Install GNS3 VM + Mikrotik on VMWare - Mikrotik Tutorial

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are you excited about learning networking but you don't have a bunch of network devices to practice with so we have many options we can use network simulators such as gns3 or even g those are three versions that we have available in this video i'm gonna show you how to install gns3 but beyond that i'm gonna show you how to upload images for migrating devices and how to get connection from your host matching to those virtual devices that means that we can build complex topologies using only a single machine and we don't need hardware anymore let's get started and go to the lab [Music] one of the most complex activities that we can face when installing network simulators is to get access from our host machine to the virtual machines that we are adding to the topology in this virtual environment so today we are going to use the last version of gns3 available and then we need to add some negrotic images on it to finally get access from our locals window system in this case to all those virtual routers to a start we need to install a software to run our virtual environment and that is going to be a hypervisor in this case i'm going to use bnwar workstation player on the browser i'll search for bmware workstation player so you can see here that the first result came up and then i'm going to that link so i'm going down here in this website and then we can see try workstation player for windows and also we have a version for linux so i'm using windows so i will click here to download this software now it's just 200 megabytes in size in a new tab i'm going to gns3 so this is the software the network simulator that we are trying to install so i will type gns3 and then i have the website gns3 so i'm going here and you can see that i have free download so i click on that green button and then i have a version for windows mac and linux i won't download any of those i need to install the virtual machine so i will click on download the gnf bm so i need that version and then i need to choose the hypervisor in my case i'm using vmware workstation so i will go with the second option and this is going to download this zip file containing the image for that virtual machine so this has started and you can see that this is about six or almost 700 megabytes in size so now as a second step i will install vmware workstation player i click on the installer and then i'm going to say yes to this just be aware that when installing vmware workstation this software is going to add some new network interfaces to your local computer so that's completely normal don't worry about it so this is the installer i will follow this wizard accepting everything then i click on next then next again i won't join the vm customer experience the next next and install this process is very straight forward so i only need to wait a few seconds the installation process for being work workstation takes just a few seconds now it's just waiting for us and we can create or import vms like the one that we had just gotten from gns3 so i'm going to click here on finish we can search for bmware workstation player open it up we're gonna select the first option here this is for non-commercial use then we can click on continue and finish and this is showing the bmw workstation control panel you can see here that i have a lot of vms created in your case this will be empty and now we are ready to install gns3 simply we need to import the vm that we have just downloaded from the official gns3 website so i will extract this file since this is a zip file and you can see here that i have the dot oba file so i will move that file to the network trip so i have that over here now this file has been extracted then we can go to vmware so once this file has been copied to my local directory then i can go back to being work workstation player and i can click here and open a virtual machine and we'll click in that option and now we need to look for the file that we have just extracted so here we have gns3bm.oba then we can open that file now we have this wizard for importing the machine so we can change the name or we can keep that name as it is so now this file is being imported into vmware workstation player before starting this machine we need to change to modify to customize the settings so i will click here on edit virtual machine settings so there are some options that we can improve here from the default configuration and you can adjust these to the characteristics or your physical host machine so for example in my case in memory this has just two gigabytes so it will increase that to for example eight gigabytes this amount must be less than the total ram that you have available in your physical machine then we can assign some processors to these machines so i will assign two of them requirement to use vmware on your computer is to have the virtualization enabled in your bios in your system so you need to check that if you get any error then we can change the network adapter i will modify the second one now has not enabled but i want this as a bridge in that mode this bm is going to allow direct connection from my local network to that virtual interface so i will change this to bridge and then i can select here on configure adapters which physical interface in my computer is going to be bridge with that in my case i'm only going to keep selected the interface that my computer is using to get access to my local area network so in this case it's the gigabit ethernet interface and then that's all that we need so i can finish with this window then i press ok and now we are ready so let's try it let's see if this is going to work so i will play the virtual machine so it's going to boot it up the operating system so you get this option you can install tool for linux if you want so i will do it that's a good feature that probably we are going to use in the future so why not now gns3 is booting so you can see here some important information to verify from this window we can see general information about the service one important field that we must check is the kbn support available then you can see that this is set to true if you get that message as false that means that you must check the virtualization on the bios and you have to enable that feature on it additionally we can see information about the ip address that is using that bm so you can see there the ip address and then we can see the password by default gns3 and also the username is the same gns3 we can have access a web interface to be able to create network topologies so the ap address is the one that you can see there 192 168 230 so i will go to my browser over here and then i will type that ip address so let's see 192 168 237.12 now we can press enter and baraboon you can see we have gns3 ready in our local machine so we can see here servers you can see that we have one server and we can go to that server and then we can create a new project so let's create your first project here so i will say my first gns3 lab and then we can add a project and you can see we have a very cool good-looking interface on gns3 bm server so we have many options over here for example we can add nodes by default we have some pcs let's try that let's see how we can add nodes to this virtual environment so now we can click here on our node and then you can see some devices that are included by default so we have bpcs this is virtual pcs so i will add two of them so we can add an ethernet switch as well for example then we can create a link we need to click here on add a link and we can click on the switch we select the interface and then we can click on that pc we can add a second link so now we can install this device now we can start those network devices by right clicking on them and then click on start or we can start all of them with just one click if we click on display button on the main menu so you can see that now we have a working switch and we have two virtual pcs on our topology so i will add some ip addresses on these devices we have access via console to the device so i can go to the web console and you can see that i have access to that pc so i can set an ipad like for example 1001 and then a subnet mask i can do the same in the second pc right click web console and then here we have in a new tab this is very cool so you can see that all the devices are open in a different embedded tab in the same window i'll add a new address to the second pc1002 and then the subnet mask and that means that now i have two pcs with an ip address configure on them and we can try the network connectivity between those so i will try to ping the pc number one and you can see that we have reply from that device that means that everything is working properly at this point so we have vmware workstation player installed we have the ens3 server vm running on that hypervisor and then we have some default nodes that we can add here in this topology but how can we import images from different vendors so we want to add migrate images or cisco images or fortinet images so how can we do that in this video i'm going to show you how to add migrate images so i'm going to the migrating official website that's and then we can go to the section here software and if we go all the way down we can look for this section cloud hoster router so you can see here that we have many options but we need to choose the one that says draw disk image so there are multiple versions we are going to look for the stable version but you want to download any of the other ones is going to work in the same way so you can follow the same process so i'm going to click here on this bottom and this is going to download the migrate image so this is also a compressed file because we can see here the dot ship extension so this is around 30 megabytes in size so we need to wait just a few seconds and then we can extract that file we have the dot img file then we can extract the file i will copy that one to the network trip directory now i'm back on gns3 lab we can open the main menu for gns3 by clicking on this software's icon so here we have many options so we need to get into this one go to preferences if i click and go to preferences now this is telling me that it's going to close all the open consoles yes i want to continue so from here we need to specify the type of image that we need to import so in our case we need to import the one qemu so i will select that one and you can see here that we can add what is called qemu bm template but what is this thing of qemu simply this stands for quick emulator it's an open source project that supports hardware virtualization so we need to take advantage of that so we need to add a new template so we click here on this green button and then we are going to run this locally then we need to set a name so i will call that one megrotic six 6-48-2 so this is the virtual number so you can call it just mikrotik if you want that's up to you then we need to specify the image that we have just downloaded from micro tick then i will click here on this image and then we can click on new image now we need to look for the file that we have just downloaded from mikrotik website then browse and then we can go directly to that folder so you can see here that i don't see anything but because the default extension is dot qcal2 but in this case we need to change that to all files now we have this file there so i will select the dot img file and i will click open so you can see that now i have everything i need and i can add a template so we just click on add a template and that's it we have one q emu template ready waiting for us now we need to customize this template i will click on it and then we can add some additional configuration so i'm going to general settings and we can check there that we have the template name we have the default ram that this image is going to use and also the way how we are going to access by default is telnet so i will keep that information as is then i can go here to network and there we can specify the number of adapters or in this case interfaces that the device is going to have so i will change that to 10. something else that probably we can change is the icon we can look for a good looking icon so we can do that on general settings so if i go to general settings you can see here symbol so we can choose a different symbol so you can see there there are many built-in icons available so i will look for one of them so we can just type here router for example and then you see many icons that we can use for layer 3 devices like routers so i will select this one and then choose symbol now that symbol has been changed if i go back i can press here on save and you can see change save so i can go back to my project now i have one migrative template that we can use to add multiple devices so if i go to add a node then you can see here that i have migrati 648 too we can add many of them so you need three you need 10 you need 20 you can do it the limit is the physical resources that your computer has so you have more devices this is going to take more ram and cpu so in this case i add in three routers and we can start one of them and i can go to web console and you can see that this device is starting so we have router os booting drive has booted and now it's asking for the default information as we know the default username is admin and the password is empty so i just need to press enter i'm not going to accept the software license now and you can see that i have a functional migrating router os working here so we can type any type of commands like the ones that you already know about migrating if you are new with the micro tigor remember that every week we are uploading new videos about bigrotik devices so i will remove these two routers over here so i just select them and press delete i will delete the second one you can see that i have a router now so i can simply connect for example the router to this switch and now we have a router we have a switch and we have two pieces over there but how can we have access to those devices from our windows system that means for example if i have my winbox here how can i access those devices by using this graphical interface so to do that i need to add a new node that is called cloud so i will add that one to my topology then i simply need to connect this router to that cloud and this is going to allow access from our local windows system so you can see here that now i have the chr and this is exactly that device that using the topology i can click on the mac address and then connect and this is going to give me access to this virtual device if i go to system then identity i can set a name for example migrate gns3 okay i can go to the console in the device and i will check the system identity so i will type system identity print and you can see that the name is mtg and s3 that means that now i can manage all those routers just from inside my host operating system that windows in my case but what happened if i have a second router so i will add a new node here let's say this is going to be the second router then i will connect the router one to each other so you can see there those two routers i will start the second one migrate has a protocol that is called roman that allows to access devices that are connected directly by using the mac address so in this way we have ipconnectivity to this device we can have access to the second one by using roman we can have routers in the topology but still we are going to be able to reach internal devices that still doesn't have an ip address configured on them so i'm going to the web console and i will enable roman so i will say admin enter then n and i will change the system identity by saying system identity set name r2 for example this is just to change the host name for the device and now i'm going to enable roman we need to type tool then roman set enable equal yes that's all that we need then i can go to the first router and i will go to the root just by typing the forward slash and then enter and now i can enable roman here as well so tool roman set enable equal yes and now if we go back to our windows operating system we can open a new queen box and then if we click on this chr remember that one is the one that we are directly connected to so the first one then we only need to select the mac address and then connect to roman after getting connected to roman you will see there are two now i can click on the connect button and i have access to those two devices so this is how we can interact with those mikrotik devices inside gns3 i hope that this has been useful for you and you enjoyed the content please like the video now we are ready to create small and big topologies by using multiple network devices thank you very much for your attention and i see you in the next one
Channel: The Network Trip
Views: 3,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mikrotik GNS3 VM, network, networking, ccna, network tutorials, mikrotik, gns3, routeros, Mikrotik GNS3, Mikrotik VMWare, Mikrotik Virtual Lab, mikrotik CHR, gns3 installation and configuration, mikrotik router configuration step by step, mikrotik gns3 winbox, mikrotik vmware winbox
Id: RIt6A8xM0Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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