The Genshin Impact Anniversary CONTROVERSY Explained

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gentian impact chances are that you've heard of this game before it's one of the most successful gacha games released with a player base of around 50 million and as of october 2021 the game has grossed over 2 billion dollars it's become so popular that even those who don't play gotcha games are trying it out some play for free while others give in to the urge to spend money in hopes of getting their favorite characters gone you in fact even if you don't keep up with the latest news in gaming chances are the words gentian impact have come up when browsing social media and online forums you see that's because the game has been in the spotlight for the past couple weeks and it's not because of its massive success major updates or people arguing who best waifu is the answer to that is saint chu by the way the reason many people are talking about genji impact is because of its one year anniversary the game released on september 28 2020 that's over a year of memories for players and given how much more of the story there is left to cover the journey is only beginning game anniversaries are very momentous occasions for players as it lets those reflect on the impact a game had on them it may have helped with overcoming a difficult time in their life or even formed new friendships kovid was in full swing once genjin impact released and i'm sure that many used it to help cope with the stress of staying indoors one thing that's common with gotcha games are the frequent events players can participate in these sort of games are by nature very grindy and repetitive by continually updating these games with new content it brings players back every week rewarding them with extra currency or useful materials sometimes companies will even hand out free 5 star characters depending on the occasion and that's why many players look forward to the anniversaries of gotcha games what better day to celebrate than a game's anniversary in the past genshin has been quite generous with their events many 4 star characters have been handed out for free going as far as to allow players to choose from a select bunch and in many cases these characters are as good or even better than the 5 stars it's safe to say that expectations were high for mihoyo as the game approached its one year anniversary unfortunately this is where things go from good to bad to ugly poor business decisions censorship of opinions review bombing even attacking third parties who had no involvement with mohoyo's decisions as a company today we'll be diving into what has to be genjin impact's most complicated story arcs and believe me it's not as black and white as you may think it's important to first establish that for a majority of the community gentian impact has been on a sort of slippery slope lately many news articles reporting the gentian impact controversy are solely talking about the anniversary rewards since that's the thing players are talking about in some cases the wording of these articles direct the blame more towards the community as opposed to mohoyo some even use words such as entitled when describing genjin's playerbase which to some extent is true you'll always have those few entitled people within a community the problem arises when those outside the genji bubble look at these people as a representation of the entire community but the conflict between gentian impact and its community started long before the anniversary rewards fiasco mihoyo has been at the center of many controversies at times it's due to unwarranted public outrage such as being labeled as a breath of the wild ripoff while genjin impact was clearly inspired by this game there are many differences between the two it's either that or trying to cancel a fictional character for the sins of her ancestors or outing mihoyo as racists all because the game describes both dark-skinned characters as scary and exotic unbeknownst to them that it's due to the former dressing like a punk star and the latter originating from the kingdom of conria before its destruction however in the midst of these outlandish controversies are those built off of valid criticism and concerns whether it be a lack of overall polish anti-consumer decisions or just plain greed i don't want to spend too much time on this topic so i'll go over some of the biggest issues with the game at the moment first off the weapon banner each banner has two 5 star weapons and when the player gets a 5 star they have a 75 chance of it being one of the two featured weapons and similar to the 50 50 odds on character banners it will either be weapon a or weapon b however prior to version 2 there was no way to guarantee pulling the weapon you desired this led to unlucky moments such as the infamous staff of homa summons video uploaded by user techtone who got 2 off banner 5 star weapons while also losing the 50-50 a total of six times good uh-huh one spear are you kidding me staff of homer and john lee is my cause john lee and staff of homer is my root motivation and we're going to bring it home right around a thousand us dollars used and no staff of houma to show for it eventually mohoyo did release a sort of pity feature called epitome invocation allowing you to chart a course for whatever weapon you desired but while this guarantees a five star of your choice it requires you to lose the 50 50 not once but twice it's a feature that caters more towards whales or those who spend a reasonable amount of money on the game as it can take up to 240 pulls to get the weapon of your choice this wouldn't be so bad for the frida plays if it was possible to carry their fate points over but each banner resets the system requiring you to once again lose the 50 50 twice just this one simple fix would make the weapon banner a huge win for both the heavy spenders and the people who are playing for free mihoyo has also faced backlash with their most recently released 5 star characters specifically yoimia bal and kokomi some are underwhelming while others act in a way that makes them feel broken as someone who plays gentian impact on and off it's difficult for me to go into detail regarding each individual character especially since ones such as kokomi technically do play as advertised ball on the other hand is one worthy of discussion most players agree that electro is one of the weakest elements in genchin impact due to the underwhelming reactions it produces as well as the resonance buff received when two or more of the same element are within a party at present one of the only viable comps is using cryo and electro to create a superconductor reaction and that's assuming that you have a main dps dealing physical damage such as eula however during genjen impact's beta test players soon realized that ball had great synergy with another electro character beto the latter has a high energy cost for their elemental burst something that ball excels in providing at the time of the beta test both characters elemental bursts worked with one another meaning more possible team comps for players to use but this detail was changed prior to the game's release and it's no longer possible to activate beto's ability while in ball's q mode mihoyo faced plenty of backlash for this decision for allegedly releasing the character not working as advertised but since this knowledge came from leaked footage of the beta played by people who beforehand signed a non-disclosure agreement mihoyo technically didn't lie in its advertising now if that was the whole story i'd be more inclined to side with mihoyo on this matter however when you look at ball's c6 constellation description it classifies the moves used when in her ult as normal charged and plunging attacks according to beto's elemental burst description her abilities are triggered when normal or charged attacks hit an opponent therefore ball should be capable of triggering beto's lightning discharge when in the musso ishin state ball's c6 description was abruptly changed following these issues in one of mihoyo's posts they stated that while ball's attacks are classified as normal attacks the damage type dealt is elemental burst damage that would also mean that the trigger for bato's ability isn't the hit but damage type dealt however when used against an enemy that takes no damage such as a shielded abyss mage beto's lightning discharge still activates so as far as i know the actual reason behind why ball doesn't work with beto isn't made clear though as said previously i'm a noob when it comes to genji and impact's mechanics so feel free to correct me in the comments section even if this description was an honest mistake on mihoyo's part it doesn't change the fact that many people spent money on this character for the sole purpose of pairing them with beto it's even worse for people who chose to go for her c6 since we're talking about thousands of dollars worth of genesis crystals at this point i'm not sure why they can't just fix this so that the two work together especially since electro is one of the weaker elements of gentian impact it would be really scummy if this change was intended for the sake of pushing the sales of future electoral characters who will just so happen to have perfect synergy with ball such as yay but that's pure speculation and i don't want to go around throwing accusations at mihoyo until we get more information the last topic i want to bring up in regards to problems with the game is inazuma in my opinion the region itself was awesome there are a lot of quests that have lasting impacts on the world something that both monstat and leo lacked i remember finishing the main quest in dragon spine expecting the reward to be something like the removal of the sheer cold effect making exploration easier that's why i can appreciate what they did within azuma's quests most of my criticism lies within this region's archon quest while it's not as bad as people are making it out to be the overall story felt rushed as if the developers planned to do more with it but limited it to the standard length of archon chapters these are only some of the issues players are faced with it doesn't include other things such as game breaking bugs lack of quality of life features and the horrid artifact rng system something i plan to make a whole video on but if there is one overarching problem to take away from all this a problem that's the cause of many of the game's issues it's a lack of communication it feels as if mihoyo isn't listening to the common complaints and instead pretends that there are no issues to begin with yet they are quick to respond to bugs such as kokomi's infinite water walking the sad part about this is that they choose to patch out the glitches that arguably improve the player's experience while also ignoring bugs that unless fixed ruin the player's experience their priorities are completely messed up and what's sad about it is if kokomi had a passive allowing her to walk on water at all times she would suddenly be a wanted character what she lacked in combat would be made up for an exploration and before you say it would break the game we already have things such as kaia's ice bridge and ayaka's sprint and remember that bit with mihoyo's explanation of how balls alt works not once did they mention beto and that was the main reason players complained about her c6 text well that was a lot to cover we haven't even gotten into the anniversary rewards yet i do apologize for that but it was necessary since criticism of mihoyo started long before the anniversary that was just the straw that broke the camel's back now that we know the events leading up to the one-year anniversary of gentian impact it's time to discuss the game's rewards or to be more specific the lack of rewards prior to the game's anniversary the internet was flooded with speculation on what mihoyo's plans were and how it would affect gentian impact as a whole some expected a free character similar to the lantern right event while others kept their expectations low and even those people weren't prepared for the disaster that was the gentian impact anniversary the first news arrived on september 20th with an official post by mihoyo it addresses the upcoming anniversary of the game while giving players a brief look at the rewards now at first glance this looks like a lot but let's break each one down of all the events listed only one has guaranteed rewards specifically the unforgettable journey where the player is given primo gems for watching a short video of their journey through teva the second web event listed a message in time requires players to create their own anniversary cards for the chance to receive a blessing of the welkin moon pass honestly this is a very good reward since the player will get an additional 90 primo gems per day for 30 days and if we include the initial gift of 300 genesis crystals that's a total of 3 000 primo gems in one month but remember that this isn't a guaranteed reward players have a 10 chance to actually win this the other ninety percent of players instead get a hundred thousand mora now that might sound like a lot to some people but trust me it isn't things get even worse with the last four quote-unquote events in reality these are not events they are competitions the rewards shown are only given to a handful of players the recording your anniversary memories and let's solve word puzzles give a measly 100 primo gems to 1 000 winners you know of the millions of players the game has meanwhile the prizes for the art repost raffle and cosplay submission include expensive items such as an iphone 13 pro max and apple airpods you know in a game played by millions of people mihoyo is essentially rewarding players by telling them to shamelessly advertise their game for the chance to get something it's literally gotcha prizes for the one year anniversary of a gotcha game and the worst part is most of these prizes aren't even worth it the only one worth going for is the welcome moon pass and that's assuming you beat the 1 in 10 odds and mihoyo doesn't seem to be aware of how expensive cosplaying can be especially if someone is trying to win a contest let's just say that someone does win chances are that it would have cost more money to make the outfit than it would have to just you know purchase a pair of apple airpods what's even worse about these raffles are the small amount of primo gems you have almost no chance of actually winning it costs 160 to do a single pull in genchin impact so you're not even getting enough to do a wish one day of the welcome pass almost gives you the same amount and that goes on for 30 days and is considered the best purchase for a low spender if that's not bad enough then think about this whenever the servers go down for maintenance players are given an average of 300 primo gems as a form of compensation you are getting more primo gems here compared to the rewards of the game's one year anniversary mihoyo's way of thanking the players is essentially demanding free promotion for the chance to win mediocre rewards or ones that people have no chance of winning whatsoever and while i did enjoy the anniversary theater as there was some sentimental value to it remember when i told you the reward for watching it was some primo gems you get a grand total of 40 for doing this thanks mohoyo by far the best anniversary reward is the in-game passage of clouds and stars event where logging in daily for a week gives you a total of 80 000 mora 18 mystic enhancement ore 8 heroes wet and 10 intertwined fates each intertwined fate allows you to do one wish on the character or weapon banner so that's the equivalent of 1600 primo gems except there's one problem this is a direct copy and paste of the lantern right event an event that not only gave you this but also allowed players to choose any of the shown 4 star characters for free and let me tell you some of these 4 stars are really good now for the sake of fairness i do want to point out that the lantern rite is based on real world chinese new year one of the most important holidays in china but when you're talking about the one-year anniversary of a game you'd expect the rewards to be at least as good as past ones in my opinion mihoyo should have at least given 40-50 wishes worth of fates along with a choice of any four-star character best case scenario they let players either choose from one of the standard 5 star characters or get 40-50 wishes it's not that difficult to get a 5-star character since completing the story quests and keeping up with the events should get you enough wishes to reach pity at least once the hard part in doing this especially if you're free to play is one getting a five star character you wanted and two in late game it's much more challenging to get primo gems and the only method to do so comes from daily commissions events spiral abyss or spending money sure you may have finally gotten a 5 star but most of your primo gems are now gone giving players the chance to get a standard 5 star character of their choice characters that are always available is very fair in my opinion plus most characters people want are the ones on the character event banner and if someone's smart enough to know that it's better to use prima gems on the character event banner most standard 5 stars they get will be accidents that also means that someone who already has all the standard 5 star characters could instead get 40 to 50 wishes that they could then save for a later date mihoyo is so obsessed with free advertisement for the game but this would be the perfect way to draw in new players but the fact that they don't even let you choose from the pool of 4 stars is beyond disappointing this brings us to the second part of this compelling arc the community's response salt and betrayal and lots of chichi fallen following mihoyo's anniversary post the company received heavy but deserved backlash most people were unhappy with the lack of rewards and gentian impact soon became a widespread topic among the internet seeing everyone's frustration was understandable given the situation and while there definitely were those who set their expectations too high the fact that even people who didn't expect much to begin with were disappointed shows just how out of touch mihoyo is with their fans even if you think wanting a free 5 star is too greedy or entitled the fact that players can't even choose from a selection of 4 stars makes it even worse chances are that most watching this video already know of the review bombing incident the game was suddenly flooded with one star reviews on app stores such as google play and this even extended outside of genjen impact to other games affiliated with mihoyo even ones that had nothing to do with the company and this is where i feel like some of the articles have blown the situation way out of proportion specifically with the alleged review bombing of games outside of mihoyo the way some of these articles are worded makes it seem that a huge chunk of the community is targeting these games while in reality it's only a small handful of reviews plus it's highly likely that the people who posted these don't even play the game and are solely doing it to troll here's another one that's also upvoted here you can see that this is probably people memeing at this point here the anime's reviews are bad i blame it on google classroom again after the article was published here and other things going down people are coming here to troll this is all afterwards and you know people are freaking trolls on the internet can you really say that one was hit the hardest when there's only like three four five review bombs on that you cannot say it's the genji community when the community is only five-ish or so trolls but the same can't be said for mihoyo's other games as the ones targeting them are most certainly the gentian impact community and i think it's disgusting there's always going to be that one percent of a community who makes the rest look bad and it's embarrassing to see this gentian impact may have been made by mihoyo but that doesn't mean that the same team is in charge of the other games by doing so you're essentially taking out your anger on those not responsible for the anniversary rewards and ruining the reputation of these games if you have problems with gentian impact that's something to bring up with the gentian impact team this leads into the review bombing of genshin impact itself normally i'm not a fan of this sort of thing but in this situation i feel it's justified a lot of people are assuming that it's solely due to the anniversary rewards and call the fan base things such as entitled but as i said previously mihoyo was already facing criticism regarding their game fans have been bottling up their frustrations for a long time now and it's just that the anniversary rewards were the final straw so how did mihoyo handle this not well apparently threads complaining about the state of the anniversary were swiftly deleted from their forums and players were banned from gentian impact's official discord allegedly i don't want to state this as if it's factual information since the only way for me to know is if i personally saw these threads before they were deleted and it's kind of hard to look for evidence to confirm this happened since the posts in question you know don't exist anymore plus i'm sure that among these deleted posts were many people making death threats which should be deleted if there is anyone who first hand experienced having their post deleted then feel free to leave a comment below i'm interested in what you have to say point is if mihoyo was deleting valid criticism on their official threads and discord it even further justifies the review bombing players aren't being given the right to voice their concerns on the matter and what better way to counteract this than going after the game itself recently a lot of these reviews have been deleted by google under the reasoning of them being bot reviews and many people believe this to be mihoyo damage controlling though to be perfectly honest i'm sure that a lot of them are bots but for every fake review there are many others that bring up valid criticism to back up the score but that doesn't mean fans stopped protesting they found ways to work around the system and complain in a way that's not toxic one of the best memes to come from this whole fiasco is the chichi fallen emoji spamming in their official discord and i love this because it's a great example of rebellious behavior without being hateful unfortunately as of writing the script though it appears that even that has been dealt with by the moderators as it's now impossible to post these stickers in the chat other forms of protest include people trolling in the art contest by submitting awful artwork which i think is amazing what i don't think is amazing is the constant harassment of the game's voice actors and this not only relates to the gentian impact anniversary in fact the chinese voice actor playing kokomi had to restrict her live streams after getting so much hate this is because kokomi is considered one of the worst five stars in the game and for some reason fans chose to harass her voice actor even though she has nothing to do with kokomi's kit stuff like this is why people look down on the genjin impact community and it's something that's unfortunately never going to go away but this is where things take a very interesting turn the aftermath of the gentian impact anniversary on september 29th 2021 games radar released an article after allegedly getting a response from mihoyo regarding the anniversary i say allegedly because while many articles of this exist i'll reference the one posted by gamesradar so whether the company actually responded or not is something that only they would know according to them mihoyo has been paying close attention to various feedback regarding genjin impact's anniversary and have already come up with more celebrations such as the concert and thank you gifts this was a big deal because it was the first time ehoyo addressed the situation after over a week of silence in fact on the same day of this article players were given 400 primo gems along with a pair of wings for their character this was one of four gifts that were to be given over the course of the next four days another 400 primo gems and 2 resin were given on days 2 and 3 with day 4 including 400 more gems and a piece of furniture that could be placed in your serena teapot mihoyo never said anything about these rewards in their previous posts so these likely happened because of the genji impact review bombing overall a lot of players were happy with this as it felt like mihoyo was finally listening and as much as i want to say that it ended there it didn't it didn't take long for people to realize that these gifts were most likely part of a concert bundle that mihoyo was planning to sell in one of the company's older posts they mentioned a new bundle being added to the shop in the 2.1 update called boundless symphony purchasing this gives the player a thousand primo gems a special name card a piece of furnishing and wind glider the wings of poetic melodies given the naming of this item it's obvious that this was being released to promote the upcoming gentian concert and if you look at the design of the wind glider received in the mail it's obviously the one that was planned for the bundle this means that mihoyo took this bundle that they had planned to sell reworked it a bit changed the name of the glider and just slapped it on the list of anniversary rewards this just screams damage control and the fact that mihoyo themselves don't address it is ridiculous even if they were planning to sell this and later decided to just give it to the players for free as long as they apologized for the state of the anniversary it would have made the situation way better at this point the biggest problem the community has with gentian impact isn't the rewards it's the fact that there is no proper communication issues with broken characters and other bugs continue to plague the game yet mihoyo is more worried about the trivial things that don't really affect the player's experience what's the point of adding a survey if you don't actually take the advice of the people who keep your game alive but to be honest i'd be lying if i said i wasn't bummed about the rewards don't get me wrong communication continues to be the underlying issue but the community deserves more it's what made gentian impact so successful the game reportedly surpassed 1 billion in revenue in only 6 months with one of the newest characters taking the number one spot on banner sales from what i've read online the company spent around 10 million us dollars for 40 custom twitter hashtag emojis in celebration of the game's anniversary that's only a small fraction of the amount they made what i think they should have done was increase the intertwined fates number from the login event to 20 while adding an additional zero behind the other rewards then give each player one month's worth of the welcome pass so in total that would amount to almost 40 wishes and finally give players the choice of any four star character you don't even have to hand out a free 5 star this would be more than enough for most people lots of gotcha games are fairly generous with their anniversary events in fact one of the ones i often see praised is hankai impact 3rd another game made by mihoyo so where does this leave us it's been well over a week since the game's anniversary and already people seem to be moving on one thing that does irritate me about the whole situation is that ever since mihoyo's attempt of damage control it feels as if the majority's opinion has suddenly shifted from it being okay to talk about the anniversary to oh get over it but this is something that happens all the time on the internet a company or person does something controversial the internet latches onto it for a couple weeks since it's the cool thing to do and then they forget all about it once it becomes quote unquote old news even if it's no longer a trendy topic that doesn't mean that people can't still criticize them for the poor handling of the situation and it's likely that mihoyo's future decisions when it comes to genji and impact will be based off of what transpired during these past few weeks all this is is them testing the waters to see how much they can get away with while continuing to milk the fan base dry and i'm sure you've seen people who have gone on and on about quitting gentian impact because of this let's be honest though most who say they're going to quit probably won't at best they may stop playing the game for a couple months until one of the next big updates or a character banner that they'll want it's also not fair to say that people who continue to play gentian impact don't have the right to criticize the game most people who are giving the company backlash are doing it because they genuinely want to see the game succeed and it's also important to separate the anniversary rewards drama with the game itself i know that the latter still has plenty of issues but people still have the right to enjoy the game and it's not like the anniversary only brought us bad things from what i've heard the concert was really good and if you're disliking it just because of the rewards then you need to grow up it might not be an in-game reward but organizing something like this would have cost me hoyo a lot of money and players get to watch it for free i also really liked the recent moonlight merriment event since it gave players a bunch of different activities my only real gripe with it is that it once again shows me hoyo's greedy side one part of the event involves finding missed moon chests and moon chase charms and according to one of the npcs the latter can be exchanged for rewards however as of writing the script there is a day left in the event and no shop to trade these in has opened it's likely that mihoyo threw them in only so that there was more to collect and they didn't like the thought of having all of them be chests filled with rewards you only get 500 primo gems in total from the event so i don't see why it's such a big deal from what i've been told online there were no plans to have a shop to begin with so the npc is likely talking about the rewards you get for percent completion but exchanging suggests that you lose something in order to gain so it's another issue with communication anyways that's the gentian impact anniversary controversy i thank you for watching this video and hope you enjoyed it this turned out to be a massive project because i wanted to be as thorough and unbiased as possible so if you considered subscribing to the channel it would mean a lot i want to make gentian impact content a big part of the channel moving forward so look forward to the next video i'll most likely be talking about why genjin impact's artifact system is rigged that's going to be a real fun video to make sarcasm and don't worry because more zelda content is on the way i've been nintendo black crisis and i'll see you all next time [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: NintendoBlackCrisis
Views: 830,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact anniversary, genshin controversy, mihoyo, genshin anniversary drama, mihoyo anniversary rewards, genshin impact anniversary reward, genshin drama, anniversary rewards genshin impact, genshin review bomb, nintendoblackcrisis, baal beidou, itto genshin, genshin 2.2, childe, hu tao, ganyu rerun, lantern rite, genshin free 5 star, genshin concert, qiqi meme, qiqifallen, genshin discord, tectone, staff of homa, inazuma, archon quest, kokomi
Id: wKWdR7vIgM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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