GNS3, VirtualBox and Cisco IOS: Download, install and configure Cisco IOS with GNS3 and Virtualbox

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[Music] in this video I'm going to show you how to download install and configure genus 3 with a VirtualBox we're going to download and install the genus 3 GUI we're going to download and install VirtualBox we're going to download and configure the genus 3 VM we're going to do the integration between the genus 3 VM and the genus 3 GUI now in other videos I've explained concepts such as the genus 3 VM the genus 3 GUI nested virtualization the requirement for nested virtualization and other topics I'm not going to do that in this video in this video I'm simply going to show you how to download install and configure those components as quickly as possible in this example I'm using a Windows 8 computer it's got an AMD processor at at the time of this recording a VirtualBox version 6.0 only supports a nested virtualization with AMD processors you need to use nested virtualization if you want to run appliances such as iOS v cisco routers or iOS v layer 2 switches so in this example i'm using an older computer of mine this is a laptop running Windows 8 and I've specifically selected to this computer because it's got an AMD processor now at the time of this recording VirtualBox 6.0 has been released when you watch this video there may be a later release of a VirtualBox so check the VirtualBox documentation to see if nested virtualization is supported on Intel processors at the time of this recording it wasn't I want to use nested virtualization because I want to use genus 3 appliances such as Cisco IOS V routers and Cisco IOS v Valeo 2 switches a lot of genus 3 appliances require nested virtualization and because I want to use these appliances I'm going to use a VirtualBox 6.0 with gns3 on an AMD processor okay so that said let's start the installation the first thing you need to do is go to genus 3com and click free download now if you haven't got an account great one if you have got an account log in with your credit account genus three is free open-source software but you need to be registered to download the gns3 software now again because I'm using a Windows computer here I'm going to select the Windows download after the time of this recording the version is 2.1 11 so simply need to wait for that software to download and now that it's downloaded I'm gonna run the genus 3 installation so I'm gonna click yes to start the installation process click Next genus 3 is once again open source software licensed under the GNU General Public License it's free software but you need to agree to the canoe general public license and then you can select your startup menu I'm going to basically stick with all the defaults here different genus 3 components can be installed if you want to use Jenny 3 you need to install genus 3 wouldn't pcap is required to send and receive packets on Ethernet cards Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer different components are installed I'm going to stay with the defaults and click Next I'm going to install Gina 3 in the default installation folder and essentially all you need to do now is follow the prompts and a large unit 3 to install now sometimes people have issues downloading Wireshark the link to the Wireshark download and therefore Gina 3 can't install the software you can simply skip that if you're having problems you don't have to install all of these components I'm going to once again just stay with the defaults so basically genus three here is extracting various software components and installing them it's installing Python as an example installing other files now sometimes you'll have problems where wire shock can't be downloaded I'm going to retry the download but it's still failing this happens because genus three is configured to download Wireshark from a specific URL and that URL may have changed so I'm going to say no and basically skip the installation of Wireshark Genie three consists of multiple components Wireshark is one of them it's an optional component it's really useful for doing Wireshark captures within gns3 but if you have problems downloading it here then just download it manually you can see here that solo putty is currently being installed I need to install framework in this example okay as you can see now the installation has completed successfully I'm going to click Next you can optionally install the SolarWinds standard toolset I'm not going to do that I'm going to click Next so the genus 3 GUI has now installed I'm going to click finish to start gns3 a thank you page is displayed I'm going to close that and as you can see genus 3 has now started up a setup wizard displays I'm gonna click cancel I just want to see genus 3 running locally that's a really important step make sure that genus 3 starts locally it's important to get to the GUI running locally first if you have problems getting genus three running locally have a look on the genus 3 documentation for some tips such as getting started with Windows it provides some tips about installation requirements and issues you may have you can also ask for help in the genus 3 community so if you're having problems getting gns3 running have a look in the genus 3 community for help so this is what you want to see something similar to this where where you have a local genus 3 server running in this example I've got my HP Windows 8 computer running running a local genus 3 server process under edit preferences I've only got a local server enabled I haven't enabled the genus 3 VM that's what I want to do I want to get genus 3 running with a VirtualBox when using Windows it's recommended that you use the genus 3 VM in other words you're going to use a genus 3 GUI plus the genus 3 VM so to run the genus 3 VM I need a hypervisor in this example I'm going to use VirtualBox so I'm going to download a virtual box from on once again using a Windows computer Windows 8 the genus 3 VM is a Linux operating system so I'm going to need to download a hypervisor and once again in this example I'm going to use the VirtualBox to host of the genus 3 VM on Windows now before I do that I'm going to exit out of gns3 so I'm going to close down the genus 3 GUI so the genus 3 GUI has shut down and what I'll do is install the VirtualBox software as soon as the download completes what I'll do you actually while the software is downloading is click download on genus 3 and in this example I'm going to click it download the VM for gns3 I want to download a virtual box in genus 3 VM so just to show you the process again go to the genus 3 website click and download click download vm4 gns3 and then click the relevant to gina 3 vm and this example i'm going to download the VirtualBox genus 3 vm okay so my VirtualBox software has downloaded I'm gonna click on the exe to install it I'm simply going to click Next Next Next through the VirtualBox setup so Next Next Next Next yes click install so I'm not changing any of the settings I'm just accepting all the defaults to keep it simple VirtualBox is now installing during this installation it will add additional NICs to your computer so you have to allow it to do that so simply select all the default options the installation is completed I'm going to click finish to start a VirtualBox now previously had VirtualBox running on this computer so I've got to some virtual machines already setup in VirtualBox don't worry about that I'm going to go to my download folder where the Gina 3 vm was downloaded so here's the genus 3 vm it's a zip file so what I'm going to do is extract of that file now once that's extracted I'll see an OVA file into the directory it's still busy extracting at the moment but as soon as that's completed I'll be able to open up this file in VirtualBox so there you go it's completed it's a 313 Meg file it's in VirtualBox I'm going to go to file import appliance browse to my downloads directory select the OVA and click open click Next I'm going to use all the defaults and click import that will now import the gns3 VM into VirtualBox you simply need to wait for that import process to complete okay so that's now completed I've got a genie 3 vm imported into VirtualBox so I can go back to the genus 3 GUI and start it up again you can start the genus 3 application by using the shortcut on the desktop or by going to the Start menu it's just an application that you can start up I've pinned genus 3 to the taskbar when it was running if you don't want to show this menu again click don't show this again and click close what I'm going to do now is go to edit preferences we already have a local server running but I want to enable the genus 3 VM so I'm going to click enable genus 3vm the hypervisor that I'm using or virtualization engine that I'm using is VirtualBox the vm name is genus free VM click refresh to see a list of virtual machines default is genus 3 vm specify the amount of RAM and CPUs that you want to Cait to the genus 3vm the more you allocated the better this will depend a lot on the amount of RAM that you have in your computer but I'm going to make this 2gig 2 CPUs click apply and click OK what happens now is gene is 3 connects to VirtualBox and starts up the genus 3 vm so you should see something like this happening in VirtualBox where the genus 3 vm starts booting up the genus Ricou is controlling the genus 3 vm we're going to do everything via the genus 3 GUI and not to really interact with the genus 3 vm we simply want to make sure that it boots up the speed of this will depend very much on your computer but notice we can see genus 3 has started notice this problem KVM support is not available we want to enable KVM support so I want you to be aware of this issue you need to enable nested virtualization within a virtual box before you can run appliances such as iOS v routers so the integration is working so what I'm going to do is shut the genus 3 application down which will in turn shut down the genus 3 vm don't try and run before you can walk so check the various basic settings first I started up the genus 3 GUI I've started up the genus 3 VM with the genus 3 GUI what I'm going to do now is change the settings of the Genie 3 VM and under system processor I'm going to enable invested VTX or AMD v our VirtualBox is complaining about some of the memory utilization and remote display so what I'm going to do here is simply disable the remote display make sure that there's enough of RAM allocated to the screen memory check of the memory so this is too much according to the VirtualBox this is actually set via the genus 3 GUI so you need to change those settings via the genus 3 GUI so settings such as the memory allocation process allocation is said to via the genus 3 GUI rather than here but make sure that you enable nested virtualization startup genus 3 once again what should happen is the genus 3 GUI should start and we should see that the genus 3 VM is automatically started so the genus 3 GUI has started it's now starting the genus 3 VM so if I go back to VirtualBox we should see this kickstart there you go we can see that VirtualBox is booting up I'll go back to the genus 3 GUI and I'll create a project called test test 1 and click OK notice the local server started we're still waiting for the genus 3 VM to boot up again this very much depends on your computer speed this is not a very powerful computer that I've got here so it's a bit slow okay so the VM is booted up GUI is booted up notice the difference KVM support is available we want to see this when using certain devices such as Cisco IOS AV routers devices such as cisco iOS ve switches such as cisco iOS v layer to require nested virtualization so you'll need to see this to be able to use appliances such as cisco iOS v now one of the questions that's most often asked is where can I get Cisco IOS images the recommended place is from Cisco viral so go to viral dot Cisco calm click get a viral now if you haven't got a viral account you'll need to buy a viral license in my example I already have an account so I'm going to click a log in I'm going to log in with my username and my password click login click my account click a download viral now I'm not able to give you Cisco IOS images you'll need to download them from the Cisco website so you'll need to have a account that allows you to download Cisco IOS images or you'll need to buy a viral license now this example is taking a long time to download I've sometimes had issues with the viral website sometimes it goes offline or it takes a while to download images I've previously downloaded those images so what I'll do here is back in genus 3 I've selected routers available appliances and I've selected Cisco IOS V and I'll drag that to the workspace I'll click Next notice recommendation run this on the genus 3 VM that requires KVM support so I'm going to click Next click Next genus 3 now scans for the iOS images as well as the iOS startup config file so I need to have this image and this startup config file to import to this appliance into gns3 now if you have problems with the cisco website such as downloading viral images from Cisco's website you need to take that up with Cisco I unfortunately can't help you and neither can gns3 you need to raise that with Cisco I previously downloaded this file from Cisco vorel even though I'm not able to download it at at the moment I previously downloaded the software so now in June is free I'm going to click refresh genus three searches the Downloads folder and finds this file if it's not found click import and then go to where you've downloaded to the file and click open to imported the file to the genus three VM so in this example the file has been uploaded to the genus three VM so I've got the operating system uploaded to the Jinnah 3vm I still need to get the startup config file I'm gonna click download to download it now sometimes I've had problems where that file is not downloaded so if that happens go to the genus 3 website go to the documentation page and search for iOS V and then click on this link download startup configuration file now in Genie 3 when you click on that file that'll take you to and download the configuration file typically all you need to do is click on this file and click download and it'll do the same thing download it in my example I did it manually I'm gonna click refresh notice this version is now ready to be installed operating system has been found a startup config has been found I'm going to click Next click yes to install this new version I'm going to leave qmu settings at default and click Next click Next again click finish the appliance is now installed so under installed appliances are now have this appliance the way you get that is to go to you routers in this example and rather than selecting available appliances you select installed appliances because that appliance has now been installed I'm going to drag the router to the workspace drag another one to the workspace so I've got two iOS V Rogers running on the Gina 3 VM I'll connect them together so these are my two routers once again and what I can do now is start them up and open up consoles to the routers in this example I'm using putty as the terminal emulation software the routers are now booting up I'm able to run these routers in VirtualBox because KVM support is available and that's because I enabled nested virtualization in the VirtualBox that's only supported currently at the time of this recording on AMD processors so I'll make this a bit bigger so we can see the router consoles better there's the first router second router now again this PC that I'm using isn't very powerful so it takes a while for these routers to boot up if you're using a more powerful computer they would boot up a lot quicker okay so the writers have booted up I'll name this Radha one configure the gigabit is zero zero interface with an IP address like that do something similar on router to host named Radha to interface gigabit is zero 0 IP address 10 1 1 2 paying 10 1 1 1 that's assuming that I know shutter the interface which I didn't do so let me know shut it and hopefully those pings should start succeeding interface has come up now I took too long with the know shut let's see if Radha one can ping Radha too there you go things are not succeeding so rotted - you can ping Radha one can write it one ping routed to you yes it can on the side Radha EIGRP 100 I'll enable a I job P and create a link back into face off quadruple T on Radha 1 create a loopback interface quadruple 1 and I'll enable Yaya P hopefully a neighbor relationship will be formed between these two routers there you go neighbor relationship has now been formed so show IP rock shows us that Radha one has learned to the rot of the loopback of router 2 and Radha one can ping the loopback of Radha T on Radha - Radha - rather show IP route right to the loopback of Rada one is in the writing-table and I can ping the VAT loopback address from Rada - now this computer isn't a very powerful computer it's only got four gig of ram not a very fast CPU but I'm able to get iOS v-rod is running within the genus three VM running within VirtualBox on a Windows 8 computer so there you go that's how you download install and configure genus 3 integrate the GUI with the genus 3 VM running on VirtualBox I'm David bumble and I want to wish you all the very best [Music]
Channel: David Bombal
Views: 88,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Virtualbox, gns3, virtualbox nested virtualization, virtualbox nesting, virtualbox nested virtualization windows 10, virtualbox nested virtualization hyper-v, virtualbox vt-x, virtualbox vt-x is not available, vitualbox vtx, virtualbox gns3, virtualbox, gns3 nested virtualization, gns3 virtualbox, gns3 virtualbox mac, gns3 virtualbox vm, gns3 vm, gns3 nested, gns3 vtx, ccna, CCNA, CCNP, cisco, Python, Ansible, linux, INE, infrastructure, Cisco certifications, CCNA training, opendaylight
Id: 5SvfdMhl_eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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