GOD Battles The BEST Uber Super Rare Cat (The Battle Cats Funny Gameplay)

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oh oh oh that's so cool we are using the Gods powers look at all these things here we go join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bell I come to receive notifications so you'll never miss another video hey guys this is pork Joseph I and welcome to a really awesome game called battle cats today we are going to create an awesome cat army and send them onto the battlefield to battle a bunch of spooky enemies and guess what look at this right I've got my cat shirt on so I am ready to battle so while we are going to click the start button here I gotta let you guys know that this is a sponsored video if you wanna play this game it is completely free check the link in the description below but before you do that we are going to click the beautiful attack button right over here and it says the battle begin so over here is our a base it's kind of a big kitty thing well boy we've got a really cute little alligator coming in so we can't create a bunch of cats right over here and they are going to battle for us that's a whole bunch of stuff to it I'll explain that later ok first things first we got an upgrade to get commander so we can generate some more cat monies and look at this one I've got a whole arsenal of awesome cats to play around it this one has an X look at that it's a little X Kitty that is just the cutest thing ever but I've got really powerful ones as well this is a zombie kit my goodness that is a spooky-looking kit you're gonna upgrade to general and keep the flow going okay now while this battle is going on guys be sure to leave a like in the video right here right now and after you guys have left alike I'm gonna show you some real firepower okay take a look at this one of our kitties just got rekt but that's okay because I've got a cannon on top of my base so we're gonna fire it Oh hahaha yeah that's what talking about and this is one of the special kids I gotta forgot his name a little bit but that's okay because he's got a coat he's got some fancy Japanese shoe things yeah this cat is gonna be a proper powerful one okay I've also got the Titan there's a big kitty hmm did you just summon a robot oh that's some kind of demon robot thing okay this is going very well we are taking down this kind of meta door looking arena thing I don't approve of that stuff okay that's bad stuff I don't like them you know hurting the bull so we're gonna take down this place we're gonna take down the evil guys and there yes our first ever victory so maybe that was a little bit of a chaotic battle but that's how it goes in this world now we can move on over from Spain to France we are moving closer to the Netherlands which is of course where I'm from but first let's attack some more the battle begins let's see what my French armies have to say which is French for France what is dead over there in the sky huh Oh Oh what's up whoa whoa you call me I am God it's a cat God so badly God can give you all kinds of special powers but we do have to pay him a little bit of cat food all right well we're gonna get rid of this guy first let's take a look oh it's the Eiffel Tower of course oh that is perfect so the cats over here that have like a little bit of a golden shine to it I've upgraded those to the maximum level level 10 so I'm gonna try and save up for over here I've got a fish get how ironic isn't that what cats like to eat whisk a little stick man and a snake oh that's not even a get on I think he has a dog army oh my Here Come more stick men by the way this is how every French person looks in real life okay I'm not even kidding you right here comes a fish kitty what to get with four legs okay but we have to fire the cannon there we go good damage Oh bye-bye enemies now let's see what kind of kid is this huh oh it's a big fat sumo kid sumo wrestling baby now let's see all right it looks like like an ender kid from minecraft or something my goodness that is one spooky looking dude and we are gonna get some more normal ones going as well we got a lot of monies and the fish get is on the Eiffel Tower oh this is great but there are so many more cats in the game and it does look like he has ramen on his side I thought we already said you to heaven what are you doing back on earth sir we're gonna weigh like a boss man oh I love this sumo one Guinness upgrade this cat one more time Oh two more times there we go because we can actually almost go we can go for another one we are making so much money like people and friends they're not good at training Kent armies or doggone nice or or even stick instead a goat French people have goat armies whoa and an orange seal oh my goodness wait I need to create a Sambi cat and an axe cat because those are more powerful and can't be read units or you just spawn a massive robot thing because this is apparently a super rare cat okay you gotta work real hard to unlock it but once you unleash the power or it just feels so good twelve thousand experience by the way we can use that to upgrade our gets so all we gotta do is head on over to upgrade here you've got to get god we saw that earlier we've got the sumo get the big fat one but over here we've got a samurai cat but I want to upgrade this one the bean cats so let's upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade you know what let's make them maximum level I've got a lot of experience here and that kind of looks like a bra I thought they were in in a beam what happened so here we have the overview of our cat team we're gonna have these special cats I'm just gonna swipe roni over to Brockett I thought a head beam cats what okay that's a little bit but we're gonna get rid of this guy and then we're gonna put this one right over there so we move from vive la fawns all the way to does Germany so this should be a proper belly to beat the French guys in the war that's not so difficult but the Germans though they know a thing or two okay so let's take a look oh it's a beer stein er oh this is great and these are probably yes some kind of ducks hunt right some kind of German Shepherd dogs all right let's see if we can get our new cat into the battle the one that we just upgraded oh and they bounced around that is so funny we're gonna do this in the same way we have done the other pets we're not even gonna let that guy touch us okay and for that of course we need the fish because what goes very well with beer beef of course like a hamburger but I don't have that so I'll substitute it with fresh little fishy we've got another cat that I don't think we spawned oh it's a cow what's really fast one oh that is so cool and here comes another super rare cat very nice in a moment I will take you guys to the capsule area of the game but we can unlock even more powerful cats oh that's gonna be so much fun oh that's not even a robot that's like a massive war machine oh that's exactly how I roll and I maxed out to captain right at the end boom baby so for the real question do we move to the Netherlands Denmark but the medalist is right over there my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined now let's move over to the rare cat capsule oh these are the capsules very nice and out of the capsules we get new cats aha so we have got the first new cat thief get and then for the second one instead of which Ken I think so right is it a witch get it's a witch get oh that's so cool what is it this right guy don't you think it really I like it probably it's really cheap and easy I think this is a Jurassic Ken does his spawn like a dinosaur or something oh we get a super rare Juliet cat where's the Romeo cat huh it's a robot kid nope that is so cool oh I think I own this one already that's the healer one right the priest one I think Bishop cat yeah for sure I have seen this one before all right and we also get some lucky tickets we've also got some cat capsules I'm not entirely sure what this oh hey I can use that because I just got those tickets it's grey so it's the same thing as the other ones but now it's a cat's oh great oh this actually buffs your cat so instead of getting a can you actually get like experience and buffs and make your cats stronger which reminds me in the next battle we're gonna use the cat God to see if we can make our army even more powerful all right the battle begins we move from Spain to France to Germany and now Denmark let's see if Denmark has got what it takes oh he starts with a really cute little dog oh and we've got a very fancy lady on some kind of rock cave thing and the snakes coming out of it oh my lady that's that's not what I want to see okay we're gonna try to use this guy the god oh my you call me I am God and we choose God's miracle the fanciest one baby boom what's that gonna do huh oh oh oh that's so cool we are using the Gods powers well look at all these things here we go that's all what I'm talking about so do we like spawn a whole bunch or we get one minute one minute to spawn as much stuff as we can can we go here we go I'm clicking away I ran out of money that's a lot of cats so we maxed out I think for only a minute right and we also mix out on our gold oh oh this is gonna be pretty crazy this might melt your phone if you try this at home yo Denmark is gonna get to rest right now oh he's an elephant oh no the elephant can kick back my units did he just counterclaim me I can't believe it yeah we got a spawn more of these guys when you have 13 seconds on the clock and I'm just spawning my biggest dude right oh my goodness how many more are coming this is my best unit Wow we just totally destroyed Denmark with the power of God there is a new kid waiting to be upgraded really and what kind of cat is that huh let's scroll through hello where are you hiding bondage KITT that sounds really not nice at all no no we're gonna go back I'm gonna go to the super rare cats because I believe Oh faltered Kent okay we're gonna upgrade him a little bit then we're gonna get that guy going all right Norway let's see if we can destroy them as much as we destroy Denmark don't think that's gonna happen because we're not gonna use the same god power after all I wanna oh I want to kind of you know save a few cat foods here but that's a cool fish but hey let's see we can spawn our new dude okay oh wait I first need to upgrade the general of course I like how the battle starts out slow and then depending on what you choose to do you can really ramp up big time and start building the most powerful army ever and boom there it is here comes the new guy what it's just some kind of bull guy okay you should be at the Olympics right now right some kind of like little piece of water oh oh oh he slams down on dudes that is actually so cool there's gonna be a big boy laser and to get heaven you go and here he comes for another jump number 299 he's going for gold okay you can't blame him what am i doing we need more fish after all it's Norway they're all about that fish over there so we gotta get where where's my fish oh that's beautiful that oh my goodness this is actually a proper battle it's really not as easy as dama open the pool guy is gone okay we need to enable God again but this time for a little bit of a smaller powerup let's see where this is two three lightning strikes it's just pretty good right oh yeah oh yeah here we go Oh oh-ho oh that is some big boy lightning today oh yes they can wreck very nice and did right let's find a bunch masami's as well oh I see a red piggy that means we need to get the axe in here and here comes the pool as well but we need the X guy this guy right over there very nice because he is apparently powerful against I was gone already all right we were off to a rocky start in this battle but as you can see we came back and we came out ahead guys be sure to check the link in the description below play battle cats right now it is completely free for Android and iOS so again check the link in the description below and while you guys do that I want to thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you guys on the next birthday survive [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 800,394
Rating: 4.8266296 out of 5
Keywords: battle cats, the battle cats, battle cats mobile, battle cats android, battle cats ios, battle cats iphone, battle cats game, battle cats gameplay, battle cats funny moments
Id: k-7u_VE1-58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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