The real DARK WEB 😱 // How you can get easy access // Ransomware awareness

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so you've been delving into this for a while what's your advice to people who are white hat um is it worth them spending time going through that stuff or is it only just like a curiosity oh super good question um what is my advice for this stuff i i would advise anyone that is interested in this and and wants to kind of see the action as it unfolds this is one of those ways to do it but you you kind of have to have a strong stomach you know what i mean yeah you might stumble across some things that are really weird uh maybe not the most hearting heartening thing uh a lot of ethically questionable stuff if you're just scrolling around on the dark web uh so avoid that the absolute best you can um but you you can see a little bit more i don't know if we want to pull up any of those ransomware blog sites between rival or black matter or some of the others we can certainly do that that'd be great yeah yeah real will be good or any of the ones that you recommend yeah so i think one of the more purposeful means or reasons to be kind of exploring and lurking over here in these onion sites is that you can get a little bit of visibility into what's happening for ransomware gangs or ransomware operators and we know that there are a ton and obviously between a lot of things happening in the news recently uh colonial pipeline has become a talking point and standpoint for so many things jbs meet uh we have the steamship authority we had cassaya there were so so many things uh between different gangs or different cyber crime syndicates we've heard of black matter we've heard of dark side we've heard of revel we've heard of ragnar locker we've heard of babbook we've heard of avadon we've heard of the list goes on and on and on uh oftentimes if you have a ransom note or if you are a victim of ransomware and you take a look at the instructions on how to recover your files quote unquote they'll tell you go access this webpage in the dark web or with the dot onion site uh and they will communicate with you like a weird support staff on hey here's how we could get back your files pay us x million dollars in in bitcoin or cryptocurrency alongside that they typically the ransomware gangs have their own blog or a public presence where they will literally dump all of the data that they've stolen from that victim if that individual if that organization does not pay thus holding your data for ransom so you could see these they're they're really there you could download them you can explore through them you can see some of the crazy stuff and there are a lot of different aspects to it so i have pulled up the home page of ragner locker and their leaks their leak site here here's a wall of shame a permanent list of companies would like to keep in secret the info leakage exposing themselves and their customers and partners to even greater risk i'll scroll down here but a lot of this i think we might be able to redact because they are real companies that would have data released some of these are announcements that are really really interesting some of them uh with ragnar locker specifically they've got a lot of chatter lately in the news where they're saying hey if you're a ransomware victim don't go ask the police to help you don't go ask the fbi don't try to ask for help from federal agencies because we don't want that and we're just going to make it worse for you we will go ahead and publish all your data if you do that stuff so kind of spooky well we will find out and we'll punish with all our efforts man it's um it's i i shouldn't laugh i mean it's it's really sad what goes on some of it's crazy uh sometimes you just have to laugh because like wow this this sounds so absurd uh but we are team cyber security enthusiasts crypto punks entrepreneurs and ultimately businessmen we want to make a profit so so this we could pull up a real yeah go rival greenville is quite popular isn't it or what i shouldn't say popular it's quite uh it's been in the news a lot yes uh so rival has what they call happy blog and again each of these blocks are victims uh so these are people that didn't pay the ransom so they've published their data is that right yes you could see a passport right over here i'll click on this all right that's sometimes you're like i don't know i don't want to look at this anymore this is just too too insane uh but here's legitimate documents uh i i have yet to make a youtube video where i actually go through and do this because redacting and obscuring it is just going to be awful so i'm sorry yeah so the happy vlogger is this one that when we when we spoke about when we did our malware uh analysis video we you mentioned this so this is actually that blog where the stuff being published yeah and yeah go on when we were chatting about caseya um i wonder if they have this displayed here still oh here it is when you and i did a video together discussing uh the cassio ransomware incident uh happy blog and rival had posted this update uh and you don't you don't have to redact this this is i think very well known uh they they say hey on friday just the before the fourth of july holiday in the united states we launched an attack on a bunch of managed service providers more than a million systems were infected i don't know if that's true or not they might just be you know pumping their chest they might just trying to be all braggadocio but say here's our asking price if you give us 70 million dollars in bitcoin will give you a public decrypter those that have been following the cassette incident know there's a little bit more to the story though um there have been some chatter on the decryption key and how folks are recovering etc uh but that was certainly a hot topic and you could literally find this post you could see this on rival's blog and that's what we're doing right now because there was legitimate devastation i think for for the cassaya attack a lot of organizations thinking they're going out of business yeah black matter this is just another site where they've dumping stuff here yep yep black matter is is just another ransomware gang uh and this again is a list of their victims uh you can see all the flashy hey we've published this data and if you want to go to the post here's what you could download here is our 30 gigabytes of data or however much i could literally click download here and it could start the file transfer uh i have no reason to do that i don't suggest others do but i'm telling you it's it's real uh and you could do it yes i mean the the stories in the news i mean and that's the important piece about what you're showing here this stuff is out there and and you're going to show us how easy it is to find this because we've discussed malware in the past we've seen the happy blog now we've seen these other websites that are on the sort of dark web it's it's actually really sad what happens i mean we on the good side don't want this to happen but it's um it must be soul destroying for you really because you encounter this all the time with the malware stuff yeah yes um it's funny when i'm asked to kind of have these conversations and do talks and presentations especially now being a cyber security awareness month uh i tell folks like hey if you're into cyber security awesome that's incredible it's a ton of fun you're gonna love it but man is it hard work uh lots of late nights lots of sleepless nights lots of work in the weekends trying to respond to incidents where some ransomware actors have just blown up an organization and now leaked all the data online this being a prime example of that uh it's some that you really have to know the adversary and i think maybe this is a good way to do it yeah i mean you i we always hammer on this but you've seen the stuff on the dark web this is the real the the real thing but you advocate always ctfs to that's how the good guys make sure that they know what they're doing and how they protect organizations yeah i think that's a absolutely uh capture the flag in training and learning about this all in different ways is the best thing that you can do to sharpen your own sword and and make sure that you're in this fight and in the trenches here because uh the more that you expose yourself to the more that you learn the more that you understand the the better armed you are for when incidents occur [Music] hey everyone david bumble back with john john you've shared quite a few things in the past you've spoken about ctfs you've spoken about malware but we wanted to change it today so what are you talking about today yeah thanks david uh today i thought well we've kind of run the gamut of things that i could bring to the table or showcase with you um that's not true man you've got a wealth of knowledge but you're too humble but go on no one uh i think one thing that we could kind of bring to light um is this whole notion of the the dark web uh or tour and these onion tour hidden services um i think there's a lot of chatter on that and i know it makes for kind of like spicy oh sometimes clickbaity content but uh i hope to bring out the the real like tangible actual content and worthwhile information there because as as spooky as it sounds it's kind of creepy as oh the dark web i think there is a lot of really worthwhile education and learning value when we're looking at cyber security uh real cyber crime real ransomware gangs and hacker forums uh some of that stuff is real some of it's not uh and it'd be cool if we could kind of take a peek yeah i mean that's great i mean i'll preface it with this you've done a whole series on this hi and welcome back to another youtube video i'm just kidding that thing is so stupid hi hello how's it going everybody welcome to uh another youtube video i'm excited about this one i think this one should be a little bit of fun i want to get started with a uh new video series but i want to pitch this from let's assume we're just starting so can you explain you know what is tall what is the dark web and just give us like the foundation and then and show us practically yeah absolutely maybe i might get this definition wrong uh and i'll add that disclaimer um tor and the onion router or the onion kind of network that we're working through um in this whole idea is really changing the way that you access the internet uh normally your traffic is routed through your internet service provider and then it'll have your ip address kind of be communicated and known to the remote server or whatever other computer that you're talking to the whole idea behind tor or this onion router is to kind of layer or take different steps as to how you get out to the internet they move all your packets all your traffic move across through different relays uh and those could be different locations or different ends of the world that bounce your traffic around until eventually it traverses through the exit node or the exit relay and that is the final landing point that will have end up touching the remote server and that ip will be displayed but your own ip address will be kind of hidden or masked or tucked away and not as readily accessible or well known to that final end point your destination yeah i mean so you would like download the tor browser which is just free software that if i remember originally one of the um the us three letter security agencies created the tor browser and it's you know just it hides you on the internet doesn't it but what we do with what what you're talking about here with the dark web is taking it a step further is that right yeah so when you're on or when you're using this tor network uh you have access to a couple different top level domains or tlds because we're so used to seeing a a a or a or or net etc all those different domain names when you're working through a tour and i guess and even in some other cases you could you could see a dot onion domain and often times those are called tor hidden services because it will try to mask okay where that's being hosted from and how it's being served a lot of really interesting conversations and chatter and services can go on on those tour hidden services or dot onion websites a lot of privacy information if folks are in that realm they just want to be secure they want to be anonymous all online uh oftentimes you'll be in that dot onion realm yeah i mean the um sorry the famous one that i remember from a few years ago was silk road um yeah it was an america was it canadian or american i can't remember chap who he was selling all kinds of um how should we put it not so legal substances and stuff and um it was like an ebay type site isn't it that was selling all kinds of nonsense um and that was on the dark web so what's the difference between the dark web and say a like a standard website yeah so there are a different distinctions between the dark web and the deep web and i guess what folks sometimes hear as clear net or how you think how you traditionally think of the internet you're getting to you're getting to your bank your website whatever um and i think that is one of the most defining differences hey if you're looking at dot onion links you may very well be on how you could classify the dark web or the deep web i think that that term that name the dark web is so silly it has a little bit more of like a sure some spooky mystique to it uh but i i tend to refer to it as like kind of the corners and the crevices of the internet because it is still the internet uh it's just kind of accessed in a different way yeah so how do i i mean perhaps you should it'll be easy if it just shows practically but how do i sure how do i get access to this like let's say i'm curious um and i want to try this at home well i shouldn't try this at home is that is that the warning but let's say i wanted yeah go on i i always offer the cheesy disclaimer that i know doesn't hold a lot of water but hey when we're talking about this stuff it is totally for education's sake uh it's to shine the spotlight on the stuff and look hey it's real this thing really does exist but by no means should you want to go out on the dark web or buy whatever elicit things or hire a hacker and some of the crazy shenanigans that aren't always legal i absolutely not a proponent of that absolutely not what we're doing here uh so i gotta lay that out first yeah it's important to know that it exists i mean it's um totally it if you don't we we've said this a thousand times if you don't know about it how can you protect companies against it um you need to be aware of this stuff so john i don't know if you want to talk more about the theory or do you just want to jump into a demo and show us you know how to access this list i would love yeah i'd be happy to uh show you a little bit of a demo i don't know how much we could do uh but i will go ahead and share my screen if that's totally all right so i am currently in a virtual machine for tails linux um tails linux is one of those very very privacy oriented and uh security like security built with security in mind to be able to use a computer and then have it really be amnesic i think that might be the right way to define it uh but it has amnesia and the sense okay if you were to turn off this computer none of the changes that you made while you were using it will retain uh tails is typically meant to be used as a linux distribution and operating system that should be booted from a live usb or a live cd uh it's not really intended to be a virtual machine uh and i've gotten a little bit of flack for that because hey there are plenty of other options you could be using cubes os or hunix or some other different variations uh i'm still just kind of dipping my toes in the water so right now i've just been playing with with tails uh and getting to learn and know this a little bit better but so you're running this into vm are you i am currently yes and isn't this the one that snowden uses is that right uh i'm not paused i think on the home page it does actually have some nice testimonial from him or something if i scroll down here here's a good recommended by and there's our man yeah so i mean this is just adding layers to protect you so you you don't want to try this kind of stuff on your live um main work desk or work how do you say your your main your main computer yeah i've seen some web browsers like brave i think brave will actually go ahead and properly route an onion or dot onion website and domain for you uh but typically again i just try to like to keep these things as distinctly separate as possible in the same way that oh we used a virtual machine to explore malware or if we used a virtual machine to test like windows domains etc etc whenever you possibly can i think it's great to compartmentalize out to a virtual machine and does tails come with tall pre-installed is that right yes uh in fact you can see that we're using the tor browser right here uh i have a little icon over in the top right where you could kind of figure out hey what are all the relays that you're actually bouncing through when you look through different kinds of circuits uh that will be displayed as over here and you could get a little bit more intel information on those if you'd like but i'll just say this you don't have to use tool on tails you could just run tor um on windows or linux or something else but i like your idea of like separating separating your stuff so that it's not all together and yeah i use brave and brave definitely has tall built in it's great browser yeah sorry go on no i i think that gums gets to the gist of it uh tails and tor is one great way that we could kind of start to explore what might be out there on the dark web and again putting that dark web in air quotes one thing that i think is a worthwhile learning point for folks is that there is like an equivalent of google or bing or yahoo or duckduckgo or whatever search engine you might fancy there is an equivalent in this dot onion hidden services realm very interesting because then it might allow you to search for other dot onion or tor hidden services websites kind of neat because i think it poses the question hey if these things are meant to be hidden how do you find them how do you track them down so i i i want to ask the dumb questions or the the novice questions if you prefer um so you started tall how did you get to this page is there like a does it start immediately when you boot it up or how do you how do you get to this page so if i were to move over to the applications within tor uh with entails sorry you can see one of the suggested ones is the tor browser uh that'll automatically pop up uh bringing you right to the tails home page that will be the default but if you wanted to create a new tab and go to a different location you totally could but you would need to know the address for that specific onion site or the tour hidden service that you wanted to go to now that's not going to be a or a but it looks like a very very long and obscure kind of esoteric big long link of random letters and different things i actually tend to keep a list of hey what other links what other tor hidden services could i reach out to and access because without knowing what they are you won't know what they are yes i mean you went to that like sort of um search engine website is that like just one of these crazy links that you have to find somewhere uh yes here i'll see if i can uh bring this over super quick so i tend to try and keep a dump of uh potential onion links that you might be able to access really again these are things that you would kind of have to find and keep track of on your own if you want if you were just getting started and trying to explore this you could categorize whatever you're interested in learning about or seeing or tracking down uh this is a just a big long pile that i tend to use for my own series or or videos but it's interesting where folks might suggest like oh john i remember you were looking for different search engines or you could try to use maybe some in this link and here's one called excavator but as you can see this is some long basically nonsense domain kind of very hard to memorize or remember like a or a so once you have that noted we could go try and access that specific page through tour i just wanted to ask you so on your series on your youtube channel and again i always recommend that everyone go and have a look at john's channel you go through this in a bit more detail is that right you've got all the links listed is that right so if someone's off a bit yes first we we start out in the clearnet we start out with our own basic google searches and then we try to see hey what have other people known as decent search engines in tour or or things that look for other dot onion websites and then we start to build our own list and then we start to explore different websites through those search engines so a lot of those are are worthwhile to do but you really have to build out your own repertoire of things okay so you we've we've found a search engine link and from here we can try and find websites yeah yeah yeah and there are a ton of these i will say uh i am a usual fan of of amia which was kind of that first one that we saw us on uh there are others between excavator that we just saw uh i am unsure if these will all end up being uh safe for work right sometimes you never know what you're going to stumble across across over on the dark web there could be crazy advertisements there could be strange pop-ups a lot of folks recommend hey turn off javascript so that your browser won't go to different locations or drive and do different things but again you could literally see some strange strange stuff uh may not always be appropriate right yeah yeah so warning about the sites um can you go back to that original web browser i i didn't what sorry i i threw you kind of like a curveball there um which one do you want to start with john i'm just trying to think okay so i've got a you using tails as the browser sorry as the operating system i could use another operating system like ubuntu or kali or something i just boot that up and now i've got tool which i could download and install for free or it comes as part of tails now the next step is i go to this link and let's say this this web browser sorry the search engine now how do i find something yeah um so personally i think the most interesting aspect of looking and kind of lurking around in the dark web is to potentially get some more intel on what other cyber crime is going on in the world right now uh hey company x or yz was hacked or someone got hit with ransomware or there's a new malware strain is that being shared around on some forums are people talking about this there's a lot of chatter on that so i like to super easy absolutely super simple search for different things that you might be interested in or want to learn more about in that search engine again you might see some strange results you might not even get results that you're looking for but you can at least fall down the rabbit hole a little bit uh i'm not sure what we'll see but a lot of things are really interesting because you could see oh do you want to hire a professional hacker do you want to purchase this custom-made ransomware do you want to look for fully undetectable stuff and i don't know whether all of it is true right we're not to say some of this is legitimate very well some could be a scam but it's kind of crazy to look through and and crazy to see right so where should we go david do we want to kind of explore some hire a hacker or yeah let's let's hire a hacker come on well we won't do it for real but let's see what we can find right right is that one of the interesting ones that you found in your sort of investigations yeah i think it's silly uh that a lot of folks kind of offer this or put it out there um here are some okay quote hacker for hire dark social network here's a hacker for hire hire a hacker to change grades and again changes it's funny you probably get this every day i get to constantly david please hack my school website david please i failed my exam can you hack my university so that you can change my grades it's hilarious yeah we i won't do that and neither will you but it's interesting that people offer those services and again i don't want anyone that watches this video who is thinking hey let's uh let's change my grades uh don't go out and track this down you won't want to do this it's it's very well not legitimate i think this one is a well-known rent a hacker web page that is uh i i think a lot of folks have seen this if they've been kind of interested in this but of course hey we'll take payment in cryptocurrency right whether it's bitcoin or ethereum or monero that's a whole other world in itself um yeah and you can go to the home page and it's guaranteed that they're going to do the job once you pay them yeah it's so funny some folks will say hey we offer 24 7 support we guarantee satisfaction we uh we're the best around it's so crazy to think of i don't know the sales and marketing that goes into this again whether it's real or not but one uh one sobering thought is that me maybe some of the cyber criminals do a better job of advertising than us good guys do you know yeah that's true so in your like in your investigation did you find it like fairly underwhelming or was it like really exciting what you discovered um i think it it varies between does this hold water you know does this look real does this look very fake um is there anything that we could particularly see or because if you see some of these products if you were to buy them quote unquote hey buy a hacked credit card or a hacked paypal account uh or whatever other illicit things you might see off on the side it's funny when some of them have these quote-unquote testimonials or ratings or user comments right and you're like wow this is supposed to be the amazon for the underground syndicates this is supposed to be ebay or craigslist for criminals uh and those are just kind of silly sometimes so you've shown us like hyder hiera hackers that is that is did you did you um think you were saying offline there's this sort of marketplaces like ebay and and is this what we're looking at at the moment yeah yeah yeah so i'm over here on quote unquote best market which is very silly in my mind you could see kind of if we were to load the home page this cheesy animation to say oh the best hackers platform and quote unquote allegedly hey here's a deal here's a quick 10 discount uh and you could get uh a bitcoin hijacker here's some malware here's some counterfeit money or private keys or access to different credit cards i see a lot of conversation in the word fulls f-u-l-l-z uh often times i hear foals as like hey full information on some person like a full background report like hey where they live uh who their family is what their phone number is their social security etc strange silly things right okay so i could hire a hacker here hopefully perhaps maybe um i remember on your series you were you would you were comparing like different websites and it looked like the same guy but you could just get him at different prices you just had to like shop around um could i buy a ddos because i always get asked like can i get a ddos and i again we're not recommending that anyone try this we just want to show you that it's supposedly available on these websites so could you buy like a hack or hire a hacker buy a ddos that type of thing allegedly right and again uh i haven't gone through and made this purchase so i don't know but there are of course advertisements for this or that or anything strictly particular here's a whatsapp hacking uh for hey the ripe price of 140 to 180 or social media hacking email website bypassing two-factor authentication ransomware and here's our ddos attack uh hey what is it a hundred to two hundred dollars supposedly crazy i don't know but these advertisements are things whether or not they're real or not whether or not it's a scam some folks might fall for this if it is or it isn't yeah i mean it's interesting so this is not the career path we advocating we advocating protecting against this nonsense but this is a good example of actually what's out there um that guys are selling their services and it was very very easy for you to find this once you knew the links i suppose that's the hard part is um i run tails or some operating system i have tall and then it's an onion link that's the domain name rather than com and then i just find these links somewhere how do you you said you found these links by people giving them to you or did you just fumble around and on some of these so-called search engines and find things yeah truthfully i would fumble around in in some of these search engines um and the more collection of search engines that you might have the more you might easily be able to look for uh not all of it could very well be appropriate i think i see a couple that are very off-putting right we can we can get off that uh same thing with plenty of others yep that's the fine line that's the absolute risk that you would run um don't do don't do this at school don't do this yeah don't do this at work um this is not the this is um not the not the right stuff to show yeah so here if i were to use amia again as a search engine and say i wanted to look for malware maybe this could be folks advertising theirs their their custom-made malware that they've written about or they're discussing things that would be in on the news things like that uh here's a strange one yeah john you you're big in the malware space because that's your day job um yes have you found malware that you have found in like in the wild for sale here so does it has it helped you in your job or has it helped you like sort of get code stuff like that yeah yeah absolutely um i wish i could find a a good or new off the top of my head a good forum that would kind of showcase this sort of thing because there are a lot of bulletin boards or forums where folks get together and say hey this is my cool new remote access trojan this is my cool new command and control framework uh this is like i've made this fully undetectable it bypasses whatever anti-virus or endpoint detection response uh and then if folks chat about the news or what's going on in the real world maybe you'll have some of the ransomware gangs pipe in and say in a weird strange way put their like their flag in the ground and say this was us we we claim that horrible crazy thing that we did there is a very very well-known um shady russian hacker forum called and it is all in a language that i can't read of course so you might have to run it through a translator um and there's others between exploit dot i n um but is pay to play uh xss you would need a actual username to move in and work around in the forums and read the posts uh truthfully i do have one but i i guess i won't burn that and display that out are those available only on the tor network or they publicly available england standard uh the these are not strictly in tor this one is clearnet okay you could go open your chrome web browser and go straight here if you wanted to so i mean these guys aren't they blatantly just showing what's it well i mean you you've got to get an account but um that that that's available in the normal as we call it clearnet just the standard internet um correct but a lot of these pl these forums aren't available there you have to go through the tour network john what's sort of the craziest thing you've you've kind of come across oh in the in the tech space or in the morality ethically questionable space well i mean i i don't want to put you on the spot so what what was like the most interesting thing to you personally let's put it that way like you would say oh i'm surprised this is here or i'm surprised they're selling this oh uh so one of the craziest things in my mind is the the recent the link that we were just looking at the and some of those hacker forums yeah oftentimes on those websites there is a specific segment of the forums that might be called the the people's court or the hackers court and it's such a strange thing because it's a it's a space for users to write a little bit of a complaint and say hey this other member he ripped me off or he stole money from me or he didn't go through with the hack when he promised me that he would and it's a weird sort of like code of conduct for criminals it's a weird sort of uh yeah hackers court and the judicial system where you could have your day with the with the jury and see if folks will help right the wrongs against you oh wow so i mean they so in the community of hackers there's sort of this like you can't even call it that but like like you said code of conduct or some kind of ethics supposedly yeah where they hold each other accountable um let me you did a whole series on this i mean it it sounds like it's it's actually it was quite difficult to put it together john because it's like rather than just going through and purchasing a hacker for hire what you can just show the websites a bit there's not really too much more than that is that right yeah so truthfully when you're asking about the um series that i had put together i i always kind of mentally struggle with putting that out because i think from the from the viewers perspective or for someone watching this it's really not all that interesting it it's sort of just spectating and going on the safari ride and you point at all these weird animals in the zoo or something like wow look at how crazy this is i'm not gonna go touch it i'm not gonna go interact with it uh but it's weird that it's out there so i hope that there's still some value in seeing that but i agree i haven't gotten yet to the point where hey let's send some bitcoin to some supposed criminal and let's see if they give me any any payload that could run or do something i don't i haven't tried it yet but you'll have to we'll have to get you back when you when you do that yeah yeah you showed us earlier this russian website and offline you told me that we could perhaps look at that is that right yeah so i am accessing once again uh that hacker forum um this is in google translator right now so the the russian language is being translated uh in english so that i could make a better sense of it and kind of understand a little bit better but you could see all the different chatter and see some of the posts and communication is as recent as today or yesterday or saturday etc uh a lot of different discussions hey what if you are writing your own malware or your programming or developing in different languages uh if you want to be chatting about the news some of the recent things that could be happening between ransomware decryption keys etc or proof of concept for different cves or vulnerabilities i'll scroll down until we can get to some interesting stuff of course marketplace idea whether you're selling access to companies or whether you're selling malware etc but here's our people's court odd enough and there is a complaint that says hey have you been deceived or thrown you can write here we'll get things sorted out if the facts of the scam is proven the person gets the ripper status and is added to the blacklist so you'll be publicly punished and shamed for this sort of thing so here we're checking out the complaints in the people's court and here's a little craziness here we're throwing some individual because they're hiding and waiting for something or this one ripped me off here's a scammer here are some other bad people uh any of these that we're interested in anyone that we should take a look at david so is that a 20 000 someone ripped him off oh this one here you think yeah i don't know it has 16 responses someone got banned i'll go ahead and click on this all right now again looking through this post this is a translation of the original language so it might not be readable there might be a lot of random different words that aren't what was originally displayed in the language but it looks like here's some conversations about virustotal or finding some payload or malware and a lot of chatter this being some violation supposedly we can see if we were to scroll down what other people had said goodness every this is where our language translation is really hurting us the music played for a short time okay yeah so wow interesting yeah so someone we're not quite sure exactly what happened but someone got banned so basically they uh they did some arbitration and and someone was affected through the complaints called to whatever whatever it is yep so john have you found like um like solar winds hacks or anything that that you were surprised on on that website or was it like just a free fall yeah if you dig through a lot of the malware marketplaces you can find other utilities you can find other uh frameworks or tools that folks might put out there into the world and it is surprising to me how many of it is kind of a rip a ripoff or a kind of a portion of other built well-known open-source remote access trojans and commanding control frameworks and just sort of shield as someone else's product it's a strange weird world uh in that in those syndicates because uh sometimes it could be very very clever and very very cool novel payloads and exploitation techniques but sometimes it's oh oh this is just a off-the-wall mock-up or skin of something else yeah you don't expect uh thieves to be honest so you know right exactly yeah so what do you expect i mean it's exactly right um so you've been delving into this for a while what's your advice to people who are white hat um is it worth them spending time going through that stuff or is it only just like a curiosity oh super good question um what is my advice for this stuff i i would advise anyone that is interested in this and wants to kind of see the action as it unfolds this is one of those ways to do it but you you kind of have to have a strong stomach you know what i mean yeah you might stumble across some things that are really weird uh maybe not the most harding heartening thing uh a lot of ethically questionable stuff if you're just scrolling around on the dark web uh so avoid that the absolute best you can um but you you can see a little bit more i don't know if we want to pull up any of those ransomware blog sites between rival or black matter or some of the others we can certainly do that that'd be great yeah yeah real will be good or any of the ones that you recommend yeah so i think one of the more purposeful means or her reasons to be kind of exploring and lurking over here in these onion sites is that you can get a little bit of visibility into what's happening for ransomware gangs or ransomware operators and we know that there are a ton and obviously between a lot of things happening in the news recently uh colonial pipeline has become a talking point and standpoint for so many things jbs meet uh we have the steamship authority we had cassaya there were so so many things uh between different gangs or different cyber crime syndicates we've heard of black matter we've heard of dark side we've heard of revel we've heard of ragnar locker we've heard of babbook we've heard of avadon we've heard of the list goes on and on and on uh oftentimes if you have a ransom note or if you are a victim of ransomware and you take a look at the instructions on how to recover your files quote-unquote they'll tell you go access this webpage in the dark web or with the dot onion site uh and they will communicate with you like a weird support staff on hey here's how we could get back your files pay us x million dollars in in bitcoin or cryptocurrency alongside that they typically the ransomware gangs have their own blog or a public presence where they will literally dump all of the data that they've stolen from that victim if that individual if that organization does not pay thus holding your data for ransom so you could see these they're they're really there you could download them you can explore through them you can see some of the crazy stuff uh and there are a lot of different aspects to it so i i have pulled up the home page of ragnar locker and their leaks their leak site here here's a wall of shame a permanent list of companies would like to keep in secret the info leakage exposing themselves and their customers and partners to even greater risk i'll scroll down here but a lot of this i think we might be able to redact because they are real companies that would have data released some of these are announcements that are really really interesting some of them uh with ragnar locker specifically they've got a lot of chatter lately in the news where they're saying hey if you're a ransomware victim don't go ask the police to help you don't go ask the fbi don't try to ask for help from federal agencies because we don't want that and we're just going to make it worse for you we will go ahead and publish all your data if you do that stuff so kind of spooky well we will find out and we'll punish with all our efforts man it's um it's i i shouldn't laugh i mean it's it's really sad what goes on some of it's crazy uh sometimes you just have to laugh because wow this this sounds so absurd uh but we are team cyber security enthusiasts crypto punks entrepreneurs and ultimately businessmen we want to make a profit so so this we could pull up evil yeah go rival greenville is quite popular isn't it or what i shouldn't say popular it's quite uh it's been in the news a lot yes uh so rival has what they call happy blog and again each of these blocks are victims uh so these are people that didn't pay the ransom so they've published their data is that right yes you could see a passport right open here i'll click on this all right that's sometimes you're like i don't know i don't want to look at this anymore this is just too too insane uh but here's legitimate documents uh i i have yet to make a youtube video where i actually go through and do this because redacting and obscuring it is just going to be awful so i'm sorry um yeah so the happy vloggers is this one that when we when we spoke about when we did our malware uh analysis video we you mentioned this so this is actually that blog where the stuff being published yeah and yeah go on when we were chatting about cassaya um i wonder if they have this displayed here still oh here it is when you and i did a video together discussing uh the case ransomware incident uh happy blog and rival had posted this update uh and you don't you don't have to redact this this is i think very well known uh they they say hey on friday just the before the fourth of july holiday in the united states we launched an attack on a bunch of managed service providers more than a million systems were infected i don't know if that's true or not they might just be you know pumping their chest they might just try to be all braggadocio but say here's our asking price if you give us 70 million dollars in bitcoin we'll give you a public decrypter those that have been following the cassette incident know there's a little bit more to the story now there have been some chatter on the description key and how folks are recovering etc uh but that was certainly a hot topic and you could literally find this post you could see this on rival's blog and that's what we're doing right now so give us the update did you um did they what happened with the cassette since we did our interview john um i believe they a uh decryption key was brought to light and it was not disclosed originally how it was not mentioned what third party provided this this savior magic decryption key universal decrypter um i think maybe as early as last week or a little bit ago now there are other stories saying hey we this was retrieved by a federal agency why didn't so and so agency give this to us earlier because the decryption key came in like three weeks after the incident uh so still i think a little bit of disgruntlement uh still some salt in the wounds on on that uh because there was legitimate devastation i think for for the cassaya attack a lot of organizations thinking they're going out of business yeah black matter this is just another site where they've dumping stuff here yep yep black matter is is just another ransomware gang uh and this again is a list of their victims uh you can see all the flashy hey we've published this data and if you want to go to the post here's what you could download here is our 30 gigabytes of data or however much i could literally click download here and it could start the file transfer uh i have no reason to do that i don't suggest others do but i'm telling you it's it's real and you could do it yes i mean the the stories in the news i mean and that's the important piece about what you're showing here this stuff is out there and and you're gonna show us how easy it is to find this um because we've discussed malware in the past we've seen the happy blog now we've seen these other websites that are on the sort of dark web um it's it's actually really sad what happens i mean we on the good side don't want this to happen but it's um it must be soul destroying for you really because you encounter this all the time with the malware stuff here yes um it's funny when i'm asked to kind of have these conversations and do talks and presentations especially now being a cyber security awareness month uh i tell folks like hey if you're into cyber security awesome that's incredible it's a ton of fun you're gonna love it but man is it hard work uh lots of late nights lots of sleepless nights lots of work in the weekends trying to respond to incidents where some ransomware actors have just blown up an organization and now leaked all the data online this being a prime example of that uh it's some that you really have to know the adversary and i think maybe this is a good way to do it yeah i mean you i we always hammer on this but you've seen the stuff on the dark web this is the real the the real thing but you advocate always ctfs to that's how the good guys make sure that they know what they're doing and how they protect organizations yeah i think that's uh absolutely uh capture the flag in training and learning about this all in different ways is the best thing that you can do to sharpen your own sword and and make sure that you're in this fight and in the trenches here because uh the more that you expose yourself to the more that you learn the more that you understand the the better armed you are for when incidents occur so john tell me i want to i want to become like you i want to get into this game you've obviously had a really rough year i mean you've had it tough would you still recommend someone young or someone old doesn't matter get into this field or you're getting tired of it already oh such a such a pointed question i'm being nasty no i mean it's like it's like if you could go back in time would you would you follow the same path or would you say to your younger self you know what it's just too much work i think no matter what this field is extremely fulfilling because you can see the difference in however way in whatever way how little how small how great how big doing this sort of work you really do you're fighting against real threats i think sometimes that gets lost in translation especially even for me because i talk about how we like to gamify things we do these red versus blue exercise we do these tabletop role-playing games but when you pull the curtain back on the dark web and you see these real things these real threats these real adversaries it it's not a game anymore and that's something that we got to take really seriously because they are real adversaries uh and real devastation could come from incidents in cyber crime i think that's important i'm glad you said that because it when you become a cyber security professional and we want to be the good guys you are you're literally saving people a lot of pain i mean some of the stuff you showed me i wouldn't mention it too much but a lot of that was confidential like a passport information stuff like that you're going to save people a lot of pain if you can protect companies against that absolutely yeah it's real it's not a game i don't know if you've seen some of the recent news but there was some chatter hey when when ransomware hits a hospital you know it it suddenly becomes a real matter of life and death uh and you can see in some of those leaks that we literally got to see you mentioned confidential data cool legal documents medical documents sensitive personal information uh now out and available uh because some bad actors thought they wanted to make some money yeah i mean i'm glad you mentioned hospitals i mean the nhs here in the uk they a lot of the hospitals were shut down and that has can have the the consequences that people die it's not a game um and i think i want to say this as an inspiration for people who want to get into this on the good side you are doing a good job those late nights are worth it if you're protecting companies because you get to do something that's really interesting i mean john you're a shining example of this you do stuff that's really interesting but there's a i don't want to make it all philosophical but there's there's a bigger purpose to this because you protecting people and i mean a lot of that has real real consequences absolutely so yeah no kudos to you john really appreciate you sharing this um thanks for like as you said in the beginning you you know you've pulled back the veil if you like showing us what's actually happening um thanks so much for you know for sharing your knowledge thanks so much for going on the safari ride with me you know there's a lot to explore uh but i think it really does have some value and there's a lot of education to bring so you know i just want to say this again i mean john on your website sorry on your youtube channel you've covered a lot of this in a lot more detail yeah yeah so i've done a what i call a dark web documentary series which is very similar to this style uh it's sort of a discovery based video where i don't always know exactly where i'm going just kind of stumbling along and looking through different onions sites and seeing what's out there whether it's a scam whether it's legitimate whether it's a real threat whether it's malware or what have you um it's it's just bringing to light all that could be kind of buried beneath here [Music]
Channel: David Bombal
Views: 126,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark web, tor, how to access the dark web, deep web, tor browser, dark net, how to access the deep web safely, how to access dark web, how to access the deep web, access dark web, dark web tutorial, dark web browsing, how to access the dark web with tor, the onion router, dark web browser, access the dark web, deep web browsing, how to get on the dark web, silk road, dark web series, what is the onion router, what is tor, dark web movie, ransomware, revil, ransomware attack
Id: dXqD_jUwEGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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