GOD OF WAR RAGNAROK All Cutscenes (PART 5/FINALE) Game Movie 4K Ultra HD

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foreign [Music] hang on you should have seen your faces relax it's flying we're flying I knew it would do that we have guests there's another one I knew this was going too smoothly uh little help oh [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign you think he survived that he's down there picking the dirt out of his nails with the beast's feathers we'll see he has to be we're almost there Envy just hold on a bit longer oh lunda Linda we need cloth and boiling water red root and Lamb's Crest and now I know you think I never staunched a bleeder before oh now don't you go worrying boss I didn't go through any of your stuff while you was off being started damn it Linda easy heck he says are made for I'm the one who stuck you like a damn Pig no offense hey Freya mind giving her a hand we're just taking over entirely hold still she'll just get you stable so I can take you to Century's house the rest of my herbs are there we'll protect the realm in your absence the four of us in good hands but it's injuries house huh whoever that is your boat nope your boat come on take it see all the skies Sun yourself on its bow you look like you could use it make a van here God proud he gave you his boat nice he left me no choice [Music] because it was necessary not because it was written [Music] prophecy Halls galahorn is the herald of Ragnarok whatever it does I read about it in Odin's Library supposedly we will discuss in private sorry love beeru is the one who found me wounded in the jungle when I was trying to find my way back here watched over me as I slept never thanked him don't get captured again promise I promise love Noah's dead good is it look I don't know from Fame but I know Heimdall was a prize-winning can't stain with a capital Stang if he was gonna hurt your boy he's a good thing he ain't around no more the Norms didn't quite see it that way the opinion of them three shutdown spinsters ain't worth a goat fart in a hurricane you did what you did hope you and your loins Sprout ain't got any holes where you don't want them we are fine oh honey you don't have to worry about him gave him a once over just as soon as rare was patched up and on his way get you now found the console's journal thank you Kratos it is exactly what we were hoping for the console risked everything to understand the mistakes of our past and now those lessons can live on thank you Kratos the elves and we won't forget this they are liable to forget all the Bloodshed between them either there's a path towards peace for all of us nobody said this would be easy what does that mean oh how could smell something could be important maybe we should follow her tracks halcus where are you leading this girl no what do you want to do now we don't have to go straight home do we look tracks from the olfactured only gifted home seems we're on the right path hey girl we're here guess we should follow her more paw prints little slobber balls quite the tracker more of Helga's tracks I dare see she's got a skill to nose for hunting as you brother hers is superior the eyes can lie and the nose cannot does that make you wish you could turn into an animal every once in a while no and There She Goes ah she went over that Ridge we can't follow her at this time of night foreign [Music] [Music] Blair that's gotta be bugger she wants us to rescue him we can head back now Alka we'll take it from here how could bieger have survived a fall like that magic perhaps let's make sure to ask once we've extricated him from this situation should be easy to find beer girl from up here why'd everyone sound so scared at this place yeah on that note dragon foreign I'm fine you okay well he seemed angry what do you suppose that means we are going the right way where are we anyway looks to be the ruins of a once thriving Vanier settlement what happened you'll rightly no more reason to find a way out ah signal diggers alive not for long if that dragon has its way it will not do you see what I'm seeing a lightning bolt except it's frozen like the one made in my fight with Thor but why would there be one just like it here in Van nuheim the dragon's back and it's angry [Applause] got him cornered [Music] help them thank you foreign you probably are good oh now we just gotta find beer here huh over here oh many things no thank you you saved us back on the boat right father it was foolish and appreciated there's a Mystic Gateway nearby but I have no stone for it we do I can't believe you survived that fall how'd you do it I rolled talk later not me I'm doing great got a belly full of stag feed living life but yeah talk to him back to the round between rounds when you gotta move foreign circumstances one hopes well with Burger safe we can get out of here or explore some more if you wanna I wanted to tell you I read something you know you could hate this child without Ox if you tried done well look who made progress finding lean words what you got I I spelling worm on you I do it stinks quit messing around and covering the child are the best you always been the best hey tell her she's the best oh you back the heroes of the hour I want to hear everything I mean when you're ready I'm not giving orders here am I try to rest Envy let the herbs work oh they work oh they they work very well because you make things better you always have since since we were kids I find a new way to get into trouble and you find a way to make it better well that's certainly true do you know do you know we used to leave Anaheim together when we were young not much older than you to be honest well I'm deleting I just tried to keep things fun leadership not really my strong suit let's be honest really your group back in vannheim seems pretty devoted well I can inspire people I guess and get them to see the best in themselves you know I don't know if that's leadership is it more like um like a muse wait like a what a muse father told me about that in his homeland they inspired all kinds of artists yeah I could totally do that I think they were all goddesses though well come on that's not fair that's not fair I I would be a natural oh what were we talking about Envy you must rest you understand you must please just stop talking okay I'm sorry but someone was going to fill us in on what happened with heinberg right is that what's happening patience this will be of use love what now a riddle what gets bigger the more you take away love why can't it shove buffling relationships you've been in I'm here that don't make any sense agreed oh [ __ ] I won't be lectured on the nature of a Romance by the two of you duffers yes because hey you think enough look at huh you really did it how in all the lime Realms and you managed to kill him I knew our spear would do the trick well happy Ragnarok everybody let's drink true I'm doll's dead I can't believe it there's no stopping it now Odin swore peace only so long as you spilled no more Acer blood I'll refuse that deal yet he honored it now but what you and I know better than anyone that Odin's promises never last we have the advantage now it's time to bring him down no none of you understand what's coming Odin's Vengeance will be his only concern not his only concern the mask whatever knowledge it unlocks that's what Odin wants more than anything if I go back to Asgard go back look if I can finish what I started there awaken the mask get answers maybe that's our way out of this but I gotta go soon before they figure out what's happening oh do not ask me to put you at risk again he's at risk where he stands Kratos we all are anything we do or don't do is dangerous right now but Odin needs me trust me I'll be safe there from a tactical perspective am I wrong I don't much like it but it is our best play dividing Odin's Pocus would biased time and give us a pair of eyes in the enemies intersect him but if there is truly a source of infinite knowledge once he has what he needs from you then I lose my Leverage I get it I'll be smart father I can do this remember I promise you too I hope you know what you're doing I do too son well I still want to hear how you did it you mean how we did it uh yeah and therein lies a tale foreign listen I can't let you go back without this a hammer your key please you ever need a way out of a bad situation throw this down hard and say wergy one use only thanks injury hope I don't need it me too all right Odin said hugin would be waiting in the cabin my mirror anything else I should know about Odin maybe a weakness or something like if I flip up his eye patch he'll disintegrate yeah no sorry mimir I can't do your accent I'm on my own for this one here we go foreign hey is your wool stop doing that oh we're having a moment it sort of looked like you were having a moment I can go no sorry this is fenrir hmm it's okay Ben she's uh no I was right about your knife huh I'm glad you found a place for us so me too hey uh how'd you find me here Loki this is my marble and where are you heading off to you back to Asgard hey I'm actually using him uh huh anger Boda look once I see this through I'm Gonna Know everything how to save my father had to stop Ragnarok and maybe hopefully how to bring our people back Loki those are all very Noble intentions that he's Odin you have faith in me right of course I do I just hope the story you're writing for yourself is the one that you truly want you would you take care of fan while I'm away I'll take good care of him oh night boy be careful Loki foreign I just gotta help out and complete the mask but also make sure he doesn't get any answers from it easy right it's probably in a study foreign [Applause] sorry for interrupting you're not interrupting anything for said he's investigating so the truth will come out soon enough I hope it does you'd better go Panic does nothing harness it heimdall's dead happened to know something about that anything well I mean everyone hated them sure sure but have you seen anything something noteworthy I mean you know he did sock through pretty hard while we were out maybe someone found out even I I don't know are you suggesting my son had something to do with this I don't know honest well I had to ask never believed you had anything to do with this I'm glad you're back so I figured out what went wrong and this translated a word here did you know I thought it said beyond the Cry of cold breath but it actually reads the Cry of first breath well that's somewhere else entirely I know where that is young man you've done it again go take the mask take the sword take the bird find Thor going to niffenheim C2 hey Ingrid you wouldn't happen to know where Thor is yeah I figured uh hi Sif do you know where I can find Thor our father is sending us on another mission why would I tell you where to find anyone I cared about look it's fine if you don't like me or trust me or whatever I want you to know that you're hurting her excuse me through it's going to be a valkyrie one way or another you know that if you don't stand with her you're gonna lose her you may be working with all father and enjoying his little bubble of protection but stay out of my family's business enjoy your freedom while you still have it stop by my room maybe a while before I can fix up my equipment again through sorry um All fathers said I'm supposed to head to neefelheim with your dad I haven't seen him around and I was wondering if you had any idea where he could be he wasn't with grandfather no I think I know where he might be follow me I uh also wanted to talk to you about Honda don't not here you're right later [Music] [Music] back in Hell High I told you I'd help your mom understand how much becoming a valkyrie meant to you I wanted to uh like you know that I meant it you didn't Andrew's still alive I did think she was gonna choke me with her hair I'm honestly surprised she didn't thanks lucky weapons aren't allowed inside we'll have to check them why just do it come on this way oh come on they're not gonna let you in otherwise [Music] look around he'll be here throat I'm it's fine [Music] hey Thor seems like it might be a bad time so the moment I totally understand no rush but I right where I thought you'd be here you shouldn't be here you shouldn't have brought her here relaxing did I say no rush I meant we should get going right we don't want to keep the all father quiet he's right you should get going bad don't do this it's already done let it be known the God of Thunder is good for two things killing Giants and fishing me [Applause] any man who disagrees will greet mjolnir with his face foreign this isn't you Thor hmm hugin is waiting outside please it's just I said quiet boy my name is come on no no I swear that really wasn't but that's enough let's go get away from me this place you could be helping more don't you think seriously divorce right there all right how are you so much Odin be mad I'm killing in here let me die again thank you foreign what if you started again right now just put down the grab his arms let's get him out of here there's a good fight oh I'm sorry you had to see him like this no no that's fine really hey I'm strong but you've gotta help me out come on it's not that far foreign get up ah fruity you are going to needleheim with Loki all father's orders you have to get up I know you are the pointed no no no no that was a glorious fight you can't even say you're sorry this time can you it's what's one more broken promise foreign father treated you like crap you were struggling I get it but you can't just we're here for you mom and I are here for you even when you're here we love you you know that I just thought this was behind us foreign get you a water or something [Music] let's make this quick when I heard you get back to Asgard just get us to that mask was it worth it I don't know what you're talking about fine but I hope you know what's seeing you like that picture right don't bother hey why can't we just fly over these guys straight to the mat you think I want to carry you all that way just stop I'm not your Packers food looks up to you I hope you know that don't need a lecture about parenting from you to find the thing looks like we gotta head through that wall I need to do first now we can go foreign you really keep trying to and I don't even know what you're trying to do you have no idea the kind of [ __ ] right have giant son of a powerful god with impossibly high expectations how could I ever know what that's like you need tricks yeah no I'm not trying to do anything I'm just pointing out we're not that different bonding over shared blood okay I just want to add one more thing you can't be yourself you also might not feel like you can follow your own path so we've got some similar life experience what does it matter seems stupid to cry about the things we can says we can damn it agent again with the griping calling out a problem and describing it's healthy I bet you're glad I'm helping so much this time around you're welcome you're lucky she's helping too foreign problem solved don't have to think heal Ed through there just ahead I don't think that's where we're supposed to go so it's fun up this way looks like there's a path [Music] one pathway coming up out here without fog you're looking over here I uh well yeah I guess it's different from what I'm used to in a good way looks like we got to get up that Cliff No thinking that's better when I know it's gonna happen so close uh maybe I can check foreign what's up Thor I am hope everything goes okay when you see Siff and dude again well hoping's better than thinking [Music] it's here gotcha yeah that was close um thanks or wasn't about to lose that man okay we did it we are on the verge of great things all of our work together you're welcome I'm sorry you are here why his father murdered heimdell for said he has proof take him no leave him alone I command it you said no more Ace your blood would be spilled you said family comes first you don't think that this is retribution for him being here he's put your granddaughter in danger he's made your son miserable Loki didn't kill Heimdall his father did your daughter is old enough to make her own mistakes and your husband started drinking again all on his own dismissed you too the word can't you see what's happening he's not protecting us magni Modi our boys we used to tell them stories by the fire do you remember we would carve those wooden horses we would play and laugh until the sun sank and they fell asleep in our laps they were thrown at the all-fathers problems like brittle knives to a mountain face and for what what if through what's next you might be in their beds turn my father against me daughter I have no idea what's happening you finally thought of something I can teach you you better be right where is this injury oh you sure know how to plan and exit Petraeus glad you're safe what got out just in time pretty sure I burned my bridges in Asgard though wait why were you out here cindry told us where you would arrive should you find trouble Oh I thought you might have been exploring without me know a lot your dad was just concerned oh now that you mention it please it's also crowded and turns back home don't you miss the three of us out finding our own Adventures putting off the inevitable exactly it's not the worst idea do want to show everyone The Mask but it'll keep back everybody you made it I'll get here do you want to set the table if you're ready to stay see I told you the key would get him home because you tapped it with a hammer Dwarven magic makes no sense right lunda one time made me a breastplate out of dog barks you're back I still can't figure that one out are you okay I'm fine I just hope unlocking this thing was worth the cost you have it what did it show you I didn't get to use it they found out about Heimdall I had to run but at least Odin can't use it either but if you didn't get any answers from the mask all you've done is steal Odin's greatest treasure just after your father's killed his most loyal Ally none of us are safe even here so we have no choice we find cerder sound galahorn and bring Odin to Justice now you'd incinerate every soul in Asgard and call it self-defense does he ever suggest plans or just crap on everyone else's the obvious plan is staring you in the face we don't need Odin to use this we can slip into Asgard and do it ourselves right under his nose we gain the knowledge we need to shatter this prophecy of War once and for all except begging your pardon you don't have a way into Asgard got the big horn don't they oh so you expect them to sneak into Asgard blowing a horn that sounds across all the rounds hey please just think about it this mask the answers that it promises I know this shortcuts always have a price you have carried it what do you think I think it's a chance and worse we'll have something Odin wants his Leverage and best if it really gives us all the answers then we can make our own path Nobody Has To Die Grand no he needs a way to ask God I know I've been a burden to you all I know you've questioned why you even pulled me out of that hole I have two but it's clear now this is what I'm needed for this is my purpose one last time I will pick up my Spear and I will lead us to Asgard with me but if you got a way to Asgard where's that Allied idea been this whole [ __ ] while that's a fair question brother you who the hell does God you would have gotten us all killed and we needed to give Loki time to find his destiny here it is it's all led to this if we can get inside I'm going after Odin I will not stop you we can do both spot on brother if the Mask doesn't give us an out we'll still have that drop on him works for me let's do it then and quickly before he sees us coming he does hate surprises slow down you damn spruce want to hear the details on this uh new way to Asgard you got spill it it's an ancient path we can't reach it from here let me collect my themes and I'll show you you ain't got no things and where are you going with that last rock that belongs to the kid he earned it all you've done was make passable dirt soup Brock it's okay no it ain't this ain't right all the pieces ain't welding together true like what's with him calling you Loki anyway you know that ain't his name hey I'm talking to you you'll never shut up [Music] all the things hold in let go of the boy and face me tell your brother to throw me the mask and you've got a deal if he dies down now I wasn't part of the plan but if he guys we are square for Heimdall and honestly you got a bargain I will kill you plan on that so nice spending time with you again Freya please can't be in two places at once Craig hey I don't move you don't move don't do anything you want crap I regret many things killing you will not be one of them hi I'm in control here throw me the mask now too bad son looks like war after all you have to save them you have to he can you can't maybe if I go back to the lake yeah I know what you got and I forget you should get his job yeah let's go [Music] this whole time so what do we do now now we kill Odin and anyone who gets in our way cheers come what where it does not matter where are you going we are done [Music] you can't run away from this Kratos Odin won't stop until we stop him we need you here father where are we going oh father can we all right I want to go hunting I will follow we are with you atreus we hope which way we headed lad in the direction of deer foreign do you wish to speak of what happened I think I heard something this way he just needs space here tracks they're leading that way s violence changes us you are not weak to feel its effects but all feeling its effects we're heading the right way there's broken branches over there come on I keep seeing it a knife Rock Century's face son there it is foreign accuracy over speed why and that was running I don't understand when an animal is wounded it must stop the bleeding or it will die we have been wounded in this this is a distraction it's my fault nope it finds Hendry I have a pretty good idea where he might be lead what is it okay if we take the slides I need to think about what I'm going to say to him of course everywhere I look I'm reminded of my mistakes our actions have consequences to be reminded of them is not punishment girls like it if I had just seen through a deception that fooled us all stopped an attack you could not predict there is no if address your father's right there are things even Gods cannot control honor it's Becky gum where you can take the sled when you're ready foreign is there a chance that we could bring Brock back injury did it once maybe we could figure out a way to do it again I'm afraid not little brother when a soul missing its full year it's Direction like blocks leaves it's corporeal form Well it can't reach the lake of Souls it's not only dead he's been denied an afterlife there's nothing to bring back it's really gone let's see if there was anything we could do I promise you we'd be doing it no stupid of me to Hope in the first place [Applause] I miss when the lake was still water I feel like I want to get on a boat and just sail away from here from everything you cannot sail away from your mistakes it is impossible to forget them I have tried I will follow you no matter where you go little brother if you want to sail do it toward somewhere a lift at the end of the bridge still work we can get up to the temple that way we really should be heading to the temple ah so yes what makes you so sure cindery will be here it's where he and Brock reunited forging something that broke he'll be here century [Music] I [Music] I'm so sorry no [Music] no I don't want to hear it you don't know what sorry means [Music] we're not letting Odin get away with this would that be the Odin you invited into my home oh some of us were bigger fools than others aren't we I gave you everything my skills my friendship my home my secrets my treasures and you just kept taking and now what have I got not even my family you aren't sorry this is what sorry looks like I what can we do we there is no we there's only you no matter what the cost so what you can do is get the [ __ ] out of my sight come upstairs even me more than how you wish foreign I thought we were his family too thank you [Music] there's no making this right who's there no but I know I'll feel better when we brought Odin to justice justice Justice is not what we seek it is vengeance every path I walk leads back to vengeance maybe that's all we have left we must return to Freya when we get back blurb we really are going to war you just come to that yes when we were back in Florida fine looking for tear this isn't what I wanted this wasn't what I meant not if it meant losing Brock we know what it is we really took everything from century don't take the hot onesies no matter how spot on the field I know we should go see Freya but I wouldn't mind staying here in your car for a little while hi a few last Adventures to take our minds off the state of well everything foreign will still be at the house don't see why not Odin's back door in was also his way out without the Blasted Raven apparently hiding in the broom closet the house should be secure and she will not turn away allies in her Vengeance I it's all our Vengeance now and no more fake tear to twist our minds around oh our mockery he made of Tears desire for peace and mind foreign you're back are you with us good it's time time for what did I ask time to unite the Realms against Odin once and for all to try to unite the Realms the real tear everyone loved him and even he failed then we better not fail or there will be no one left to try this is Ragnarok an ordin's already heard of a blasted plan we have yes we've lost the element of surprise more than that we have only one way to Asgard and it's not something yellow it means we enter from tears Temple here asgard's wall is here Odin's host of ainhairyar will hold the space in between which means we need armies of our own as many as we'll answer the call numbers Odin won't see come in and that's just to reach the wall to breach the wall we'll need to find SATA ratatoska was able to procure this and the three of us will go and I just swear to look it's Splendid I'll ice then who do we think we can get the whole adventure to hellheim try to recruit the army of the dead and I'll return to all time to unite the elves just like that unite the elves after centuries of War well they really like me and I'm fine and you to better yes to find Seagram and must of the free Valkyries that good has no Army nor meaffelheim nor yotenheim that leaves only spartal fine I'll go to spartal fine it's injury are you sure I said I'll go Soviet good luck to us all [Music] to find the last fire Giant I almost Envy everyone else's impossible mission that's a quality spear but uh could be pointier hey y'all uh I just wanted you to know if you need anything at all I'll be around either here or at Brock and centuries old shops yeah I know we're all Bust It Up Inside today but you know everyone like to keep busy you said you know where to look for certain yeah I unlocked the secrets in the shrine when I was in Moose behind with Thor Thor don't worry he didn't see me going that was not my worry now look when we find certain we'll have to convince him to combine with his wife Samara combine yeah when the two of them uh join they'll create an enormous Asgard destroying monster oh my I have some doubts regarding negotiations with Ross filter in her life my thinking is that she may be more amenable to speaking with a member of the uh mimir you needed it well death is a skill now I suppose these two can survive a bit without me brother if you wouldn't mind very well many thanks we'll catch up with you later hey I think I can see Sutter's Forge in the distance wife where is she okay head down towards that Tower you might be able to see the forge heads up it avoids every attack I wonder if they saw their prophecy and decided to isolate themselves in their home Realms to fight it understandable hopefully they'll understand why Ragnarok needs to happen now look over there I think the forks might be Lava fall a hunch and I was here before I got a pretty good feel for the layout we need to be ready for certain in case he doesn't want to help us ready prophecy says he and Samara join but who knows how they're going to feel about it now you would try to force these primordial beings into submission well I don't know you can't win this war without them right through the broken gate I think we're close It's gotta be him we will ask foreign ER well either it isn't him or he's ignoring us come on hello we seek a fire Giant go away what just happened hey that wasn't we deal with these fun foreign foreign as you said we need him I won't help you who are you who you seek it's left on him why won't you help us I don't want to elaborate will die right because you've got so much to live for not me her so what's the point of all this you keep separate from sinmara just so you can sit here and wait to die at least if you joined with her you'd be together again we are together without her heart she's got mine it's not much but it's enough but you're not even have you ever been in love it's pretty good and Odin will succeed and all Realms save Asgard will fall he must die true but I won't sacrifice her any more than you would him sorry come wait [Music] those blades may I see them primordial fire in those they are not of these lands shouldn't matter [Music] yeah that could work What could those in here and I'll become your monster but I don't want her involved at all but the prophecy says you two have to combine sure this will work what have I got to live before not here follow me foreign where the first Realms came into existence you won't be able to get through this huh uh starter steal me better than walking what awaits us at this spark of the world Magic primordials with that with your blades and my heart I'll get it big smash stuff you'll like it but what'll happen when you change won't be me anymore but how will you or um future new you know when to attack Asgard you got the [ __ ] right yeah we're good so here it is the spark of the world this is beautiful I'll meet you across this feels too easy Odin knows we have yellow on he knows you have the mask after killing Brock he knows we would seek certain to start this war well what other choice do we have none he knows that too foreign should we at least tell her no it had hurt her too much more than not knowing what happened to you times loving someone is about choosing the Lesser pain that doesn't make any sense I promise you'll stay away from her you have a word sorter is stabbing you with the blade is going to be enough to create this new you said more as hard as cool your dad's now got my fire in those blades if enough of me and the Sparks fire go into enough of her it should work okay come here [Music] [Music] blades move this will hurt I don't know really painful part My Fire her heart I'm buying them you get Ragnarok it's time wow [Music] how long do you think this is gonna take batteries Odin must have said that [Music] welcome yeah [Music] [Music] child father Harry foreign [Music] get away from there [Music] did it work disorder are you there father over here [Music] will you help us attack Asgard uh great hear that all we have to do is call him with gallerhorn when we're ready let's head back to move spawn we can take the Mystic Gateway back from there it worked I can't believe it we've got Ragnarok on our side sorter's plan just worked I mean the Valkyries were a small setback but I bet we've got Odin worry now he knows we're coming for him think about it we're gonna show up to Asgard and ragnarok's gonna come in and wreck everything Odin won't stand a chance we're gonna win suppose right Groove failed to predict what we've sacrifice in return maybe she could only see the big stuff this is gonna work right it must Ragnarok strength grows hey check out that Cliff the earthquake must have shook this place up enough to make a ledge trying to finish the Giants after restarted [Music] Minecraft all right there will be more we gotta get out of here so you fought in a lot of Wars right you've never had anything like Ragnarok on your side I have and the creature does not guarantee our Victory right foreign I mean you're always quiet but this feels different I gotta hope my days of ceaseless battles were over I had hoped to never see my son go to Ware house Ragnarok is here they know what that means for Asgard last one before anything else shows up gate is just through this crack in the Rocks when you're ready father I know we're doing the right thing Ragnarok has to happen the price we and others paid for this was high you will only get higher it'll be worth it yeah my usefulness to accept dead run out Ragnarok awaits our call as to the armies of hell thanks mostly to me it seems war is upon us at last we have two now brother leave some time before what expected at the temple it could be our last chance father is there anything you want to finish up foreign this is it then beginning of the end the end for Odin and after that A New Beginning for the rest of us I know I'm just looking forward to seeing all the Realms finally standing up to him elves and doors and Hell itself you are so certain they will unite they have to after everything they've been through they have to don't they anything in midgard you want to do you know wow we still can pretty on the others are still making preparations for the attack so there's time father I'm worried about Thor why last time you fought you couldn't beat him what happens when we meet him again but it'll be different from last time last time you were not with me huh thanks okay ready when you are all the Army probably gathered in their home realms for when we blow gallerhorn so I was kind of hoping to see some of them here when all the realm Towers open at once we'll see plenty lot Odin won't believe what's coming for him no Odin had lifetimes to prepare for this whatever grows deception he heard the truth as tear do not underestimate him closing speech brother very inspirational wow the Valkyries look different welcome back hildes Feeney informed me of your success we've been planning accordingly well what would Ragnarok be without Ragnarok who else agreed to join us I see the Valkyries better than that they are reborn corporeal and uncorrupted thanks to no small amount of Van air magic they're Shield maidens now nice and your brother he came through the elves called a truce to unite against Asgard that gives us an advantage by air and with hell's Army for a Vanguard what about syndra will the dwarves fight we haven't heard from him but there's time yet and I think we have what we need to clear a path for the Ragnarok Beast well when you say it like that why worry at all Secret it's good to see you sword alive oh yes I was like myself unless we met I'm glad you're safe my queen The Shield maidens will be divided among the forces breaching from alfheim hellheim and here in midgard We Stand ready Kratos Petraeus the mayor please excuse me oh good night then prayer have you determined our path out of Asgard if the towers are the way in we count on them being the way out and if they are not then we all know what we signed up for our plan is only missing one thing a leader that honor is yours you have a righteous claim and the respect of your troops and you have faced this enemy before I held his invading Army to a stalemate this is our Invasion a Siege on his terrain I want our most experienced wartime General in the field I don't care about the honors I don't care about the prophecies and champions I just need us to win for real I know what I'm asking just sleep on it here we are Kratos your tent is to the right and atreus yours is to the left mine a young Warrior needs his own space don't you think I do wow thanks sleep on what we spoke of let me know in the morning what you decide healed it come join us see when she had them distracted I jumped in her own and together we took them all down there must have been a hundred I don't know maybe more spare us your gloating does it really bother you with some of my ideas actually work but you envy you in what realm spare me the patronizing I've calculated every risk I've ever taken try to mitigate all the ways it could go wrong and still it all falls apart you you just throw yourself into situations In Harm's Way and somehow it always works out for you you always end up all right with that stupid grin I'd argue my trip to Asgard didn't go quite so well yes there are some lessons to be learned by plan and others by learning to adapt that's why you choose such a great team I know it's because we had such a lousy old man sorry it was not much yeah funny you should be so hard on him freyr since you inherited his Wanderlust especially in times of importance that's not true I had good reason for leaving those times tell her ah I have missed this my apologies but I would like to be alone with my thoughts we will leave you to them then oh hey is it okay if I just hang out here for now nothing's wrong I just want to be alone think excuse me may I have a moment with nimir I don't know what tomorrow brings but if tonight is our last night feeling something besides hate will you tell me one less silly story there's nothing I'd like more except perhaps a dance though I may have lost to stay do you respect love I don't tell silly stories you only tell silly stories you can never argue with you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] can I sleep here tonight [Music] oh [Music] my God [Music] he was quiet your mind I can't [Music] win bye I will tell you a story if I fall asleep promise you'll finish it tomorrow of course no close your eyes there was an old man good job wood for his village every evening he pour the logs on his back and delivered them to his people [Music] but the logs were heavy and he grew weaker as time went and one day with down the logs as he could no longer bear their weight foreign called for a death to come to him and when death thrived foreign thank you he's the only one who ever got my eyebrow since EQ damn fine woman she was apart from her taste in men of course she was a special woman she wanted to protect people she was here she saw every step we took before we took it like she was always with us watching over us getting us home is my request upset you f is a natural part of life my love I wish only to be prepared for when my when my my Mortals must do such things I am glad to have you prepare with me you were quiet I have nothing to say well play something I enjoy hearing your voice I would have chosen different oh in my land we in two my loved ones you would have me trapped in the ground for eternity I would have you close to me how touching my rotting corpse would bring you such comfort we once tried to take charge of your ending did you know did you know that was different circumstance yes but not on purpose you prepare for a distant future there is much time ahead of us I wish to better a future that will exist without me whenever that day comes for you and for our son we will always walk together Kratos you will always be a part of me I will always be a part of you and you were gone that a part of me dies as well feel your absence culmination of Love is grief and yet we love despite the inevitable we open our hearts to it when the pyres spend and you have gathered my ashes spread them from the highest peak in all the realms you will do this for me to grieve deeply is to have loved fully open your heart to the world as you have opened it to me and you will find every reason to keep living in it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on it is time I'll meet you outside father sir foreign [Music] we'd hoped to fly into battle with you one more time my queen me too but not as your queen sisters are you ready yes I will be your general will be an honor to fight alongside you General hi brother I'll be right by your side so what are your orders the temple hi General Kratos I got something you're gonna want before you go to war you have seen Century yeah he ain't in a good place right now who is I'm sorry lunda I know you and bro just tell me you're gonna get Odin tell me whatever it takes you're not letting that bastard walk away from this damn Pratt and if in the process you happen to tear them a bucket load of new holes in places he don't want them I'll be rightly obliged General sir General sir hey bud uh General I came to these lands Escape my past start a new life [Music] ignite no longer I do not want this war [Music] we have suffered enough prophecy did not lead us here nor will it win this battle Wars are won by those that are willing to sacrifice everything that is the cost of vengeance be it Odin has taken so much from us already the Realms have suffered enough no matter the cost this ends today I'm going out in the blaze of glory means that Odin Burns to I'll be a big fat smile on my face for Brock [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign the most will have Towers falling if Odin goes after nipplehem next they're trying to shut out Ragnarok you've got to stop those war machines not an ideal stop I know just wait Ingrid well we got work to do you three followers with me watch our flights to the war machines foreign huh yeah we're not looking so good there's still time catch up later incoming what's our next plan for that we have no other plans our Focus remains a chance incoming [Applause] the war machines we use them to break the clock strike the city with our allies sounds desperate good desperation is our advantage we're the professor realm destroying fire giant but I suppose desperation is better than nothing foreign all right [Music] this way up here a welcome sight but he didn't follow us from midgard Curious he'll keep Thor busy at least they sound eager good what can nowhere they ain't here you're gonna return from Valhalla as quickly as we kill them there goes the Alpine for the enforcements we are running out of armies [Music] looks like the giant giants made it after all it's different when I was away uh never mind the a and her yard's link to Valhalla my sisters and I must suffer it go still no sign of the corpse injury won't let us down we have to trust him rally all you captain Tower okay what the [ __ ] are we gonna break throughout with that Ragnarok oh no we're pretty desperate huh she'll be fine we got more important things to worry about even if we can breach the wall perhaps it's better for who the dwarves are here way to go Century ah it's just injury I know I'm late where is your army no more dwarves are dying for this save it Holden force them to fill those war machines and I'm here to tear them down fine leave it to the dwarves to clean up after the Giants father shoots guys foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is this anymore or less what you wanted huh I didn't want this close your heart to it close your heart who are they Guardians Odin took them in you shouldn't be here they're not soldiers oh you didn't put them in our path to die War or so one by those who are willing to sacrifice everything what are you doing what's up listen closely you feel better pain because that is who you are and you must never sacrifice that never not for anyone I was wrong atris I was wrong open your heart open your heart to their suffering that does your mother's wish in mind as well good days we will be better but what can we do oh God see the size of that thing I think we're gonna win I mean if they don't kill us first why have you stopped Ragnarok is here we finally have Odin right where we will stop voting we will breach the wall and Reaper's floor Army trace and I will be enough it may be but we will die Seeking Justice not vengeance can that weapon break open the flaw to find out you three get those people to safety wherever you can find it we will see it done Fred and I will do what we can to slow Ragnarok let's not fightless people are see if he will listen to me Odin will not get away if he does I know [Music] protect him I will help us in the Trap and meet you at the floor go go address be careful and stay behind me you be careful I'm here to fight shut up and fight [Applause] can't let it control me foreign [Music] what you want to thank you no I just want I don't care what you want this change is nothing huh you really had me believing you that we didn't have to be enemies dude you're okay my mom was right about you all along you're a killer just like your father and you're here to kill us all no just Odin here we go she's a friend friends don't bring the end of the world to each other's doorstep Loki you're right you're right I I made some bad decisions you do that a lot I'm not sure that's a defense it's not a defense I just want to make it right is Gilder okay have you seen him why wouldn't he be what are you talking about Odin is willing to sacrifice some Guardians he put them along the wall to try and deter us knowing they can't fight their deaths are just meant to slow us down why would he do that and how am I supposed to believe you because he's right it's who Odin is it's who he's always been mom why are you here what hell sacrifice anyone had a problem in front of him the Guardians your friend or family any of us I'd hope that your father would stand up to him but now it it has to be you Mom what are you saying through food I never doubted that you would make the finest Valkyrie these Realms have ever seen but not for him do you understand but our family without Odin we can be one again a real one what he's doing is wrong he said if we held our ground we'd be safe and he said we owed him you don't own your death oh [ __ ] [Music] dad will never let them get their grandfather then go with him he'll listen to you are you ready to go find the rest of your people yeah I love you Mom I love you too finally [Music] shoot it well done son foreign foreign [Applause] sparkly let's go foreign back to you sister you must hold back Ragnarok this fight is mine but if I could just take material mask and do not look back I son trusts you so I trust you I am done with you and your son no more [ __ ] games and this sun I'm allowed to kill you you do not need to do this seems to think you've changed it [Music] waiting time you let's go [Music] you've got the old father made you you can choose go and think for yourself [Music] for my family [Music] then you're free oh nothing happens ah still won't be me oh damn mouth everything was fine convince me I've been believing things listen to me you have nothing I want to hear foreign get up foreign [Music] what the [ __ ] are you waiting for your daughter my son calls her friend if you try to hurt her I would not you know What I've Done yes but what will you do now foreign no more no more for the sake of our children we must be better foreign are you talking who told you to do that you don't talk you don't think I think you kill it's a simple [ __ ] concept what is this are you broken I am your father take the hammer and kill who I tell you to kill no I didn't want this I did not want this dude this was all therefore they've done this to us to our family [Music] looks like I gotta do everything around here 's gonna be fine foreign all right thank you you just can't help yourself [Music] oh my God [Music] hold up so was this everything you hoped for was your plan really all that much better than mine I hope you got exactly what you want not quite yet I think you're the only one who can craft a binding spell I've spent many long Winters thinking about what I would say to you as I watched you take you [Music] but now I realize there's only one thing I need you to know you have no hold on me anymore and that's my Frick I forgot how good you look with wings oh husband you always sought knowledge well now I'm going to teach you what it's like to lose everything bow to your queen I always loved you you know you've never loved anyone [Applause] father prayer you did it Loki no no no no no no no more fighting no none of that matters now this is your moment Loki will try to hide you from me but this is your destiny champion of the oat knot only he can put on the mask only he can gaze into the truth of creation unfolds the secrets of life and death no more doubt no more confusion going for this basket the question this is your choice son I trust you no no no no why did you do that what was it all for you choose to be nothing so be it attacked a long time for this how did you freaked too late for that before [Music] I just wanted answers oh my God [Music] if you just played your heart none of this would have happened thank you use your arrow I got it please stop ugh this was our chance Loki I could have had my answers I could have learned the truth you took that away from me I could have made things better we could have made the nine Realms better this was never about the Realms or me it was about you you destroyed everything my home my family my kingdom you did those things your choices you killed your own son it wasn't my choice I had no choice there's always a choice foreign you have to stop you can choose to be better no I can't to know what happens next I will never stop why'd you have to say that sophomore Opera his son so far so far [Music] what do we do with him foreign I would never Rob from you the choice between life and death I have waited so long for this moment and now that I'm here [Music] I don't need this to make me whole we stopped his Madness that's all that matters that's what comes next it's Ragnarok he's here time to go to win exactly follow me quickly what you have to go well it's time [Music] oh my God no matter what happens I'll be with you but your path is your own follow it and you'll end up right where you're supposed to be huh there he is wake up atreus wake up glad you've come back to us ah hi where where is my father he'll be glad to see you ah thanks there foreign Loki I'm so glad you're both alive you have no idea and I'm sorry Thor he was tried you know I'm sorry I couldn't do more nothing will fix what you're feeling but I hope there's some comfort and knowing Odin's gone they are absolutely is lucky it was an honor to fight alongside a giant know that will you stay here in midgard for a bit that I've got something I need to find I'm working with Hilda's Vini to get the rest of the asgardians to Anaheim to help rebuild then I hope it can be a fresh start for them and you oh and through I hope you find what you're looking for good luck see you Loki take care were either of your weapons damaged in the battle I think they're fine maybe a couple Nicks here and there oh Logan made it out good for him oh and if you could get this wood over to Bronner's tent killed her Loki hey glad to see the head injury didn't make you forget me did you have a head injury everything was a blur maybe that was someone else anyway man I'm just I'm really glad to see you I'm glad to see you too looks like you're keeping busy ah I'm just happy to help folks we're on track to have bed rolls for everyone and your friends wolves have been helping out with hunting should have plenty to feed everyone no [ __ ] no [ __ ] and hey thank you for everything you wouldn't even be here without you and your friends yeah of course I I just wish we could have gotten more people out Loki you did good thanks skilled her take care okay hey you know me has anyone seen any extra blankets lying around that snow might be melting but it's still gonna be pretty cold oh there he is and one for the kid too let's go here here let's go we wouldn't be here if it weren't for you and prayer sacrifice it's true we were just swapping our own Frayer fables right right so where was I oh when we met I was expecting this Warrior this master planner a born leader the legend came before The Man but the man himself was very different he won me over though he was just so damn kind I think it helped that he was handsome this is true and Incredibly Charming all right stop y'all go back to start crying all over again sorry gotta go find my father are you sorry I'm pleased to see you awake prayer it was his choice I couldn't take that from him he saved us all I'll never forget that the family I thought I had was taken from me piece by piece but there's comfort in the family I've chosen your mother was right you know you grew into that bow after all you are a formidable Warrior but even more than that you have a good heart nothing you've endured has changed that so proud of the man you've become atreus thank you for everything I should find my father you should atreus you gave us quite a scare there glad to see you too mamir listen I want to thank you oh what else did you expect from the smartest man alive it's not just because you're smart you listen to me mentored me and well you're basically another dad to me what no I need you to hear it I appreciate you so much I love you too little brother see him Amir it's good to see you about atreyas you too old is Vinnie him who's that huh yeah we know it [Music] maybe one of these days I'll surprise you huh you already have oh my God thank you for saving us I decided it would be better if I wrote the ending myself I haven't told your father yet have you told them about what come on giant Visions I already saw it I get it every part of me is telling me this is what I have to do I I just don't know how to say it come with me something I want to show you both of you do not wish to intrude this is for you too foreign I am glad you are well I'm glad you are too so what was the end of the story what before Ragnarok you promised to finish it if I fell asleep When Death arrived he asked why the old man had called for him seeing death before him caused the old man to reconsider his request after a moment he asked that death help him lift the logs onto his back so that he may continue on his journey he wasn't ready to die he was to keep living there's a lot of smoke out there seems when Asgard fell pieces of it landed all over the realms there might still be some in her yard near them but that's not what I brought you here to see foreign she destroyed it she didn't want us to know our faith darling path because of her he went against her own people our people protect you it don't all open I'm sorry father I I need to talk to you about something there are other Giants out there and I've got to find them I think I know where to look but they're my responsibility I need to do this alone I I don't want to do it alone but I need to it's hard to explain does it frighten you yeah that is why we must do it like you taught me yeah we survived today because of your choices Trust who to girlfriend son you are ready remember our promise Loki will go Chase but prayers remains [Music] take care of everyone [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ever imagined what now nervous much to do much to rebuild could you join me hi we'll see to it together [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] ah there we should probably talk about Gnar we don't need to talk about her we just need to find her but Odin chose Harlem as his new Valkyrie Queen avania goddess your friend Gana pledged loyalty to Asgard long ago and our friendship ended soon after what happened I made a choice one she couldn't accept Kratos he hates me she will be a problem for us better we find her than she finds us and another one for the big boy himself let's go we can hold a few dozen per cap families will stay together obviously take care Kratos thank you I appreciate that and we'll bring all the supplies we can although there won't be much don't worry about it anyone who's able can head out for extra supplies here and Ben here together where to first we could take care of any lingering business in the Realms or investigate those pieces of Asgard either way we are with you brother Linda also mentioned there's going to be a get-together to honor Brock's memory at Rob's Tavern and spafflethine I'd like to go strange there are still signs of the world serpent all over the lake but we saw him disappear at Ragnarok it's only mean the legend just come all along that ball from Thor sent yonunganda straight back in time a younger urmi flesh from yachtenheim would grow into the serpent we know when we first met the snake you said that he found a trace for New Year perhaps they met newtonheim perhaps so brother we'll have to ask the lad for that story when we next see him what's in spartal time the realm has made of us the Lost spirits of the Alberta Isles still haven't been put to rest lead the way foreign alternate lyrics to my back absolutely disgusting wish I could remember some of them the paperwork that man created for me I had to build a chest just for his violations a big one I doubt them 20 different ways the cold Forge a bolster once he taught me a slightly easier method of wire pulling and from that day on called me his Apprentice a true [ __ ] he was God's I'm gonna miss him y'all made it I have met many on my travels you are one of the few I would call friend I always thought you were one of the dumbest creatures I'd ever met didn't expect you to be the bravest too this world is a darker place for your leaving it we're taking him to the spared Sands it's uh in the wetlands near the ferry we'll wait for you there damn it what is wrong I should have changed so on some morning guard were not dressed properly we're fine the dwarves don't typically require formal wear at funerals Brock certainly would not Phil now you've got me thinking of what I might look like with some jewelry around my next stop maybe some gold woven into my beard great [ __ ] in here thanks for trying there they are brother oh come on surely he'll be along it's his brother let's hope so loss can do things to a man you made it we can begin foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I love you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what gets bigger the more you take away [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 301,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, full, gameplay, no commentary, full gameplay, god of war ragnarok all cutscenes full movie 4k, god of war 5 ragnarok all cutscenes, 4k, ultra hd, game movie, god of war ragnarok, god of war ragnarok movie, god of war story, god of war ps5, all cutscenes, full movie, god of war 5, ragnarok, god of war ragnarok ending, god of war ragnarok walkthrough, god of war ragnarok cutscenes, GOD OF WAR RAGNAROK All Cutscenes (PART 5/FINALE) Game Movie 4K Ultra HD, part 5
Id: a563HTopNvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 36sec (12276 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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