all alone for the first time since Israel was born it's completely isolated Russia is not with us is against us Europe is not with us is against us America the administration at least is not with us is against us no one is beside us no one and it had been prophesied it had been predicted it is for God to get all the glory amen and then comes the sixth and the most tragic one the day of atonement the Bible says in Leviticus 23 also on the tenth day of the seventh month shall be a day of atonement you shall afflict your souls what is to afflict your soul is to really understand that you are helpless you can't do anything you can't save yourself see the Jewish people translate it to fasting well the Bible wants to tell you that you should fast about but tells you fast but we don't hear it fasting here it's afflicting your souls interestingly enough Zachariah tells us that the day is going to come when Jesus will come back and they will look on me whom they pierced yay yes they will mourn for him as one mourns for His only Son when the Jewish people will see Christ Jesus returning in the cloud coming with his feet standing on Mount of Olives riding on his right horse with us coming with him amen hello then those who are the remnant of the Great Tribulation the last third according to Zechariah 13 they will look upon him and they will mourn and they will cry and they will repent and they will be saved and that's what Romans 11 says and all Israel will be saved and then of course Tabernacles the fifteenth day of the seventh month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days to the Lord the longest and the happiest festivals in Israel's calendar we just celebrated it Zechariah 14 says that even in the end times all of us will continue celebrating it and it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the king the Lord of hosts and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles in that great all of us are going to go because the Lord will Tabernacle with his people the Lord Tabernacles the Lord is dwelling inhabits the praises of his people so the seven festivals were they fulfilled first fruit excuse me the Passover of course speaks of the crucifixion of the Lord unleavened bread speaks of the sinless life of the Lord past we know that week's Pentecost the descending of the Holy Spirit the birth of the church it's already past we know that trumpets I believe since 1948 Israel and the church exist and we are the trumpets it is now the Day of Atonement is the second coming of Christ Israel's national salvation it is in the future and of course the Feast of Tabernacles speaks of the Millennial Kingdom when the Lord will Tabernacle with his people in that of course is the future what is missing what's missing is the raptures exact time you see I told you everything but we didn't talk about the exact time of the rafter why because we should not know the day or the hour but we know one thing it is what very soon very very soon you have to understand something God in the festivals of Israel prescribed his plan of redemption to the whole world not only for Israel Israel was just a way for him to communicate his word for the whole world and he is now putting his blueprint of salvation to the whole world everyone who confess that Jesus is Lord that he died for your sins that he was buried and resurrected everyone who believes will be saved amen that's as far as the gospel concern so the plan of God the plan of redemption is there and then there is this satanic plan of deception to tell you that all you need to be is a good person you need to do good things you will enter the kingdom of God no matter what who you were here when I talked about that regarding the rise of the one-world religion the only thing that separates you from God's plan is a choice it's a free choice it is within your hand to decide whether you are adopting the godly plan of redemption or you are falling into the Satanic plan of deception the Bible says the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteousness deception among those who perish it's all full of unrighteousness and deception because and what happen is those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved you see you do not receive the love of the truth then you'll perish but that's your choice you choose not to and then of course this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe in the truth but had pleasure in the unrighteousness what gives you pleasure in this world loving God serving God or being in the world going out drinking and partying and dancing what really excites you in this world is it the world or is it serving God is it your business or is it the father's business what really is the motivation of your life nowadays as we reach the last hour of the last days because I tell you something the victory has already been determined the Bible says in 2nd Thessalonians 2 7 and 8 for the mystery the Bible says for the mystery of lawlessness yes it's already at work but only he who now restrains the Holy Spirit will do so until he's taken out of the way and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming Jesus will return and he will destroy all that the enemy is about to prepare so the victory has already been achieved if Jesus is already on the winning side we know the end from the beginning now the choices are to be with the victory victorious side or to be with the losers to enjoy the pleasures of the world now that are so temporary or to be on our knees knowing that this is the last hour this is the time to share this is the time to pray this is a time to love and care this is it we must until he comes being our father's business we must occupy we must dominate we must not be passive the Bible says what kind of a trumpet are you in first in 1st Corinthians 14 8 remember we're trumpets he says for if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound who will prepare for a battle you see your old trumpets we are trumpets we are living in the days of the Feast of Trumpets and the last trumpet he's going to come and take us but if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound who is going to prepare you see once we reach eternity there's no way back you cannot really fix things you don't remember what Jesus talks about in his amazing parable talking about Lazarus remember the poor man and the king you can't fix things that's it so if you want to make things right this is your time now not later on and it's important that we do that because this is it and I want to conclude the message with something that CS Lewis wrote in one of his books it's one of my favorite Christian authors and he wrote something very profound CS Lewis I know if we can show it on the screen but he wrote something very profound he basically said when we as we come to the end there will be those people who will say to God thy will be done and then those whom God says to in the end die will be done in the same if you choose to reject God God says okay then your will be done but it's your will it's your choice and then says all that are in he'll choose it without that self choice there could be no hell no soul that seriously and constantly desires joy that joy of our salvation will ever miss it those who seek find and those who knock it will be open so this evening as we come to an end and we can prepare for the end I want to challenge you this evening you see what is going on in the world is alarming for the non-believer what is going on in the world should scare the one who is not prepared what is going on in the world will only intensify as Jesus said what is going on in the world will definitely is going to increase more earthquakes more families more pestilences more nature disasters more Wars more rumors of wars more nations against nations and more kingdoms against kingdoms and Jesus said it is just the beginning and we're not here to talk about romantic events we're here to talk about what the world is going through right now and the question is where is your heart is evening are you ready are you ready to meet your Creator do you understand that Jesus is looking at you and there is two things that he can say well done good and faithful servant or I do not know you these are two things that Jesus can say and it's up to you what he is going to say because it's up to what you did and what you decided in the time that he gave you in this world I cannot ever since things are going crazy you know in the last few years I there is not even a single message that I can finish without giving the people the opportunity to get right with the Lord I'm telling you guys you know if I'm not going to let you repent your blood is on my hand Ezekiel says that in chapter 33 says I can I must tell you now what you do with it or not that's your problem but I must tell you and the Bible says he who has ears let him hear what the Spirit has to say so this evening I'm extending an invitation we've seen God's Word is fulfilled God is perfect he's not late he's not too early he prescribed everything Jesus came in fulfilled everything God's is love God wants you to be saved God doesn't want you to choose hell God says in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 30 says choose life I put before you death and life choose life this evening I'm asking you what is your choice I know that some people here are ready tonight to choose life I know that in this Hall tonight some people are ready because this is the night of salvation amen so as we come to the end let's pray and as we pray if the Spirit of God is shaking your heart right now then you need to respond the worst thing you can do is quench the spirit the worst thing you can do is say no and be guilty of that rejection now when we pray this is not an automatic thing it's not that prayer that saves you it's your heart that is ready to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior that is that's that's what it's all about but we need to accept him into our hearts this is the only way the only truth and the only life that there is in this world no one can come to the Father but through him we want to basically not only invite Jesus to our life but to have him taking control of our life so we will not be flesh led but spirit led so we will walk in the spirit and see not only him but the power of his resurrection it's not enough to say I'm a Christian you need to be changed you need to have the Spirit of God in you change radically the changing of the mind the renewal of the mind so you will no longer do your will but you will do the will of our Father which is in heaven so let's pray together Heavenly Father I understand that I'm a sinner I understand my need for a savior I understand that there is no other name by which men can be saved but Jesus so father I want to invite Jesus into my heart I want to give him the control over my life the old things are passed you're not making me a new creation I want to forget the things behind me and press forward to the things ahead of me I want to be led by your holy spirit father I thank you that it is faith and faith alone that can save me I cannot do anything to cause you to love me more than you already love me when you send your only begotten Son father I thank you for a new beginning and I asked that Jesus will be the captain of my ship and I ask all of this in the name of Jesus and all of God's people say Amen you
Channel: New Life Media
Views: 90,060
Rating: 4.8426776 out of 5
Keywords: Amir Tsarfati
Id: 7JKBLMLep30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 34sec (3454 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2015
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