Godot Tutorial: How to make 3D fire using particles (Part 1)

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well hello everyone it's no cat here and today I'm going to show you how to make this 3d fire effect in the ghetto engine so let's get right into it first of all we want to set up a particle system for the flames in a basic special scene add a particles node as a child and here under the draw paths section we want to add a quad mesh in it we need to set up a special material in here we want to set up a few flags the first is transparent and the second is unshaded next under the parameter section we want to set the blend mode to add and the billboard mode to particle billboard when we are at it we need to check uses albedo under the vertex color section back in the particles node we want to change a few parameters or example amount should be around 200 under the time section we want the lifetime to be set to 0.5 and the randomness to 1 next under the drawing section we want to uncheck local coordinates and the draw order should be set to view that now under process material we want to add a new particles material it's in here that we will be designing the particle system first of all we want to disable gravity so we will set the y-axis of it to zero next we want to give the particles some initial velocity I will set it to 5 then the direction should be pointed towards the top so we set it to 0 on the x-axis and to 1 on the y-axis I will also put the spread down to zero next we want to have the particle starting at a random angle to do this we go to the angle section set it to 360 and set the angle random to one as you can see now each particle is pounding at a random orientation and we want each particle to spin to do this we go under the angular velocity and we set velocity to 40 and I will set the fellows to random to 1 when we are added I forgot to set the initial velocity randomness to point one now we want to start modeling the flame in order to do that we go under the scale section and set scale random to 0.8 and then set a new curve texture no curve texture we want to add a third point this third point will be up the top so around 1 and the first should be around zero and we will move the middle point somewhere to the beggining around here and then the last point should go down almost to zero we should have a shape looking like this next to get it better looking we want to go under emission shape and set the shape to a sphere of our radius of 0.4 now it starts looking like something but there is an issue in here as you can see those aren't looking like flames and I found a really neat trick to solve this if you go under the trail section you can set the divider to our really high number and as you can see we have like some kind of flames for me but they are really slow if we go down to something like 11 it starts looking pretty good I prefer it to have around six but you can do however you want it's up to you to stylize your fire finally there is another thing you could do and that is to set a linear acceleration for example I like it to be around four with a randomness of one now what we need to do is to stylize the fire in order to do that we go to or draw passes the first pass and to its material here under albedo we set a texture I will be using our 30 frame spreadsheet as you can see it looks pretty weird right now that is because the sprite sheet consists of six horizontal frames by five vertical frames we need to set those corresponding parameters in the particle animation section so we have six percent of frames and five vertical frames and the animation is a loop so we check that now we need to go to our process material and under animation we set the speed to 1 the offset to 1 2 and offset random to 1 as well now we want to define a color for the flames in order to do that we go to the color section and define a new color ramp I have already made a gradient texture so if you want to download it it will be down in the description of course you could tweak it how you want and make your fire blue or whatever I like to give some little variations to the color in order to do that you can go under the view variation and set it to something like minus 0.01 and the variation random to 1 last but not least is to add some glow to do this you go to your world environment and check glow here you can change a few settings and you can tweak it as you want for example I like it when it's set to additive the fire looks stronger this way well thanks for watching and I hope you learned something today and stay tuned for part two where we are going to add a smoke effect and some parts around the fire [Music]
Channel: Nolkaloid
Views: 8,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godot, tutorial, fire, 3d, effect, particles, flames, english, godot engine, gamedev
Id: 4VDNBTF9mu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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