Your Process Is Different From Everybody Else Ep 137 - Your Prophetic Journey with Shawn Bolz

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ooh today's subject your process is different than everybody else's and it's a hard one and a good one that we learned so much about when we're following listening to God's voice I remember a friend of mine she came up to me this is many years ago and she said Sean God has moved me to Los Angeles from the Midwest where I had a master's degree in education and he told me in my late 30s he's calling me to be an actress like he was really giving me this as a goal so he sent me out here and I'm living off my savings account and I'm taking classes I said god this would've been nice to know when I was 20 or when I was 18 when I could've taken classes still in school or in college but instead you're telling me now if she was a little funny and sarcastic but also serious and she started on that journey and after a while I remember she came back up to me six months later or so a few moments later she said I'm running out of savings and I'm gonna have to figure out what to do for a job so immediately I was gonna go and just be a substitute teacher just could you know certified here in California and do that but I had to say inkling like I was supposed to be doing something else but I don't want to pray about it because what if God asked me to do something I don't want to do and I started laughing and I said that's the story of my life is that God asked me to do things that are beyond me or things that I wouldn't think about doing or sometimes even things I wouldn't want to do but he does it for a very specific reason when I say that it doesn't mean you're miserable he's God's goal is not to get you miserable but you know we start praying together so you pray and I'll pray and let's ask God if there's something he wants you to pursue so we pray together just after service and she's like close her eyes and she's now when I said what she said I heard that I'm supposed to be a barista I feel like God saying I'm supposed to be a barista I don't want to be a Presta that's a great job for somebody who wants to be but I have a master's degree in freakin education I don't want to be a bris that so I said well all's I know is that you should follow out what God's putting her and she goes my best friend is a leader of education in her whole state my other best friend is that you know she's become the principal a whole charter school system she goes I am becoming an actress I wanna be and I'm gonna be a breast - because I just understand I'm like why does this happen I said yeah your friends are leaders and it's awesome and they're amazing but are they asking for a god result to bring transformation of the world around them you have said yes to God this in this unique way they're not even walking was going to know Christians wonderful people but you're asking God for God results so he needs to bring you through a God process so I would if he's knocking on the door of your heart for this I would just kind of walk it out and see what happens off you live this way for a long time there's no fruit in it reevaluate but I mean I would just kind of walk it you're this far in you know so she prays and she and her mind kind of pictures the Starbucks it's down the street from her house and at the time we're in recession so this 2007 - were in a recession here in California and in this nation of America and some parts of the world and so she goes down there and she she knocks on the door so to speak so submit your application and she was one out of 250 applications a month that's a lot of applications with zero experience but she gets a call in and so the manager interviews her and says why would you want to work here like give me kind of a grid you have a master's degree in education why are you here she tells the woman she says hey I'm here because I know I do good for your company but I'm here to pursue acting and I thought this would be a great supplemental job and and I will give my hardest work to you during this season and I know I'm overqualified in some areas and I would just help you whatever way you need help she goes okay that's interesting so she gets hired she only applied at one place during the recession is she gets hired well most of the people that work there these young girls who are also pursuing film and music television whatever and so it becomes like this almost like a sorority where she's like the sorority mom where she's a loving on them none of them are walking with God but she's just loving I'm helping them to navigate really hard decisions helping them to have hope helping them to believe in themselves helping them to have love for themselves and for each other and they loved her so much so six months goes by in this job while she's pursuing acting has no open doors to the acting arena but it's learning so much through this job as far as other people in industry and what they're facing because she had never been around people like this before she never knew what they were facing she never knew the identity and insecurities the rejection struggles that so many people deal with who are young artists and creatives and though she was like a generation older than them there was this part of her that just loved being their den mom or being either the big sister one of the girls happened to get a job and she got on one of the first Netflix series and she went in to do the table reading and all the girls from the Starbucks were just yeah celebrating as if it was their breakthrough you know the her breakthrough became their breakthrough their minds they were so excited for because no one was getting jobs all of a since she got a job why she was doing the first table read one of the main actresses that was also gonna be in the series had to go in for emergency surgery and she was gonna be out for the whole first season and so the casting director the director the producer they all got together and this young woman was listening to him she was close enough sitting where she couldn't help it and they were talking about how are we gonna replace her we need somebody tomorrow we didn't get anyone else ready for this part we just picked her what are we gonna do and she spoke up and said I know this may not be appropriate but I know I'm new to you but I have a girl that works with me at Starbucks that she could be perfect for this world she's already doing the big sister roles of kind of the mom role at Starbucks that's who she is she's also taking acting classes and I just think she's amazing she's an amazing person would you want to meet with her and I said what do we have to lose sure bring her in so the next day she came in she got her first role on a Netflix series every current recurring character and has been acting for eight or nine years well however long it's been ever since you know when it's been ten years of eleven years two hundred a few moments later twelve years and has been working since 2007 she's been a working actress and loves her life but would have never chosen the process to get there you know she quit her job at Starbucks that year and then from that point I was an actress and it's sometimes confusing when God calls us into things because first Corinthians 1:26 says he didn't choose us because we're the brightest were the most educated were the noble he chose the weakest things of the world to shame the strong things of the world so sometimes he purposely chooses you for something you don't feel qualified for or that there's a gap between you and actually becoming that that you can't make happen in your own strength because God wants you to rely on his strength and your weakness he is strong and our process for me personally I just think of the several times that God asked me to do something including public speaking and including it like media stuff where I have a terrible memory I had a learning disability growing up all these things that were against me a speech impediment and God spoke to me said I want to raise you up as a voice and I want you to learn how to speak and my first platform you guys other than small classes that the Bible schools teaching or youth grew my first platform was 2,000 people can you imagine your first platform being 2,000 people when you're not even secur about what you would say to them I felt like my message was so terrible and I have a friend who gave me my I think was like my second message I called my first message I was in a group of maybe 400 people and he gave me the message on cassette tape remember those days he gave it to me not too long a year or two ago and I was laughing so hard listening to myself thinking why would anybody even listen to me but it took a process that God brought me through that I would have not chosen myself I would have gone through professional speaking training through sermon illustration training all that stuff but instead God said I'm gonna throw you into this thing that you'd be a raw gritty normal human being and share things from this kind of perspective and I would have never chosen that process and many of you who are watching you wouldn't have chosen your process for what you're doing what you're called to and that actually is an indicator it's probably even more God than you think because he's created that gap that only he can fill and he's also leading you in a way to educate you in things like this friend of mine who got educated by being around actors entertainers at Starbucks the wannabes so she would know how to act with the ones who were already established once she got in the entertainment industry and God knew the process he need to bring her a long distance journey in a short period of time and that's what God does for us all the time is he educates us and brings us around things that have so much meaning even back when I was a janitor of a church even back when I was working for a trade show display company those little jobs builds part of God's story that teach us things that we need in the now season and so I would encourage you don't despise the now that you're in thriving the now that you're in and also surrender and submit your process to God because he's gonna take you in ways that you wouldn't leave yourself we told Peter that revenue restored him you said Peter you're gonna walk in ways we're gonna be blind to where I'm taking you and you're not gonna know where you're gonna go and you wouldn't have gone there if you had chosen it in your own desire and that's what God does for us but his desire was better and he brings us to places we couldn't have gotten our own strength that we look at we look back and go how did I end up doing this only you could've brought this kind of fulfillment as a matter of fact I would have been in another career path that would have been a lot more or less people driven and more creativity driven and I wouldn't even been doing these kinds of videos or any of the other things we do or in the prophetic period if it wasn't for God leading me on the journey he led me and so I'm gonna encourage you to really thank him for the journey you're on thank him for the pieces of the journey that you don't necessarily like but you know is building something inside of you and if you're involved in a journey that's not building something inside of you recognize that and ask him for a way out ask him for another step ask him for something you that's different don't just do something to survive don't just do something just to live do something because he's guiding you to it or it's causing you to thrive I don't want to do anything that's not causing me to thrive or whether I'm not guided by God and or else I'm just stuck and it's the worst thing to be stuck when you have God inside of you who will lead you to a path in this lifetime to have the most impact you can have and the most thriving you have so I hope that helps many of you are in a process that maybe you don't understand right now but you're just being obedient I bless that and share that down in the comments below let's have a conversation about this and I hope you guys are having a great week make sure to share this video with anybody applies to
Channel: Bolz Ministries
Views: 25,809
Rating: 4.9652405 out of 5
Keywords: Shawn Bolz, Bolz ministries, Translating God,,, pastor, christian, God, Jesus, church, prophet, prophetic, prophecy, prophetic word, word of knowledge, bible, los angeles church, expression58, e58, iCreate Productions, exploring the prophetic, exploring the industry, your prophetic journey, process, your process is different, processing the prophetic
Id: MdcODgExwA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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