The Purpose of the Ages - Part 1 | Billye Brim | LWCC

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I want you to pray for me today because I I saw something yesterday and the Lord had told me when you come here and also next week when I go to collinsville to our home church in karlsville Oklahoma you review the revelation I gave you of the glory of God so I knew that when I did that how many of you were here last night oh goody gumdrops you'll get this bitter than the folks who were not and maybe the folks who were not can get the recording of last night but what now archives you can go on archives and see it but I received the glory of God is God and in the Old Testament it's God manifested so you can see him it would manifest every time it talked about in the Old Testament as a smoke or a fire the presence of God the Shekinah the pillar of fire and so in 1970s early 1970s I was working for Kenneth E Hagin I was his editor of publications he had been told by God to put his teachings in print that the printed word was the best way to spread the gospel and so it was my blessing after I had received the Holy Ghost under his ministry Holy Ghost baptism in 1967 it was my blessing to go to work for him in 1970 as his editor of publications it was marvelous marvelous to work closely with him and that was my education that's what I do know now and the beginning of things that I preached and even this revelation of the glory came through something God said to brother Hagin he said to brother Hagin it would behoove you to study all the scriptures on the glory so he did it he looked them up just on that word from God and this was before computer you couldn't just have a concordance on your computer and now I can do glory and I get every scripture in the whole Bible on that but not then you have your little concordance here and look it up and look them up and he did that and he had them typed on a sheet of paper and he put that piece of paper he had a leather hand-tooled Bible case and that zipped and he put that those scriptures inside that flap on that where the Bible went and then I would watch him really closely he would sit up on the platform before he preached and when God told him when God nudged him as he sat there he would preach on the subject of the glory of God but and I would watch him and I always saw when it happened because he'd be sitting up there and he had jumped suddenly that meant the spirit of touched him told him to do it he'd get up he'd get those scriptures out and he'd just start reading them and he would start with the Old Testament of course and he would start about when the glory appeared like a pillar like a fire like a smoke at the mountain when they met God at Mount Sinai and then when Moses finished the tabernacle and the glory of God filled the place and the Moses couldn't even get in the room and then he'd go over to second Chronicles and he'd preach on our first Chronicles and he'd preach on when the glory filled the temple and all the priests fell over and he'd go on and on to write through the Bible he wouldn't even comment on him but he did read was such an anointing that each word like came alive and he'd go right on through to the new testament sometimes he'd get as far as Steven over in the book of Acts where he was preaching and they were stoning him they didn't like the sermon and people don't have to like your sermons but anyway they would stone they stoned him and he looked up and he saw the glory of God sometimes he'd make it over that far not often because somewhere along the way back from that side there would roll in a manifestation of the Loree it was like a cloud but it was as if the cloud were a wave of the sea bright light transparent and it would roll across and it would wherever it rolled it affected the people in the congregation sometimes the entire congregation would be picked up and carried to the altar and then amazing things happened signs and wonders and miracles every time I saw him jump like that I got so excited in my spirit and other people did too and every time it happened so a thought came to me and I know that this thought came from God and the thought was if it would behoove him it would behoove me so I studied out all the scriptures on the glory at the time I studied this out I was teaching a Sunday School class in a fringe Church a Quaker Church but we had been touched by that charismatic move the charismatic move was going on that's when I don't know if you know about how many of you were kind of a product of that charismatic move you know what I'm talking about that was when people were getting filled with the Holy Ghost in denominations and moving and like we never had amazing things were happening so I was teaching a class in this small town of collinsville Oklahoma where our church now is and my sonship pastors and I was teaching a Sunday School class that started out with eight and and then it it came to be a hundred and then it came to be two hundred and it filled the whole class of church and I was teaching when I was learning from brother Hagin daily as I you know all through the week as I entered in his things and the class just grew it just had the anointing of God on it and actually that's when my ministry began was teaching that Sunday School class well it came to me in that Sunday School class that many of them were new believers and some had come from denominations where they didn't have like a really good background you know if in the Word of God and so this book here is the Word of God but it's also the plan of God it is the plan of God for the ages it is the plan of God for Humanity it is a plan of God for the Jews and for the nations and for the church and it is from beginning to end it goes together so it's my theory and my thinking I believe it's the truth that after you've been born-again awhile you need to know the plan of God and you need to know where you fit in the plan of God and what's going on around you and so I started with Genesis 1:1 and when I started with Genesis 1:1 now remember at the same time I'm studying the scriptures on the glory and I go to Genesis 1:1 and God begins to teach me as I'm teaching them so Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth now what's in that verse only God could put in that verse amazing amount what that we don't even know what all that entails but what it does not include is Genesis 1 2 and Genesis 1:2 says and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters now we know just from the Bible by tracing out those words without form and void that they include earth being in a terrible state it was not in a terrible state in Genesis 1:1 because the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 32:4 that God's work is perfect and it tells us in Psalm 111 3 that God's work is glorious so God didn't make any anything with what Genesis 1:2 tells us what he created here on this earth was perfect it was glorious it was we know from Isaiah 45 inhabited now something happened to the earth and the earth was that word was as waha yah and yaahh means it came to pass or it happened or it was so and it was so and so this second verse says and the earth was-- or it came to pass that the earth became Tohu vah bohu without form and void the hebrew words are toku bah bah who and Tohu means this is from a lexicon formlessness confusion unreality emptiness chaos and waste so God did not ever make anything a chaotic wasteland period I can take you to other scriptures we don't have time in this service to do it but I could prove it from the word and other places that togu babu who are used that this was talking about a time when Satan fell he was on this earth this earth he was the king of it then he was the head of it and at his fall it is told to us in other scriptures that it became God removed the lights the cities were broken the place had cracks appeared in the earth and God because of his fierce anger at the fall of Satan so but without even knowing that you have to know just from the words of Jehovah bohu that earth was in a mess it was in a terrible state at the fall of Satan which you can read in right over there you'll have right over there you'll have a reference to Jeremiah 4 23 through 27 and I think we will take a little time to look at that at the fall of Satan not too long I don't have too long Jeremiah 4 yeah Jeremiah for 23 through 27 oh there it is up there for me to see this is describing it is another place where these words are used jeremiah 4:23 god Jeremiah's a prophet God took him out like he did Ezekiel to the valley of dry bones let him see it God let Jeremiah see when earth fell I beheld the earth and lo it was toha verbo who this is another place the Bible interprets itself this is you look up where toho babo who is again so here it is again I beheld the earth and lo it became toe huva bohu this is when it happened and the heavens and they had no light light was removed I beheld the mountains and lo they trembled and all the hills moved lightly this is when the I believe the cracks in the earth came I beheld and lo there was no man no being was on the earth they were all gone all the birds of the heavens were fled there were no none of the animal life left I beheld and lo the fruitful place was a wilderness and all the cities thereof there were cities in that pre-adamic civilization were broken down what broke them down the presence of Jehovah the press the glory of God is the presence of God manifested and John G Lake said the presence of God the glory of God is as destructive of evil as it is creative of good here's what happened it happened at the presence of Jehovah and by his fierce anger something made him so angry so mad for thus as Jehovah said the whole land shall be desolate yet I will not make a full end what made him so angry was the fall of Lucifer we can read about the fall of Lucifer in Ezekiel 28 and in Isaiah 14 we can find out about how Lucifer fell and when he fell it made God so angry that he shook that earth like Jeremiah saw he judged it and he removed himself everything fossils dinosaurs everything are from that pre-adamic age so they have found even scientists now agree that all designer source died on the same day and they believe it was when a meteor hit earth and they have found dinosaurs in the midst of a bite of a leaf the remains gone if God removed himself light right now from us all life on Earth would stop so here I don't know how much time is between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 but it says however long a true science must have at the time I did my book and I wrote about it in the blood and the glory it was four billion years they thought earth was old I don't know how all they thinking now but however out that's that that is the period from Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 1:2 and Genesis 1:2 remember God said I won't make a full end but it lay there for however long that was it's a dark spot in all God's creation now when God was giving me this revelation of the glory I saw that the angels I saw angels I heard them I'll tell you about that I don't know how I even found out that are a little gossipy and I don't know how they behaved I don't know how if they talked about the docked spot or they just ignored it or what but I know from the visions God gave me that when he started moving over that earth they noticed they noticed that the ho something's going on on the dark spot because the Holy Spirit was hovering over it waiting for the word of God and when they heard the word they heard God speak and the first thing he said was he ate or or his light-bee and light bead he's not just talking about the setting of the Sun and the moon of the stars where we know them today in this order of things because that didn't come to the fourth day he's talking about himself he's going to come again on the earth life and light is going to deal with earth again and the Angels saw it God said to me he spoke to me when he was giving me this revelation of the glory and he said I did not do this thing in a corner I stepped to center stage of all creation and I made a declaration that shook creation from the regions of glory to the regions of the Damned and the declaration he made was in Genesis 1:26 and I heard God do this I heard his voice I heard the inflection as he said let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and then I heard something and for this I want you to turn over to Psalm 8 I heard the angels I got to see this in vision I've got to think of today every vision I've ever had has been about the glory of God Lynn even that one where I saw the gifts of the Spirit and the ministers and the clothing it was about the glorious church so every vision I've ever seen has to do with the glory and I saw he made that he stepped up I saw like a bright light and he made that statement and he said let us make man in our image and I heard like whispers going throughout all the angelic world what is the man what does the man was a man what's up man what's up man was a dumb we never heard of such a thing and the so they dared ask him now I want you to turn to Psalm eight and I heard we know this is an angel because Hebrews tells us and angel asked this some people say they think it was Satan no I think it was a Peter type angel the type of an angel that asked something that others wanted to ask I'm glad for every question Peter asked so anyway this angel starts out by kind of bragging on God and he says because he's watched this creation verse three of Psalm eight when I consider thy heavens and the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained and I do have one question what is a man they never heard of one that you are mindful of him that you had him in your mind that you taught him up and Benidorm the son of man that you visit him as far as we know angels had to always go calling on God but here's one that God gets up off his throne and he goes and visits in the cool of the day you have made him a little lower than the Angels we know that that word is Elohim I'm sure the translators were frightened to translate it because Elohim is a plural for God and it means God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost the triune Godhead you made him a little lower than the Godhead the order that the Angels had known up until that time was God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost the triune Godhead then the Archangels then the angels now God slipped someone between himself and the Archangels they didn't even know the position was there you you crowned him God you crowned him you put a crown on his head who wears crowns Kings you made a king out of him God got up off of his throne and in great pomp and circumstance greater than any King on earth was ever crowned he crowns them in what was a crown made of diamonds no gold no God paved streets with go the crown was made of the highest heavenly substance the crown you crowned him with glory and honor he was not naked until he fell it's then when he said I was naked and I hid myself after he fell he was crowned with glory glory set upon the man it was the presence of God it crowned him it clothed him he was able to move with God and walk with God because he was clothed with the substance of God until he fell bless the Lord now God let me see the fall don't lose Psalm 8 I'm coming back there God let me see the fall one morning I was getting ready to teach the Sunday School class and I'd put a roast on for the family I was up early using we had only one bathroom he had four children two of them girls and one bathroom so I had to get up really early to my face and I was up doing that and I heard over my right shoulder I heard a voice and in the back of me I knew it was God and he said do you know Romans 3:23 I thought thank God is when I know Baptists lead people down the roman road to salvation i'm way old around and i started quoting it to him for all have sinned and come short of beside the glory of god i knew that was the fall I started to swoon it went in slow motion I started to fall to the bathroom floor and God quickened me with a verse brace with a phrase based on a verse in Hebrews which says but the captain of your salvation shall bring many sons to glory and I felt that like a ticker-tape going me and strengthened me a whole my vision I'd seen the fall I saw God he was like high and lifted up and it was a white light and then I saw the depths to which men had fallen with Satan and I saw the Satan had tempted the man's will and he had turned it against God and I saw the man cringing behind him trying to hide even and I saw Satan say to God waiting I knew now I ain't gonna do now I ain't gonna do now and I was made to know God didn't answer him Satan knew that glory and sin don't mix and he had made life and death God's glory our God is a consuming fire he consumes sin he thought he'd fixed it so that God could never work with man and man could never have dominion over the works of God's hands so the Lord showed me how terrible it would be he showed me one of my own children Terry and he said it the the the the feeling of a natural man is if his son Falls to lift him up clasp him to his bosom but he said if I had done that I would have consumed Adam and all humanity with him and Satan would have won and so I saw then in God I was made to know he did not answer Satan he didn't need to answer Satan and I saw this door in God and it was marked top secret hidden in God and we're told in the New Testament that that hidden secret is Christ in you the hope of glory and so pastor Mac's going to be teaching here on that mystery next the mystery of Christ in you the hope of glory you won't want to miss it now I had to stay at Psalm 8 because yesterday I got this revelation I just pissed heard Shelly Tilly she let me in her room finally to tell her about it and I don't know if you see it because I don't have time really to develop it but you wonder why I didn't get it before in there's a there's an added phrase in Psalm 8 that the angel said that isn't told to us in God's declaration let us make man in our image the angel the angel repeated what he said but he added something now we know God really said it because the Bible is progressive revelation and when David gives the psalm he gives you another phrase I didn't realize that was there until yesterday and here's the other phrase God said all of this we're gonna start verse 6 thou madest him to have dominion over the works of your hands now here's the added phrase you have put all things under his feet that's an added phrase God didn't say that and that's in Genesis 1:26 recorded but he must have said it because the angel said he said it you put all things under his feet that means when God made Adam all things were under his feet then we see that phrase here where do we see it next ephesians chapter 1 turn there with me if i don't get so excited i'll try to explain it to you we pray that prayer in Ephesians and that prayer in the presence I've got books out there I want you to get them the believers authority by brother Hagin the authority of the believer by Macmillan and especially this one by Billy brim the authority of the believer in how to use it so I'm telling you right now folks the biggest thing that you need to learn to do is have dominion if you don't dominate you're going to be dominated having dominion and using your authority is not only a gift it's a responsibility hallelujah bless our Lord now the prayer says and we pray this prayer every day god of our Lord Jesus Christ we make it personal we started verse 17 god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of what glory given to us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him let the eyes of our understanding be enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling you know what his calling is Christ in you the hope of glory the hope of his calling many places in the Bible I wrote an article for Kenneth Hagin Kenneth a couple of ministries gonna print some time soon we are called under glory the Bible says it and tessellations tessellations thessalonians I called you under glory now in this prayer we're asking for a revelation of that hope we're asking for what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance we're asking for the greatness of his a revelation of the greatness of his power his Dunamis toward us word who believed according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and sent him at his own right hand in the heavenlies far above all principalities powers my Dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come and he put all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things to the church which is his body you might say he made him head over the body over all things the church which filleth his body filleth all in all and you going on with Chapter two and you who were dead in your trespasses and sins verse four but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins has quickened us together with Christ by grace you're saying raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus he made him the head over a body that's when this church got invented created was at the resurrection of Jesus he raised up out of there the head over a body which filled his all in all and we it says you you were dead in sins but when God quickened Jesus he quickened you when God raised him he raised you when he seated him he seated you and now all things are we're under your feet whoa it's part of the glory now go to Ephesians chapter 3 hallelujah I'm telling you folks I couldn't only stand it yesterday first Shelly was having a nap and then she was through washing her hair mom I'm washing my hair I got to come in if I don't come in and share the shoe I'm going to pop bless the Lord hallelujah bless the Lord under his feet glory to God hallelujah I got to read this I got to read this here now you know Satan's not in hell you know he's the Prince of the powers of the air and since since Adam let him loose out from under his feet well now he's in that you might say mid heavens where the Prince of Persia and the Prince of Greece yeah and the evil princess and he's the Prince of the power of the air he's going to hell but not yet and even not until after a thousand years he's just going to a pit another pit someplace for a thousand years the Millennium then he'll be let out and go about again now he's in the air Prince of the power their gods Jesus said when he was on the earth he had his throne over Pergamum he has his throne his seat up there in the air he's called the god of this world now these are rebel rebel forces and I want to read you a little bit McMillan has such a he's the man that inspired brother Hagin to write the believers Authority this book is you have to have it know he he writes in this book it is necessary to stay here what is commonly understood by those who carefully study the word that the kingdoms of this world are under the control and leadership of satanic principalities he's called the Prince of this world he rules down through the kings of this world if they let him under a chapter called the divine purpose of the ages the god of the whole earth does not propose to tolerate forever this rebellion against his righteousness Isaiah 45 23 is the first place we read it I have sworn by myself that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall swear God's purpose this purpose present and future is very definitely stated in Ephesians 3 9 through 11 here it is revealed as the Divine Will that now noon in the Greek the present time and to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places might be made known through the church the manifold wisdom of God look at Ephesians 3 hallelujah this is the divine purpose of the ages this is what God's been getting to from all ages past hallelujah we'll read it right here verse 9 chapter 3 verse 9 of Ephesians Paul said I'm preaching these unsearchable riches I need to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery God's divine secret which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God who created all things by Christ Jesus to the intent here's his purpose through the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in the heavenlies might be made known through the church the manifold wisdom of God according to the eternal purpose this is his purpose forever the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord that's his eternal purpose top secret I'm gonna raise up a people I'm gonna put them right up here beside of me and I'm gonna put you back where you were under their feet hallelujah I'm gonna read you his words again this purpose president future is revealed as the Divine Will that now unto the principalities and powers in the heavenly places might be made known through the church the manifold wisdom of God the church is to be God's instrument in declaring to these rebellious and now usurping powers the divine purpose and in administering their principalities after they have been unseated and cast down in the Millennium we're going to be taking their places of the over rulers this is further declared to be according to the eternal purpose of the ages which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord that is to say God through all the past ages has had in view this wonderful plan of preparing in Christ Jesus of people chosen and called and faithful whom he might place in these heavenly seats to rule through all the ages to come it is spoken of in the verses just preceding as the mystery for which for which for ages has been hid in God what I knew now I'm going to now do now top secret I'm gonna send Jesus he's gonna defeat you he's gonna shed his blood and then those men that you got cringing behind you they're gonna receive from me that gift of righteousness and Jesus Christ is gonna go right inside him and he's gonna be their hope of glory and I'm gonna put them put you under their feet [Applause] Wow we were singing that song we're gonna glorify you now and all the earth glorifying God and all the earth is not simply Chloe to God glory to God glory to God glorifying him in the earth is you sitting up there in that seat and you ruling and reigning over that one the tempted mankind to fall from the glory because right now every one of you believe in Jesus as seated at the right hand of the Father and it is his will that you rule and reign it is written in Romans 5:17 those who have received abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life through one Jesus Christ every morning every day you should sit in your place I give people this book all the time and I tell them do page 27 it can't be just a hearer of the word only you got to be a door you got to rain you got to roll you can't just hear this service and say Amen you got to have yourself a seat and I I sit down when I do it because King sit to rule people stand in their presence but they sit every morning I get up in my in my prayer chair and I sit there and I pray that prayer god of our Lord Jesus Christ father of glory give unto me then I talk about when he lifts when he raised him he quickened him he quickened me and then I say kingdom of darkness you pay attention I'm ruling and reigning over you today because God told me to in Romans 5:17 and he told me and in Colossians 1 that he has translated me out of the Dominion of darkness I'm not under your Dominion you're under my feet now you listen up here's where you can't go today I'm binding you whatever I bind is bound whatever I loose is loosed according to the scriptures and I bind you and you are not going to I'll tell him what he can't do bother Billy brim spirit and soul and buddies covered by the blood then I go to my four children their mates my ten grandchildren their mates my seven great-grandchildren and then I go to the good works got ordained I should walk in you not touching today prayer mountain in the Ozarks you not touching today glorious church fellowship in Collinsville you not touching big dollar bill in Israel you're not touching Bartlesville and like when I come up here you're not going to bother me up at Living Word and I rule and I rain every day it's not something you can just agree to God doesn't want you just agree to it he wants you up there doing for you what he did for you he that's how you gonna fight glorify God in the earth now brother Hagin four minutes left brother Hagin in his in his preface hallelujah on the authority of the believer he said that you know he just stumbled up on it at first and then he had to get revelation of it but he said at the end he said a few of us have barely gotten to the edge of that authority but before Jesus comes again there's going to be a whole company of believers who will rise up with the authority that is theirs they will know what is theirs they will do the work that God intended they should do that's us I was astonished when I heard how suicide has increased in some places suicide in some cities has increased seventy percent in the past year often Kate Spade famous chef people seemingly have it all in every case is a devil I'd say most every case sometimes somebody might be so sick or something I don't know but anyway it's devils and they that's who you rule over devils and they might be sitting on a shoulder you know maybe of your grandchild sitting on their sin why don't you just kill yourself nobody loves you everybody hates you why don't you go and eat worms why don't you just kill yourself the world be better off show him a picture of their funeral and here he sits and he's telling them all they have to do is say scram get out of here in the name of Jesus board is written if you resist the devil he will flee from you so you keep the devil's away you keep him out of your house you keep him out of your mind you keep out of your grandchildren and children you don't have authority over other people but you got authority over demons but you're going to have to learn to use it to do it that's how you're gonna glorify God according to his eternal purpose bless the Lord so go get those books out the book table and do it you know God led us to do an authority of the believer in Tulsa and their crime rate was pitiful one of the worst places in the world and they put it in the newspapers and on the radio our crime rate has dropped astonishingly after that authority conference just because people in Tulsa learned to sit up in the air and take authority over demons which you can do in Minneapolis
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 20,420
Rating: 4.8839288 out of 5
Keywords: mac hammond, living word christian center, Billye Brim, LWCC, billye brim prophecy 2020, billye brim prayer, billye brim teachings, billye brim 2019, end times, word of god, billye brim ministries, sid roth billye brim, preaching the gospel, christian sermons, sermons, jesus christ, mac hammond ministries, faith, pastor mac hammond, dr billye brim, billye brim 2021, billye brim, the purpose of ages billye brim, billye brim the purpose of ages, billye brim mac hammond
Id: IljOGI-rHdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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