Learning The Basics of 3D Handpainted Textures

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this tutorial is sponsored by the 3d coloring book a project specifically designed to help empower artists who are struggling with texturing a substance painter and to help show you that anyone can create beautiful pieces of art with just a little bit of practice and guidance to instantly gain access to hundreds of pre-made professional level models and hours of high quality tutorials click the link in the description and begin your journey today [Music] hi everyone my name is alif and today i'm going to share with you my hand paint and texture and pipeline from start to finish on example of my recent project this little cozy house i really like this texturing technique the hand painted one because it allows you to make everything using only diffuse map and develop artistic skills even if you're not painting to the illustration or concept art or whatever so let's see how i'm doing it for modeling i was using maya mostly and 3ds marks for some tweaks at this stage things are pretty common make the shape unrave the uv map pack this together usual text textile density here i packed my uvs into sets house itself and it parts and ground with rocks and foliage if you have a lot of objects with opacity like the leaves i have here from tree it's better to keep them in one uv set or if you have them in the uv with other objects make them fit in one area on the uv together so it will be easier for you to work with this texture in photoshop later without messing the opacity channel so when i started to model it i haven't really know how i want my foliage to look like so on the texture editor i left a bunch of place for the leaves and all the transparent stuff that i have on my model here so once we have all the things packed together once we decided where all the materials will be and assign them we can move on the texturing stage the fourth the texturing i'm using substance painter for blocking 3d code for painting itself and photoshop i don't really like to start with blank model or only with ambient occlusion or on it or ambient occlusion to grayscale and gradient maps it's a good pipeline but i don't really like it so here's where substance paint is really handy for me first of all we need to bake our maps if you don't have sculpted high poly just bake all maps from poly here set a desirable resolution it's always better work in high resolution you can make it lower later if needed so i'm setting here 2k and baking the maps you can also play around with this parameter use slow polymesh as high poly mesh sometimes it gives better results so hitting the bake button and wait the sinks bake so in most of this kind of bacon floam from leupold you can have different artifacts like some places here and it can be a little noisy especially on ambient occlusion it's okay we don't really care about that much because we'll over paint it anyway when we have all of our mobs baked this is where the magic starts painter have a huge tool set to speed up the base colors and gradient blocking and what i'm really like is dynamic masking like in photoshop but better and in 3d so the first thing that we need for color blocking is color palette i had a concept for this house but if you don't have one you can make an over of the screenshot of your model in photoshop or pick references to gather colors from them once we know where each materials will be on our model we can start to make folders for them name your folders properly it will help you a lot uh when you will be texturing it you can also assign a color from the folder so your eye will have a point to hook up when you will be searching for layers so here i'm created folder i'm adding the black mask here and i'm using polygon fill tool to fill the areas which i wanted to be in this material so to see the mask if you don't have any fill layer in folder yet you can press the c button on a keyboard it will show your channels so we are here in mask and we can use the polygon fill to actually mask the white areas so once we masked all our areas in every folder it's time to make it color so this is for example a gold material so i'm creating the fill layer with this color and continue it for every material that i have here so here's our model separated on the different materials and colors looks pretty flat so to give my model volume i will use ambient occlusion and gradients here i have pre-made smart material for ambient occlusion which is basically just a mask generator with where i put my maps but to create ambient occlusion you can also use this simple trick so create a fill layer place a mask on it first i don't care about color right now because we will tweak it so add in the black mask fill and place here our ambient occlusion layer so to make this look like actually ambient occlusion place here levels and invert now we just need to make a layer desirable color and we will have ambient occlusion you can also tweak it by levels to make it darker or to make it sharper just whatever you want so as you can see i have a bunch of layers here which is basically just fill layer with black mask and with added gradient generator to it so i just make gradients from bottom to top and i place the paint layer to erase all areas that i don't need like i can't do with one single layer all these separated areas once i've made basic gradients i also wanted to make the model lighted from one side and go to the shadow from another one so i'm making an overlay layers here and using the same polygon fill tools i'm just masking areas on the side this edges so it looks darker now like we're creating the illusion of light when we don't have it actually i also created a little colored gradient here as you can see on my concept it's a little bit of darker area here so i made it here too using the same gradient and i also marked the inner parts that will be the way darker like this using masking so as you can see on the concept we have the roof tiles here at first i wanted to make it from generators the substance painter here but i decided that it will be way more easier to paint it by hand using symmetry so here on the roof i have the same technique i used for the gold i have fill layer i have the gradient on the top that will lighten up the top of the roof and i have ambient occlusion here so a little bit a little gradient also to make it more lighter and another one for the roof that are smaller so at first i painted the lines of the roof itself and as we can see here the edges lighter so what i did i just copied this layer placed on the bottom changed its color on the lighter one we can see it's already marks our layers our edges lighter then i added here filter which names bevel so let me show you how it works so it will spread our mask to make the edges this is why i really like the dynamic mask in a substance you can play how you want to you can change the color of the edges how you like and yeah that's pretty easy and quick so i played with masks here using the same technique how i was adding the darker areas here i just added light to make the top of the gold looks lighter i was using the masks to make this stripes because it will be like pretty hard for me to paint it in 3d code so i'm trying to make the blocking as much further as i can so it will be way more easier for me to just paint i have all information here that i need i have the light i have shadows i have gradients so now i think we can move to the 3d code so once we imported our model in 3d code um i'm just paste here my textures that i made for house and this is the really strong base for further painting so for 3d coat i have a few tricks i'm using pretty same techniques which i'm comfortable with and yes when it comes to painting i'm paint all things almost in one layer that's why the blockout stage is really important for me uh i can just relax and start to play around with colors not using a big pool of tools inside code it's just simple brushes and eraser but the interesting things about brushes in 3d code they have a few different modes no matter which alpha you will pick you can always make your brush painting depending on pen pressure or make it various size or not just try this option here yourself oh this mod is ignoring all all your pen pressure and just mix things and just makes your brush acts like flat so here it is i'm always using this one it's when the pen pressure varies the size and the opacity of the stroke to quickly switch between these modes you can press e on the keyboard and under your cursor is all of these options will appear here in the brush mode panel you can also find a really good one it's a polygon feel just like in substance painter i really like to use it for metal highlights on sharp edges just like this let me create make color maybe here yellow and i'm picking polygon filters and it will fill the polygon itself just like this so i can simply erase oh eraser works also for polygon filter and let's say erase what i don't need to make the slider edges like this or we can use polygon fill tool on the edges just like this and just make this metal highlight uh this is um the most common way i'm using this tool so here i have my full model painted you can watch the recordings on my youtube channel um to make a positive here i just erased the layer 0 layer 0 in 3d code it's fill that fill in your model and if you just delete it or erase it your model become transparent fully so i just painted rocks first and they i then i erased the parts of the plane that i don't need it here i had a lot of questions about how i painted the rocks and the grass it's kind of pretty intuitive process first i just made a spot just like this like different color spots and then i'm just picking the darker color i'm very commonly using here the reference image just like this and picking the color from concept it's okay to pick the colors so i made different spots like here and here and what i wanted it just to make it look less flat uh just simply cut the shape like the top part will look lighter and the sides will look the way darker so just like this like you can zoom out and mark the areas that you wanted to look darker and then you just move on the hue panel to pick up maybe reddish tone and make a red spot here then pick the lighter one so the technique i'm using is explained a really good in the scenics design video named paint like a sculpture i really recommend you to check this out if you haven't yet it's definitely worth your time so i'm cutting and smoothing the areas and i really like to add a little small highlight here so you can not try and just paint your rock form just like this you can mark the lighter areas and this sharp line that we made here to paint the rock we can just paint the lighter color on top and of course a little little highlight on top so we have here one side here here other side but the rock is actually on the flat surface and this trick makes it look like it's have a volume like it's in 3d actually so i painted all the rocks using this technique and the grass is just simply brush strokes so uh always keep in mind that grass have dabs it uh not only just like hair like this it should have darker areas under it to show the volume like this we can also make this view shift into bluish one it will give us where is it color and on the top of the darker areas i'm gonna place the lighter one something like this you can also make it roll in different direction add a little highlight so we have grass now while i'm rotating the model you can see a little uh cross section here when i'm pressing the alt it's camera rotation pivot point and the good thing is you can change it if you have a large model or you have a big scene that can be spread around and for better navigation and 3d code you can change this pivot point of the camera simply press f on the surface of your model where where you need it to be and as you can see this little cross section is now sticked to the surface of the model so if i needed to rotate around this point i'm gonna place build here if i need to work somewhere here i'm placing the pivot point on the f button and now it's here so it's a huge time saver when you're working on something more volumous and i think this is it thank you for watching my breakdown leave a comment if you have any questions feel free to ask me anything on my station or installation station discord i'm hanging on there i love to hear your thoughts on my handpainted texture pipeline and yeah bye [Music] you
Channel: Stylized Station
Views: 62,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d modeling, digital painting, game art, substance painter, handpainted textures, blender texturing, blender texture, game artist, texturing tutorial, handpainting tutorial, game art photoshop, 3d hand painting tutorial, blender modeling tutorial 2.8, digital painting tutorial, digital painting tutorial photoshop, digital painting for beginners, 3d modeling for beginners, digital painting process, 3d modeling blender, modeling tutorial, 3d modeling tutorial, 3d
Id: Ekru3VMnR7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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