GOD OF WAR - All Norse Gods Deaths

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foreign be gone before they even notice surrender the old farmer demands it no [Music] good let's fight is mine boy go and where do you think you're going oh no brother the little freak's got a bow what are we gonna do oh I can't see stay behind me boy why do you hunt us what does Odin want oh no don't care come here shut up don't call me I said shut up calm yourself boy foreign I'm gonna drag your caucus to us please I don't know [Applause] [Music] how did you you have no idea you're a son of a [ __ ] [Applause] Thor blame me me boy you did to magnet my own father called me a coward [Music] looks like you did more than that do it we'll pick up where he left off I'll kill you no he's beaten not worth killing he should pay for what he said about mothers I said but we're gods we can do whatever we [Laughter] that's what I said to your mother right before I gave it to her what are you doing this is a much better knife than mothers what's wrong Something's Happened [Music] I had a feeling hurting the big snake would bring the two of you out in the open do you have any idea any I mean I what you have cost me my boy mother [Music] I'm here don't run away oh I'm not going anywhere I know that you're still angry I know that how you feel hasn't changed but I want you how I feel how I feel I've spent the last 100 years dreaming of this moment I rehearsed everything I ever wanted to say to you every word to make you understand exactly what you stole from me but now I realize I don't need you to understand anything I don't need you at all [ __ ] off Kratos this has nothing to do this path you walk vengeance you will find no peace I know you deal with you later but family first this again bro I can't reach him I said stop come on ah you might want to turn away boy this won't be pretty I won't let you hurt him no boy fine stop no atreus bleeding breathe boy breathe my blood foreign I can feel this ah I can feel everything huh [Music] he's vulnerable now thank you you will not do this what's going on it's Fred trying to kill us no do you hear the wind we are moving the mistletoe in the quiver strap yes mistletoe harmed him Freya said it was wicked we is more than harmed the spell is broken be killed so coming back now he remembers [Music] is she controlling that thing stay out of it I can reason with him no woman you cannot he needs to kill you stop me no one can where is he I don't care if he kills me I will protect him I will not let him die without touching this will all be over soon then stop it oh come on crystal s doing wonderful I have never felt so alive are you doing I'll kill you [Music] stay away from my son you don't have to do this stop him [Music] [Applause] all right there has been enough pain shut up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] before you die I wanna thank you both of you you've done what even the Our Father himself could not I've never felt more alive ironic isn't it [Music] [ __ ] thank you boom down why well done boy oh come on do this do it stop please he's being father not a threat you will not come to us again you will not touch her I don't need your protection [Music] [Music] thank you help yourself can you mother no matter what what I do or say you won't it won't stop interfere in my life I was just trying to protect you I ah I've made mistakes I know but you're free now you have what you want try to find forgiveness we can build something new [Music] for the lifetime that you stole from me I have paid I have paid [Music] but it's that alone will make you whole [Music] you've seen me dead will make things right I won't stop you [Music] laughs I know [Music] what no father [Music] I love you [Music] here was better oh [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no no no no no no no my boy my dear sweet boy foreign [Music] he chose this [Music] completely giving away your position [Laughter] what idiots oh if it isn't Queen mistletoe myself hilarious by the way been a while I'm dull and you you must be the little half-breed's father lucky day you have a lot to answer for Sunshine you too Trader better at traitor than Odin's lap dog hmm the burden is mine I can help I know but you are needed elsewhere he's right you know sizzles wasn't looking so hot last I saw I know you didn't want this but we know how this ends see you soon well we both know that's not true but don't worry frig I'll be coming for you and your brother as soon as I am finished here no what you got your reputation I thought I could at least drink a sweat having fun yet oh well you and me then oh what the [ __ ] you you actually hit me slow down I don't remember the full time anyone hit me foreign [Music] foreign oh now I am definitely going to get him this is your final warning I don't think a warning is going to cut it go away that is not how this works [Applause] foreign you do not get to decide my fate dead [Music] this isn't who you want to be monster it's really to us I'm not waste just I don't know if we are breaking fade or Fate's breaking us the great lodge that's where we gotta go yeah I didn't want to listen it may not be our biggest problem right now get back to you sister you must hold back Ragnarok this fight is mine but if I could just take a trace in the basket do not look back my son trusts you so I trust you [Music] I am done with you and your son all right no more [ __ ] games I'm allowed to kill you do not need to do this we do it's what we are together Donuts like you know them you attack my daughter no I cannot you bring this to my home [Music] one of us should I okay still won't be me come on [Music] the [ __ ] are you waiting for your daughter my son calls her friend if you try to hurt her hmm I would not you know What I've Done yes but what will you do now don't change I destroy us no more no more for the sake of our children we must be better foreign [Music] are you talking who told you to do that you don't talk you don't think I think you kill it's a simple [ __ ] concept was right about you I just didn't want to see it what is this are you broken I am your father take the hammer and kill who I tell you to kill no I didn't want this I did not want this no dude this was all therefore they've done this to us to our family [Music] looks like I gotta do everything around here why dude's gonna be fine I say oh God [Music] was this everything you hoped for was your plan really all that much better than mine I hope you got exactly what you want not quite yes I think you're the only one who can craft a binding spell I spent many long Winters thinking about what I would say to you oh as I watched you take your last but now I realize there's only one thing I need you to know you have no hold on me anymore that's I freak I forgot how good you look with wings oh husband you always sought knowledge well now I'm going to teach you what it's like to lose everything bow to your queen I always loved you you know you've never loved anyone father prayer you did it Loki no no no no no no no more fighting no none of that matters now this is your moment Loki grower tried to hide you from me but this is your destiny champion of the oat not only he can put on a mask only he can gaze into the truth of creation unfolds the secrets of life and death no more doubt no more confusion born for this put on the mask look look ask it question this is your choice son trust you oh why did you do that what was it all for you choose to be nothing [Music] you've waited a long time for this haven't you freaked so have I oh oh God this was our chance Loki I could have had my answers I could have learned the truth you took that away from me I could have made things better we could have made the nine Realms better this was never about the Realms or me it was about you you destroyed everything my home my family my kingdom you did those things your choices you killed your own son it wasn't my choice I had no choice there's always a choice foreign you have to stop you can choose to be better no I can to know what happens next I will never stop why'd you have to say that sophomore Opera this is softener sofa [Music] what do we do with him foreign I have waited so long for this moment [Music] foreign that's all that matters [Music] that's what comes next [Music] it's Ragnarok he's here time to go go win exactly [Music] follow me quickly thank you what you have to go well it's time [Music] [Applause] don't be afraid no matter what happens I'll be with you but your path is your own follow it and you'll end up right where you're supposed to be huh there he is wake up and Trace wake up glad you've come back to us uh hi where where is my father we're here in the whole he'll be glad to see you thanks there all right
Channel: Gam1ngNinja
Views: 720,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g8rDd50SHok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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