God Speaks Through An Audible Voice - Wednesday Service

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father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father i pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me it's all of you in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen well welcome to another teaching tonight uh we've been talking about how god speaks through various things god speaks through dreams and god speaks through visions god speaks through prophecies god speaks through his word and i know we were moving into this but the question often comes up uh can god speak or has god spoken in times past through an audible voice and for some people in the world today they're thinking that there's just no way that happens and you tell somebody that god spoke to you in an audible voice they'll speak they'll look at you like you know there's something really weird about you something that's awful about you something that's controversial or strange and i found out that truth is controversy i mean you go up to a lady and she's overweight and you tell her she's overweight that's going to be a controversy right there doesn't mean it was false what you said but you've got to understand that as christian people we need to stick with the word we don't need to to get uh our beliefs based on what the world says or what the news is reporting uh and i think what the enemy tries to do is he's trying to first of all convince people that he doesn't exist he's trying to convince people that he doesn't exist that demons don't exist and then that moves to the next level that god doesn't exist that angels doesn't exist and there's just no way that anybody can ever hear god's voice well is that so because if that's the truth if if god if we can find anywhere in the world where he has spoken audibly to anybody then the possibilities are still the same today that if god has ever allowed his voice to be heard by any man audibly then that same possibility exists today and i think just what we need to do is to show you in the scriptures the number of times that god has spoken audibly to somebody so if nothing else tonight it can build your faith up to know that what was that i heard you know god's speaking to you like what what did i hear and uh i'm telling you this is true this is something that i think will be a blessing to you but it's just not talked about a lot so tonight we're going to look at how god speaks through an audible voice and we'll begin in revelations chapter 1 verse 10 and then verse 12. uh he says in verse 10 i was in the spirit on the lord today and heard behind me a great voice so he says there's something i heard that came from behind me so he's not talking about what he heard in his spirit he says i heard something behind me a great voice as of a trumpet and then in verse 12 he says and i turned to see the voice that spake with me and being turned i saw seven golden candlesticks so i mean john the the divine in revelation he says man i i actually heard an audible voice to the point that i turned to see who it was and uh so here is god speaking audibly to john and beginning to reveal to him the the wonderful great mysteries of revelation and and then this is the revelation of of jesus christ so here's one illustration just right here at the very beginning now let's look at uh acts chapter 7 and verse 3 as it uh reiterates what uh abraham heard in acts 7 verse 3 gives a little bit more details he said and he said unto him and referring to god speaking to abram or abraham he said get thee out of thy country so abraham heard an audible voice before he had this relationship with god before genesis 22 when he was in his father's house and he said get out of your get out of this that country and get from your kin folks and come into a land which i shall show thee god said this you know you've got to be very very open to be willing to hear from god to tell you to get out of somewhere at some place you know god knows exactly where everybody needs to be and i'm telling you you know abraham knew that by hearing this audible voice i better get because the source of wealth was right there within family and here is god telling him to contradict what the world understood and said go for yourself get out of this country get away from your kin folks now lot went with him but he says get away from all of that and he says i'm gonna show you some stuff well i mean he almost had to hear that audibly to to uh to know to do what he did there and so now let's move on down and we're going to look at a lot of scriptures here tonight go to first samuel chapter 3 verse 19 and then go to chapter four and verse one uh and then you remember the story of samuel and eli and how they heard an audible voice uh and and and that whole story there look at this in first samuel um and samuel grew and the lord was with him and did let none of his words fall to the ground samuel heard from god audibly and when he's when samuel would say something i mean very powerful prophet when samuel would say something you better take it to the bank and god if you'll see here he said that he will let none of his words fall to the ground and then look at uh chapter four verse one it just simply says and the word of samuel came to all israel now israel went out against the philistines to battle and to pitch besides uh ebenezer and the philistines pitched in africa now one of the things you need to understand here is when god speaks audibly to you it is so easy to deliver that word i heard what god said this is what he said i heard what god said and this is what he said i can there there's no issue of uh repeating what you heard god said this was oh maybe 30 years ago we were in the coliseum in los angeles and i came out on the stage and i heard this i mean to the point where i i turned and the lord said the woman on the front row with the white hair tell her such and so and i heard it i mean it turned it was enough for me to turn my head and and i'm like and that was easy i just repeated what i just heard man that woman fell out uh under the power of god saying there's no way i could have known anything like that and uh god healed her and delivered her and and i was kind of freaking out cause i'm like i just said what he just said it was pretty amazing to me because i'm in front of these people and i hear this audible voice and i said it and what happened god didn't allow those words to fall to the ground they they had an impact on somebody's life you you need to be available for god to speak to you audibly somebody's life might be on the line some situation may be on the line and you don't know how you know it except he he said it and and this is very very available today it's very very possible today and so i need to go through the scriptures and let's look at these scriptures in detail and see just what the bible has to say about this audible voice of god that can lead set free and deliver people let's look at isaiah chapter six and eight and i'll go back and forth to the king james and then the new living translation isaiah chapter six and verse 8 he says also i heard a voice i heard the voice of the lord now what would you think if somebody came to you and said i heard the voice of the lord see you can't be moved by the world they don't understand this they're not reading it i'm getting ready to show you what the scripture has to say about it and you're worried about what somebody has said to was going to respond to you when you say that whether you heard him or you didn't well don't lie about it you either heard him or you didn't he said also i heard the voice of the lord and what did he say he said saying whom shall i send and who will go for us and he said then said i hear him i send me imagine the voice of the lord come to you and says well who shall i send who's going to go and speak for me who's going to go and do my bid and and i think they're just like okay it's going to be me i'll do it i'll do the one i'll be the one to do that i'm telling you i'm believing god that you will begin to hear the audible voice of god i believe it comes when we dismiss our thinking from all of the clutter of the world i believe it comes when we uh when we get in the word of god the word of god the written word of god tunes your ear to be able to hear from him you're not wasting your time when you're getting in the word of god it tunes your hearing you know that was god you see but what happens man when that oliver voice shows up and you turn and say huh and sometimes i'm around the house and i'm just kind of praying in the holy ghost early in the morning and i i think i hear something and i like what'd you say taffy and she's sound asleep in there i'm telling you praise god god will speak to his sheep and his sheep will know his voice but he'll speak audibly look at this matthew chapter 3 and verse 17. matthew chapter 3 and and verse 17. and then we're going to go to matthew 17 and verse 5 but matthew 3 and verse 17. now notice what he says and to a voice from heaven saying [Music] this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased you know the story is here's jesus being baptized by john [Music] and a voice from heaven they heard it this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased i tell you that's powerful oh i would have loved to have been in the assembly that day when a voice from heaven spoke and it was heard the voice of heaven spoke and it was heard this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased so nobody has to go and guess about it nobody has to go and pontificate and go and talk all this stuff about whether this is jesus or not the voice from heaven said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased you know that voice is still available today look at matthew chapter 17. matthew chapter 17 and verse 5. he says while he yet spake behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear ye him now again uh you know there was a time on the mountain of transfiguration where you you know uh the disciples went with jesus and you had moses and you had elijah and you had jesus and and god wanted to make it clear a voice from heaven came out so that peter and them could hear it and this voice said this is my beloved son hear him hear him so john heard it and and and and and peter and john and james heard it uh this is my beloved son hear him don't don't not not elijah not moses elijah represented the prophets and moses represented the law they both represented the law and the prophets jesus represented grace he said hear him a voice said that come on let's move on john chapter 12 verse 28 through 30 john chapter 12 28-30 the reality of this to see these things in scripture hopefully will just strengthen your faith verse 28 says father glorify thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying i have both glorified it and will glorify it again verse 29 the people therefore that stood by and heard the voice said that it thundered others said an angel spake to him and then in verse 30 jesus answered and said this voice came not because of me but for your sake i believe there are going to be times in the future i believe there are going to be times in just where we're living now where it's going to take an audible voice of god to come for our sake and i'm believing for that and i'm thanking god for that audible voice that will be heard that will be spoken by god will be heard by somebody on the earth for our sake you can agree with me we need to hear from the lord right now our nation needs to hear from the lord right now our leaders need to hear from the lord right now our preachers and churches need to hear from the lord not a sermon i believe in the audible voice of god to be heard watch this for our sake amen look at second peter ii peter chapter 1 verse 17 through 18. ii peter chapter 1 verse 17 18. now check this out he said for he received from god the father he received honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased god is just gonna make sure you know who this is thank god he came and gave a personal audible introduction of jesus and this voice which came from heaven we heard so it was spoken and it was heard when we were with him in the holy mount we heard this voice it was spoken we heard it man that's going to happen y'all get ready for it let's go to acts chapter 9 verse 4 through 7 acts chapter 9 verses 4 through 7. now look at this and he fell to the earth and heard a voice this is saul now paul he fell to the earth and paul or saul heard a voice saying unto him saul saul why persecut why persecuted thou me verse 5 and he said who art thou so obviously paul or at this time he was saul heard this voice enough to respond who art thou lord and the lord said i am jesus whom thy persecutors it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks and he trembling i guess so he trembling and astonished said lord what will thou have me to do and the lord said unto him arise and go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do verse 7 and the men which journeyed with him stood speechless hearing a voice but seeing no man oh the people that stood there heard the voice but only saul could see the man they stood there speechless hearing the voice but only saul saw the man man i tell you this is powerful and and i believe this kind of thing is going to happen there are some people on the planet that god has tucked away for a time such as this and i believe that audible voice is gonna cut gonna command them forth gonna give them what they're supposed to be doing and and notice paul paul was a religious zealot he was just so zealous about the mosaic law and half the stuff he did he thought he was you know being obedient to the law he was a religious man but man it took the voice of god because of the stronghold that the mosaic law had on him it took the voice of god to break that religious bondage call him to the ministry listen to this told him to go to the city and then when you get to the city i'm gonna tell you what you what you must do i'm telling you man there's certain things you're not gonna hear until you get to the place god told you to be there are certain things you're not gonna hear until you get to that place called there that place called there and then you will hear some things so if god if god's talking to you about go here don't expect for him to say nothing else until you get where he told you to go and there he'll begin here because god's got all this stuff set up who's going to do what where they're going to do it all that kind of stuff and if you're really wanting the will of god for your life you've got to be ready to hear god don't be afraid to do what he tells you to do and god knows where your faith is so if he has to choose to speak to you through a dream a vision um a prophecy or an audible voice he knows how to speak to you to get through to you so you can do what you need to do it's not as difficult as what people say well what if i miss it god knows how to speak to us in a way you ain't gonna miss it you're gonna know it was him you're gonna know it was him every single time when the lord told me to become a student of grace i knew that was god i knew that was god i knew it with every fiber of my being that i was supposed to begin to teach this gospel of grace and i knew it and i knew i was supposed to be a student until jesus comes back continuing to learn continuing to dig you'll know it god knows how to make sure you know what he's telling you to do and what he's getting you to do and uh this is pretty powerful amen let's look at acts chapter 10 and verse 13. acts chapter 10 and verse 13. he said and there came a voice to him to peter and it said rise peter kill and eat i mean again breaking him from his tradition voice said peter go kill and eat i'm telling you god knows how to convince you god not knows how to put you in a place where you need to be i'm so confident in that i need you to be confident in that i i think that one of the major supernatural keys to this revival that is about to hit the earth is that men will begin to hear from god and one of the things we've got to do we've got to pursue peace we got to go after peace we got to get rid of the clutter satan constantly tries to attack our minds to get us in clutter to get us all focusing on god and even to get you focusing on yourself or get you to focus on your past or get you to focus on your mistakes anything except focusing on jesus why god's getting ready to speak one word from god will change everything i don't need a million words from god one word from god will change every situation it's getting ready to happen get yourselves ready for an invasion of of god's leadership god listen god knows what he's doing right the devil thinks that you know he's winning and he thinks well you know i'm i'm finally defeating uh god in the body of christ dude you don't even know what you're talking about one word from god see god's taken all the stuff that we've gone through and he's using it to mature us to a place to bring us to a place to grow us up to teach us how to walk like the mother teaches that two-year-old baby how how to walk he's encouraging us and he's telling us to get up god knows how to talk god knows how to speak i mean some of the very things i'm doing right now it's it's i've been convinced in my heart to do it because i'm being led by the holy spirit that's the most powerful thing you can do as a christian is be led by the holy spirit you find yourself doing something ask yourself a question where is god in this is this spirit led is this something that god wants me to do or is it something that you came up with i don't want to operate and live my life by good ideas i want to live my life by god ideas where they are anointed i want to know that i'm being directed by the holy spirit because when you're directed by the holy spirit and you know god told you to do it there's a strength that comes there's a confidence that comes there's an assurance that comes and you hang on that knowing that everything's going to be all right because you got it from god amen praise god now look at acts chapter 10 15 go down a couple of verses he said and the voice spake unto him again the second time what god hath cleansed that call not thou common he's trying to break him from his religious beliefs and i'm telling you god knows when it takes an audible voice you don't need to be going and being concerned about well is god going to speak to me through prophecy or through a dream god knows how to speak to you and he knows the best way to reach you he knows the best way to reach you praise god but i'm telling you this world hadn't seen anything yet there is a move of god a move of the spirit that is about to hit this planet and has already started and i tell you the devil will never he will never be able to recover from this there's a lot of things that god has promised that are getting ready to take place there's a lot of things that the wicked's gonna have to give up praise god and and we are gonna be prepared in the position where god told us to be in but a lot of that is going to be based on the leadership of the holy spirit i can't do things on my own i don't know what to do i don't know where to go except god showed me what to do i don't know where to go unless god showed me where to go i don't even sometimes know what to say unless god fills my mouth with good things to say the bible says man's goings are of the lord well i need we need to get back to that we need to get back to this is what god said and doing what god said and and you show up at the at the capitol building where are you doing it god told me to come in speak this word praise the lord or or even preachers when you take an invitation to go somewhere does god want you to go you know it takes as much to operate in humility to do what god's telling you to do even more than operating in fear be careful when you judge somebody and say oh they're in fear that's why they didn't do that no maybe they are in humility doing what god is leading them to do and not just taking off and doing one thing or the other so i believe we're about to have an invasion in fact i prophesied to your house right now that god is about to visit your house god's about to visit you in dreams and vision god's about to speak to you through the prophetic some of you are about to hear the audible voice of god i speak it to your house right now that god is perfecting everything that concerns you honey i'm telling you in the name of jesus it's not over until god says it's over you need to lift your hands you need to praise god because the best is yet to come and you know what god's gonna get the glory for this not you not me god is gonna get the glory for this i prophesy this thing right now a move of god greater than any move of god that we have seen in the last 200 years or more you watch it's here it's about to be released and you and i are going to be right dab in the middle of it in jesus name amen so hearing the audible voice of god is a legitimate and a desired experience that should be for us today as well so not just what i just read to you but it should be for us today and so when god does speak this way we look around to see who has spoken and when we find no one we wonder what exactly is happening what i've just described to you is going to take place in your life it is not by mistake that you are listening to this teaching tonight i believe god and i believe god for where you are concerned i believe that if we can eliminate some of the things um that hinder us more uh some of the things that hinder us in our mind i believe we'll begin to walk and talk with god in this very intimate way that i've described tonight what's on your mind what are you stressing over what are you worried about what are you in panic over you know panic is groundless fear you've got to pursue peace you've got to get yourself in a place where the peace of god which passes all understanding keeps your heart and keeps your mind through christ jesus and you hear from god you shouldn't be hearing from the world shouldn't be focused on hearing from the devil the devil's bringing up your past and telling you how bad you are no you shouldn't have did that and oh don't you regret this and he's bringing up how you're not enough and god doesn't love you he's bringing up all that stuff that's just distraction so you won't be in a position to hear from god and be led by god worry that's just meditating on the wrong thing you see what you see what the devil's fight he's fighting your position to hear from god and i'm telling you get yourself in a place of peace i prophesy a spirit of ease over your life get yourself in a place of ease a place of peace why so you can hear and receive the leadership of the holy spirit and god is not going to lead you to a desert place he's going to lead you to a wealthy place a place of of moist abundance in every area of your life but are you ready are you ready for the spirit of god to interrupt your thoughts with his words are you ready for the spirit of god to interrupt whatever you're hearing with what he wants you to hear god can lead us and god can guide us and he wills and so we must believe more to hear from god in an audible voice you know david said i have to believe to receive the goodness of the lord in the land of the living so whatever it is we've heard and whatever it is we believe we we have to use our faith to take hold of it so i use my faith i'm i'm believing to hear god more in an audible voice i'm believing to hear god where i hear him so clearly an audible voice it's just a matter of repeating it i don't ever have to go in wondering oh my god but what if i missed it those days are over what if i missed it god is about to jack your confidence up and you will know that you heard from him and you'll be able to deliver that word that will set the captives free this is a powerful time this is an important time and i believe with all of my heart that we are about to walk in this time that god has summoned us to so if you're alive today god obviously understood that you could take whatever is going on in the earth today and god's going to use you to do things and to understand things that people who were here in the past they never even understood what's going on and he'll equip you to speak to the issue he'll equip you to cast out devils you know some people in the world they don't believe in devils and that's what satan wants you not to believe in him and so you pray about it but i think i'm gonna teach a couple of series of sermons on demons and devils and show you what the bible has to say about it so that people will know that this is just not something off a horror movie so you will understand that in the spirit world you have an enemy working against you to try to stop you and so amen anyway what an honor and a privilege to be able to come to you again to teach the word of god to open the scriptures up and to show you what the word has to say to strengthen your faith and to get you to understand that once we find it in the word we understand how it works then we begin to think differently and act differently i want to pray with those of you who have never made jesus the lord of your life it's an opportunity for you to come out of darkness into the marvelous light it's an opportunity for you to to receive from him and let him change and redirect your life won't you pray with me right now father we thank you in the name of jesus repeat after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of all my sins i make you the lord of my life i ask you to come into my heart sit on the throne of my life be my lord and my savior i receive you right now in the mighty name of jesus thank you for your grace that has allowed me to be a born-again christian in jesus name amen now if you prayed that prayer with me as simple as it was it's enough to get you into heaven you didn't reject jesus you've accepted him now if you did pray that prayer with me text the key word i'm saved that's one word to 51555 and if you'll provide your name and email address i'll send you a free ebook uh as a gift for you today as you began your walk anew in the body of christ and so uh if you'll go to the comment section just tell people i just got saved i just prayed that prayer world changers nation welcome them into the fold be a blessing to them right now in jesus name amen well it's offering time it's an opportunity for you to give to sow and to worship god for all that he has done bible says that we don't give grudgingly or out of necessity that we give from a cheerful heart our giving is from gratitude from a giving from thanksgiving from for our reverence to god that's what we give we're not given to try to you know manipulate something we're given because we're grateful and we're thankful and we are worshiping god for being the big god that he is for being the powerful god that he is uh we're worshiping a god that there's nothing like him who is like unto thee o god that can show mercy to you when there's no way you deserved it who is like unto thee oh god who showed grace and favor to you and you know there's no way you deserved it this is the time that we use to say god we're going to bring our gifts to you because our worship is not complete until we do that and we give to god out of joy we give to god out of celebration we give to god because we want to and not out of a grudging heart and he receives our gifts so if you're texting to give tonight you can text world changers space and then the amount to 74483 or you can go to our website creflo dollar ministries or world changers church and you can give online and as well use your paypal you can also dial the number on your screen and they will assist you in your giving or you can continue to mail as some of you have chosen to do and we are grateful and thankful for first of all people who love god enough to worship him with their giving and who are very sensitive to give to allow us as a church to continue to minister we're still doing what we do and we're so grateful for it remember you're the church you're strengthened you're retooled um there's a reset that's taking place in your life you are a better you because god has perfected everything that concerns you and thank god when we get back in this building what a time what a time but you know what challenge yourself not to come back into this building the same that you should come in more mature you should come in with a greater relationship with god than ever before you should come in with no regrets and no guilt allow god to mature you in your home church amen because you know think about it if it ain't if it's not done at home i mean everything here is going to be fake it's what's happening in your home that really talks about what happened here in this building and so we love you we miss you we believe that you're growing and maturing and that the better you is gonna show up in this building and so we thank god for your health and wealth and healing and god's protecting you and perfecting everything that concerns you in jesus name well it's another teaching and i pray that it bless you tonight go over the notes again re-hear this or listen to this sermon over and over again and uh i pray that it will set you up for something mighty to happen in your life well now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen good night every
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 38,302
Rating: 4.9006386 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: tZV62nZtdWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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