The Jezebel Seduction by Shane Idleman

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you we have been in a survey about the seven churches that are in the book of Revelation Jesus actually writes a letter through John to the churches in Asia Minor up above way above Israel speaking even to the churches today and the title of this message is the Jezebel seduction or finally getting to Jezebel and if you haven't noticed not too many people are naming their kids or daughters Jezebel there's a reason for that and we're going to talk about that I need to kind of throw this out there because I do get emails probably I don't know once a month on this issue that is the Jezebel spirit manipulation is a Jezebel spirit control is a Jezebel spirit lust and perversion and there's lots of sermons the Jezebel spirit is it's coming after me the Jezebel spirit is Leviathan the Judaism and what's what's the Bible say let's just look at that because we can get in all different directions on this issue and actually the Bible is very clear who was Jezebel who was Jezebel she was a queen that was married to King Ahab and she brought in worship of false gods into Israel and seduced them the Jezebel seduction seduce them entice them to leave God Yahweh and to begin to serve these other guys through the worship of bel ba al and she would the the idols of bel and it's it's many of these things are always tied to sexual immorality or food some type of food and why because those those are the strongest desires so the enemy goes after that seduction to draw the people away from God and I was reminded of Psalm 107 35 but they mingled talking about the children of Israel but they mingled with the Gentiles and they learn their works they serve their idols which became a snare to them and they even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons and this is why we can see it paralleling the abortion industry today because what they would do is there would be well I won't get into what they did actually a lot of these things but when they worship bailiff sexual immorality and then they would offer that child to bail or Molech and getting and the drums are beating and it's just this huge party and they would couldn't to drown out the screams of the children see they want to hide the evidence often don't they when we sin let's hide the evidence and so we can see the same thing the same type of worship in our culture today isn't it true that the perversion and then getting rid of the result of that perversion that being the child so it hasn't changed a lot this is when Elijah called down fire on mark Mount Carmel in first Kings 18 he said now summons all Israel to join me a mild Carmel together with the 450 prophets of Bel and the four hundred prophets of Astra who eat at Jezebel's table so it was eight hundred and fifty to one I've often thought that be a good sermon title someday 850 prophets of Bel and Astra against Elijah so they built this this huge altar they poured water on this altar and their God would never answer ever so they would get louder they would cut themselves and Elijah says your God sleeping maybe he's on vacation mocking them and mocking them why because there's no power no God can answer other than the true God and so after they were done I believe that's when he puts the water on him more water on it more water on it kind of steps back and he said let the God who answers by fire let him be God and fire came from heaven and consumed the entire altar and consumed everything the Bible says it licked up the water it consumed it all and that didn't make Jezebel very happy because then they killed all her prophets and she said if as soon as the Sun comes down or doesn't come down tomorrow Elijah will be dead and he ran he fled so at the height the victory there's often challenges to you can you go through a wonderful experience and then he was depressed and suicidal that's where he hid in the cave and he heard from the still small voice of God God wasn't in the fire he was in a earthquake he wasn't in the rushing wind he was in the still small voices smoke spoke to Elijah so that's who Jezebel was that the seduction is sexual immorality and then verse 19 of chapter 2 Jesus says I know your works your love your service your faith and your patience so he's talking to the church isn't this interesting I know your works so they were doing things I know your love I know your service I know your faith and I know your patience as for your works the last are more than the first nevertheless I have a few things against you because you allow you allow that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols now I won't cover too much you can go back and listen to last week's message but we talked about meat sacrificed to idols it's basically participating in this this idolatrous practice and people said I don't care I want to compromise that was last week's message about compromise this one is somehow the Jezebel spirit is in this church but a few things we can learn here because you allow that woman you allow Jezebel what is allow it's to give permission or to lack restraint so when a church allows they say you know what we allow that would just it's just easier not to say something right and that's why a lot of churches it's a struggle for us sometimes to I'm sure is you know just allow it it's much easier not to say anything just just just let it go let's just really does it really matter I mean come on there's bigger fish to fry or the next thing is they lack restraint they don't restrain something that they should be restraining so that's so this church is allowing this woman and nobody knows I mean the commentaries are all over the place of course well I think it's this I think it's this does it represent a real woman does it represent the Babylonian system which you know some say it ties in later to the great the Babylon that the the city that is falling destruction and gods judging but what we can take from this is this what are we allowing in the church and I even thought what are we allowing to seduce us in our homes because what are we allowing really have you thought what I mean whatever we allow we don't hold restraints on and I've talked about before but you know it's it bears repeating is when you can just click on a screen and your kids or your wife or your spouse can watch Fifty Shades of Grey or these all these movies all these filth and we just know well it's no big deal just so you know what are we allowing into our home to come in and open have an open door into our homes in their hearts so whatever it was was that a woman was it maybe I kind of view it as it was a woman who was heavily involved in the church she was maybe a little bold a little had you know she had some clout like you know just let her do let her do what she's doing it's it's not really hurting too many people so they allowed her to do this taught taught she taught them which which which means that there was participation in ungodly activities and then another interesting thing here she calls herself a prophetess she calls herself be careful of false teachers or people leading cuz they they like they like to give themselves titles what about if I had my new business card here's my new business card apostle prophet and pastor and it's a self appointing because God doesn't appoint them they have to appoint themselves see that you don't have to appoint yourself here here's Who I am I'm this people will see who you are God will reveal your character and God will elevate you you don't have to self-promote actually you should not promote the more you humble yourself the more God will bring you up so watch out for the self promoter she was a prophetess and they used that term more in the New Testament and some churches do now but it was a man was a prophet a woman was a prophetess they would speak boldly into the lives of people that God something that God would bring to their mind for example activist believed it was his name he was a prophet God spoke to him and he went to Paul and said you are going to be bound and with this belt he took his belt off you you're going to be bound when you go into Jerusalem so that prophet gave them a word of encouragement or rebuke or purposive for them to be prepared and then there there was women who operated in this role as well but she calls herself my spokesperson God says she self proclaiming herself she others are recognizing her she's recognizing herself and that Ty's writing was second peter 2:18 from the english standard version for speaking loud boasts of folly this is about false teachers they entice they entice people by sensual passions of the flesh those who are barely escaping from those who live in error they promise them freedom but they themselves are slaves of corruption for whatever overcomes a person to that he is enslaved so we see that seduction is this it's pulling at something remember this about seduction that the strength of it is only as is as strong as what you give it in other words when seduction occurs it's only drawing out of you what's already inside so in this area sexual it's a seduction it the stronger the seduction the more you're probably fueling that desire so that's the stronghold a spirit-filled believer in God's Word in worship removing the filth of the world being being focused on God that seduction that draw is not going to be as strong as the person who's doesn't really care they're living what the Bible would term carnality and that carnal lifestyle is is helping that seduction but that's what they do false teachers that's why you have to be careful with people what your even what we listen to sometimes what are they telling you is it God honoring is it drawing you to the cross is it drawing you to holiness because here's a little just snippet of truth they run from holiness Jezebel the Jezebel spirit false teachers false Proclaimers they holiness they don't want to have anything to do with holiness they'll to entice you to do other things I mean if you came across those in the church or you wonder how are they even Christians it's all about the world and the things of the world so apparently this person was in a position of leadership teaching and then we see verse 21 and I gave her time to repent isn't this so true of God I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality and she did not repent the reason the Bible talks about this issue so much is because the the drive for sex and food or the highest of people house the higher the highest the hardest of fun so that's where he's going to go after that's why it's tied in it's not a it's not a secret why idol worship sacrificing things in the meat to idols and sexual morality are tied together they went together that's off that's that's that's more for a fasting sermon but I'll just tell you right now that those appetites as appetites increase for meat and things and food it fuels other appetites if there's a pertinent person is a glutton in certain areas they're often not gonna have control of their sensuality and their sexual appetites they run together you'll never see a person who's just given over to wine and strong drink and meat and then no I have no problem this area therein or woven they they go together it's it's that's why fasting is so important fasting completely eradicate the flesh it starves the flesh and the essential desires and all those are just minimized because you're starving the variant monster that is trying to kill you so I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality God gave her time he gives us time that's one thing I love about God he gives he he listen he gives you his time he's patient he's long-suffering than not any should perish but that's why we also say don't confuse God's patience with his approval many people go their whole life confusion got confusing guts patience with his approval God's patient merciful loving so I'll just continue in the thing that's destroying me I'll continue in the sin because he's patient loving yes but there comes a time when you light a piece of dynamite that that eventually that flame is going to get to the TNT and there something there's so you can imagine God's patient he's loving but there comes a time when he he'll call people listen you'll get convicted Shayna Idleman preach on it your friends will say something you'll read a blog you'll know it's not God's he's calling you to repentance he's calling you to repentance he's calling you to repentance and that's what he was saying here I gave her time so somehow this person or if it's a whole thought here a whole school of thought in the church they gave God gave them time to repent but she did not repent indeed I will cast her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into the Great Tribulation unless they repent of their deeds and this is why later in Revelation God says come out of her my people come out of her my people s you unless you share in her sins and receive of her plagues come out of her my people seeing that the the tempting thing with most pastors myself included is to avoid these kind of hard things right oh gosh just to get a little negative now man chained you how to twenty minutes ago but now this is just but that's the Word of God it pierces like a double-edged sword and usually you can't do cancer surgery until you open the body you open the heart and the in the heart of course is in case you can't do that you the person dies but you open the body and you go and you remove that thing that's destroying them and it hurts that precision the opening up and to removing that cancer and we're also reminded that Satan is not in a hurry he lets us build and build and build so the greater the fall he'll wait he'll watch he'll let a person build and build and build and watch for that opportune time and that he's been working on that seduction that Jezebel said and comes in and will take a person down he's not in a hurry because we think that well it's been months how he slid right by him it's been years I'm good but he's waiting he's actually waiting for that type of attitude and then verse 22 verse 22 I will cast her into a sickbed is that interesting so the very same thing that she was encouraging people to sin and God used that to judge her God uses the very same often look at Egypt in the idolatry look at different things God uses the idol that we love so much that same Idol to judge us it was what we what we what not as a believers basically I should cover for the unbelievers often are judged by the same idol that they were worshipping Larry Tomczak in a recent article about Marilyn Charles Manson's last words I don't know if they know what those are yet maybe it was a setup for what's coming but he talked about Michael Jackson's last words were he said more milk more milk and you probably go what are you talking about I'm glad you asked he was actually asking for propofol have you heard of that it's a very strong drug that will put you to sleep or cardiac arrest obviously if misused that's why he's doctor I think is in jail for it and it's white in substance so as he's dying he's crying for this very thing that is killing him more milk more milk more Pro that more propofol more more his idol promised pleasure but brought death and destruction he was pleading for the same thing that was destroying him see you can sing Tennessee whiskey and whiskey lullabye with Brad Paisley but but that idol of alcoholism will eventually destroy in the end in April of 1994 heroin whispered this to Kurt Cobain of Nirvana come take my hand let me lead you to hell as he pulled the trigger see folks is I don't know about you but this is serious business we're so Rihanna's Christmas cease and all this is happening all the stock market you better understand there is spiritual warfare that is has the ramifications are a million times more severe than our physical life and what's happening here because we can buy and buy and buy and we bury ourselves with things and eventually the things will bury us see the idol we love and we cherish and we follow and we give our hearts to in our lives to as unbelievers that same Idol will be used to judge you and often though in the Christian community if we don't repent that same Idol will judge you I also read there Joan Crawford remember her that the actress many years ago in a prideful rant she rebuked her housekeeper who began praying for as she was dying she cursed and she said don't you dare ask God to help me why because the idol of Hollywood puts her up there this haidle Idol this star that Idol eventually judged her that's what Jezebel comes in so but God uses back on her he put her into a sickbed and then verse 30 or 23 I will kill her children with death boy Jesus can you settle down a little bit what happened to the turn-the-other-cheek Jesus I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am he who searches the minds and the hearts and I will give each one of you according to your works I will kill her children cross-reference that with second John 1 where John says writes to the lady to the elect lady and her children in this sense not talking about the necessary physical offspring but but the those who participate will be judged so the elect lady and her children was talking about the Christian community community for a second John was writing to the elect lady and the followers in that church that whole big church there of believers but then in this sense the children of Jezebel are those who are participate in her debauchery those who go along with it jesus said you wisdom is justified by her children in other words if I make a wise financial decision my children what is produced from that result will show if the wisdom was good or not so in the Bible sense the children is the fruit of that the outcome of that the followers of that so when Jesus said I will kill her children with death those who follow here's why when when they when they bring sexual immorality sexual destruction into the church we had time we could talk about why this is so important it's a sin against the own body own body it perverts and distorts worship it will kill your relationship with God it is one of the most severe sins out there in regard to the consequences so when this happens and the church does nothing the church remains silent the church doesn't want to say anything we just want to allow that woman Jezebel who comes in and seduces people that there is a price to pay so those who basically it's the same thing today we could fast forward it now those who give in to the Jezebel spirit in our nation and we're people like oh look at all this stuff coming out in the news all these high-profile people and all the sexual things yeah I guess what that's been there a long time they're just they're just bear I bet they're just barely pulling the sheet up I mean if they could remove the sheet of the entire bed of the United States there would be so much filth and perversion you could not handle it the America is a number one producer of pornography in the entire world this is just a it's a cleansing that has to take place but be careful take heed lest you fall all of us that seduction that that that seed that that see that sexual sense seed is in all of us all of us the question is does it grow or don't you starve it to death so those who participate will be judged Jesus said and often thought how often do the sins of one affect the other as in Jezebel's case or whatever there's actual women we don't know we know it was in the Old Testament is this metaphor is this allegory is this an actual person the church the bottom line is we don't want to find out that the effects of one person think about that in your home grandparents or parents your choices your your your I if there's idolatry in this area there's things happening it will affect your children a very deep level because a person who starts to fall in this area guess what they start to do they start to lower their standards by what they allow into their home they don't hold the standard of holiness or critical I want to take a hard-line stance but often they begin to lower their stances and things that would have never allowed ten years ago now amuses them because Jezebel's come in and begin to work in their hearts verse 24 now to you I say into the rest in Thyatira as many as do not have this doctrine who have not known the depths of Satan as they say I will put on you no other burden but whole house what you have till I come so it's almost like he's saying pardon me this side of the church but this is the Jezebel side of the church right just better change my wife's on this side for Jim this is right the gay come on well this side this this middle this middle is a Jezebel this he's giving you a rebuke he's laying it out right he's rebuking them you're going to die you're going to perish your idolatry is going to come there's gonna be a day of reckoning and they says but all of you but all of you who have not who have not upheld this doctrine you've not known the depths of Satan in this area I will put on you no other burden here's what I want from you this is amazing Jesus says here's what I want from you and this applies to many of you in this room this morning hold fast to what you have until I return holdfast holdfast hold it please hold on to the faith and this is hard thing in Christianity because we understand big I'm not holding on to God as much as he's holding on to me right psyche like when my daughter was two years old I lift her up she goes down I'm holding dad II don't know who's holding who right but there's a holding because if she's pushing me away there's no love it's get away from me no I'm it's it's this Miuccia I'll hold you but then she holds me back it says it's this thing we see it throughout scripture that god holds us it's it's got its God who makes us stand first and confirming Christ in first Corinthians it's God but then all these scriptures hold tight don't let go persevere persevere so that's G I think for many of you today no matter what your health issue is no matter what your financial situation is God says hold fast hold tight hold on to the thing the grip that will never let you go is that you God says I'll never let you go I'll never let you go and this work this cracks me up about the book of Revelation let me let me just vent a little frustration here everybody wants to argue post tribulation mid-tribulation premillennial and all millennial Augustine view the Reformers view are you post trip mid trip no trip are we in the Millennium are things really getting better or is there a millennial to come is there really going to be a temple in the Millennium or will it bring back animal sacrifices more of as a memorial to Christ and is it a really thousand-year reign and the devil is really gonna be on a chain for a thousand years than the Devils let loose and then for a thousand years he could after a thousand years he comes and then Christ conquers him and and we love to argue all these things but the bottom line is are you ready are you holding on and people they lecture me out you need to teach through Revelation you need to be prophetic and you need to tell people signs of the times and you need to line up with Matthew you know earthquakes and famines and great things in one world government 666 and and you like well okay but the priority list right now is holding on because I don't know about you but I have the tendency to shake and want to break away that talk to hold on to Christ to get back in to the important things now those are all important but that's not going to save you and they're just in a nutshell and if no people curious people believe that we're going to be taken out before the tribulation is pre-tribulation they think we're gonna stay through half of the tribulation three and a half years that's called mid tribulation and then they believe we're going to actually go through the post tribute of the tribulation and we'll be taken out after God's route that's post tribulation also post wrath not pre wrath but there is a group that believes we're going to be taking a pre route before God's wrath but the post wrath if we're going to go through God's wrath he's going to preserve us some groups say none of that happened it was already fulfilled in AD 70 when Titus Krunk conquered Jerusalem we are actually living in the Millennial age now things are getting better and then some and that camp will say you know things actually aren't getting better they're getting worse yeah that was clear I think so and people lose sleep over this now granted we do see things forming where you could see the formation of a one-world government you could see the formation of of everything coming together under a one world leader you see the formation of camp buying and selling without a certain mark and number the be 666 and and on your forehead on your hand is a literal marking or is it symbolizing your thoughts your things you know there's a lot going on throughout the world there's a lot of interesting things and it's an interesting topic but here's the main question is are you ready because I know people they'll sit and debate this and aren't ready they're not holding fast they're wavering so Jesus says just hold fast hold tight tighten your grip until I come we can also argue about the date Revelation was written if you like prior to 86 dear after 80 95 David sent me good quota and was it Ignasi as' or Arrhenius poly or the Church Fathers on when they would date it and in different things and and so it's very interesting but at the end of the day you say Lord am I ready I'm not holding because many people are no longer holding tight their grip is failing their love is faltering they're clenching and grieving the spirit they're confused or chaotic why is suicide epidemic why are do you know they're having the government is is is don't even they don't even know how to handle this opiate abuse is skyrocketing it's overdoses are now taking more Americans than anything else because of prescription in their wares the answer is well if everybody's so that love that they love to debate theology but they're not holding on to the one who has the answer see you can be straight as a gun barrel theologically but be empty you can worship this and forget about the Sun Christ you saved us and please don't understand ask my wife she drives her crazy how many books I have next to the bed he's probably stand up this high that's not even my library cuz I love theology but that theology has to point me to Christ and a deeper relationship with God so the more I read systematic theology or the more I read quantum physics Wow well now we think there's one there's 150 billion galaxies oh really and how BIG's a galaxy well it's just you how far light travels at 160,000 miles per second light travels 186,000 miles per second think about that takes 8 into 8 minutes 20 seconds for the sun's light to hit here 96 miles million miles away and all this just happened there's no God it's evolution right come on but think about that back god 150 billion galaxies billions of light years away I mean sounds like sent from Star Wars but if you can I get a headache I don't know about you but how far light travels in a year is a bunch of is a lot of miles right and and and but these are millions of miles away or billions and they can't even count the Stars and that God that God see stop it see when I just put that book down I go that God that God has got my problem that God is going to see us through that God is going to redeem and restore and rebuild our nation on our church and our families although we're going to hell in a handbasket I'm hanging on on the way I'm bringing people out of that and so can you that's what he says Holt I hold fast tightening your grip look up the original language in the in the Greek New Testament it is it's a tightening of the grip it's like something is falling you're loosening and you tighten that grip you get everything around it and you hold on he says do that and he overcomes and keeps my works until the end to him I will give power over the nation's he shall rule them with a rod of iron they shall be dashed to pieces like a Potter's vessel so much for the mild meet Jesus right because I'm gonna look at that little lamb the lamb of the world Oh cute little lamb right we have Jesus as as a little lamb is flowing here you know and just all this nice guy get the lamb is the lion though remember right remember I said that I remember a few months ago but it's so true they were 2000 years ago they're waiting for a lion they get a lamb now we're wanting the lamb but we're gonna get a lion and it says here he will come and he will break them with the rod of iron he will dash them to pieces like a Potter's vessel and ahead in Revelation that's why it says a sword goes out of his mouth with the armies of heaven that may be us riding white horses literal I don't know I don't care see people want to argue that is that a literal white horse I don't know and white horse well here's why I dunno the horse when you're when you're on a horse in battle that was a position of authority white is clean cleanliness white horse position authority coming with the armies of heaven out of his mouth those a sword he will strike the nation's he'll rule all the nations with the rod of iron he'll tread the winepress and the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God and right here on the right thigh it'll be written king of kings and Lord of lords because that's a position of power and authority that's who we're waiting for that's who's coming that's why we're tightening our grip that would be a great spot to close but I do have an interesting interesting correlation here many of you know CS Lewis write you wrote Chronicles of Narnia I usually don't tie-in movie things too often but this was very important this week it's at that part where they're finding out that Aslan is a great lion and Lucy the girl goes Aslan is a lion the great Aslan is a lion she said I would I'm gonna be rather nervous about meeting a lion is he safe and the man said is he safe no he's not safe he's a lion that's what we think no he's not safe he's God Almighty he's a sinner Savior he created the universe he spoke it into existence armies he conquers with the breath of his nostrils he comes back riding on a horse bringing judgment to the nations that's not safe so he said no it's not he's not safe but he's good he's the king I tell you if you don't know him he's not safe but if you do know him it's the safest thing you can run into he's good he's the king see at the end of the day we have to fall back on this because if you're not holding him tight right now there will be a week there might be a day when you he's he's he's the only thing you have to hold on to see part of coming to church is to prepare us for what's out there and he's coming again and that is so true I love what aw Tozer said he said I love Christ because he's my Savior but I fear him because he's my judge see people don't like that judge part and it's often the people who aren't ready to meet their judge they don't want to go meet their judge but it's a healthy balance you better have the correct balance about Christ the lamb is the lion the man that when he said a woman where are your accusers I don't condemn you either he's also gonna say depart from me I don't know you I just my heart breaks for some people in the church when they stand before God someday and they say but Jesus I heard about you in church I went to Awana my youth pastor talked about you my parents had a Bible I knew all about you and he says to them depart from me I don't know you I don't know about you but I've got to preach my heart out and reach those people that might be some in this room I mean nothing nothing and all of eternity would be worse than that thinking I know about Jesus that's right he died on a cross that's right I remember those stories and they says but I don't know you you have intellectual knowledge see even the demons believe in tremble you can't have intellectual knowledge you have to repent and believe and that christ changed your heart that's one thing I love about the church in America buts the other thing that is it gives me the most concern is we've talked so much about Jesus that he's become a passing fairy tale instead of an ever-present Savior it's almost like we go to church yeah I'm gonna hear about Jesus in the cross of course I mean it's church but you bring this message to the heart of India to a person who's never heard the word Jesus and you tell them about the forgiveness of the sin you tell them that the prayers that this one God not nine million God's will answer you tell about there's no caste system which everybody's above you and you're at the lowest caste with Christ he died he cleansed he redeemed you can be a child of God if you repent and believe they run to that message they weep they embrace it and they are changed but we can hear it so much that we become calloused to the message of the gospel god forbid we ever become callous to the message of the gospel
Views: 3,671
Rating: 4.9252338 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Shane Idleman
Id: r2ybGAY5tCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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