Updated XINGQIU GUIDE: Best Support Sub DPS Builds, Weapons, Artifacts, Teams, Tips | Genshin 2.4

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hey everyone it's sevi xing cho is back on the limited banner and since he's one of the most powerful four star characters i'd say it's time to make an updated guide on him so if you pulled xing cho recently or are gearing up to build him into the incredible unit that he is this guide will help you out i'm going to cover his kit play style constellations stat priorities artifact sets weapons and team comps let's begin it's no understatement to say that shincho is a must-have character thanks to his kit that enables powerful team comps he fills in the role of being a sub-dps support applying hydro to set up damage reactions for your dpses or consistently freeze enemies and dealing off-field damage over time let's start with his skill it strikes twice to deal hydro damage though it has a very long cooldown of 20 seconds to make the damage even more impressive it can do double vape reactions to double its damage if you can apply a strong pyro aura on the enemy don't underestimate the damage his skill can do with the right setup and buffs upon hitting an enemy the skill generates 5 energy particles which is the main source of energy to battery shin cho however it applies hydra to himself and that has an annoying consequence of self-freezing if he is affected by cryo aside from damage and energy it applies the rain sword's effect which you'll see orbiting him at c0 you'll have three rain swords when enemies hit you the rain swords will break one by one and reduce the damage you take but as long as one is active you get increased resistance to interruption and they apply wet on the nearby enemies so that's additional hydra application take note that this technically isn't a shield and as such it doesn't work on effects that involve shields the damage reduction is also increased based on 20 percent of shin cho's hydro damage bonus stat there is a cap at 24 damage reduction increase though as indicated in the skill description once you unlock his first ascension passive talent hydropassic these rain swords will heal the active character when they break or expire based on a percentage of sting cho's hp considering all these effects these rain swords are a great support buff you'll get increased survivability some hydro application and a bit of healing on the side now let's look at his burst which is what makes him an insanely good sub dps support activating it grants your team these rain sword attacks that will trigger when you do normal attacks and can be procked every second with decent investment in his offense these sword attacks deal good damage over time but its top function lies in its constant hydro application if used in conjunction with a pyromaine dps it allows you to trigger consecutive vape reactions greatly improving your total damage output alternatively if used alongside cryo characters their cryo application and shin cho's hydro will help you output constant freeze reactions that disable and crowd control enemies or you can put him in an electrocharged comp as well enabling these reactions is a big part of what makes shin cho an invaluable support and a top choice for hydra application additionally the burst applies the same raid sword buff we discussed with his skill the difference being that the rain swords will no longer break and will remain their maximum number for the bursts entire duration translating to longer and reliable protection the biggest challenge in activating his burst is its 80 energy cost and given that shin cho's skill has a long cooldown it can take a while to fully recharge his energy we'll discuss later in the build section how to address ching cho's energy issues and one more note on his burst is that it doesn't snapshot so it's damage changes depending on the active buffs on shin cho as for how to prioritize his talents you'll want to focus on getting his burst level as high as possible and then follow it with his skill don't neglect the skill because once again it can be a good damage source the auto attack levels can be left alone save your resources for more important things finally i want to give a shout out to his third passive talent which has a chance to refund your talent books whenever you craft which actually translates to some resin saved while xing cho's constellations aren't necessary to start using him they do add great improvements to his kit c1 gives him an extra rain sword so now he has four maximum rain swords this gives you a minor increased layer of protection and healing c2 is his best early constellation it extends your burst duration but also reduces the hydra resistance of enemies those two effects alone make him a more powerful sub dps a more consistent hydro applier and if used with another hydro unit allows them to deal more damage if you're using shincho a lot this is an excellent early constellation to target c3 increases his burst damage a decent damage bump along with c2 if you can manage to get it c4 increases his skill damage by 50 if you cast it while his burst is active what's crazy about this is that the damage bonus is not additive to his other damage bonus multipliers instead it's actually multiplicative of his total damage that makes this constellation uniquely different to how other similarly worded constellations work and actually makes his skill very supercharged c5 increases his skill level and finally his c6 this is also an excellent constellation that helps his damage and energy but the wording might be a bit weird so let me try to simplify what it does first it modifies his burst to add more sword attacks every third hit without c6 his sword attack pattern is two swords three swords and repeat but now with c6 the pattern becomes 2 3 5 then repeat so more sword attacks overall means more damage second he actually gets 3 energy back on the third attack this helps a bit with his energy issues and lets you get away with having a bit less energy recharge than non-c6 builds it's a nice final constellation that for me is well worth the wait to complete for shin cho lovers so what are xing cho's artifact stats for a sub dps build for his circlet you want crit whether its crit rate or damage will depend on your needs aim for at least 50 to 100 crit stats if you don't have one a temporary attack circlit will work for the goblet hydra damage is the clear winner not only does it buff his damage but it also helps the damage reduction effect of his reign swords however a temporary attack goblet can also work and for his stance the first option should be energy recharge shin cho really requires a lot of energy recharge to ensure that his burst uptime is consistent enough 180 to 200 er or so is a good target up to you if you want to increase or decrease depending on your personal experience would an attack stands work in specific circumstances yes as long as he has enough er from his weapon or sub-stats you could get away with an attack sense to increase his damage output but until then do not sacrifice his energy in favor of attack having his burst up consistently for its damage and hydra application is a higher priority than dealing a bit more damage as for the sub stats aim for the usual crit attack and energy recharge so what about his artifact sets let's look at low ar and high ar options for the low ar artifacts the exile and scholar sets are great choices to help with his energy and the 4-piece exile set in particular lets him be a better team battery the two-piece effects of braveheart and resolution of sojourner set are also good for more attack there's the berserker set to help with his crit rate and finally the gambler set is a strange choice as it's more oriented to his skill but i can see it working in some cases wherein you use sing cho to finish off an enemy thereby triggering its four piece effect which means you can reuse the skill right away as for high ar artifacts here are our contenders seeing chio's best in slot is now the four-piece emblem for obvious reasons its two-piece effect adds energy recharge and the four beast effect gives him a huge damage bonus assuming the average shin cho has 200 er it can give you a 50 damage bonus increase which beats out any other set for burst damage the other four piece option is the noblest set which has the benefit of a team-wide attack buff however this shouldn't be used if you have another noblesse user in your team as they don't stack it's also harder to proc its effect given shincho's energy concerns and long cooldown outside of four piece sets you can just settle for a combination of the following artifacts 2-piece heart of depths 2-piece no blast 2-piece emblem and 2-piece glad shiminawa the 2-piece heart of depths and 2-piece glad shiminoa at least have the benefit of also improving your skill damage now for his weapons the top priority is weapons that help with his energy issues first your best three star option is the skyrider sword it gives a lot of energy recharge and increases shin cho's attack stat for more damage the base attack is really low though so it's really the er you want then for the 4 star options his best in slot is the sacrificial sword thanks to its incredibly high er stat and the effect which can refresh your skill's cooldown at higher refinements it becomes so much better having that ability to use your skill twice in a row really helps get his energy and burst up while it may not have the best damage the burst uptime it enables is generally more valuable which places it ahead of the competition even against five stars another er weapon is the favonia's sword however its effect isn't as helpful as the sax swords especially since the favonia's passive can't be procked well its holder is off field so you'll want at least 50 of crit rate to ensure his on-field damage crits for the particles i'd only really recommend it if you don't have the sax sword if you have the old festering desire it's also a good er weapon on him with a nice buff to his skill however it's a limited time weapon and would only be recommended if you don't have the previous options and the last 4 star recommendation is the lions roar but only if paired with ryden this is because the lion's roar has no er which really hurts ching cho's burst up time but with ryden she can't compensate that thanks to her team energy recharge mechanics that way xing cho can enjoy the full buffs of lions roar since ryden applies electro on enemies and for 5 star options the skyward blade is the top option for being the only 5 star energy recharge sword you don't make use of its triggered effect but at least it gives high bass attack a lot of er and a bit of crit rate now you can technically put other more damage oriented weapons on shincho i won't list them all anymore but if you plan to do that you have to ensure that either his energy recharge is still sufficient for reliable burst up time or perhaps there's another team mate like ryden who can battery him otherwise an er weapon is still the overall go-to choice for team comps the general principle is that shincho shines in team comps that are about hydro-related reactions those being vape freeze and electrocharge so it depends on the units you have available on how you'll use his hydro application then still there are some widely acknowledged teams he's used on his most popular team is the national team consisting of shin cho changling bennett and chongyun there's a lot of synergy going on here most notably c2 chongyoon helps reduce the cooldown of shenzhou's talents and shenzhou is enabling constant vapes for shangling's pyronato then there are variations of this team there's the kazuha national with kazuha replacing chong yun to shred enemy resistance and buff your team's elemental damage then there's the ryden national with ryden acting as a team battery for your energy-hungry party members then there are the vape teams the core idea is you have a pyro dbs paired with xing cho who will help trigger constant reverse vape reactions so there's yay mia de luc hutao yanfei and klee who are all great candidates for this these pyro dps's have particular attack rotations that allow them to fully utilize vaporized reactions with xing cho hutao's charge attacks can be abused to proc vaporized charged attacks deluge will insert normal attacks between his skill to trigger vaporize on his skill charges forkley and yanfei their strong pyro application can overpower shin cho's hydro application so they require certain attack combos to ensure their biggest pyro hit actually vaporizes if you're using them with shin shincho i'd recommend you look for more specific guides focused on how to use them optimally then there are freeze teams the top candidate would be ayaka whose consistent kaya application paired with shincho's hydra application will help ensure your enemies stay frozen if you want to run cheongyun as a main free shatter dps shincho is a must pair too kaya and rosaria are also good for freezing but they can also be run as super conduct teams with kaya or rosaria as physical dps's with ching cho helping freeze and crowd control enemies if you have shin cho at c2 he becomes more viable in team comps with another hydro dps thanks to the hydra resistant shred particularly with child orcokomi and then the other team members could likely be electro for a taser team like fishel and beidou coupled with an animal support who will shred hydra resistance finally there are also other electrocharged teams where kaching or ryden could be the main dbs overall shin cho slots in well with most teams even if they're not hydra reaction focused teams at least shincho will give some decent off-field dps damage but of course shincho works the best on reaction teams that fully utilize his hydro application so that's going to be it for this updated shin cho guide everyone let me know in the comments if you've just pulled shin cho or how you've built him and comped him in your experience i would love to know if this video helped you out don't forget to leave a like consider subscribing to my channel if you haven't already for more gentian guides and content and i will see you soon take care you
Channel: SevyPlays
Views: 291,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Guide, Ganyu, Genshin, Genshin Builds, Genshin Guide, Genshin Impact, Genshin Team, National Team, Xingqiu, Xingqiu Build, Xingqiu Build Guide, Xingqiu Guide, Zhongli, genshin impact xingqiu build, xingqiu genshin impact, xingqiu genshin impact build, xinqui, best xingqiu build, f2p, whale, best, artifacts, weapons, guide, build, team, comps, hydro, vaporize, dps, sub, support, strongest, showcase, constellations, talents, how to build, 2.4, Impact, Easy, low, AR, high
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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