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what's up guys today we have a new shark dummy and today we're gonna upgrade it we can do that by dealing as much damage as possible and since we have a rocket mission i figured let's go ahead and start with the uh uh rockets hold on guys we just gotta place down a few more of course we're gonna keep dealing damage and keep upgrading this shark until we get to the megalodon shark that is gonna be an awesome new secret and look at these rockets going guys we're getting the mission come on big garbage yeah no this shark is getting destroyed oh we get a new mission that says rocket maze i guess you know what else is a mission oh wait we got the big rocket oh my goodness no way and elsewhere wait did they see what kind of ray was that oh my goodness guys can we get the final weapon oh so close wow that was a great start guys leave a like to the video let's see we can get a hundred thousand likes so let's wipe the floor cuz we got a brand new item this oh that's a giant rocket okay we're just gonna place on a few just to see what happens then we're gonna get back on the missions because those missions give money and with more money you can get more weapons and uh ah this doesn't really do anything does it that is very weird we're gonna figure out why these don't work but first let's wipe it so we had some kind of raid going on we also got disco where does this go wait a minute i can only place on one of these things it's literally just a disco ball huh that is so weird but i do have a plan and that we're also going to check out later we got to get the rocket mace mission going so we've got rockets check we've got mazes a lot of them check actually that's the maximum amount you can place let's see what happens do we get the mission come on now and boom wait what we're gonna rock it we're gonna mace but we don't get the rocket mace maybe we gotta remove the maces from the center then we're gonna put rocket launches everywhere else so they can blast him into the maze is that that a plan well it was a plan just not a very good one come on now guys we gotta get this mission going right maybe at two times the speed it will work i mean almost almost well that was pretty close not the best though oh wait haha yes we got it wow that happened really fast huh all right let's go ahead and wipe everything oh we got a new shark awesome so now let's see we can do a disco party for 30 seconds actually we're gonna put the disco ball over here and then we're gonna grab a portal let's see if this new shark can actually go through a portal let's do something well not really but i've got a plan all right all right check it out we are getting the mission though okay hold on we're just gonna wait one second because a disco ball is very reflective right so what if you point a laser at it and it just like lasers everywhere well you know that's the plan but as we saw before the plan doesn't always work out but this mission will right yes it will wait we got a euro so there's a difference between euros and dollars with dollars you can put more weapons but with euros you can upgrade them so let's see we can upgrade the disco did that say deadly race now let's see what it does oh okay i see oh no wait this is like infinite damage right oh that's really cool but it's also really slow and slow is not cool no slow is really not cool at all so we're going to place down as many laces as i can fit on here oh which means we should also put the block here and yes guys i did upgrade it so now we can put four laces on it if you subscribe to my channel you know that last time we upgraded a lot of stuff right isn't working though um i think it's doing something i i am not entirely sure what is happening right now but i do like it it does look good wait a minute teleport a big rocket so we gotta do something with the big rocket that's gotta be awesome and i did get a really cool idea you see this one is called laser show dummy flies clockwise three times around a block with four mini laces these are like big laces but we're gonna use the mini lasers so we get more money more weapons more damage or maybe the megalodon shorts so let's wipe this bad boy and we're gonna put the block over here we're gonna put mini laces basically all over the place you know just like that that should probably be enough right yeah cause we need four mini laces then we're gonna get jump bands to jump this way just like that and then also the other way and then the idea is that the shark goes around clockwise so it's actually making progress already i don't know how that is possible that was one wait how we gonna get this mission with only one what he he didn't go around there three times are you kidding me all right that's kind of weird anyway we got it wait leave a piece of dummy on a big rocket so right now we've got two missions for the big rocket i think that's enough of an excuse to try and figure out how that thing works huh all right guys let's wipe the floor we've got almost 10 000 bucks oh wait we still got that that the ray 3000 okay that was not really a good sound but anyway we're gonna figure out how this thing works because if i place it right below him what okay so i see how this works the shark goes on the rocket and look guys it fires in a certain direction so we're gonna remove this thing how expensive is oh it is very expensive we're gonna go ahead and place a bunch of them over here then we're gonna place a bunch of them over here but these we are gonna turn around just like this oh yes guys oh yes oh this is gonna be good fun all right let's go i want to see it oh my goodness wait a minute i think i did it again we're just gonna cut that out nobody saw that all right we need some jumpers one and two three and four and then the jumpers are gonna yield him in the right direction that's the blank here you ain't that's not the right direction oh oh always working is it working oh yes oh it's a chain effect ladies and gentlemen oh this is so fun i teleport a big rocket i forgot to put down a teleporter oh no wait how long is this gonna go on for is this just gonna go on forever okay hold on we're gonna speed this up a little bit because the plan is he explodes and then goes up then when we deal enough damage a piece of a dummy is gonna get stuck in a rocket which in our case is a it's a shark and that didn't really work huh let's get that teleport in here now i don't think this teleport wait we don't even have enough money hold on but i don't think oh wait it does oh so this rock is gonna fly in and exit over there and that should mean we get infinite rockets i mean infinite teleporters or we're gonna get infinite megalodon shark that's for sure so how many more big rockets can we place down actually can we upgrade this thing hold on explosive big rocket fifty percent more damage oh thank you know what just to speed it up a little bit we're going to get some mines in there here we go fire away how much damage is that going to do oh he went through the portal oh no way oh and now he's up at the ceiling which means the top rockets can go first oh this is so beautiful oh this is just i love it i love it when the plan comes together look at that look at that oh it's so beautiful wait we got a problem there are rockets in the bottom left corner i don't think those are gonna get to the teleporter right oh is that a bad idea i'm not entirely sure by the way guys this is two times the speed and it is still taking quite some time but we got 6 000 damage already you would think that at some point this shark is gonna lose a limp the sharks have limps i think they do right yeah they can lose a fin or something or a tail is it still a limb i don't really know how that works but i do know one thing this absolutely works and we should absolutely get another new shark right or maybe the megalodon shark wait we gotta use the death ray of course also deal fire lightning piranha and acid damage while a dummy is flying on a big rocket this mission is called it's not a joke it's scientific research you know guys i'm about to grow a beard but i think we got only one rocket remaining and he's not going onto the rocket come on mr shark don't stop now i know that thing's gonna boom then it give me a snap wipe the floor hey oh hey we got a new a new dude that looks like an awesome super ancient shark kind of like the megalodon but anyway on with the plan we've got a rocket right over here then we have a bunch of saws to teleport while not teleport transport him to the rocket just gotta put a few right behind him because if you saw the last video you know it's never gonna go well but this should work out just fine there we go turn these around now we need fire damage so we've got a fire gun let's do two just in case lightning wait lightning how do you get lightning damage is that the death ray oh wait it's the tesla but i can't put it on the ground oh no oh maybe this is gonna work as well he should cross this line right and of course we put down another one uh let's put it uh right over here come on right over there there you go i need some pariah damage so i guess this one and also acid oh my goodness that is so much stuff yeah we just gotta put those over here let's see if it works oh i am excited wait there's a firing already oh oh there is a loophole in the plan come on now come on oh yes we did it oh that was beautiful oh wait in a dummy by 10 rockets while he is flying on the big one well we've got the big one right over here we've also got a bunch of piranhas eating it let's see if we can get the rockets in here now so we're going to wipe the whole thing again and we're gonna get the big rocket right over here and a whole bunch of rocket launches right over here oh this is gonna be wait are they gonna hit him again yeah probably so we should figure out how to get him there as fast as possible which is probably with the teleporter i know we've got 3 000 bucks to spare but this is about the mission guys come on now oh my goodness that is so beautiful oh that is a wait a minute leave a piece of dummy on a big rocket can we do that can we do that we gotta get the frost guns in here i think because now i think he's stuck right no way rock is coming from the left from the right though yeah that was pretty close 471 super that's not gonna be enough awesome mission though that was great but now it's time to bring out the big guns yeah that's right we're gonna get the frost guns in here to get that mission going so the idea is that the shark falls into the teleporter then onto the big rocket and this is where the ice guns are gonna come into play because the shark should be able the the shark shoot that's right should be able to fall through actually you should be able to just fire all the way through here right yeah and then the jump pads are gonna launch him back so let's see if this works oh my goodness that it worked instantly like instantly oh wait a minute deal 12 000 damage how do we not deal 12 000 damage already oh that was so close to the final thing oh my goodness i can't believe it wow and also almost 12 000 damage i think we can make it now that we have the mission right off the bat we should be able right i mean we just dealt like 14 000 deaths there you go oh my goodness he fell off the rocket he fell off the rocket that we still got the mission there it is there it is there it is us3 death race oh guess i am so excited so let's wipe the floor oh guys now it is time now it is time to use 750 the most expensive item we have ever seen how many can we place down though oh only three wait no no no no no we can put some more right over here and i think if we upgrade it we can place some more but oh they're so expensive though right let's see what happens nothing okay nothing happens that was kind of as expected though no problem guess we got the jumpies of course ah yes now let's see what a death ray can ah hello and there you go come on hello ah whoa wait what okay so it gets close then it activates and it just shoots it to the other side that is uh pretty cool but yeah i was expecting just a little bit more maybe but it's fine we're gonna upgrade it and it's gonna be way cooler all right i promise you guys it's gonna be good i mean it's gotta be cool right it's called a death rate there you go at least we get the mission wait 10 hits by a jumper while a dummy is in a death rate how is that how is that possible that's not possible right is it possible i don't think that's possible at all actually how do we even get a little bit of progress on that that is so weird but yeah okay there's six death rays but now we're gonna go and upgrade this thing we've got four monies let's see we've got the euros which is clearly the best currency allows you to place it on the roof at 50 more damage those are all very nice things all right what's gonna happen now if i do this though what's gonna happen uh oh i'm gonna run out of money well that's what's gonna happen i'm gonna run out of money but that's fine because he's gonna go that way wait but he's never gonna hit the ceiling how is that wait wait what how is it possible all right maybe we should do the uh 68 embers are ready just a lot of fire basically we're gonna come back to the death race i think but let's check out uh let's see we need a fire one which is this one just like that and then also a laser this is basically a megalodon barbecue oh yes and i like me some megalodon on stage wait two seconds come on there you go that's it very nice there you go just one more hello you're gonna do some more there you go just a little bit more ah and there it is i love it when a plan comes together do 4 000 damage to a dummy with a black hole hold on okay no pun intended oh wait that's the last one yo we gotta unlock that one guys let's go ahead and wipe it guys that's gotta be the megalodon shark that's a giant one oh my goodness okay um hold on we gotta do damage to him we gotta try the crossbows i wanna see how the crossbows interact with this dude and we can place down a lot of these oh my goodness get the block in here get just four more just like that now let's see if that works huh and five one yes oh it's the megalodon guys no way oh this dude's gotta have so much health right he's stuck in a corner though oh wait can we teleport him wipe it wipe it wipe it wipe it there we go uh teleporter right over here with one here put one there no way that we can teleport him right oh my goodness that works that is crazy i love it oh and i just realized oh we can do that mission we're gonna put one jumper in the center then jumpers that face towards the center just like this and then we're gonna grab death rays to cover the entire ceiling this way instead of going sideways he should go right down yes it's working oh and then he pushes down on the jumper oh okay i see how this works oh are you done are you he's upside down that's typically when a fish is dead right guys that was awesome if you want to see more megalodon subscribe to my second channel link is in description below keep watching and check out this video's ice cream right now [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 3,569,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, happy room, game, gameplay, gaming, video game, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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