Empowered 21 - Samuel Rodriguez - Jerusalem Global Congress

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hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah bless god bless god bless god wow what an anointing what an anointing what an anointing what anointing god you're so good you are so good indeed i want you to find if possible a scrap piece of paper a writing utensil some sort pen pencil crayola crayon lipstick find a means by which you can write we're going to have for the next few minutes prior to our engagement in worship at 3 30 our final session for today our general session will be at 3 30 but we have the honor of interviewing again one of the leading voices in the entire kingdom you heard him deliver god's word this morning help me welcome one more time pastor jensen franklin pastor that word this morning was transformative indeed powerful i mean you really do believe that god's spirit is still moving across the land that we're not done yet absolutely i mean it's pretty it's pretty evident to me that our greatest days are ahead of us i believe the greatest revival is going to happen between now and the rapture say that one more time you believe the greatest revival is yet to take place and it will happen between now and the rapture absolutely and i mean the scripture certainly agrees with that there's four times the word revive is found in the bible four times only four times we hear a lot about revival but it's only found the word revived four times and what's interesting about it is the word revive is connected to a different group of people every time it's mentioned the first time is mentioned it is in genesis and it talks about jacob was an old man and and he was he he had lost his dream his son joseph was he thought dead but when he saw the wagons coming the bible said his spirit was revived so the first time the word revival revival shows up is for an old man who's lost his dream the second time the word revive is found is in judges 15 and it's samson a young man who lost his vision and he had been fighting with the jawbone and was so weary from the battle that as a young man he was about to uh expire and god made water come out of that out of that jawbone and suddenly the bible said he was revived so you've got the old man who lost his vision he gets revived you've got the young men shall see visions the prophecy of joel he gets revived the third time the word revive is found in second kings four it involves women and a child a woman and a child her son was dead the shulamite woman her son was dead and god revives the child he sneezes seven times comes to life and the woman and the child receive revival so on your sons on your daughters on the handmaidens and then the last time is mentioned is in the story of elisha and how that his bones touch the bones or elijah of the soldier they throw in the cave and they touch the old bones of elisha and the bible said the man was revived but that's connected to servants who who were going to bury the that body and uh they so that speaks to the prophecy of joel in the last days i'll pour out my spirit yes the old men would dream dreams the young men will see visions the women and the children that your sons and your daughters will prophesy and on my servants will i pour out my spirit cat not just preachers not just fivefold ministry people but uh lay people will experience business people will experience the outpouring of the holy spirit all of those groups are the ones god's targeting in the days we're living in so if you have in your nation any of these groups you need to prepare yourself for the greatest revival you've ever seen amen that's now you you listed the underlying threat in the common denominator was revival was connected to something that was lost what has been lost if we need a revival arguably because something died or was lost right what has been lost i i think um i think it's that it's that unction it's that um that edge i think of when you said that i thought of the story of of them building in the old testament the school of the prophets and the guys swinging the axe and the axe head flies off right and it goes into the river and uh the craziest thing i think for us is many churches many ministries are still swinging the axe handle against the trees of worldliness against the trees of wickedness against the trees of of of uh you know just all kinds of things that we're battling the trees of addiction and we're trying to do it with our intellect and we're trying and we need that we need our intellect we need our ability to communicate and relate to this generation but we we can't get it done with an axe handle we've got to get the edge back and the edge back is the holy spirit he's the act's head and he can take those trees down powerful give god a praise for that amen the spirit empowered movement thriving globally there are there are issues how can we there are issues and dynamics out there there are some who have argued even some leading evangelical scholars that this movement has reached its apex and it's about to start going down because of the reality of the 21st century the cultural dynamics technology relationships redefinitions of institutions simple question i already know the answer but i want you to expand on it are you drinking the kool-aid that this ship is going down or do you really believe that we are at the precipice of something like we've never seen before i i think what christine kane shared today was so powerful um i had to make a decision about our church i guess about maybe 15 years ago we were we had we had taken off like a rocket god had given us amazing growth we had built two buildings we had moved from a handful of people to several thousand people and more were coming and yet i began to see that dip and here's why because i what she preached today about being stuck in the way that we've done it and i had to enlarge my circle i had to get in different camps and and i say it like this and i'm sure people have heard this say and i don't know where i heard it first but it really sticks with me eat the fish and spit out the bones see there's things that you can get from other camps and that uh that you can expand your ministry such as the principles work the way that the way that you um the way that you present yourself the way that your services go you know we think that we've got to go an hour and a half or two hours per service or we haven't had church you can really have church in an hour and 10 or 15 minutes if your heart is after god and and we don't like that stuff but but that stuff helps church growth especially if you're in an area where you've got parking issues and all that you got to get in get these little things little things like that that excellence and and presenting the gospel in a relevant way having a young stage you know the older i get the more it's important that i have youth represented on my stage so the older i get i'm 52 and i'm getting older and whiter haired i make sure that i keep my platform i have different people on staff and all that but but you've got to reach the next generation and if you're not deliberate about it if you're not deliberate you can't just let your church just begin to look old feel old you can't do that but you're not sacrificing powerful it's generational the the old men drink dreams the young men i think of elisha and and i think of that story of joash and elisha on his deathbed and the bible said that he told that young king he said take bows and arrows and the young king and let's stand up just a moment i want you to be joash turn this way this is the young guy and the old prophet is on his death bed he's dying and he says to the new generation take bows and take arrows so take a bow and take an arrow and pull it back he said he said aim out the window but then something strange happens the old prophet gets out of his death bed and he's got a young guy who's ready to take up the fight and the bible said he's the young now he's got here's the difference he's got the strength of youth he's got the enthusiasm of youth but here comes the old man and the bible said he put his hands on the young man's hands so now you've got the strength of youth the enthusiasm of youth but you've got the wisdom of experience you've got the maturity that's linking up with the enthusiasm and the and the excitement and the dreaming i dream which is based out of memories but he has vision which is seeing things never been seen before and we come together and when we come together suddenly the battle is won and here's the thing the bible said as arrows in the hands uh as arrows in the hands of a mighty man so are our children so the parents and the grandparents are the boat and our children are the arrows and we gotta have one without the you can't have one without the other it's not either or it's both but but but i tell people this pastor sammy i tell my church this a lot and and and i believe we can have both we can sing the new songs we can sing the planet shakers and the hill song and all that sing that stuff but throw a hymn in there for granny granny needs her music too let her shout a little bit throw a hymn in there and and we can let the generations come together and i teach our people this that if you're 30 and above and you have children church is not just about you anymore church is about your children and we've got to reach them and they want just like you'd every every generation is defined by their music era right i i love the 70s music i love earth wind and fire i love eagles for the record here on camera did you do disco and we're on the air i'd get the camera ready i did jason franklin i did like the bg's i did i'm ashamed to say it but but when i hear that style music you know my something in me says that's my jam that's it and when i hear the thumpity thump now and all that it's not my favorite thing but you know what every generation has their own sound and one's not more spiritual than the other that's good but we can all mix the two together and what's amazing is like that brother that preached last night when he started singing it doesn't matter it crosses the generational barrier when the anointing is on it whether it's a new song or an old song it'll touch lives powerful powerful powerful tony prepare the questions that you have please for me quickly we have a few minutes challenges we have the power we have the anointing we have the commitment to live righteously to pursue god to live holy to be light we get that what are some of the challenges extrinsic intrinsic what are some of the challenges inside and outside give me two or three internally as a movement what are the challenges that we have to address as expeditiously as possible or if not our very long-term viability is at stake and some of the external challenges what are they i think um probably some of the greatest challenges that we face are uh staying relevant i mean you know in our messages ask yourself what what do what's the take-home so many times we we just go to church and we do the stuff but what is the take home how does this really apply to people's lives if they're not getting something out of the service that applies to everyday life they're not going to keep coming back so we we we need that we need we need deeper content i think sometimes in our presentation don't you think i i think that one of the great things about preaching and i want to talk to the preachers for just a minute um you know david the bible said had a shepherd's bag you ever read that yeah and he picked up five stones when he went to fight goliath he's only fighting one giant but he picked up five stones and put him in his shepherd bag you know what he was doing when he saw a stone that he thought could help protect his flock he just said i may not need it now but i'm gonna put it in the bag and what i've learned about preaching what little i know is i keep my bag full anytime i walk up to the pulpit i've i've got more than enough i don't want to i don't want to throw my rock and then find out it didn't work and i need i need a lot i need some more i need to find me go with more than enough you can always make it into a series but don't get up and just kind of stumble through and get up with more than enough and watch sometimes we think it's almost like we lean too much on inspiration and not enough information but if we can get the two to come together there's something that cannot be beat about a spirit-filled church that has great content that has great anointing and they know how to flow with the spirit let's celebrate our difference let's not be ashamed let's not be ashamed to have altar calls where we lay hands on people is that is that truly still relevant well all i can tell you is our church has continued to grown we we have multiple campuses we cannot keep the building big enough to keep the people in it and we don't compromise on those things we still have altar calls we still not putting anybody down who doesn't but for us it's who we are it's when i know i've been touched in the altar so many times i want my people to experience the power of god so let's you know if people want you're not going to do a mainline church better than they can do it you might as well be who you are and you might as well be who you are anointed and that's what the world is looking for be who you are anointed tweet that if not i will be who you are anointing there's a question that was collected here how would you introduce the holy spirit to young people who are just coming into the church how would you yeah um i think the key to it is teaching don't you that that we have specific series that we do every year at least at least uh two a year where i will break it down what is the holy spirit baptism um three things that you can do to receive the holy spirit how do you how do you receive the baptism go back to the basics don't try to get so deep don't try to come up with some new go back to the basics and just teach the bible teach jesus teach the cross teach the blood and then teach the baptism in the holy spirit because if you don't teach it they won't hunger for it but if you teach it and then you try to give examples of other kids let them testify let them tell their own story that that is very powerful way of communicating and i think you know just getting again in those anointed services that are that are spontaneous sometimes where the holy spirit begins to flow where you get in a vein we're in an altar call the power of god i've seen it in your in your ministry a lot one of the most powerful things about this man's ministry to me is the anointing he gets un on under during an altar call and uh i i heard him recently and something broke in me and i began to tears started streaming down because he began to give that prophetic word after he preached a dynamic message as great as the message was and it was great the thing that touched me was you were under such a heavy anointing that's what we've got to get do is is is somehow flow with the holy spirit because if we if we touch that vein that vein will touch them is there yet hunger i i visited a church in ohio recently and the pastor looked at me and said in our children's program this is your metric and it blew me away because i and when what i i minister both to non-pentecostal charismatics and and so i'm here with baptist and southern baptist conventions and pentecostals and charismatics so i went to this church where the pastor said hey pastor sam here's our children's ministry here's our goal here's what we do here's our promise if they if they are in our program by the age of 10 they will be baptized with the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues wow and it blew me away that's awesome like wow and i asked for some numbers like you know this really happened and and he came out and said here's what we have and then go go see what they're doing do you believe there's hunger in this emerging generation for the spiritual for the for the powerful for the supernatural is there hunger there is no question and my mother who i mentioned this morning was six years old when she received the baptism in the holy ghost and spoke with tongues and if if you knew my mother everybody who knows her feels like she's just one of the greatest prayer warriors and christians you will ever meet and she received that gift this promise is unto you and unto your children so absolutely and actually one of the great signs of revival is when the holy spirit breaks out in our children i've seen it i'm telling you when it happens i used to be an evangelist before i started pastoring and some of the greatest revivals we had revivals that would go this was back in the days when you went every night we would go four and five weeks in cities and i have seen children every it's always notable that when the holy spirit would be poured out in a church it would affect the children but could it be it's because they're seeing the fire touch the parents and when they see us stirred up and passionate then suddenly something in them says i want more powerful back right now right before we wrap up i'm going to ask you respectfully can you just release speak pray over you did this this morning but on that particular dynamic of seeing a revival break out in our children can you imagine instead of barney and dora the explorer and you know and mickey mouse imagine if our five six seven four-year-olds begin to just see god's glory and be filled of god's holy spirit what that would do in our churches can you just pray over that right now in the name of jesus and you know it's possible it's we've got to believe that god can send that kind of revival now now why are we here why are we in jerusalem except to receive impartation come on for something unusual and powerful i am expecting it i am expecting it and i want to release that in prayer father in the name of jesus i thank you for the promise that the holy spirit is unto us and unto our children and to them that are afar off and we claim that revival that outpouring of the holy spirit on our sons and our daughters we thank you that they will prophesy that they will speak with new tongues that they will heal the sick that they will walk in the spirit that they will fulfill your plan and your call lord we believe you for every youth group that's represented in this place to have a holy ghost outpouring we believe you for every children's ministry don't even wait since the devil doesn't play fair and since he doesn't wait to our children or 16 or 15 to target them we just say holy spirit mark our children with your anointing and seal them with your holy spirit while they're four and five and six and seven and eight years old let them know the glory of god the power of worship and the anointing of the holy spirit fill them lord in jesus name we pray amen amen give the lord a praise offering hallelujah final question here it is ready it's this ready it's this pastor jensen franklin tell me about the spirit empowered movement and revival in the context of social media facebook twitter instagram youtube iphones how in the world can we engage technology and social media tools in order to really unleash what god has in store for us well we've got to get there and if we've got to invade it and and empower is doing an amazing job of that and uh you know it's and i want to encourage all of you even you grannies and stuff that are out there get you get on social media you can you will be amazed that you can tweet something about your service or facebook something about something that happened here and you may get a response and you may be a witness in and god only knows where in india or in africa people can respond so this i believe technology is a way that we're going to preach the gospel around the world we're doing it i'm going later today to to two major christian tv networks that are right here with studios in the city we're going to take programs and they'll shoot back to america and go around the world what a day we're living in what an hour we're living in and and i'm so thankful for for a younger generation that is occupying that space and taking that space and redeeming that space and using that space to glorify god and preach the gospel keep doing it everybody do your part holy spirit revival through facebook and instagram and twitter and youtube if you believe that's possible raise one hand if you believe god can even show up through social media and touch our children raise bone fans if you believe it will happen raise both hands in a foot and if you are 129.3 convinced that god already won that satan is defeated and we are at the precipice of the greatest outpouring of all time get up on your feet and give god the best shout of praise you've given him thus far this entire conference come on if you really believe it open up your mouth and give god your best praise hallelujah matter of fact turn around and high-five three people and tell them i believe my children and my children's children and my children's children's children will be filled with god's holy spirit tell him i believe it tell him i believe it tell him i believe it tell him by the time i get home my children will be filled with the holy ghost i believe it i believe it i believe it i believe it i believe it in the name of jesus
Channel: Samuel Rodriguez
Views: 2,506
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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