God Is Still Translating People Today! | Joshua Mills with Billye Brim & Shelli Brim

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i love that revelation chapter 4 where john saw the door standing open in heaven and then the voice came like a trumpet saying come up here and i will show you things to come so god's inviting us into these encounters he's inviting us to be surrendered yielded to his spirit [Applause] [Music] a higher plane than shalom and welcome to the prophetic witness broadcast coming to you from prayer mountain in the ozarks near wonderful branson missouri we're blessed to live here yes we are it's a beautiful crazy and of course shelley's a co-host she's usually with me my daughter but we have joshua mills who is originally from toronto yes thank you for having me today we're excited to have you beautiful here in the ozarks it's wonderful for being here in the glory it is a very special place these ozarks you know lots of people love the lord and um it i i go away and then i come back and i say thank you god for letting me live here bless the lord but there's lots of things we thank god for and one of him the things i thank him for is the ministry of kenneth hagin in my life right i was baptized with the holy spirit under his ministry in april 1967. i remember how many years is that now oh well 2021 quite a few years but you'd think i'd stumble upon a few things in all these years right and um this is one of the the when that when things were a little bit weird and people were prophesying things about the church being weak and this and that and all that but always i heard from brother hagin that before jesus comes going to be a great move of god grace now i want to read a rather lengthy prophecy uh through kenneth e hagin um but this one it's the birds and the fish prophecy shalom oh one of my favorites with a title like that you're on the edge of it like standing on a creek bank about to jump in you'll give them more earnest heed under the things which you've heard not only those things you've heard about faith and healing but those things which you've heard about the holy spirit and those things which you've heard about angels and things you've heard about divine visitation for remember that it was prophesied of joel of old that in the last days saith the lord i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and upon my handmaidens will i pour out my spirit and they shall prophesy young men young women will prophesy and the anointing and the outflow of the spirit of god shall be great and amazing in those days for there shall be a visitation of angels be not afraid but yet take heed in those areas for satan himself has at times come as an angel of light but examine things in the light of the scriptures and walk in the light of the word of god sometimes an angel will give you direction even in your finances and the direction that would save your life as in the case of the shipwreck of paul and direction concerning ministry as the salvation of cornelius in his household and philip as the angel spoke to him to go down to gaza and the ethiopian was converted and so in these days there shall be a mighty manifestation of the spirit and the work that god intended should be done in these last days shall be accomplished for the time is short and things must be speeded up you'll learn much faster spiritual things than in those of yesteryear and you'll develop much faster and it'll be said of some they just virtually matured overnight and they shall go forth to speak in the name of the lord because they understood the principle of faith they'll understand the principles of the kingdom and they'll understand the laws of god and they'll operate and minister and that area and nothing will be hidden from them hallelujah and uh this is rather long and i'm not going to read all of it but it does prophesy this not only hundreds but thousands and millions but we'll be oh here i got to get this the spirit of the lord will flow like a mighty river flow like a glacier yeah the spirit of god will flow like a mighty river yes and many not only hundreds not only thousands but millions will be swept into the flow of that river and they shall flow forth in praise and glory glory to god thank you jesus of the lord is in manifestation yes the glory of the lord will be seen on the face of the saints yes the glory of god shall shine until men will walk in a place of business and women will walk into a place in business and people will fall on their knees and cry out to god though they open up their mouths for the glory of god will shine through them yea the glory of god will shine through them the glory of god will shine through for the manifestation of his power and the manifestation of his glory is reserved unto this hour if it could be told you be told you in a way that you could see it even with the eyes of your spirit if it could be displayed at this moment before you in a tangible form that you could see with your physical eye it would be very difficult for you to believe that's what shall shortly come to pass but put your ears up your antennas as you walk with the lord as you prepare your heart as you feed upon his word as you listen to what the spirit of god says your heart shall be prepared and your mind will be changed until you will flow in the supernatural as naturally as a bird flies through the air wow and you'll flow in the supernatural as naturally as a fish will swim in the water and you'll flow in the supernatural naturally as you breathe the very air you'll not be conscious of your faith you'll not be conscious of what's going on around you but rather you'll be conscious of the flow of the spirit and he will manifest himself thank you lord and he will accomplish that which he desires for you see these are the last days and this is the end time and what is done must be done quickly and it will be done and the hearts of many will be caused to rejoice so rejoice rejoice be glad and praise the lord and prepare your hearts to let him prepare you for that which he has prepared for you and so walk in it you shall walk in it you shall run you shall fly jesus literally speaking and you shall enjoy the fullness wow that which is prepared for you thank you lord you see my glory that word boy i have these treasures here and we'll be glad to make you some coffee yeah thank you because once i had a vision open-eyed vision i'll not go into the whole vision i didn't see jesus but i heard everything he said and i saw what he talked about he said i brought you to the feet of the leading prophet in the land when you didn't even know there was such a thing as prophets right and i didn't amazing so he called him jesus called brother hagin the leading prophet in the land he would get me to tell parts of that uh vision yeah he'd call me up and say but don't tell that one part don't tell that one part that he was the leading prophet yeah but uh i trust his prophecies proven he's a proven prophet and so um and there's glory there's god on that yes you know there's a lot of things people can fake but the one thing you can't fake is the manifest presence of god no that's the truth you know and when the glory comes you know that's god speaking you get a witness of it in your spirit your spirit begins to leap yes because you're connecting with that realm of who he is it's amazing it is it's an invitation as you're reading that it's like i can sense this in this invitation of the spirit to come into these things jesus said through that he said you're going to walk in this okay yes lord here i am i want to walk in this you're going to fly yes lord here i am i want to fly i want to fly in this realm god i want to enter into what you've spoken what you've prophesied i'm here god to give myself to you in every way yes whoa and we're going to be teaching on that in these uh yes i think we'll probably go even into april with it um the door to many of these things is tongues right speaking in tongues people don't understand the scope of it the i got that from brother hagin they don't know the value of it but we're going to talk about it shelley and we'll get you to share especially about that uh speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs but uh why we've got you with us joshua um brother hagin prophesied and we read about it last month last week rather we'll read more prophecies about it that there would be the manifestation and shall we read uh there from uh phillips oh philip okay but now i'll set the stage for you philip one of the apostles had been called to samaria uh and uh there he preached christ unto them and had miracles then the angel as brother hagin pointed out in here the angel told him to go down to gaza so he went down to gaza and there he found the ethiopian eunuch who had come up from ethiopia because uh solomon had sent back some jews with the queen of sheba so they then heard about and evidently he would he had converted to judaism so he came up and he was reading isaiah 53 and so philip talked to him about it and he said here's much water yes i think it's interesting that it says he preached christ to him and in that he had preached about being baptized in water yes so that was and he said what prevents what is the scripture here well this is acts chapter 8 and i'll begin reading with verse number 37 and philip said if thou believest with all thine heart thou mayest what an invitation you talked about in the baptism he said here's much water and he answered and said i believe that jesus christ is the son of god and he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went down both into the water both philip and the eunuch and he baptized him and when they were come up out of the water bump the spirit of the lord caught away philip now that's as natural as a bird in the air what do you think that's fish in the sea ethiopian unit thought i wonder if he got double dipped it's coming don't you know that when he went back to ethiopia that marked it for him yes absolutely and i thought about the spirit and the word agree they were teaching the word bringing it to the forefront what does this isaiah mean and then the spirit of the lord endorsed it yes exactly the spirit of the lord you can't you can't separate it now brother hagin talked about he talked about these moves of god that would come right some of the things he said right in this one we just read our faces are going to shine with the glory just walk into the store pray and our faces are shining people fall down before god then he would often prophesy and it would come through there there's going to be such a manifestation of the glory and the services that people would walk in the back door and if they didn't have a leg it would grow on if they didn't have an arm it would grow on yes right creative miracles creative mirrors amazing and almost every single time he would talk about translation like philip and as you pointed out as we were talking joshua some other people were translated in the bible right oh there's so many scriptures you know when we start talking about ezekiel was translated he was translated into the throne room of god in the glory he saw the glory there was times ezekiel was translated into the valley of dry bones exactly because he was he was over in iraq right and so god took him back over israel and that was a that was there was prophetic purpose intercessory purpose behind that translation because god wanted ezekiel to prophesy and speak over the dry bone speaking over israel the intentions the heart purposes of god yes and something i've discovered with translation is that you can be translated ahead of time you can be translated back in time you can be translated to the third heavens you can also be translated to other nations and other places just like paul exactly said in the body out of the body i don't know but i was there you know joshua the high priest was translated into the courtroom of heaven we read about isaiah being translated into the throne room of god and then we come over into the new testament and we see translations happening with philip like you mentioned and we also see other translations even of jesus himself being translated oh yes yes we see you know a crowd pressing in towards him and all of a sudden he just disappeared through the crowd um a scripture that the lord gave me in john chapter 20. look at this verse 19 it's speaking about jesus appearing to his disciples after the resurrection it says the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the jews jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them peace be with you this is amazing the doors were shut the doors were locked the windows were locked but that was not a problem for jesus and i was asking god about this i was like what how did jesus get through the wall and the lord spoke to me he said well he's the door he is the door if you are the door you don't what other door do you need jesus is the door so he just walked right up to that wall and just let himself in you know sure it's the door and the revelation that we have now as believers that receive jesus christ in our life we have the door living on the inside of us so the possibilities of god are available to us through the door of jesus christ through the power the empowerment of the holy spirit of god we have the ability to access places in the spirit not by self will not our own initiation you don't decide to do it it says the spirit wills absolutely it's as the spirit wills we yield to god and then god begins to direct and god begins to navigate and god gives those invitations like what you read and all we have to do is just enter in um i love that revelation chapter 4 where john saw the door standing open in heaven and then the voice came like a trump is saying come up here and i will show you things to come so god's inviting us into these encounters he's inviting us to be surrendered yielded to his spirit and i was sharing with you you know this year when there's been so much locked or last year when there's been so much lockdown and in the natural country saying this border's closed that border's closed you have to stay here you have to stay there god's given us a better way to travel god's given us a supernatural way to travel that does not get locked down yeah but but still it's not your own initiative it's not in our own initiative no not at all you have enough time to tell us about the china one yeah i want to tell you about that all right because i was i had received a prophetic word from the lord and the word was that i was the lord was going to take me on a trip and it wasn't going to be by boat or donkey or ship or plane or train i mean all the natural methods of transportation were canceled out and the word that came was that god was going to take me on a trip and i would come back with natural evidences of the trip that had been taken and so i was pressing into that word and actually the way that i pressed into it was through spending time in prayer and praying in the spirit and i know you're going to talk about that and about what that does to open up the spiritual realm but i'd posture myself just yielding to the lord and that's a long testimony but basically a little while later i was ministering at an assemblies of god church in pensacola florida and we had done the whole meeting and god moved it was wonderful but at the very end of the meeting i began walking through the center aisle and releasing words of knowledge that the lord was giving me for different people that were there and all of a sudden something came out of my mouth that i had never spoken before and i began to prophesy translation and transportation to the third heaven and to the nations i've never said that before what a unusual thing to state and as soon as i declared it instantly i was up out of my body in pensacola florida and i was standing in an elevator that was packed full of people in china now i didn't know it was china at the moment that that happened but i knew that i was somewhere else and people say brother joshua was this like were you physically there or were you just spiritually there well i was definitely spiritually there but also i was there just like i'm here at the table with you i mean i could smell it i could see it i could feel it i was there the door's open on the elevator everybody gets off at the lobby level and i i end up in this uh like a lobby of a business complex and i'm trying to figure out god what is this all about because there was no preparation like the lord didn't tell me he was going to take me to china he didn't tell me that he was going to in an instant lift me from the meeting that i was in the middle of doing in florida it's a nighttime meeting and now it's daytime in china and so i'm standing in the lobby level and that scripture came to mind that says those that are the children of god are led by the spirit of god and that's exactly what the lord did and he literally led me out on the street i walked down the street led by the spirit again in china in china how did you know china well okay so this is the thing all the we had been i'd never been to china before but i had been to hong kong and there was a lot of chinese writing there were signs i mean it very much looked like the chinese culture and i knew it was in hong kong and the peoples appeared to be chinese the people appear to be chinese anyway i ended up in another business office building that was like a business building and the spirit of god led me in there into this business i walked past the front reception area back into a back room where there was a bunch of chinese people gathered having a prayer service now they spoke chinese they were praying in tongues i had no natural understanding of the chinese language the lord had not given me the chinese vocabulary but i again prayed in the spirit at the very end of this prayer meeting a man comes to me i'm trying to make a long story very short a man comes to me and hands me his business card so i take it and i i give him my business card you know he hands me his and i put the business card in my pocket and don't think anything of it i end up back uh in in florida in my physical body right back in the pulpit standing in the same place that i left right in the middle of the aisle i stand i end up back there it's kind of a long story but basically i end up back in florida i find out that the pastor who was minister that i was ministering for that night she had a vision of the roof of the church opening like a sardine can being pulled back and she saw people being lifted many people were translated to other nations in that meeting including myself now the crazy thing is about two weeks later we end up getting an email from a pastor in china thanking me for coming because he had the business card he was able to write this email in english explaining thank thanking me for coming and inviting me to come back anytime now the crazy thing i mean that's crazy i mean that's mind-blowing but even crazier than that is the way that we met was in israel yes i met you at down at the dead sea boat yes how many years ago that was about four years ago i go and but the reason why i was in israel at that time i was meeting with the chinese church from shanghai the place that i've been transferred late in the spirit i was meeting with them in israel they were meeting and gathering in israel because they couldn't gather the amount of people that they wanted to in china so they were coming at that time they were coming together underground had to be underground underground together and that's the reason why i was there oh my goodness which is crazy i was thinking about that today the whole reason i was there was meeting was this china it was it was initiated by this china connection yes and i met you on that trip that's what my uh i was telling you before as we were just talking that these times in our lives are like dots that you connect yes and my son calls them god dots i think he got that from stephen yes and i think that's the same year when we went to the upper room and the chinese were able to join us wow it might have been that same it may have been the same i bet it was the same because they told me later they said we're from china and we join you in it was it was it was the first trip that was the group that i was it was a group that you were with so this is amazing god saw that there he saw you here now i understand how did you get back okay so this is i was trying to shorten the story yeah but basically after the prayer meeting i walked right down the this is where my faith was and this is the funny thing you know god gives us a measure of faith and we use the faith that we got sure and my faith was walk back down the street walk back into that elevator which you first came in and once you get there god's gonna take you right back to florida and he did he honored my faith and i came right back into my body and the crazy thing about it is the people that were there because they were being caught up we asked people was i standing here the whole time because i want to know you know was i yes yes they said we can't tell you because we were in the spirit everybody was in the spirit you know brother hagin was once preaching and uh this was um before he got married yeah and um going to tell in a little bit of detail he was standing in a pulpit preaching and suddenly he was gone yeah and he was in another town and he saw this young woman that was being considered with another man and things going on that shouldn't have gone on and he saw it and witnessed it yeah and then he's back in the pulpit preaching and he says to the people in the congregation how how was that last bit of my preaching there yeah i said oh it's just fine so how that worked i don't know right but that same thing had happened to him now um oh we don't have time to tell it we'll do it on the next time i want to talk to you about uh we'll have to do it next week i want to talk to you about the tommy hicks prophecy yes and what he saw would be happening in this glorious church so you're not going to want to miss next week it's coming it's good oh it's exciting it's still feasting i'm telling you hallelujah be to god so um i'll be right back the holy spirit still speaks today he did not pass away with the apostles in the book of acts his manifestations are just as necessary now as they were then these gifts were given to the church and we should earnestly covet them we are offering a special two book package by kenneth e hagin he gave gifts unto men and the holy spirit and his gifts as you read these books you will discover the five-fold ministry offices and their function in the body of christ the role of the holy spirit the nine gifts of the spirit and how to flow in them with accuracy order this life-changing package today by calling 1-800-972-3447 or by visiting our website at [Music] billybrim.org just as god led paul and his team to macedonia to gain fellowship with the church of philippi we believe that god has led us into fellowship with you we invite you to join us in a monthly partnership with the billy brim ministries general club by visiting billybrim.org or by texting your gift to bbm space amount to 28950 and follow the prompts shalom we've been talking about the move of the holy spirit that's been prophesied for the last great hours of the church before we are caught away hallelujah now the bible says concerning spiritual gifts brethren i would not have you ignorant so god does not want you ignorant of them i don't know if they teach them in your church i don't know maybe very well taught but i can tell you some of the best teaching on it is what i learned from dr kenneth e hagin this is a wonderful uh many many lessons on the holy spirit and all the gifts and there are even some questions and answers in the back you can literally take a bible school course on the holy spirit and his gifts here and it's going to be right and then these are the gifts really the gifts of through the holy spirit of christ apostle prophet pastor evangelist teacher everybody running down the road calling himself a prophet is not a prophet so you can look in here and see what prophets in the new testament are supposed to be like and how they're supposed to be uh operating uh bless the lord so we're making this package available to you uh at a really good price the holy spirit gift package uh only twenty dollars for both books plus postage but we know that it's going to increase your knowledge and we need it i need it we're selfish in this because the more of the body that becomes conscious of the third person of the godhead the holy spirit we're a body yes christ is the head the head everything has to come from him but for the actions on earth he moves through the body and the connector is like the spinal cord that's the holy spirit and so we have the word solid foundation and the word teaches us about the holy spirit and how he operates and so you'll not be left in the dark in these wondrous glorious days you'll know how he operates and you can open yourself up to him by becoming more and more conscious of the unseen realm and we're we're going to be talking about that really probably through march and april so be sure to join us shalom shalom join dr billy brim and the worldwide prayers every wednesday at noon central for a time of spirit-led prayer thank you for joining us today for more information go to billybrim.org you
Channel: Joshua Mills - International Glory Ministries
Views: 21,353
Rating: 4.9485531 out of 5
Keywords: #angelprayers, #activatingangels, #healingprayers, #healingmiracles, #divinehealing, #faithhealer, #supernaturalministry, #spiritualwarfare, #propheticministry, glory realm, glory of god, prophetic word, signs and wonders, glory realms, angel prayers, angel school, glory institute, joshua mills, janet mills, spiritual warfare, canadian ministry, palm springs ministry, faith healer, supernatural ministry, prophetic ministry, miracle ministry, healing prayers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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