I met a weird friend on Weapons Only!

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welcome back to weapons only ah it's been a few days since I've recorded anything at all in this account but I did log in and do some farming I farmed up all the materials we needed for good old Freedom sworn in everyone's favorite domain uh you know this well it's not available today but it doesn't matter because I already are important yay uh it was pain and I'm not gonna show you it because you've experienced that monster domain for yourself probably and you know it just sucks with the stamina production but it wasn't that bad it just took like 20 minutes uh and then of course I farmed a whole bunch of at the Animo QB let's see I have 34 out of eight uh of course I need more I need a few more though uh we need from what I counted 20 or sorry 40 total to have enough to fully ascending um I do intend to get Gene to at least level 80 and fully ascended this video I gotta collect the reasons she has not been leveled at all is because uh I did dandelions and I those are gonna be annoying and we're probably gonna have to bounce around until up to to get those which is really annoying but anyways we're just going to finish firing for Gene quick because uh or her boss materials real quick at least because it would be nice to Dailies be done with that um oh I did get one good artifact which I guess I'll show you before I murder this boy and I got this thing which boy am I real sad that this is not on wander's troop because em Mains that is much more likely to be useful on on Wanderers Troop but I've gotta sure as heck try to find someone that's useful on because good lord well we'll see how it rolls I suppose this is like literally the best stats you could possibly ask for on an em timepiece and I don't have much fodder because I've been farming bosses the whole week instead of artifacts but I don't know let's get the level whatever and see what we get and then I'll maybe Farm some artifacts I suppose first level up that's great let's go if if only we had a side I wanted to count or something well I don't know it's not the greatest piece for Sino uh this is probably not an onset piece for anyone but anyways level eight as ER is fine it's the the 50 CV dream is definitely dead now but it's fine because okay well now all dreams are dead well not all dreams but most dreams and even more dreams oh boy okay well this went straight from cracked to still good to I'm not gonna bother level 20 anymore because um I don't really think we need to use okay Rosaria might get a lot of value out of it like this has such high stat value to actually make a lot of sense to put on Rosaria versus her existing piece um but again it's an offset so I needed to do an onset goblet which you know I don't have an onset goblet so maybe we'll see in the future maybe it's a reason the far more gilded dreams I guess I I guess anyways um yeah the elemental Mastery artifact we will probably level 20. uh if he gets another crit roll it genuinely might be quite good and we could use that as a potential off piece for Rosaria and that that would just require getting an onset goblet which is it's possible we get a better onset goblet uh it's just unlikely we could use our current galaton Rosaria on Kyle and then we can use you know the uh a new Onsen gobble to do an off-peace em time because the reason we want to do like an em timepiece potentially is because of course that was Scarlet's hands converts em to attack so if you're consistent in getting reactions anyways with her skill and her burst uh then having an em is already probably a little bit better than attack and this converting em to attack makes em timepiece even better so an em timepiece with a lot of crit like this one could actually be very good for Rosaria it's just a bit unfortunate that I rolled this much into attack percent but attack percent is still not bad right so as far as like stat value goes it's got more stat value than this one other than the the loss of the ER of course might be relevant but I don't know we'll see what the last roll goes into I don't have the fodder to level up right now though but we'll probably spend some of my condenserism that I had saved from one day and uh level that up oh I have some wishes I forgot about that I guess I'll use those in in one second first we got a cube to murder let's light it up all right you've successfully murdered please give me three because if I get three drops from this one and three drops then the next one should take a little bit of luck then it saves me 40 resin or two that works too I mean like whatever but while I wait for it to respawn let's do the single pole or two single balls are we near Four Star pity I have no idea why bother checking it's more exciting this way never there's never a video that goes by um weapons only doesn't have wishing content lately I want I don't like right now by the way if you go to my channel page just you like look at my channel and you see it's like 80 wishing videos in the last month it's like it's not it's not what I want my channel to be but it's just kind of what it accidentally ended up being because there was all kinds of wishing things to do and it's also easy content I mean the the the content of the videos themselves were not you know just wishing I would argue for many of them it was a relatively minor Point part of the video like the last weapons only video we all they did 30 polls it lasted maybe five minutes or so and then the rest of it was me discussing and doing grinding and thinking about how the heck I'm gonna utilize the things and so I I it's not just wishing but it when you go to my channel it sure as heck looks like I just do wishing content and that's not the kind of Creator I want to be I'd like to have slightly higher quality content than just wishing constant content constantly but you know what it's good bait it made you watch it didn't it so ow you've learned anything about me even my videos it's probably that I'm batted shutting up sometimes but it's fine because adorable social situations believe it or not I mostly just sit and observe it's actually something that's a problem with me in my opinion in if I meant like a family gathering I I should speak more and speak out more but I tend to just be like I'm gonna be the silent Observer that sits in the corner and like makes weird hand motions and stares at no um I just I do Converse with my family it's just I don't know it's anti-social person things I guess I'm actually anti-social yet I talk constantly on my YouTube videos and it is weird um I am not the same person but I am in real life and I don't even know if I'm gonna include any of this in the video I might include in the video because we have less to do in this video dandelions wonderful yoink I might include this in the video because why not I guess uh we have less specific of a goal in mind for this week so I may as well just include whatever ramblings I have this is what you get this is what you came for oh yeah I would take Gene to level 90 right away but I think I'm gonna be a little bit smart and safe some of our heroes what's for official at least but if we do end up liking the Sunfire teams then I will I will don't don't be a jerk then I will wait you can't what you can't do that that's so lame so the okay oh boy I'm gonna have to go under my main account here and probably like get a clip of using C1 Gene so what I was surprised about there was I what I was trying to do I was trying to pick up the hilly Trail and then eat them across somewhere uh because that's the thing you can do with Gene C1 Gene C1 can pick up lightweight enemies and you can just like grab them and eat them across wherever you want and it's really fantastic and I thought that just worked in her basket because when I first played this game I got Jean as my first five star character on standard banner and then I got Jean as my first character I got on the limited battery when I lost a 50 50. so I was basically very used to having cyg and I thought you could just grab Haley drills and eat them across at their Base Kit I didn't realize that her her base kit the the increases the polling speed after holding more than one second was so relevant is what is what enabled that right so I guess let me go log on to my main account quick and I'll and I'll demonstrate what I'm talking about here oh actually before I long have I made it go another thing is really that's relevant uh that someone informed me of that I was not aware of for how Sunfire worked because I haven't ever played Sunfire before and hadn't really looked into it but is it an important distinction for how it functions is so I had said in the previous video that when you use jeans burst and Bennett's bursts together Gene infuses pyro on her burst and that like that is what gives you the rapid pyra application what actually happens is Gene self-applies Animo to herself and Bennett's burst self implies pyro to your active character so what if your active character is you're constantly getting pyro and Animo constantly reapplied which then constantly triggers Swirls and those pyro swirls you can then vaporize or overload off that's what makes Sunfire strong so it's not actually that Gene infuses pyramid burst it's that she's self-applies animal so I can just demonstrate it right here with Japan's first we do jeans thing and we can just stand still and you can see the little explosion the pyro explosion that's the swirls being triggered on Gene herself right and that is the rapid application every time that happens that is a pyro hit that's a pyro swirl that you can then vaporize or or overload or whatever other reaction you you might want to do the reason that's an important distinction by the way is so if you have someone like say Jing Cho that's because the the damaging area is not within the circle it's not just enemies within the circle right it's enemies that are within the small AOE around your character so it's a very important distinction that definitely matters for like how you play it all right so here's the gene in my main account and then I want to demonstrate here all right come here chilly boy and it's not gonna do this like you can't do this without C1 Gene apparently that's super lame so I mean it's cool there's a cool thing about C1 it doesn't really matter realistically it mostly combat situations but it's something that genuinely is the most fun thing I I enjoyed about Gene when I had her on my main account and used her for so long on this account and the fact that she doesn't do that in her Base Kit is a real bummer in my opinion uh is kind of all I'm saying because it's just it was too fun in my first when first playing the game that I was able to just like be like all right Hillary and like eat him off of a bridge or something like I remember going through ankonomi with Gene and just join King a Haley Trail like this and saying bye-bye that is too great it's too great so it's a real bummer that that's locked behind C1 by the way an important question that I probably should have mentioned introduce video uh is I want to answer whether or not you know the Sunfire combo is actually good for weapons only I think the answer is hopefully yes but we'll find out my intention is to get Gene level 80 and then we can try out Sunfire probably in not this event but uh this event which is ending in a few days so I gotta do it anyways we'll try out this event in this video why not and see how it go all right there we go and last thing wait no no we have to do it two more times I forgot now it gives me three sad of course classic I think I just realized by the way I think this might be the first team on weapons only that that was accidental it wasn't really on purpose this might be the first team of weapons only that's probably had all five star weapons so we got Skyward spine on chungling Rosaria on the status card Sans Bennett and Nikola favonia and Gene on good old Freedom sworn that we just got here so that's at something it doesn't actually matter that much in fact it's a downside in some ways it's like not having Fab weapons on a team is generally speaking probably a bad thing but it's fine it's weapons only it's the point very difficult fight very very difficult all right and there we go last one we needed today oh I definitely thought I was gonna give us three again that's what it usually does ammo bonus with sadness on the stats cool all right well there we go now we got enough of these and now the only problem is of course this uh oh yeah as far as like talents go for Sunfire it doesn't matter because this swirl damage is based on just based on her level right so what matters more than anything you're just leveling her up for swirl that one's already leveled up a little bit and we might level it more realistically though other than for her healing it doesn't matter that much for the build we intend to use genon okay so dandelions we need we have we need 30 oh God this is not gonna be fun uh let's see we need 30 or 23 for the next level uh for 45 and then 60 oh good God okay uh yeah we're gonna definitely have to go on Co-op all right I'm gonna go in the interactive map and see what there is for dandelions around the map I remember these being annoying and now I have to get 100 of them in one day yay all right so looking at the map here uh there is 53 dandelion scenes in the map which is not many and they're all freaking spread across everywhere so uh I need to lay 130 which means if I get all of them from my world I'm gonna have to go into at least two more people's worlds to get the 130 I need today which is such a pain in the butt um but oh well all right there we go so I placed a whole bunch of stickers down around the spots I think I'll go both in my world and other people's worlds to get uh to get our dandelions yes this has got to take a hot minute dandelion dandelion dandelion dandelion oh and despite Gene being the fitting one to pick all these dandelions I'm going to use sucrose because sucrose is an animal character wait no secret well thought but they're both animals you dumb brain Zoo Cross is a catalyst character which means I don't have to deal with like cooldowns I do have to deal with targeting not hitting the dandelion apparently there we go in all right I think that's all the dandelions in my world I probably screwed up my weird dandelion thing uh but I'm just gonna make it a pain in the butt and it is the wrong character how many do we have we got 39 now it's gonna take a while to do the full Ascension oh boy I guess we'll do this as engine blam get her last passive unlocked what is her last passive her last passive uh using dandelion Breeze I assume yeah it's a burst it gets 20 of her energy back so okay that's that's a weird passive um on one hand good because she has an 80 energy cost that functionally what you know 20 that reduces their energy down to like 64. um that's good but also like why didn't you just like make her energy cops be 60 in the first place and then give her a passive that's I don't know let's say like bonus swirl damage or something I don't know uh something useful instead of something that could have just been like in her Base Kit so I don't know how I feel about that passive but it's it's good it helps us make it it makes it easier to build her I guess so I guess I shouldn't complain all right now I get to do the fun thing of trying to find people that will let me in their world so yay well someone let me in already all right that's lucky when I've done this in the past it can take a an annoyingly long time to just get into someone's world hello dandelions thanks all right wonderful they gave us permission to steal all their dandelions let's go that should be the last one in this world I always like to offer people if they want if people give me something you can call my agenda try to remember to offer if they need anything most people don't ask for anything and then occasionally you get slightly unlucky and they want your help for an hour and then sometimes you get people that go AFK like this like Hypno did well since they're a okay I'm gonna get off of their world and we're gonna find someone else current dandelion count is exactly 45 I guess we may as well Ascender and descend again Liam there we go hey look more wishing content dreams all is a four star something useful as always it's only desire that's a diode uh this is like the third diode I think we've gotten I'm not sure does that make down a useful probably not um yeah that's the wow of any there's lots of characters I would love to have C1 C2 of um is not one of them oh wow the first person I think I clicked on let me in what a world this is not what I wanted hello I guess we're helping with this hey they're lovely the dandelions do you want me what's this person is this is this person role-playing gave I don't think this is how kavi would speak also also what we're gonna play some music for me later is that okay absolutely now go get them deadlines I'll stay right here this is an interesting person I don't know I like I like running into fun people and Co-op dancing all right we're at 36 out of 60 almost there but first we need to go listen to Ghost of fracca's song [Music] they were already playing when I teleported [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] doesn't know that this is in a video I'll probably tell them at the end do you mind if I include that in a YouTube video it's honestly amazing to me that people are just like playing instruments in this game it's one of the cooler parts of this game it's not something I interact with it's awesome well I don't know how many of these I'm going to include because I don't want the whole video to be listening to Ghost of raccoons but as great as they are but I am going to sit here and listen to Ghost of raka thanks we're making my day you're genuine I'm not not just like handing out compliments I mean I like being nice to people but um genuinely like this kind of random thing took by gungeon day for a while I gotta we'll collect a bunch of dandelions to uh ghost of veraca now gave me like a unique nice fun little gentian memory it's one of the like those little kinds of things one of the best things about attention to it in my opinion it's much more fun seeing that kind of thing that that has 10 times the value than you know all the wishes I've done on the web Banner to me oh yeah well I'll also I also want to give I'll give ghost of raka the exclusive weapons only friendless oh no I wanted to send a friend request there you go friend request well goodbye thanks again okay well that was a little bit we got a little distracted by ghostevarca there for a bit but that was a fun experience I have no idea what uh how many of the varca's songs I'm gonna include in this but we just gotta go collect a few more dandelions I think we only need to find one more person all right this is the co-op experience I expected decline decline decline decline hey someone accepted yeah let's go bye in all right is that all we need that's exactly enough yeah wonderful and we need to go I well I hope I have enough to craft these let's go craft those I can only craft 12. oh wonderful That's a classic okay I love wouldn't even win the boss drops the right things for the character you're leveling up you still for some reason don't get enough for them but whatever it's fine it's fine that's the way is off it is anyways I also need a whole bunch of these the supers of doublesome craft hey she's gonna be three bonus hey exactly 24 I think that's what I need to think is too gross blam Ascend Gene's final Ascension there we go still not good there we go so Gene's gonna stay at level 80 out of 90 for now I want to finish up on this artifact though to see if it gets at least a crit roll at the end to make it nice look more nice we'll see Oregon's 18 attack and I'll be sad I like how it didn't even get 18 by the way because it was another minimum roll okay um yeah I don't know what to think about that artifact that's that's just sadness incarnate I'll be honest rolls three is a four line that rolls three times into the the worst stat it could have rolled into like heavy ER would have made it very useful in some ways heavy crit would have made it very useful in some ways heavy attack it's like it has good stat value but it's like uh that artifact may be sad so I want to level up this one to feel less sad but it's probably just gonna make me more sad foreign yep well that artifact is a good good opportunity to plug my Discord recently I just made a channel called luck is an illusion on my Discord if you're interested in joining join the link below in the description or something but you can submit your sad artifacts like our Elemental Mastery one and people will vote on them in this Channel and you can get a special role on the Discord in case you know you get your yo the artifact that rolls entirely into flat defense all right it's a new day and weapons only the 3.8 live stream happened I got a whole bunch of codes which is nice little Primo gym and injection I can speak up some good good sign for the start of my day we do have work to do Gene we do have work to do all right we got to do this event because I think it's ending in two days that's the main thing we need to do and that's probably probably going to be it for this video I think I said I was gonna do Abyss too but I'll be honest type dot in in Abyss mood if you want to see me do a Miss there's a good chance I'll do it on stream the day this video comes out maybe question mark this event is really interesting by the way I really wish the that this was like how Abyss was designed so if you don't want to deal with the time challenge you can just you know put modifiers on you have to reach a score threshold to be able to clear the abyss I feel like that would be a lot more fun personally for our purposes on weapons only we are certainly not going to we're not we're not going to go for 6 000 points um we're gonna go for 2 000 points because we won the more that's that's that's my goal here I forgot to talk about the 3.8 things I guess we may as well talk about the 3.8 things while we uh wait for this dude to do you know its moves so Kaya has a skin is what I wanted to mention with Kaya which is good Kaya is getting more drippy not that it wasn't drippy before but he'd be more trippy uh as far as banners go for weapons only so the first phase is EULA and Klee which means a song of broken points where I presumably means song of broken Pines and lost her to the sacred winds and then second half is wander and kokomi yeah so anyways wander weapon and kokomy's weapon weapon in the second half and then lost prayers and song of broken Pines I presume in the first half both of those weapon banners the song of broken binds is like garbage it's it's pretty garbage in general definitely garbage for weapons only I don't really need a physical damage about his Claymore to say the least um I mean we could build Razer as mahoyo intended maybe I guess with that but no uh and then lost bears would be like cool to have but for the risk of getting a song of broken binds I know and then second half wander's weapon kokomy's weapon kokomi's weapon is a similar situation it's basically and you're useless where is the real one there he is stop stop telling boy oh my God it's taken me so long to fight this bro I should have just talked this is why I don't talk about things while I'm doing combat in the game because I my brain just fails the brain but yeah kokomi's weapon hot garbage doula's weapon hot garbage please weapon it's pretty okay oh I just killed Rosario again uh please weapon is a standard Banner weapon too right lost prayers and that that's kind of all there is to it right so it's not worth wishing and I believe I mentioned this earlier in the episode but I want to break from watching spent too long too many videos have been just wishing videos and I keep hitting and switching to Rosaria uh so you know we're gonna chill out with the wishes for a Brit and we'll return to Wishing on this account in 4.0 that's my thinking can I stop clicking to switch to Rosaria please die please die please die please die please okay we're fine we're fine it's fine everything's fine we got our two thousand points that was it took six minutes that might be one of the best showings we've ever had for why five star weapons don't really make that much of a difference anyways look that that enemy sucks and I may have not chosen the best team to fight it but hey we got the rewards that's all that matters now let's actually try to test Sunfire or something maybe oh this one needs a ranged character why don't they choose these bosses it's like a fun concept and they chose the worst bosses for it man uh all right we're gonna try Sunfire plus Amber to be able to knock down the butthole and see how this goes Sunfire Vape if it's if that's not obvious about the Shing show conclusion uh okay he killed me fast whoops now has no energy because he died whatever why did you know how to oh no everything's terrible everything's fell like apart do this right hey we're knocking him down all right I'll be honest the sunflower combo on its own doesn't feel like it's do a budget here I definitely liked Sunfire and melt a bit more but the problem with liking Sunfire and melt a bit more is like I'm pretty sure sucrose is still better so I'll be out of some kind of I could have struggling to see how I get to make unique use out of a Sunfire on the account which is a bit sad but I don't know based on what I showed in this video feel free to tell me if I've done something wrong with trying to use Sunfire I'm sure there's rotational things I could do better but like yeah obviously right now you're having changes burst that would be pretty important this was probably the best test I've seen for just the raw contribution of Sunfire alone since Sunfire has done the vast majority of the damage here yay it's on fire for the win laughs eight minutes eight minutes I look it was done for alone like doing that normally you would have someone that's not Amber in the fourth slot I know it was Sunfire alone but that was really bad sorry I'm starting to think I'm just really terrible at this game or something but I swear my other accounts did much better times than that all right Sunfire melt let's go he's butthole suck your energy away I forgot about that that was pretty good it was it was not great I mean it was fine I I guess anything like in this situation where we're against bosses I think it's better probably sucrose against a situation he gets back up and gets his health back oh I didn't know that uh cramp man let me know if I'm dumb and if I've done something wrong I need to attack the other one all right now I should kill him ah not a Rosario dies oh my good good what is it happening what is happening no okay good Lord hey three minutes and 46 seconds that was better that team doesn't feel bad to play it would be clear just those bosses are really annoying all these bosses that they chose for this has been are really annoying so this has made me not the best place to test Sunfire is what I can say um and again a freedom sworn can be useful like uh we we can we can try Freedom sworn for example on Kaya the higher base attack and EM is good and the team wide buff is good for if we do like the double cryo double pyro melt team right all right so we're just gonna try double crowd double pyro melt and then second side I basically just put the hyperbloom core if we need it and then Amber is here because we need Amber for the stupid dragon yay now we can finally properly test Kaya and freedom sword oh my God it's way too much longer way too much time to get here everybody's dead freeze oh I'm so sorry it's 13k and kind of skill I saw not bad don't touch my energy you can't run all right Dodge this oh my God can you no I no please no are you it was going so well I hate these [Laughter] I like I love that he just died by the way literally right after the other one getting his health back too that was really cool you know and now they're both at half health even you dodged my skill oh my God this is still far more enjoyable of a combat challenge by the way than like the abyss normally is because again it doesn't have to be a time challenge so it actually is like kind of interesting to do in my opinion oh guys versus not up but it's fine we can kill them finally to it ah thank goodness okay 14 minutes I I you know what I'm pretty sure there's less combined time than it took for all of them separately so what I've learned is I like double cryo double pirate Melton more than Sunfire melt and Sunfire I it might it's very foggy wow uh zunfire might have a place somewhere else but I think I actually like Freedom sworn for Kyle a little bit more so there's that that that's what I got I suppose that's the end of the video um let me do your feedback check out my live streams if you want to see more paint I'll probably I'll probably try more Sunfire or Kaya with freedom sworn in the abyss on my live streams this weekend and it'll probably be the same day this video comes out if you're watching this on Saturday or whatever I don't know anyways thanks for watching like subscribe whatever's bye-bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Soluna
Views: 8,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6M4X0mmcj0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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