God Of War Ragnarok Valhalla All Cutscenes Full Movie (2023)

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you are certain you remember nothing of this place oh nothing that would help us tell me brother why exactly are we doing this I do not know oh that's comforting look I know you expect more from the smartest man alive but Odin always kept me in the dark about this place which is why I asked you to seek fear's guidance repeatedly she does not seem eager to speak with me quite the opposite brother but you tell yourself whatever you need to I see a Shore ahead black sand exactly as described in the invitation we finally bloody made it [Music] something is happening Back to Basics then doesn't seem anyone's here to welcome us locked I don't suppose you'll take that as our Quee to turn around and leave to be one's own master master thyself a more poetic way of putting it but [Applause] yes [Applause] perhaps the last remaining pocket of Asgard something unreal about it though at least this part seems peaceful we should have a look around you truly believe Freya would have aided Us in this hated us talk sense to you winwin either way really I certainly can't see how there's any benefit to avoiding her I am not avoiding her brother you've gone to bloody Valhalla to avoid her at least be honest with yourself it is not her I'm avoiding I value Freya well that I believe I'm nice to hear you admit frankly I think she values you as well in her way she finds me useful it is not the same is that really what you think I do not believe she understands what she asks of me we're back outside you marched into Valhalla without even talking to us first nice to see you too my lady it was a personal matter and I would not take you from your duties you breached Valhalla consider it worth my time this entrance is secret who told you of this place nailed to a door 3 days ago Kos of Sparta you are hereby invited to a challenge face the past to face the future Master Valhalla Master thyself and then directions here no signature who else knows of this entrance Odin and us it's likely a trap you're thinking of going back in would you join me oh don't let me intrude on your personal matter besides I can't unlike the two of you I've never died what happens if I return inside well that depends on you Valhalla draws from the memories of those who enter in there you're an open book sure you want to go back in how did you even get past the gate I forced it open with his bare hands he forced it open there's an easier way if you insist on going back in come s maybe later we could continue with that that one conversation for once mimir I think you've said enough right [Music] then and the other matter we discussed you're still thinking I take it I [Music] am is that what this is guess I'll let you think [Music] then all right G let's send you in properly prepare this time first bahala requires you to perform the ritual of Select action good now let my sisters speak to you of valhalla's rules and its values what do you know of this place the challenge of Valhalla is not merely about overcoming obstacles it's about the way you overcome them how you demonstrate Mastery of your own powers we can guide you down a path but valala will be the judge of your progress return to me when you've met a goal and we will observe the effects what have you to say Valhalla seeks to Foster wholeness and balance within those who enter to fully Master yourself you can't rely on only your most familiar tactics I use the tactics appropriate to the situation of course but varying your approach will demonstrate to Valhalla the full Mastery of your your abilities and Valhalla will reward such demonstrations be sure to come back and see me as you progress step up to the air Goa with [Music] me now you can enter bajala by this bit without suffering the penalty of breaching thank you Zan so this is no piece of Asgard at all just something spun from your memory of it fascinating brother I must admit freya's idea does make quite a bit of sense to me what better God of War could the Realms ask for than the general who won Ragnarok and won it trying to save lives with you on board our whole peacekeeping council could really do some good this position this title I have held it before you know what happened she knows what happened of course we do but why should who you used to be matter more than who you are now can't you see how far you have come however far I have come I have done it running from that life that title that Throne I I suppose this is about how you remember your name H I do agree with you about F's Council it is a noble idea it should succeed on her merits how is that brother Freya is known to the Realms and native to them respected by all an experienced leader experienced enough to know that a shared power is best for the people but she would share power proves she is worthy to wield it even so why make her wield it alone without Odin the Realms have a chance to forge a new peace when conflicts do arise and can't be talked through a God of War ensures those conflicts have rules and enforces them they need might and judgment and credibility across the Realms who else would she pick brother and this must be how you remember sparle fine Rya knows I would not refuse to Aid her when in need I have done and will do my part to fight for peace regardless of title regardless of whether I S an authority you know as well as I do there's power in wants Oaths the people need to know you're committed to them and to yourself that you'll be there for them and I know that you will I understand you've got misgivings man but you've put your past behind you we all see it you do not know everything that I am that you were you've told me of your past and yes much of it was horrible but you've proven over and over again that you're not that man anymore not permitted that way it seems and no way to fly it open there that is the path we seek a way up and forward bhalla's inner reaches I can feel it if there's an upside to this bhalla Madness at least it's good to see you in action again you're already more your cheery self than I've seen in moons without a trus or a fight in front of you I wonder after your wellbeing combat can be clarifying what is this you recognize your old SE don't you katos I have not forgotten the debt I owe you you really think he understands the this still feels Reckless here they are now that's odd but back outside but we didn't you know sometimes you reach as far as you're ready to go valhalla's decision for yours does this mean you're done in there no I will discover who invited me I believe I am close you're sure it's worth dying for oh I think we're fairly accustomed to dying at this point don't be glib mamir Valhalla restores you after honorable death in combat but beyond that it makes its own rules and if you don't play by them Kratos the threat of death in there is real that is good to know if by good you mean wildly disconcerting I do wish you luck truly look brother the fog's lifted Val how's becoming more open to you perhaps so much to see in the distance there you can see how all the little realm spaces connect to the higher plane and those statues are certainly important pausing I recognize them they are judges of the underworld from my homeland ah well you sound thrilled to see them again Souls they deemed righteous were granted entrance to the elesium fields those deemed Wicked were cast into torturous ah yes where the souls of the Damned were tortured why has your mind manifested them here I wonder ah midgard in Memorial ah I'm starting to see there's no fixed order to the Realms we'll visit here brother whose voice was that we heard when Valhalla sent us back from the throne you heard it also I said he owes you a debt was it someone who might lend us a hand perhaps unlikely he was a god of Greece and we did not part on good terms and by that you mean yes I see no shortage of bitter old ghosts in these parts these parts being your memory of course brother that Throne we saw did you recognize it was it familiar it was mine the throne I took from Aries it is a throne of Monsters ah the anxiety of power made manifest a symbol you're no doubt meant to consider it is a symbol I reject that might not quite close the book on matters a symbol can't be slain destroyed or ignored the best measure is often to reclaim it redefine it remind us it's not the throne but the God who sits in it this is locked until we meet valhalla's demands huh must be another way out of here congratulations old friend you really are going places in Valhalla where is mamir is that really all you have to say to me after all this time can't muster up so much as hello for one of your most auspicious victims hello Helios where is mamir how should I know why don't we go look for him so what's new with you cratos murdered any good pantheons l lately devastated any populations with the cataclysmic consequences of your actions turned on any once trusted allies you simply must bring me up to speed on your latest Saga of blood soaked Vengeance I am that no longer you don't mean to say you've gone soft never believe it once a Spartan always a Spartan no there's no fooling me Kratos you know what they say you can't hide in the shadows from a sun god at least that's what they should say say the decor is looking a little more familiar isn't it a mighty chain auspicious sign you've always had such luck with chains this is all going to work out just great for you I can feel it oh there it is home sweet home now this room must really take you back wasn't this the Chamber of sacrifice where you let an Athenian Soldier burn to a crisp just so you could get past the roof oh those mad cap early days how you must miss them what are you doing cratos you mean to sacrifice me again [Applause] oh good you're making eye contact as you push me towards my demise what a special little Personal Touch really lets me know where I stand especially after such a long and agonized deliberation over what to do oh how reluctant you'll tell people you were to sacrifice me to the flame I hate to disappoint you you blithering idiot but you do remember I'm a sun god right you think I'm afraid of a little fire don't threaten me with a good time Kratos maybe I'll be infused with power and achieve my final form maybe I'll explode and take you with me let's just see what happens let's just see time for another push let's go okay seriously Kratos get me out of this cage it's not funny anymore I can't believe you mean to roast me on a whim on a presumption that it's what Valhalla wants from you have you ever considered that your instincts are just random thoughts that pop into your head no more likely to be true than the next maybe consider that quickly you're really just going to incinerate me and see what happens I swear you haven't changed One S brother what am I doing in here over here over here what's that no no get me out of here brother what is this help me I'm trying mother please pleas do not panic we will simply return to the gate I don't think so I think you've broken her Valhalla works oh I think this is it brother let's get you out of here secet F I'm not supposed to be here oh hry oh no you poor thing look at you you shouldn't have done that I'll heal dummy you and Kratos would not but you're safe now sec I'm sorry I've been so foolish I later love I need a moment we are forever in your debt as I will be forever in yours my lady stop you've seen me worse I'm not sure about that boss it's nothing air can't heal this could take some time go on Kratos get back in there and do what you need to do memory of vanaheim now brother I beg you not to remember the exploding plants what did you say about a forest you you remember being elsewhere when Helios took your place hi yes I didn't mention that while we were plummeting but yes I was in a forest much like that of my youth back on my old body too it was a bit dreamlike to be honest do you wish to return there I can't say I don't I'm concerned but I'm more than curious guess my memories are fair game in here as well don't suppose they'll just stick to the pleasant ones will they unlikely ah we're up by those statues now judges did you say perhaps the higher ples of Valhalla correspond to the deepest reaches of your [Music] memory hello me again if I must car you make yourself useful say what you see in battle I I [ __ ] decisions decisions they locked you out guess we better poke around the old neighborhood see what sorts of acquaintances are looking to reconnect heading back to the cage are we I guess Valhalla is giving you a second chance well now it's a party here we are let's see what brilliant move you've thought of um katos surely you're not supposed you know what never mind I'd like to see [Applause] this brother are we know dear the invitation was yours I would have signed it but it was important you come here for your own reasons then you're not an illusion you're in the flesh old [Music] friend what do you want I know what you're wrestling with Spartan I understand it better than you realize the shame the doubt the question I could find no answer for until I came here lifetimes ago stepped through that door what is in there oh I'm not here to spoil that for you only to help you prepare why because I can because for us fighting occupies the body while our minds work out the rest because you're not ready yet show me St why exactly are you attacking us consider it a kind of trial by combat Amir when Kratos can get the better of me we'll know his mind has done the work having fun yet well I didn't catch any sleeping be ready a man at war with himself places a deficit upon his Focus he is impatient emotional easily surprised a man at won with himself has a clearer mind sharper instincts that man is ready to win that man is ready to progress I you incoming on your guard come on I may have overreached for that one come on come on [Music] well done Kratos I yield good then perhaps you are ready now am I honestly nobody can truly say that but you [Applause] I am not ready yet but we will get you there I know this you remember this katos the memory is vivid a familiar scene to any that know your Legend a man at the crossroads of a ful decision ah you've spoken of this brother the pack you made with Aries to Stave off the Barbarian [ __ ] the day I sold my soul to a god of war why show me this well if I had to guess probably to make you feel like the piece of [ __ ] you are is he necessary he's no part of my design he's either Ballas or yours at least he hasn't replaced me again not yet anyway seems a real charmer a memory fragment of your time in all time so who was cros of Spartan the day you made your pledge to AR I was the youngest captain in the Spartan Army I had gained a reputation for my skills in combat my command on the battlefield but also my aggress I was determined to never lose and until then never had my men were loyal fiercely so how many Spartans did you command not enough that day how many barbarians did you face thousands I'm back what a thrill I must say it's genuinely hard to think of anything stupider than pledging your soul to Aries of all people I mean any of Zeus's brood are bound to be garbage present company by no means excluded but Aries made a real art out of being vious and depraved though I suppose I can't begrudge you your role model I see you still use the blades he gave you can you really say you regret a decision and still keep benefiting from the trappings of that decision I'm not sure I'm just asking you ever tried to do the math on how many people died as a result of your little collaboration like contemplating the grains of sand on a beach isn't it just overwhelming honestly enough what is that looks like someone left you a party favor oh and it's a symbolic totem of your your shame that's so [Music] thoughtful oh now you've done it you're being judged and we all know your past actions wouldn't pass muster with anybody oh I meant to ask how did you like setting yourself on fire truly entertaining stuff sorry to miss how it ended up I think maybe you still have some ash on your skin am I crazy oh hello brother I'm back well done [Music] [Music] Kratos good I'd expect nothing less such Fury such control you have more of that in you those who have fallen carry me look out he's using them to heal do you remember our last conversation here you implied there was more to my deal with Aries than mere lust for power indeed we are seldom compelled by singular DRS there is always for [Applause] restor great [Music] play Blood for Blood blood here they come defend yourself come on h I yield Kratos very well I believe you found an understanding within yourself shall we see pools it's not only memories indeed for what is a memory apart from our perspective on it you know the evils that came of your path you know the evils within yourself yes these you dwell on but it's not that simple is it the Haun is vast brother what would have happened if you didn't stop it our lands would have been overrun our people killed violated people your army was sworn to protect an army led by you did you not feel a duty to fulfill your purpose did you not not fear for the safety of your Homeland you saved them you would excuse my actions excusing them is not the exercise Kratos only accepting them accepting that you acted based on what you knew then not on what was to come your motivation and their consequences are far more complicated than you let yourself believe I think perhaps you have more to process yes I have much to think of about I will return and I will be waiting you're the invitation in the first place yes and look I think Kratos may have survived that time so it's tears game G you're playing this is all his idea a game is not his purpose there is something here I must see through and what is that exactly a process all right if it's helping I trust you both we all do as we trust in Valhalla even after what it did to you I knew the rules and chose to break them I regret nothing an Infamous act one they still spoke of in the years of rebuilding I somehow doubted they meant it so literally I'll give you this brother your Technique has improved immeasurably I needed his power to secure my Vengeance Against The Gods I believed I had no choice no choice you could have not ripped my my head off my body that was absolutely an option and he's back but that wasn't the worst of it was it kattos killing he deprived gree of the sun they were plunged into Perpetual cold and darkness crop ceased to grow famine descended on our homeland not that you came enough there better isn't it Kratos I'm curious your decision to behead Helios was it fueled by any personal motivations was it really just a me it was not personal I did know him long before I killed him he was as insufferable as any God but his death brought me no satisfaction did you know what would happen as a result when Helios was captured by the gut of Dreams the lands fell into darkness and were not restored until his return I knew exactly what would happen Mor bling a son of th out your memory of all [Music] things and blessed we forget kattos lest we neglect to place your deed in full and proper context I saved your life me and you literally tore off my head for my troubles imagine all your new friends knew how you used to treat your old friends of course you're not the same man right now you only get your friends killed through lack of foresight far easier to blame others that way am I right I know you are a projection of the mind but for what it is worth the death I gave you was unjust oh how touching yeah not actually worth the spittle it took to Mumble that out do not do that again nobody wants to hear that from you heos enough a little something to remember by I truly hope it brings you unrelenting torment chills you just a little when they do that doesn't it feels like judgment oh I'm back again still not used to that Kratos I've been awaiting your return I have another cherished weapon from my travels to show you ready to to see I yield I yield good then I don't think you were indifferent Kratos I think you were hurt deeply hurt and you handled it unskillfully wait is that you restoring the sun you took helios's Chariot and put the sun back in the sky but sacrificed yourself in the process yes I fell to my death and was saved by Helios but this memory happened before I killed him my evils were Yet to Come what is the point that your legacy has always been a complicated one that goodness is not a destination we arrive at but a practice Misfortune may drive anyone to Darkness we resist it only through wisdom and vigilance you are not so unskillful now as you were then better voices in your head you might call it I think that's enough for now you have much to contemplate yes back to the beat said you should be proud of your progress Kratos see you [Music] soon that it seems like you're making progress whatever you're doing in there perhaps listen I know I made you feel like we expected more of you than you could give and I just want you to know I'm not asking you to change how you are or who you are we had to break the old world to build a new one picking up the pieces and putting them together stronger it's a rare opportunity you made a difference here in some circles a symbol of change on many days just knowing that you're a part of the council is enough and other days you've earned a voice how you use it is up to you a substitute daughter a box full of evils this one feels important this is your blacksmith story isn't it his girl was the key and he died protecting her protecting her from me I opened that box seeking the means to kill Aries and what I released pretty much turned all the gods crazy thanks again for that quiet Ed unfortunate the time I spend in my own Valhalla means you get more time with him time to die fre a no it's the other one I'm back to brighten your day all your righteous Haring about how evil the gods are and you somehow gloss over that little extra nudge you gave them opening the box was Athena's plan I did not know the cences you would claim ignorance of the consequences of trusting Athena is that your idea of a joke katos cuz I admit it's hilarious but let's be real kattos whether you should have suspected the consequences or not you certainly can't claim that you would have cared about them you wanted the power to kill Aries and because you wanted it everything is Justified that's your moral code at the end of the day isn't it to imagine you once again holding an office of solemn metaphysical responsibility a trusted figure a worshiped figure the absolute G of you to let yourself consider such a thing I guess irony can have you when it earns you or something oh how precious I don't think you can be trusted to keep that safe at all pretty sure he agrees with me good to see you again Kratos I have one last weapon to show you I think you'll enjoy enjoy it if that's the [Music] word arms up defend yourself having fun yet [Music] left side incoming H the left one's not going you ready [Music] oh on your right home hook be ready arms off home p [Music] arms up defend yourself when last we fought I asked what was inside the Box you open you told me fear deceit hatred yes magnify what was already in the gods but you know very well that there's something else defend yourself on your left your Shield brother use it yeah come on right side sa for theack be ready are you ready to win show me trust your instinct fros Bo hook find you okay hooken the like one Lo arms up [Music] fight defend yourself hooken F you look at Focus Kratos yes well done boom hooken on your guard be ready fight defend yourself stop Kratos I yield hard thought let's see what your mind has worked out when the evils of the Box were purged what remained was hope which you chose to release back to the world yeah yes after everything you came back full circle to sacrificing yourself my death would have been just but it was not to be yes you lived and hope still lived inside you from that day to this one one might say you brought hope back to these Realms after a long Slumber box or no box Kratos hope and fear and love and hate exist in every one of us the question is which will you choose to let guide your actions each choice we make shapes our world I see the truth of it and I believe I am ready to walk through that door excellent what can I say to you I remember how it felt to take that Throne all that it meant and all that it did not a god of war god of pain of suffering of Destruction I no one said I chase Redemption that I know I can never deserve what does that make me God fools God hope and all else is lost you lost everything and everyone you became there is no forgiving you you chose I chose but now should I this say man should I sit take Proclaim lead place myself in service in service should I lose everything and everyone there's to be enough left inside so that I do not become you I do not know but I have hope you are cruel and arrogant and selfish but you are more than that you have always been more than what others saw you are more than [Music] [Music] that [Music] for [Music] well looks like I missed everything did you find what you needed glad to hear it brother we're done here then so uh what now now I believe I would like to sit you for a [Music] while
Channel: GameClips
Views: 1,865,773
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Keywords: God Of War Ragnarok, God Of War Ragnarok Valhalla, God Of War Ragnarok Valhalla All Cutscenes, God Of War Ragnarok Valhalla Cutscenes, God Of War Ragnarok Valhalla Full Movie, God Of War Ragnarok Valhalla Movie, God Of War Ragnarok Valhalla All Cutscenes Movie, All Cutsenes, Kratos, Full Movie, 2023, 4K Ultra HD, HD
Id: p7RA6QLvZDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 8sec (3968 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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