God Delights in You with Matt Chandler - Rightnow Media

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I think the primary markers of someone who understands God as the just judge but doesn't understand him as the loving adoptive father is really motive in our work and so that an illustration that I've used historically is that there there's really nothing my wife and I come from different backgrounds completely different backgrounds and and my mom just kind of took care everything in the house growing up so but I didn't put up my plates in the dishwasher I didn't you know when I was finished drying off the towel just threw it on the floor I didn't do you know mom just kind of came behind us all you know I think that's a helicopter mom or whatever it's called she would just handle of and then there was magically clothes put in the drawers magically you know things hung up and and my wife's family didn't operate like that at all you know Lauren was expected to do those things and so when we got married I mean that was quite a collision you know where she was like hey what's that I was like it's a towel right I mean it didn't quite click she's not asking me a question and then what I've learned over the years is that I'll find myself doing all sorts of things that have never been on my radar to do and never been like you know what this really makes me happy to do these things but because I love Lauren like I love Lauren it really is fun from him as I've done that sounds fun for me to do dishes and put them up it's fun for me to fold my clothes it's fun for me to do some of those things I'm not if she was here she'd be like I'm still a long way away from where she'd like me to be but what I noticed was an emotional switch and me that actually enjoys activities that I historically hated because I know they please my wife and and so I think that motive is that spot that we most clearly see whether we understand God is judge or understand God his father or where we're understanding the robustness of the gospel and that he's both and and so when you understand that God delights in you the man you want to know what he's like and you want to know how he operates and what he has to say right right and that's so that changes how we read the Bible when when we understand God and delights in us and and it changes prayer doesn't it change prayer I mean if you honestly believe the God delights and you loves to hear from you if you believe that God has asked you to pester him and that you're pestering him delights him you're gonna pester the Lord you're gonna run to the Lord you're not gonna busy yourself doing things that you think appease him but you're gonna understand that he has been appeased in Christ Jesus and then you're gonna be able to run to them as Abba Father right and and so I think that motive in action is gonna be your primary marker of whether or not somebody understands adoption and then I always say man I I read people's joy I mean for me I there is a there's a visible tangible joy in the Lord when people understand that God loves them it's not there when they understand that God's are just judge so they might be grateful that they've been forgiven and I think the way I've used it before so you don't you know you you don't wanna go camping with the judge right you want to go candle and dad you don't want to go throw the ball with the judge you want to go throw the ball with that you don't want to hang out with the judge and hear you know how many people have been guilty and how many you want to sit around with dad and hear about his affection for his children and that that's the to me the big marker is really what's your motive is it fear-based is it love based I feel like we can't come back to kind of the same thing here do you understand God's delight in love for you
Channel: RightNow Media
Views: 23,910
Rating: 4.9837399 out of 5
Keywords: RNM, jesus, worship, the village church, bluefish tb, christians, RightNow Media, bluefish, gosple, work as worship, church, Matt Chandler, RightNow, bible study, rightnow media, work, bible
Id: v9t8yqeehfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2013
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