God Has A Plan For Your Life......Don't Mess It Up

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walking in god's plan don't mess it up god indeed does have a plan for your life and living in the plan of god for your life can be one of the most beautiful things to happen to you as a person however a lot of people don't live in the plan of god for their life so many people do not wait for the plan of god because they feel they are running out of time or that god is not moving fast enough for them so many people cannot wait for the plan of god purely because they have the spirit of disobedience in them many people messed up the plans of god for their lives in the bible some of these people started well they were doing well but they went out of the plans of god you know the bible says there is a way that seems right to people but the end leads to destruction that is exactly what happened to the people who left the plans of god and went their own way if you are going to follow the plans of god for your life you have to do it with all your heart and everything you have there is nothing like letting a part of you follow the plans of god while other parts follow your own plans this is not what god wants half of you is not what god wants he wants the totality of you this is what many people forget don't you know that if you are doing this it shows that you don't trust god yes that is what it means you are telling him that in case he fails your own plan can come to play when you don't follow god with everything you have it is the same thing as not following him at all there is nothing like partial obedience it is either you obey or you disobey god doesn't allow middle ground you cannot stand in the middle god doesn't like neutrality you cannot be neutral when it comes to choosing the plans of god you cannot say you are neutral neutrality doesn't exist before god now let us start with a man who messed up and went out of the plans of god in the bible saul was a king in israel the israelites wanted a king and saul became the king truly saul started well he was selected by god and was anointed as the king by the prophet samuel god chose saul for the people he was a great warrior too the plans of god for saul were great making him the king was just the tip of the iceberg there must have been more things that god wanted for saul what did saul do he messed it up he went out of the plans of god for his life and he lost everything the truth is saul had enemies and lots of enemies but it wasn't his enemies that brought him down it was himself and we too as believers spend a lot of time focusing on our enemies and the people against us but we don't spend enough time focusing on our own selves bad decisions can cause you to self-destruct and there is no discretion quite like self-destruction saul went out of god's plan through disobedience first samuel 15 9-11 king james version but saul and the people spared a gag and the best of the sheep and of the oxen and of the fatlings and the lambs and all that was good and would not utterly destroy them but everything that was vile and refuses they destroyed utterly then came the word of the lord unto samuel saying it repenteth me that i have set up saul to be king for he has turned back from following me and hath not performed my commandments and it grieved samuel and he cried unto the lord all night just a simple instruction from the lord to saul kill everything and spare nothing saul disobeyed and he lost everything the man who started out humble and submitted to god eventually went his own way in disobedience i mean saul had everything going for him he was chosen by god specifically hand-picked chosen by god but disobedience led to his destruction are you disobeying god god is telling you to stay on track god is telling you to listen to him god is telling you to remain in him god is telling you to be with him stay with the lord obey god god has a great plan for you don't mess it up with disobedience another biblical example of people who went straight out of god's plans is adam and eve they were the reason the world is like this they started it all they allowed disobedience in them and they went out of god's plans for humanity they opened the door for sin to enter this world and sin grew they allowed evil into this world because they went out of the plans of god for them now what are the things that made them go out of the plans of god what are the things we need to avoid that can make us go away from the plans of god one lust yes lust the instrument of the devil in this world he used it on eve and it worked the bible says in genesis 3 6 that and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat lust starts with the eyes lust will make you disobey god's instructions i wonder how many times lust has made people deviate from the plans of god for their life lust has caused people to live outside of their financial means lust has caused people to marry people that they shouldn't marry lust caused people to disobey the instruction of god are you allowing lust in your life maybe god has been telling you to wait for that perfect partner and that perfect partner will come but you can't stop lusting after that lady or man it will push you out of god's plans the plans of god for you are beautiful please don't mess it up 2. they listened to the devil and did not rebuke him lust was able to catch eve because she listened to the devil in the first place the bible says in james 4 7 king james version that submit yourselves therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you the key point here is resist the devil eve did not do this she listened to the lecture of the devil the devil tried this same approach with jesus he wanted jesus to fall just like the first time men fell glory be to god that jesus was full of power and wisdom he resisted the devil and the devil fled jesus resisted the devil you too can do that too my friend you can tell the devil to leave you alone and he will do that you can tell the devil that you don't want anything with him and he will leave you when he keeps coming you can continue to tell him to leave don't ever entertain anything from the devil don't entertain any thought brought by him reject him by the power of christ rebuke him by the power of christ three excuses or the blame game this was the last thing these people did adam blamed eve while eve was blaming the serpent i know you might be wondering how giving excuses will make you mess up the plans of god in your life if you are someone who gives excuses you will find it hard to obey god or follow god's plans because you will continue to give excuses as the reason why you cannot do what god says when you make the mistake you will find it hard to admit that you made a mistake because you will be blaming people for causing you to make the mistake god doesn't like excuses he doesn't listen to any excuses leave excuses and focus on the path that god is taking you saul was giving excuses to and blaming people for his disobedience first samuel 15 20 and 21 king james version and saul said unto samuel yea i have obeyed the voice of god and have gone the way which the lord sent me and have brought agag the king of amalek and have utterly destroyed the amalekites but the people took of the spoil sheep and oxen the chief of the things which should have been utterly destroyed to sacrifice unto the lord thy god and gilgal drop the excuses and obey god he knows your name he knows the best for you he sees and he feels what you feel he will make all things bright for you he has a perfect plan for you and he will never stop making things great for you trust god and follow him his plans are the best don't mess it up [Music]
Channel: Lion of Judah
Views: 30,989
Rating: 4.9692554 out of 5
Keywords: Amazing Bible Prophecy Everyone Must See! (It's Hidden In The Book Of Hebrews), Stop Blocking Your Angel | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, What You Need To Know About The Book Of Revelation, Seek The LORD While He May Be Found | | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, Stop Blocking Your Blessings | You Might Want To Watch This Video Right Away, Who Is God? (THIS IS SO POWERFUL) ᴴᴰ, Motivation, Christian Motivation
Id: Gf0SCy2ZtMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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