Godot Components - how to structure a game into manageable parts (Beginner/Intermediate)

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hello Golden Ears when you are creating a game in Godot it is often hard to decide how to structure all your nodes and seeds which notes should go into which scene which nodes should talk to each other and when they all somehow need to work together but it seems very easy to turn everything into a big bowl of spaghetti where every node just seems to talk to every other node so we are going to explore how we can structure a game into components and how these components can work together without creating a tangled mess this is a beginner to intermediate level tutorial you should know the very basics of Godot for example how notes and scenes work and you will also need to know some GD script as we are going to look at quite a bit of code there are a lot of Concepts covered in this video and therefore it's going to be quite long if you need a break feel free to pause the video and come back later with a fresh mind so for this tutorial we are going to build a little tower defense game and we let it play on the water how does it how a defense game usually work well you have some units that come from one side of the screen in our case from the right and you have some towers that you can place and these towers try to prevent the units from getting to some other position well in our case the left side of the screen and just from this little description we can already identify a few components for our game so we are going to have some attacking unit in our case we're going to use a fish for that and we are going to have some towers and maybe we are also going to have a component that represents a projectile that the tower should set the fish so let's start with the fish this fish is quite big and it looks into the wrong direction so we first fix that and now we want the fish to move so we add a script and we call it fish GD and inside of the script we write a physics process function and then we just change the global position y some vector 2. so we want to move horizontally with 200 pixels per second so every time something is per second you multiply it with Delta it's an easy rule of thumb and we don't want to move it vertically and sure enough our fish moves to the left that is great that was easy enough so let's try to build a tower so this is going to be our Tower and I'm going to name a tower the tower just sits here it doesn't move so we don't need a script for it that is also great but the tower does something very important it needs to shoot something at the fish so we need some kind of projectile and I have also prepared something like that it's a little bit too big and we also rotate a bit so now we have a projector so how could the tower now shoot the projectile well we could try something like this we could make the projectile child of the Tower and maybe we move it around here and we add a script to it or the tower GD and now the tower we'll move to projectile for us that sounds like a good plan to me so we write another physics process function and we need to access this projector somehow so we can move it and a really simple way to do is just using a node path so we can make a unique name out of this we drag this over here with control and now we have access to our projectile and then we can do pretty much the same thing that we did with the fish we just change its Global position and move it by some Vector two let's say 400 per second again Delta is per second and let's try it out so great our Tower can now fire projectiles oh well it didn't hit the fish that was not good okay so how could the projectile somehow find out that it's near efficient then destroy the fish we could try to use the global position of the projectile and maybe compare to that of the fish so well let's quickly do that let's drag in the fish then we can maybe do something like if the projectile's global position is not too far away to the fish's Global position and let's say they're I don't know 20 pixels apart well then we can just destroy both right so we can say fish Q3 and we can also say projectile Q3 so let's see how that works something worked well we get an error so it complains about that this projectile was freed and now we cannot use it anymore so maybe we just say if the projectile is no longer valid we don't do anything let's try it that helps hey fantastic our projectile shot the fish we have a tower defense scheme now we can't go home now well not really because this is a real mess this is not the way in which we should build a game we have so many problems here the first really obvious problem is that we don't have any more fish and we also don't have any more projectiles so it's just gonna be a really short game but we already have produced this kind of spaghetti that I was talking about in the beginning of this video now the tower knows about the fish the tower knows about the projectile and the tower does most of the work so we need to think about what should a component be is a component just a Sprite that some script moves around or is a component something else ideally a component is something that works independently of all the other components around it and it knows as little as possible about these because then we don't have the spaghetti right if the tower doesn't need to know where the fish is well we don't need to have these variables also a component should allow us to configure it in a way that stuff that is relevant to the gameplay is easily accessible and right now if we want to change the speed of the projectile we need to go into code if we want to change the speed of the fish we also need to go into the code so let's restructure this and build it in a better way that doesn't turn the whole game into a massive spaghetti so let's first start with the fish and we are going to replace this here with an export variable so we can easily change the speed of the fish in the inspector so we make it a variable called speed and we put the 200 in here and then we can just use minus speed here so now if we look in the inspector we can see okay we can now configure the speed of the fish without having to go into the code and this is really helpful and we do prototyping and want to see how our components work together we can quickly change a few values and see how the game plays out with these new values okay so the more pressing problem is the projectile right now it's just a Sprite and maybe it is better if this projectile does its own movement so we move it out here and we can also remove this unique name we add a script and we call this projectile and inside of this we can pretty much do the same thing as we did with the fish so I'm going to quickly copy this and we maybe start with a default speed of 400 but the projectile needs to move to the right so we don't use negative speed but we use positive speed now we have a projectile that can move on its own and this allows us to remove all of this stuff from the tower so the tower right now does not need to do anything because the projectile moves on its own that is a lot better and you see how we already simplified this quite a lot now it would be good if the tower could somehow create new projectiles so how would we do that well we can save this projectile as a c we can right click on it and select save branches scene then we save it into a new scene and what I've seen is in Godel it is a description of how nodes are built up so it's not the real node it's just a description of it and now we can in our Tower create an instance of this scene so we make a physics process again and now we need to create an instance of the scene how can we do this well we can drag it in here and we get a preload from Godot which will load this scene so now we have the scene loaded and we need to assign it to some variables so we call this maybe projectile and now we create a new projectile from this description of a projectile so we say projector scene instantiate we also need to put this into a variable so we call this maybe new projectile and now we have a new projectile isn't that great so let's try it out if this works and maybe to see if it really works we delete this one foreign it doesn't work why didn't it work the reason is that we just created a new node for this projectile but we didn't add it to this tree so right now we just have a new node that is floating around somewhere but it's not added to the tree and if you don't add it to the tree then Godot will not render it so we need to add it to the tree and where shall we add it for starters we could just add it to the tower as a child let's see how that works so we say just add Child new projectile and we run it again that is adding quite a few projectiles so that is way too fast and we need a better way of doing this so how can we do this what we want to do is we want to spawn this projectile in a regular interval and there's actually a building component in Godot which is called the timer and we can use that so we add a new chart node to this and we say we want a timer and in this timer component we can set a wait time and the timer will then tick with this wait time okay so now the timer is ticking but how do we get to know about this in our Tower component after all the timer is a built-in node of Godot and it doesn't really know anything about Towers so how can we tell the timer well could you tell our Tower whenever it is time to spawn a new projectile and the way to do this in good though is called signals if we have a look at this Note Tab here you can see there's an entry called signals and you can think of signals as some kind of mailing list that a node offers where you can subscribe to the timer has this timeout mailing list and now other nodes can go to the timer and say Hey I want to subscribe to your timeout mailing list I want to be notified whenever you have a timeout that would be cool so how would we do that how would our tower now talk to the timer and say I want to be notified I want to be on that mailing list well the tower needs to talk to the timer so an easy way to talk to the timer would be to use a note path so we just drag this in here and we also maybe make this a scene unique note because there's really no reason to not use scene unique nodes these days and now our Tower in its ready function can ask the timer hey can I subscribe to your timeout mailing list so we say timer timeout this is the signal we want to subscribe to and to subscribe to a signal you call connect and when you subscribe to a mailing list well usually you give your email address so it knows where to send the notification to and we do a similar thing here but our Tower obviously doesn't have an email address it only has some functions so we give it the name of a function that should be called so we make a function on timer timeout and then we give it the name of this function on primer timeout that's important to only give the name because if you add these parenthesis you will call the function and we don't want to call the function we just want to say this function should be called and now we can move the projectile stuff in here and we can try it out oh it didn't work Why didn't it work we still need to start the timer so let's do that real quick timer start and try it again and yeah we have we have projectiles but why are they spawning down there that's that's not where they should spawn that's not good so let's have a look at our projectile scene again and we can see that when we created the scene it moved the projectile somewhere here it's an easy fix for that we can just reset its position to the center and if we go back to the Tower and try to play it now now it's working a lot better so now it would be nice if the projectile would be able to actually do some damage to the fish so let's have a look at our main scene and try to think about this problem so we add a little projectile here so we have something to talk about and now we can think about how we can solve this problem so the projectile it moves from the left to the right and when it's near the fish it should destroy itself and deal some damage but how can the projector find out that it's actually near a fish we try to compare the positions of the fish and the projectile when we had all of this code in the tower but we saw that this doesn't really work out because for this to work we need to have access to the fish and the projectile in the same script so we can compare their positions and we cannot really use a notepad for this because if I duplicate this fish then it gets a new name and then it also gets a new note path so that doesn't work so how can the projector now get an idea that it is around the fish what we can do is we can use godot's physics system to help us with that there's a note in Godot which is called an area and this can detect other physics object that are around it so let's add this to the projectile we add a chart node called an area and this area needs to have a collision shape and we're going to choose a circle Collision shape and the Collision shape basically tells the physics engine what is the region that we want to look for other physics bodies now we have this area but this area can only detect physics bodies it cannot detect Sprites so we need to make our fish a physics body so we add a character body to D this is some built-in physics body of Godot that has Collision but also allows us to move it around and then we can drag the fish Sprite into the character body 2D we also see a little warning here which tells us that this character body also needs a collision shape so the physics engine knows how big the fish actually is for this we could maybe go with the capsule shape and it's now moved up here and the fish is up there so we move everything to the center and now we can set up the Collision shape and rotate it a bit and that should about do it so now we have a collision shape on our fish and the area can detect it so we can move the fish again to its correct position now we can go back into the projectile and do something with the area that we just added and this works very similar to the way that the timer works so the area also has some signal or mailing list if you will and there's a lot of stuff that you can subscribe to we are interested in this body entered signal which tells us when somebody enters into this area so now we could again create a variable for the area and then connect the signals but there's actually a quicker way to do that we can just right click on the signal and click on connect and then we say we want to connect this to the projectile script and we want to create a method on area to dbody enter it and now Godot has done the connection for us and we can see this by this little icon here on the area to D and we can also see this by this icon near the function that this is connected to something so if we click on this we can see that this function is connected to the body entered signal of the area so this is a quick nice way to make signal connections without having to write a lot of code for starters we just print that we hit something so we can try it out and well we hit something but it doesn't really seem to work why is that whenever we want to debug stuff like that Godot has a very helpful feature you can go to debug and say visible Collision shapes and that will show us the Collision shapes when the game is running so yeah now we can see why it's working a bit strangely because our fish is swimming at the Collision shape stays here and the reason for that is that we have the fish script still at this Sprite and the Sprite is its own component right it moves independently of the character body so this is not what we want what we want is to have this script add the character body so we detach it from the fish and we reattach it to this character body and now we need to do a bit of changes because the base node is now no longer a Sprite but the character body so we change this also character bodies don't move by changing their positions but they actually have a method for moving them so the physics engine knows that we move the node with the character body it works like this we have a velocity that we set and then we call move and slide and you see that we didn't add Delta here because the character body does the Delta calculation for us so we don't need to do it so let's try again if that works and now we can see that everything moves together and we get this hit something messages whenever a projectile hits a fish so that is fantastic because now our projectile has found a way to find fish without actually knowing about fish right there's nothing about a fish inside of the script this projectile is completely independent of the fish it can find anything that is a physics body how do we now do damage to the fish because which is said that the projectile doesn't even know that this is a fish so how can it communicate with it to do this we can make a little contract between our nodes we can say that whenever something can be damaged it has a function called take damage so we give the fish a take damage function and then our projectile can look at the thing it just collided with and asks do you have a take damage function by any chance and if the fish has a take damage function the projectile can just call it and if it does not have a take damage function then the projectile will simply ignore it and move on so let's go back to the projectile script then try to implement this so first we need to know with what we collided and thankfully the mailing list of the area the signal it not only includes some information that we hit something but it also includes the information what we have hit and this is this body that we're getting as a parameter for this function we can ask the body as method take damage this way we can know okay this body has a take damage function so we can call it and we can do body take damage and since the damage is also something that affects the gameplay it's probably a good idea to make this configurable so we write an export for the damage maybe 25 and we put it in here and then we can destroy ourselves we just can do aq3 so if we try this again we can see that really nothing happens but we also don't get an error because this fish doesn't have a take damage function so nothing will happen the projectiles will just move on and on so next we add a take damage function to the fish and maybe let's do a bit of renaming here so we don't get confused with what the fish actually is we can now add a function take damage and it takes the damage as a float and now inside this function the fish can do whatever it needs to do when it takes damage for now we can just say whenever we take damage we just Q free ourselves and let's see if that works fantastic now our projectile has eliminated the fish and if we look again at the code of the projectile we can still see that it's totally independent of the other things around it because it only checks if there's a take damage method it doesn't even know that there's a thing called the fish this projectile would work with everything that just has this take damage method so now we can kill fish with the projectile but it's probably not going to be a lot of fun if the fish is always instantly killed so the fish needs to have some health and before we can do that we first create a scene from it so the fish is now also nicely organized and not a huge set of nodes in our main tree so we can open up the fish scene and we can add some health bar to it we see that the fish moved a bit off screen so we move it back to the center where it belongs and now we can add a health bar to it so we add a chart node and then we use a progress bar for that like this and now we can go to the script so first we add an export for the health because we want this health to be configurable so we can easily tweak our game variables and we also need to initialize the progress bar we can do this in ready and we need a variable for our progress bar so again we do right click access as unique name and then we can drag this in with control and we already get our on ready variable for this and then we can just say progress bar max value is health so the maximum value should be always the health that the fish has at the start of the game and we set the current value to the also the health so we start with 100 and inside of take damage we subtract the damage from the health and we update the progress bar and if our health drops to zero or below then we destroy the fish and we can try this out with our fish moved up here because we changed it in the scene so we move it again to this position and now we can see that our fish is losing the health more slowly and that makes for a much more interesting game so we have just added a new feature to the game that fish can have health and because we designed our components to know as little as possible about each other we could add this feature without having to change anything else but the fish itself so now we want to spawn new fish because just having one fish is rather boring and the game would be very short if we just had one so how could we do that a fish can obviously not spawn itself and the Tower and the projectile should probably also not spawn new fish so we are going to need a new component for that so let's add a new component and as a base note we could maybe use a marker 2D marker 2D is basically a node 2D but it has this little nice feature that when you have it not selected you can still see its position and when we call it spawner and we add a script to it and we call it spawner as well and we delete all of this so we can now add a function where we can spawn some things and now we want to spawn a fish and we already did a similar thing in the tower so let's quickly have a look at how we did it in the tower that we loaded a scene using preload then we made a new instance of it and then we added it to ourselves so let's maybe do it the same way and see how that works out for us so we drag in the fish we assign this to a variable which scene and then we create a new instance also assign this to a new variable and we add this as a child of Our Own let's try it out that didn't work because nothing is calling this function and this brings us actually to the next question how often should we spawn something we could use a regular timer like we did in the tower but then the fish would come in in a regular row which would look somewhat unnatural so we want to have random spawn intervals so let's first add two variables where we can configure the spawn intervals so we have a spawn interval Min which is maybe two seconds and we have a spawn interval Max which is maybe three seconds and then in the ready function we call spawn something and once we have spawned something we need to wait for a little time and we can use a scene tree timer for that get three create timer and we want to wait a random time between the Min and Max interval so we can do a Rand F range spawn interval Min spawn interval Max now we get a random time interval between two and three seconds this drives the timer and create timer returns a timer object if we have a look at here it returns a Scene Three timer object and the scene 3 timer it also has a timeout signal very much like the normal timer that we have so we can now connect to the signal and be notified when this timer times out so we say timeout connect and whenever this timer times out we want to spawn a new thing so we just say when this time's out please spawn something again we don't need to worry about this timer being garbage it will automatically be discarded when it times out so Godot will take care of that so let's try this and now we get a nice somewhat random row of fish and that is great but what if we wanted to spawn more than one type of fish so maybe we have a second type of fish that is bigger and has more Health let's maybe quickly do this we can go to our fish scene and we can duplicate it and we call it maybe big fish and we can make this right a bit bigger and the Collision shape a bit bigger and in our configuration we give it maybe 200 health and maybe the big fish they move a bit slower so let me go with a hundred we now see the benefits of having this fish in its own little separate configurable component because we can just use the same script to make a different kind of fish and give it a different configuration okay so now we want to spawn more than one fish and let's go back to our spawner now the problem we have is that this spawner actually knows about what it should spawn so we have hard-coded a reference to the fish here of course we can add a second line and hard code a reference to another fish but then every time we want to add a new kind of fish that should be spawned we always need to change the code and this is not really a nice way for a component to behave so how can we make this a bit nicer well we can add another export and rename it maybe items and this is an array of packed scene and you may not wonder what is this packed scene thing well this is the object that represents such a tscnc it's the object on which we call instantiate now we have an export that allows us to give it scenes and now we can use this and say okay we pick a random one of these items pretty random then it instantiates it adds it then it does the timer thing and the timer will then call the spawn something again after some time has elapsed so all we need to do now is go to our spawner scene and we now have here a new property where we can add the scenes that we want to spawn so we add two of them and then we can pull in the big fish and the normal fish and let's see how that works out so it spawns a small fish and a big fish and another small fish so that works quite nicely however we can see that the fish collide with themselves and that the big fish now prevent the small fish from going further so we need to fix that but this is a rather easy fix so we can go to the fish and to the character body and then we go to Collision over here and we just remove this mask here or this will do it will prevent the fish from colliding with any stuff that is also in layer one so the fish is in there one we need that to be in there one so the projectile can detect it but if we remove this mask then it will not collide with themselves and we can do the same thing for the big fish and now we can try it out and now we can see that the small fish can swim pause the big fish without being blocked and this is what we want now it would be nice if the fish were able to actually damage our Tower so first the tower will need to have some health and some health indicator let's quickly put the tower into its own scene so it's going to be in Tower tscn and we are going to reset its position okay now we can add a progress bar to indicate the health it works pretty much the same way as it does in the fish so we are going to create a health variable we are going to have an odd ready for our health bar we are going to initialize it and now we can have a look at how the fish could damage the tower so we go back to our fish scene and the first thing is that the fish would need to be able to detect when it has collided with the tower and we could use an area for this similar to how the projectile was done but I want to show you a different way of doing this and this is by using slight collisions so any character body can detect that it collided with something else during this move and slide method and for this to work of course the tower will also need to be some Physics body because right now it's only a Sprite so we will have to do a little bit of reorganization we create a new node and we use a static body 2D because we don't want the fish to be able to move the tower by colliding into it then we make this the root of RC so right click make scene root then remove all of this as a child of the static body and remove the script to the top and rename it and then we need to add a collision shape so the physics engine knows how big the tower is going to be so we go to 2D View add a collision shape Circle makes sense for this shape that we have like this and now we only need to do a minor change here we say this now extends static body 2D so now our Tower is a physics body and our fish can collide with it the movement slide function will take care of that but we want to know whether we just collided with the tower and we can ask the character body to D with how many objects did you Collide during the last movement slide so we say Collision count equals get slight Collision count now this variable holds with how many objects we just collided during this last movement slide and now we can walk over them for I in Collision count now we need to get information about what was the actual object that we collided with because right now we only have a number we only know both how many objects we Collide but we still don't know with which objects we collided and we can get that by asking the character body can you give me more information about this Collision please so we say Collision info get slide collision and then we can give it the number of the Collision for which we want more information so now we get back a collision info object and from this we can get the actual object with which we collided so we can say more collider is Collision info yet collided and now this variable contains the object with which we just collided so it's just a different way of getting the object with which you just collided but this time we pull the information from the character body rather than the way that we did it with the area where the area would notify us about a collision so both things are possible which one to use depends on your needs if you need to do a move inside anyway the physics engine has already made all these calculations for Collision so you have already spent the CPU for this so it might be a good idea to just use what the physics body can give you but if this seems to be too Troublesome you can of course also use an area but I wanted to show you how this could be done now we want this fish to damage the tower and we can use the same contract that we have designed for our projectile where we said that every object that can take damage just has a take damage function so we go back to our main scene and our Tower is moved so let's quickly move this over here and maybe we add another fish so we can see what we're talking about the fish would collide with the tower and then the fish would ask the tower do you have by any chance a take damage method and the tower would say yes I have a take damage method and then the fish can say okay fine you just now take this much damage thank you very much and then the tower does whatever it needs to do when it takes damage and the fish will just destroy itself so again we want these components to know as little as possible about each other so the fish doesn't really care what the tower does when it takes damage how this is done exactly it's the business of the Tower so let's go back to the fish and let's Implement so we can say if the collider has the method take damage then we can call this method glider damage and again the amount of damage that the fish will deal is some gameplay relevant thing so it's a good idea to have this as an export maybe impact damage and I don't know maybe 50. and then we can deal the impact damage down here now our Tower still needs a take damage method and we can pretty much copy this from our fish except that we named the thing health bar here which is not good I think we should name things consistently so we are going to rename it half bar here as well so just that things are consistent and then let's quickly check in the tower that everything looks okay well we still don't have the health ball looking right so let's quickly fix that so now we can try it out so now interesting stuff happens the fish didn't seem to damage our Tower at all but our projectiles now seem to damage our Tower which is not good so the good news is that our contract actually works because what happens is is that the projectile is spawning like this and the area will immediately report a collision with the tower and then the projectile will ask the tower do you by any chance have a take damage method and now the tower says yes I have a take damage method so the projectile damages the tower and then destroys itself which is not what we want so we need to have some way of telling friend from foe the projector should only attack the fish and it should not attack the towers there's a really neat way in which we can do this in Godot which are groups and you may have seen groups already when we were looking at the signals because there's a little groups thing here groups are little stickers that you can apply to each Godot node that is in a scene so you can put a little sticker on it and you can put any name on the sticker so we could go to the fish and we could say the fish is now in the enemy group so we put a sticker on it which is saying this is an enemy and we also see this with the little icon here we should also do this for the big fish so we also put this in the anime group and we put the tower maybe in the front group and now we need to add some code to our projectile so it only attacks enemies so we can go back to the projectile and we first check if the body is in group enemy and only if that is the case we execute this rest of the code so let's try if this works maybe delete this projectile here yeah now this seems to work a lot better so the projectile will no longer damage the tower but it will still damage the fish okay but we still have the problem that our fish do not damage the tower it looks like they don't even recognize the Collision so why would that be the case whenever we have a collision problem like this it's always a good idea to look at the Collision layers and we're going to look at the tower and the tower isn't layer 1 and has a mass one but our fish is also in the one but has no loss so it will ignore everything that is in layer 1. so a quick fix would be that we just put our Tower in Layer Two and we don't really need the Moss but anyway we can set it and then we say to the fish well you check whatever is in Layer Two so you can collide with it so let's check if that works yeah that worked a lot better however our fish fully destroyed our Tower and just moved on so we need to add a little bit more code to our fish and that is when it has given the damage to the tower it should destroy itself Q3 and now we can try it out again and this has worked so Tau has lost 10 percent of its health and the fish has destroyed itself fantastic now we want to detect if a fish has left the screen and we already know a way in which we can do this we can do this with an area so we could make ourselves a component that is an area and we call this maybe fish detector and we are going to add a collision shape so we can set the size and we're using a rectangle shape and make it this big so every fish that now leaves this area needs to go through this little fish detector and we want to count the display to the player how many fish have left the game so to display something we will need some label at least so we call this maybe fish through label and since it's going to be a UI we want to layer it across everything so we are going to add a canvas layer and put the label in here so in case we want to add a camera later that it doesn't move around and we give it a zero for starters and maybe a bit bigger font so we can actually see something now we can see it so now whenever this fish detector detects something we want this label to increase since we are trying to build components that are self-contained it would be good if the fish detector doesn't really know anything about this label and maybe it's also not good if the label knows about the fish detector this score is not only important for showing it to the player it is also important so we know when to end the game we can say we have 10 units that can go through and if 10 units have come through then the game is over so we would have to have a third component that somehow keeps track of the score and then can update the label and can also trigger the game over and you're going to have such a component in almost every game which has the main purpose of just organizing how other components work with each other so in this game we're also going to make one and we are going to make this note here the main node this component that organizes everything so we add a script to the main node and we call this game and we're going to delete all of this and now this node will do a little bit of everything it will get notified by the fish detector and it will update the fresh true label in order to update the fish through label it needs to know about it so we are going to make a unique name out of that and we're going to drag in in so now this node knows about the fish to label and using a node path is totally fine if the node is below you and under the control so this label is never going to move anywhere else it's always going to stay here another fish detector should inform us whenever something entered this thing so what we can do is we can use a signal so we are going to connect the body entered of the fish detector to the main on fish detector body entered now we need a counter we make an export or maximum units true and we say maybe five and whenever something has entered the fish detector we don't really care what it is because it can realistically only be a fish so we just say we reduce the maximum unit is true by one and then we update the label so to speed this a bit up we are going to use this fish and put it here so it can go right through and we see that everything works okay that was almost correct but you saw at the start that this is zero so we forgot to initialize our label and now we should get a five and four and maybe it is also a good idea to move the area a bit to the left so the fish needs to fully leave the screen before we count it so let's see if we move the fish here then we can move the fish detector here and it should work out nicely so let's move the fish back and try it out yeah that is about it okay we have a fish detector but what happens to the fish that move out here if we have a lot of fish well that's going to be a lot of fish on this side of the screen that nobody sees but that godo needs to calculate so it would probably be better if we kill every fish that has come into the fish detector so we add a script here and now it's no longer a fish detector but it's more like a fish grinder if we also rename it fish grinder and now we can connect the same signal to our fish grinder so yes like you can subscribe to your own mailing list any component can also listen to its own signals so that works so we say on body entered and everybody that has entered we just destroy now we need a way of seeing whether this actually works so we go back to our 2D scene here and rename this fish to be our test fish and maybe we move it a bit over here so we have a bit more time to set everything up so let's see and I'm going to pause this real quick because there's a remote tree that you can access only when the game is running and when you click on this you will see what is actually happening inside of your game we can now see our test fish here and now we can continue to run the game and the test fish goes through and now we see that it has disappeared so our fish grinder actually works and it also has countdown to four so you see it also works if we connect the same signal to multiple different components now we can detect if fish leave the game and we also have all the information that we need to know whether the game is over but it would also be nice if we could count whenever a fish was destroyed by a projectile or when it was destroyed by hitting this Tower so we could give the player some score for this which the player could then use to buy new towers so let's maybe add a score label for that so we add a new node and this is going to be a label and we call this score label we make it a senior nickname and we're going to change the font size by the way this is really not the way how to make UI if you want to know a better way how to make UI then watch my UI Basics video we're just doing it quick and dirty here so now we have the score up here and we can also add this to our main component but now we have an interesting problem how does our game component get to know that a fish has been destroyed by a projectile so let's check which other component could tell our game component that this has just happened let's have a look at the projector I could project how to do it well no it cannot do it because the projectile only tells the fish to tell damage and the fish does the destruction itself so the projectiles are could the tower do it well obviously it cannot because if a projectile kills a fish then the tower doesn't know about it could the fish do it well at least the fish knows when it's going to be destroyed so that would be a good place to start but the fish doesn't really know about our main component up here which is not good so how can we get out of this one way to do this would be to create a so-called Auto load and an auto load is basically a component that is globally available in the whole game all the time so everyone can access this component no matter where they are in the tree so let's explore if that would be an option so we could create a new script and we call this point counter and this component would then have some function where we can count the point so we could say funk count point and right now we are not doing anything with that and now we go to project project settings and there's a tab Auto load here and we can select our point counter here and we need to give it a name point counter and then we add it so now what we have is a node that is named point counter and that we can access everywhere so let's maybe add a Quick Print here counting points and let's use this in our fish script so the fish is destroyed when it either collides with a tower or when it is destroyed by a projectile so we need to call our point counter here and here and because the point counter is an auto load we can just call it by its name so I can just say point counter then count point and we can do the same down here and then we can try it out and maybe move our test fish down here so we get a bit quicker feedback and let's see and boom the fish has been destroyed and we got a counting Point start here so now we have 50 percent of the way the point counter knows about that a fish has been destroyed but we still need to get this into the main script and since we want to inform the main script whenever this happens this sounds a bit like event notification so it might be a good idea to use the signal here so let's go to the point counter and now we are creating a custom signal and it's very easy to do we can just say signal and then we give the signal a name point counter it and then instead of printing something when we count the point we are emitting the signal and we can emit a signal by just taking its name Point counted and then calling emit and this will emit this signal so now all that is left is that we listen for this signal in our main script and we already know how to subscribe to a signal through code we can just say point counter Point counted connect and then we need to give it a function that this should call so let's quickly make a function maybe let's call this on fish diet and we give it the function up here and now we can implement this so we need to have a point counter right now we don't have one so let's create a variable for that points and whenever a fish dies we increase the points by one and we update our score label okay so now we can try it out our fish just impacted with the tower we get one point here now this fish died and we get a second Point here so it looks like our Auto load solution Works nicely to count killed fish so using an auto load seems to be a nice solution for the problem that we had but an autoload is not without its drawbacks when we look at how stuff works right now whenever a fish dies it needs to talk to our autoload and then the auto load will talk to our main script to tell it that the fish has just died and for our main script to be able to get notified by the auto load it first needs to subscribe to the signal that is provided by the autoload now we have just introduced a heart dependency between two components our main component and the fish component to the autoload so the fish can no longer work without the auto load and the main can also no longer work with audio to load and depending on the game that you're building this may be totally fine I mean there's no need to make things more complicated than they need to be but the more functionality you add and the more Auto loads you add the more we get back into spaghetti land where every component just wildly talks to every other component I think for a little game like this it is totally fine but say we wanted to make this whole thing work without an auto load how could we do that in order for this to work we would need to have one component that knows every fish because then it could get notified by the fish if they die so do you see a component in here that knows every fish and maybe you pause the video and think a few seconds about this I'm moving my cursor over here and there we are this is the component that knows all fish that's the spawner whenever it spawns a new fish it has the fish instance in its hands let's maybe have a look at the code here so here we can see a new fish is instantiated and then it's added as a child to the spawner and here it actually knows the fish so if we now give our fish a signal that is always fired when the fish dies so let's remove this point kind of stuff here and remove this point kind of stuff here and we're creating a new signal signal died and then instead of calling the point counter we emit the signal died emit and we do it here as well so now in our spawner we can subscribe to the signal we can say new fish diet connect and we make ourselves a new function Funk on fish diet and we call it here and now we add a new signal to the spawner which we call Fish diet fish died and whenever a fish dies we just emit this signal and now we can listen to this signal in our main script we can remove this and since the spawner is a component in the same scene we can actually connect this through the editor so we can go to our spawner take the fish died signal and connect it to the main script on fish die and now we don't need the auto load anymore so we can remove it from our project settings and maybe let's do a quick recap on how this works so when the spawner spawns a new fish it connects to the diet signal of the fish and when the fish dies it tells the spawner that it has just died and then the spawner tells our main game component that a fish has just died and the main game component can update the label but this time we are using signals to transmit this information and we're not using a centralized Auto load and because of this our components stay independent of each other they don't need to know about each other anymore so let's move it over here and give it a quick spin and that didn't work at all Why didn't it work oh interestingly enough it works for these fish see we get a increased label here so why doesn't it work for this fish but it works for the other fish well I think you know the answer already the answer is that this fish is not spawned by this spawner it's just place for us so it doesn't get its signal connected and that's why it's not working for this fish but it looks like we found a solution how to solve this without an order load and now our components are still independent of each other and that's exactly what we want we don't want the components to know more about each other than they absolutely need to so now that we have the point counting done the next step would be to end our game when more than a certain amount of fish have escaped when the game ends what should happen is that everything disappears except the two countries and we add a little game over label here in the middle of our screen so let's first add that label we give it a scene unique name rename it to game over label Now we move it into the center and type game over and [Music] change the font size to 64. that should do it and now we can go in our main component and add some code that shows the label and we would do this in this on fish detector body Android function because here we count the units down so first we need to have this label so we can again control drag this into our script and move it up and then we can check if maximum unit is true is less or equal than zero then we show the game over label and by default we will make this invisible and to test it we will use our trusted test fish and move it here and since we need two fish to escape we will make a second test fish so our test fish now is company and we can try it out so one moves out two moves out and the game is over so that is good but we still need all of this to disappear and for all of this to disappear our main component somehow needs to know about all of these things it needs to know about the tower it needs to know about the projectiles it needs to know about the fish so how can our main game component know about all of these without knowing about all of these and we can use a feature again that we already used which are the groups because right now our Tower is in the front group our fish is in the enemy group and our projectile is currently a no group but what if we would put all of them in a group that is maybe named destroyed on Game Over Again a group is just a little sticker that you can put on an object and you can put as many as you want on them so this is a really nice way of marking components so other components can quickly find them and we will see how you can find these in a minute so we have done the tower now we are going to do the fish destroyed on game over and then the other fish and finally the projectile and now we can go back to our main script and we can find all components that are in this destroyed on game overgroup and we do this by asking the tree so get three could you please give me all nodes that are in group destroyed on game over and we put this in a variable to destroy and then we can just walk over them and we queue freedom so let's run this one fish out two fish out game is over except we have forgotten something our spawner is still alive but that's an easy fix we can also put this into the destroyed on game over group and now it should work so one fish out two fish out game is over everything is destroyed now that worked just fine but what if we wanted to keep the projectiles alive so they could just fly out while we kill everything else well we could approach this as we did dealing damage to other units we could make a contract when you want to do something special at the end of the game you need to have some method on game over so let's implement this for the fish we make a method on game over and the fish will just destroy itself and we're going to copy that because we're going to need this for the tower as well on game over we paste this in here we also do this for our spawner but we will do no such thing for the projectile now we have added this function but we still need a way of calling this function and usually if you want to call a function you need to have the object on which you want to call this function in your hands and this main game component does not so how could it call this on game over function oh there's something built in you know it allows every node to call a function on all of its chart nodes this is called propagate call so we do propagate call and then we need to give it the name of the function that we want to call on game over and what this will do is it will go through all of the child nodes in the tree and we'll check do you have a on-game over function and if the child node has such a function in the script then this function will be called and if it has not such a function then nothing will happen so it works really similar to how our damage dealing with the take damage function works we don't need this destroyed on game over thing anymore so we can quickly remove this and now we can try it out one fish true two fish two fantastic but our projectiles are still gone to debug this it would be nice to have a look at the tree before we do this propagate call so we set a little break point here and then we run the game again one phase two two phase through break point so now we can have a look at the remote tree so we see what's going on here well we have one projectile here this also seems to be a projectile and this also seems to be a projector and we see that all of these projectiles are children of the tower because if we go to the tower code we can see that it simply adds the new projectile as its own child and now when the tower is being destroyed in on game over then it will just destroy its child projectiles with it because in Godot when you destroy a node it will automatically destroy all child nodes with it so that's one more thing that we need to fix so we need to tell our Tower to which node it should append its children and it should ideally not be the tower itself say we want to be really really configurable and we want to make this a configuration setting well we can do this with another export or parent for projectiles and this is a node path and now if we look in the inspector of the Tower we get a new field here where we can pick another node and if we think about this this is actually pretty useful because now the tower can interact with another node and it doesn't even know where this node is because the note path is not hard coded but it is now a configuration setting so this is still a node path and we need to get the actual node with the get node function so we say parent is get note parent or projectiles then we add the new projectile to the parent so let's try out if this fixes our problem foreign well it fixes it sort of the projectiles are still there but they spawn at the wrong position the reason for this is that when you add a new note it will set its position relative to the parent to which you add it and before we added it to the tower so they spawn at the towers position but now we add it to the main node because that's the note that we have selected so they spawn relative to the main nodes position but we can quickly fix this by just setting the global position of the new projectile to our own Global position and that should do the trick yeah that works a lot nicer so now when the game is over the projectiles keep moving but everything else is destroyed so being able to configure the path of another node can actually be pretty helpful when you want to have components talk to each other that know nothing about each other but as everything it has its trade-offs if we were to place this Tower dynamically maybe through a buy menu where the player could buy new towers then we would somehow need to set up this path when placing the tower and this is additional complexity so in this special case it is safe to assume that the projectile and the tower could have the same parent and this would allow us to simplify this by removing this export and then instead of doing a get node with this export we just call get parent at child and you probably have realized that whatever design choice you take there's always a trade-off so there's never that choice that is always correct that is always the right thing to do it always depends on the situation and also on how your game works to make this into a fully fledged tower defense game we would need to add quite a few more things maybe a menu to buy stuff more Towers more projectiles different fish graphical effects sounds you name it a lot of stuff but this is not a tutorial on how to build a tower defense game and I think I have shown everything that I wanted to show so let's wrap it up here and have a look at what we learned in this video we learned about structuring a game into small components we learned that a component has some small but useful functionality works independently of other components and can be reconfigured for easy prototyping and reuse we also learned that it is useful when components know as little as possible about their surroundings and the inner workings of other components this helps keeping them independent of each other and also allow us to combine them more easily in different situations we learned that there are ways in which we can access other components in order to communicate with them when hard-coded node paths are not enough such as using the physics engine groups autoloads or configurable node paths and we learned that there are quite a few ways in which components can communicate without having to know a lot about each other such as signals contracts signal relays or propagated calls using a game is a complex matter and knowing what options the engine provides you is a good first step in designing a game that you can easily extend and test I have shown you a way that mimics the way godose built-in components are working therefore it works quite well together with the engine but it is by far not the only way or the correct way of doing things every game has its own requirements and there are many solutions to a single problem it is also important to not over engineer things in the search for some perfect solution sometimes a quick and simple solution is preferable to one that may be nicer on paper but just adds unnecessary complexity finding a solution that is both simple and nice will usually take a few iterations so don't be discouraged if you are occasionally back in spaghetti land if you have any questions or some experience of your own that you want to share please post them in the comments if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to the channel to get notified when new videos are posted thank you very much and happy go to Neri
Channel: Godotneers
Views: 134,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autoloads, communication, components, composition, gamedev, godot, godot engine, nodes, scenes, signals, structure
Id: W8gYHTjDCic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 33sec (4353 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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