Go High, Bow Low | Pastor Samuel Rodriguez

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so tonight and we welcome to this place a friend we wrote for this play man of God we look over this place I believe a prophet and I believe tonight he is on assignment for this house put your hand on your chest and say from my house oh come on could it be that he came for you could it be tonight I want to do what we do I want to give pastor Samuel Rodriguez a great big Calvary welcome and if you're ready for the word come on pastor Sam give God a wallop raise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just lift up your hands [Music] I just [Music] it's just gonna be awkward for some but he who have ears to hear yeah there was an award ceremony last night from Kali and God by His grace has is engaged in certain industries and so forth to be light and there are people that when they go to the award ceremonies how can I put it I just heard the Holy Spirit say do you have your acceptance speech ready there are some of you already that have your testimony you should be writing your testimony down not after it takes place you need to believe with me that this is the year and the decade you will see the fulfillment of God's promises for you and your family and your home and your marriage and your ministry and your calling and your health and your finances in your dream and your destiny if you believe that give God the best shout of praise you've given him thus far this year I want to get right into the Word of God listen carefully I will get you just speak to you prophetically something the Holy Spirit triggered in my heart for you afterwards there's a book called be like God made it into a number one bestseller I'm gonna be back there signing books and another one called you are next if you want to pick it up praise the Lord if you don't praise the Lord so here they are you'd be like terrible commercial guy right be like you were next and they're there and I'm gonna share with you and this message are you we're gonna because this is for are there any questions just let me give it first of all y'all happen to have the best pastors on the planet give it up for pastor Jim and pastor Don please and your pastor you're privy to this probably you are your pastor is now leading a network this network will come to fruition this year and really take off and its fullness it's a network it's the first ever Kingdom multi-ethnic kingdom culture spirit empowered network there's never been a network before of churches that are deliberately multi-ethnic and do not quench the Holy Spirit we've never had a network of churches in America that are intentionally committed to having a church that's reflective of the mosaic in the tapestry of God's kingdom black white yellow brown coming together the answer to America's lay lays the answer to America's angst and consternation it's not a political solution if you're still looking for the donkey and the elephant to solve it you're barking up the wrong tree the only one that can solve the issue in America is the Lamb of God that is Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the answer is a multi-ethnic Holy Ghost Church its Pentecost on steroids and we're about to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit not just in Florida but from Florida all the way to I would a prophesy now two of the most prominent revivals in the past 100 plus years 120 years there was a revival in a Sousa that to a great degree launched it all in modern history then there was a revival here in Florida back in the mid 1990s one would have reconnect Florida and California and our points in between will experience a fresh wave of the glory of God how many come in agreement and believe that our children and our children's children are about to all right so that's who your pastor is he's a leader of months leaders and I honor you love you respect you and I love your shoot game let's go quickly first Kings 1919 real quick if you have it completed behind me real quick so Elijah when they found Elijah plowing the field there were 12 teams of oxen in the field and Elijah was plowed with a 12 team Elijah went over to him threw his cloak another version would read mantle across his shoulders and then walked away who read it one more time for the hearing-impaired so Elijah went and found the lie shop plowing a field there were 12 teams of oxen in the field and Elijah was plowed with a 12 team and lied to went over to him through his mantle across his shoulders and then walked away this is the prophetic marker for this decade I want to speak to you and the Lord has just upgraded this message of my spirit I want to speak to you in the subject matter who the plow of perseverance and the mantle of promotion repeat that one more time the plow of perseverance and the mantle of promotion subtext would be if you can push the plow you can carry the man to hold the second subtitle would be when heaven starts that hell cannot stop it I need you to touch the neighbour you like the most and tell them when heaven starts at Hell cannot stop it tell your other neighbor the one you barely tolerated tell that neighbor if you can push the plow you can carry the mantle you're gonna get this in a second I promise you go get this message you maybe see that you maybe see I am convinced of God I am convinced and convicted that first Kings 17 18 and 19 weeks it is very a part that matter I believe as we step into a new decade a new year spiritually speaking we are living in an era like the days of Ahab and Jezebel a hab was a horrible king a mucho Malo hombre Jezebel case a yolanda friend al mahalla was his wife and she was nasty on steroids she hated the prophets persecuted the preachers she rejected truth and lied to on the other hand was God's chosen prophet a man of a man - a man of a message and a man of a mission that Elijah saw a man named Elijah watch pushing a plow he saw the light shove push in a plow breaking ground and sowing see when as instructed by God he places his mantle upon him and walks away he literally did a jay-z he put the man - and walked away he dropped it and walked away reading a mantle that would change Elijah's life while shifting the trajectory of a nation one that was subsequently embody the notion of a double portion here's the word spiritually speaking a hab represents forces with access and authority attempting to prompt to sacrifice truth on the altar of expediency Jezebel represents a manipulative sexually coercive perverse corrupt cultural spirit intent to kill the prophetic voices silenced truth and instruct Astro repose in order to marginalize the Oracles of righteousness and justice simply stated in America and around the world today we can't deny that's we step into a new decade the reality the DES spirit of Jezebel is alive well persecuting prosecuting and attempting to silence the children of the cross the spirit of Ahab is alive and well Robbie love killing Torian destroying peace the spirit of bale is alive the world demanding that truth and children eat it out of the womb be sacrificed on the altar of the false but I'm here to tell you not this is not a hypothetical was not even a proposition or a supposition I'm here to prophetically declare that this will not be the decade of Jezebel a hat or pail I'm here to tell you when all is said and done when they talk about the Roaring Twenties they will say that was the decade where a new generation of Elijah and Elijah stood up empowered by the holy spirit exalting the name of Jesus if you believe that shout like you know that we're about to stand up don't drink the kool-aid man don't drink the kool-aid I don't give a holy hoot what you see on CNN and MSNBC and Fox and ABC and NBC CBS Univision Telemundo's I mean basta I don't care what you read on The Wall Street Journal the New York Times I don't care what you read on Facebook Instagram or Twitter I'm here to tell you don't drink the kool-aid the most powerful spirit alive today it's not the spirit of Jezebel it's not the spirit of a hat and it's not the spirit of bail the most powerful spirit alive today it's the same the most powerful spirit alive today is the Holy Spirit of all-mighty God if you have that spirit prays like you have that spirit shout like you have that spirit it's not a coincidence woo we know very well via the conduit of historical contextualization that Elijah's responsibility would be to wake up every morning Elijah's different from Elijah Elijah comes from more a more financially and climb they had more financial wherewithal than the Elijah tribe we know that based on what Heber based on his family what he would do Elijah would wake up in the morning and we know very well being the conduit of historical contextualization being the mail when a senator's family that he would have to wake up every morning and push the plow break the ground and sow the seed yeah do that one more time he would have to wake up every morning with the exception of the day of rest and he would have to push the plow break the ground and so to see huh by the way it's not a coincidence that the mantle ended up on a person who will push the plow and Alamo preached a little bit there are people that won the mantle will not ever pushing the plow this message is for people who have been pushing the plow matter of fact this message may be exclusively for the plow pushers I'm speaking to you here that like Elijah you know what it is to wake up every morning and metaphorically prophetically speaking in your life in your marriage in your home in your ministry and your calling you know what it is to push the plow break the ground and sow the seed you know what it is to do it on good days and bad days on rainy days and sunny things on days where everybody says like like like like like like life and on days where the haters rise up against you on days where you have all the resources and on days where you have mud regardless you know what it is to get up and push the plow break the ground and soldier scene I'm gonna ask just one time in Florida are there any plow pushers in the house that oh wow here it is I'm gonna give you what God gave me to give you so here it is first of all today's plow pusher is tomorrow's mantle carrier there comes the season where you push the plow then comes the season to carry the mantle and I want everyone to listen to me carefully do not make the temporary permanent do not mistake the process with the promise do not confuse what you're going through where you're going to and let me remind you one more time if you're going through what you've never been through before instead of whining and complaining about it put a shout on your lip because if you're going through what you've never been through before it's only because you're about to carry what you've never carried before so here it is if you know what it is to push the plow break the ground and sow the seed if you know what it is to wake up on good days and bad days and you know what it is to know what bank account is forward the ATM receipt actually ridicules you I need you to get ready I traveled 3,000 miles from California to Florida with a prophetic message for this house for this conference to speak to every plow pusher I need you to get ready the last decade you were pushing the plow I need you to put a smile on your face because after today your days of pushing the plow come to an end right here right now I feel the Holy Ghost as I tell you get ready I feel God as I tell you get ready there is a mantle with your name on it coming your way if this is for you shall like it's all yours I dare you to high-five your neighbor tell them neighbor I know what it is to push the plow on good days and bad days on sunny days and rainy days on happy days and sad days but I'm still here I'm ready for my mantle I'm ready for London all day I'm ready for is there anyone here ready for their mantle I wish it would have kept it if you know what God is saying raise one hand if you know what it is to push that plow and you've been asking God what is my day coming raise both hands I'm here to tell you by faith through Christ full of the Holy Spirit whoo I know there were days you wanted to give up I know there were days you didn't want to push that plow anymore is am I the only one when I was pushing the plow literally there was a day that in the middle of the night about one o'clock 1:15 actually in the morning I told God I'm done with this I can't push this anymore I just can't do it I'm done god I'm always gonna serve you and I know I'm safe but I'm gonna do something else outside of ministry the pressures they hate but just about the Bale the hay hath I just can't do it I said I'm giving up that's what I told God at 1:15 in the morning next morning guess who got back up and continued to push the plow and break them am I the only one and the reason that I got up it's not because of my wherewithal it's not because of my strength it's not because of my cultural background the only reason I got up it's called the Romans the lady Levin reason the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside me are there any plausible shows [Applause] so if you've never pushed the plow sit down but if you know what it is to push the plow lift up one hand if you know what is it if you know what it is to push the plow in the family with your children in your home in your marriage and your calling and your purpose in your health raise both hands this message is for you the plow pushers of the previous decade some of you say pastor Sam don't way back in more than 10 years I've been pushing the plow for decades I'm here to speak to you in the name of Jesus and tell you the 20s I need you to get ready to push the plow aside there's a season to push the plow but when the mantle comes upon you you will never go back to the plow again is anybody here ready for an outpouring of God I will give you what the Lord told me to give you I will give it to you right now ready all the platypuses hear this Rachel right here there's a fresh touch from heaven coming your way there's a heavenly deposit a new anointing coming your way there is a shift in your atmosphere coming your way there is unprecedented an unbridled vapor coming your way there are resources and harvest coming your way if you believe this to be a word of the Lord for you and your family give God the best praise you've given him this second I dare you to shout out ready for my man's home I'll tell you to shake your neighbor tell him I'm ready for my man and by the way do your biblical due diligence to your Google and your Wikipedia due diligence at your discretion win double you ever heard that Elijah was known as the man as the plow pusher never he was known as the man who inherited a double portion oh you missed it you will not be known by what you've been pushing you will be known by what you carry from heaven you will be known by the testimony and the favor and the glory and the Grace and the gifting of God in you with you and through you oh okay we got a win between our hands let me make it legal Galatians 6:9 without my you do not allow yourselves to be weary in planting disease and pushing for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you've planted it's coming it's here oh let come down Samuel one more time one more time just a little interaction because it speaks prophetically to the can you please tell the person next year's one time tell them the next time you see me I will not be pushing the plow the next time you see me and I'm not talking years from now before this service is over [Music] [Applause] now that's a neighbor not just me my children and my children's children of our children's children's children's children we will be carriers of the man [Applause] it's not just any man - it's so all the platypuses become the mantle carriers but it's not just any mantle it's not just like a it's not an hmm forever 21 Zara you know Nordstrom Neiman Marcus wherever you get whether you've your bujji or not whatever whatever maybe it's not that kind of mantle this if the mantle had significant because the mantle that God is placing upon you that will replace to plow by the way the race is easy to push to plow don't don't bypass the process the plow pushers become the mantle carriers they'll try to skip it and don't give me the whole grace thing either Jesus paid the price for your salvation that's right for your salvation but in this thing we call life in this journey of our walk in Christ horizontally speaking you got to push that plow before you carry that mantle now so let me explain something here hmm it's not just any drought fire and rain mantle this is the this is a mantle that the Prophet Elisha carried when he prayed the drought in and then he prayed fire then he prayed down first Kings 18 the rain so if you're taking any notes good luck with that if you're looking for describing the mantle it is the mantle number one drought fire and rain meaning it is the drought that work it is the drought firing right this mantle will enable you to survive the drought go through the fire and unleash that abundant rain and I just repeat up to me say drop fire and rain we're gonna keep it legal it's the drought first King seventeen one the fire is first Kings 1838 and the rain is first Kings 1841 if you if you've been through at least one drought in the past ten years raise one here spiritual financial your football team did not win for a while whatever it may be if you've been through a couple of measurable droughts in your life raise both hands if you've been through so many droughts you've lost count in the past ten years raise ball fan to the foot if in the previous decade you went through so many droughts that if that you I don't know he lost count that if I right now speak to Siri on my iPhone 11 max and tell my iPhone drought automatically Siri will connect me to your Instagram account well I have news for you we all go through droughts but it's the mantle of droughts fire and rain let me explain that's the process of chronological order I just made it legal biblically speaking it's don't think it's drought and then rain it's drought fire and rain you got to go through the fire before you get to the rain it's I'm speaking to now to all the mantle carriers that know what it is to drought fire and rain well it was the fire season pasture say a fire season it's when the Lord removes stuff from in you and from around you that would have the potential of holding back them it's when God says I'm gonna remove some stuff from in you and even some stuff from around you by the way they may even include removing people from your circle that would have held back the fulfillment of my purpose through you so I'm here to tell you that if you bid through your drought season and you've been through your fire season I came from 3,000 miles to Florida to tell you I need you to put a smile on your face and put the umbrella away cuz your umbrella will not be able to stop the rain that is coming down to your way for you and your family somebody shout here counts to rain here comes - right here comes the rain yeah yeah the drought will reveal you the fire will refine you and the rain will refresh you he's eco 3426 and in the proper season I will send the showers they need they will be showers of blessing indeed da darada me 28 8 the Lord will send the rain at the proper time for Miss rich Treasury in the heavens and will bless all the work you do the rain represents in Scripture restoration it represents renewal refreshing in the book of Acts it says when we turn away from sin from the things that hold us back from living in the word in the will of God then there is refreshing that comes our way there's rain coming your way I need you to believe with me this year as we step into a new decade there is abundant rain coming your way the rain is gonna be so great I'm not talking about a passing shower baby this is not an emotional experience I'm talking about an outpouring of rain of spiritual rain it will make you forget the drought you went through in the previous decades but by the way I'm gonna prophesy now it's not only gonna rain upon you but even upon your family members that are not even here right now it's gonna rain upon your family members I need you to get ready I'm prophesying to you this is the year in the decade where the prodigal sons and daughters are coming back home rain it's got already it's gonna rain it's gonna rain somebody shout here comes to her we store all the things a little reminder that a reminder sub-point those that prayed with you in the drought deserve to dance with you in the rain sweet that number two we're gonna expedite this and land this real quick it's not just a mantle of drought fire and rain okay one little thing I'm just so biblical about this it's first Kings 1842 when when the Prophet would the mantle pray down the rain and then he told his servant you know look up and all that seven times you are no story and it's a funny thing the Bible says that he went up the mountain read it do your biblical due diligence he went the Prophet Elisha the man to the Bible says he went up and Ben reader can you read if you want to after he went up the Bible says immediately he went up he went to the highest place Mount Carmel this is for the rain out of the fire and then the Bible says he bowed low you missed it oh I'm supposed to tell you to get ready because it's God is gonna take you to a place you've never been to before you're going higher that's not height that's not like is that positive reinforcement from a psychological social sort of construct created for the purpose of enticing or psychological you know for no I'm here to tell you to get ready God's about to take you to a place so high in a matter of fact it's not just any high place he's taking you to the highest place you've been thus far and the Lord wants to tell you and remind you once I get you there when God takes you high bow low when God I need you are you with me humility is the preservative of God's favor yeah you're not getting that God's about to blow you up God's about to blow up your business blow up your church blow up your calling blow up your finances blow up your testimony and when he takes you high never forget too bad hello somebody prays like you know what God is saying it's not only the mantle of doubt fire and rain it's the mantle we're gonna finish this there's two more points we're out of here it's the mantle it's the mantle of only God that's not my wording it's first Kings 1824 the prophet of the mantle you call upon the name of your God I'll call upon the name of my Lord the one who answers with fire he's the only God he's the true God and what does this mean this is not what's coming your way it's not for you to take a selfie and say I am blessed this is not about narcissistic Christianity it's not about you it's all about we know it is it it's all about Jesus is he gonna bless you absolutely he's gonna bless you to make us tea but to make you the greatest blessing to everyone you know he's gonna bless you so much he's gonna make you an answered prayer you've missed that right now you're gonna be the answer to someone in the in the last decade you were asking God to answer your prayers in this decade God is gonna make you the answer to someone else's prayers in the last decade you spend a lot of time asking for blessings no not in this decade the blessings will follow you and God will bless you so much you will be the greatest blessing to everyone you [Applause] so with dismantle he says only God he confronted a hab as you will know and said only the real God listen carefully we live in a world full of relativism we live in a world where there's an assault on truth I'm gonna tell you three most endangered species in America in the world today preachers comedians and scientists yes because anyone who is committed to truth you're persecuted there's something called the woke culture I'm gonna get politically incorrect I don't give a holy Hooten and if you don't invite me again I still love you and you still have the best shoe game in the kingdom but this whole woke culture and trying to even just it's taken to another degree because I want you to hear me as a Christian I have every right with the mantle to talk about biblical truth and I'm not gonna water down the gospel and I don't care who chose me I don't care who hates on me I don't do it out of anger I don't do it again people take off at me I do it because somebody's about to fall off the cliff and when they're about to fall off a cliff they don't need me to hear I love you they need me to hear to hear I love you therefore let me tell you the truth you're about to fall off a cliff are you with me right now so kit cameraman give me a tight shot with this mantle I'm here to declare whether it's politically incorrect or not it doesn't matter it's not me I have a mantle just like the Prophet that obligates me to open up my mouth and tell the broken world whether you like it or not listen carefully that there are not five ways to be saved or four ways or three ways or two ways there's only one way you can avoid hell only one way and that way happens to have a name and it's not just any name it is the name above every other name it is the name to which every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess the only name given unto man through by with salvation has come the neighbor G son somebody shall let you have that mantle somebody shall only gone oh my god oh don't drink the kool-aid but this mantle is for you to say only God only God can make something out of nothing Genesis 1:1 only God can make a way where there is no way I say a 43:19 and only God can restore things like the damage never happened Luke 22:51 somebody raise your hand and say only God only God look up your dismantle again it's not for narcissistic purposes is for you to experience and if you have to go through holy God designed confrontations with truth and love do it don't water down the word for the sake of our children and our children's children don't don't water down the world speak truth the truth of Jesus the troupe of the love of God the grace of God the power of God the truth about everything the Bible outlines the truth about human sexuality the truth about people the truth about design my identity does not change according to the winds that blow in the season my identity was created for me before I was even in my mama's womb and when we think that we can change our identity we are saying that God messed up before I was even born God knew who I was before I even came out of my mama's womb are you you hear me right now does anybody understand what I'm saying right now the last the last one is because I have a mantle I'm not afraid to use it the last one is the mantle of when heaven starts at Hell cannot stop it what does that mean well let me tell you the story so after the prophet of the man to confront to Ahab and told him the truth about God being the only one a John 14:6 moment in our context I am the way the truth and the life under grace our declaration Christ being the only way but he did it in his context under the law only the real God only God a God of Abraham the god of Moses that's the real God so all of a sudden a hat goes down and he gossips to his wife and a hab was a wimp and he was this anyway he looked at his your team is gone first Kings 19 1 and to do your biblical due diligence and the guy the Prophet the man of the man told he prayed and we did our thing but the other guy prayed and proof and proven then woo and truth yeah now do your biblical due diligence verbatim on the following phrase first Kings 19 - this is Jezebel's response to a hub telling her we prayed in the fluid to anything this is her response this is her ease but she lost it this is what she said I swear by my gods read it see if I'm making this up she goes I swear by my gods in 24 hours that man with the mantle that prophet Elijah he will be dead she prop alive it sounded like a prophecy in 24 hours yeah she prophesied that man of the mantle will be dead well ladies and gentlemen 24 hours past Elijah did not die well full disclosure 48 hours class Elijah did not die and even greater disclosure 72 hours past 96 hours past one week past one month fast what if I tell you one year pass Elijah they done died how about this what if I tell you a decade past and Elijah did not die all right how about this how about this how about this how about this what if I tell you what happened was what if I tell you that a hundred years pass Elijah did not die what all right what if I tell you that a thousand years pass a large or did my god whatever I tell you it's been two thousand eight hundred years since Jezebel brough alive and Elijah has yet to die that's the Sam what are you talking about you gotta juxtapose first Kings 19 to win second Kings 2:11 it says that Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind where he never saw death oh you're not hearing me right here what is God telling you I don't care what the devil told you about you your family your children your health your finances your destiny I'm here to tell you when habit started hell cannot stop it I need you to shell like you know that the devil is a liar that gentleman I need you to look at your neighbor right now and tell them what heaven started hell cannot stop it no tell y'all the neighbor what heaven started hell cannot stop it is there anyone here who can bear witness the devil said you wouldn't be here right now buddy here you are [Applause] is there anybody here that can bear witness that Jezebel said you would be in jail right now you know what it'd be in an alley right now it would be on the ground but it here you lift up your hands repeat after me I'm still here now I'll see you like you say it like you overcame Jezebel's lies say you like the devil is alive say it like you here by the grace of God sand I dare you to shout say I'm still here I said I'm still here to Annie I'm still standing still praising upscale wash I need you to lift up your hands right now I'm done I'm done yeah I don't know if you got the full picture this standing with me you are standing here it is I'm done look up here kids I don't know if you got it no you passed Jim I don't know they gotta go I don't know Jezebel said in 24 hours he's gonna die 2,800 years later yes the next time we see Elijah was on the Mount of Transfiguration y'all missing on the mountain because Elijah was accustomed to the high plane you missed that one you'll get that tomorrow you missed it she said in 24 hours he's dead and he never done I'm here to tell you whatever the enemy declared upon you your family your faith your future your finances your destiny your dream your future I'm here I'm here to tell you you need to put a smile on your face because the opposite will take place oh you missed it if he said I'm gonna keep you down it's only because you're about to go higher than you've ever been ever before if he says you're gonna die you're gonna live if he said you're going back your bully farmer because when heaven starts it hell cannot stop I want to remind you you overcome the chess about Cindy Ahab's and the families and the lives of the enemy both internal and external and some of the biggest lies you have to overcome are not externally giving the context realize some of the biggest lies [Music] sometimes you drop a light of yourself you're not gonna make it you never can overcome that you're gonna have to somehow be satisfied and status quo and tolerate this accommodate a great room for this new normal and God says no I'm here to tell you that we will every single lie of the enemy in this decade this year we will overcome well that's not height that's a promise of God and I'm gonna tell you how you're gonna overcome you're gonna overcome not by the color of your skin your political affiliation your social economic background your the number of followers you have your postings you're gonna overcome Revelation 12:11 by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony are there any overcomers in the house this decade are there any over comers in 2020 in Florida right here in this place so here you are Oh former plow pusher you know what it is to push that plow you've made it this far now this is what he did you're standing with me watch what he did not making this up please read the book make sure this is not made-up stuff watch this this is what he did the Bible says the moment that Alli shall receive the mantle from Elijah the Bible says Elijah did this immediately let go of the plow and started Wow subsequently he burns it up breaks it into pieces they got rid of it in other words I can't go back to that I'm here to tell you you're never going back to what God took you out of [Applause] I'm gonna say that one more time for the hearing-impaired you are never going back to what God took you out of you're not going back to that season you're not going back to that relationship you're not going back to that failure you're not going back to that mindset you're not even going back to that past success you're not going back to where God took you out of until you jeiza this is the decade of the mantle not the plow if this word was for you lift up with him it was for you and your house at the pump and then I'm gonna give it back to pass [Music] this is what he did when he ran down Elijah when he ran down the mountain the whole rain thing movie huh get your chariot look at her Lamborghini watch and he ran down and yeah pair of Air Jordans and he got there first gotta read the book this is what he did the Bible says all kidding aside he did this to the man - it's not this the prayer Shaw has password for this the Mantis like a raincoat that identified you it was an identifying marker for you that's why Samuel had a certain sort of guard that he would wear and Elijah would have the prophets would wear it everywhere so romantic the Bible says he tucked it in right here now he's about to run and he have a raincoat why would you tuck it in this is simple this is just not like deep brain why would you have to tuck a coat in if you're about to run yeah so can you say it one more time you say so you want what trap so you don't trip because we've seen too many people trip on their own mantles [Music] and I want you to hear me we are people full of grace and we as Christians are committed to restoring via the conduit of biblically substantiated heartfelt repentance every single person who trips we have an obligation to restore where there's repentance everyone who trips but there's a generation there's a world that needs to see men and women of God who won't trip over their mantle I it's not being legalistic and it's not being old-school I'm just speaking from the Holy Ghost hard not even mind we can't trip and it's not because I want to preserve the name of Sam and if the name of Jim and the name of dawn it's not about that it's because he later on gave this mantle to a spiritual son no you missed it I'm gonna prophesy to you now in Jesus name your children will not inherit your sins your children will inherit your mantle your children will not inherit your sins your children will inherit your blessings if you believe that for your house for your children and your children's children now one more time can you give them the best praise of the new decade right now in this place lift up your heads so to every single cloud pusher in the house y'all spend a decade we spent a long time some of y'all spent more than one decade years pushing the plow God is saying this is not the decade of the plow the plow of perseverance today gives birth to the mantle of promotion I am placing something upon you a lot more than a garb or a raincoat an anointing of favor of grace that will equip you and empower you to shine the light of Christ wherever you go the Lord is telling you the Spirit of the Living God is telling you tonight what I'm going to do in you with you and through you cannot and will not be sucked I'm about to shine in you I'm about to shine with you about the shine through you leave it on the days you wanted to give up the plow you and I both know that a hand descent gonna put our hand and said you what Alecto but I won't let go of you John 10:28 and 29 once you're in my brass nothing can snatch you away from me with your hands raised I'm gonna give it to passer if this message is one hundred and seventy nine point three percent for you if you believe with me right now in Jesus name your days of pushing the plow come to an end right here right now you dismantle is for you and your family you ready to carry this mantle let go of the plow never to look back never to second-guess the rule of God the Word of God or the way of God if you're ready to do this I'm gonna count to three if this is you at your inclination you say pastor Sam today I'm letting go the pilot that's you real quick is gonna be a quick prayer and I want you to come out of your seat let go of the plow incoming get your mantle only if it's you if it's not stay right there if you already got your mat so you gonna help me pray but if this is you if you've been pushing the plow breaking the ground and sowing the seed on hard days and on easy days in your family and your home and your marriage and your faith in your career and your calling in your mind and your heart and your spirit and you're saying pastor Samuel Rodriguez I want my mantle they come out of your seat right now 23 come out of your seat there's a man talk with your name on it Samantha with your neighborhood there's a mantle with your name our neighbors Atlanta with your name I sense the Holy Spirit my sense God since God says God [Music] since God I said Scott since God I says God [Music] greater things are coming over with your hands ready I wish I could have y'all just push this cloud for a second to let go of it because this greater things are coming your way there's a man so with your name on it there is divine favor with your name on it there is unprecedented unprecedented unbridled grace of God in you if you and through you to magnify and glorify the name of Jesus Christ will be gone through you your life is gonna reap a harvest because of you more people will come to Jesus that's more than Savior than ever before God's about to amp up and blow up your testimony you need to believe with me that the sealing of the last decade will be the floor of this decade you need to believe with me right now that God is removing the lid the lid is coming off there's absolutely no limits so what God's gonna do in your whip you and through you for his name sake and for his glory as he takes you high never forget to bow low he's gonna do great things pastor can you come up can you come up is she here she's still around unless she was raptured [Music] I sense the holy spirit I sense the weight of the glory of God not just a ninety but glory I sense the glory of God [Music] look up everyone here please other places on you I have to I asked [Music] I'm gonna place this on Isis since the Lord right now pastor Jamie you a pastor dawn you've been you can you know what it is to push the plow in good days bad days sunny days and rainy days some days of all the love some days when you've pushed you know what it is to push the plow on days where just the Sun was shining in days are you having to resort spiritual warfare where the days where the windows have haven't opened up in your favor and all days when the gates of Hell were Unleashed to stop you you've been there the Holies and I say that with fear trembling you know and I know that we fear the Lord we don't play games the Holy Spirit has ordained me to tell you the man Toby is placing upon you now is a mantle you've never carried before it is a portion you've never carried before matter of fact the Lord says I'm gonna surround you with a bunch of people oh wow watch this are we recording this record this he's gonna surround you of a bunch of people that you're gonna be able to trust like Elijah trusted his servant when he told them look up notice it lied to himself did not see the cloud his servant did when his servant said I see the cloud it is the size of a man's hand Elijah began to act based on what someone else saw I'm free on the word here God's good God's gonna surround you with people you can trust that you send out I sense the word delegation that when you send them out and they come back of a word you will act even without you having to tell them let me see it you will believe them because you know that you know that you know that they carry the mantle they're under the same Bantle it's a you mantle it's greater authority I want you to hear me God's blowing you up my friend you're going global look if you think you're going America that's not the mantle the mantle will not be limited by the shorelines of the Pacific and the Atlantic I see you crossing the pond on both sides I see you in Asia taking this outpouring I see you in Europe and Africa I see you in muslim-majority nations matter of fact there are Muslim nations that will not shift until you got there there there there there are Muslim nations that will only experience the fullness of God's purpose the moment you unleashed the signs the wonders and the miracles that God has placed through this mantle upon you upon you so this is it the decade it's gonna happen this mantle one more word for you one more word here ting here's the word pastor Jim and pastor Don here's the word weird awkward word but here it is God's given you an army of disruptors these people carry the anointing to disrupt the system and the status quo wherever they go the atmosphere has to shift towards righteousness and justice and name of Jesus are there any disruptors in your prophetic anointing your intercessory prayer anointing you our warrior you're a Deborah and an Esther you carry a sword you pierce the heavens there are things that will not happen in this house and in the nation's unless you pray it that's how much authority you have the words coming out of your mouth have great consequence in the heavenlies I'm all places mental upon you when it falls upon you and falls upon those that are under your covering every single family here will fall under this mantle this is the day to push the plow aside from this woman on you will not be defined by what you push you will be defined by what you carry so here we go ready at the count of three church ready or not here we go one two three [Music] somebody's shot shout [Applause] [Music] and the promise of God somebody shout not adjustable [Applause] [Music] I'll give you just three years look up here a second wouldn't look up here Rhys your briefs right here if you have to be our receivers work for me in my house I put aside the plow thank you for enabling me to push that file even when they had zero strength you never let go of me today I say goodbye to the plow and I say hello to romantic my children physical and spiritual will not inherit my sins but they will inherit my mantle in Jesus name everybody when I count to what go like this they count to what go like this you go push when I count to two you're gonna look out you're gonna receive your mantle when I count to three you gonna go like this you're gonna let go of the plow and you're gonna give God the best expression of affirmative praise it is the seal on the deal of this contract or this prophetic word the best phrase you've given him this entire decade why do it now ready some y'all been pushing that for years don't become too enamored of that plow sometimes it's hard to let go because we became one not anymore not make the temporary permanent ready to look up we see a fresh adorning greater glory the grace to give him the glory psalm 84 11 the Lord our God is her son in our shield he gives us Grace and glory he beholds no good thing no gift from those who do what is right here we go ready ready ready one two this is for you and your family this is it but this day on your iPhone your Android your days are pushing the cloud come to an end right here welcome to the mantle decade why to sleep get back right [Applause] like you [Music] [Applause] if you got this word raise one hand if God really spoke to you and your days are pushing the plow are now exchanged for the days of carrying the mantle raise both hands if this is for you and your children and your children's children raise both hands and a foot if you're never again gonna pay any attention to what testability Clair's because the opposite will take place raise both hands and both feet and then high-five your labor tell them I have a mantle and I'm not afraid to use it I have a mantle afraid to use it I have a man afraid to use it I have a mantle to use it listen y'all I want you to be tonight tomorrow morning follow us on social medias a reason for that we're trying to get an army around the world all the nations together that get all the mantle carriers connected so I want you to follow me on Instagram on Facebook and Twitter tonight is Pastor Samuel Rodriguez watch this on TBN and Daystar everywhere else we're at during the week we love you we bless you i'm in covenant with you man I love you and I don't love you for a season man I love you until you and I this is it we doing this we're doing this hey let's do one thing together for the glory of Christ in the name of Jesus with these Mantle's let's go change the world god bless you and God keep me [Applause] come on come on and give daughter plays nobody leave for just a moment I want you to stand right there and lift your boys why I chopped it I don't want anybody to leave because I need I need about 42 seconds but I just have to obey Lord the Lord Pastor Josh you know last night but it seemed like Pastor Samuel must have been at our table last night because our conversation was this at the table man toasts are falling man toes are falling I need to tell you tonight that mentors have fallen in this room man toes have fallen over you over your children over your life I need somebody to give God a shout if you're thankful for the mantle that's falling over your life if Jeremy is here I won't Jeremy and Missy to get up here I want I want I want Eric and Jackie to get up here I want John and Victoria to get up here I want I want you I want Josh in the Tasha to get up here right now hurry hurry somebody stretch your hands toward these leaders these young leaders in our church come on these are campus leaders and Josh is overseeing all of our campuses and just helping us to be fluid and helping us to be holy ghost' wherever we plant how many do you want to be a part of churches that are full of the power of God wherever we plant let me tell you what the Lord showed me as pastor Sam was preaching he said Elijah didn't have to die to share his mantle that when he dropped that mantle he was still alive because the Lord was taken into another dimension I feel like tonight maybe the Lord has shifted me to another dimension but he said Jim you cannot go to the next place without leaving the mantle on your sons and daughters so tonight I feel like we need to let Amanda loose in Orlando we need to let Amanda loosening their sphere we need to let Amanda loose in Prague coast for regional revival so right now come together y'all come together I dropped this man on on each and every one of you I declare revival in our churches I declare that I'm pouring in this family I release the man that I carry to be older the mantle that I've carried them to see God move I wish that all over you they said over you I really said open we released break through to this house to every Calvary house somebody kept got a shout that the metal falls in Orlando the metal falls on every campus the metal falls in Broncos the Menace falls in an SP one two three Donna pray [Music] somebody raise your hands and say mammals are following mammals are falling [Music] I want everybody to go take a seat just for a moment as you take your seat I want you to know that you didn't just stumble up into this house tonight some of you got a word that you absolutely needed I dare you to make a little noise if you needed this word tonight come on I said I said it you need it how about this when God starts said hell can't stop it I said did you need this word deny [Music]
Channel: Samuel Rodriguez
Views: 12,575
Rating: 4.8671098 out of 5
Id: OObMZdJRfec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 3sec (3783 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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